Curvature dimension inequalities on directed graphs Taiki Yamada January 9, 2017 Abstract 7 Inthispaper,wedefinethecurvaturedimensioninequalitiesCD(m,K)onfinitedirectedgraphs 1 0 modifying the caseofundirectedgraphs. As a mainresult, we evaluatem andK onfinite directed 2 graphs. n a 1 Introduction J 6 In Riemannian geometry, we usually use the curvature dimension inequalities CD(m,K) to consider ] G analytic properties of Ricci curvature. The curvature dimension inequalities are defined by the Γ- D calculation. To define Γ-calculation on graphs, we need the symmetric graph laplacian. In general, the graph laplacian is defined using an adjacent matrix. Jost-Liu [2] defined the curvature dimension . h inequalities on finite undirected graphs, and found relations between Ricci curvature and CD(m,K) t a . However, an adjacent matrix of directed graphs is usually asymmetry, so the graph laplacian is also m asymmetry. On the other hand, there is an another definition of the graph laplacian by Chung [1]. [ He defined the graph laplacian by using the transition probability matrix, and symmetrized it. 1 We have defined Ricci curvature on directed graphs [5]. So, we define the curvature dimension in- v equalities on finite directed graphs, and find specific m and K in this paper. 0 1 5 1 2 Curvature dimension inequalities on directed graphs 0 . 1 Throughout the paper, let G = (V,E) be a directed graph. For x,y ∈ V, we write (x,y) as an edge 0 from x to y if any. We denote the set of vertices of G by V(G) and the set of edges by E(G). 7 1 Definition 2.1. (1) A path from vertex x to vertex y is a sequence of edges : v i (x,a1),(a1,a2),··· ,(an−2,an−1),(an−1,y), where n ≥ 1. We call n the length of the path. X (2) The distance d(x,y) between two vertices x,y ∈ V is the length of a shortest path connecting r them. a Remark 2.2. The distance function has positivity and triangle inequality, but symmetry is not necessarily satisfied. Definition 2.3. (1) For any x ∈ V, the out-neighborhood (in-neighborhood) of x is defined as Sout(x) := {y ∈ V |(x,y) ∈ E} (Sin(x) := {z ∈ V | (z,x) ∈ E}). (2) For all x ∈ V, The degree of x, denoted by d , is the number of edges from x. i.e., d = |Sout(x)|. x x We sometimes use the following notation. Nout(x) := {x}∪Sout(x) (Nin(x) := {x}∪Sin(x)). 1 Definition 2.4. A probability matrix M is defined by the following. α α, v = v , j i 1−α (Mα)i,j = mαvi(vj) := dvi , (vi,vj) ∈ E(G), 0, otherwise, where α ∈ [0,1) and (M ) is an (i,j)-element of M . α i,j α Remark 2.5. If G is strongly connected, the matrix M is irreducible, so by Perron-Frobenius’ α theorem, there exists φ such that all elements of φ is positive and φM = φ (see [1]). α Definition 2.6. For all f :V(G) → R, a laplacian on directed graphs is defined by the following. 1 ∆(f)(v ) = w (f(v )−f(v ))+ w (f(v )−f(v )) , i 2φ(v ) X ij j i X ki k i i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) where w = φ(v )(M ) ij i α i,j Definition 2.7. For all functions f, g :V(G) → R, a Γ-calculation is defined by the following. 1 Γ(f,g) = {∆(fg)−f∆(g)−g∆(f)}, 2 1 Γ (f,g) = {∆(Γ(f,g))−Γ(f,∆(g))−Γ(∆(f),g)}. 2 2 Definition 2.8. We say a graph G is satisfies the curvature dimension inequalities CD(m,K) if for all functions f : V(G) → R and for all vertices v ∈ V(G), i 1 Γ (f,f)(v ) ≥ (∆f(v ))2+K(v )Γ(f,f)(v ), 2 i i i i m where m ∈ [1,+∞] Remark 2.9. We say K(v ) is Bakry-Emery’s curvature. In Riemannian geometry, this curvature is i a lower bound of the Ricci curvature. 3 Main theorem Theorem 3.1. Let G be a finite directed graph satisfying strongly connected. Then G satisfies CD(2,C −(1−α)). i.e. for all vertices v ∈ V(G) i 1 Γ (f,f)(v ) ≥ (∆f(v ))2 +{C(v )−(1−α)}Γ(f,f)(v ), 2 i i i i 2 where 1 > C(vi) = minvj∈Sout(vi),vk∈Sin(vi){wij/φ(vj),wki/φ(vk)} > 0. We prove some lemmas about the property of the Γ-calculation and the laplacian before the main theorem. Lemma 3.2. For all functions f : V(G) → R and all vertices v ∈ V, then we have i 1 Γ(f,f)(v )= w (f(v )−f(v ))2+ w (f(v )−f(v ))2 . i 4φ(v ) X ij j i X ki k i i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) 2 1 Proof. By the definition 2.7, Γ(f,f)= ∆(f2)−2f∆(f) . So, 2(cid:8) (cid:9) 1 2Γ(f,f)(v ) = w (f2(v )−f2(v ))+ w (f2(v )−f2(v )) i 2φ(v ) X ij j i X ki k i i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) f(vi) − w (f(v )−f(v ))+ w (f(v )−f(v )) φ(v ) X ij j i X ki k i i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) 1 = w (f(v )−f(v ))2+ w (f(v )−f(v ))2 . 2φ(v ) X ij j i X ki k i i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) Lemma 3.3. For all functions f : V(G) → R and all vertices v ∈ V, then we have i ∆Γ(f,f)(v ) = 1 wij (Win(v )+Wout(v ))+ wki (Win(v )+Wout(v )), i 8φ(v ) X φ(v ) j j X φ(v ) k k i vj∈Nout(vi) j vk∈Nin(vi) k where Wout(v ) = w ((f(v )−f(v ))2−(f(v )−f(v ))2 j ja a j j i X va∈Nout(vj) = w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2+2(f(v −f(v ))(f(v )−2f(v )+f(v )) , ja a j i j i a j i X (cid:8) (cid:9) va∈Nout(vj) Win(v ) = w ((f(v )−f(v ))2 −(f(v )−f(v ))2 j X bj b j j i vb∈Nin(vj) = w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2+2(f(v −f(v ))(f(v )−2f(v )+f(v )) . X bj(cid:8) b j i j i b j i (cid:9) vb∈Nin(vj) Proof. By the definition 2.6 and lemma 3.2, 2φ(v )∆Γ(f,f)(v ) = w (Γ(f,f)(v )−Γ(f,f)(v )) (3.1) i i ij j i X vj∈Sout(vi) + w (Γ(f,f)(v )−Γ(f,f)(v )). (3.2) ki k i X vk∈Sin(vi) 3 So, we calculate (3.1). Then we obtain w (Γ(f,f)(v )−Γ(f,f)(v )) ij j i X vj∈Sout(vi) = w Γ(f,f)(v )−φ(v )Γ(f,f)(v ) ij j i i X vj∈Nout(vi) = wij w (f(v )−f(v ))2 + w (f(v )−f(v ))2 X 4φ(v ) X ja a j X bj b j vj∈Nout(vi) j va∈Nout(vj) vb∈Sin(vj) 1 − w (f(v )−f(v ))2+ w (f(v )−f(v ))2 4 X ij j i X ki k i vj∈Nout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) w = ij Wout(v ) j X 4φ(v ) vj∈Nout(vi) j w + ij w (f(v )−f(v ))2 (3.3) bj b j X 4φ(v ) X vj∈Nout(vi) j vb∈Sin(vj) 1 − w (f(v )−f(v ))2. (3.4) ki k i 4 X vk∈Sin(vi) We calculate (3.2) similarly. Then we obtain w (Γ(f,f)(v )−Γ(f,f)(v )) ki k i X vk∈Sin(vi) w = ki Wout(v ) k X 4φ(v ) vk∈Nin(vi) k w + ki w (f(v )−f(v ))2 (3.5) dk d k X 4φ(v ) X vk∈Nin(vi) k vd∈Sin(vk) 1 − w (f(v )−f(v ))2 (3.6) ij j i 4 X vj∈Sin(vi) We combine (3.3) and (3.6). Thus, w 1 ij w (f(v )−f(v ))2− w (f(v )−f(v ))2 bj b j ij j i X 4φ(v ) X 4 X vj∈Nout(vi) j vb∈Sin(vj) vj∈Sin(vi) w = ij Win(v ) j X 4φ(v ) vj∈Nout(vi) j w We combine (3.4) and (3.5) similarly, and we obtain ki Win(v ). Pvk∈Nin(vi) 4φ(vk) k Lemma 3.4. For all functions f : V(G) → R and all vertices v ∈ V, then we have i 1 2Γ(∆f,f)(v ) = (∆f)2(v )+ w W (v )+ w W (v ), i i 2φ(v ) X ij ∆ j X ki ∆ k i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) 4 where W (v ) = ∆f(v )(f(v )−f(v )). ∆ j j j i Proof. By the definition of 2.7, 2Γ(∆f,f)= ∆(∆f,f)−(∆f)2−f∆(∆f). So, 2φ(v )∆(∆f,f)(v ) = w (f(v )∆f(v )−f(v )∆f(v )) i i ij j j i i X vj∈Sout(vi) + w (f(v )∆f(v )−f(v )∆f(v )) ki k k i i X vk∈Sin(vi) = w (∆f(v )−∆f(v ))f(v )+ w (f(v )−f(v ))∆f(v ) ij j i j ij j i i X X vj∈Sout(vi) vj∈Sout(vi) + w (∆f(v )−∆f(v ))f(v )+ w (f(v )−f(v ))∆f(v ) ki k i k ki k i i X X vk∈Sin(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) = w (∆f(v )−∆f(v ))(f(v )−f(v )) ij j i j i X vj∈Sout(vi) + w (∆f(v )−∆f(v ))(f(v )−f(v )) X ki k i k i vk∈Sin(vi) + f(v ) w (∆f(v )−∆f(v ))+ w (∆f(v )−∆f(v )) i X ij j i X ki k i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) + ∆f(v ) w (f(v )−f(v ))+ w (f(v )−f(v )) i X ij j i X ki k i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) = w ∆f(v )(f(v )−f(v )) w ∆f(v )(f(v )−f(v )) X ij j j i X ki k k i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) + 2φ(v ) 2(∆f)2(v )+f(v )∆(∆f)(v ) . i i i i (cid:8) (cid:9) The proof is completed. We use these lemmas and prove the theorem 3.1. Proof of theorem 3.1. By the definition of 2.7, 2Γ (f,f)= ∆Γ(f,f)−2Γ(∆f,f). By the lemma 3.4, 2 1 2φ(v )(2Γ(∆f,f)(v )−(∆f)2(v )) = w W (v )+ w W (v ) i i i 2φ(v ) X ij ∆ j X ki ∆ k i vj∈Sout(vi) vk∈Sin(vi) w ij = w (f(v )−f(v ))(f(v )−f(v )) ja a j j i X 2φ(v ) X vj∈Sout(vi) j va∈Sout(vj) w ij + w (f(v )−f(v ))(f(v )−f(v )) bj b j j i X 2φ(v ) X vj∈Sout(vi) j vb∈Sin(vj) w ki + w (f(v )−f(v ))(f(v )−f(v )) kc c k k i X 2φ(v ) X vk∈Sout(vi) k vc∈Sout(vk) w ki + w (f(v )−f(v ))(f(v )−f(v )). dk d k k i X 2φ(v ) X vk∈Sout(vi) k vd∈Sin(vk) 5 On the other hand, Wout(v ) in the lemma 3.3 can be transformed into the following. j Wout(v ) = (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2+2(f(v −f(v ))(f(v )−2f(v )+f(v )) j a j i j i a j i X (cid:8) (cid:9) va∈Nout(vj) = (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2+2(f(v )−f(v ))(f(v )−f(v ))−2(f(v )−f(v ))2 . a j i j i a j j i X (cid:8) (cid:9) va∈Nout(vj) Win(v ), Wout(v ), and Win(v ) can be transformed similarly. So, the second terms in Win and Wout j k k are set off the value of 2φ(v )(2Γ(∆f,f)(v )−(∆f)2(v )). Moreover, the third terms in Win and Wout i i i combine, then we obtain −2Γ(f,f)(v ). Thus, we have i 1 Γ (f,f)(v ) = (∆f)2(v )−Γ(f,f)(v )+H(f)(v ), 2 i i i i 2 where w 16φ(v )H(f)(v ) := ij w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 i i ja a j i X φ(v ) X vj∈Nout(vi) j va∈Nout(vj) w + ij w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 X φ(v ) X bj b j i vj∈Nout(vi) j vb∈Nin(vj) w + ki w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 kc c k i X φ(v ) X vk∈Nin(vi) k vc∈Nout(vk) w + ki w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2. X φ(v ) X dk d k i k vk∈Nin(vi) vd∈Nin(vk) As a result, it is sufficient to consider only H(f)(v ). We remark that the vertex v belongs to Nin(v ) i i j for all v , and Nout(v ) for all v . Then, we obtain j k k w 16φ(v )H(f)(v ) = ij w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 i i ja a j i X φ(v ) X vj∈Sout(vi) j va∈Sout(vj) + α w (f(v )−f(v ))2+α w (f(v )−f(v ))2 ij j i ij j i X X vj∈Sout vj∈Sout w + ij w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 X φ(v ) X bj b j i vj∈Sout(vi) j vb∈Sin(vj) + α w (f(v )−f(v ))2+α w (f(v )−f(v ))2 X ki k i X ij j i vk∈Sin vj∈Sout w + ki w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 kc c k i X φ(v ) X vk∈Sin(vi) k vc∈Sout(vk) + α w (f(v )−f(v ))2+α w (f(v )−f(v ))2 ij j i ki k i X X vj∈Sout vk∈Sin w + ki w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 dk d k i X φ(v ) X vk∈Sin(vi) k vd∈Sin(vk) + α w (f(v )−f(v ))2+α w (f(v )−f(v ))2 ki k i ki k i X X v ∈Sin v ∈Sin k k 6 w = ij w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 ja a j i X φ(v ) X vj∈Sout(vi) j va∈Sout(vj) w + ij w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 bj b j i X φ(v ) X vj∈Sout(vi) j vb∈Sin(vj) w + ki w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2 X φ(v ) X kc c k i vk∈Sin(vi) k vc∈Sout(vk) w + ki w (f(v )−2f(v )+f(v ))2+16αφ(v )Γ(f,f)(v ) X φ(v ) X dk d k i i i vk∈Sin(vi) k vd∈Sin(vk) 4(w )2 4(w )2 ≥ ij (f(v )−f(v ))2 + ki (f(v )−f(v ))2 X φ(v ) j i X φ(v ) k i vj∈Sout(vi) j vk∈Sin(vi) k + 16αφ(v )Γ(f,f)(v ) i i ≥ 16φ(v )(C(v )+α)Γ(f,f)(v ). i i i Then, the proof is completed. 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