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Preview Cytotaxonomic Study of 12 Species in the Polypodiaceae from Southern China

Cytotaxonomic Study of 12 Species in the Polypodiaceae from Southern China Wang Ren-Xiang School of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China P. R. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection Normal (Guangxi University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541004, China P. R. Wen Shao Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091. China P. R. Shanghai Chenshan Academy Plant Science Research Center, Chinese of Sciences, Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai, 201602, China P. R. Shu-Gang Lu Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China R. P. Shan-Yi Zhou and Shi-Chu Liang School of Life Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China P. R. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541004, China P. R. The Polypodiaceae one most is of the diverse groups of extant ferns (Schneider They et al, 2004). are not only a lineage of derived ferns that has a high number of species, but they also display a vast range of morphological variation (Kreier et SW al, 2008). Ching believed that China (especially China and the Himalayas) was the center of origin of Polypodiaceae, W\ih about half the number of the total species of Polypodiaceae occurring there (Ching, 1979; Lin, 2000). and may Cytological reproductive studies provide very useful information phylogenetic and for evolutionary studies of various groups of Data on ferns. chromosome numbers, base numbers, karyotypes, aneuploids, polyploidy and modes levels, reproductive are useful for understanding of the origin, * Corresponding [email protected] author: E-mail: AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 101 4 (2011) evolution and speciation of the ferns (Manton, 1950; Wang, 1984; Wu, 1984; Wang et al, 2007). Data on chromosomes are also important discriminating for and species species complexes. Previous cytological studies have recorded chromosome numbers in less than 60 species of Polypodiaceae in South China (Yunnan, Zhejiang, Hainan, and Fujian) (Wang, 1984; Weng, 1990; Kato et al, 1992; Cheng, 1992; Kato and Nakato, Nakato number 1999; et al., 1995; Lin et al., 1996, 2002). This accounts 23% for only of the Chinese Polypodiaceous Data on chromosomes ferns. of some = genera/species in Polypodiaceae have been reported, such as 2/7 72 (2x) in Lepidogrammitis rostrata, Pbymatopteris oxyloba and Lepisorus macro- = = spbaerus; 2n 108 Pbymatopteris and 2n (3x) in 70 Lepisorus trisecta; (2x) in bicolor and so on (Wang Wang and Lu and Wang, et 2007; Lu, 2008; 2008). al., Cytological research on these ferns has been severely lacking, because of manipulating due difficulties in root tips to their small size, inaccessibility of and number the species, the large of chromosomes. Cytological studies of the southern China Polypodiaceous ferns can contribute our understanding to of and we the origin evolution of the Polypodiaceae. Accordingly, chose 12 species in eight genera of Polypodiaceae as materials, following the alphabet Chromosome order. counts had already been performed for eight of the species = used in this study: n 36 in Colysis elliptica (Tsai and Shieh, 1983; Weng, = = 1990), 2/7 144 (4x) in C. bemionitidea (Mehra, 1961), 2/7 72 (2x) in C. = and potbifolia (Tsai Shieh, 1983; Kato et al., 1992), 2/7 50, 51, 75, 76, 100, 101, and 102 103 in Lepisorus tbunbergianus (Takamiya, n=3G, 37 1996), in = Microsorium fortune! (Roy and Holttum, 1965; Mitui, 1973), 2/7 72 (2x) in = Pbymatopteris crenatopinnata and (Panigrahi Patnaik, 1961), 2/7 74 (2x) in = Pbymatosorus cuspidatus (Kato and Nakato, 1999), and 2/7 72 (2x) in Pyrrosia lingua (Takei, 1969, 1983a). The aim of study provide new this to cytological is information on and the classification phylogenetics Polypodiaceous of ferns. Materials and Methods Living plants (Table Fig. were collected from the field in Yunnan, Guangxi 1. 1) and Hainan provinces, southern China, and Voucher cultivated in the lab. specimens were deposited Herbarium Yunnan in the of University (PYU). For the examination of mitotic chromosomes, were root tips pretreated in mol/L 0.002 8-hydroxyquinoline solution for 3-6h before being fixed in Carnoy's solution (95% ethanol: glacial acetic acid=3:l) 12-24 then they for h; were hydrolyzed in 1 mol/L HCl at 60 C for 10-15 min. After washing 3-4 2% times to eliminate residual hydrochloric acid, materials were stained in aceto-orcein and squashed by the usual method (Manton, The "second 1950). squashed" method (Wang and Zhang, 1981) was used when chromosomes occurred in different planes. Mitotic were examined and photographed cells by using an Olympus BX51-DP70 photomicroscope. More than 30 chromo- some micrographs were observed each in individual. In the higher leptosporangiate ferns, there are two reproductive types: the sexual reproductive type with 64 spores sporangium, and apogamous in a the AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 310 JOURNAL: 101 4 (2011) type with 32 spores (Manton, 1950; Lovis, 1977; Walker, 1979). To determine number the reproductive type, the of spores per sporangium was counted. At unopened sporangia were counted each least five in individual. Results and Discussion The chromosome photographs of root tip materials of 12 species in eight genera shown Polypodiaceae and The chromosome numbers of are in Figures 2 for four 3. newly 2n=72 species are reported China: Lepidogrammitis drymoglos- for (2x) in 2/7=72 2n=72 soides, (2x) in Neolepisorus ovatus, [2x] in Phymatopteris and rhynchophylla, 2/7=72 (2xj in Phymatosorus hainanensis. Four records are new = 2/7=72 cytotypes: (2x) in Colysis hemionitidea, 2/7 72 [2x] in Lepisorus thunbergianus, 2/7=108 in Phymatopteris crenatopinnata, and 2/7=108 {3x] {3x) Phymatosorus in cuspidatus. Lepisorus thunbergianus 2/7=72 has the base [2x) number x=36, which different from the previous reports x=25, and is 38, 50, 51. We confirmed the counts of 2/7=72 (2x) in Colysis elliptica, 2/7=72 (2x) in C. 2n=72 pothifoha, (2x) in Microsorium fortunei, and 2/7= 72 (2x) in Pyrrosia lingua. The reproductive type in P. cuspidatus and P. crenatopinnata was apogamous, whereas was in the other species of the sexual reproductive it The chromosome number mode and type. reproductive for each species are and described discussed below. WANG ET AL: CYTOTAXONOMIC STUDY OF POLYPODIACEAE CHINA IN ^^^^ _ B — — D — H G * Fig. Photographs of somatic chromosomes metaphase = 2. at A. Colvsis alliptica. 2/i 72. B. C. hemionitidea, 2n = = = 72. C. C. pothifolia, 72. D. Lepidogrammitis drymoglossoides, 2n 2/2 72. E. Lepisorw. timnbi rgianus An- Microsorium 2n = = 72. F. fortunei, 72. G. Neolepisorus ovatus, 2/3 72. H. Phymatopteris crenatopinnata, 2n = = 108. P. rhvnchophylla, 2n Phvmatosorus 72. I. ]. = = cuspidatus, = 2/1 108. K. P. hainanensis, 2n 72. L. Pyrrosia lingua, 2n 72 (sca/e fcars=5nm). Co7ysis elliptica (Thunb.) Ching known This species from across India, Vietnam, and southern is Japan, The China. material from Mulun, Guangxi counted had study in this 72 chromosomes The in the mitotic 2A, cells (Fig. 3A). species a diploid, with is 64 spores per sporangium. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 101 4 J^Z-^^ B A, (I .©J = = Fig. 3. Explanatory drawings to Fig. 2. A. Colysis elliptica, 2n 72. B. C. hemionitidea, 2n 72. C. = = = 2n 72. F. Microsorium fortunei, 2n 72. G. Neolepisoms ovatus, 2n 72. H. Phymatopteris = = = crenatopinnata, 2n 108. L P. rhynchophylla, 2n 72. Phymatosorus cuspidatus, 2n 108. K. P. J. = = bamanensis. 2n 72. L. Pyrrosia lingua. 2n 72. Tsai and Shieh (1983) reported the material from Taiwan, China had 36 Weng chromosomes in the meiotic cells. {1990} suggested the material from China had chromosomes and Fujian, also 36 in the meiotic 64 spores per cells, sporangium, which suggests a diploid. Kato et (1992) believed the it is al. from Yunnan, had chromosomes The material Dali, 72 in the mitotic cells. WANG ET CYTOTAXONOMIC STUDY OF POLYPODIACEAE CHINA AL: IN materials from five Japanese populations had 36 chromosomes in the meiotic cells (Mitui, 1966, 1968; Kurita, 1968; Takei, 1983b), and 64 spores per sporangium, which suggested that these species are sexual diploids. These results indicated stability of chromosome numbers in the different populations in China and Japan. The made by Love chromosome record et (1977) shovi^ed that different al. numbers occur genus in six species of the Colysis, indicating that diploid = = = (2n 72), triploid (2n 108), tetraploid (2u=144), and hexaploid (2n 216) hemionitidea ex C. (wlll. Mett.) C. Presl This species w^idespread in tropical and subtropical Asia. The material is from Guilin, Guangxi counted in this study had 72 chromosomes in the mitotic cells (Fig. 2B, 3B). Sixty-four spores per sporangium were found, suggesting it new a sexual diploid. This record a cytotype. is is Mehra shown (1961) the material from Mt. Himalaya had 144 chromosomes in and the mitotic cells, 64 spores per sporangium, suggesting a sexual tetraploid. it is C. pothifolia (D. Don.) C. Presl This species widespread in tropical and subtropical Asia. The material is from Guilin, Guangxi counted in this study had 72 chromosomes in the mitotic We on cells (Fig. 2C, 3C). suggest this species a sexual diploid based the is observation of 64 spores per sporangium. Tsai and Shieh (1983) found that the material from Taiwan, China had 36 chromosomes in the meiotic cells. Kato et (1992) collected material from al. Yunnan and Dali, Lin et (2002) collected materials from Fujian, each of al. which had 72 chromosomes in the mitotic All materials above had 64 cells. spores per sporangium, suggesting that these are sexual diploids. Lepidogrammitis drymoglossoides Ching (Bak.) This species endemic to China, distributed widely in the southern region. is The material from Bama, Guangxi counted study had 72 chromosomes in this in the mitotic cells 2D, 3D). Sixty-four spores were present in each (Fig. chromosome sporangium, suggesting that the species a sexual diploid. This is count is reported for the first time. Lepisorus thunbergianus Ching (Kaulf.) known This species from across southern China, Japan, and the is Philippines. The material from Huanjiang, Guangxi study was found in this = have 2n chromosomes The to 72 in the mitotic cells (Fig. 2E, 3E). species a is new sexual diploid, with 64 spores per sporangium. This a cytotype. is = Lin et (2002) reported that the material from Fujian had 2n 100 al. chromosomes and was in the mitotic cells, suggested a sexual tetraploid. it Lepisorus thunbergianus a cytologically complicated species, chromo- is its = some numbers have been variously reported as n 2/7=50, 25, 50, 51, 75, 76, 100, 101, 102 and 103, including examples of polyploidy and aneuploidy from shown Japan (Takamiya, 1996). has been that diploids, triploids, tetraploids, It and polyploids thunbergianus (Takamiya, exist in L. 1996). Microsorium Moore) Ching fortunei (T. known This species from across southern China, Burma, Bhutan, and is Vietnam. Material from Guilin, Guangxi in this study had 72 chromosomes in AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 101 4 (2011) the mitotic cells (Fig. 2F, 3F). Sixty-four spores were present each in sporangium, suggesting a sexual diploid. is it Roy and Holttum M. (1965) reported fortunei from southern China had 36 chromosomes in the meiotic suggesting the same cells, results as this paper. In Mitui contrast, (1973) suggested the material from Japan had 37 chromosomes may in the meiotic which be cells, the result of aneuploidy. Neolepisorus ovatus Ching (Bedd.) This species widespread is in southern regions of China and The India. material from Guilin, Guangxi counted in this study had 72 chromosomes in the mitotic There were cells (Fig. 20, 3G). 64 spores per sporangium. The results suggest should be considered it a sexual diploid species. This chromosome count reported is for the first time. Phymatopteris crenatopinnata (C. B. Clarke) Pichi-Serm. This NE species occurs in southern China and The also in India. material from Weixi, Yunnan, had chromosomes 108 in the mitotic 2H, cells 3H). (Fig. We counted 32 spores per sporangium. The resuUs apogamous suggest is it = with 2n 108 new in this study. This a cytotype. is and Panigrahi Fatnaik (1961) reported the material from eastern India had 72 chromosomes in the mitotic and 64 spores per sporangium, cells, suggesting it sexual a diploid. is rhynchophylla P. (Hook.) Pichi-Serm. This species widespread and The we is in tropical subtropical Asia. material collected from Pingbian, Yunnan, had chromosomes 72 in the mitotic cells There were (Fig. 21, 31). 64 spores per sporangium, suggesting a sexual it is chromosome diploid. This count reported is for the first time. Phymatosorus cuspidatus Don.) Pichi-Serm. (D. known This species is from across southern China, India, Vietnam, Nepal, and The Thailand. material from Bama, Guangxi counted had in this study 108 chromosomes in the mitotic cells (Fig. Thirty-two spores were present 2 J, 3J). per sporangium. The results indicate an apogamous with 2n=108 is triploid it new and represents a cytotype. it Kato and Nakato (1999) reported the material from Hainan had 74 chromosomes in the mitotic and 64 spores per sporangium, cells, suggesting a sexual diploid. it is hainanensis Lu P. (Noot.) G. S. This found species is in Hainan, China and also in India and Vietnam. The we material collected from Mt. Wuzhishan, Hainan, had chromosomes 72 in We the mitotic cells (Fig. 2K, 3K). counted 64 spores per sporangium, suggesting a sexual diploid. This chromosome count it is is reported for the time. first Pyrrosia lingua (Thunb.) Farwell known This species from across southern China, Vietnam, and is India, The Japan. material from Pingbian, Yunnan counted study had in this 72 chromosomes in the mitotic The cells (Fig. 2L, 3L). species a sexual diploid, is with 64 spores per sporangium. WANG CYTOTAXONOMIC ET AL: STUDY OF POLYPODIACEAE CHINA IN Takei (1969, 1983a) believed the material from Japan also had 72 chromosomes Our in the mitotic cells. result suggests that Pyrrosia lingua is in a stable state. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundations of China, Grant No. (31060030, 30970186), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi (2011GXNSFA018089), and the Foundation Key of Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Normal We Protection (Guangxi University), Ministry of Education (1001Z017). sincerely thank Wei Ming Chu Yunnan Prof. of University for providing valuable references cited in this paper, and Chao Deng assistant Profs. Xi (Guangxi Hechi University), and Qiang Xie (Guangxi Normal University) for providing experimental materials in this paper. The authors would also thank Prof. Cindy Q. Tang of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and Damian Shea North Prof. of Carolina State University for helpful suggestions and a critical reading of the manuscript. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 316 JOURNAL: 101 4 (2011) and some Panigrahi, G. S. N. Patnaik. 1961. Cytology of genera of Polypodiaceae in eastern India. Nature 191:1207-1208. and Roy, S. K. R. E. Holttum. 1965. Cytological observation on ferns from South China. Amer. Fern Schneider, H., A. R. Smith, R. Cranfill, T. Hildebrand, C. H. Haufler and T. A. Ranker. 2004. J. exploring aspects of the diversification of epiphytic plants. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31:1041-1063. Takamiya, M. 1996. Index Chromosomes Japanese Ptehdophyta to of (1910-1996). Japan Pteridological Society, Tokyo. M. Takei, 1969. Karyological studies in Polypodiaceae Karyotypes of a few species of the genus I. Lemmaphyllum and Pyrrosia in Japan. Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 82:482-487. ^^^^^ "^"^ EduZoita Bull. Fac. Univ. (Nat.^ScL) 6(4):17-46. M. and Takei, 1983b. Karyological karyosystematical studies on Polypodiaceae in Japan Res. (IV). Bull. Fac. Educ. Oita Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 6(5):5-43. A and W. TsAi, L. C. Shieh. 1983. cytotaxonomic survey of the pteridophytes in Taiwan. Sci. J. J. Eng. 20:137-158. Walker, The T. G. 1979. cytogenetics of ferns, Pp. 87-132. In: Dyer, A. F., ed. The Experimental Biology of Ferns. Academic Press, London. A Wang, and R. X. S. G. Lu. 2008. cytotaxonomic study of 10 species of the Polypodiaceae from Yunnan, China. Syst. Evol. 46:499-504. J. Wang, A R. X., S. G. Lu and X. C. Deng. 2007. Cytotaxonomic studies of the Chinese pteridophytes: review. Acta Phytotax. 45:98-111. Sin. Wang, Z. R. and Z. X. Zhang. 1981. Cytological observation on some Chinese Acta ferns. Bot. Sin. Wang, The Z. 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