Dark energy with logarithmic cosmological fluid Seyen Kouwn and Phillial Oh, ∗ § 2 1 Department of Physics and Institute of Basic Science, 0 2 Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746 Korea n a J January 24, 2012 2 2 ] c q Abstract - r g We propose a dark energy model with a logarithmic cosmological fluid which [ can result in a very small current value of the dark energy density and avoid the 1 v coincidence problem without much fine-tuning. We construct a couple of dynamical 4 models that could realize this dark energy at very low energy in terms of four scalar 4 5 fields quintessence and discuss the current acceleration of the Universe. Numerical 4 . values can bemadeto beconsistent with the accelerating Universe with adjustment 1 0 of the two parameters of the theory. Thepotential can begiven only in terms of the 2 scale factor, but the explicit form at very low energy can be obtained in terms of 1 : the scalar field to yield of the form V(φ) = exp( 2φ)(4Aφ+B). Some discussions v − 3 Xi and the physical implications of this approach are given. r a 1 Introduction One of the most intriguing discovery of modern cosmology is the acceleration of the Uni- verse [1, 2] and it is widely believed that dark energy of repulsive nature is causing the current acceleration. Many candidates of the dark energy have been proposed [3, 4, 5], among which the cosmological constant is the most accepted one. Along with yet another unidentified constituent of the Universe called dark matter, they compose standard cos- mological model, Λ CDM [6]. It is remarkable that the observable Universe can be well − ∗[email protected] §[email protected] 1 addressed with the Λ CDM model. Still, extreme fine-tuning of the cosmological con- − stant [7] has been unsatisfactory feature of the model. That is, the current cosmological constant must have an the unnaturally small value compared to Planck scale. An alternative proposal to explain the dark energy is the quintessence model [8, 9] in which a scalar field is added as an indispensable component of the universe. In this approach, the smallness of the cosmological constant is achieved by a dynamical decay of the scalar field energy density. It has the very attractive features of tracking behavior and attractor solutions [4] such that galaxy formation is not affected too much by the quintessence field and the dark energy becomes dominant only at the late stage of the Universe causing the current acceleration. However, in order to achieve the late time dark energy dominance, thus providing a possible solution of the coincidence problem [3], the theory has to be fine-tuned to a certain extent such that the energy density today must be very close to the critical density [10]. In this paper, we propose a dark energy model which can alleviate the fine-tuning problem substantially. Suppose a decaying cosmological term [11] according to 1/a(t)2, where a(t) is the scale factor of the Universe [12, 13]. We regard it as the size of the Universe. This term decreases with theexpansion ofthe Universe, andthecurrent value is Λ 10 122M2, with a 1042Gev 1, where we assumed that its value at the Planck scale ∼ − p 0 ∼ − isoftheorder M2.Notethatenergy density ofthecosmological constant fromthis valueis p very close too the critical density ρ 10 122M4, and it has the potential of explaining cr,0 ≃ − p the coincidence problem without fine-tuning. Also, some theoretical background was given for such a decay [12, 13]. On the other hand, the conservation of the Einstein tensor prevents the cosmological term to bevarying in pure gravity. If matter contents are included, thevaryingcosmologicalconstanttermdisruptsthemattercontinuityequations, which changes the predictions of the standard cosmology in the matter-dominated epoch [12, 13]. However, if continuity equation is being enforced, 1/a2 term behaves exactly like the curvature constant term and it alone cannot yield an accelerating universe Itturnsoutthatbyaddinganothercosmologicaltermwhichvariesaccordingtolna/a2 to the original 1/a2, accelerating Universe can be realized. To see this in detail, let us first check theenergy dominance ofeach epoch. We start fromρ 10 122M 4 andthematter cr − p ≃ energy density ρ = γ ρ , γ 0.27 [6]. Let us assume that the energy density of the m (a/a0)3 cr ≃ cosmological fluid composed of those two terms was approximately of the order of M 4 p ∼ when the inflation started 1. At the end of the inflation when the scale factor becomes 103 cm with the number of e-foldings given by N, the energy density would have decreased in 1The cosmological terms considered here decay very fast and cannot be responsible for the inflation itself. The inflaton should come from some other source. 2 magnitude by a factor of Ne 2N and becomes of the order of Ne 2NM4. We choose ∼ − ∼ − p N 81 which is bigger than the minimum number of e-foldings [10] so that the energy ∼ density becomes of the order of 10 72M 4 and therefore we propose the following dark − p ∼ energy density c ln(a/a ) d ρD = ∗ inf + ∗ 10−72Mp4, (1.1) (a/a )2 (a/a )2 × (cid:20) inf inf (cid:21) where c and d are constants 2 and a 103cm. Note that the number 10 72 is a inf − ∗ ∗ ∼ dynamical consequence of the inflation and it turns out that no extreme fine-tuning of c and d are necessary to describe the current accelerating Universe. Comparing with ∗ ∗ ρ = δρ , δ 0.73 [6], we have a relation D,0 cr ≃ c (25ln10)+d δ (1.2) ∗ ∗ ∼ Just after the inflation ended at the energy scale 1013Gev, the energy density is ∼ of the order of 10 24M4 >> ρ , and ρ 10 24/(a/a )4M4 with a a 103cm. − p D r ∼ − r,i p r,i ∼ inf ∼ The normal expansion takes over and the Universe expands by a factor of 1021 until the radiation-matterequality arounda 1024cm. Whenthis occurs, ρ ρ 10 108M 4, r,f m,i − p ∼ ≃ ≃ and the matter dominance takes over since the radiation energy density decays faster than the matter energy density. In the meantime, the magnitude of ρ keeps on decreasing D according to (1.1), and becomes of the order of 10 114M 4. Therefore, the dark energy − p ∼ is completely subdominant during this period. Then, thematter-dominated epochbeganarounda 10 3a , a 1028cm. Since, the − 0 0 ≃ ∼ matter energy density decays faster than dark energy, there exist a scale where ρ ρ m D ≃ given by a a eq eq c ln +δ γ. (1.3) a0 (cid:20) ∗ (cid:18) a0 (cid:19) (cid:21) ≃ So far, there is only one restriction on the numerical values of the parameters c ∗ and d of (1.2), and a wide range of their values are allowed to fit into the current ∗ observation. One can impose one more condition by demanding that the Universe has begun its acceleration very recently. The acceleration equation with our ρ and p is D D given by a¨ 1 c γ a = 6 (a/a∗ )2 − (a/a )3 ρcr. (1.4) (cid:20) 0 0 (cid:21) 2We also assume that the pressure is given by p = 1 c∗ln(a/ainf) + c∗+d∗ 10−72M 4. ρ and D −3 (a/ainf)2 (a/ainf)2 × p D pD satisfy the continuity equation, ρ˙D = 3H(ρD+pD). h i − 3 In the next sections, we will show that this equation can be realized within a couple of quintessence models at very low energy. From the above equation, we see that the acceleration began around a γ/c a . For example, if we choose c = 0.54, a acc 0 acc ∼ ∗ ∗ ∼ 1/2a and a 0.60a . This would determine d 56. Therefore, the transition to 0 eq 0 ∼ ∗ ∼ − dark energy dominance occurred very recently. With these values, the dark energy stays negative during most of the time until a 0.25a and becomes positive at late stage + 0 − ∼ of the matter-dominated era. After passing this point a maximum, a is reached, and max eventually, it begin to be dominant around a . It seems that a priori there is no reason eq for it to stay positive always as long as the total energy density ρ = ρ +ρ or ρ = ρ +ρ D r D m remains positive. In addition, absolute value of the energy density is very small when it stays negative compared to the radiation or matter energy density. Therefore, it should not disturb the radiation- or matter-dominated evolution to alter the course of it 3. Note that the increasing behavior of dark energy, although limited until a in our case, also max appears in the phantom model [14]. It is interesting to check that a ,a ,a ,a all + max acc eq − happen very recently without too much fine-tuning of the parameters c and d . ∗ ∗ In Sec. 2, we construct a quintessence model with four scalar fields which can produce the dark energy behavior of (1.1) at very low energy. An explicit form of the potential in terms of the scalar field in the scalar-dominated region is given. In sec. 3, we consider a generalized quintessence model where theexplicit constructioncanbeextended tomatter- dominated epoch. In Sec. 4, a critical analysis of the generalized quintessence model is performed. Sec. 5 contains conclusion and discussions. 2 Quintessence with four scalar fields Let us consider an action of the form (8πG = 1) R 1 S = d4x√ g ∂ φ∂µφ V(φ) αX +S , 1 µ m − 2 − 2 − − Z h i with X gµνδ ∂ σa∂ σb, (2.5) ab µ ν ≡ where σa is an 3 component scalar field and α is a parameter which we assume to be constant. S ia a matter action with p = 0. The spacetime metric tensor is given by m m ds2 = dt2 +a(t)2(dx2 +dy2+dz2), (2.6) − 3 It can be checked that a e−δ/c∗a independently of the detailed numerical values for ρ and −+ 0 cr ∼ a . inf 4 where a(t) is the scale factor. With ansatz for the scalar field σa of the form σa = xa [15], the evolution and the continuity equation for matter are given as follows; 1 3α 3H2 = φ˙2 + +V +ρ , (2.7) 2 a2 m 2α 2H˙ = φ˙2 + +ρ , (2.8) − a2 m 0 = ρ˙ +3Hρ , (2.9) m m where H a˙/a is a Hubble parameter, ρ is the matter energy density. The scalar field m ≡ satisfies ¨ ˙ φ+3Hφ+V (φ) = 0, ′ where the dot and prime denote partial differentiations with respect to t and φ, respec- tively. Taking linear combinations of (2.7) and (2.8), one gets the acceleration equation a¨ 1 1 = V φ˙2 ρ . (2.10) m a 3 − − 6 (cid:16) (cid:17) In the quintessence model, the kinetic term and matter density decay very fast in the above equation (2.10) , and sole potential dominance at late time is reached which causes the acceleration. We open the possibility that the late time acceleration comes from the first two terms in the above equation, and anticipating (2.10) to describe the current acceleration at very low energy, we require the following relation; A V φ˙2 = ρ , (2.11) − (a/a )2 cr 0 where A is a parameter which we assume to be the positive. With this, the expansion changes from the deceleration for the small value of the scale factor corresponding to the matter-dominatedepoch toanacceleration for thelargevaluecorresponding to thescalar- dominated epoch including the kinetic energy density. We will omit a and ρ in what 0 cr follows unless confusion arises. Using the relation (2.11), the evolution equations (2.7) and (2.8) can be rewritten as follows: 3 A 3α 3H2 = V + +ρ , (2.12) 2 − 2a2 a2 m A 2α 2H˙ = V + +ρ . (2.13) − − a2 a2 m Differentiating equation (2.12) with respect to time and comparing with (2.13), we obtain the following first-order differential equation for the potential 4A 3aV (a)+6V(a) = 0, (2.14) ′ − a2 5 which yields 4Alna B V = + , (2.15) 3a2 a2 which is precisely of the form (1.1). From equation (2.12), we define (with α = A/3, − see eq. (2.18) and below) 2Alna 3(B A) ρ = + − . (2.16) φ a2 2a2 Comparing with Eq. (1.1), we obtain A = c /2,3B = 3c /2+2δ. ∗ ∗ Note that it is difficult to express the scalar field φ in a closed form from the equation (2.11), 4Alna B A φ = dt + − , (2.17) 3a2 a2 Z r so the potential V cannot be expressed in terms of the φ explicitly. Also, positivity of the square root in the above expression restricts the applicable range of a which turns out to be a & a , which is the same as the positivity of the ρ of (2.16). Basically, this comes + φ − from the imposition of the acceleration condition (2.11), and this condition restricts the dynamically permitted region to a a . A closed form of the potential is viable, if we + ≥ − neglect the matter density in the evolution equations, that is, in the scalar-dominated epoch. In this case, the ratio of H2 and φ˙2 is given by φ˙2 V A = − a2 , (2.18) 3H2 3V A + 3α 2 − 2a2 a2 and we can adjust the parameter α = 1A. Then, we have −3 φ(a) = √2lna+C, (2.19) with an integration constant D. This gives the the following expression for the potential 2√2A V(φ) = e √2φ φ+B . (2.20) − 3 ! where the term involving the constant C are absorbed into A and B. 3 Generalized quintessence model In this section, we consider a generalized quintessence model given by R 1 S = d4x√ g ω(φ)∂ φ∂µφ V(φ) αX +S , (3.21) 2 µ m − 2 − 2 − − Z h i 6 where we introduced a scalar function ω(φ) which will be arranged for our purpose. The last term in the gravity sector is the triplet of scalar fields as before, and we choose the same ansatz of the form σa = xa, which solves the equation of motion. The potential V(φ) takes the following form 4A V(φ) = e 2φ φ+B . (3.22) − 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) It is essentially of the form given by (2.20) with a redefinition of the scalar field. We assume the matter to be a cold dark matter with w = 0 as before and satisfies the m continuity equation. The evolution equations are given by 1 3α 3H2 = ωφ˙2+ +V +ρ , (3.23) 2 a2 m 2α 2H˙ = ωφ˙2 + +ρ , (3.24) − a2 m along with the continuity equation (2.9) and the scalar field satisfies 1 ωφ¨+ ω φ˙2 +3Hφ˙ +V = 0. (3.25) ′ ′ 2 Taking linear combinations of (3.23) and (3.24), one gets the acceleration equation a¨ 1 = V ωφ˙2 ρ . (3.26) m a 3 − − (cid:16) (cid:17) We choose the same acceleration condition as before A V ωφ˙2 = , (3.27) − a2 withapositiveA. NotethatEqs. (3.23)and(3.24)imply(3.25)andrecallρ = γ ρ . m (a/a0)3 cr Therefore, we have two independent dynamical equations and one constraint (3.27) for the three unknown functions to be determined, a(t) or H, ω(φ), and φ(t). It turns out that we can solve the equations with the ansatz φ(a) = lna, (3.28) which reproduces thesame forms ofthe scale factordependent potential (2.15) andenergy density (2.16). Inserting this ansatz into (3.27), we obtain the following ω in terms of φ 8Aφ+6(B A) ω(φ) = − . (3.29) 4Aφ+3(B A)+2γe φ − − Note that for the choice of α = A/3, ω(φ) > 0 for positive value of the energy density ρ φ − definedwiththefirstthreetermsofeq. (3.23)asbefore. Onecanshowthatforα < A/3, − ω(φ) is always greater than zero for a & a . The above analysis shows that it is possible + − to construct an explicit form of the potential beyond the scalar-dominated region if we introduce a generalized quintessence model with an adjustable kinetic function ω(φ). 7 4 Critical Analysis In this section, we perform the critical analysis [4] of the evolution equations of the previous section and present some numerical result. For convenience, we choose α = A. − For other choices, the qualitative feature of the stability does not change as long as α < A/3. Let us introduce the following dimensionless quantities − ωφ˙2 V˜ x , y , (4.30) ≡ 6H2 ≡ 3H2 with V˜ = V + 3α/a2. Then the equations (3.23)-(3.25) can be written in the following form dx 5 1 = 3x2 + x y, (4.31) dN − 3 − 3 dy 1 4 = y 3xy + x, (4.32) dN 3 − 3 where N lna and together with a constraint equation ≡ ρ m = 1 x y. (4.33) 3H2 − − The critical points of the above system are easily obtained by setting the right-hand sides of the above equations (4.31) and (4.32) to zero. The only physically meaningful critical points (x ,y ) of the system are c c (A) : (x ,y ) = (0,0), c c 1 2 (B) : (x ,y ) = , . c c 3 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) Point (A) corresponds to the matter-dominated point, whereas point (B) is a scalar- dominates one. To gain some insight into the property of the critical points, we write the variables near the critical points (x ,y ) in the form c c x = x +δx (4.34) c y = y +δy (4.35) c where δx and δy are perturbations around the critical points. From (4.31) and (4.32), we obtain the linearized equations dδx 5 1 = 6x δx δy, (4.36) c dN 3 − − 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) dδy 4 1 = 3y δx+ 3x δy, (4.37) c c dN 3 − 3 − (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 8 which can be written by using a matrix M: d δx δx 5 6x 1 = M , M = 3 − c −3 . (4.38) dN δy ! δy ! 43 −3yc 13 −3xc ! One can study the stability of critical points against perturbations by evaluating the eigenvalues of the matrix M. For class (A) corresponding to the matter dominated epoch, one has λ = 1 and λ = 1, which means that it is an unstable point. For class (B) 1 2 corresponding to the scalar field dominated epoch, we obtain λ = 1 and λ = 0. The 1 2 − appearance of zero eigenvalue means that the linear perturbation, which leads to the matrix (4.38), is not adequate and we must consider the higher order perturbations to determine whether the considered critical point is stable or not. First note that we have 2x y > 0, (4.39) − for α = A. Therefore, it is useful to change from the (x,y) to new variables (X,Y) − defined as X = x+2y, Y = 2x y, (4.40) − where the X, Y are positively defined, and then (4.31) and (4.32) can be rewritten as dX 5 1 = Y X(3X +6Y 5), (4.41) dN 3 − 5 − dY 1 = Y(3X +6Y 5), (4.42) dN −5 − and corresponding critical points in terms of the new variables are : (A) : (X ,Y ) = (0,0), c c 5 (B) : (X ,Y ) = ,0 . c c 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) In the higher order perturbations, we write the variables near the critical points (X ,Y ) in the form c c X = X +δX(1) +δX(2) +δX(3) + , c ··· Y = Y +δY(1) +δY(2) +δY(3) + , (4.43) c ··· where δX(n) and δY(n) are n-th order perturbations of the variables near the critical points. For class (B), the perturbative equations of each order are given by d 1 δX(1) = δX(1) δY(1) dN − − 3 9 d δY(1) = 0 dN d 3 1 δX(2) = δX(1) δX(1) +2δY(1) δX(2) δY(2) dN −5 − − 3 d 3 (cid:0) (cid:1) δY(2) = δY(1) δX(1) +2δY(1) dN −5 d 6 (cid:0) 6 (cid:1) 1 δX(3) = δX(1)δX(2) δX(1)δY(2) +δX(2)δY(1) δX(3) δY(3) dN −5 − 5 − − 3 d 12 3(cid:0) (cid:1) δY(3) = δY(1)δY(2) δX(1)δY(2) +δX(2)δY(1) dN − 5 − 5 . . (cid:0) (cid:1) . Note that the right hand side of the second equation in the first order perturbation equation is zero which reflects the fact that one of two eigenvalues is zero and we must focus on the next-order equations. The solutions of the above linear differential equations are given by 5 X(N) = +δA +δB , (4.44) 1 1 3 Y(N) = 0+δA +δB , (4.45) 2 2 with 1 1 1 δA = δY + δY2N δY3N2 + (ǫ4) (4.46) 1 −3 0 3 0 − 3 0 O δA = δY δY2N +δY3N2 + (ǫ4) (4.47) 2 0 − 0 0 O 3 1 9 3 δB = δα e N 1+ e Nδα +N δY + e 2Nδα2 e N (1+10N)δα δY 1 0 − 5 − 0 − 5 0 25 − 0 − 25 − 0 0 (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 +N 1+ δY2 + (ǫ4), (4.48) 5 0 O (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) 3 3 δB = δY δα e N 1+ e Nδα 2NδY + (ǫ4), (4.49) 2 0 0 − − 0 0 5 5 − O (cid:18) (cid:19) where δY and δα are the initial values at N = 0 that satisfy the δY = δY(1)(0), 0 0 0 δα = δX(1)(0)+1δY(1)(0), andǫistheinfinitesimal orderparameterfortheperturbation. 0 3 If the higher order terms are included and when N becomes very large, δA can be 1,2 expressed in a closed form with δY 0 δA , δB 0, (4.50) 1 1 → −3(1+δY N) → 0 δY 0 δA , δB 0. (4.51) 2 2 → 1+δY N → 0 10