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720 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical Table Chromosome numbers Lycopodium based on 1. in sens. lat. 11. Common Base number Anomalous numbers G enus 11 denominator Numbers 1 reported' reported genus^ in Huperzia 6 X 11 66 132 67 67 134 68 68 136 204 X) (3 Phlegmariurus 6 X 11 66 132 128 H. ca. refiexa {Huperzia) 68 136 275 x 68?) ca. (4 3x11 Lycopodium 34 34 22 clavatum L. 90-92 31 L. jussiaei 68 102(3 X 34) 2x11 Diphasiastrum 23 23 48 wightianum L. 7x11 Lycopodiella 78 78 156 6x11 Pseudolycopodiella 35 35 {Lycopodiella) 68 68 70 70 5x11 Palhinhaea 52 36 cernua 104 L. 1 {Lycopodiella) 156(3 X 52) 54 108 55 110 165 X ca. (3 55) & For a discussion of the classification used here see Wagner ' Beitel (1992). = For references to these numbers see Table 2. Chromosome numbers in Lycopodium sens, lat & Beitel, 1992). Aneuploid changes account Huperzia The 128 chromosomes for pairs of in common the denominators shown made here, and count poly- (Table an approximate refiexa 1) is ploidy results in further changes shown of the in the actual by Walker who suggested that is 966), it 1 ( numbers = reported. 132, same n order of magnitude as a count of The anomalous numbers listed in the last column which number other huperzias. a reported in is of Table can be interpreted the 1 in several ways. The substantiating photograph of a figure Lycopodium = clavatum Wiih n 22 from cernua (Ku- Bolivia count 136 Lycopodiella of pairs in most Whe likely a taxon different from is the worldwide = name species of that that has « 34. numbers of Diphasias- Lycopodium chromosomes ing with in trum wightianum = a with « 48 was counted by photograph this size, a drawing in addition to a who Ninan (1958), wrote, *'The With bivalents at dia- kiuesis exhibit very peculiar shapes and number for L)' are of to the hypothesis that the base presenting diflferenl sizes, unreasonab^ difficulties in interpre- copodium not sens, 11, lat. is it is One templed tation." is to think that D. - .olyploKl wightia- to assume many aneuploid and p that nam a tctraploid based on n ?loo« is 23, the only nees coidd have accumulated be based -- w^"«" cnanges iiisiory oi tne genus. :>ucn — be than on 11 number other assume for to a ' Lycopod nurnbe^ greater e.g., 7 or 17, would require an even 01Igaard (1' attempte^l have of alterations. Earlier studies numbe Thi? a of rs require the existence of exact multiples . pcrhap number e.g.. pothesized base as a criterion, ^ The n two 31. species, however, Huper-^^ are placed Lycopodium 136 in 68 and in sens, str., ent groups by 011gaard Takami. (1987). which 17 are exact multiples of (e.g., all Wagner Number 3 721 Volume 79, Cytology Lycopodium of 1 I Table Chromosome numbers Lycopodium 2. in sens. lat. Chromosome Photo or Species Locality number drawing Reference* Huperzia & chinensis (Christ) Japan n 68 Photo Takamiya Kurita Ching (1983) & herterana (Kumm) India n 132 Drawing Mehra Verma (1957) & Sen Sen I I = herterana 1 India 2n 405 Photo, Drawing Ninan (1958) ca. + 45 (180 II I) = & lucidula (Michx.) Canada 2n 264 Love Love (1958) Trevisan n^ & Wagner lucidula U.S.A. 67 Photo, Drawing Beitel F. (1982) & miyoshiana (Makino) U.S.A. n 134 Soltis Soltis (1988a) Ching & = occidentalis (1988a) (Clute) U.S.A. n 134 Soltis Soltis ca. I & Beitel Mickel & I selago (L.) C. Martius Canada 2n = 264 Love Love (1958) & Schrank = selago 2n 90 Sorsa(1962) Finland ca. = 45 Sorsa (1963b) n ca. selago Manton(1950) Great 113 37 Photo, Drawing Britain ca. II, I & = selago 2n 264 Love Love (1958) Iceland & selago 2« = 264 Love Love (1966) U.S.A. selago Wagner U.S.A. n 134 Photo, Drawing F. (this paper) & selago Tak Kur var. acumina- Jap an n 136 in Mitui tum Sugimoto (1980) serrata (Thunb. ex India n 264 Photo, Drawing Ghatak (1965) Murray) Trevisan & serrata = Takamiya Kurita 68 Photo Japan n = (1983) 136 Photo n serrata - Takamiya (1984) Japan 2n 204 Photo vernicosa & - Drawing Ninan (1958) (Grev. India n 136 Photo, Hook.) Trevisan Huperzia {Phlegmariurus) & Takamiya Kurita Drawing <^^yptomerina (Max- Japan n 136 Photo, (1983) im.) Dixit dichotoma = Sorsa Fabbri (1965) in (Jacq.) Puerto Rico n 132 ca. Trevisan & Drawing Takamiya Kurita fordii (Baker) 136 Photo, Dixit Japan (1983) Ninan Drawing (1958) ^miltonii Photo, n 136 (Spreng.) India Trevisan = 30- Sorsa in Fabbri (1965) ^^nifolia (L.) Treviisan Puerto Rico ca. 1 rt 140 Drawing Ninan (1958) Photo, "^^crostachys 136 n (Spring) India Holub^ Ninan Drawing (1958) Phlegmaria 136 Photo, n (L.) India Rothm. & Takamiya Kurita ^ Drawing phlegmana 275 Photo, « ca Japan . (1983) Drawing Ghatak (1965) Photo, Ph'Uantha & 170 n (Hook. India Am.) Holub «= Drawing Ninan (1958) Photo, 136 Ph'llantha' India n- Drawing Ninan (1958) Photo, & 136 P^icherrima (Hook. India 722 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical Table Continued- 2. Chromosome Photo or number Species Locality drawing Reference = pulcherrima^ India 2n 330-340 Mehra & Verma (1957) = reflexa (Lam.) Trevi- Jamaica n ca. 128 Walker (1966) san saururus (Lam.) Trevi- Bolivia n 132 Drawing RoUeri (1982b) san & sieholdii (Miq.) Holub Japan n 136 Photo, Drawing Takamiya Kurita (1983) squarrosa (G. Forster) India n 136 Photo Ninan (1958) Trevisan n 138 Drawing Lycopodium = & annotinum L Canada 2n 68 Love L5ve (1958) = annotinum Finland n 34 Drawing Sorsa (1958) = 68 (1963b) 2/1 Sorsa = & annotinum Japan « 34 Photo Takamiya Kurita (1983) = Sweden aiinoiinutn 2n 58 Ehrenberg (1945) ca. annotinum Sweden n 34 Photo, Drawing Manton (1950) annotinum U.S.A. In 50 Dunlop (1949) ca. annotinum & var. acri- Japan n 34 Photo Takamiya Kurita foViuni Fern. (1983) annotinum ah = & snbsp. Iceland 2n 68 Love Love (1958) & Love pestre Love = & casuarinoides Spring Japan 2n 68 Takamiya Tanaka Photo (1983) clavatum L = Bolivi « 22 (1982a) la RoUeri clavatum Canada = & 2« 68 L5ve L5ve (1958); Love (1976) clavatum Ecuador = n 34 987) gfllgaard 1 ( clavatum Finland n = 34 Drawing Sorsa (1958) = 2r 68 (1963b) Sorsa clavatum = & India Verma (1957) n 34 Drawing Mehra clavatum = sens. lat. India 68 n Drawing Ghatak (1965) vatum = cla Great Brilain n 34 Manton (1950) Photo, Drawing clavatum n= Jamaica 34 Walker 966) Photo 1 ( clavatum Japan = & 2n 68 Takamiya Tanaka Photo (1981) & Tanaka 102 Takamiya 2rt Photo (1982) 2n 136 Takamiya (1989) Photo clavatum Sweden = 2n 66 (1945) ca. Ehrenberg do vat urn Taiwan = & n 34 Shieh (1983) Photo Tsai clavatum U.S.S.R. = n 14 Drawing Baranov (1925) X clavatum vcstitum Ecuador = n 34 011gaard(1987) clavatum var.?. U.S.A, = 2n 60 ca. Dunlop (1949) clavatum ^ub^p. Canada = & (1958) 2a 68 Love L5ve megastackyon & (Fern. Biss.) & Love Love clavatum var. nippon- Japan Kuriu n 34 Photo icum Nakai (1983) contiguum Klottsch Ecuador = n 34 011ga dendroideum Mirht. Canada = 2n 68 Love )) ^ ^'V^iU-- ~ jr-^ ^ Wagner 723 Number 3 Volume 79, Lycopodium Cytology of 1992 Table Continued. 2. Chromosome Photo or Species Locality number drawing Reference* = jussiaei Desv. 90-92 in Poi- Ecuador n Photo, Drawing 011gaard (1987) ret = jussiaei 34-36 n Wilce (1972) = & lagopus (Laest. ex 2n 68 Love Love (1958) L Hartm.) Zinzerl. I ex Kuzen.-Proch* magellanicum Ecuador n 31 011gaard (1987) (Beauv.) Sw. mageUanicum = Argentina n 31 Photo 01]gaard(1987) = & ohscurum L. Canada 68 Love Love (1958) 2/1 & ohscurum Japan n 34 Photo Takamiya Kurita (1983) ohscurum & Wagner Wagner U.S.A. 34 Drawing n Photo, (1966) I ohscurum = Dunbp U.S.A. 2n 50 (1949) ca. vestiturn Poiret Ecuador n 34 01lgaard 987) » 1 ( Diphasiaslrum I alpinum = & (L.) Holub Canada 2n 48 Love L5ve (1958) nlpinum = 22-24 Finland n Drawing Sorsa (1963a, b) = 2n 44 alpinum = Manton Great Britain n 24 25 Photo, Drawing (1950) alpinum & = & Scandinavia 2n 46 Love Love (1961) Canada & complanatam Ho = (L.) Canada 46 Hersey Britton (1981) 2rt lub & complanatum & = Canada 2n 48 Love Love 958, ca 1 ( = 1961) Scandinavia 2n 46 complanatum = Finland n 22-24 Drawing Sorsa (1963a) complanatum = Kukkonen (1967) Finland n 24 ca. & complanatum Tak Kur MHui Japan n 23 in 980) ( I complanatum = Wilce 965) Drawing Labrador n 23 1 ( & complanatum 98 x = Heraey Britton Canada 2n 46 Photo tris- ( 1 1 tachyum? complanatum Dunlop 949) var. U.S.A. n 40 Drawing ( 1 ^longatum & <iigitatum = Ilersey Britton (1981) (A. Braun) Canada 2n 46 Holub & Love Love (1958) digitatum^ 48 Canada 2n ca . digitatum 2n- Love (1976) Canada 46 WUce ^igitatum = (1965) Drawing 46 2n U.S.A. & n- Walker (1966) fowcettii (Doyd Photo maica 23 Ja Underwood) Holub & 9« ^ habereri (House) Canada 2n = 46 Photo Hersey Britton ( J J Holub Wagner ^ • 980) habereri F. 23 ( 1 U.S.A. DatnboMt 962) = ^isileri (Rouy) Holub Germany 46 Drawing ( 1 2/1 Love (1976) = ^Mobinifolium 46 Canada (Willd.) 2/1 Holub Wagner 980) - F. ^bifufolium 23 ( 1 Canada Love 976) ^chense = (Rupr.) Ho- Canada 2n 46 { 1 lub Wi!.r (1965) = ^uchense 23 n Labrador & Love Lovr 966) uich - ( 1 rri4e 46 U.S.A. 2/1 Annals of the 724 Garden Missouri Botanical * Table Continued 2. Chromosome Photo or number drawing Reference* Locality Species = 2n 46 Love Japan (1976) sitchense subsp. ni- & koense L. L. & an n 23 Photo Takamiya Kurita Jap sitchense var. ni- (1983) Takeda koense = Ho- Ecuador n 23 011gaard(1987) thjoides (Willd.) lub & = Canada 2n 46 Photo Hersey Britten (1981) tristachyum (Pursh) Holub & = Canada 48 L5ve Love (1958) tristachyum 2/1 ca. = Canada 2n 46 L5ve (1976) tristachyum tristachyum U.S.A. n 23 Drawing Wilce(1965) & Holub Taiwan n 68 Photo Tsai Shieh (1983) veitchii (Christ) & 48 Drawing Ninan (1958) wightianum (Grev. India n Photo, Hook.) Holub = X (Rouy) Holub Germany 2n 46 Drawing Damboldt (1962) zeilleri = Wagner X U.S.A. n 23 (1980) F. zeilleri Lycopodiella alopecuroides U.S.A. n 78 Photo, Drawing Bruce (1975) (L.) Cran. alopecuroides x ap- U.S.A. n 78 Drawing Bruce (1975) Photo, pressa = x alopecuroides pros- U.S.A. 78 Drawing Bruce (1975) Photo, 71 trata appressa (Chapman) U.S.A. n 78 Photo, Drawing Bruce (1975) Cranfill x appressa prostrata U.S.A. n 78 Photo, Drawing Bruce (1975) & inundata Holub Canada 2n 156 Love Love (1958) (L.) inundata Canada 2n 156 Love (1976) inundata Finland n 78 Drawing Sorsa (1961) mun data Great 78 Manton (1950) Britain n Drawing Photo, inundata U.S.A. n 78 Drawing Bruce (1975) Photo, margueritae Bruce, U.S.A. n 156 Drawing Bruce (1975) Photo, & Wagner Beiter prostrata (Harper) U.S.A n 78 Drawing Bruce (1975) Photo, Cranf, subappressa Bruce, U.S.A n 156 Drawing Bruce (1975) Photo, & Wagner Beitel** I*^eudolycopodiella (Lycopodiella) & caroliniana (L.) Holub Japan - 68 Takamiya Kurita Photo rt (1983) & caroliniana Japan Kurita 68 Takamiya n Photo (1983) caroliniana = U.S.A « 35 Photo, Drawing Bruce (1976) = « 70 2n= 115« meridionalis Un- (L. Jamaica n 69 Walker 966) «^ ca. 1 ( derw. &* F. Lloyd) Holub Palhinhaea {Lycopodiella) & cernua Carv. Kurita (L.) Japan n 108 Takamiya Photo & V«»c. Franco (1983) cernua India n 104 (1958) Ninan Photo, Drawing Number Wagner 3 725 Volume 79, Lycopodium Cytology 1992 of Table Continued. 2. Chromosome Photo or Species Locality number drawing Reference cernua n 104 Photos Ghatak(1965) Indi la n 156 Drawings 208 n cernua Indila n 104 Photo Kuriachen (1965) n 110 n 136 = n ca. 160II, 201 = cernua Jamaica n ca. 165 Photo, Drawing Walker (1966) = Trinidad n 165 ca. cernua & Taiwan n 102 Photo Tsai Shieh (1983) For references, see Literature Cited. The following references were not seen and therefore not included in this & Hadac, table: E. V. Haskova. 1956. Taxonomicke poznamky o tatranskych rostlinach ve vztahu k jejich Bratislava/ & cytologii. Biol6gia Brat. 11: 717-723. Love A. D. Love. 1948. Chromosome numbers of northern plant species. I Icel. Univ. Inst. Appl. Sci., Dept, Agric. Rep. B. 3: 1-131. As Lycopodium lucidulum. ' I macrostachys and phyllantha are treated as synonyms by Ninan. As Lycopodium ' setaceum, As & clavatum * subsp. nionostachyum (Grev. Hook.) Selander. *A9 complanatum var. me, Jlabellifor As |Wthern * appressa'' See Bruce et ah (1991). As "appressed inundata" See Bruce et al. (1991). I •Somatic count of a presumed hybrid— 105? triploid possibly ^ AB Kurita, 1983). Such and suggestions do not take formation of a sterile diploid, (2) is aneuploidy into consideration. [AABB], which formation of a allopoly- fertile is chromosome doubling. through endomitosis or ploid found Lycopodium another pattern In sens. lat., is Allohomoploid Nothospeciation in formed which sexual nothospecies in a fertile is IrCOPODlLM SENS. LAT. homo- parents and hybrid are without doubling, an<] Even AA BB though x same the potential for of the ploidal level, self-fertilization ploid, i.e., exists, Lycopodium in [AB] sens. lat. as in the ho- all mosporous and pteridophytes with gametes of both sex- (The use of brackets here be! ** produced oposcd the same competent hybrid, in gametophyte, evidence reproductively for high & Wagner frequencies of intergametophytic matings Werth (1990).) has been & DiphasiasUum found. Soltis Soltis (1988b) studied a In Figure 3 three species of total of 22 complanatum, and silchense—-are widely scattered populations of L, cla^ digitatum, ^^fum, L, annotinum, and Huperzia miyoshiana, shown with D. tri~stachyum, a .species that liybrid- •"n, The from using resulting tlu^se electrophoretic liybrjrl^ analyses of polymorphic ^^^^ [xj [x] [x] and oci, calculated low hahereri, zeilleri, estimates of intragametophytic crosses, /> have been found ^f-ferlilization. They of which in llie concluded, sahinifolium (all therefore, that genomes *n^se species predominantly are fertile to the extent that their Be- wild), cross-fertilize. chromosomes, and <^ause /.v/^^r.^^;..™ ^„„„ show complete pairing of their with the exception lat"., norma Tl M ^» ^ycopodiella 5). sens, has under- lat., entirely ground {n gamelophytes, lumber had been presumed the in it parents involved same the as that for all imming 23) the is & 98 ^tl^rground Wagner, 1980; Hersey Britton, 1 1), (F. Lycopodium of germination Unfortunately, bridization vnxh On ran onlv be carried on\ diflfirulty a^«/^rf>^ I & 98 ;_Whi.Ucr Websler, 986) ^^'ing and 977, 1 have turned Whittier, 1 interspecific hybridization 1 1 common (W **"» to be in the Lyci podiaceae **< be mnde. Som*- indiratimi have yet to normal spores 1985). however, to hy thr fart ntt^-^t.-d ypicaUy of ihnr fertility, i« in plants, nothos D X hnhrrrri. populations of Uon) we isolated find which that '\B, 726 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical complanacum sitchense D. D. tristachyum D- digitatum D. 3 Figure Diphasiastrum. Diagram showing complanatum to form D. 3. hybridization of D. tristachyum with D. n n .. ^ ^ ^ ...n.,;. .;..!,„....„ f„.™ ^- •.,- have ,.:.u . ,. taxa . . , . x All Aofterm*. ifoliu ~ WUcc n 23 chromosomes. from pairs of Branchlet drawings show drawings are relative sizes of leaves. Habit (1965). the g^*^ initia clavatum x vestitum, in species, L. no spore with parental species or only one parent Lycopodium i^uputiturn sseennss., str. isir, ., & (Wagner Wagne in FertUe homoploid nothospeciation P|^"v^* Homoploid nothospecies Lycopodium in sens. phytes was reported in a classic first ^^^^5 confined Walke although most reported examples quadriauriic are Two in that genus. and P. species, P. multiaurita Bruce (1975) found hybrids in Lycopodiella interme i swarm be- in Ceylon, formed a hybrid of tween alopecuroides and L. i, appressa, and parents. be- occupying an between the ecotone tween i. alopecuroides and o^^ chromosome L. prostrata, with hybrids were but without fertile ^ genomes, same pairing of the chromosome number ^«™^ number a^ Ur.A *k« ^i^^^^i^cmnft Kli'no- oil and as the parents, morphologically normal spores, parental species. 011gaard also have Homoploid Ceratopteris hybrids of Number 3 Wagner 727 Volume 79, Lycopodium Cytology 1992 of ti^^r^j. 4 i V. ^* »1 ^ t ^ « < # w # l» I » # i ^ ^ j 'CURES 4, 5. 4. Photomicrograph of chromosomes of Diphasiastrum x sabinifolium at diakinesis with 23 pairs — chromosomes. 01 Scanning 5. electron photomicrograph of spores of D. xhabereri. produced miliar in the ferns resulting in either sterile allo- i and (1974), homoploid hybrids in the Cyatheaceae, diploids or fertUe allopolyploids (Beitel, 1 986, 1 988) & first reported by Conant No Cooper-Driver (1980), allohomoploid hybrids have been reported in are found in Puerto The Rico. cyatheoid hybrids the genus, backcross and form hybrid swarms, but recombi- nant second generation may become hybrids sta- Discussion bUized and maintain by means their genetic integrity A number can now be made of generalizations selfing In the North American Lycopodium regarding the cytology of Lycopodiaceae. The basic sens, lat., the morphological x variation seen Diphasias- chromosome numbers are high, the lowest being in the trum = hybrids seems clubmosses are other clearly to be environmentally 23. In this respect the like produced, i.e., sun and shade forms 1979a, homosporous pteridophytes and unlike the hetero- (Beitel, b; Beitel et al., 1982). However, although we have sporous Selaginellaceae and Isoetaceae, which have searched for years, we have x numbers seed plants. Also, like other ho- not found backcrosses like "1 these Lycopodiaceae bear both hybrids. This seems mosporous pteridophytes, surprising since Di- phasiastrum same gametophyte and species have been found be sex organs on the poten- to pri- niarily & The outcrossers undergo intragametophytic mating. (see above and can Soltis Soltis, tially 1988b). from homosporous ferns Hybridization produces the hybrid Lycopodiaceae differ in original and if such hybrids apparent absence of apogamy and in a greater retain this capacity, then con- the tinued outcrossing should ultimately lead to back- tendency for allohomoploidy, as illustrated pri- crossing, Diphasiastrum by introgression, and hybrid swarms. Ap- marfly nm To explain the curious **step-wise" increases 3nd may hTomosom'e base num- it be may that rarity a factor; there nc is ^ot be enough 31-34, 52-55, 66-70, and 78, 23, individuals of associated parental hers, i.e., I we species hypothesis that are dealing to cross can only a with. Related perhaps, the fact offer is some »fiat species of Lycopodium here with a polyploid series, involving aneu- are great sens. lat. X —clone formers and changes as a minor element, i.e., 2 11, 3 rely heavily on vegetative re- ploid ' - X 11,5 X 11,6 X and 7 X The graded 1 be that there in realitv verv 1 1 1 is , . mbe oduction clubmosses had high Unlike the original that Diphasiastrum and Lycopodiella, hy- possibiUty mbe idizat I 1 728 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical & erosporous lycopsids have low numbers do Duncan, as the T. A. R. Smith. 1978. Primary basic chro- mosome numbers seed plants supports the idea that paleopolyploidy in ferns: facts or fantasies. Syst accounts genome known for the sizes today the ^^^' ^' in ^^ lr?^~i^i5A W. xt , M DuNLOP. D. 1949. Notes on , , m the cytology of some ,. f Lycopodiaceae. Neopol1ypl1oi• d1 y prob1 abT ly occurs . ,y,^p^ds. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. 76: 266-277. genera of Lycopodiaceae, seems all but to be rare Ehrenberg, 1945. Kromosomtalen L. hos nagra karl- in certain groups, notably Diphasiastrum and Ly- vaxter. Bot. Not. 1945: 430-437. copodium ^abbri, F. 1965. Secondo supplemento Tavole sens, comparison Huperzia alle cro- str., in to ' mosornische Pteridophyta delle Alberto di Chiarugi. where common. neopolyploidy is •^'^ ^ 675-731. Caryologia 18: The chromosomes of these plants are, for var- Ghatak, 1965. Some evidences of cytological evo- J. ious reasons, often difficult to study, especially those lution in Lycopodium L. The Nucleus 8: 45-58. s.l. of the polyploid mosses, Huperzia, The Haufler, C. H. 1987. Electrophoresis modifybgour fir great is concepts of evolution in homosporous pteridophytes. diversity of numbers already known in the Lyco- Amer. 953-966. Bot. 74: J. will & A : Hersey, R. E. D. M. Brixton. 1981. cytological find study of three species and a hybrid taxon of Lyco- and thoroughly documented podium numbers. (section Complanata) Ontario. Canad. in J. 497-504. Genet. Cytol. 23: & HiCKOK, L. G. E. Klekowski, 1974. Inchoate Jr. J. An speciation in Ceratopteris: analysis of the syn- x Evo- Literature Cited thesized hybrid C. richardii C. pteridoides. 439-446. 28: lution Baranov. 1925. p. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Spo- Klekowski, E. 1970. Populational and genetic Jr. J., — rangiums und der Sporen von Lycopodium clavatum Osmunda studies of a homosporous fern regalis. L. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 43: 352-360. Amer. L 1122-1138. Bot. 57: M. Beitel, 1979a. The clubmosses Lycopodium & J. H. G. Baker. 1966. Evolutionary signifi- sitchense and L. sabinifolium in the upper Great cance Science 153: of polyploidy in the Pteridophyta. Lakes region. Michigan 3-13. Bot. 18: 305-307. 1979b. Clubmosses {Lycopodium) . in North Kukkonen, L 1967. Studies on the variability of A*- America. Forum Fiddlehead Amer. Fern (Bull. Soc). phasium {Lycopodium) complanatum. Ann. Bot. 1-8. 6: 441-470. Fenn, 4: 1986. Jluperzja The selago (Lycopodiaceae) Kuriachen, L Lycopodium cer- P. 1965. Cytology of complex in the Pacific Northwest. Amer. Bot. nuum. 633-636. J. Caryologia 18: Suppl. 73: 733-734. Love, A. 1976. lOPB chromosome number reports. 1988. The Hunerzia Splnxm ("Ivfrmn^inrfmial Taxon 483-500. . LIII. 25: complex in the Hawaiian Islands. Amer. Bot. Suppl & Cytotaxonomy and clas- J. D. Love. 1958. 76: 137. l-lO- The Nucleus sification of lycopods. 1: & & T. MiCKEL. 1992. Taxonomic J. changes Some nomenclatural 1061. . in firmosses, Huperzia. Amer. Fern 82 J. (in press). changes In the European flora. Species .nd su- I. & Wagner. F. S. 1982. The chromosomes 33-47. 114: ^^ ^^^ ^^ -^ *"^ ^^^ " ^» AJ« ^^r "- -*^^^ ^^1 K \ #tTM Fill r ^% praspecific categories. Bot. Not, Lycopodium of lucidulum. Amer. Fern 72- 33- & alpme Cytotaxonomy of the J. 1966. . 35. Colo- Univ. Mount Washington. vascular plants of & M. Hansen K. K. Walter. S. 1982. The rado Stud Ser. 24: 1-74. Biol. effect of sun and shade on Lycopodium - & 1977. xhabereri Sermolli. R. E. G. PicHi alum x ^^' {digit tristachyum). Amer L Bot. Soc. Misc Cytotaxonomical Pteridophyta. of the atlas Publ. No. 162: 74-75. mer, Vaduz. Bruce, G. 1975. J. Systematics and morphology evoluuon Manton, and of 1950. Problems of cytology I. subgenus Lepidotis of the genus Lycopodium Cam- (Ly- in the Pteridophyta. Cambridge Univ. Press, copodiaceae). Doctoral Thesis, University of Michi- bridge. Ann gan, Arbor. of & Mehra, Cytology N. Verma. 1957. p. S. C. 1976. Comparative . studies in the biology 55-56. of Lycopodium. 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