Dancing Earth on the Women’s Stories of Healing through Dance 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 1 11.02.11 16:59 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 2 11.02.11 16:59 Dancing Earth on the Women’s Stories of Healing through Dance Edited by Johanna Leseho, Ph.D. & Sandra McMaster, M.Ed. 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 3 11.02.11 16:59 © Johanna Leseho, Sandra McMaster 2011 The right of Johanna Leseho and Sandra McMaster to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998. Published in 2010 by Findhorn Press, Scotland ISBN 978-1-84409-545-2 All rights reserved. The contents of this book may not be reproduced in any form, except for short extracts for quotation or review, without the written permission of the publisher. A CIP record for this title is available from the British Library. Edited by Shari Mueller Cover & Interior design by Damian Keenan Drawings by Sandra McMaster Printed and bound in the European Union 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Published by Findhorn Press 117-121 High Street, Forres IV36 1AB, Scotland, UK t +44 (0)1309 690582 f +44 (0)131 777 2711 e [email protected] www.findhornpress.com 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 4 11.02.11 16:59 Contents Introduction - Dancing on the Earth .............................................................................9 1 God Loves Us When We Dance: Creative Movement as an Agent for Transformation - Johanna Leseho ................................................11 2 Contact Improvisation as Metaphor for Relationship to Self and Other - Jolie Pate ...............................................................23 3 Dance, Destiny, and Love - Bonney Meyer ...............................................................34 4 Liturgical Dance as an Avenue to God - Kathryn Mihelick ...........................51 5 Dancing the Goddess Tara: Praise Her, Embody Her, Discover Your Own Perfection - Prema Dasara ...................................................66 6 Dancing with (Dis) Abilities - Sharon Took-Zozaya ..........................................81 7 Why I Dance, to Heal - Opeyemi Parham .................................................................94 8 Trance Dance as a Portal to One’s Self Knowledge - Sandra McMaster ...........................................................................105 9 Dancing for Peace - Rhavina Schertenleib ..............................................................112 10 Sun Dancing as Service to Mother Earth and All of Creation - Barbara Waterfall ...................................................................123 11 Women’s Ritual Dances: An Ancient Source of Healing in Our Times - Laura Shannon ...........................................................138 12 Kathak, Dance of Healing - Deepti Gupta ............................................................158 13 Healing and Community Building Through the Art of Hula - Māhealani Uchiyama ...............................................171 14 Dancing Lotuses - Shahrazad Catharina Huisman .........................................182 15 Transcendental Healing Dance - Iris J. Stewart ................................................196 Notes ...............................................................................................................................................206 Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................215 Photo Credits ...........................................................................................................................220 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 5 11.02.11 16:59 DeDication To the dancer in us all. May you connect to the rhythm of your own sweet wisdom. acknowleDgements his book has been a collaborative effort, from the time of its birthing to publi- T cation. We would like first to thank the women who joined us in this project, offering their stories, time and patience. Acknowledgement for patience also goes to our editor, Sabine Weekes and her team as we maneuvered through this process for the first time. We are grateful she and the folks at Findhorn Press helped this book to find its voice. A special thanks to Di Brandt for her editing support at the conception of this project and to Laurie Block who was invaluable as we brought it to comple- tion. And finally we express our heartfelt gratitude to our partners, Laurie Block and George McMaster, who provided support, encouragement and belief in our abilities to bring these stories forth. Blessings, J. L. and S. M. January, 2011 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 6 11.02.11 16:59 I am happy even before I have a reason. I am full of Light even before the sky Can greet the sun or the moon. Dear companions, We have been in love with the Divine For so very, very long. What can we now do but Forever Dance! —Hafiz 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 7 11.02.11 16:59 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 8 11.02.11 16:59 introDuction Dancing on the Earth HIS BooK IS ABoUT HEALING through connection and reconnec- T tion with our bodies. It is about the power of dance. The title, Dancing on the Earth, speaks to the desire and need to connect with our bodies by finding that which grounds us and brings us to our center. Contributors to this book come from around the globe, bringing with them different languages, experiences, training, and world- views. Each of the authors offers both a different form of dance as well as a different perspective on movement and its relationship to healing. The word “healing” is defined in numerous ways. For some it could entail a new way of viewing a situation, for others an ability to deal with life’s circumstances, and for still others it would embody a full and unequivocal cure from dis-ease. As therapists, we see healing as a process or journey towards awareness, growth, and a new way of being in the world. The purpose of this book is to share the impact of dance on the lives of women and to offer it also as a tool that therapists can suggest to their clients. Expressive therapies enhance talk therapy and dance can be a powerful path to healing for some. We can, whether through dance or some other form of expression, discover a connection to something larger than ourselves that has the power to carry us forward. Each of us was called to this book from different paths in which dance has influ- enced and inspired our lives. In the coming together of these stories is the story of all women who have felt silenced, depressed, or who have yearned to “be at home” in their skin, to find happiness and to connect with that which is Spirit. In her chapter, “Liturgical Dance as an Avenue to God,” Kathryn Mihelick shares the following in- sight, “The non-verbal, visceral, experiential nature of movement makes it a language 9 545-2_DOE-INT_FNL.indd 9 11.02.11 16:59