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Cytokines and Disease Marc Feldmann* and Fionula M. Brennan Cytokine and Cellular Immunology Division, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Imperial College School of Medicine, 1 Aspenlea Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 8LH, UK *corresponding author tel:+44(0)2083834406, fax:+44(0)2085630399, e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1006/rwcy.2000.01003. INTRODUCTION How can we establish whether a cytokine is relevant to a disease Whereas the health of an individual, organ or cell process? requires the precise maintenance of the function of the product of the entire (cid:24)105 genes in the human genome, pathology is potentially simpler. It could be There are multiple strategies for evaluating the roles due to changes in a very small number of molecules, of cytokines in disease. A key distinction to make initially possibly one. Subsequently there is usually concerns the role of a particular cytokine in animal consequential damage to various cells and tissues, so models or in human diseases. The former is con- that other genes become abnormally expressed as a siderably easier to establish, as an overexpression of consequence,anditcanbedifficulttoassesswhatthe that cytokine in transgenic mice (e.g. Keffer et al., critical early events were. 1991), total abrogation in knockouts (Marino et al., With the involvement of cytokines in essentially all 1997), and infusion of large amounts of neutralizing biological processes, such as in cell growth, differ- antibodies (Thorbecke et al., 1992) are all possible, entiation, inflammation, immunity, repair, and fibro- admittedly with various degrees of time and effort. sis (see the chapter on Introduction to the Role of This is not the case in humans, of course. As the Cytokines in Innate Host Defense and Adaptive closeness of animal models to the corresponding Immunity), it is apparent that cytokines will be human disease is highly variable, with only some involved in a multitude of, and probably all patho- aspects of disease pathogenesis of complex human logical processes. Their role in these processes will be diseases reflected faithfully in any of the animal diverse,insomeinstancescytokinesbeingpathogenic, models, extrapolation from animal models is poten- in others protective and probably most of the time, tially perilous. innocent bystanders. This means that unraveling the So what is ‘important’ in an animal model only role of cytokines in diseases is not as simple as some provides a working hypothesis for what is happening might wish. The detection of a cytokine, upregulated in the related human disease. With authentic human atthesiteofdiseaseordamageismerelythefirststep diseases,otherresearchstrategiesalsoyieldcluescon- in that difficult path and in itself does not imply cerning the role of cytokines. These include genetic pathogenic relevance. susceptibility associated with cytokine polymorph- It is very difficult to generalize about the role of isms (e.g. Wilson et al., 1997), differential expression cytokines in disease, notonly because of the diversity at sites of disease compared to uninvolved tissue (e.g. (over 100 known cytokines), but also since diseases Feldmann et al., 1996), increased levels in the blood are enormously heterogeneous. Nevertheless, this ofcytokines(e.g.Charlesetal.,1999)ortheirsoluble chapter will attempt to provide an introduction to receptors (Cope et al., 1992). In vitro models of local thisverycomplex,andrapidlygrowing,medicallyand humandiseases,whichinvolveculturingthetissuefrom economically important field. the diseased site, can be very useful (Buchan et al., 36 Marc Feldmann and Fionula M. Brennan 1988a, 1988b) if they continue to produce the same possibilities.OneisthatTNF(cid:11)isnotimportantinthe spectrum of ‘pathological’ molecules considered or later stages of sepsis as it presents clinically, or that known to be produced in vivo. These in vitro models the clinical trial design involving hundreds of trial can be used for therapeutic tests with antibodies or centers makes it very difficult to discern the possible other reagents to block cytokines that may influence therapeutic effect. measurable indices of disease activity (Brennan et al., Whereas TNF(cid:11) is pathogenic in RA, there is 1989a). However, the only definitive proof of the evidence that the opposite may be true in systemic importance of a cytokine in the pathogenesis of a lupus erythematosus (SLE). The clues come from human disease is in vivo, in a clinical trial in the animal models of disease. (NZB(cid:2)NZW) F1 mice affected population, using a cytokine inhibitor if the spontaneously develop, in an age- and sex-related cytokine is considered detrimental or the cytokine fashion,IgMandthenIgGautoantibodiestodouble- itself if it is considered beneficial. Only a limited stranded DNA (dsDNA), and subsequently other number of such studies have been performed to date, manifestations of SLE, especially nephritis. In these butitisinevitablethatmanymorewillbeexecutedin mice, treatment with anti-TNF(cid:11) antibody makes the near future (Wendling et al., 1993; Paty et al., themworse(JacobandMcDevitt,1988)asdoestreat- 1993;Cooperetal.,1993;Peestetal.,1995;Bresnihan ment with IL-10 (Ishida et al., 1994), which would et al., 1996; Keystone et al., 1998; Maini et al., 1998; also reduce TNF(cid:11) synthesis. Analysis of these mice van den Bosch et al., 1998). indicated that they were genetically low producers of TNF(cid:11). What about human systemic lupus erythematosus? Cytokines involved in a disease Theresultsarenotformallyproven.Thereisevidence may be present at augmented, thatasubsetwithlupusnephritishasageneticallylow productionofTNF(Jacobetal.,1990).Aspartofthe normal or low levels anti-TNF therapy clinical trials in rheumatoid arthritis, two patients developed both clinical and There is now definitive evidence that excess TNF(cid:11) is serological manifestations of SLE, one including involved in the pathogenesis of two chronic inflam- lupus nephritis (Sander and Rau, 1997). Thus it is matorydiseases,rheumatoidarthritis(RA)andCrohn’s very likely that low TNF(cid:11) production is one of the disease(Elliottetal.,1993;VanDullemenetal.,1995; pathogenic steps in human SLE. Presentetal.,1999).Thecriticalevidencecomesfrom double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials Cytokine equilibria and has led to FDA approval of TNF(cid:11) inhibitors in these diseases (an anti-TNF antibody Remicade, inCrohn’sandRA,aTNFRfusionproteinEnbrelin AsdiscussedinthechapterontheIntroductiontothe RA). For real certainty of the role of a cytokine in Role of Cytokines in Innate Host Defense and disease more than one such trial and more than one AdaptiveImmunity, cells in vivoare neverexposed to anticytokine agent would be useful and this has been a single cytokine. They are exposed to whole battery, accomplishedinRA.TheroleofTNF(cid:11)inthesechro- simultaneously and sequentially, and at various con- nic inflammatory diseases is discussed in more detail centrations. So cells must integrate the multiple sig- in the chapter on TNF(cid:11). nals they receive, either individually or collectively, This level of proof is difficult, expensive and time and translate them into biological effects. To help consuming to acquire, but there is no alternative. understand this, we have formulated over the years a Negativeclinicaltrialresults,however,aremorediffi- number of helpful oversimplifications, which can be cult to interpret and do not necessarily invalidate the expressed in diagrams (Figure 1 and Figure 2). hypothesis. Abundant animal experimentation was It may seem at first glance paradoxical that in consistent with the importance of TNF(cid:11) in sepsis inflammatory diseases both the pro- and anti-inflam- syndrome (Beutler et al., 1985; Van Zee et al., 1992). matorycytokinesmaybeupregulated.However,close However, these studies clearly demonstrated benefit investigationhasrevealedthistobethecase,andone only if a TNF(cid:11) inhibitor was used at, before, or very ofthemostimportantconceptsisthatofthecytokine soon after the injection of LPS or bacteria. However, equilibrium, illustrated in Figure 1. This applies, for humansepsissyndromeoccursrelativelylateafterthe example, to the ratios of proinflammatory to anti- onset of bacterial infection, and despite thousands of inflammatory cytokine mediators, with the net effect patients treated with TNF(cid:11) inhibitors, there have depending not on any one cytokine, but on the been no successes (Wherry et al., 1993; Fisher et al., totality of expression, the equilibrium. Of course in 1996). What does this mean? There are at least two anyonetissuethereisacomplexmosaicofmanysuch Cytokines and Disease 37 Figure 1 Cytokine disequilibrium in rheumatoid method increasing in popularity (because of its arthritis. The cytokine profile at sites of inflammation simplicity) is PCR for cytokine mRNA. This is a such as rheumatoid synovial tissue is characterized by relatively poor tool for understanding the role of increased production of both pro- and anti-inflamma- cytokines in disease, since cytokines are also tory molecules. Modified and reproduced with permis- abundantly expressed in health, and it is the protein, sion from Feldmann et al. (1996). not the mRNA which signals to the cytokine receptors. TGF b IL-10 TIMP-1 MMP-3 sTNF-R IL-1ra TIMP-2 IL-1 TNF MMP-1 Receptor expression Anti-inflammatory Becauseoftheiractiononveryhigh-affinityreceptors cytokines are potent signaling molecules. This means Proinflammatory thatthebiologicaleffectofcytokinesalsodependson thelevelsofthecorrespondingreceptorsexpressedon Figure 2 Cytokine cascade in their neighboring target cells. While the levels of rheumatoid arthritis. Proinflam- cytokine receptors are far less variable than those of matory cytokines in rheumatoid cytokines, and most cytokine receptors are constitu- arthritic synovium interact in a tivelyexpressed,levelsofcytokinereceptorsareregu- ‘network’ or ‘cascade’. Modified latable. The capacity to receive cytokine signals, and reproduced with permission especiallyformultichainreceptorcomplexes,depends from Feldmann et al. (1996). critically on receptor density, and so evaluating the role of cytokines in disease also involves an under- TIMP-1, TIMP-2 standing of receptor expression. The variable expres- IL-10, IL-1ra, sTNF-R sion of the IL-2 receptor (cid:11) chain (CD25) is the best Anti-inflammatory known example of variable cytokine receptor expres- sion. Without CD25 the multifunction IL-2 receptor Immune TNF IL-1 system complex has a much lower affinity (Smith, 1988). Proinflammatory IL-6, IL-8, GM-CSF etc. Cytokine inhibitors may reflect MMP-1, MMP-3 cytokine expression equilibria,indifferentspots;eachcellhastosummate theeffectsofsignalsonitscellsurface,integratethem Like all powerful entities, cytokines have their inhib- and then, if appropriate, produce secondary media- itors. Cytokines function physiologically as local tors, move, commit suicide, etc. mediators and their inhibitors are involved in help- Of much interest is the subdivision of CD4+ ing to localize their actions. As cytokine synthesis is T lymphocytes into TH1 and TH2 cells. These cells sporadic, depending on local cell activation, but are polarized into producing some but not all of the induced rapidly, it is consistent with the function of repertoire of cytokines that T cells can produce cytokine inhibitors that, unlike cytokines, they are (Romagnani,1991). TH1 cells, considered proinflam- present constitutively (e.g. Arend and Dayer, 1990), matory, produce IFN(cid:13) and IL-2; these are not and are also inducible by the same type of stimuli as produced by TH2 cells, which typically produce IL-4 induce the corresponding cytokine, and perhaps also and IL-5. TH2 cells are involved in allergic diseases. bytherelevantcytokineitself.Hencethedefinitionof In the same way that it is the balance between pro- a cytokine activity ‘profile’ needs to also take into inflammatory/anti-inflammatory mediators that dic- account the presence and quantities of the inhibitors. tatesthe‘outcome’,ratherthanlevelsofeither,soitis Thiscanbedonefunctionallybyusingbioassaysthat thebalancebetweenTH1andTH2andtheirproducts ‘automatically’ take endogenous inhibitors into that dictates the effects. The concept of equilibrium account (rather than the easy and hence popular emphasizes the need for accurate quantitation of ELISA assays). In some circumstances there are a cytokines in vitro, in animal models and in human variety of inhibitors, for example for IL-1, soluble pathology, if greater insight is to be gained. Poorly type I and type II IL-1 receptor, and IL-1 receptor quantitative and indirect methods for measuring antagonist,andtwosolubleTNFreceptorsforTNF(cid:11) cytokinelevels are oflimited value.For example, one and LT(cid:11). 38 Marc Feldmann and Fionula M. Brennan The role of cytokines in a variety level, rather than the abrogation of cytokine syn- thesis, which occurs with a targeted mutation. In this of biological, pathological processes context, total lack of important immune mediators and diseases such as IL-2 and IL-10 lead to major immune and inflammatory disorders (Schorle et al., 1991; Kuhn et al., 1993). An excess of TNF(cid:11) in transgenic mice While it is clearly not possible in an introductory also produces a spectrum of pathology, with a chapter of reasonable size to discuss the role of cyto- destructiverheumatoidtypeofarthritisandaCrohn’s kines in disease in any depth, we will attempt to like inflammatory bowel disease the most common illustratethediversityofeffectsofcytokinesindisease manifestations(Kefferetal.,1991).Incontrast,alack processes. In only a small number of these diseases is of proinflammatory mediators, e.g. TNF(cid:11), produces there sufficient information to definitely argue that a much more subtle phenotype, discernible upon cytokinesplayakeyroleinthediseaseprocess.Thisis stressing the animals (Marino et al., 1997). only true so far for rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s There is a diverse spectrum of immune and inflam- disease, where the blockade of TNF(cid:11) has reprodu- matory diseases, with differences in the phenotypes cibly led to clear clinical benefit. However, these are displayed. The most salient features are described unlikelytoremaintheonlyexamplesinthiscategory. below. Because of the greater depth of knowledge in these diseases, we will start the more detailed discussion of cytokines in disease with these examples. Rheumatoid arthritis The role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of THE ROLE OF CYTOKINES IN rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been the most exten- INFLAMMATORY AND IMMUNE sively investigated of the human diseases since the mid-1980s(reviewedbyFeldmannetal.,1996).RAis DISEASES a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the peri- pheral synovial joints, resulting in inflammation and Theevidentroleofcytokinesinimmunityandinflam- swelling, and eventually leading to destruction of the mationhasledtoawidespreadexplorationoftherole underlying connective tissue. The synovial membrane of cytokines in this group of diseases. Over the years liningthejointcapsuleinRAbecomesinfiltratedwith the understanding of the cytokine network in these cells from the blood, mainly activated monocytes, diseases has evolved dramatically. In the late 1980s T and B cells, while the tissue-resident cells, such as and early 1990s it was widely believed that because a fibroblasts and endothelium, become activated and number of proinflammatory cytokines with closely increase in number. The eventual destruction of the overlapping properties (e.g. IL-1, TNF(cid:11), GM-CSF) underlyingcartilageandboneisnowthoughttoresult were expressed in inflammatory sites, blocking a from the activities of these cells in the synovium and single cytokine was unlikely to be clinically useful as the cytokine and enzyme products that they release. the proinflammatory features would still be main- Inparticularthe‘pannus’tissue,whichmigratesfrom tained by the remaining cytokines. Studies with anti- the synovium into the cartilage, is thought to TNF(cid:11)antibody in rheumatoid joint cell cultures first represent the ‘moving edge’ of inflammation and, as demonstratedthattheexpressionofproinflammatory such, is an important source of proinflammatory cytokines were coordinated (Brennan et al., 1989b), cytokines and other mediators. with TNF(cid:11) blockade leading to marked diminution ofIL-1bioactivity.Thesestudiesledtotheconceptof Cytokine Expression in RA Synovial Tissue the cytokine cascade, as described in detail in the section on Rheumatoid arthritis. Using a combination of immunohistological, mRNA A wide spectrum of cytokines is involved in both studies, and protein assays, studies from our own the normal immune and inflammatory responses. group and others have documented that many Hence it is anticipated that in diseases of these sys- cytokines are produced in RA synovium. These tems, alterationsin thelevels ofcytokinesmayoccur, investigations have indicated the abundance of and could be important in the abnormal outcomes. proinflammatory cytokines (Fontana et al., 1982; There are clues from cytokine ‘knockouts’ that Buchan et al., 1988a, 1988b; Di Giovine et al., 1988; lowered levels of certain mediators may be important Eastgate et al., 1988; Hirano et al., 1988; Hopkins incertaindiseases.However,inthehumandiseases,it et al., 1988; Hopkins and Meager, 1988; Houssiau is much more likely that there is a reduced cytokine et al., 1988; Saxne et al., 1988; Brennan et al., 1989b; Cytokines and Disease 39 Chu et al., 1991; Deleuran et al., 1992; Wood et al., Table 1 Cytokine expression in rheumatoid arthritis 1992), hematopoietic growth factors (Firestein et al., 1988; Xu et al., 1989; Alvaro-Garcia et al., 1989; Cytokine Expression Haworth et al., 1991), chemokines (Brennan et al., mRNA Protein 1990a; Koch et al., 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994a, 1994b; Akahoshi et al., 1993; Hosaka et al., 1994), and Proinflammatory fibrotic growth factors. These are summarized in IL-1(cid:11), IL-1(cid:12) + + Table 1 and reviewed by Feldmann et al. (1996). In TNF + + the main, activated macrophages, fibroblasts, and endothelium produce the most abundant cytokines. LT + (cid:6) In contrast there is a paucity of T cell-derived IL-6 + + cytokines (Firestein et al., 1988; Saxne et al., 1988; GM-CSF + + Buchanetal.,1988a; Brennanet al., 1989a;Xu et al., M-CSF + + 1989), leading to an ongoing debate regarding the importance of T cells in RA, especially in its late LIF + + stages (Firestein and Zvaifler, 1990; Panayi et al., Oncostatin M + + 1992). Recently, however, using more sensitive IL-2 + + techniques, the presence of T cell-derived cytokines, IL-3 (cid:255) (cid:255) IFN(cid:13), IL-2, and lymphotoxin, which are character- istic of TH1 cells, has been described in RA tissue IL-7 (cid:6) (cid:6) (Ulfgren et al., 1995a, 1995b; Steiner et al., 1999). IL-9 (cid:6) (cid:6) IL-12 + + Cytokine Networks in RA Synovial Tissue IL-15 + + While the studies described above document the IFN(cid:11),(cid:12) + + spectrum of cytokines produced in an inflammatory IFN(cid:13) + tissue such as that in RA, these observations do not IL-17 + + indicate which are of major importance with respect IL-18 + + todiseasepathology,nordotheyaddressthecomplex interactions between the cytokines. These issues have Immunoregulatory been addressed using an ex vivo system in which dis- IL-4 (cid:6) (cid:255) sociated rheumatoid synovial tissue cells are cultured for short periods without exogenous stimulation, and IL-10 + + the spontaneous production of cytokines detected IL-11 + + in the presence or absence of cytokine antagonists IL-13 + + (reviewed by Feldmann et al., 1996). Prolonged cyto- TGF(cid:12) + + kineexpressionwasdetected,atboththemRNAlevel whichwasnotduetoincreasedhalf-life(Buchanetal., Chemokines 1988b) and the protein level, mimicking what was IL-8 + + presumed to occur in vivo. As it had been reported that TNF(cid:11) was a strong inducer of IL-1 production GRO(cid:11) + + (Nawroth et al., 1986) we investigated the effect of MIP-1 + + neutralizingTNFonIL-1synthesis.Itwasfoundthat MCP-1 + + blockade of TNF(cid:11) but not TNF(cid:12) (LT) in these RA ENA-78 + + synovialculturessignificantlyinhibitedIL-1bioactiv- ity (Brennan, 1989). As both IL-1 and TNF induce RANTES + + the resorption of cartilage and bone (Gowen et al., Mitogens 1983; Saklatvala et al., 1985; Dayer et al., 1985; FGF + + Thomas et al., 1987) this suggested that TNF blockade could have potent effects upon the disease PDGF + + process (Figure 2). VEGF + + Since there are many other possible inducers of IL-1, such as GM-CSF, IFN(cid:13), and immune com- plexes, these results demonstrated the predominance of TNF, and led us to investigate whether other 40 Marc Feldmann and Fionula M. Brennan cytokines produced in the RA synovial cultures may unclear whether a genesuch as IL-15, which contains alsobeTNF?dependent.ItwasfoundthatGM-CSF, multiple start codons, is translated efficiently into IL-6, and IL-8 (Haworth et al., 1991; Butler et al., protein (Tagaya et al., 1996) in rheumatoid tissue. 1995) were also downregulated by anti-TNF in these We have focused upon the hypothesis that TNF ex vivo cultures. In order to evaluate the role of IL-1 synthesis in RA tissue is T cell dependent, based in the synovial cytokine network, IL-1 receptor upon the observation that removal of T cells from antagonistwasused,anditwasfoundthatIL-6,IL-8 the monocytic/macrophage population markedly were downregulated, but not TNF(cid:11) (Butler et al., reducesthecapacityofthelattertomakeTNF(cid:11).Sur- 1995). These results clearly pointed to the possibility prisingly, the few monocytic cells left in the T cell- that blocking TNF(cid:11) may be useful therapeutically enriched fraction, together with the T cells, release and it also highlighted the central or ‘pivotal’ role of more TNF(cid:11) than T cell-depleted synovial macro- TNF(cid:11) in this inflammatory disease (Brennan et al., phages (Brennan, unpublished; Figure 3). Direct cell 1992). contactbetweenmonocytesandTcellsprovidesfora Mostofthestudiesdescribedabovehavebeenper- potent stimulus for TNF(cid:11) and IL-1 production (Isler formed upon tissue from late-stage disease. Thus it is et al., 1993; Sebbag et al., 1997). The nature of the unclear whether or what cytokines are involved in signalsfromTcellstomacrophagesisnotwellunder- promoting the earlier events, such as the TH1/pro- stood but has been studied. Using normal T cells/cell inflammatory immune response, which may involve lines, several groups have investigated and proposed IL-12 or IL-18, the most potent inducers of IFN(cid:13). some possibilities, e.g. CD69 and LFA-1 (Isler et al., The role of IL-12 has been investigated in murine 1993;Manieetal., 1993),VLA4(Laffonet al.,1991), collagen-inducedarthritisinDBA/1mice.Thus,IL-12 (Alderson et al., 1993; Wagner et al., 1994; Kiener coadministered with collagen type II boosts arthritis et al., 1995; Shu et al., 1995) as well as unidentified in these animals, and disease is ameliorated if IL-12 proteins in the range 25–35kDa (Isler et al., 1993). action is blocked with anti-IL-12 antibody (Malfait We have observed additionally, that the manner in et al., 1998), which is particularly effective in con- which the T cell is stimulated influences which cyto- junctionwithanti-TNF(cid:11)(Butleretal.,1999).Littleis kine are produced by the monocyte. Thus T cells yet known about IL-18 expression in rheumatoid activated with anti-CD3 antibodies mimicking an arthritis, but it is expected to be present at the early antigensignalinduceabundantTNF(cid:11)andIL-10syn- stages (Yamamura et al., 1997). thesis in monocytes when co-cultured (Parry et al., 1997). In contrast, T cells activated for 8 days with a cocktail of cytokines (IL-2, TNF, and IL-6) when Regulation of TNF(cid:11) in Rheumatoid Arthritis fixed and co-cultured with monocytes induce TNF(cid:11) TNF(cid:11)productionisahighlyregulatedprocesswhich but not IL-10 synthesis (Sebbag et al., 1997) includes involvement ofboth the 50 promoter and the (Figure 4). This raises the interesting possibility that 30 untranslated region of the gene (Beutler and chronic inflammation can be maintained as a con- Cerami, 1989). The 30 UTR contains an AU-rich sequence of proinflammatory cytokine production motif, which regulates translation of the mRNA and tissue expression. Indeed replacement of this AU Figure3 TNFproductioninRAsynovialjoint region in the human TNF gene expressed in trans- cell cultures is T cell dependent. Rheumatoid genic mice results in the spontaneous development of synovial cells were cultured either as a total arthritis (Keffer et al., 1991). In rheumatoid joints, population or without CD3+T cells (removed the TNF(cid:11) is produced predominantly from CD68+ bymagneticbeadenrichment).TNFproduction macrophage-like cells. The factor(s) that induce TNF was measured by ELISA. synthesis in RA synovial joints have obviously been of much interest. Blockade of one likely candidate, 750 IL-1, with the IL-1 receptor antagonist had no effect on TNF production (Butler et al., 1995). Others have suggested that the IL-2-like cytokine IL-15, which is ml) 500 g/ found in RA synovium, may be of importance ( aF (McInnes et al., 1997). Thus, IL-15 was observed to N T 250 activateT cells, whichtheninducedTNFsynthesis in monocytes in a cognate-dependent manner, and in vivo, arthritis disease in rodents was prevented 0 Total T cell Total T cell with a soluble IL-15 receptor protein (McInnes et al., depleted depleted 1996; Ruchatz et al., 1998). However, it remains Day 2 Day 5 Cytokines and Disease 41 Figure 4 T cell activation modulates the cytokine Figure 5 Blockade of IL-11 activity enhances profile produced by monocytes following T cell TNF(cid:11) production: synergy with IL-10. Rheuma- monocyte cognate interaction. toid arthritis synovial membrane cells (pooled data from five experiments) were cultured in tri- plicate, treated for 48 hours with neutralizing TNFa + IL-10 Macrophage anti-IL-11mAb(10(cid:22)g/mL),neutralizinganti-IL- 10 mAb (10(cid:22)g/mL) or both antibodies together, andsupernatantstestedforTNF(cid:11)byELISAand TNFa illustratedas%levelofTNF(cid:11)control.TNF(cid:11)pro- ductionwassignificantlyincreasedincellcultures treated with anti-IL-11 mAb (2-fold), anti-IL-10 mAb (3-fold) or both antibodies (22-fold) com- Cytokine stimulus Antigen stimulus pared with basal production, anti-IL-11 mAb-, ‘bystander activation’ ‘specific activation’ and anti-IL-10 mAb-treated synovial membrane cell cultures, respectively. Modified and repro- ducedwithpermissionfromHermannetal.(1998). from macrophages, induced by ‘bystander’ T cells, which themselves are activated by the cytokine prod- ucts of the macrophage. In the absence of insuffi- cient immunoregulation by cytokines such as IL-10, a IL-11 + a IL-10 * chronic inflammation ensues. a IL-10 (10 m g/ml) ** * p <0.05 Anti-inflammatory Cytokines a IL-11 (10 m g/ml) ** **p <0.01 The evaluation of cytokine expression in rheumatoid synovium revealed that some cytokines with chiefly Control anti-inflammatorypropertieswerealsoresentinabun- dantquantitiesinrheumatoidsynovium.Theseinclude 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 TGF(cid:12) and IL-10 (Brennan et al., 1990a; Fava et al., % inhibition of TNFa control 1991;Katsikisetal.,1994).Incontrast,IL-4production hasnotusuallybeenidentified,anditslackmaybeone that in RA synovial tissue the system is not in of the factors accounting for the relative TH1 T cell homeostasis. preponderance in rheumatoid joints. There are con- Recently,weinvestigatedwhetherIL-11,amember flicting data concerning IL-13 (Ulfgren et al., 1995b; of the IL-6 gene superfamily displayed anti-inflam- Isomaki et al., 1996) and the expression and role of matory effects similar to those of IL-10. It had been IFN(cid:11)/(cid:12) is not well defined (Hopkins and Meager, described that IL-11 inhibited LPS-induced TNF in 1988).ThetypeIinterferonshavebothpro-andanti- mouse macrophages (Trepicchio et al., 1996). How- inflammatory activities and it is not clear which, if ever, IL-11 alone in RA cultures had no effect on either, predominates in RA. However, the recent evi- TNF synthesis, unless the soluble IL-11 receptor was dence that IFN(cid:11) induces STAT4 phosphorylation in added together with IL-11 (Hermann et al., 1998). TH1CD4+Tcells(Roggeetal.,1997)incommonwith Blockade of IL-11 enhanced TNF levels by 2-fold. IL-12, may suggest that increased IFN(cid:11) in RA may However,ifIL-10andIL-11werebothblocked,TNF predisposetoTH1ratherthanTH2predominance. levels increased 22-fold (Figure 5). This suggests that Our own interest has focused on the inhibitory both IL-10 and IL-11 are important endogenous cytokines, which are present in abundance in RA immunoregulators in inflammatory tissue. IL-11 synovial tissue, and include TGF(cid:12), IL-10, and IL-11. also inhibited the release of MMP-1 and MMP-3 However, while TGF(cid:12) displays several anti-inflam- whilst increasing TIMP levels in these cultures, sug- matory effects, the addition to RA joint cell cultures gesting that there is a direct action of IL-11 on had little effect on the spontaneous production of fibroblastic cells. proinflammatory cytokines (Brennan et al., 1990a), Targeting TNF(cid:11) in Disease In Vivo suggesting that the quantities already present were probably at maximal effective concentration. In con- The definition that TNF(cid:11) was a therapeutic target, trast,theadditionofIL-10diminishedtheproduction based on the in vitro studies described above, was of IL-1 and TNF(cid:11) furthermore, blockade of endo- confirmed with anti-TNF(cid:11) antibody in animal genous IL-10 enhanced TNF levels by 3–4-fold models of arthritis (Williams et al., 1992, 1995; (Katsikis et al., 1994). This suggests that IL-10 is an Piguetetal.,1992;Thorbeckeetal.,1992),andhelped important immunoregulator of inflammation, and provide the rationale for anti-TNF(cid:11) antibody 42 Marc Feldmann and Fionula M. Brennan therapyinpatientswithrheumatoidarthritis(Elliottet Figure 6 Effect of cA2 on circulating IL-1Ra. al., 1993, 1994). The clinical trials of anti-TNF(cid:11) Rheumatoid arthritis patients were treated with antibody, using cA2, a high-affinity neutralizing either placebo (circles); 1mg/kg cA2 (triangles); chimeric antibody produced by Centocor, Inc., or 10mg/kg cA2 (filled squares). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 compared with placebo. began in May 1992, and were successful in rapidly Reproduced with permission from Charles et al. diminishing many aspects of disease activity, includ- (1999). ing symptoms (e.g. pain, joint stiffness), signs (joint swelling and tenderness) as well as biochemical 50 markers of disease (e.g. C-reactive protein, CRP, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR). It was ml) 0 g/ Placebo striking that this happened even in longstanding p active patients who were resistant to existing therapy y 0; –50 a d (Elliott et al., 1993). These results were confirmed in m 1 mg/kg cA2 o –100 * a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trial e fr owfithcAd2iff(eErellniotttanetti-TalN.,F1(cid:11)99a4n)t,ibaonddiebsy(Roatnhkeringertouapl.s, chang –150 ** *** *** 10 mg/kg cA2 t1h9e94;pS7a5lfieTldNFet arle.,ce1p9t9o8r), faunsdionmorperorteecienntlEynwbirtehl IL-1ra ( –200 *** * *****p* pp < <<0.000..000151 (Moreland et al., 1997). –250 01 3 7 14 28 The cA2 trial demonstrated that in addition to a rapid fall in the acute phase response, serum levels of Day IL-6 were reduced within the first 24 hours of treat- Blockade of Other Cytokines in RA ment, and reached normal levels in the majority of patients (Charles et al., 1999). Not all cytokines are In view of the many actions of TNF(cid:11) mediated by detectable in serum samples, so it is not yet known if IL-1, and the synergy between these two cytokines, it allthecytokinesshowntobeTNF(cid:11)dependentinthe would be predicted that IL-1 blockade might be just rheumatoid joint tissue ex vivo are in fact reduced as effective as that of TNF(cid:11). In murine collagen- invivo.SofaritisclearthatIL-1,IL-6,IL-8,MCP-1, inducedarthritis(CIA)thatpossibilityhasbeentested and VEGF are diminished by anti-TNF(cid:11) therapy and is the case, provided that therapy is performed in vivo. Furthermore, the trial demonstrated that when these cytokines are present (Wooley et al., endothelium was deactivated following anti-TNF 1993). If therapy is delayed until TNF(cid:11) is no longer therapy, with a marked reduction in circulating solu- expressed in mouse joints, then it is not surprising ble E-selectin and ICAM-1, reduced trafficking of that it is not effective (Joosten et al., 1996). leukocytes to the inflamed synovium, associated with IL-1blockadeinhumanRAhasinvolvedtheuseof reduced expression of adhesion molecules on the subcutaneous IL-1Ra, which is cleared rapidly, and blood vessels in synovium. the doses used probably do not block IL-1 receptors One of the possible limitations of the effectiveness efficiently. This may account for the marginal results of anti-TNF therapy given as a short course may be reported so far, with little reduction in inflammatory the observation that cytokine inhibitors are also symptomsandsigns(Campionetal.,1996;Bresnihan reducedafterthistherapy.Thus,serumIL-1Ralevels et al., 1996). IL-6 blockade in RA has been reported are diminished by about 50% and enter the normal tobeeffectivefor2–3weeks,usingamurineanti-IL-6 range (Figure 6). The rate of change is rapid, just as antibody (Wendling et al., 1993; Wijdenes et al., rapid as changes in acute phase proteins, and it has 1994). Professor T. Kishimoto has reported at meet- beenreportedrecentlythatIL-1Raisproducedinthe ings that anti-IL-6 receptor antibody is also effective liver by hepatocytes (Gabay et al., 1997) just like in RA. Both therapies would block IL-6 signaling. other acute phase proteins. With respect to soluble TNF blockade diminishes the production of natu- TNF receptors (sTNFR), there is also a rapid dimi- ral cytokine inhibitors such as IL-1Ra and soluble nution in serum levels, which lasts for many weeks. TNFR(Charlesetal.,1999).Thismaybeanimportant The effect is statistically significant for p75 sTNFR, part of why TNF(cid:11) blockade alone does not, in the but not for the less abundant p55 sTNFR (Charles late-stageRApatientsusedforclinicaltrials,leadtoa et al., 1999). There are no data available yet con- cure, as might have been considered possible on the cerning other cytokine inhibitors, e.g. soluble IL-1 basis of the equilibrium concept (Figure 1). One con- receptor. In contrast there is an abstract indicating sequence of the anti-TNF(cid:11) antibody-induced reduc- that IL-10 levels may be increased (Ohshima et al., tion of natural cytokine inhibitors is that it would 1996). make sense to consider restoring them. The one that Cytokines and Disease 43 drops the most is IL-1Ra, which is currently in thaninRA(reviewedbyWestacottandSharif,1996). clinical trials, with marginal efficacy if used alone CytokinesdetectableincludeTNF(cid:11),IL-1,IL-6,IL-8, (Bresnihan et al., 1998). It may be more useful to use LIF, and oncostatin M (Smith et al., 1997). These it in combination with anti-TNF(cid:11) antibody. Simi- have been detected in synovial fluid, and in the larly, IL-10 may be more useful in conjunction with supernatant of osteoarthritis synovial cell cultures. anti-TNF(cid:11), as a maintenance therapy. Combination Inhibitors of cytokine action such as IL-1Ra, soluble therapies of multiple types are very effective in colla- TNFR, and TGF(cid:12) are also present in appreciable gen type II-induced arthritis (reviewed by Williams quantities in synovial fluid (SF) and synovial mem- et al., 1998). brane (SM) cultures. Anabolic cytokines involved in The reduction in serum cytokines provides a useful maintaining cartilage function, such as TGF(cid:12), FGF, laboratory test of whether therapy is effective, and and IGF1, are also found (e.g. Brennan et al., 1990a; may provide a useful surrogate marker for clinical Martel-Pelletier et al., 1990; Denko et al., 1990; efficacy. Serum IL-6 changes after anti-TNF(cid:11) anti- Westacott and Sharif, 1996). Which angiogenic bodytherapyarerapid,andreachnormallevels.This cytokines or chemokines are of major importance in assay could be a useful tool for ascertaining whether the angiogenesis and cell recruitment that take place other antirheumatic therapies act by influencing the iscurrentlynotclear,althougharoleformacrophage cytokinesystem.WhethertheIL-6assayisbetterthan inflammatory protein has been proposed by Koch the conventional assays of CRP and ESR used by et al. (1995). rheumatologists remains to be ascertained, especially as CRP and ESR are chiefly regulated by IL-6 (Andusetal.,1988;Geigeretal.,1988;Morroneetal., Cytokine expression in 1988) – CRP directly, and ESR by IL-6-induced Crohn’s disease elevations of fibrinogen. While there is strong evidence for a genetic asso- Osteoarthritis (OA) ciation in Crohn’s disease, the important genes have not yet been identified. All the classic autoimmune Osteoarthritis is the commonest joint disease and, diseaseshaveassociationswithcertainHLAantigens. unlike rheumatoid arthritis, its pathogenesis is poorly For example, rheumatoid arthritis is associated with understood. It is not clear which type of pathology a HLA-DR4 and DR1, insulin-dependent diabetes ‘degenerative’ disease of this type belongs to, and so mellitus with HLA-DR3 and DR4 and more closely thereisnoclearreferenceframework,ascomparedto with HLA-DQ8. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) autoimmunity or cancer. It is considered to be a is associated with HLA B2 DR3, but in fact the heterogeneous disease, with a variety of predisposing strongest association within the HLA gene cluster is risk factors, including genetic predisposition, obesity, with the complement component C4. However, in and trauma (Cooper, 1994; Bullough, 1994). Crohn’sdiseasetherehasbeenmuchcontroversy,and It is believed that there are a number of stages in reported associations are variable. Sometimes the the pathogenesis of human OA, which are recapitu- disease is associated with DR1 or D95, but in more latedintheSTR/ortmousewhichdevelopspathology recent studies it is not associated with HLA at all, with similar histology (Chambers et al., 1997). First even within afflicted families (Satsangi et al., 1996). there is a cartilage-specific stage, in which matrix This suggests that the immunological aspects of turnover is increased and chondrocytes divide, then a Crohn’s will differ from those of other diseases stagewithhypertrophyofbonewiththeformationof considered autoimmune. There has been a lot of osteophytesattheedgeofjointsandlastofall,astage interest in the relevance of mycobacteria and other with marked synovial membrane enlargement, leuko- bacteria to Crohn’s disease, but there is no convin- cyte infiltration, inflammation, cytokine production cing link. and joint destruction, often leading to joint replace- At the cytokine level, the abnormalities in Crohn’s ment surgery. It is only from this last stage that there appear to be closely related to those of RA. The is considerable information about cytokine expres- strongest evidence for this is that both diseases have sion, as it is the time that joint samples are obtained responded very well to therapy with an anti-TNF(cid:11) at surgery. antibody (Remicade) (Van Dullemen et al., 1995; The cytokine profile in late OA is typical of what Targan et al., 1997; Present et al., 1999). Consistent would be anticipated from an activated cell popula- improvement is seen in the majority of patients, tion composed chiefly of macrophages, fibroblasts, lasting 8 or more weeks from a single infusion. Biop- and endothelial cells, with considerably less T cells sies of affected sites via an endoscope have added 44 Marc Feldmann and Fionula M. Brennan considerablytoourknowledgeofthepathogenesisof Atherosclerosis Crohn’s disease. There is a considerable infiltrate in the lamina propia of T cells and macrophages. There Currentconceptsin thisdiseasearechanging rapidly. is evidence that these cells are activated, as judged by Whileitisstillclearthatabnormalitiesinlipidmetab- their surface markers and the production of cyto- olism are of importance, it is now acknowledged that kines. Cytokines of the proinflammatory TH1 type, this does not explain all the phenomenology. Several such as IFN(cid:13) and IL-2, have been detected, whereas studies, initially that of Russell Ross, have high- those of the proallergic TH2 type, such as IL-4 and lighted that atherosclerosis has the features of an IL-5, are difficult to find. There is evidence that the inflammatory disease (Ross, 1989, 1999). More antigen-presenting function is upregulated; for exam- recently, autoimmunity and infection have been pro- ple, high levels of HLA class II, extending to posed (e.g. Wick et al., 1997; Danesh et al., 1997, epithelium have been observed. This is likely to be a Caligiuri et al., 1999). The cellular composition is reflection of bioactive levels of IFN(cid:13) in the tissues. analogous to that in other inflammatory diseases, Macrophage proinflammatory cytokines, such as with macrophages (often lipid laden, hence called TNF(cid:11), IL-1, IL-6, are also found (Radford-Smith ‘foam cells’) and smooth muscle being the most and Jewell, 1996; Fiocchi, 1998). Anti-inflammatory abundant cells, with T lymphocytes and even some mediators such as IL-10 are present. IL-4 levels are mastcells present. Earlylesions termed‘fatty streaks’ reduced compared to those in normal gut or asso- only contain macrophages and T cells (Hansson and ciated with ulcerative colitis. TGF(cid:12) is present at Libby, 1996). Adhesion molecules, such as ICAM-1 elevated levels (Beck and Podolsky, 1999). andVCAM-1arealsoupregulated.Theexpressionof The signals that drive the presence of these cyto- cytokines in atherosclerotic plaques resembles that of kines are not known. In animal models the Ox40 other inflammatory sites. Cytokines expressed in the pathway has been implicated in therapeutic studies local lesions, and hence believed to be important in (Higgins et al., 1999). Chemokines expressed include thepathogenesis,areTNF(cid:11),MCP-1,IL-1,GM-CSF, IL-8, GRO, MCP-1, and more work needs to be IL-8, VEGF, MCP-4, BMP-6, CD40/CD40L, IFN(cid:13), performed to define the others. The relatively scarce IL-12, and IL-6 (Libby and Galis, 1995; Libby et al., results obtained with human tissue have been corro- 1995; Raines and Ross, 1996). This profile of cyto- borated in a variety of animal models that resemble kines is very similar to that seen at other chronic Crohn’s disease, such as IL-10 knockouts, or the inflammatorysites,suchasinRA,anditisofinterest transfer of CD4+CD45RB+T cells. that there is accelerated onset of atherosclerosis in RApatients.PDGFisalsoexpressedinatherosclero- Ulcerative colitis (UC) tic plaques, and has been implicated in the migration ofsmoothmusclecellsintotheplaques.Expressionof The etiology and pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis is, some of the receptors for the proinflammatory cyto- like that of most diseases, incompletely understood. kines have been noted, such as TNFR, and pre- Therearegeneticassociations(Fiocchi,1998),includ- sumably the others are also present, as would be ing TNF(cid:11) 308 allele 2. Antibodies to neutrophils expected on activated cells. (pANCA) are very prevalent. Also present in atherosclerotic plaques are some Unlike Crohn’s disease, where the inflammation is cytokines that are believed to be protective. These transmural, in UC the inflammation is more super- include IL-10, which reduces the production of a ficial. The cytokine profile has been studied. Chemo- wholegamutofproinflammatorycytokines,including kines such as MCP-1, IL-8, RANTES, ENA-28, and most of those listed above. TGF(cid:12) has been reported proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, TNF, IL-6, widely to be present, and because it has deactivating IL-15 have been described (Radford-Smith and effects on endothelium, macrophages, and smooth Jewell, 1996; Fiocchi, 1998). muscle, and it is abundant in sites of the arterial tree TheTcellcytokineprofileisvaried,butthereisnot most prone to atherosclerosis, it is probable pro- theTH1 preponderanceseenin Crohn’sdisease.Thus tective (Borkowski et al., 1995). Confirmatory evi- lamina propria T cells do not make large amounts dence of the protective role of TGF(cid:12) comes from ofIFN(cid:13).TH2cytokinessuchasIL-5arepresent,but findings of genomic instability (deletions) in replica- IL-4isnotelevatedcomparedtolevelsinnormalgut; tion-prone microsatellites in the type II TGF(cid:12) recep- IL-10ispresent.UnlikeCrohn’sdisease,theresponse tor with consequent loss of function in cells from to anti-TNF(cid:11) antibody was not dramatic, emphasi- plaques but not in surrounding tissue (McCaffrey zing that at the cytokine level, UC is different from etal.,1997).Whilethepathogenesisofatherosclerosis Crohn’s disease. is becoming clearer, the current state of knowledge

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