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Daoism: A Guide for the Perplexed PDF

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A GUIDFEO R THE PERPLEXED Daoism LOUISK OMJATHY BL O O M S B U R Y LONDON · NEW DELHl· NEW YORK · SYDNEY L _________ _ BloomsbuArcya demic An imprionftB loomsbuPruyb lishPiincg 50B edforSdq uare 138B5r oadway London New York WC1B 3DP NY 10018 UK USA www.bloomsbury.com Bloomsburiysa r egisetdet rradmea rko fB loomsburPyu blishPiincg Firpsutb lish2e0d1 4 © Louis Komj2a0t1h4y , Imagpee rmissi©o Cnso verL:o uis KomjFaitgh6.y. ;2L :i viKaoh n; Fig6.. 3M:i chaSeal soF;i g8.. 1L:o uiKso mjatahnyd K atTeo wnsend; Fig9.. 1B:ri tiTsaho iAssts ociation. LouiKso mjathhays a ssertedr ihgihustn detrh eC opyrigDhets,i gnasn d PatenAtcst 1,9 88t,ob ei dentiafsiA eudt hoorft hiwso rk. Alrli ghrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hipsu blicamtaiyob ne r eproducoerd transmititnae ndyf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectroonrmi ecc hanical, includpihnogt ocopyriencgo,r dionrag n,y i nformatsitoonr aogre retriesvyaslt emw,i thopurti opre rmissiinown r itifnrgo mt hep ublishers. No responsibfiollrio tscysa usetdo a nyi ndiviodruo arlg anizaatcitoinn g ono rr efraininagc tfiraoosnma resuolftt hem ateriiantl h ipsu blication canb ea cceptbeydB loomsbuorrty h ea uthor. BritiLsihb raCrayt alogui-nPgu-bilnicaDtaitoan A catalogrueceo rfdo trh ibso oki sa vailafbrloemt heB ritiLsihb rary. ISBNH:B :9 78-1-44115-795-9 PB:9 78-1-441151-45- 8 ePDF9: 78-11-1434-942 1- ePub9:7 8-1-44113-468-4 LibraorfCy onrgesCsa taloginugb-liinc-aPtDiaotna A catalroegc orfdo tr hibso oki sa vailablet hfeLr iobmr aorfCy o ngress. TypesebytN ewgenK nowledWgoer ksWil lI! naiI,n dia Printaenddb ound.i.l �Q/F�/Q�FLQ,� Qx{p;JPio{p;J rrg,� \J/F{p;Jo Tok nowt haotn ed oenso tk nowi sb esnto;tt ok nowt hat onei sk nowiinssg i cknIetis sso .n lbyy b einsgi cokfs ickness thaotn ec easbeesi nsgi ck. 1t-=f, Laozi ch7.7 PJ/F*\l1�fA�fi�f::f?� FJ:l'��B�,� J.0?\J /F�M�, 1�Jt/F��ri16,A /G�o Wem ays ayt hatth eirsea greaats piramtaiyow ne,n ot? Whyn oti nquaibroeu itt W?h ya citn s ucphe rpleIxwfi etuy s?e unperplteoxd iitsypp eelr pleaxnidrt eyt utrnon on-perplexity, thiwsi lbelt hger eatneosnt- rppelexity. M-=f, Zhuangzic h2.4 CONTENTS Conventions VIII LiosftF igurxie s IntroduOcntg iuoind:a anncdpe e rplex1 ity 1 Tradit1i5o n 2 Communi4t1y 3 Ident5i9t y 4 View7 9 5 Personh1o05o d 6 Practi13c1e 7 Experie1n6c1 e 8 Plac1e8 1 9 Moderni2t01y Biibolghrya2 p27 Inde2x4 9 CONVENTIONS Thep resbeonotuk t iltirzaedsi tCihoinnacelhs aer acmtoedresr;n Mandarpirno nunciPaitniyoRinonsm ;a nizawtiitoohcn c,a sional rerfeentcoWe a de-Gihliesst;o preirciaold ibzaastoeindCo hnni ese dynasatnidse tsa;n deadrn duimzebrisnygs tfeomDrsa oitsetx tual collecbtaisooenndms y T tilIen dteoDx a oiCsoetlc lti(oThnrsee PinPerse 2ss02,0) . Chniese orhyii ssdt ivideod t hiefno lltowidnygn satiaensd periso.d Shan(gc 1a.06 0-0145B CE) Zho(u01 45-2B5C6E ) Western/(0E14a5r-7l7y1B C E) Eaesrtn/L(a7t17e-r2 5B6C E) SprianngAd u tum(n70 7-48B0C E) WarriSntga t(e4s8 02-2B2 CE) Qin( 212-206B CE) Han( 20B2C E2-20C E) Wesrtne/Elay( r220B CE-C9E ) Eaesrtna/tLe(r2 52-20) SiDxy nast/iPeesroifDo di suonn( i22508-19 ) Su(i5 81-618) Tang( 681-907) FivDey ntaisaensTd e nK ingdom(s9 -09779) Son(g9 602-719) North(e9r6n0 1-271) Southe(r1n71 -12279) Yua(n21 60-1368) Min(g1 683-1644) Qign( 1464-1911) RepubolfCi hci n(a11 19-41949;9 -) People's oRfCe hpiun(ba9l1 4i9c- ) CONVENTIONS ix Thef ollowaibnbgr eviaartueis oefndos ir m portDaanoti tsxetut al collections. DH Dunuhanmga nuispctrs DZ Zhengtdoanogzg aa nndX ud aozang JH Daozajningug ah JHLD aozajnignu gah lu JY Daozajnigy ao XB Daozaxnubgi an ZH Zhognhuad aozang ZW Zagnwadia oshu In ortdoae vro iudnn ecescsoamrpyl e,x hiIat vyneo tr efeerde nc exatnt translautniloemnssys, t ransliastb iaosneo dn t ehm. Itneresrteeaddm earysr evimeyw" DaoTiesxtti sn T rnaslation" (0203w)h,i cphr oviad ceosm preheannnsoitvaect,ae dlt oagouef Daoitsetx ttrsas nleadtt od ataen di tfso rctohmgi snupplement. Unleostsh eriwnicdsaeit eadlt,lr anosnlasar tmeiy o wn. Theb ook uaslestsoh f eol lowaibnbgr eviations: abbr. abbreviated b. born BCE Beofrteh Ceo mmoEnr a c. century ca. CIrca CE CommoEnr a d. compare d. deid dat. dated d.u. dateusn konwn est. established jaun( scroll) J. perc.o mm.p ersocnoamlm unication r. ruled tard. traditional tr.l traantseld Generaslpleya kiwnhge,n" ch.a"p peawrist hoaudtd ointlai inorfmatiioitn n,cd aitcehsa ptientr hspe r esent book. x CONVENTIONS Note 1 Ast hnea messu gegstt,hse o -caPlelreidoo fDd i sunaisow ne lalst he FivDey nastainedTs e nK ingdoamrsee xtremceolmyp laenxdc onsist ofm any difdfyenraesnttTi heisas.l siost ruoef t heS ondgy nasty, whicahc tuaelxliys ctoendc urrweinttthlh yr oeteh e"rn on-Chinese" dynastKiheistL:ai na Toa,n guXti xiaan,dJ urchJeinn . LITS OFF IGURES 01. SevPeenr disao ndF ouDri sviioonfDs a oiHsistt or9y 1.1L atIemp earliD epicotfiZ ohnag nD aolgi 1n8 2.1E arCleyls etiMaals teCrosm mnuitOyr agnaitzio4n8 3.1D aoiLsotc ated6n1e ss 3.2L ienagCeo nnectiEoanrsOl ryig nnazi eDda ois6m8 3.3Y anXgi R eceiRveivnaegtl nisof roWma ngJziin 7 3 3.4S evOernd inaRtanikoosnf tTahnegM onasStyisct e7m6 4.1C lacsasalin Fdo undatDiaooniCasolts omgony89 4.2T heT hereP utriie1s0 1 5.1T heB odays M outnai1n1 0 5.2T heD aoiAslcth emiBcoadly1 24 6.1I gnestSionlgEa frf ulge1n4c4e s 6.2T wentoyu-Nrfo deDsa oyi1n53 6.3Z haung-CDheenng yPuenrr fmoiJniga o-off1e56r ing 71. TrnasmisosfiS ocnr ipt1u72r es 8.1L ongmdeonn (gDr agoGna tGer otnteora;L onxgian, Shaanx1i86 ) 8.2T radtiioDnaaoli Tsemtp lAer chiteacntdLua ryeo u1t9 8 9.1F ounidnMge mbeorfts h Ber itTiasohiA ssts ocia2t2i1o n

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