D - meson production at very forward rapidities: estimating the intrinsic charm contribution. F. Carvalho†, A.V. Giannini‡, V.P. Gon¸calves§ and F.S. Navarra‡ Universidade Federal de S˜ao Paulo † CEP 01302-907, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo ‡ C.P. 66318, 05315-970 S˜ao Paulo, SP, Brazil and Instituto de F´ısica e Matema´tica, § Universidade Federal de Pelotas Caixa Postal 354, CEP 96010-900, Pelotas, RS, Brazil 7 WestudyD - meson production at forward rapidities taking intoaccount thenon -linear effects 1 in the QCD dynamics and the intrinsic charm (IC) component of the proton wave function. The 0 total cross section, the rapidity distributions and the Feynman - x distributions are calculated 2 for pp collisions at different center of mass energies. Our results show that, at the LHC, the n intrinsic charm component changes the D rapidity distributions in a region which is beyond the a coverage of the LHCb detectors. At higher energies the IC component dominates the y and xF J distributions exactly in the range where the produced D mesons decay and contribute themost to 9 theprompt atmospheric neutrino fluxmeasured bytheICECUBE Collaboration. Wecompute the 2 xF -distributionsanddemonstratethattheyareenhancedbyafactor2.2–3inthe0.2 xF 0.8 ≤ ≤ range. Asa consequence,we predictan enhancement of theprompt neutrinofluxgenerated bythe ] intrinsic charm component. h p - PACSnumbers: p Keywords: Intrinsiccharm,Particleproduction,ColorGlassCondensateFormalism e h [ 1 v 1 5 I. INTRODUCTION 4 8 0 The production of heavy states in pp/pA/AA collisions is an important part of the physics program at the LHC . and future colliders [1]. One of the reasons to study heavy quark production is that it is expected to be sensitive to 1 the non- lineareffects ofthe QCDdynamics [2–6],whicharepredictedto be enhancedatforwardrapidites. Another 0 7 reason is that the understanding of the open heavy meson production is fundamental to estimate the magnitude of 1 the prompt neutrino contribution to the atmospheric neutrino flux [7–10]. The latter is an important background : for the astrophysical neutrino flux that can be measured by ICECUBE [11]. As demonstrated e.g. in Ref. [10], the v main contribution to the prompt neutrino flux comes from open heavy meson production at very forward rapidities, i X beyond that reached at the LHC, where new effects may be present. r One of the possible new effects that can contribute to open heavy meson production at forward rapidities is the a presence of intrinsic heavy quarks in the hadron wave function (For recent reviews see, e.g. Refs. [12, 13]). Heavy quarks in the sea of the proton can be perturbatively generated b y gluon splitting. Quarks generated in this way are usually denoted extrinsic heavy quarks. In contrast, the intrinsic heavy quarks have multiple connections to the valence quarks of the proton and thus are sensitive to its nonperturbative structure. Most of the charm content of the proton sea is extrinsic and comes from the DGLAP [14] evolution of the initial gluon distribution. This process is wellunderstoodinperturbativeQCD.The existence ofthe intrinsiccharm(IC)componentwasfirstproposedlong ago in Ref. [15] (see also Ref. [16]) and since then other models for IC have been discussed. In the original model [15, 17], the creation of the cc pair was studied in detail. It was assumed that the nucleon light cone wave function has higher Fock states, one of them being qqqcc >. The probability of finding the nucleon | in this configurationis given by the inverse of the squared invariantmass of the system. Because of the heavy charm mass, this probability as a function of the quark fractional momentum, P(x), is very hard, as compared to the one obtainedthroughtheDGLAP evolution. Intheliteraturethis modelis knownasBHPS.Amoredynamicalapproach is given by the meson cloud model (MC). In this model, the nucleon fluctuates into an intermediate state composed by a charmed baryon plus a charmed meson [18, 19]. The charm is always confined in one hadron and carries the largest part of its momentum. In the hadronic description we can use effective lagrangians to compute the charm splittingfunctions,whichturnouttofavorhardercharmquarksthanthe DGLAPones. Themaindifferencebetween 2 1 10 0 10 )c10-1 m 4 = -2 Q 10 x, xf(10-3 no IC -4 BHPS2 10 MC2 SL2 -5 10 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 x FIG. 1: Predictions of the different intrinsic charm models for the x - dependence of the charm (lower red curves) and gluon (upperblack curves) distributions as obtained by theCTEQ Collaboration [21]. the BHPS and MC models is that the latter predicts that the charm and anticharm distributions are distinct, which generates a difference in the momentum distributions of D+ and D− [20]. The intrinsic charm (IC) component of the proton wave function was considered in the global analysis performed in 2006 by the CTEQ collaboration [21]. In this update the CTEQ group determined the shape and normalization of the IC distribution in the same way as they do for other parton species. In fact, they find several IC distributions which were compatible with the world data. Apart from the already mentioned BHPS and meson cloud models, the CTEQ group has tested another model of intrinsic charm, called sea-like IC. It consists basically in assuming that at a very low resolution (before the DGLAP evolution) there is already some charm in the nucleon, which has a typical sea quark momentum distribution ( 1/√x) with normalization to be fixed by fitting data. The resulting ≃ charmdistributions are presented in Fig. 1 (lower red curves), where the no IC curve represents the standardCTEQ prediction, obtained disregarding the presence of intrinsic charm in the initial condition of the evolution. The BHPS and MC models predict a large enhancement of the distribution at large x (> 0.1). In contrast, the sea - like (SL) model predicts a smaller enhancement at large x, but a larger one at smaller x (< 0.2). In Fig. 1 we also present the corresponding gluon distributions (upper black curves). Due to the momentum sum rule, the gluon distribution is also modified by the inclusion of intrinsic charm. In particular, the BHPS and MC models imply a suppression in the gluon distribution at large x (For a more detailed discussion see e.g. Ref. [22]). As we will show below, this modification in xg has important implications in the D - meson production at forward rapidities. The large enhancement at large - x in the charm distribution, associated to intrinsic charm, has motivated a large number of phenomenological studies to confirm the presence (or absence) of this component in the hadron wave function. One of the most direct consequences is that the intrinsic charmcomponent gives rise to heavy mesons with large fractional momenta relative to the beam particles, affecting the Feynman - x (x ) and rapidity distribution F of charmed particles. This aspect was explored e.g. in Refs. [23–25]). Moreover, the presence of intrinsic charm changes the Higgs [26] and photon production [27] at high x . Over the last two years, new parametrizations of F the IC distribution were released [28, 29], motivating an intense debate about the amount of IC in the proton wave function [29, 30]. At the same time new implications of IC were discussed [31, 32]. Additionally, the proposal of constructing a high energy and high luminosity fixed-target experiment using the LHC beams (AFTER@LHC) [33] motivated new theoretical studies about the possibility of measuring the intrinsic charm component of the nucleon [12]. Finally,theeffectofIConthe atmosphericneutrinofluxmeasuredbyICECUBEwasaddressedinRefs. [34,35] considering different phenomenological models for the treatment of the intrinsic component. In this paper we revisit D - meson production at forward rapidities in hadronic collisions, which probes particle production at large x . In this case, the kinematics is very asymmetric, with the hadrons in the final state emerging F from collisions of projectile partons with large light cone momentum fractions (x 1) with target partons carrying p → a very small momentum fraction (x 0). As a consequence, we have the scattering of a dilute projectile on a t ≪ dense target, where the small-x effects coming from the non-linearaspects of QCD and from the physics of the Color 3 GlassCondensate(CGC) [36]areexpectedto appearandthe usualfactorizationformalismis expectedto breakdown [3]. The satisfactory description of the experimental data in this kinematical region with the CGC approach [37–39] indicates that the CGC is the appropriateframeworkto study particle productioninthe largerapidity region. Along this line, in [24] the formalism proposedin [37] for light mesonproduction was generalizedto D-mesonproduction in pp and pA collisions at forwardrapidities, including intrinsic charmquarks in the projectile wave function. Recently, the basic equation proposed in Ref. [24] was reobtained in Ref. [6]. In Ref. [24] we have presented predictions for the p distributions ofD mesonsatlargerapiditiesconsideringpp andpAcollisionsatRHIC andLHC energies. Our T results indicated that the presence of intrinsic charm strongly modifies the p - spectra. However, a shortcoming of T Ref. [24] is that the gluonic contribution to D - meson production, associated to the g +g c+c¯ channel, was → not included in a systematic way. Basically, this contribution was considered as a background and was estimated considering the standard PYTHIA predictions. One of the main goals of this paper is to consistently include this contribution,takingintoaccountthenon-lineareffectsintheQCDdynamicsatsmallx,aswellasthe modifications at large x in the gluon distribution predicted by the different IC models. We will present predictions for the total cross section and rapidity distribution considering pp - collisions at LHC energies and compare them with the recent experimentaldata. Inparticular,wewillestimatetherapidityregionwheretheICcontributionislarger. Anothergoal is to estimate the impact ofthe IC componentonthe x - distributions,which arethe maininput in the calculations F of the prompt neutrino flux. We will present our predictions for this distribution considering LHC and Ultra - High Cosmic Rays (UHECR) energies and demonstrate that the x behavior is strongly modified in the x 0.2 range. F F ≥ This paper is organized as follows. In next Section we will present a brief review of the main ingredients used in our calculation of D - meson production at forward rapidities and large x . In particular, we review the approach F proposed in Ref. [24] for the intrinsic component and the dipole picture of heavy quark production in gluonic interactions developed in Refs. [40, 41] and applied at the LHC in Ref. [4]. Both contributions will be expressed in terms of the dipole - nucleon scattering amplitude, which we will assume to be given by the model proposed in Ref. [38]andrecentlyupdatedtodescribethe recentLHC dataonforwardparticleproductioninppcollisionsinRef. [39]. In Section III we present our results for the total cross section and rapidity distribution and compare with recent experimental data. The impact of the IC contribution is estimated and the optimal kinematical range to probe its presence is determined. Moreover, we estimate the x - distribution considering pp collisions at LHC and UHECR F energies. Finally, in Section IV we summarize our main conclusions. II. D - MESON PRODUCTION AT FORWARD RAPIDITIES In what follows we will address prompt D - meson production, disregarding the contribution from the decay of heaviermesons. Inthis case,the D - mesonproductionis determinedby the crosssectionofheavyquarkproduction, which is usually described in the collinear or k -factorization frameworks of QCD. Using collinear factorization, T charm production is described in terms of the basic subprocesses of gluon fusion (g +g c+c) and light quark- → antiquark fusion (q +q c+c), with the latter being negligible at high energies. The elementary cross section → computedtoleadingorder(LO)ornext-to-leadingorder(NLO)isfoldedwiththecorrespondingpartondistributions and fragmentation functions. This is the basic procedure in most of the calculations performed, for instance, with the standard codes PYTHIA and MCFM. However,at small x collinear factorization should be generalized to resum powersofα ln(s/q2),whereq isthetransversemomentumofthefinalstateand√sisthecenterofmassenergy. This s T T resummationis done in the k -factorizationframework,where the cross sectionis expressedin terms of unintegrated T gluondistributionswhicharedeterminedbytheQCDdynamicsatsmall-x(Forrecentresultsseee.g. Ref. [42]). The presence of non - linear effects in the QCD dynamics is expected to have impact on heavy quark production at high energies [2–5], leading to the breakdown of the k -factorization [3, 43]. T One way to study heavy quark production in gluon - gluon interactions is the color dipole formalism developed in Refs. [40,41],whichallowsustotakeintoaccountthenon-lineareffectsintheQCDdynamicsaswellashigherorder corrections[44]. The basic idea ofthis approachis that, before interacting with the hadrontarget,a gluonis emitted bytheprojectileandfluctuatesintoacoloroctetpairQQ¯. ThedipolepictureofHQproductionisrepresentedinFig. 2 (left panel). Taking into account that the heavy quarks in the dipole as well the incident gluon (before fluctuating into the pair) can interact with the target, the rapidity distribution for a h h collision can be expressed as follows 1 2 [41]: dσ(h h QQ¯ X) 1 2 →{ } =x Gh1(x ,µ2)σ(Gh QQ¯ X) , (1) dy 1 1 F 2 →{ } where x G (x ,µ ) is the projectile gluon distribution, the cross section σ(Gh QQ¯ X) describes heavy quark 1 p 1 F 2 → { } production in a gluon - nucleon interaction, y is the rapidity of the pair and µ is the factorization scale. Moreover, F 4 FIG.2: ContributionstoD-mesonproductionatforwardrapidities. Leftpanel: Contributionfromgluon-gluoninteractions. Right panel: Contribution from charm in theinitial state. the cross section of the process G+h QQ¯X is given by: 2 → 1 σ(Gh2 →{QQ¯}X)=Z dαZ d2ρ |ΨG→QQ¯(α,ρ)|2 σqhq¯2G(α,ρ) (2) 0 where α (α¯ 1 α) is the longitudinal momentum fraction carried by the quark (antiquark), ρ~ is the transverse separation of≡the−pair, ΨG→QQ¯ is the light-cone (LC) wave function of the transition G → QQ¯ (which is calculable perturbatively andis proportionalto α ) andσh2 is the scatteringcrosssectionofa colorneutral quark-antiquark- s QQ¯G gluon system on the hadron target h [40, 41, 44]. The three - body cross section is given in terms of the dipole - 2 nucleon cross section σ as follows: qq¯ 9 1 σh2 (α,ρ)= [σ (αρ)+σ (α¯ρ)] σ (ρ) . (3) qq¯G 8 qq¯ qq¯ − 8 qq¯ The dipole - nucleon cross section can be expressed in terms of the forward scattering amplitude (x,ρ), which is N determined by the QCD dynamics and constrained by the HERA data, as follows: σ (x,ρ)=σ (x,ρ) (4) qq¯ 0 N where σ is a free parameter usually determined by a fit of the HERA data. In the dipole picture the heavy quark 0 production cross section is associated to gluon - gluon interactions and it is determined by the projectile gluon distribution and by the model assumed for the dipole - nucleon scattering amplitude. Moreover, it depends on the values of the charmmass and of the running coupling constant α . Finally, in order to estimate the correspondingD s - meson cross section we need to convolute the heavy quark cross section with the fragmentation function, for which a model must be chosen. As discussed in the Introduction, the cross sections at forward rapidities are dominated by collisions of projectile partons with large light cone momentum fractions (x 1) with target partons carrying a very small momentum p → fraction (x 0). From light hadron production, we know [45] that in this kinematical range the cross section is t ≪ dominated by the interaction of valence quarks of the projectile with gluons of the target. In other words, the cross section depends on the partonic structure of the projectile at large-x. If the intrinsic charm is present in the proton wave function and strongly modifies the behavior of the corresponding parton distribution at large x, it is natural to expectthatICmaychangetheD-mesonproductioncrosssection. Additionally,asweareprobingverysmallvaluesof x in the target,non- lineareffects inQCD dynamics shouldbe takeninto account. These werethe basic motivations of the study performed in Ref. [24], where we generalizedthe DGLAP CGC factorizationscheme proposed in Ref. ⊗ [37] to estimate the intrinsic charmcontribution(For a recentderivationsee Ref. [6]). In this approachthe projectile (dilute system) evolves according to the linear DGLAP dynamics and the target (dense system) is treated using the CGC formalism. As a consequence the differential cross section of D - meson production associated to charm in the initial state is given by [24] dσ 1 1 dz p = f (x ,q2) σ x , T D z,µ2 . (5) dyd2pT (2π)2 ZxF z2 c/p 1 T 0N (cid:16) 2 z (cid:17) D/c(cid:0) FF(cid:1) e 5 with the variables x e x being defined by x = p2 +m2ey/√s and x = q e±y/√s, where q = p /z. F 1,2 F T 1,2 T T T Moreover,fc/p representstheprojectilecharmdistributpion, DD/c isthe charmfragmentationfunctioninaD -meson and (x,k ) is the Fourier transform of the scattering amplitude (x,ρ). The basic diagram associated to this T N N process is presented in Fig. 2 (right panel). In Ref. [24] we estimated the p - spectra of the D - mesons produced T e at different rapidities in pp and pA collisions at RHIC and LHC energies and demonstrated that the IC component in the proton wave function implies a strong enhancement of the differential cross sections in comparison with the predictions derived disregarding this component. In the next Section we will extend the analysis performed in Ref. [24], calculating the corresponding rapidity and x - distributions and including the contribution of gluon-gluon F interactionstoD-mesonproduction,asgivenbyEq. (1). Inordertobetheoreticallyconsistent,wewillestimateEqs. (1) and (5) using a common pdf set for the gluon and charm distributions as well the same models for the scattering amplitude and fragmentation function. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In what follows we will present our predictions for D-meson production at forward rapidities and large - x F considering the two contributions discussed in the previous Section. In order to calculate the cross sections we need to specify the parametrization used for the parton distributions, the model for the scattering amplitude and the c D fragmentation function. Moreover, the results depend on the charm mass, on the factorization scale and on → the running coupling constant. Let us start discussing the model assumed for the scattering amplitude (x,ρ) and, consequently, for (x,k ). T N N This quantity involves the QCD dynamics at high energies and contains all the information about the initial state e of the hadronic wavefunction and therefore about the non-linearities and quantum effects which are characteristic of a system such as the CGC (For reviews, see e.g. [36]). Formally its evolution is usually described in the mean field approximation of the CGC formalism by the BK equation [46]. Its analytical solution is known only in some special cases. Advances have been made in solving the BK equation numerically [47]. Since the BK equation still lacks a formal solution in all kinematical space, several groups have constructed phenomenological models for the dipole scattering amplitude. These models have been used to fit the RHIC and HERA data [37, 38, 48]. In general, it is assumed that can be modelled through a simple Glauber-like formula, N (x,ρ)=1 exp 1(ρ2Q2(x))γ(x,ρ2) , (6) N − (cid:20)−4 s (cid:21) where Q (x) is the saturation scale and γ is the anomalous dimension of the target gluon distribution. The speed s with which we move from the non-linearregime to the extended geometric scalingregime and then from the latter to the linear regime is what differs one phenomenological model from another. This transition speed is dictated by the behavior of the anomalous dimension γ(x,ρ2). In this paper we consider the BUW [38] dipole model, which assumes that the anomalous dimension can be expressed by (ωa 1) γ(ω =q /Q ) =γ +(1 γ ) − (7) T s BUW s − s (ωa 1)+b − where a, b and γ are free parameters to be fixed by fitting experimental data. Recently, in Ref. [39], the original s parameters of the BUW model were updated in order to make this model compatible with all existing data. In particular, the recent LHC data on light hadron production at forward rapidity are satisfactorily reproduced by the updated model. In what follows we will use the BUW model with the parameters obtained in Ref. [39]. In order to quantify the impact of the intrinsic charm considering the largest possible number of models of this component, we will use in our calculations the leading order CTEQ 6.5 parametrization for the parton distributions [21]. This particular parametrizationhas two different PDF sets for each of the models discussed in the Introduction (BHPS, MC and SL), considering different amounts of intrinsic component. In our results, we will only present the predictionsobtainedusingthemaximumamountofICforagivenmodel(denotedBHPS2,MC2andSL2hereafter). It isimportanttoemphasizethatthe CTEQ-TEAgrouphasalsoperformedaglobalanalysisofthe recentexperimental data including an intrinsic charm component, which is available in the CT14 parametrization [28]. However, this analysis has been performed at next-to-next-to-leading order and the meson cloud model was not considered. As the basic equations used in our study of D - meson production have been derived at leading order, we believe that it is more consistent to use in our calculations PDFs obtained at the same order. In order to analyse the influence of a more recentleading order parametrization,we will also present in some of our results, the predictions obtained using the CT14 LO parametrization,which disregards the intrinsic component. 6 106 106 105 105 ] 104 ] 104 b b µ K = 1.0 µ K = 1.0 [m 103 [m 103 ar ar h h c c σ 102 σ 102 BUW + CT14LO BUW + CT14LO BUW + CTEQ6.5, total 101 BUW + CTEQ6.5, total: mc = 1.3 GeV 101 BUW + CTEQ6.5 BHPS2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5, total: mc = 1.4 GeV BUW + CTEQ6.5 MC2, total 100 BUW + CTEQ6.5, total: mc = 1.5 GeV 100 BUW + CTEQ6.5 SL2, total 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 1/2 1/2 s s (a) (b) FIG.3: Energydependenceofthetotalcharmproductioncrosssection considering(a)differentvaluesofthecharmmass,and (b) different models of theintrinsic charm component. Data from Refs. [49–54]. Asweareinterestedinthetotalcrosssectionandtherapidityandx distributions,whicharenotstronglyaffected F by the modelling of the fragmentation function, we will assume a naive model for the fragmentation function of a charm into a D - meson. Basically, we will assume that D =f δ(1 z), where f is the fraction of fragmentation h/c h h − of c h. For the D0 we take fD0 =0.565,as derived in Ref. [8]. Additionally, we will assume that the factorization → scale µ in Eq. (1) is equal to µ2 = 4 m2 and that α = α (µ2). As a consequence, our predictions depend only F F · c s s F on the choice of the charm mass. Finally, it is important to emphasize that our predictions for the gluon and charm contributions,givenby the Eqs. (1) and(5), couldbe modifiedby higherordercorrections,whichareinseveralcases mimicked by a K - factor multiplying the expressions, fitted to describe the data. In our analysis, we will assume that K = 1. However, the estimate of higher corrections for the gluonic and charm contributions is a subject that deserves a more detailed study in the future. In Fig. 3 (a) we show our results for the total charm production cross section, considering different values of the charm mass, summing the gluonic and charm contributions and assuming that the gluon and charm PDFs are given by the standard CTEQ 6.5 parametrization without an intrinsic component. We compare our predictions with the experimental data. We can observe that the data at high energies are reasonably well described. In what follows we will assume that m = 1.4 GeV. For comparison we also present the CT14 LO predictions for m = 1.4 GeV and c c different values for the factorization scale µ , in order to estimate the dependence of our predictions on the choice F of this scale. Considering the range m2 µ2 16m2, we observe that the CT14 LO parametrization leads to the c ≤ F ≤ c bandpresentedinFig. 3,whichdemonstratesthatthehighenergybehaviorofthecrosssectionisstronglydependent on the choice of µ . In Fig. 3 (b) we investigate the impact of the different IC models on the total charm cross F section. We cansee that the different predictions are almostidentical, which is expected, since the totalcross section is dominated by the contribution associated to charm production at central rapidities, where both x values of the partonsinvolvedin the collisionare small. As a consequence,the modificationsassociatedto the presenceof intrinsic charm are negligible for this observable. Our predictions for the rapidity distribution of D0 + D¯0 mesons, produced in pp collisions at √s = 7 and 13 TeV, are presented in Figs. 4 (a) and (b), respectively. Considering the CT14 LO predictions, we can see that the predictions at central rapidities are strongly sensitive to the choice of µ , with the uncertainty decreasing at larger F rapidities. The standard CTEQ 6.5 and the BHPS2 and MC2 models predict a similar behavior at small rapidities, differing only at very forward rapidities. On the other hand, the SL2 model predicts an enhancement in the rapidity distribution in the region of intermediate values of y, which is directly associated to the enhancement of the charm distribution for x 0.2 (See Fig. 1). In order to quantify the influence of the intrinsic component and determine the ≤ kinematical region affected by its presence, in Fig. 5 we present the rapidity dependence of the ratio between the IC predictionsandthestandardCTEQ6.5onewithoutanintrinsiccomponent(denotednoIC).Ourresultsdemonstrate that the intrinsic component modifies the rapidity distribution at very forward rapidities, beyond those reached by the LHCb Collaboration. We observe that the distribution can be enhanced by a factor 3, with the position of ≈ the maximum shifting to larger rapidities with the growth of the center of mass energy. This behavior can be easily understood if we remember that the x - values probed in the projectile are approximately x (m /√s)exp(+y), T ≈ where m = 4m2+p2. Consequently, when the energy increases, we need to go to larger rapidities in order to T c T reach the sampe value of x. 7 2000 2500 BUW + CT14LO BUW + CT14LO LHCb 7 TeV LHCb 13 TeV BUW + CTEQ6.5, total 2000 BUW + CTEQ6.5, total 1500 BUW + CTEQ6.5 BHPS2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 BHPS2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 MC2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 MC2, total b] BUW + CTEQ6.5 SL2, total b] 1500 BUW + CTEQ6.5 SL2, total µ µ y [ 1000 y [ d d σ/ σ/ 1000 d d 500 500 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y y (a) (b) FIG. 4: Rapidity distribution of D0+D¯0 mesons produced in pp collisions at (a) √s = 7 TeV and (b) √s = 13 TeV. Data from Refs. [49, 50]. 5 5 7 TeV 7 TeV 13 TeV 13 TeV 4 CTEQ6.5 BHPS2/CTEQ6.5 no IC 4 CTEQ6.5 MC2/CTEQ6.5 no IC 3 3 C C RI RI 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 y y (a) (b) FIG.5: RapiditydependenceoftheratiobetweentheICpredictionsandthestandardCTEQ6.5oneconsidering(a)theBHPS model and (b) theMC model. Althoughthe intrinsiccomponentispredictedtomanifestitselfinarapidityregionbeyondthecurrentkinematical rapidity range probed by the LHC, it may also have implications for other observables. As already emphasized in Ref. [24], the IC component modifies the p spectra for a fixed rapidity. In particular, we can access large T values of x in the projectile wave function by increasing the transverse momentum for a fixed y. However, the clear identificationofthe intrinsic componentis a hardtask,since the p spectracanalsobe modifiede.g. by higher order T corrections. Another observable that can be affected by the IC component is the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux, whichis stronglydependent onthe featuresof D - mesonproductionat veryforwardrapidities (For a recentdetailed discussion see Ref. [10]). As demonstrated in Ref. [10], the main contribution to the neutrino flux comes from rapidities beyondthe LHCb range, exactly where we predict the largestimpact of IC. As one of the main ingredients to calculate the prompt neutrino flux associatedto the decay of open charmmesons is the Feynman x - distribution, inwhatfollowswewillanalyseinmoredetailtheinfluence oftheIConthis distributionfordifferentenergies. InFig. 6 we show our predictions for the x - distribution of D0+D¯0 mesons, produced in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV. F We presentseparatelythe gluonandcharmcontributions,aswellasthe sumofthe twoterms, denoted“total”inthe figures. ForcomparisonwepresentinFig. 6(a)the standardCTEQ6.5predictions,whichareobtaineddisregarding a possible intrinsic charm in the initial conditions of the DGLAP evolution. In this case, the charm contribution is smaller than the gluonic one for all values of x , and the distribution is dominated by the production of D mesons F in gluon - gluon interactions. In contrast, when intrinsic charm is included, the behavior of the distribution in the 8 104 104 103 103 102 102 ] ] µb101 µb101 [ [ x F100 x F100 d d σd/10-1 σd/10-1 F F x x 10-2 10-2 BUW + CTEQ6.5, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 BHPS2, total 10-3 gluons 10-3 gluons charm charm 10-4 10-4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x x F F (a) (b) 104 103 102 ] µb101 [ x F100 d σd/10-1 F x 10-2 BUW + CTEQ6.5 MC2, total 10-3 gluons charm 10-4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x F (c) FIG. 6: Feynman - x distributions of the produced D0 +D¯0 mesons in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV considering: (a) the standard CTEQ 6.5 parametrization, (b) the BHPS and (c) MC models. The gluonic and charm contributions are presented separately. intermediatex range(0.2 x 0.8)isstronglymodified,aswecanseeinFigs. 6(b)and(c),wherewepresentthe F F ≤ ≤ BHPSandMC predictions,respectively. Itis importantto emphasizethatthe gluonic componentbecomes dominant at larger values of x due to fact that the charm distribution decreases faster than the gluon one at large values F of x, as we can see in Fig. 1. In order to analyse the energy dependence of the x - distribution, in Fig. 7 we F present our predictions for this distribution considering pp collisions at (a) √s = 7 TeV, (b) (a) √s = 13 TeV and (c) √s=200 TeV. The latter value is equivalent to the energy probed when ultra - high energy cosmic rays interact with the atmosphere. Wecan see that the BHPS and MC predictions are similar for all energies considered. The same occurs for the standardCTEQ6.5 andSL. An interesting aspect is that the BHPS predictionis largerthan the standardCTEQ6.5 one at intermediate x , but becomes smallerat verylargex . This behaviorcanbe tracedback F F to two aspects: First, the fact that the gluonic contributiondominates at largex (See Fig. 6); Second,the fact that F gluon distribution predicted by the standard CTEQ parametrization is larger than the BHPS one at large values of x (See Fig. 1). In order to determine the magnitude of the impact of the IC and kinematical range influenced by its presence, we presentin Fig. 8 (a) and (b) our predictions for the ratio between the x distributions predicted by the F BHPSandMC models andthe standardCTEQ6.5one. As expected fromFig. 7,the BHPSandMC models predict an enhancement atintermediate x and a suppressionat very largex . Moreover,the magnitude of the enhacement F F is similar for both models, being a factor 2.2 – 3 in the energy range considered. The main aspect that should be emphasized here is that the enhacement occurs exactly in the x range where the contribution of D - mesons to the F prompt neutrino flux [10] is dominant. Consequently, we expect that the presence of the IC component will modify the predictions for the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux probed by the LHC. This expectation will be analysed in detail in a future publication. 9 104 104 103 103 102 102 ] ] µb101 µb101 [ [ x F100 x F100 d d σd/10-1 σd/10-1 F F x x 10-2 BUW + CTEQ6.5, total 10-2 BUW + CTEQ6.5, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 BHPS2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 BHPS2, total 10-3 BUW + CTEQ6.5 MC2, total 10-3 BUW + CTEQ6.5 MC2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 SL2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 SL2, total 10-4 10-4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x x F F (a) (b) 104 103 102 ] µb101 [ x F100 d σd/10-1 F x 10-2 BUW + CTEQ6.5, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 BHPS2, total 10-3 BUW + CTEQ6.5 MC2, total BUW + CTEQ6.5 SL2, total 10-4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x F (c) FIG. 7: Feynman- x distributions of theproduced D0+D¯0 mesons in ppcollisions at (a) √s=7 TeV, (b)(a) √s=13 TeV and (c) √s=200 TeV considering different models for theintrinsic component. IV. CONCLUSIONS A complete knowledge of the partonic structure of hadrons is fundamental to make predictions for the Standard Model and beyond Standard Model processes at hadron colliders. In particular, the heavy quark contribution to the proton structure has a direct impact on several observables analysed at the LHC. Direct measurements of heavy flavors in DIS and hadronic colliders are consistent with a perturbative origin. However, these experiments are in generalnot sensitive to heavy quarks at large x. Therefore,it is fundamental to propose and study other observables whichmaybe usedto determine the presence(or absence)ofanintrinsic heavyquarkcomponentinthe hadronwave function. In recent years, a series of studies have discussed in detail how to probe this intrinsic component, with particular emphasis in processes that are strongly sensitive to the charm in the initial state. One of this processes is D -mesonproductionatforwardrapidities,whichis alsoinfluencedbythe specificfeaturesofQCDdynamicsathigh energies. In this paper we have extended the approach proposed in Ref. [24] to the production of D - mesons from charm quarks present in the initial state and we have calculated the rapidity and x - distributions of D - meson F produced in pp collisions at the LHC and in UHECR interactions. In particular, we have included the contribution associated to gluon - gluon interactions, which are also affected by the intrinsic charm component. Considering different models of the intrinsic charm component, we have demonstrated that the rapidity range influenced by IC is beyondthatreachedbytheLHCbCollaboration. HoweverICis importantforthe calculationofthepromptneutrino flux. Our results indicated that the x - distribution is enhanced by the intrinsic component in the kinematical F range that dominates the D - meson contribution to the prompt neutrino flux. Consequently, the inclusion of the IC contribution in the corresponding calculations can be important to estimate the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux probed by the ICECUBE. 10 3.5 3.5 CTEQ6.5 BHPS2/CTEQ6.5 no IC CTEQ6.5 MC2/CTEQ6.5 no IC 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 C C RI RI 1.5 1.5 1 1 7 TeV 7 TeV 0.5 13 TeV 0.5 13 TeV 200 TeV 200 TeV 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x x F F (a) (b) FIG. 8: Feynman - x dependenceof the ratio between theIC predictions and the standard CTEQ 6.5 one considering (a) the BHPS model and (b) theMC model. Acknowledgments VPG thanks Anna Stasto, Roman Pasechnik, Antoni Szczurek and Rafal Maciula for useful discussions about the D - meson production at high energies and its implications on the prompt neutrino flux. This work was partially financed by the Brazilian funding agencies CAPES, CNPq, FAPESP and FAPERGS. [1] A.Andronicet al., Eur. Phys.J. C 76, 107 (2016). [2] D.Kharzeev and K. Tuchin,Nucl. Phys.A 735, 248 (2004). [3] K. Tuchin, Phys. Lett. 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