Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in i https://archive.org/details/darda1999trev 1 uOhe 6odyis a unit, thouyhitis made up ofmanypaints; ancfthouyhallitsparts are many, theyform One Socfy. So itis withChrist. Horwe were allbaptized6y one Spiritinto one 6ody--whetherIfews or Freehs, s/aoe orfree—andwe were allyiuen one Spiritto drinie. uC }Cow the 6ody is notmade up ofonepartGutmany. 9fthefootshouldsay, '^Because 9am notahand, 9do nothelonyto the body, '//wouldnotforthatreason cease to 6e partofthe 6ody. CTlnd tfie ear^shouldsay, 1^Because 97am notan eye, Ddonotfelony if fr to the 6ody, \itwouldnot thatreason cease to Separtof-1die 6ody. 9fthe whole Sody were an eye, where wouldthe sense ofheai^iny Se? 9fthe whole Sody were an ear, where wouldthesense ofsmell6e? CBut ^9odlias arranyedtileparts in the 6ody, every one of them,fustas Jle wantedthem to 6e. 9fthey were allonepart, where wouldtdie 6ody 6e? 9?s itis, tfiere ai^emanyparts, 6utone Socfy. " 1 Corinthians 12:1-20 0?s a community, Oreuecca students recoynize our differences andrejoice in them. TdJe recoynize thatwe cannotfunction withouteachother's assistance andsupport 7oJehonor ourmanyparts, 6utwe come toyetherto mahe a whole. 9n our one-ness withourbroth- ers andsisters, we commitourselves to exemplifyloue andtoleration. Ourlouefor *~7od compels us to 6e one Socfy. -Sarah Bedtelyon uC }Cowyou are l/ie Socfy ofGJirisl^ ancfeac/i one ofyou is apariof " if. 1 GorinlSians 12:27 2 Opening Noontime prayer in the quad Carrie DeGeorge, Sarah Bedtelyon, Megan Hanks, and Dr. Mary Ann Meiners take a few moments out of their Wednesday to pray for our campus and OUr Community. (PhotobySummerKemp) Taking time off Baseball playersJason Hatley, Brent Turner, Jamie Gregory, and Keith Orser take time out from practice to ride over to the Back-to-School Bash in September. (PhotobySummerKemp) Hours spent in Mackey Library Biology majors Tianna Lucas andJodi Adams pay much attention to studying for a demanding claSS. (PhotobySummer Kemp) Carnival night Brad Rucker partici- pates in thejumbo boxing ring set up in the Apple Dining Room on Carnival Night. Pioneer caterers provide many theme dinners in the cafeteria through- out the year. (PhotobyDavidKemp) One Body 3 Gathering place Freshmen Lauren Grant, Tina Reed, Kari Schulz, Roberto Alvarado, and Jennifer Price gather on the steps ofJernigan Student Center. (PhotobyCharissaLynch) Working girl Senior Christi Adkisson has a fun time working in the Curriculum Library, a popular place for education majors. (PhotobySummerKemp) 4 Opening Showing our colors (L to R) Rex Baker, Michael Turner, Troy Mounts, Sam Wood, Jeremy Dempsey, and David Turner can be found at any ballgame supporting the Trojans whole-heartedly. (PhotobyAndvBarnette) Chapel time On a sunny day, the walk to chapel at Trevecca Community Church of the Nazarene is a nice one. A colorful blend Due to some pranksters, Dr. Tim Green arrived one morning to find his favorite, Jelly Bellies, covering his office floor. (PhotobyDavidKemp) One Body 5 "Spiritual Life means a lot to me because itallows me toexpressmylovefor God, individually throughministryand together with my peers." mm mm "Homecomingwas a 6 StudentLife