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Preview Cyntoia Brown Commutation

EXECUTIVE CHAMBER COMMUTATION ‘TO WIOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL ‘OME, GREETING! WIIEREAS, un Auzvst 25, 206, ia the Criminal Court of Oavideon Counts, Texmessee, Cyntia Doaise Brown (VOMIS # 09210893) was convicted uf Tint-dewree mundee, Felonysmurder, and capectallyaguravated rubbery {case ao. 2005-4215), She ceived a sentence of life imprisonment with the possibility of parole for the nlergsd mordce emvitions and a concurrent senfeace of lweuly 3a imprisonment fev the especally nggrwvaled cohhery cmvictiog, The espeokally ageravated robbery camviction wa subsequently modified by the Tennessee Court of Apaeals ro aggravated ribhery, and am emu, dhe iil can sentetced he 1 eight years 1 that couviction, co be served concurrent wh her Tie semtenoes and WITEREAS, Tenuessoe's constiotion and statmery lnsv authorize the gavernor lo grant «sxcoutive clemency, inching the power te commute sentences: et [WHIBREAS, this case appears to me to be proper cme fer the oxersive af executive clemency Ev the flowing ress: IMs, Brown was convieted forthe 2001 murder of 13-year old Nashslle real estule ugert doluray ‘Allen, which ocourree wen then-I(-ysarnld Brown sua picked 2p by Allen and raer (a his home, Under sate lass, she iv nol eligible for purole emsideration vatil 2085 atthe eels, Over her mere thar faurten years of lnenoerstion, Ms, Brown os demonzoetod exascrdinary growth und réubililaton She eafnod Fer GED and completed an associate depree theouph the Lioscemb LIFE Prugeans in 2015 while achieving w 40 GPA. TL is anticipated that she will eamplete hel bichslor’s degree in 206. "Naamerous persons, Tom prison offices to volumes and athers who have speat time wth her in rent ‘ear, havs atosted to and ude Vis. Brown's persuaul trasforration, corsideration for and desire 10 help ethers, work eic, anal preparedess tobe a paiva influence am the ecmmmunity upon release. The TTenessee Boat of Parole ied a postive eonimendation for granting a commutation in favor a” Ms Brown, NOW THEREFORE, | Fill [slam Governor ofthe Stats of Tennessee, ly vinuo of the pri saad authecity vosted im mo by Aile IIL Section af tae Cennessee Constitution unl by the laws othe Site of Connesiee, co hereby inmate Die sexteaee impaved upon Cynluia Deals Brown for her Uunvition 0° fusiedegree murder to release her fo parole sopervision an August 7, 2019, and 10 ui served on Alig 7, 2029, Mz. Brown sll ge tho life of w good citizen and shall not violate any of laws of the L ited Sues, the Slate of Tenesive, or any oles sce and shall nar be gully of sonduct ‘which i illegal oe ieapeaper inthe opinion of the governor. ‘The Tennessee Deparment at Carection Shall place Me. Brown in ranskionso-cntyy programming for an adequate peri of Time prior tu hee feleaso to parcle uipervison, Tn adien this wamsalon is sujet lo Ms, Beowa"s compliance wih & resase plan approved by dhe Tennessee Deparmont af Carrection, de conditions rogured bythe sumndard Parols Contest, ar th following special supcevisin conditcns esablisied by he yoveraur: My, Browa shall (ally aud ac-ively paticipae Ja assigned transition and re-enty programming wine n her lense trom ‘neavccration Ms. Brown shall rae all easenable effons w comalete sy crete reining tw abn & bachelors deyre prior to or aller ler celease ftom incareradon 3, While subject to parole supervision, Ms, Hrown shall work steadily ina lawful oezupation, wien ray include an interahip or edavutionul or swurkforce unining prugram, I she becomes ‘onomployed, Ms, Brow halt immetatly report Ould her pale ice and rake reesomable cellos t abtainanether cecupation. 4. While suhjoct to parole supervision, Ms, Brown shall paricipats in reculur coméling sassions vith Keensed provider, othe extent deemed beneficial by such provider. Ms. Hrorm's pure officer in consutarion sith the provider, shall vresee eampliauce wih this condition 5. While sobjsot to parole supervision, Ms. Blown shall maintain » regular couumitnent 10 ‘commmmily service eugagement by’ perférming at lun! $0 hours of comma serie cach yeas, ‘which zy inclide mentoring, spsakine engagements, work wih ask youn or etisrwnlnerable itivene, other volurer pazlicipalion that comributcs positively to the eoxonunity. IN CUSTIMONY WHEREOR, 1 eve heryoto set my’ hand and cud the Gre Seal of the iy of Barua, 2018. State urbe affixed at Nasaville, Tentaessee om this —_ [COMMUTA LION LOK YN IOLA UROWD]

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