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Madrono, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 283 284, 2011 DEDICATION DANIEL CRAWFORD J. TheCalifornia Botanical Societydedicatesthisvolume and morphology ofMexican Coreopsis. He quickly was ofMadrono to Daniel J. Crawford,whoisrenowned not promoted to Associate Professor (1973) and served as only for his studies of Coreopsis in California, western actingHeadofthe DepartmentofBotanyatWyomingin North America, Mexico and elsewhere, but also is 1974 and 1976. acclaimed highly as a pioneering molecular plant While at Laramie, Dan was secretary of Phytochem- systematist and an influential botanical role model. ical Section ofthe Botanical Society ofAmerica (1975- Dan was born in Columbus Junction, Iowa in 1942 1976) and a member ofthe education committee (1978). and spent his early life on a farmwhere hewas intrigued He also began a systematic study of Chenopodium, bytheinterestingassortmentofroadsideandagricultural publishing more than a half dozen papers from 1973- weeds growing in the vicinity of his rural home. A 1977 on the cytology, flavonoid chemistry, morphology devoted Hawkeye, he formalized his botanical training and seed protein profiles for several species. Occasion- by pursuing three successive degrees at the University of ally, apaperwouldappearonagroup uncharacteristicof Iowa. He received a B.A. degree in General Science in Dan's usual focus, such as his chemical and morpholog- 1964andinjusttwoyears,completedanimpressiveM.S. ical studies ofPopidus aeumiuatiis (1974) and Arceutho- degree(1966) focusingonthe Umbelhferae ofIowa. Dan bium (1979). Such papers disclose Dan's keen scientific continued his graduate studies under the supervision of curiosity, which surely accounts for much ofhis success. Thomas E. Melchert and completed a Ph.D. degree in His seed protein research logically led to allozyme botanywithinthreeyears(1969), a remarkablefeatgiven analyses, which quickly propelled him to the forefront that his dissertation involved a complex analysis of of research in plant evolutionary systematics where he Mexican Coreopsis, which incorporated cytological, rapidly gained recognition as a worldwide authority. morphological and newly emerging 'chemosystematic' Dan's first allozyme paper (on Chenopodium) appeared approaches. in 1977, co-authored by his post-doc Hugh Wilson. Dan began his career in the right place at the right By virtue of his novel and exceptionally perceptive tGiimaen.naWshiilwehoatwaU.s sItouwday,inhgethoevefrllaavpopneodidwsiytshteDmaatviicds Eo.f winovrikt,atiDoann'tsorTaphiedlyOheisocalSattaitneg rUenpiuvteartsiitoyn raessualteVdisiintianng the genus Dahlia and the two became lifelong friends, eventually co-authoring a number ofimportant chemo- AasbssoecnicaetefrPormofWeyssoomrsihnipg,dfuorrinwghithceh1h9e77t-o1o9k78aalceaadveemiocf systematicpapers. Their advisorT. E. Melchert, a recent graduate of the University of Texas, had studied the year. However, in 1977, the botanist from Columbus cytology and chemosystematics of the composite genus JunctionmovedtoColumbus, Ohio tojointhe faculty of Thelesperma under the supervision of noted synanther- The Ohio State University permanently, where he oEl.ogAilssttBoinlliweeLreeewTeulrln-ekrn.oTwunrnteorDaanndhbiysctohlelepalgeutehoRraalpohf pardovdaunccteidveto20fuylleaprrsofatesOsoSrUinbe1f9o8r0e. rDeatinrinsgpeinnt2a00n0.ultra- chemosystematic studies they published in such presti- gious journals as Nature, PNAS and Scienee. In 1966 Melchert arranged for Dan to meet with Alston and Turner during a collecting trip to Mexico. That meeting between the 24-year-old botanist from Iowa and the two researchers at Austin must have been remarkably inspiring. Motivated by his advisor who was grappling with the precise delimitation ofvarious genera within the Coreopsidineae, Dan found himself in the midst of two legendary botanists whose cutting-edge molecular research provided a tantalizing solution to elusive systematic problems. Dan has pursued a molec- ular approach to his systematic research ever since. However, he never abandoned his Levis or casual observations of country roadside flowers, but simply added a lab coat and laboratory bench to his repertoire. Incidentally, the lab coat remained a hallmark through- outhiscareerandasastudent, I neversawhim inthelab without it. Dan's expertise immediately secured him a job as assistant professor at the University of Wyoming, Laramiein 1969. Itwastherethathisprolificpublication record began with his first paper appearing in 1969 on a new species ofCoreopsisfrom Mexico; shortly afterward he published several additional papers from his disserta- tion, which dealt with the cytology, flavonoid chemistry MADRONO 284 [Vol. 58 At the Ohio State University, Danjoined forces with accompanying photo (provided byT. F. Stuessy) should anotherB. L. TurnergraduateandemergingCompositae remind everyone that he is not simply a laboratory researcher. Tod F. Stuessy. Dan and Tod went on to scientistbyanymeans,despitethehighlytechnicalnature spearhead incredibly insightful research on the evolution ofhiswork.Ithinkthatthisphilosophyisonereasonwhy of insular species by their collaborative work focusing hehasbeenabletogetalongwellwithpeopleworkingin on the flora of the Juan Fernandez Islands. The two justaboutanyfieldofbiology. Healwayshasheldadeep continue to collaborate and their joint research has respect for the work that others have contributed to his yielded dozens of articles encompassing nearly a own studies and he always has valued the incorporation thousand citations. This body of work has provided of diverse data sources in his own research. Such is acute insight into the evolution ofnumerous genera on exemplified by his lengthy collaboration with G. J. these islands. Dan's more recent work has involved the Anderson (University of Connecticut), who provided Canary Islands, where he has focused on Tolpis theadditionaldimension ofbreedingsystem information (Asteraceae) and the conservation ofthe flora. to Dan's work on theevolution ofisland plants. Certainly one of the most amazing aspects of Dan's Dan's career has been studded with accolades, which career has been his ability to keep pace with the newly include the presidencies of ASPT (1988) and Botanical emerging technical developments in plant systematics. Society ofAmerica (1996). In 1997 hewas giventheAsa He has established himself in every emerging field, Grayaward,whichrepresentsthemostprestigioushonor transitioningsmoothlyfromflavonoidchemosystematics bestowed byASPT. Appropriately, he waspresented the to allozyme analyses, and ultimately to various macro- Alston Award for best phytochemical paper at the 1983 molecular (DNA-based) approaches. As a result, Dan's Botanical Society meetings. He received the BSA merit iwsneocqroukernpcohiranasgt,iniganncsdluucRdheAddPivDaesnrseainamapplrpyesresossa.icvhHeeesaairssrakRynFoLowPfn,sfDtouNrdAihei-ss aCCaawllaiirffdoorrnniiinaa1Bc9oo9tn9anneicactnaidlonSasociCineecntltyuedanennidmaelCmablAeiwfraosrrhnidipasiNnaitn2i0bv0oe6t.PhlHatinhste many excellent review articles, which began in 1978 with Society as well as service on the Editorial Board of ^"Flavonoidchemistry andangiosperm evolution^ In 1985 Madrono from 1976-1981. After retiring from Ohio hewroteareviewentitled Electrophoreticdataandplant State, Dan secured an adjunct faculty position at the sopfecailaltoizoynm\ewdhaitcah apnrdesetnhteeird iantceormpprerteahteinons.ivTehseynatrhteiscilse University ofKansas. Hecontinuestobeextraordinarily lhieterpaullbylihsahsebdeetnhecitbeodoka:huPnldarnetdMtoilmeesc.ulWairthiSynsftievmeatyiecasr:s porvoedruc2t0i0veraensdearccurhreanrttlicyleiss.crHedeiteadlswoitihs tiwnovoblovoedkswaintdh Macromolecularapproaches, whichwas highlyinfluential "PlantingScience.org", which helps high school students inAtlhatthostuigllhdheevehlaospicnogntfireilbd.uted a significant amount of beIcormeemfeammbielirarvwiviitdhlyscimeynce.arrival at The Ohio State taxonomic literature, Dan's true interests lie in the University in 1980. When I first saw Dan miUing about elucidation of plant speciation. Much of that interest in his lab coat he terrified me. His research was derived from his studies in Coreopsis of closely related spectacular and the intensely cerebral level of his species pairs such as C. basilistC. wrightii, C. giganteatC. graduate courses stunned me as well. In many ways maritima, C. nuecensislC. nuecensoidesandvarietiesofC. I'msurethatIfeltmuchlikehedidin 1966,awestruckby cyclocarpa. Dan has been a strong proponent of plant an encounter with one of the greatest personalities in evolutionary study and has done much to encourage all of systematic botany. However, I soon learned that others to pursue research in this area. In 2000, he wrote behind the serious facade of a seasoned researcher was an article entitled: ""Plant MacromolecularSystematics in thesoul ofanabsolutelywonderfulperson, unrivaledfor the Past 50 Years: One View"", which urged a more his compassion, thoughtfulness and inspiration. He also thorough study of "evolutionary processes and specia- liked professional wrestling! Dan's scholarship provided tion" using DNA data. a contagious air of "friendly academic competition" Aside from Coreopsis and island plants, Dan has among his grad students. By his example, we all worked studied a wide variety of other species in conjunction feverishly on our projects, each one of us wanting to with a broad list ofcollaborators including many ofhis achieve the same level of success as scientists, and also students and post-docs encompassing an amazing hopingto gain his seal ofapproval. Hewasthevery best assortment of genera including Antennaria, Bidens, advisor anyone could hope for. Billie Turner (now 87) Calamagrostis, Calliopsis, Coreocarpus, Coreopsis, recently conveyed to me these words: "Dan has always Lenma, Mahrya, Monarda, Paeonia, Polygonella, beenoneofmyfavoriteacademicsand,whatelse,human Sonchus, Tetramolopium, Trifolium, Trillium, Vittadinia being. A fine example for man kind." How can I say it and Wolffiella as some examples. any better? Dan has long been an advocate of collaborative research, believing that molecular studies are most Donald H. Les meaningful when coupled with more "traditional" Professor ofEcology & Evolutionary Biology approaches,especiallyfieldwork. Hehascollectedseveral University ofConnecticut thousand plant specimens during his career and the Storrs, CT

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