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Daoist Exorcism: Encounters with Sorcerers, Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons: Training in Daoist Magic From the Zheng Yi School of Ancient Chinese Mysticism PDF

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Preview Daoist Exorcism: Encounters with Sorcerers, Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons: Training in Daoist Magic From the Zheng Yi School of Ancient Chinese Mysticism

DaoisEtx orcism: EncounteWrist hS orcerers, GhostsS,p iriatnsd,D emons THE SECRETT EACHING OF ESOTERIDCA OISTM AGIC WRITTEN BY PROFESSORJ ERRYA LAN JOHNSON,P H.D.D,. T.C.M SENIRO ABBOT (ZHUC)HO IFT HET EMPLEO FT HEC ELESTIACLL OUD (A � k�f THE TEMPLE OF THE CELESTIALC LOUD WWW .DAOISTMAGIC.COM DAOISTE XORCISME:N COUNTERSW ITH SORCERERS,G HOSTS,S PIRITSA,N D DEMONS Tabloef C ontents HistoorfyE ncounterSipnigrE intt ities 8 ·E nergeTthiocu ghCtl usters 49 Yin andY angS tateosfE xistence 8 ThoughFto rmsS,h apeasn dC olors 49 ThreeR ealmosf D aoisMta gic 9 LikAet tracLtisk e 50 UnderstantdhiHeneg a venlRye alm 1 0 ThoughFto rmsC reating Disease 5o0r Healing UnderstantdhiEenag r th(lHyu manR)e alm1 1 CreatiTnhgo ughFto rmE ntities 51 UnderstantdhienU gn derworld 11 EighRtu lefso Crr eatiTnhgo ught-Enti5t1i es TheC reatiooftn h eU nderworld 12 TaskinagT houghFto rmt oH eal 54 RechargiaTn hgo ughFto rm 54 UnderstantdhienV ga luoef t heS oul 14 Cautions 55 SpiritCuoanlt racWtist hD emoniEcn titie1s4 GrouTph oughFto rms( Egregores) 56 Breakian gC ontract aW Dietmho niEcn ti1ty5 PsychAitct acks 58 TheY nia nd YaEnsgc orts 16 RecognizaiP nsgy chAitct ack 58 GuardosfH ell( Ox-Heaadn dH orse-Fac1e8) Conscio&u Usn consciPosuysc hAitct ack5 9 HelBle ing(sT hTeo rturers) 18 MethodosfP sychAitct ack 60 A Cursves a H ex 64 TaiyJii ukTui anzun 19 SymptomTsh atI ndicaaP tsey chAitct ack6 5 TheT hreJeu dgeosf t heD ead 20 Origionft heT hreJeu dgeosf t heD ead 21 UncoverianngdR emovinag C urse 68 The1 0P alaceosfH ell 25 Removintgh eM agicPaolw erso fa Curse7 1 TheF irst PaolfaH eclel 26 The Second PaolfHa eclel 26 StoppiPnsgy chicAttacks 74 TheT hirPda lacoef H ell 27 Spirit PuIrngcienngs e 74 The FourPtahl acoefH ell 27 Hex-BreakUisnign g SaBcarmebdo o 7 4 TheF iftPha lacoef H ell 28 Hex-BreakIinncge nse 7 4 TheS ixtPahl acoefH ell 29 HexP rotectIinocne nse 75 TheS eventh PaolfHa eclel 30 BanishiHnegr bs 75 TheT erracoefR epentance 30 Anti-Hex Ointment 75 TheE ightPha lacoefH ell 30 Hex RemoviBnagt h 75 TheN intPha lacoefH ell 31 HexP rotectBiaotnh( Before) 76 TheT entPha lacoefH ell 31 HexP rotectBiaotnh( After) 76 TheC harto ft heU nderworolfFd e ngdu 33 HexP rotectSiaocnh et 76 Summary( Purposaen,dF unctioofHn e ll)3 4 HexP rotectPioownd er 76 Interactwiiottnhhs e S pirWiotr ld 35 TransforPmsiyncgh Aitct acks 77 TwoS choolosfD aoisMta gic 37 TheC andlMea giTce chniq#ue1 77 SchooolfWh iteM agi(cZ henDga o) 38 The Candle TMeachgniicq u#e2 78 TheS chooolfB lacMka gi(cZ uoD ao) 39 CounterAi nSgo rcerer 79 UnderstanPdsiyncgh iIcn fluence 41 The" UnbindTihnegC urseI"n cantati8on0 PrincipolfPe ssy chiIcn terference 41 NeutralAi zCiunrgs ues inagH umanB one 81 ThrePer incipolfPe ssy chiIcn fluence4 5 NeutralAi zCiunrgs ues inHgu manB lood 82 ThreTey peosf P sychiIcn fluence 46 PsychiVca mpires 83 DetrimeTnhtoaulg ht-Forms 47 How PsychiVca mpiriisPsme rformed 83 Two Wayst oC reatTeh oughFto rms 47 SpirEintt itiaensdP sychiVca mpirism 84 UnintentioCnraelaltye d 47 Guruuss inMga ntrafso Vra mpirism 84 PurposeClrye ated 48 VampirAilntga Srp acEen ergy 85 DefendiAngga inAs Pts ychic Vampir8e5 3 WWW .ADOJSTMIACG.COM HexinDgo lls 86 The" ShSih ouM"e ditation 133 TheH exinDgo llE'xst ernCaoln structi8o6n StitchtihneHg e xinDgo ll 86 PsychCiocu ntermeasures 137 TheH exinDgo llI'nst erCnoanls tructi8o7n UsinWgh itLei ghBta rriers 137 Shapintgh eH exinDgo ll 87 SendinSgp iriBtasc kt ot heL ight 138 Naminagn dA ctivatthienH ge xinDgo ll 88 ProjectLionvgea ndC ompassion 139 TheB reatohfL ife 88 "Rebounding" TheA tPtsaycckh ic 139 OpeninTgh eM agiPco rtal 89 RevokiPnegr mission 139 ExampleofsH exinTgec hniques 90 TheC olumonf W hitLei ghMte ditatio1n 39 Feedinthge H exinDgo ll 90 TheB ubbloefL ighMte ditation 140 Resurrecat "iDnega Hde xinDgo ll" 91 The CloCsierdc uMietd itation 142 Recyclai nHge xinDgo ll 91 Using EnBeorlgtys 143 StoriTnhge H exinDgo ll 91 UsinMga gicTaalil smans 144 Disposionftg h eH exinDgo ll 91 MagicSatlo neasn dD emonS creamers1 48 Creatian Wgo oden" DewD oll" 92 Sounda ndP ercussion 148 Creatian Wgi lloTwr ee Doll" 95 UsinMga gical PalnadnI tnsc ense 149 Creatian Pga per HexDoilnlg 97 UsinHgo lWya ter 149 AncieHnetx inDgo lClu rses 99 CrossiWnagt er 149 HexinDgo lAln dL oveH exes 106 Construcat Pirnigs Oount o fW ater 149 Construcat Pirnigs Ooun to fF ire 150 Neutraliaz Hienxg 108 TakinPgr ecautiAognasi nBseti nHge xed1 08 AdditiDoenfaeln cAegsa inPssty chAitct ac1k5s 0 BreakitnhgeM agicLailn okf t heH exinDgo l1l0 9 Count-eArt tacking 151 Redirectthien g Hex ao Snutror ogate1 11 CounterEivniSglp irutssi nSge alasn d Si1gi5l2s Naminagn dA ctivatthienH ge xinDgo ll 112 TheH istoorfMy a giSce als 154 TheB reatohfL ife 112 Functiooftn h eM agiSci gils 155 Variatiooftn hseS ubstitRuitteu al 115 UsinSgi gitloHs e alD iseased Stat1es5 8 SidEe ffects 159 PsychDiecf ence 116 SigitloHs e aSlp irOiptp ress#io1n 159 Attacfkrso Smo rcerers 116 SigitloHs e aSlp irOiptp ress#io2n 160 Attacfkrso Mma le'(olSepnitr its 117 Progressoifto hneA ttack 117 Protectaigoani nPssty chAitct acks ResistAi Pnsgy chAitct ack 118 UsinSgo undI ncantations 164 Usintgh eM indt oM inimitzheeA ttack 118 Incantat(iMoannst ras) 165 MinimiztihneAg t ta#ck2 119 Spirit-ISnpcealnlt ations 165 FindiAn Nge wS anctuary 120 Single ResoInnacnacnet ations 165 MultiRpelseo nanIcnec antations 167 TheO neT hrougThen M editation 121 OneI sF un 121 BindiSnpge lulsse df oPrr otection 168 TwoI sS hoe 123 Bindianngd M agicSaple lls 168 ThreIes T ree 123 Bindianngd B anishing Spells 168 FourI sC ore. 124 BindiRnigt uuasli nCga ndlMea gic 168 FivIes A live 125 Banishiunsign Sgo rrowlWeososd 169 SixI sT hick 125 BanishiSnpge lulsse df oPrr otection1 70 SevenI sH eaven 126 Bindianngd B anishiRnigt ual 170 EighItsG ate 127 NineI sS hine 128 DaoisPtr ies&t Msa gicCaolm bat 172 Ten Is Begin 128 PsychWieca kP oinItnsT heB ody'Fsi el1d 72 ConjurBiontgh GoodE vainld 173 TheT hreMea gicIanlv ocations 129 TheP oweorf R ituals 173 TheF irMsatg icIanlv ocation 129 MetaphysiBcaatlt lUessi nSgo rcery 174 TheS econMda gicIanlv ocation 131 SealitnhgeA ltRaoro m 175 TheT hirMda gicIanlv ocation 132 DividtionC go nquer 175 4 DAOISETX ORCISEMN:C OUTNERSW ITHS ORCERERGSH,O STSS,P ITRSI, ADNEDM ONS The SevSetna rMsa gicSaela l 176 PurifytihneAg l tSapra ceR itual 238 CallingA dFdoirt ioHneallp 177 SummoninMga rshGaeln erTaila npeng 180 EncountWeirtshS p irits 247 DestroyainnE gv iPlr iesAtl'ts#a r1 182 AncieCnlta ssifiocfaS tpiiorn&i t Ism moartls2 47 DestroyainnE gv iPlr iesAtl'ts#a r2 184 SpirEintt itaiseP sa rasiotreG su ardian2s4 8 PlanStp irits 250 EncountWeirtsGh h osts 186 AnimaSlp irits 251 Ghost(sG ui) 187 Tiger Spirits 252 ClassificoaftG ihoonsst s 188 FoxeS pirits 252 TheO rigoifnA Ghost 194 TheF ivHee xA nimals 259 GhostLse avitnhge H elRle alm 195 TheT hrePeo werosf G hosts 196 NaturSep irits 260 Ectoplasm 196 InteractinNga tWuirSteph i rits 262 GhosMta terializing 197 InteractinGgh oswtist h 197 SeductiSvpier its 263 CommonG hostMlayn ifestations 198 EncountWeirtsAh S uccuboursI ncubu2s 63 GhosFte edinOgn Energy 201 Methoodf A pproach 264 Diagnosai Gnhgo sPto ssession 202 SexuaEln countWeirtsWah l k-Ins 265 Anti-Incubus/SIunccceunbsues 266 Hauntings 204 Anti-Incubus/SPuiclclu bus 266 Typeso fH auntings 205 HaunteHdo useasn dS pirPiotr tals 208 Bindianngd B anishTiencgh niquUesse d HaunteHdo useasn dE viEln ergy 209 foPru rifyai Hnogu seo rR oom 266 Researchai Hnagu nteHdo use 210 BeforBee ginniAn Hgo useE xorcism 211 MagicIanlc antaUtsieodnt oM akeO neself RemovinAg S pirEintt ity 212 InvistiobG lheo st&s S pirits 267 RemovinAg C omposiStpei rEintt ity 212 Cleansian Hga unteHdo use 213 SpirSinta keasn dS pirSipti ders 268 RemovinSgp irSinta ke&s S pirSipti der2s 68 ShaG uiQ i( Evil/Killing Ghos2t1s)6 UsinTgh e" DiviNneet T"e chnique 268 TheN ineP hoeniPxu rificIantciaonnt a2ti1o6n TheN ineP hoeniPxu rificTaatliiosnm an2 17 Spiroiftt sh eE lementRaela lms 272 FengS huTia lismans 220 AnE lementaElf'fseo cntt heH umanB ody2 73 CreatiMnagg icFaeln gS huTia ilsmans 220 TheF ouArn cieEnlte mentRaela lms 274 TheY elloSwt onRee scu&e Protetchte SensatiAotntsr ibtuotS epdi rEintt ities2 76 PeacMea gicTaall ismaMne thod 220 ChildraenndS pirEintt ities 277 TheF ivSea creMdo untaiSnusb duing Howa ndW hyS pirEintt itAitetsa ck 279 HouseTa lismaMne thod 220 TalismaUnsse dF orE xpellMianlgi cious DefensAeg ainGshto stasn dS pirEintt it2i8es3 EartGho dsa ndf oGru arditnhgeH ouse 221 ClositnhgeG hosGta te# 1 283 TalismaFnosrG uarditnhge4 D irections ClositnhgeG hosGta te# 2 287 AndE xpellTihnegS piroiftt sh eD irecti2o2n4s TheN ineP rotectHiaonndS eals 288 The" NinCeu ts" 289 HaunteCdh urch&es S acred Altar 2S2p8a ces ReconstrutchteiS nagc reSdp ace 228 TalismaUns edf oSre einGgh ost&s S pir2it9s1 FromD aot oW uji 229 OpeninTgh eT hirEdy eE xerci#s1e 292 FromW ujtio T aiji 230 OpeninTgh eT hirEdy eE xerci#s2e 294 FromT ajitio t heF ourD irections 232 OpeninTgh eT hirEdy eE xerci#s3e 294 FromF ouDr irectitooEn isg hTtr igrams2 34 Hand SeUasle df oSre einIgl lusions, ReturntihneMg a gicPaolw ebra ck to th2e3 6Al Gthaors tasn dS pirEintt ities 294 ReturntihnegA ltaDre itSyt atues 237 ReturntihnegM agiTco ols 237 5 WWW .DAOISTIMCAG.COM Demonsa ndE viSlp irits 295 Exorcism 347 MedicinUesse dTo TreaSth enD isturba2nc9e5s Typeso fE xorcism 348 PhysicMaeld ici(nOer ganic-Physi2ca9l5) Mino(rB enigFno)r msO fE xorcisms 348 EnergeMteidci ci(nPes ycho-Emoti2on9a5l) M ajoFro rmsOf E xorcisms 349 SpiritMueadli ci(nTeh eM agic-Relig2io9u5s )T heR oloef E xorcism 350 Thingasn E xorciNsete dst oF unction3 51 Diseasaensd D emoniicn fluence 296 IntervietwhiePn ogs sessed Host'3s 5F2a mily TheF ivMea inC auseosf I nsanity 298 EnergeItmibca lances 298 Preparfiontrgh eE xorcism 353 EmotionFaalc tors 298 TheE xorciAssts'iss tants 353 Poison 298 PrepartihnegE xorciSspma ce 353 Karma 299 BeforPee rformainnE gx orcism 358 ProjecDteemdo nosf t heS ubconsciMoiunsd3 00 WhatT ypeo fE viSlp iriisIt n volved 358 ActuaEln countWeirtsDh e mons 301 TheA ctivoifTt hye E vil Spirit 361 DecidiWnhga tA reat oB egin 362 Demonology 303 Pacinogft heT reatmeSnets sions 363 LevelosfD emoniIcn fluence 303 "Summon& Investig(aKtaeo"zh Faoa ) 363 DemoniMca nifestation 304 AccusatainodnR eproa(cQhi anhe) 367 DemonsW hoT ravWeilt hWihni rlwind3s0 4 The" Remova(lB"i ) 370 AbsorbiLnigf e-Fo(rVacmep irism) 305 DemoniAct tacOkns C lergy 306 KnowinIgTf h eE viSlp irIisGt o ne 371 AddtiionTarle atmenNtese ded 373 Demonoloagnyd C hristMiyasnt icism3 06 ReturniHnogm eA ftearnE xorcism 377 TheD ifferenBceet ween An&g Deelmso ns3 07 HistoorfRy i tuaUlsse dt oS ummonD emons3 08 RitutaolS ummonI,n terro&g Eaxtoer ci3s7e 8 ZhengYi B ewitchSiknigl l Ritual 379 Demonoloagnyd A ncieCnhti nesMee dici3n1e 0 SeiziEnvgi Slp iraintdsG houls 380 TheT hreIen terCnoarlp se-Demons 311 Bindianngd B anishTiencgh niques 382 TheN ineI nterWnoarlm s 312 AttacktihneSg p irEintt ity 384 ParalyztihneSg p irEintt ity 385 Encountweirtsth h eD emoniRce alm 312 SealitnhgeS pirEintt ity 385 - Demono rS pirPiots sessIendd ividua3l1s 3 DissolvtihneSg p irEintt ity 386 ReasonDse monsI nterwaicttPh e ople 314 BanishitnhgeS pirEintt ity 386 InteracWtiitnhSg h adowS pirits 318 SixS tageosfD emoniAcs sault 319 UsinBga nishiHnegr bs 387 RemovinCgu rseasn dH exes 389 Typeso fP ossession 329 ExorciPsomw der 389 Sign&s S ymptomosf P ossession 330 ExorciIsnmc ense 389 InstaPnots session 330 Hex-Breaking Bath 389 ProgressPiovses ession 330 BecominIgn vistiobt lheeS pirWiotr ld 390 BanishiInngc antation 391 Rituali&z Neodn -RituaPloiszseeds sio3n3 1 Retainai Gnuga rdiSapni rit 392 RitualiPzoesds ession 331 SpirPiots sessUisoen di nC ults 331 ExamploesfD emoniPco ssession 393 SpirPiots sessUisoend i nE xorcisms 332 TreatmefnotAr n xieAtbyo uOtp pressio3n9 4 PossessiUosne di n" RitFeosrT heD ead3" 39 TreatmefnotGrsh osHta llucinatio3ns9 6 TheT hirteGehno sPto ints 396 Non-RituaPloiszseeds sion 340 SpirPiots sessAinodnA nimals 342 TheM agiCci rcle 402 SpirPiots sessAinodnM ultiple-Pers3o4na2l iMtaigeisCc i rcfloerP rotectainodDn e fence4 03 SpirPiots sessBiyoA n W alk-In 344 TheM agicPaolw eorf T heB aguaC ircl4e 05 SpirPiots sessBiyoA n D eity 346 TheA ncieRnitv eCrh arPta ttern" 407 TheY i-Ji-nWgu XingP attern" 408 6 DAOISETx ORCISME:N COUNTERWSI THS ORCERERGSH,O STSS,P ITRSI,A NDD EMONS "Bagu-aY iJ inPga ttern" 408 ExorcMiasrts hKaaln gM iaoW ei 461 "PrenaBtaaglu aP attern" 409 HeaveRne specRtus Za(iM arshKaaln g)4 62 MarshGaeln erYailn 466 Removing EneCrogredtsi c 409 HeaveRne specMtasr shYailn 467 HomeworPkr escriptions 410 ExorciMsatrisch Gaeln eral Zhou 472 Exorcistic MarshWaaln gG enera4l7 3 DaoisEtx orcisCml:e arian Sgp ace 411 ExorcZihsotn gK ui 4 7 4 TheP reparation 411 CelestMiaaslt eZrh angD aoling 474 AdvanceDda oisEtx orcism 415 OpeninHge avenG'ast e 420 TheM arshaGle nerals 480 TransferDreimnogn iPco ssession 421 TheT hundeArn cest(oLre izu) 482 CreatiHnegl lfso Dre moniEcn tities 421 IncantattoiI onnv okteh eM arshGaeln era4l8s 3 TheM agiRci tuFaolr C reatian Hge ll 423 MarshGaeln erGaula n 485 MarshGaeln erTaila npeng 486 TheD aoisEtx orciMsagti Tco ols 424 SummoninMga rshaGle nerTaila npeng4 87 AdditioDnaaoli sEtx orcTiosotl s 425 MarshGael nerMaeln g 488 FivTeh undeMra giEcx orcisSianl(gtS and4)2 6 MarshGaeln erZahlu T alisman 490 MethoFdo rA ctivaHtoilnWaygt er 428 SprayiTnhge H olWya ter 429 Zhenw(uT heP erfecWtaerdr ior) 491 MethoFdo rC reatiBnagn ishiInngc ense4 30 IncantaftoiSrou nm moninZgh enwu 496 BanishiHnegr bs 430 TalismafnosSr ummoninZgh enwu 496 Magic RopeS aacnrde Dda oisKtn ots 434 TransforminitnZogh enwu 501 ImprintRionpgeC ,o rd&, S acreKdn ots 435 TheM agiRce dK not 435 TheF ouGru ardians 506 TheM agiRce dC ord 435 TheS ixJ iGa uardians 514 TheD aoisEtx orcist RMeaggiisct er 437 TheJ ia-SZpii rGietn eral 517 TheC harotft heE xorciGsetniecr als 438 TheJ ia-XSup irGietn eral 518 TheL awfuRli ghttoS ummon 439 TheJ ia-ShSepni rGietn eral 519 DaoisEtx orcGiesnte rals 440 TheJ ia-WSup irGietn eral 520 TheT hundeCro urt 441 TheJ ia-ChSepni rGietn eral 521 PlacitnhgeE xorcGiesnte raUlnsd eOr_ a th4 45 TheJ ia-YSipni rGietn eral 522 TheF ivTeh undeGro ds 446 TheS evenD ippeSrt aGru ardians 523 Leadeorft heF ivTeh unders 447 SupremCeo mmandeDre ngB owen 449 TheF ivPer oteHceta ltTahl ismans 523 SupremCeo mmandeBri 450 TheT en ExorciTsalmi smans 524 SupremCeo mmandeLri u 451 SupremCeo mmandeXri n 452 Daoist MRaigtiucFa olr B indiEnvgi l 526 SupremCeo mmandePra ng 452 TheB indiEnvgi Rli tual 526 TheN ineP alacEei ghTtr igrSatme ppin5g2 6 WhenA ThundeGre nerAatl tacks 453 TheN ortheSrtna Bri gD ippeSrt epping5 28 RogueT hundeGre nerals 454 TheT hreTea iS taSrt epping 529 TheC elestGiuaalr diaannsdP rotecto4r5s 5 MakinSge dative Water 540 ExorcMiasrts hGael nerZahla o 455 ExorciMsatrisch Gael nerWaeln 456 ExorcMiasrts haGle nerMaal 458 Aboutth eA uthor 541 7 WWW .DAOISTMAIGC.C< DAOISETX ORCISM: ENCOUNTERWSI THG HOSTSS,P IRITASN,DD EMONS HISTORYO F ENCOUNTERING SPIRTI ENTITEIS An acceptreeda liitnay l Dla oimsta gical traditiisto hnes factth ept hhyasti bcoadlyh asa relatiownisthbhio pt thh een ergeatnidsc p iritual worldLsi.k teh ep hysiwcoarll db,o tthh ee ner­ getaincd s piriwtourallda sr ei nfinitvealsaytn d compleTxh.es upernatmuarnailf estaotfti hoen s spirwiotr lcda ni nclutdhege h ostalpyp aritoifo ns spirpietosp,l aen,i maolbsj,e cettsc(,.F igu1r1.e) . Theriesc onsiderdaobcluem entaftoiuonnd ina ncieCnhti nelsiet eractounrcee rnintgh ed e­ partseodu olfa ni ndivirdeuvaela liitnsgte olt fh e liviinngt hes hapaen dl ikenoefst sh ep hysical bodyf rowmh icihtl efSto.p erfewcatsi tssh ape andp hysifcoarlm t hatth ed epartseodu olf ten appearteotd h eu nsuspecmtainno grw omana s ifi tw erset iolnleo ft hel iviInngt .h eE asteJrinn Dynas(ty37 1-4A2.0D .t)h,eD aoiasutt hoYru an Mingw rotTeh Peo steRreicooorrfRd e seaornc hes Spircionttsa,i nmianngye vents eanncdo unters oft hissu pernatnuartaulr e. Ina ncieCnhti naD,a oisshta manmsy,s tics, prieasntds" invocawtoourlsud"s seo ngdsa,n ces, spelalnsdt, a lismtaocn osm municates pwiirtiht s. Figeu1 r.T1h.es upernamtauinrfaaelts tions Thessep irimteunaa ln dw omenw ouladc ats m e­ oft hSep iiWtro rld diatobrest wetehnei nviswiobrlleod ft hesp irits (whgoo venrant uraen)dt hvei siwbolrel odfM an. attribtuoat nee dn ergeitmibca laMnacney.a spects Thea ncieCnhti nebseel ietvheadct e rtialiln­ oft hea ncieCnhti nesIen,d iaMno,n goliaannd nessreess ulftreodmt hev ictbiemi npgo ssessed Tibetsahna manissktiilwcle sr ep asseodnt ot he ora fflibcyte evdis lp iroirtd se monasn dt hatth e ancieDnato ipsrti ests. shamans' magiocfta all siksimilanlncssa ,n tations YINA NDY ANG STATES OF EXITSENCE ands piriteuxaolr ciwsemr er equirienod r der tod isptehlei llnePsssy.c hologiitcw aalsal lys,o Thep hysiwcoarll odft hlei viinscgo nsidered belietvheadit fa ni ndividuaplo swsaessc soend­ tob ea Y angs taotfee xisterneclea ttiotv hees u­ sistebnyto lnye s troenmgo ti(o.neg .i,r ratiopnearnla tursapli rwiotr lwdh,i cihsi na Y ins taotfe ands uddeonu tburosftr sa goer g rieiftw) a,s existence. The alm iavniinfge,s tbaettiihnoegn of liketlhyah te o rs hew asb esebtya ne vislp iroirt S hen( SpiraintdH) u n( EtehreSaolu la)r,se u bject demonic fiofrt cheeis n;d ividiunatle rmittteont thlweya rmtohfd ayligthhttei, m weh ent hYea ng experietnhcnee edg ateimvoet iointw ,a ss implye nerigsty h set rongTehsedt e.a d, baem ianngi fes- 8 DAOISETX ORCISME:N COUTNERSW ITHS ORCERERGSH,O STSS, PRIITS-,A ND DEMONS TheC elesItmmioaraltl s, TheH eavenlyS taGro d,Ps lnaetaGroyd, s Realm- andI mmortaolfts h Sek y (Wi,nR daiTnh,u ndLeirg,h tning) TheM inerPalla,In ntes,c t, TheE arthly AnimaHlu,m aKni ngdoms, & Realm- antdh vea riEoaurst h anWda teRre alms Souolfts h Dee a,dG hosts, TheR ealomf SpiErntiitt Eileesm,e ntals, thUen derlw-do r DemonSipciit r,s Figu12r..Te h ePh ysiWcoarll dt hLoeif v iisn g considaeY arnegSd t aotfEe x ist,we hnictlehee SuprenatSupriaWrloir tl di nai sYS itna otfEe x istenFcieg.eu1 3r..Th e eTehP rriymR aeralomfEs x istence tatiooftn h Geu i (GhaonsdPt o)( CorporSeoaull) , etary GSotdaGsro, d sa,n dI mmortoaflt sh e ares ubjetcott h ec olodf n ighwth,e nt hep ower Sky( Godosf t heW indR,a inT,h undearn d ofY ini st hes trong(eFsitg u1r.e2 ). Lightning). Beinags sociwaittethdh e Yin or odfa rk TshieEd ea rthRleya lTmh:i issc onsidetrobe ed theu nivergsheo,s atrseg enerabloluyn d ctoon ­ • the reoaftl hme MineraIln,s PeAlcnatin,m ta,l , finet heimro vementasc,t ioannsd,i nfluetnoc e andH uman Kingdaosmw se,la lst hvea rious thnei ght time. Sptehcseit fircoanlglpeyas,rot tf t o Eartahn dW ateRre almEsa.c h "Kingidso m" thnei ghtti mcea,l ltehde "thirdi naw nactcihe"n t equippweidt iht osw nu niqutey poef K ing Chin(at h1e1p .m.-lat.immp.ee rioHdo)w.e ver andQ ueen ("alphap"o wreurlG)ie,nn ge r­ thearrese e vetryap.el.s o fg hosthtasto ftpeenr form alasn dS oldi(egrusa rdiaanndps r otectors), mischievdoeuesdi snb roadda ylight. Counsel(owriss dokme eperHse)a,l earnsd, Oncet heD aoipsrti esSth'esnh asr eachae d Serva(nmtess senagnedrw so rkers). highsetra otfes ensitihveoi rst hye,c ant ranscend• T heU nderwoTrhliidssc: o nsidetrobe etd h e then ormaclo nscipoeursc eptainodns se nsteos realomft hSeo ulosft hDee ada ndt he various obseravnedi nteractt hsewpi ithr iYtiunwa olr ld. YinS pirWiotr lds. ThisG hionsctlSsup,di ersi t Thiwsa s knoiwnna ,n cietnitm eassh, a vin"gY in EntitainedsD ,e moniScp iriAtlssi.on cluded Eyes.F"o re xamplien,d ividwuhaolp so ssessed withtihnUe n derwoarrlEedl ement(atlhso se YinE yecso ulsde ea ndt alwki tthh es piroift s spireintt ittiheacsto ntrtohmlea gicpaolw ers thed ead. oft heF ivEel emendtess)c,r iabsfe odl lows: WoodT:h iisn cludtehses piroiftt sh ej ungle, THREER EALMOSF D AOISMTA GIC foretsrte,ef sl,o weertsc,. Thea ncieDnato isdtisv idtehdue n iveirnsteo FirTehi:si nclutdhesesp iroifFt isr teh,Ke i tchen three primaroyf e xriesatlemTnshc eHe e:a venly Gode,t c. RealmT,h eE arthRleya lamn dt heU nderworldE.a rtThh:i isn cludtehses piroifts so illa,n d, EacRhe alimsc omposoefdp otenti"agloloyd " or rockmso,u ntaivnasl,l eeytsc,. "evislp"i reintt itTiheess.te h reper imarreya lms MetaTlh:ii sn clutdhees spoifrg iotlsds ,i elrv, ofe xisteanrcdeee scriabsfe odl lo(wFsi gu1r3.e) : irotni,ne ,t c. • TheH eavenRleya lTmh:i iss c onsidetroe dW ateTrh:i isn clutdhesesp i riotfts h e ocerainvs­, bet hree alomft hCee lesItmimaolr taPllsa,n - ersl,ak esst,r eapmoso,lm sa,r shsewsa,m pest, c. 9 WWW .ADOISTGMIAC.COM GreCaaltr ity JadCel iatry UppeCrl iatry (ThCee lesWtoirtahyl of (ThCee lesWtoritaohlyf (The CeWloerstothyfi al the aDnaIdot Vsi rtue) PrimoBredgiianln ing) NuminoTuersa seu)r Domitneatsh "eR eaolfBm a gua"D ominatth"eeRs e alWmu ijo"f Dominatth"eeRs e aolfmT ia"i j InMa gRiict -uhaeil sr esponsIinMb algei Rcit -uhaeil sr e sopsoiblIe Mna gRiict -uhaeil rse sponsible fogro evrnitnhEega rtRhelayl mf rog overtnhiHene ga veRnelayl m frog overtnhiUenN dge wrorld Figu14r..e" T hTeh rePeue rO ne"s UNDERSTANDINTGH EH EAVENYL REALM Thea ncieDnato isbtesl ietvheadtt h Cee lestialw hoh avree achtehdis st aogfet ransformation Realm was comofpt rhi"esT ehdrP euer Ree alms," embodcyo mplete wuintithoh neD aoT.h e whicrhe prestehnteth sr leeev eolfDs a oiesntl ight­JadEem periosrb elietvoeb det hreu loefrt he enmenatn di mmortalEiatcyho. ft hescee lestialC elestRieaall mt,h eC reatoofrH eaveann d realimsss upervibsyae c de lesdteiiatTlyo g.e trh,e Eartahn,di st heg overnoofhr u mand estiny. thteh rgeoev erndienigt aireceso llectkinvoewlny TheU ppePru rRee alTmh:i rse alimsa lso ast he" ThrePeu rOen es.A"c corditnoag n cient• knownas t h"eR ealomfT aijiT.h"ii sst hsee c­ Daoistmh,e T hrePeu rOe nes( JadCel arity, alosnodh ighest C?rfie mamlomr taIlnidtiyv.i duals knowna st hJea dEem peroorrt heC elesWtoira­l whoh avree achtehdis st aogfet ransformation thyo fP rimordBieagli nniUnpgp;e Crl ariatlys,o Jivien a statweh erteh es ubjeacntdo bject knowna st heH igheEsmtp eroorrt heC elestiala rdei stinguisheeadc ohft rhoeymre rte main WorthoyfN uminouTrse asuraen;dG reaCtl arity,i ntegcroamlp oneonftt sh Dea o. alskon owna st heGr eaEtm peroorrt heC elestialT heG reaPtu rRee alTmh:i rse alimsa lso Worthoyft hDea oa ndI tVsi rtuaer)ee m anation•s k nowna st he" RealomfB agua." iTsth hies oft heD aoa,n dt heryu loev etrh eh ighest thrtehei rhdi gherseta lomfi mmoratliItnyd.i vidu­ celesrteiaallm Tsh.e " Three Pure aRreea lmsa"lw sh oh avreea chetdh isst aogfet ransforma­ descriabsef do llo(wFsi gu1r.e4 ): tiolni viena b alancsetdai tnew hichha,v ing TheJ aed PurRee alTmh:i rse alims a lso achievheadr monwyi thhu maniatnydn ature, • knowna st he "ReoafWl umj i." iTsth hies theayr ec apabolfle i vianl go nagn dh ealthy higherseta lomf i mmortalIintdyi.v idualsli foenE arth. 10 DAOISTE XORCISME:N COUNTERWSI THS ORCERERGSH,O STS,S PIRITSA,N DD EMONS UNDERSTANTDHIEEN GA RTHLY (HRUEMAALNM) TheE arthRleya lims t hem aterdiiamle nsion oft imes,p acaen,d m atteCro.m poseodft angible matteern,e rga,Yn-ds pirtihteE, a rthly Realm is considetrobe edt het raingirnogu nfdo arn i ndi­ viduaElt'esrn aSlo uIl.te xisftostr h es olpeu rpose ofa cquirliinfegex perieanncdet sh ereailnl owing thien dividEutaelrn'aSsl o utlh e abtioul nidteyr go deeper spitrriatnusaflo rmations. TheE arthRleya lmha sb otfh orma nds ub­ stanacned i sa ccesstihbrloeu tghhei ndividual's ordinasreyn seIste. x presistesse lf through the physiceanle,r geatnidcs ,p iritiunatle racotfi ons peoplpel,a cetsh,i ngasn,de ventTsh.eH uman Realamp peatrosb es olibde cauistve i braotne s thel owefrr equelnecvyae slm atter. UNDERSTANDINTGH EU NDERWORLD Figeu1 r.5K.i nogft hUen dewrorYladnL uWoa ng Accorditnoag n cieDnato itseta chitnhge,ri es ap lacient hea fterklniofwena sF enDgu or" ther esponsfiobtrlh eeS alvatoifSo unf feriinDn ago ­ UnderworFledn.Dg"u i s simtiowl haarti sk nown isRte ligiIotin s)s .a itdh at, betchaeuu nsiev erse int heW esta s" purgatoarnydi, s"a lscoa lltehde iss ob igw,i tihn finidtiem ensioLnosr,dT aiY i "Realomf t heD ead.U"n likteh eH ellisnm ost manifeshtiemds eilnft 1o0 o theLro rdisn o rder traditiFoennsgD, u isn otl ocatuendd ergrountdop, r ovisdael vatfiootrnh em illioofns su ffering buti ss aitdo b eh ouseidn F engD u Mountains,o ulTsh.i iss w hyt enK ingosf H elalr en eeded locatientd h eN ort(hu ndetrh eo cean). foro verseetihne"g s pirittruaanls formations" Accorditnotg h eD eclaroatfth Pieeo rnfse coctceudrr,wi intgh inU ntdheer world. _theE mperoorf t heN ortgho vern"sM ount No mattewrh icshy steomfb eliyeofu h old Luofen(gb"e ttkenro wna s" MounFte ngD u"),t oa,c cordtiona gn cieDnato istte achitnhgeU, n ­ locatiendt heN orthernmroesgti oonft heu ni­derworilsda darka ndo bscurreea lomn;e t hat versTeh.i esn ormomuosu ntawians a placfeo r coulndo tb ee nterbeydc ommoni ndividuals. thed eada,n di thse adquarwtaesrl so catiensd i xO nlyp riesstosr,c eraenrdss h,a manwse rcea pable Grotto-Paklnaocwenas s,t he" SiHxe avens." ord arienngo ugthos ojouirnntt oh eU nderworld. TheU nderworilsad l srou lebdy " YanL uo Thea ncieDnato ipsrt iesbtesli evtehdau tn leasns Wang,w"h oi ss ometimes ctahle"l Geoddo f individbueacla me iamnm orteavle,r syo uwla s Deatha"n dt he" King of CHeerltla.Di"an o istd estinteoed n du pt raveliinnttgoh eU nderworld secttesa cthh atth Uen derworilsadm azec,o nsisatf­ttehre dyi edA.tt het imoef t hediera teha,c ihn ­ ingof n o6t but1 0le veglosv,e rnbeyd1 0p owerfudli vidupaasls tehsr ouwghha tt he ancDiaeonits ts kings. lEeavchehal s n umerocuhsa mbewrhse,r e call"etdh Geh osGta teT.h"i msa gicpaals sageway thes oulosft hed eada ret aketnoa tonfeo trh eiri nttoh eU nderworilsad s piriptouratlat hla,dt i ­ Earthsliyn asn,d w hernee wl"yt ransforomre dv"i detshp eh ysiwcoarll fdr otmh se pitruiawlo rlIdn. "purifisepidr"ai rtmesa der eady tfhoerni erx itn ­Daoist MRaigtiucta hlGe, h osGta tiest raditionally carnat(iFoing u1r5.e)A .cc orditnotg h ese anclioecnatta ettd h eNo rth-Ecaosrtn oefrt hea ltsapra ce. Daoitseta chitnhge1s ,0K ingosft heU nderworld TwoY inY-angG uard(s" Escoorft stU hned er­ araec tuatlhlseyp irimtaunailf estaotfti hoe"n 1s 0w orlds"t)a nadtt hee ntranocft eh igsa taen da re DirectiLoonradlos f S alvatfioortn h eS ufferionfgt erne quirteocd h aiann dd ratgh eg hosttost he Soul(si". teh.et, e nm anifestoaftL ioorndT a iY i, CelestCioaulr t. 11

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