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Preview Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis (Cactaceae), a New Species from Riverside and Imperial Counties, California

Madrono, VoL 61, No. 2, pp. 231-243, 2014 CYLINDROPUNTIA CHUCKWALLENSIS (CACTACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM RIVERSIDE AND IMPERIAL COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA Marc A. Baker College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, P.O. Box 874501, Tempe, AZ 85287-4501 [email protected] Michelle A. Cloud-Hughes Desert Solitaire Botany and Ecological Restoration, San Diego, CA 92103 Abstract A gynodioecious hexaploid {n = 33), Cylindropuntia chuckwallemis M. A. Baker & M. A. Cloud- Hughes, is newly described. Populations of C. chuckwallensis extend from the Eagle Mountains of Joshua Tree National Park, through the Chuckwalla Mountains ofRiverside County, to the north side of the Chocolate Mountains in Imperial County, California, USA, and occur on a variety of substrates primarily between 400-1600 m (1312-5250 ft) elevation. Of the flowering individuals studied, 38% producedonlypollen-sterileflowers. Flowercolorin C. chuckwallensisrangesfromdark red-purple (33%) through orange (54%) to yellow (13%). For most individuals (93%) the style and filaments are dark red to light pink. Morphological measurements were made for 15 populations of Cylindropuntia, including four of C. chuckwallensis, four of C. echinocarpa, three of C. multigeniculata, and four of C. acanthocarpa. Multivariate analyses indicated that C. chuckwallensis possessesauniquecombinationofcharacters. Fewerthan 3% ofthe 121 C chuckwallensisindividuals sampled were misclassified by discriminate function analysis, one as C. echinocarpa, and three as C. multigeniculata. KeyWords: Cylindropuntiachuckwallensis, Cactaceae, endemism, evolution, gynodioecy, newspecies, polyploidy, speciation. The study of Cylindropuntia (Engelm.) F. M. perfect flowers and others having pollen-sterile Knuth continues to engage biologists attempt- flowers. One primarily octoploid species, C. ing to understand the origins and relationships molesta (Brandegee) F. M. Knuth, is also of its taxa and their underlying evolutionary gynodioecious (Pinkava et al. 1998; Rebman mechanisms. Common processes associated and Pinkava 2001). with the genus include eupolyploidy, hybrid- Correlation between polyploidy and subdioecy ization, and apogamy (Baker and Pinkava has also been observed in other cactus genera. 1987). Aneuploidy appears to be rare in Most Consolea Lem. species, for example, are Cactaceae and has not been documented in both hexaploid and subdioecious (Negron-Ortiz Cylindropuntia (Baker et al. 2009). Vegetative 2007). In Echinocereus Engelm. and Mammillaria reproduction is common and is the only form of Torr. & A. Gray, subdioecy is associated only apogamy recorded for the genus. However, with tetraploid and hexaploid taxa (Remski 1954; adventive embryony has been reported for Johnson 1980; Parfitt 1985; Pinkava et al. 1985, Opuntia Desv. (Davis 1966) and may be respon- 1998; Baker2006). However, at leasttwo Opuntia sible for the primary mode of reproduction in taxa, O. stenopetala Engelm. and O. grandis some species such as the pentaploid allopolyploid Pfeiff., are diploid and subdioecious. Thus, at O. X charlestonensis Clokey (pro. sp.) (Beard least in some cactus genera, gender dimorphism 1937; Baker et al. 2009). has been documented only for polyploids, with There are several hexaploid species known for the majority of subdioecious taxa being hexa- Cylindropuntia. These include C arbuscula (En- ploid. Selection pressure for floral dimorphism gelm.) F. M. Knuth, C. calmalliana (J. M. Coult.) may be greater in polyploids because of a F. M. Knuth, C sanfelipensis(Rebman) Rebman, decrease in self-incompatibility (Marks 1966). and C. wolfii (L. D. Benson) M. A. Baker Male-sterile mutants may be favored as a (Pinkava and McLeod 1971; Pinkava et al. response to inbreeding depression resulting from 1992, 1998). All of these, except C arbuscula this reduction in self-incompatibility (Miller and which is largely, if not entirely, clonal, are Venable 2000). Pressure for outbreeding is also a gynodioecious (Rebman 1998; Rebman and logical consequence for an almost certainly low Pinkava 2001) with some individuals having population size for incipient allopolyploids. MADRONO 232 [VoL 61 We herein describe a new hexaploid gynodioe- Materials and Methods cious Cylindropuntia species, Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis M. A. Baker & M. A. Cloud- Fieldwork was conducted between May 2011 Hughes, from the Chuckwalla Mountains region and May 2013. Figure 1 presents an overview of of Riverside and Imperial counties, California, the study sites for Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis, and test the significance of differences among and descriptions ofall study sites are presented in mean values for certain morphological characters Table 1. Samples of 30-35 individuals were among populations of this new species and the measured for each population. In studies of the two most morphologically similar species, C Cactaceae, 30 individuals account for approxi- echinocarpa (Engelm. & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. mately 90% ofthe variation within most charac- Knuth and C multigeniculata (Clokey) Backeb. ters in a single population and provide a good Populations of C. acanthocarpa have been balance between field effort and statistical included as an outgroup. robustness (Baker and Butterworth 2013). In Populations of Cylindropuntia multigeniculata order to account for geographical effects, we have been referred to as a nothospecies, C X suggest that at least three populations be sampled multigeniculata Backeb. (Pinkava 1999, 2003), for anyputative taxon and that these populations with the putative parents being C echinocarpa be spread over the geographical range as widely and C whipplei(Engelm. & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. as possible. This precept stems from the fact that Knuth. However, the determination of hybrid geographically isolated populations, even within status was made without supporting data and the same taxon, often have a rather uniform disregarded data from Trushell (1985). Some of morphology. With discriminant analyses, indi- the confusion lies in the identification by Pinkava viduals within such populations are sometimes (2003) as compact forms of C echinocarpa of classified correctly for that population nearly what we now consider to be Arizona populations 100% of the time. If all such populations were ofC multigeniculata (Baker 2002). Except forthe recognized as separate taxa, the number of taxa somewhat spinier fruits, the Arizona individuals within the Cactaceae would be unmanageable. are morphologically similar to those at the type Thus, this type ofanalysis may not be suitable for locality of C multigeniculata. Populations of C potential taxa with only one or two known multigeniculata possess several characters that are populations or with only a few known individu- We not intermediate between those of the putative als. define a population here as acollection of parents, and the means of these characters are individuals that, as far as can be determined, significantly different from those ofeither ofthe exchange genes frequently among themselves but putative parents. rarely, if ever, exchange genes with other Morphologically, the effects of hybridization populations. within the Opuntioideae appear to be additive. In additionto thefourpopulations sampled for Milhalte and Sestras (2012) found a range of our new taxon, we also sampled five populations heritability between 0.909 and 0.948 among a of Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa (Engelm. & J. M. suite of morphological characters for Fi indi- Bigelow) F. M. Knuth, four populations of C. viduals of artificial hybridization within Cacta- echinocarpa (Engelm. & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. ceae, indicating that the characters analyzed had Knuth, and three populations of C. multigenicu- a strong genetic determinism. Statistical analy- lata (Clokey) Backeb. Cylindropuntia acantho- ses of natural cactus hybrids have had similar carpa was sampled as a morphological outgroup. results, where the morphology of hybrids Populations of C. echinocarpa, which are sym- exhibits the expected degree of intermediacy patric with the new species, and those of C between that of putative parents (Baker and multigeniculata, which are allopatric, were includ- Pinkava 1984; Powell et al. 1991; Vite et al. ed because of their morphological similarity to 1996; Powell and Weedin 2004). However, with the new species. respect to hybridization in Cactaceae, flower Thirteen stem characters were measured pigmentation appears to be less predictable for 452 individuals among the 15 populations (Powell 2002). (Table 2). It was assumed that all individuals Specimens of Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis within a single population belong to a single have been identified historically as C. echino- taxon except for the co-existing populations carpa. Philip Munz, David Keck, and M. French of C. acanthocarpa and C. echinocarpa west of Gilman collected samples of C. chuckwallensis Needles, California, and the Joshua Tree Na- at Corn Springs in 1922 (POM11971, tional Monument and Graham Pass Road POM C 13960), while Willis L. Jepson (JEPS66875) populations of chuckwallensis, where there and Frank Peirson (RSA65624) collected samples were a few easily-distinguished individuals of C. at Cottonwood Springs on consecutive days in echinocarpa. All characters were measured three 1928, with Peirson noting the “peculiar dull times per individual, and the values for each reddish purple” of the flowers on the herbarium character were averaged before any statistical label. analyses were performed. Spine and sheath thick- 2014] BAKER AND CLOUD-HUGHES: A NEW CYLINDROPUNTIA FROM CALIFORNIA 233 HS^SOW 115M0'W ns^aow 115'’20'W 115°10’W 115°0’W Fig. I. Geographic distribution of Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis and locations ofstudy sites. mm nesses were measured to the nearest 0.01 chuckwallensis. Although densities of individuals using digital calipers. Repeated measurements are as high as five or more individuals per were performed to increase the number of hectare, the average density is probably closer to possible values for each character. Data were 2.5 individuals per hectare. then imported into Systat® 10 (Systat Software, Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis is apparently Inc., Chicago, IL), SPSS® 12 (IBM, Inc., gynodioecious. Of 151 individuals observed in Armonk, NY), and NTSYSPC® (Exeter Soft- flower, 38.4% producedonlypollen-sterileflowers, ware, Setauket, NY). Discriminate function and 61.6% produced only pollen-fertile flowers, analysis (DFA) was performed to ascertain the with pollen-fertile individuals producing seeds. correct classification of individuals for each Flower color ranged from dark red-purple MANOVA taxon, and was used to determine (33.1%) through orange (54.3%) to yellow which character means differed significantly (12.6%). For most individuals (92.7%), the style among the various taxa. and filaments were dark red to light pink, at least toward their apices (Fig. 2). Chromosome determinations of n = 33 were Results made for 13 individuals of Cylindropuntia chuck- wallensis; and n = 11 for one individual of C. Field surveys indicate that populations of acanthocarpa, one individual of C. echinocarpa, Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis are restricted to and five individuals of C. multigeniculata areas in and around the Chuckwalla Mountains (Table 1). One chromosome determination was of Riverside County, California. To date, the made for an individual of C. chuckwallensis that known northern extent of the species is in the was not associated with the sites listed in Table 1: Eagle Mountains ofJoshua Tree National Park, California, Riverside County, along Salt Creek, WNW and the southern extent is on the north side ofthe 17.5 km of Black Butte, 18 km SE of Chocolate Mountains in the northernmost por- Chiriaco Summit, 33.5866°, —115.5521°, M. A. tion ofImperial County (Fig. 1). The total range Baker 17533 (ASU, UCR). A chromosome deter- is approximately 50 kmnorthto southand 60km mination ofn = 11 was made for two individuals east to west. There are approximately 3200 (M. A. Baker 15259 [ASU, RSA]; M. A. Baker hectares of known occupied habitat for C. 15260 [ASU, US]) at sample site 11 (Table 1), ( MADRONO 234 [VoL 61 < Os cq t\ a M KK 2^ o ^ 1^. =q £ w 5 § 3 ^ Cd !- ^ ^ ^ K PQ K•,.^05 <svoj eK ^ 3H: SO 5•d S35SC K ? c O cu £; R 05 05 ?>: gS sko"R-R KK CKKN 0i0(0n0n fitv-vn) ftnn\ osion ^00 3^^^ N‘inn CK•"Nnn osSCxj 0K0 RRoa 05 CQ CQ op 05 OQ I'S ^ aq J CQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 § oo oo o m o o mm o min o in oo o m o oo B CG in in r- o00s OS sro- in (N o rM rO-s rxi rs-o (oNs os OS O II 'BS<Otu.."'<godSOub 0m<mmcSNnO 0i(iiir-NnnnnH 0OmrSn 0o>OoiC—oSnM1 0mrm^-1 0COiNSn 0SmmmrOn 0?T?w0===n0((< 0Sm0irr-O0nn; 0,OOi—rO1i 0imm0n0 000O00S1 0sm<r—on-I 0O1fi—Nn 0mo0i(o0nN 00soTrf—S0o-il. 0msOmo 0(,Ooi—NOn1 0smCiqoMn 0sOiqosn 0OmSOiqOsn 00’mCi—N0n1 0OmS1im—OOn1 0otr0m=-0H- 0imrc0n-n0 0O.^0o-O0sH 0OO—m^SS1 0Si-C^m—NNO’i 0<mComNNs 00qii0nn 0mOoqin 0O>osi—on1 K T T T T T T T T 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 fi sZyh om om m O om mm om om imn en m om mo mo mo X > < U g-=S• O Q > g^ll .Ma •-O, 2s ^s <ffl St -0) 5^ m o •Sw a g c u in UO 00 r UO ^^ S| 9J _3 ^-Ig 2a M^ <u B -o ^« ^ Q So I3 I«I Z s z x> s s COuO<uZClf 0«a>>o3d.,0a2Ca(O0sNN,. 1.0ssKu .2SsL; IsK 2osu •IssSoP ."suS 120« 22g "s2g2cS> "SRSSQg2Sj3i hJ Cl St U u u u u u u u u u u u 00 0) o ^ cd H^-c<Ja <^“<zd .^^S aao de d. 2014] BAKER AND CLOUD=HUGHES: A NEW CYLINDROPUNTIA FROM CALIFORNIA 235 Table2, Descriptionof Characters Measured. Nodeis used here in reference towhere branches originate from trunks or larger branches, not a stem node or areole. Abbreviation Character Description STEML stem length (mm) mean length ofthree ultimate mature stem segments STEMDIA stem diameter (mm) meandiameteratwidestportionofthreeultimatemature stem segments DBTRBRCH distance between mean length ofthree inter-branch spaces along the main trunk or, if trunk branches (cm) unavailable, those along primary branches BRANPTRND branches per trunk meannumberofbranchesateachofthreetrunknodes, ifunavailableor node not easily visible, those along primary branches TUBE tubercle length (mm) mean length oftop-mostpenultimate tubercle from three stem segments TUBW tubercle width (mm) mean width oftop-most penultimate tubercle from three stem segments TUBH tubercle height (mm) mean height oftop-mostpenultimatetubercle from threestem segments NOCSP central spine number meannumberofcentralspinesperareolefromtuberclesasdescribedabove NORSP radial spine number meannumberofradial spinesperareolefromtuberclesasdescribed above CSPL central spine length mean length oflongest central spine per areole from tubercles as (mm) described above RSPL radial spine length mean length oflongest radial spine per areole from tubercles as (mm) described above CSPTH central spine thickness mean thickness oflongest central spine per areole from tubercles as (0.01 mm) described above SHTH central spine sheath meanthicknessofthesheathofthelongestcentral spineperareolefrom thickness (0.01 mm) tubercles as described above which were morphologically intermediate be- Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis possesses a tween C acanthocarpa and C multigeniculata. unique combination of characters when com- pared to its closest morphological relatives. It Multivariate Analysis does not, however, possess any characters that are unique within the genus. This observation, Discriminant function analysis resulted in a combined with its polyploid nature, especially in 99,1% correct classification ofindividuals within comparison to its non-polyploid relatives, sug- A C their pre-assigned taxa (Table 3), single indi- gests that chuckwallensis is an allopolyploid. vidual pre-classified as Cylindropuntia chuckwah Its morphology indicates that the majority ofits lensiswas assignedbytheDFAas C echinocarpa, chromosomes came from a species similar to C. and three were assigned as C. muitigenicuiata. All muitigenicuiata. The range of tepal colors be- fourgroups were significantlydifferentfromeach tween plants and the red coloration of the styles other at the P = 0,001 level (Table 4). Results and stigmas indicate that the remaining chromo- MANOVA from indicated that mean values for somes may have been contributed by C. acantho- seven of the 13 continuous morphological char- carpa or a similar extinct ancestor (Fig. 3). acters for C chuckwallensis were significantly Because C chuckwallensis is morphologically different from those of C. echinocarpa and C more closely allied to C muitigenicuiata, it is muitigenicuiata (Table 5). Descriptive statistics likely that C muitigenicuiata contributed a larger for the multivariate dataset are presented in number of chromosome sets than did C. Table 6, acanthocarpa. Thus, C chuckwallensis may have originated as triploid hybrid resulting from an Discussion unreduced gamete from C. muitigenicuiata and a C normal gamete from acanthocarpa, or possibly C Results support the inclusion of western and a tetraploid individual of muitigenicuiata C eastern populations of Cylindropuntia muitigeni- hybridizing with a diploid acanthocarpa to cuiata within one taxon. Predicted group mem- form hybrid triploids. The triploidmaythen have bership correctly classified all individuals within produced two unreduced gametes that united to C muitigenicuiata populations, including those form the hexaploid C chuckwallensis. ofthe western population (population 11). Since If Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis has not un- C not a single muitigenicuiata individual was dergone extensive evolutionary changes since incorrectly classified as C echinocarpa, the these hypothetical events, then its morphology evidence clearly supports the inclusion of the would be expected to align loosely with the western population within C muitigenicuiata. formula (2M + lA)/3 = C, where M = C. Since Pinkava's (2000) hybrid hypothesis was muitigenicuiata, A = C. acanthocarpa, and C = based on the inclusion of these western popula- C chuckwallensis. This assumes that the genetic C tions under echinocarpa, there is little, if any, effectsareadditiveandthattherearenothreshold remaining evidence to support his hypothesis. effects forthe morphological characters sampled. MADRONO 236 [Vol. 61 The mean values for each character from the morphological analysis were inserted into the formula, and the resulting values for only four characters of the hypothetical hybrid were well- C aligned with those of chuckwallensis: branch- es per internode, central spine number, central spine thickness, and sheath thickness. The remaining nine characters were not a close match, which, combined with the occurrence of a pink style and gynodioecy, indicates that the origin of C chuckwallensis is more complex than that of an allopolyploid of recent origin. Alternatively, the origin may be more recent and the genetic effects from hybridization not additive. However, non-additive genetic effects for morphological characters do not appear to be the normal situation in Cactaceae. An allopolyploid origin is further supported by the occurrence of tetraploidy in its close relative C whipplei (Engelm. & J. M. Bigelow) F. M. Knuthvar. enodis(Peebles) Backeberg and bythe occurrence of putative hybrids, i.e., morpholog- C ical intermediates, between multigeniculata and C. acanthocarpa that have been observed in the field at more than one site by the authors and by Clokey (1943). The occurrence of tetraploidy suggests a history ofunreduced gametes, and the occurrence of putative hybrids suggests that hybridization between C. multigeniculata and C. acanthocarpa is not only possible but also probably frequent. An alternative to the allopolyploid hypothesis is that Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis is an auto- polyploid of an extinct or as yet undiscovered ancestor. The geographical disjunction between populations of C. chuckwallensis and those of C. multigeniculata, its differing morphology, and its gynodioecy suggest that, whether C chuckwak lensis is an allopolyploid or autopolyploid, it originated in the distant past. Similarities between the morphology of Cylim dropuntia chuckwallensis and C. echinocarpa indicate the two species may have similar origins. Putative hybrids between C acanthocarpa and C. multigeniculata are similar morphologically to C. C echinocarpa, suggesting that echinocarpa may also be of hybrid origin. Regardless of its beginning, the large geographic and morpholog- C ical range of echinocarpa suggests a distant origin and that it should not be treated as a nothospecies. The coincidence of flower colors, hexaploidy, gynodioecy, and geographic proximity among Cylindropuntia chuckwallensis, C. calmalliana, C. sanfelipensis, and C. wolfii is remarkable and Fig. 2. Flowerlongitudinalsections(leftimages)andface warrants further investigation. It is possible that v{iMe.wsA.(rBigahkteirma1g7e5s4)1.foJr):; AB..,, CCyleicnhdirnoopcuanrtpkai(aMc.cmAt.hoBcaakrepra the four species share a common ancestor, most 1177553341));;Cp.o,llpeonllfeenr-tsitleerDi.l,e CC.. cchhiiiicckkwwaalllleennssiiss((MM.. AA.. BBaakkeerr lMiokreplhyoleoqguiaclalloyr, sbiomtihlarC.tocalCm.allaicaannathoacnadrpaC. 17525.6); E., C. cbuckwallensis (M A. Baker 17525.7); sanfelipensis, and to a lesser extent, C. wolfii, are F., C chuckwallensis {M. A. Baker 17535), bar = 1 cm. much more similar to C. acanthocarpa than is C. 7 2014] BAKER AND CLOUD-HUGHES: A NEW CYLINDROPUNTIA FROM CALIFORNIA 237 Table3. Classification ResultsofDiscriminantFunctionsAnalysis: predictedGroupMembership; 99.1% OF Original Grouped Caseswere Correctly Classified. Predicted group membership c c. c. c. Taxon chuckwaliensis echinocarpa acanthocarpa multigeniculata Total By number of C. chuckwaliensis 11 1 0 3 121 C individuals echinocarpa 0 119 0 0 119 C acanthocarpa 0 0 120 0 120 C. multigeniculata 0 0 0 92 92 By percentage of C chuckwaliensis 96.7 0.8 0 2.5 100 individuals C. echinocarpa 0 100 0 0 100 C acanthocarpa 0 0 100 0 100 C. multigeniculata 0 0 0 100 100 chuckwaliensis. This may indicate that they may long; radial spines 6-12 (x = 8), averaging 13 mm have received a greater genetic input from C long or less than half the length of the centrals; acanthocarpa in comparison to that of C. often difficult to differentiate between radial and chuckwaliensis, that the hybridization/polyploidi- central spines; thickest central spine averaging mm mm zation events were greatly staggered in time, or 0.42 with a sheath averaging 0.65 wide; that the genetic effects simply were not additive. flowers 3-5 cm long, 4-6 cm broad, tepals 1.5- Since, as far as we know, gynodioecy is lacking in 3 cm long, pale yellow-green to orange to purple- C. acanthocarpa, the development ofgynodioecy red; style 1.5-3.5 cm long, generally pale to dark among the four hexaploids may have been pink-purple, at least distally, although very pale selected for by inbreeding depression rather than green in approximately 10% of individuals; as a result ofmutually acquired genes. filament color generally matching style color; fruits obovate to suborbicular, thin-walled, with- mm mm out pulp, 15-18 wide, 15-30 long, Taxonomic Treatment areoles 30-55, up to 15 thin spines per areole, drying the first year; seeds about 50, white, Cylindropuntia chuckwaliensis M. A. Baker & irregularly discoid, mostly smooth or faces M.—A. Cloud-Hughes, sp. nov. (Figs. 2 and slightly convex or faceted, 1.5 mm thick, 3 mm 3). Type: USA, California, Riverside Co., in diameter. Chuckwalla Mountains, along Corn Springs Wash, 2.5 km WNW of Corn Spring, 550 m (1830 ft) elev., 33.6327°N, 115.3527°W, 9 Apr Etymology 2012, Marc A. Baker 17534 with Michelle A. Cloud-Hughes (holotype: ASU; isotype: SD). The species is named for its occurrence Generally low, densely branched shrubs mostly primarily within the Chuckwalla Mountains. broader (to 2+ m) than tall (to 1+ m), trunks one to several, decumbent to ascending, occa- Taxonomic Relationships sionally erect; the bases of older individuals with a gray matting of dead stems and spines; The habit of Cylindropuntia chuckwaliensis spacing between branch whorls generally less most closely resembles that of C. multigeniculata, than 3 cm long; branches mostly in whorls of with individuals mostly broader than tall, older four or more; mature ultimate stems mostly less individuals with several trunks, short spaces than three times long (x = 56 mm) as wide (x = between trunk nodes, and with several stems mm 23 mm); tubercles averaging 11 long and per trunk or branch node. Mean values for spine approximately as wide as high (x = 8 mm); thickness in C. chuckwaliensis are intermediate central spines 4—10 (x = 7), averaging 27 mm between those of C. multigeniculata and C Table 4. Wilks’ Lambdaforthe Resultsof Discriminant Functions Analysis. Test offunction(s) Wilks’ lambda Chi-square df Sig. 1 through 3 0.007 2217.382 39 0.000 2 through 3 0.118 944.368 24 0.000 3 0.420 384.309 11 0.000 MADRONO 238 [Vol. 61 Table5. CharacterMeansbySpecies.Meansinboldaresignificantlydifferent(P<0.01)frommeansofallotherspedes. Species Character C. multigeniculata C. chuckwallensis C. echinocarpa C. acanthocarpa Distance between trunk branches 1.4 2.9 8.9 17.2 Branches per trunk node 5.5 4.5 2.4 1.8 Stem length 41.3 56.0 57.6 108.4 Stem diameter 16.4 22.6 24.0 25.9 Tubercle length 6.7 10.7 12.8 27.4 Tubercle width 3.4 7.8 6.3 7.0 Tubercle height 3.8 7.6 6.2 7.1 Central spine number 6.6 7.0 7.3 7.5 Radial spine number 6.5 8.0 8.0 9.9 Central spine length 20.8 26.8 25.7 28.3 Radial spine length 8.7 13.3 13.5 16.5 Central spine thickness 28.9 41.9 55.2 68.1 Central spine sheath thickness 49.1 65.2 89.4 108.4 echinocarpa but are significantly different from all five data collection sites. Ambrosia salsola both species. Tubercles in C chiickwallensis are (Torr. & A. Gray) Strother & B. G. Baldwin, significantly wider and taller than those of the CyUndropuntia echinocarpa, C. ramosissima, Echi~ othertwo species (Tables 6 and 7). The styles and nocereusengelmannii, Eriogonum inflatumTorr. & filaments in individuals of C chuckwallensis Frem., Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Moc. ex DC.) are generally pale to dark pink-purple, at least distally, although very pale green in approximately 10% of individuals. CyUndropuntia acanthocarpa sharesthischaracter, atleastinits filaments. Both C. multigeniculata and C. echinocarpa have white to pale green styles and filaments. Distribution, Conservation, and Ecology Populations of CyUndropuntia chuckwallensis occur primarily In the area of the Chuckwalla Mountains extending to the north side of the Chocolate Mountains, and the eastern base ofthe Orocopia Mountains (Salt Creek), with satellite populations in the Cottonwood and Eagle Moun- tains in Joshua TreeNational Park. Although the total rangeis approximately 50 kmnorthto south and 60 km east to west, recorded individuals are confinedwithinisolatedareastotalingapproximate- ly3200hectaresor32km^. Sinceourresultsestimate an average density of2.5 individuals per hectare, a rough estimate for the total number of individuals within known populations is 3200 hectares X 2.5 individuals per hectare or 8000 individuals. Individuals of CyUndropuntia chuckwallensis occur primarily between an elevational range of m 400-1600 in rocky, gravelly, sandy, and silty substrate on desert pavement and along washes and slopes ofvarying aspects and inclinations. Vegetation associated with populations of CyUndropuntia chuckwallensis includes sparse to moderately dense desert scrub. Associated vascu- lar plant species are listed by site in Table 8. The most commonly occurring vascular plant associ- ates are Ambrosia dumosa (A. Gray) W. W. Payne, Fouquicria splendens Engelm., Hilaria Fig. 3. Habit and habiMtat for CyUndropuntia chuck- rigida(Thurb.) Benth. ex Scribn., and Simmondsia wallensis. Top image: A. Baker 17534; bottom chincnsis(Link) C. K. Schneid., which occurred at image: M. A. Baker 17535, bar = 1 dm. i i <t(< ; 1 2014] BAKER AND CLOUD-HUGHES: A NEW CYLINDROPUNTIA FROM CALIFORNIA 239 of m except voinq disno 0q0 A<N iqn 0d7—01 o q q qU d7—7 d OqO Od0N0 dON dN0O0 dON di(nN dr0^0- dOn dCiNn dO' CdN branches 7-4 7— OmN "T in rn 7—4 On NO NO NO number cm; imnm idn sqdo s0do0 rd- NNdOO 7d—7 q mON a7—s4 qrn NdO qA CdN mq7—4 iidnn 0dm0 (diNn i7d—n7 r7d--7 NdO O0dN4 md 0dCN0 idon in in (CCN), (IL) (SHTH) o q in 7— q q q qA q GO QO q q q q 7—7 q q q q 7—1 q oi in NO ^4 in rn od rn rn (N CN NO rn rn (N rn in rn od ON od CN spines 7-H CN 7—7 7-7 7—7 04 7-7 length sheaths C-; ro q (N A 7—1 Am q 00 NuO o q in dr" q ON ON o 0d0 q q q central of in1 <N 00 rOsn| (N in 7— 7-4 N0O4 (N NCNO 77—-74 'T CiNn NCON rs| NO mr- CN 7(-N4 O7—N7 internode of rn q On dCM NO q q q q q Aq q q dq q q Aq q dr- q 00 q in ON ON 7-4 in 7—4 od od 7—4 in od od 7—4 CN NO NO NO 7-4 and number thickness 7—7 m q Aq UQO Aq oo q do q Aq doo q q o Um qA ON qq m m NO A7-H 7-7 q and fh 7-4 r4 7-4 rn CN NO NO NO CN 7—1 7—7 7—7 (TH), (BANG), height(CSTH), q md qu NQOO '7-T4 q md qA aAs qU q7—4 qrn OqN NCON NiOn qNO 7q—4 (N qin qrn Orsn qrn Odn angle »— 7-7 tubercle spines i> dq q qu q q q md qA oo qU q qd q m 7—7 OdN NO q T in q idn branch NO 7-4 in r4 7-4 od NO NO NO CN in rn rn rn primary(TW),central qA Oomn u onqd NniOn i7-n7 qu iqn dL- 7q—4 d 7q-4 qU oqd (qN rqn 04 (iN> rqn o NtO" O' NmO 7q-4 of width (W), thickness dqr-l srmo- qG Nrn-O- it(-nNH q N7O—O'7 oqCNd! NCNO r7<—Nn7 C7C—NN7 C0N0 q7in1 (omN dqCN din rqCnN r7-n7 77—-7^ m04 N7—O7 O''’ qin 0004 width tubercle m q q as 00 m q q o 7—7 Os in q m qU do q 7-7 o dO' qq q q q oCO r4 Orn in mrn NO NO od rn 7-4 m7—4 ON min rn rn mON od plant (RSL), in (<NN 7—1 71—— 7—7 nl On in in in 7—7 00 in NO 7—7 CN NO (TL), spines q q q as q NdO O Aq din dq q t-H q q NO m dOn m in q q q (HT),length m’ 7—1 r4 7-1 in CN CN CN CN oo iri in in' 7-7 heighttubercle radial qin qcn qG7-1 qo7-dH «Nr-NOl qin md qN qCN r7—n7 q(N* 7T—4 (qN o,q-d7 oads as od qCN dm rqn dq 7q-4 7q-4 do- of Plant do rqi rqn ra4s q 7q-4 do mOqN oQdO NOqO 77--74 CoNo iqn NoqO iqn 7q—4 oqd q ON CON oads Oqn 00 q(N (SD),length in (mN 7i—n N7—O in 04 ON r-t ON 7—7 CN 00 ON rn NO o- in in Species. qso qOn 7O-N< in 7r_n qrmn q qrmn Trh qA qON 0d0 qrn qod qU qCN q(N qod 1—7 OO q7-4 q omqd q diameter (CSL), r(—Ni 7—< Ctn-)H 7—( fN 7—1 in in (N (N ON r- 00 r- CN CN ON all spines (aD O^J >w u(aaU uok «a w^ >w «a (U for stem s D J6 ^33 P h6-i u u U U § P U U U U (SL),central a.§ a.g '3 § 1 1 g Statistics lengthof Os ian\ m aisn Oisn ^§ aisn ams mw Oinn OiNn G§O (N length On stem Descriptive (BPI),(RSN),characters. a •S 1 a 2 6. spines o 1 s internode discrete a a 5 Table perradial for G u U U MADRONO 240 [Vol. 61 Table7. ComparisonofDiagnosticCharactersamongCylindropuntiachuckwallensis, C. echinocarpa, AND C MULTIGENICULATA. Values for quantitative characters given as the range within 95% confidence levels. Species Character C. chuckwallensis C. echinocarpa C. multigeniculata Internode length 2.6-3.1cm 8.4-9.4 cm 1.2-1.5 cm Branches per internode 4.3^.7 2.3-2.6 5.3-5.8 mm mm mm Tubercle length 10.4-11.0 12.4-13.3 6.3-7.0 mm mm mm Tubercle width 7.5-7.8 mm 6.1-6.4 mm 3.3-3.5 mm Tubercle height 7.4-7.9 6.0-6.5 3.6-3.9 mm mm mm Central spine thickness 0.40-0.43 0.52-0.58 0.28-0.30 mm mm mm Sheath thickness 0.63-0.67 0.86-0.93 0.47-0.52 Color ofstyle and paletodarkpink-purple, atleast nearly white to pale green nearly white to pale green filaments distally, rarelyverypalegreen Gynodioecious yes no no Chromosome number n = 33 « = 11 « = 11 Coville, Parkinsoniaflorida(Benth. exA. Gray) S. Baker 17727 with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (US, SD); Watson, and Senegalia greggii (A. Gray) Britton Chuckwalla Mts., vicinity of Corn Spring, & Rose occurred at four ofthe five sites. Another 33.62°N, 115.3rw, “dry slopes,” 9 Apr 1922,, cholla, C. bigelovii, occurred at three ofthe sites. M. French Gilman s. n. (RSA12621!); Chuckwalla There are currently few^ if any conservation Mts., vicinity of Corn Springs, 33.76°N, concerns associated with populations of Cylin- 115.37°W, 9 Apr 1922, P. A. Munz 5017 with D. dropuntia chuckwallensis. No damage from off- D. Keck, box labeled “common on gravelly road vehicles has been observed, and there seem slopes, brown-red flowers” (UC409468!), sheet to be no obvious herbivores other than those that labeled “abundant about Aztec Well, on lower eat the flowers and seeds. slopes, flowers reddish-brownW”N(WPOM119711); along Salt Creek, 17.5 km of BlaMck Butte, 33.5866°N, 115.552rW, 9 Apr 2012, Phenology A. Baker 17533 with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (ASU, Flower buds of individuals of Cylindropuntia UCR); N side ofChuckwalla Mts., 1 km west of chuckwallensis emerge mid-March and anthesis Chuckwalla Spring, 33.477rN, 115.2242°W, 1 occurs about four weeks later. Fruits generally May 2011, M. A. Baker 17305 with M. A. Cloud- matPaurraetyapbeosu:t sUiSxAt,o eiCgahltifwoerneikas.afRtievrerasnitdheesiCs.o.: N(HuANgShEUe,s,RSGA.);RiNnk,sidDe.ofRoCbheurctkswoanllaandMtNs..,K1r.a7mkemr Corn Spring, N side of Chuckwalla Mts., of Chuckwalla Spring, 33.4917°N, 33.6233°N, 115.3255°W, 17 Dec 2011, M. A. 115.2098°W, 9 Apr 2012, M. A. Baker 17536 Baker 17507 with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (ASU); (ASU, RSA); Same location, 9 Apr 2012, M. A. C33o.r6n257S°pNr,ing1,15.N328s4i°dWe, o1f7 CMhaurckw20a1l3l,a MM.ts.A., BUSa)k;erJo1s75h3u6a.1TrweiethNaMt.ioAn.alClPoarukd,-H5u.g5heksm(ANSUo,f Cloud-Hughes 087 (RSA, SD); Corn Springs Cottonwood Spring, 33.7856°N, 115.804UW, 20 Wash, 830 m ENE of AztecMSpring, 33.6364°N, Mar 2013, M. A. Baker 17720.2 (RSA, JOTR); 115.3667°W, 19 Dec 2011, A. Baker 17510 Same location, 20 Mar 2013, M. A. Baker with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (WASU); NE end of 17720.3 with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (ASU); Cotm- CChaumcpkgwrMaolulnad,Mt3s3.,.6214.61°Nk,m115.3o3f8UCWo,rn25SprMianrg tSoWnwooofd MCtos.t,tJoonswhuoaodTreeSpNraitnigo,nal3P3a.r7k,33465°0N, 2012, A. Baker 17525.1 (ASU, RSA); Same 115.813UW, 20 Mar 2013, M. A. Baker location, 25 Mar 2012, M. A. Baker 17525.2 17721.1 with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (RSA, JOTR); (ASU, SD); Same location, 25 Mar 2012, M. A. Cottonwood Mts., Joshua Tree National Park, Baker17525.4(ASU, US); Samelocation, 25 Mar 450 m SW of CottonwoodMSpring, 33.7338°N, 2012, M. A. Baker 17525.5 (ASU, SD); Same 115.8134°W, 15 Apr 2013, Harding 134 with location, 25 Mar 2012, M. A. Baker 17525.6 M. A. Baker with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (RSA, (ASU, ASC); Same location, 25 Mar 2012, M. A. JOTR); Eagle Mts., Joshua Tree National Park, Baker 17527.7 with M. A. Cloud-Hughes (ASU, 7.3 km ENE of Cottonwood Spring, 33.7442°N, SD); ChuckwallaMts., alongCorn SpringsWash, 115.7499°, 11 Apr 2013, M. Harding 130 WNW 2.5 km of CornMSpring, 33.6328°N, (JOTR!); Eagle Mts., Joshua Tree National Park, 1 15.3521°W, 9 Apr2012, A. Baker 17535 with 5 km ENE of Cottonwood SpMring, 33.7511°N, M. A. Cloud-Hughes (ASU, SD); Chuckwalla 115.7553°W, 11 Apr 2013, Harding 132 Mts., 500 m NW of Aztec Well, 33.636UN, (JOTR!); Cottonwood Mts., Joshua Tree Na- 115.3839°W, 15 Apr 2013, M. A. Baker 17726 tional Park, Cottonwood Spring, 33.74°N, (ASU, RSA); Same location, 15 Apr 2013, M. A. 115.81°W, 25 Apr 1928, W. L. Jepson 12622b

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