CYTOGENETIC AND MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF CHRONIC AND ACUTE LEUKEMIA CYTOGENETISCH EN MOLECULAIR ONDERZOEK VAN CHRONISCHE EN ACUTE LEUKEMIE PROEFSCHRIFT TER VERKRUGING VAN DE GRAAD VAN DOCTOR AAN DE ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM OP GEZAG VAN DE RECTOR MAGNIFICUS PROF.DR. C.J. RIJNVOS EN VOLGENS BESLUIT VAN HET COLLEGE VAN DEKANEN. DE OPENBARE VERDEDIGING ZAL PLAATSVINDEN OP WOENSDAG 30 OKTOBER 1991 OM 15.45 UUR DOOR DOROTHEA CHRISTINA VAN DER PLAS GEBOREN TE HOORN PROMOTIECOMMISSIE promotoren: Prof.Dr.A.Hagemeijer Prof.Dr.D.Bootsma Overige !eden: Dr. G. C. Grosveld Prof.Dr.R.Willemze Prof.Dr.B.Uiwenberg y:ted by: Haveka B.V .• Alblasserdam. The Netherlands. Dit proefschrift werd bewerkt binnen de vakgroep Celbiologie en Genetica van de Faculteit der Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Aan mijn ouders Aan Arend CONTENTS Abbreviations 7 Chapter 1 General introduction 9 1.1 The Philadelphia chromosome 9 1.2 N annal and abnonnal hematopoiesis 9 L3 Chromosome aberrations in cancer 12 1.4 Genes involved in leukemia 13 1.5 Introduction to the experimental work 15 Chapter 2 Cytogenetics of leukemia 19 2.1 Cytogenetics of chronic leukemia (CLL, CML), and MDS. 19 2.2 Clinical relevance of cytogenetics in acute leukemia 23 2.3 The prognostic significance of karyotype at diagnosis in 33 childhood ALL Chapter 3 Molecular biology of the Plilladelphia chromosome 53 3.1 The Ph chromosome in CML 53 3.2 Unique fusion of bcr and c-abl genes in Philadelphia chromosome positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 59 3.3 Immunological characterization of the tumor specific bcr-abl junction in Philadelphia chromosome positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 69 Chapter 4 Molecular diagnosis of Ph positive CML 77 4.1 -Molecular investigations of Ph positive CML 77 -Breakpoints on chromosome 22 outside the BCR region 81 -Simultaneous expression of two different bcr-abl mRNAs 83 4.2 Bcr-abl mRNA lacking abl exon a2 detected by polymerase chain reaction in a CML patient 87 Chapter 5 Ph conversion: disappearance of the Ph chromosome 95 Chapter 6 Cytogenetic and molecular diagnosis of Ph negative CML 109 6.1 Cytogenetic and molecular analysis in Ph negative CML 109 6.2 Philadelphia negative Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML): Comparison with Ph positive CML and Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia 119 6.3 Review of clinical, cytogenetic and molecular aspects of Ph negative CML !29 Chapter 7 Cytogenetic and molecular diagnosis of Ph positive Acute Leukemia 145 7.1 Bcr-abl rearrangement in acute leukemia 145 7.2 Molecular analysis of a new chromosomal rearrangement in Acute N onlymphocytic Leukemia 147 Chapter 8 Cytogenetic and molecular diagnosis of Ph positive Myelodysplastic Syndrome 151 8.1 Cytogenetic and molecnlar studies of the Philadelphia translocation t(9;22) observed in a patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome 151 Chapter 9 General discussion !57 Summary 165 Same nv atting 167 Curriculum Vitae 169 Publications 171 Daukwoord 173 Appendix Clinical evaluation of a DNA probe assay for the Ph translocation in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia 175 ABBREVIATIONS aCML atypical chronic myelogenous leukemia ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia AML acute myeloblastic leukemia ANLL acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia: APL acute promyelocytic leukemia BC blast crisis BCR 5.8 Kb breakpoint cluster region = M-bcr-1 her her gene BM bone marrow BMT bone marrow transplantation bp base pairs BV173 cell line derived from a CML patient in blast crisis; expresses b2a2 mRNA c-abl cellular abl oncogene eDNA complementary desoxyribonucleic acid C terminus carboxy terminus CLL chronic lymphocytic leukemia CML chronic myelogenous leukemia CMML chronic myelomonocytic leukemia del deletion DNA deoxyribonucleic acid el first exon of the her gene FAB French-American-British Cooperative Group GM-CSF granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor GVHD graft versus host disease GVL graft versus leukemia effect HL60 human acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line HLA human leucocyte antigen i iso chromosome 1FN interferon IgH immunoglobulin heavy chain IL interleukin IU international units J joining region of immunoglobulin gene family K562 cell line derived from a patient with CML in blast crisis; Expresses b3a2 mRNA. Kb kilo bases kD kilo Dalton LAP leucocyte alkaline phosphatase LPS lipopolysaccharide Mar marker 7 m-bcr-1 minor breakpoint cluster region= ALL breakpoint cluster region M-bcr-1 major breakpoint cluster region=CML breakpoint cluster region=BCR M-CSF macrophage colony stimulating factor MDS myelodysplastic syndrome MPD myeloproliferative disease mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid N terminus amino terminus pl90 190 kD bcr-abl protein p210 210 kD bcr-abl protein PB peripheral blood PCR polymerase chain reaction PDGF platelet derived growth factor PHA phytohemagglutinin PWM pokeweed mitogen R receptor RA refractory anemia RAEB refractory anemia with excess of blasts RAEBt refractory anemia with excess of blasts in transformation RAR retinoic acid receptor RARS refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts RBC red blood cell count RNA ribonucleic acid SH src homology t translocation Tom-I cell line derived from Ph positive ALL patient; expresses ela2 mRNA TPA 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13 acetate v-abl viral abl oncogene WBC white blood cell count 8 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE PIDLADELPHIA CHROMOSOME In 1960 Nowell and Hungerford reported the first chromosomal rearrangement associated with cancer. They discovered that a small chromosome, which they called Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome, was consistently present in the leukemic cells of patients with CML. In 1973 Rowley found that this Ph chromosome was chromosome 22q-, that resulted from a reciprocal translocation between chromosome 9 and 22. This translocation was called the Philadelphia (Ph) translocation or t(9;22)(q34;qll). It took unti11982 before de Klein et al discovered, that as a result of this translocation the abl oncogene was translocated from its normal position on chromosome 9 to the 22 q-chromosome. These findings formed the basis for the cytogenetic and molecular investigations in leukemia, that are described in this thesis. 1.2 NORMAL AND ABNORMAL HEMATOPOIESIS Blood cell formation Blood cell formation or hematopoiesis takes place primarily in the bone marrow. All elements of blood and lymph are derived from the pluripotent stem cell. Pluripotent stem cells are present in low numbers in the bone marrow. Each of them has the potential to proliferate and differentiate, giving rise to all lymphoid and myeloid blood white blood cells as well as to erythrocytes and platelets. However, under normal conditions the majority of the pluripotent stem cells are in a quiescent state, and only a few are active in blood cell formation. The processes of selfrenewal, differentiation to a more restricted phenotype, and cell death are regulated very strictly. These regulation processes concern also the more mature offspring of the stem cell e.g. the committed progenitor cell, which is a cell type whose developmental lineage is already restricted to one lineage, but is still capable of self renewal. The regulation mechanisms are not yet fully known, but are thought to be essential for understanding normal hemopoiesis as well as the etiology of leukemia (reviewed by Sawyers, 1991). The last few years several soluble factors have been identified, that are involved in this regulation process e.g. growth factors, and small peptides that are produced by blood cells or by bone marrow stromal cells. GM-, G-, M-CSF and several interleukins such as ll-1, 3 and 6 have been identified as positive regulators (i.e. stimulators) of bone marrow stem cells and committed precursor cells. Examples of negative regulators (inhibitors) of these cells are transforming growth factor Jl (TGF Jl), which is produced by marrow stromal cells, and small peptides such as stem cell inhibitor (SCI), which is produced by macrophages (Graham et a!, 1990, Zebo et al,1990, Williams et al, 1990, Huang et al !990, Dexter et al, 1977, Clark et al, 1987). 9 In addition to these factors cell-cell contact and specific effects of the extracellular matrix play a role in regulation of stem cell function, the latter possibly by binding growth factors (Roberts eta!, 1988). Disturbances in these regulation mechanisms can result in uncontrolled cell proliferation and/o r failure of the progenitor cells to differentiate to mature cells. Blood cancer Blood cancer or leukemia is a heterogeneous group of diseases resulting from neoplastic transformation of hematopoietic cells. The main characteristics are uncontrolled proliferation of hematopoietic cells, that do (in most cases) not retain the capacity to normally differentiate to mature blood cells. This differentiation arrest can occur in every maturation stage and in every cell lineage of blood cell differentiation, resulting in distinct forms of leukemia. Throughout the years several attempts have been made to devise a classification system of the different types of leukemia. Based on length of survival of the patients and degree of maturation of the cells the leukemias are classified as acute or chronic. A further subclassification is made according to the predominant cell lineage involved, e.g. lymphoid, myelogenous, or monocytic and to morphological and immunological characteristics of the leukemic cells. - Acute leukemia The origin of acute leukemia is a single transformed progenitor cell. This might be a pluripotent stem cell or a committed precursor. In acute leukemia the number of circulating blood cells is increased and the maturation is arrested at early stage of differentiation. The disease is characterized by the presence of large numbers of immature lymphoid or myeloid precursors in the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. These precursors subsequently replace normal bone marrow. Thereafter they often invade other tissues such as central nervous system, the eye, the skin and the testis. Displacement of normal bone marrow by large numbers of undifferentiated or immature leukemic cells results in insufficient production of mature blood cells such as granulocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, erythrocytes, and thrombocytes, causing anemia, and susceptibility to infections and hemorrhage. Without treatment acute leukemia patients die within weeks to months after diagnosis. Acute leukemia occurs at all ages. As a consequence of the fact that the primary cause of acute leukemia might be in the stem cell or a committed precursor and that differentiation arrest can occur in every stage of blood cell differentiation, a great variability is found with regard to the clinical, morphologic, cytochemical, cytogenetical, and immunological features. 10