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Cystine and Cysteine Metabolism by Proteus vulgaris and Proteus Mmorganii PDF

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Preview Cystine and Cysteine Metabolism by Proteus vulgaris and Proteus Mmorganii

cr&nss AND CYSTEINE METABOLISM BY PEoiius m m m m a m w m m Reino Hail Kallio A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Bacteriology in the Graduate College of the State University of lorn dune 1950 ProQuest Number: 10991962 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10991962 Published by ProQuest LLC(2018). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 7~IS■ >o Kh C*op & u Acknowledgement Dr* J. It* Portia* has given freely of his heavily- burdened time in encouraging the present study* It is a point of pride and a privilege to be con­ sidered one of his scientific offspring* ill table or contests INTRODUCTIOW*, * * *.------------------------------------------------------0...... * ------... 1 EOT8BSBHTAL METHODS****........................ **.................... . . . .. . . . ............12 RESULTS AMD DISCUSSION.................. . . .................................».............20 srom T .*. .................................................................... »..43 APPENDIX ............ 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY., ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............52 iv TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1* the effect of gH on. cysteine deaulfhydrase activity...... 22 Figure 2. Cystine and cysteine utilisation by Proteus vulgaris cells grown in c y s t e i n e * . 25 Figure 3. Cystine and cysteine utilisation by cells grown in cystine ................ .........*.. 26 Figure 1* Dissimilation of cysteine under aerobic and anaerobic co n d itio n s.......................* ^ .......,.,.. . .. . . . . ........... 51 V TABLE OF TABLES Table I. Cysteine desulfhydrase activity of Proteus vulgaris cells groisn under various conditions*••«•••«.••••••..*•*««*.••*••••»• 23 Table II* Anaerobic utilization of cysteine by Proteus vulgaris adapted to c y s t e i n e * * * * * * * * * * * . . 28 Table III* Effects of various inhibitors on hydrogen sulfide pro­ duction from cysteine by Proteus vulgaris. ....... 31 Table IV. Sodium a aide inhibition of anaerobic pyruvate utilization v u l g a r i s . 33 Table V* Anaerobic cysteine dissim ilation by a aide-inhibited resting cells of Proteus vulgaris.* * ...* ................................................ 35 Table VI* Anaerobic dissim ilation of cysteine by toluene treated cells of Proteus morganil. . .................................... 37 Table VII* Effects of various inhibitors on the cysteine desulf­ hydrase activity of toluene killed cells of Proteus giqrganii... 39 Table VIII* Beactivatlon of "aged", toluene killed Proteus morganil cells toward c y s t e i n e , . , , . , 4^ Table IX. Biochemical characteristics of Proteus vulgaris and Proteus morganii used in the present study**.....,..,...,*..... 47 Table X, Production of hydrogen sulfide from various sulfur compounds by Proteus vulgaris and Proteus marganli*. 48 fable XI, Hydrogen sulfide production as a function of the number Proteus vulgaris cells present... Table XII* Gcopounds tested singly and in combination for activa­ tion of cell free extracts to®/ard cystein e,...*....,.,*.,...... 50 1 The observation that a variety of heterotrophic organism produce hydrogen sulfide and other volatile sulfur compounds from protein sub­ strates is old and well established. For example, in 1089 Nenckl and Sieber noted the production of methyl mercaptan from protein putre­ faction brought about by a variety of anaerobic organisms. Rettger (1906) and Eerier (1906) confimed this observation at least in the case of the obligate anaerobes Clostridium novvi. Clostridium feserl and Clostridium lentooutresoens. In later studies on protein putre­ faction Rettger (1912) pointed out that putrefaction was essentially an anaerobic process and was characterised by "the evolution of foul­ smelling products which are characteristic of ordinary cadaveric de­ composition* It should be noted that mercaptan is of particular significance and that indole* skatole and hydrogen sulfide are of less importance”. Rett gear demonstrated further that hydrogen sulfide was a 'teomcion protein decomposition product” and was not indicative of true putrefaction. 3h the same study the putrefactive abilities of a number of facultative anaerobes, especially the Proteus group, were investi­ gated, Under completely anaerobic conditions none of the members of the genus Proteus were capable of degrading the pure proteins used (egg and serum albumin; and ©destin). ilhen, however, oxygen was ad­ mitted into the growth medium rapid decomposition of the proteins oc­ curred with the liberation of some hydrogen sulfide but no methyl mor- captan* 2 Sperry and Hettger (1915) added to these observations by noting that facultative anaerobes failed to multiply in the presence of pure proteins when ammonium salts and oxygen were absent. If, however, pep­ tone m s added to the culture medium rapid growth and degradation of protein took place, as evidenced by liquefaction of the protein* No methyl mercapt&n was produced even under these conditions* Thus it was noted quite early that there seemed to be a fundamental difference in protein breakdown between the obligate anaerobes and the facultative groups* If the discovery and characterization of methionine had taken place prior to these investigations perhaps at least part of the ex­ planation fbr this difference might have been patent, but methionine ms not discovered until 1922. Since cystine had been discovered in 1899 by Corner and cysteine lay Embdon in 1901, it seemed clear to the earlier workers that the hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan observed must arise from these two stalfur-containing protein components. Wohlgemuth (1904.), for example, claimed the production of methyl mercaptan and ethyl sulfide from cystine decomposed by bacterial action. These claims were vigor­ ously denied by Burger (1914) who found hydrogen sulfide but no other sulfide or mercaptan produced from cystine by 23 species of bacteria* Caapek (1920) suggested the course of the reaction was a preliminary reduction of cystine to cysteine followed by a t^rdrolytic deaminations HSOHgCH (Nil?) GOGH + H20 V HSCH^CHGHCOOH + NH3 The ^-thiolactlc acid formed was then dacarboxylated and oxidised to 3 thloglycollic acid* H3GH2GiiGBGG0H + 02 ------> HSCH^COOH ♦ C02 *h2o The thioglycollic acid m s subsequently decarboxylated to methyl mer- captan. Betake (1924) agreed with the above reaction sequence but was Jin- able apparently to offer mutch experimental proof for his view* The dis~ slm ilatlve pathway of cystine proposed fey Wohlgemuth and Kotake was strongly questioned fey other investigators who were unable to find methyl mereaptan as an end product of cystine breakdown* As a matter of fact, as early as 1905 faoi had disagreed with the proposed scheme inasmuch as h© found that hydrogen sulfide (but never methyl mercapt&n) ms fomed from thiolactic or thioglycollie acid by bacterial action. Methyl raer- captan was produced from cystine only when a fermentable carbohydrate was ppesentf for ©stable, in the case of Escherichia coil methyl mercaptan ms formed in the presence of glucose, lactose, sucrose or dulcltol* Since in no case did methyl mercaptan appear to be a major metabolic end- product it ms concluded that its appearance in the presence of a fer­ mentable sugar was the result of secondary reactions* By 1915 the ability of raany microorganisms to produce hydrogen sul­ fide from protein, peptones or cystine had been well established and the reaction was being utilised widely as a physiological aid in identifying bacteria* Jordan and Victorson (1917) used nutrient agar to which had been added lead acetate as a means of partially differentiating members of the species of Salmonella* Tamer (1918) used hydrogen sulfide pro­ duction to help distinguish certain yeasts, and more recently the re­ 4 action has been a llied to differentiating between spec lea in the genus Brucella (Huddleson and Abell, 1927)* A great many studies have been sad© with respect to making hydrogen sulfide production by bacteria more easily discernable—among these may be mentioned those of Zobell and Feliham {1934)Stekol and Rename ier (1942) , and Hansmoier and Stekol (1942)* There is little point in discussing or ©3±ending this list for though these investigations contributed valuable adjuncts to the armamentarium of the diagnostic bacteriologist they are purely qualitative in nature and contribute little or nothing to an under­ standing of the mechanism of the reaction whereby hydrogen sulfide is liberated from cystine or cysteine* Almy and Jamas (1926) developed relatively specific and sensitive methods for the estimation of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans and car­ ried out quantitative studies on the liberation of these compounds from various peptone media by Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris and Salmon­ ella aertrveke* Apart from the fact that various peptones differed in the amounts of hydrogen sulfide liberated it was established that no mercaptan appeared and that the hydrogen sulfide produced was directly proportional to the cystine content of the peptone being used* When cystine was added to a peptone medium the sulfur could quantitatively be recovered as hydrogen sulfide* It was also noted that a large pro­ portion of the hydrogen sulfide liberated from a given medium was pro­ duced in a comparatively short time in the early incubation period*-6 to 12 hours following Inoculation* Ho attempt was made to ascertain the other metabolic products produced froa cystine* However, it is

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