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Darcy & Elizabeth: Nights and Days at Pemberley (Pride & Prejudice Continues) PDF

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Preview Darcy & Elizabeth: Nights and Days at Pemberley (Pride & Prejudice Continues)

Darcy Elizabeth D Pride and Prejudice continues & a Hold on to your bonnets… r c y nights and days at Pemberley M r. and Mrs. Darcy have an exceedingly passionate & marriage in this continuing saga of one of the most exciting, intriguing couples in the Jane Austen literature. As the Darcys raise their babies, enjoy their conjugal felicity and manage the great estate of Pemberley, the beloved E characters from Jane Austen’s original are joined by Linda Berdoll’s imaginative new creations for a compelling, sexy P r Pride and Prejudice and epic story guaranteed to keep you turning the pages and i dl gasping with delight. e continues i a n z d P ra e j u db i c W hat people are saying about Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, e c e the bestselling Pride & Prejudice sequel. o n tt i n “A breezy, satisfying romance.” —Chicago Tribune h u e “While there have been other Pride and Prejudicesequels, this one, with s its rich character development, has been the most enjoyable.” —Library Journal “Wild, bawdy and utterly enjoyable sequel.” —Booklist a novel Fiction $16.95 U.S. $23.95 CAN BERDOLL £9.99 UK IISSBBNN-1 13:- 947082-21--40052623-0-5563-7 ISBN-10: 1-4022-0563-5 51695 Sourcebooks LLIINNDDAA BBEERRDDOOLLLL Landmark N C A P E U AAuutthhoorr ooff tthhee bbeessttsseelllliinngg PPrriiddee aanndd PPrreejjuuddiiccee sseeqquueell,, MMrr.. DDaarrccyy TTaakkeess aa WWiiffee 7 60789 21149 2 9 781402 205637 Copyright © 2004 by Linda Berdoll Cover and internal design © 2004 by Sourcebooks,Inc. Cover photo © Simon Carter Gallery,Woodbridge,Suffolk,UK/Bridgeman Art Library Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks ofSourcebooks,Inc. All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval sys- tems—except in the case ofbriefquotations embodied in critical articles or reviews— without permission in writing from its publisher,Sourcebooks,Inc. Published by Sourcebooks,Inc. P.O.Box 4410,Naperville,Illinois 60567-4410 (630) 961-3900 FAX:(630) 961-2168 www.sourcebooks.com The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons,living or dead,is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Berdoll,Linda. Mr.Darcy takes a wife:Pride and prejudice continues / by Linda Berdoll. p.cm. ISBN 10:1-4022-1530-4 ISBN 13:978-1-4002-1530-8(alk.paper) 1. Darcy,Fitzwilliam (Fictitious character)— Fiction.2. Bennet,Elizabeth (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 3. Married people—Fiction. 4. England—Fiction. I. Austen, Jane,1775-1817.Pride and prejudice.II.Title. PS3552.E6945M7 2004 813'.54--dc22 2003027655 Printed and bound in the United States ofAmerica BG 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 2 darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 3 Darcy Elizabeth & darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 1 prologue The inestimable Jane Austen had penned only six books when she died in 1817 at age forty-one.Pride and Prejudice,her third work,was published in 1813 and has been judged by many to be the finest novel in the English language.The story of the courtship of the beautiful and spirited Elizabeth Bennet and the handsome but haughty Mr.Darcy is as brilliant as it is brief. As remarkable a writer as she was, Miss Austen wrote only of what a respectable unmarried woman in Regency society would be privy to.Therefore, Pride and Prejudiceconcludes with the nuptials.Regrettably,in ending her story upon the very cusp of what undoubtedly would be a marriage of unrivalled passion,she has gifted many of her readers with an unfortunate case of literary coitus interruptus. This hunger has spawned a prolificacy ofsequels—most attempting to replicate the original in restraint, if not wit. Readers of sequels seem to fall into two categories—those who are longing to learn what Darcy might have whispered into Lizzy’s ear in their nuptial chamber,and those who fall into a swoon at the notion ofsuch heresy. Ifyou,dear reader,happen to fall into the latter category,we offer this caution before you read further:Hang on to your bonnet,you’re in for a bumpy ride. As our story recommences,all should be bliss within the Darcy household.At long last,Lizzy has birthed an heir and Darcy is again by her side.Motherhood, however,has not only rendered her busy and distracted,childbirth itself has left her temporarily “indisposed.”Although Darcy’s heart aches for what his Lizzy has endured,it is not the throbbing ofhis heart that is most troubling to his serenity— it is the palpable pain in his loins… darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 5 (cid:1) darcy & elizabeth 5 1 N ew Pleasures Proved To all the world,the month ofJune in the Year ofOur Lord 1815 would come to be known as the season ofWaterloo.To the members ofthe Darcy house- hold,it would be called that,but not remembered as such.Far too many other events ofgreater personal importance to them had transpired to remember it so simply. Although France was the conquered,England paid a harsh price for its victory. The county of Derbyshire was not immune to that heavy toll.So vast were the repercussions, they were felt even within the usually impenetrable walls of Pemberley.Lives were lost,marriages brought about,and babies born all in the space ofa few months. Having weathered these many woes within the bosom ofher very own family, Elizabeth Darcy felt exquisitely compensated by the two babes nestled in her arms. Indeed, that her husband had survived war, quarantine, brigands, and pestilence and returned to her whole was all she desired.What wiles he employed and whose auspices he availed himself of as he trekked through the battlefields and drawing-rooms ofFrance to accomplish his mission ofrescuing his sister was of no importance to her.Of even less concern was that the emissary he chose to send word to her of his progress was a woman with whom he had once shared uncommon intimacy.Indeed,when at last he had returned to his wife’s waiting arms, all question of his connection with that beautiful woman was forgot.At least at first,but not for long. Ofeven less importance was whether George Wickham was actually dead and buried or gallivanting about the Continent. Whilst Wickham’s fate remained unknown,there were other vexations.What with Mrs. Darcy labouring to withstand a growing curiosity (approaching to eclipse the Alps in dimension) as to just what went on between her husband and his fetching French emissary,and Mr.Darcy labouring with equal vigour to with- stand a desire for his nursing wife aroused to a similar degree,a dance ofuncom- mon peculiarity commenced. It extended well into the next year. darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 6 (cid:2) 6 linda berdoll 2 M r. Darcy’s Dilemma In the year ’15,Fitzwilliam Darcy was five years more than thirty.Yet,save for a smattering of grey begging to invade his side-whiskers,neither his figure nor his bearing had been influenced unfavourably by time or its toll.He was still a tall, handsome-featured man ofgood leg.However,his impressive aspect had recently begun to be worried by a single fault. The imposing manner he had struggled with such resolve to vanquish in order to win Elizabeth Bennet’s hand had resurfaced with a vengeance.Indeed,never was a chin more imperious,the turn ofa countenance more proud.It was as ifhe once again stood,with all arrogance and disdain,at that country ball in Meryton absolutely refusing to dance.Granted,this supercilious turn was little noticed by those outside his immediate circle.He had always been reticent,but while he had once used a shield of arrogance to defend his social discomfort, this was an unease ofa different sort. On a fine day in autumn,decorum forced Mr.Darcy to engage in polite dis- course with a gathering ofneighbours.As was his habit,he stood transfixed as if a fastidiously tailored statue, with both hands in graceful repose behind an extraordinarily straight back.As Master of Pemberley Hall and a generous por- tion ofDerbyshire County,his lack ofa title was rendered irrelevant to those who kept account ofsuch matters.His attitude rarely altered upon these public occa- sions.He presented himself by resting his weight on one foot,the other slightly foremost.Although in this posture his highly polished boots were seen to great advantage,it was not an air—it was a statement ofeminence. The statement of societal eminence was overt, but with this stance came an additional announcement—one quite explicit.For from those tall boot-tops up- welled a pair oflegs bearing the unmistakable muscularity particular to one who devoted a good many hours to riding his horse.Moreover,his fashionable mole- skin breeches bore an unambiguous bulge which did not originate (unlike those of many fashionable young bloods) from a carefully wadded shirt-tail.Given all that and the casual grace with which Mr.Darcy moved,there could be absolutely no supposition that concurrent to holding the offices of wealth and leisure was Mr.Darcy any part ofa fop. The only visible evidence of the horrors he had encountered upon his bold excursion to rescue his sister the summer past were those silver threads infiltrating darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 7 (cid:1) darcy & elizabeth 7 his side-whiskers.(Behind the backs ofhands,a few cynics suggested that embark- ing upon such a venture alone rather than sending his men was proof that Mr. Darcy was simply barking mad.) But it was of little importance to him that his actions were believed to be in any way heroic.Indeed,he would have cared not at all had he heard the twittering,but as it was,Mr.Darcy’s ears heard little.They were recovering yet from a near-miss by a blunderbuss.As a man whose fortune was exceeded only by his pride,this loss ofhearing was a closely guarded confidence. Herein,providence did bestow some fortune.This,because for the whole ofhis life Mr.Darcy had been understood to regard idle conversation with undue wari- ness.When forced to converse,he often did so in monosyllables.It was said that he would but utter a word when he could not safely escape with a nod.A nod, offered with a soupçon of cunning,said volumes—particularly when one heard little ofthe conversation. Waterloo and its aftermath still hung heavily in the thoughts ofthe entire pop- ulation of the land. In the months thereafter, little else occupied general dis- course. Indeed, although absolute facts were spare, gossip was rampant surrounding Mr.Darcy’s mysterious pursuit across the Channel particularly,and his family’s activities in general,during those months. All of this prattle was not unbeknownst to Mr.and Mrs.Darcy.That was the true impetus for them to endure society’s demands to see and be seen in the dif- ficult months that followed Darcy’s return.They knew it was mandatory not to surrender to the urge to close ranks.The death ofElizabeth’s father granted them at least a year’s reprieve,but they dared not take it.That would have been a capit- ulation.In their absence from society every rumour that abounded would have been repeated and exaggerated.The trip from scuttlebutt to outright scandal was but a short leap.With every fibre oftheir beings Mr.and Mrs.Darcy abhorred this pretence ofnormalcy,but defence ofthe Darcy name demanded it.With all that, upon the occasion ofsuch a gathering as the one they hosted that day,it was not in any way regarded as a party. Regardless ofthe occasion,it was Darcy’s habit to claim a place upon his lawn overlooking a particularly pretty prospect. It was only one of the many in his rather estimable estate,but it served a specific duty.Darcy was only able to toler- ate the toadying by looking beyond the genuflection ofkith and kin and taking in the view.The neighbours,who competed for audience before him exhibiting an adequate level ofsycophancy believed compulsory towards a man ofhis station, were menfolk.Mrs.Darcy kept the ladies at bay with the proffering of ices and exhibiting the considerable charms oftheir younglings beneath the vine-covered loggia that adorned Pemberley’s east wing.From amidst the male enclave came the predictable masculine talk—crops,politics,and the weather.Although there was an abundance ofdiscord to explore upon all these topics,it was Sunday after- noon,and this assemblage dared not offend the Sabbath with less than geniality. And Darcy,with inherent magnanimity,endeavoured to bid consideration to all, but favour to none.He bowed with such grace and nodded with such sufficiently aloof benevolence—precisely as he would had he heard every word—not a soul suspected anything amiss. darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 8 (cid:2) 8 linda berdoll Yet another sense beyond the auditory Darcy protected by claiming that view.He protected his sight as well.For thus engaged,he kept his gaze from alighting upon his beloved wife.The very sight of her had always soothed not only his manners, but his soul.Of late,that device had been little employed.He was quite unaware that this failure allowed his guests to note that his temper was far less amenable since his return.And that fanned further speculation.Although it would have been a great disappointment to the scandal-mongers,his appearance ofbeing somewhat out ofspirits was nothing as dramatic as having “been to the wars.” It was quite true;in company he was often out oftemper oflate.However life- altering the throes of war had been,those memories did not ignite his pique.It sprung from a far less noble origin—the one ruled not by his heart,but a place a bit south and,for men at least,an often more influential region—his aching loins. Hence,as the gentlemen ofDerbyshire bobbed and weaved in deference to him as only free-born Englishmen could,little did they suppose that beneath that wall ofhauteur,their dignified host struggled to kennel a most undignified hunger. 3 I ntrusion into the Master’s Bedchamber In the year ’15,life was forever altered in the Darcy household—and not just within the hallowed halls that traversed Pemberley’s two-hundred-odd rooms. Much to the master’s qualified displeasure,an alteration also bechanced the mas- ter’s bedchamber. From the beginning oftheir life together,Mr.and Mrs.Darcy defied convention and took their sleep together. The master’s bedchamber and the mistress’s bed- chamber had always been one and the same.Hence,when it came time to receive her newborns,Elizabeth believed it only fitting that she do so in the same bed in which they had been conceived.Although that decision was made in his absence, initially Mr.Darcy saw no reason for alarm.As time wore on and his sleep was dis- turbed and his nerves a bit frayed,he still held firm to that judgement.Ifit was a choice between Mrs.Darcy and two little ones in his bed or no Mrs.Darcy in his bed at all,he saw little to argue.Hence,it was without audible complaint that he withstood the continued intrusion of two red-faced, interminably squalling infants as they took his rightful place in his adored wife’s embrace. There were other issues of propriety,however.Initially,Darcy thought it only proper to withdraw when the babies were brought to Elizabeth to nurse. darcyandliz reflow_internal 5/1/07 10:19 AM Page 9 (cid:1) darcy & elizabeth 9 “I shall trespass no longer upon your privacy,”he said stiffly. But he had been away for so very long,she was loath to allow him leave her side at all. “My privacy is yours as well,sir,”she tartly reminded him,then gently,“Please stay.We have been so very long apart,I long for your company.Furthermore,if you excuse yourselffrom me when I am in this attitude—I am so often thus—ere long I shall not know your face.” Jane Bingley had been devoted to her sister’s convalescence,but anticipated the intimate turn oftheir conversation and had betaken herselfto find occupation in another room.As for Darcy,every consolation to his wife was his ambition.Even so,he found it oddly unnerving to share the same room with his wife’s undraped breast in the company of others—even if only her maid Hannah and the wet- nurse Mrs.Littlepage.He chastised himselffor entertaining such petty qualms.To be disordered by one’s lessers was insupportable—a failing to overcome.He had gained forbearance ofElizabeth’s maid’s bustling about over the years.Thereby he lectured himselfthat a nurse was no different and set about ignoring her presence as well.Decorum was still a sizable consideration to him,but for some time it had been set aside in favour ofpleasing Elizabeth.Hence,however reluctantly,he did as she bid and did not take his leave. Although confessed to no further disconcertion,his posture whilst Elizabeth nursed was quite formal.Indeed,it replicated the stance that he took upon more formal occasions—weight balanced on one foot, his hands carefully clasped behind him.Even after many days ofwitnessing ofthese feeding rituals,he stood with such rigidity that his wife grew impatient with such a display ofreserve—he had certainly had time to acclimate himselfto the doings.She believed her moth- erly duties to be no less than a communion—one that should be cherished by them both. Other husbands might eschew such an intimacy, but not hers. She knew better ofhis nature.He had no need ofdefending his manhood from what might be accused ofbeing a purely womanly pursuit.What was important to her was important in equal measure to him.Their long separation and lately arrived parenthood could not have altered that.She would not allow it. “Pray,come to me,”she bid,holding out her hand. He took a step in her direction but again reclaimed the same formal posture and undertook maintaining it with unflinching diligence. “Nearer,please,”she insisted. He dutifully shuffled his feet a bit, but he moved not an inch nearer. If she hoped for conversation,she was to be disappointed there as well for he spoke not a word until their son was at last sated.Thereupon he issued a small exclamation ofapproval. “Ah,”said he. He was clearly ofa mind that was the extent ofhis duty as a doting father,for thereupon a complacent smile overspread his countenance. From her place propped up amongst the pillows,Elizabeth looked not half so happy. She wiped Geoffrey Darcy’s tiny chin and then handed him off to Mrs. Littlepage.Nurse carried him across the room and placed him in an ornately carved

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