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Preview Curvature-dependence of the liquid-vapor surface tension beyond the Tolman approximation

Curvature-dependence of the liquid-vapor surface tension beyond the Tolman approximation Nicolas Bruot and Fr´ed´eric Caupin Institut Lumi`ere Mati`ere, UMR5306 Universit´e Claude Bernard Lyon 1 — CNRS, Universit´e de Lyon, Institut Universitaire de France, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France Surface tension is a macroscopic manifestation of the cohesion of matter, and its value σ∞ is readily measured for a flat liquid-vapor interface. For interfaces with a small radius of curvature 6 R, the surface tension might differ from σ∞. The Tolman equation, σ(R)= σ∞/(1+2δ/R), with 1 δ a constant length, is commonly used to describe nanoscale phenomena such as nucleation. Here 0 we report experiments on nucleation of bubbles in ethanol and n-heptane, and their analysis in 2 combination with their counterparts for the nucleation of droplets in supersaturated vapors, and with water data. We show that neither a constant surface tension nor the Tolman equation can b consistentlydescribethedata. Wealsoinvestigateamodelincluding1/R and1/R2 termsinσ(R). e F We describe a general procedure to obtain the coefficients of these terms from detailed nucleation experiments. This work explains the conflicting values obtained for the Tolman length in previous 3 analyses, and suggests directions for futurework. ] Accepted to Physical Review Letters. h p - m Nucleation in metastable phases is an ubiquitous phe- nanodroplets (related to the nucleation of a liquid from nomenon, relevant to important fields such as atmo- a supersaturated vapor, condensation) and nanobubbles e h spheric research [1], mechanics of plants and trees [2–4], (related to the nucleation of a vapor in a metastable liq- c and in the chemical industry to avoid vapor explosions uid, cavitation). To complement existing data on con- s. accidents (or “spill accidents”) [5]. The nucleation rate densation, we have performed acoustic cavitation exper- c is exquisitely sensitive to the value of the surface ten- iments on ethanol and heptane. i s sion σ between the metastable and the stable phase. As Inacousticcavitation,theliquidsarestretchedusinga y the size of the critical nucleus that triggers the phase fewcyclesofafocusedacousticwaveat1MHztotrigger h changeisinthe nanometerrange,the valueofσ relevant nucleation (see [21] and Supplemental Material, SM, for p tonucleationmaydifferfromthebulkone. Theideaofa details). The wave frequency sets the experimental time [ dependenceofthesurfacetensiononthecurvatureofthe and volume, and consequently the observable nucleation 2 interfacebetweenphaseshasbeenstudiedbyTolman[6], rate. The pressureatwhichthis rateis reachedis shown v who proposed for a spherical droplet with radius R in Fig. 1(a) for ethanol and in Fig. S1(a) of the SM for 8 heptane. Compared to a previous study where the cavi- 6 σ∞ 2δ∞ =1+ , (1) tation pressures were based on an indirect estimate [22], 4 σ(R) R we have now measured them directly with a fiber-optic 0 0 where δ∞ is the Tolman length. Determining in experi- probe hydrophone (FOPH) [23]. These more accurate . ments σ(R) is critical to developing accurate nucleation measurements lead to lower pressures than the previous 1 0 theories. Itcanalsoserveasaninputtovaliditychecksof study, as expected because of the nonlinearities in the 6 densityfunctionaltheorycalculationsandnumericalsim- acoustic wave (see SM and [24, 25]). 1 ulations. More generally, the small scale limit at which An excellent introduction to the concept of curvature- : macroscopic laws break down is an active field of re- dependent surface tension can be found in [10]. We just v i search, as shown for instance by recent studies on vapor introduce here the relevant quantities on the example of X pressure of nanodroplets [7], or on flows in nanochan- condensation. Considerasmallsphericaldropletofliquid r nels [8], that are of crucial importance for oil recovery in equilibrium with its supersaturatedvapor at chemical a and catalysis. potential µ. The pressure of the bulk liquid and vapor The curvature dependence of surface tension has been at µ are PL and PV, and their densities ρL and ρV, re- mainly studied theoretically and numerically, with con- spectively. The key point is that the surface tension σ flicting results about the magnitude and even the sign depends on the radius R chosen for the dividing sphere of the effect [6, 9–18]. The dearth of experimental data which separates by convention the liquid and vapor re- stems from the difficulties inherent to measurements on gions. Two radii are of particular interest in describing nanoscopicobjects. Inthisworkwecircumventthisprob- the droplet. The first is Re, the radius of the equimo- lembyuseofthenucleationtheorem(NT)[19,20],which lar dividing surface. The second is Rs, the radius of the allows obtaining information on the nanoscopic critical sphere at which the Laplace relation is fulfilled: nucleus from a macroscopic observable, the nucleation 2σ s rate (number of nucleation events per unit volume and ∆P =PL−PV = , (2) R time). In addition, we adopt a comprehensive approach, s treating on the same footing the two symmetric cases of where σ =σ(R ). R allows to write the energy barrier s s s 2 for nucleation ∆Ω in a compact form: −10 4π 16πσ3 ∆Ω= 3 Rs2σs = 3∆P2s . (3) a) −20 P M In classical nucleation theory (CNT), the nucleation rate J for the phase change is P ( −30 ∆Ω (a) J =J0exp − , (4) −40 (cid:18) k T(cid:19) B 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 withJ aprefactor,whoseexpressionisgivenintheSM. 0 CNT The knowledge of J at a given µ or ∆P (the quantity 5 This work controlledinanexperiment)thusgivesaccessto∆Ωfrom )NT Arvengas 2011 Eq. (4), σ from Eq. (3) and R∗ from Eq. (2). Starred JC Manka 2012 quantitiessarerelativetothecritiscalnucleus,atwhichthe (J / 10 0 TSatrneiym 1u9ra8 62013 energy barrier ∆Ω is reached. In addition, experiments g o can give access to R∗ [19, 20]. Indeed, if the dependence l −5 (b) e of J on µ is known, the excess number of molecules in the critical nucleus is 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 T (K) ∂ln(J/J ) ∗ 0 ∆n =k T . (5) B (cid:18) ∂µ (cid:19) T FIG.1. Comparisonofnucleationpressuresorrates(markers) For ρ ≪ ρ , and assuming a spherical critical droplet withCNT0 (dashedlines)inethanol. (a)Acousticcavitation V L pressuresobtainedwiththeFOPH(bluestars) arecompared whose density at the center reaches the bulk value, this to previous pressure estimates (red diamonds) via a static leads to an expression for the volume of the sphere with pressure method [22]. The new, more accurate points are ∗ radius R (see SM): e consistently more negative, as expected (see SM). The blue ∗ lineisaguidetotheeye. (b)Condensationdata. Eachgraph 4π |∆n | k T ∂ln(J/J ) V∗ = R∗3 = = B 0 . (6) represents the logarithm of the ratio between the nucleation e 3 e ρL ρL (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:18) ∂µ (cid:19)T(cid:12)(cid:12) rateandtheCNT0prediction. Thedatasourcesareindicated (cid:12) (cid:12) in the legend. See Fig. S1 in the SM for the corresponding Eqs. (3) to (6) hold for both ca(cid:12)vitation and con(cid:12)densa- graphs for heptane and water. tion, provided that adequate expressions for ∆P, µ and J0 are used. 0.1 To test different models for the surface tension, we have used experimentalvalues of J at known µ (conden- m) 0.05 n sdaattiao)n, adnadtaV),∗o.r,Tehqeuimvaolednetlslya,r∆ePdesactrifibxeeddbJelo(cwavaintadtaiorne cavδ (∞ 0 e − summarized in Table I. or −0.05 assIunmthede tsotaanldwaarydsvreemrsaioinneoqfutahletoCNthTev[2a6lu],eCfoNrTa0p,lσansairs condδ ∞ −0.1 interface σ∞, which is equivalent to setting Re = Rs, −0.15 and ∆Ω = 16πσ∞3/(3∆P2). CNT0 is notorious to fail 150 200 250 300 350 T (K) in predicting correct nucleation rates, for cavitation [27] as well as for condensation [14, 28–35]. This appears clearly in Figs. 1 and S1, where the FOPH experiments FIG. 2. δ∞ depending on temperature for cavitation (star markers) and condensation (filled markers) in ethanol. The areplottedalongwithcondensationdata[28,31,32,36– legend is the same as in Fig. 1. The double arrows point to 40],andwithacavitationpointfromawaterinclusionin discrepanciesthatsuggestthefailureoftheCNT1model: δ∞, quartz[27]. Forinstance,Figs.1(b)andS1(b,d)highlight which is expected to be the Tolman length, would not only for the three fluids a crossovertemperature below which dependonT. ThebluelineisaguidetotheeyeoftheFOPH CNT0 underestimatesthe condensationrates,andabove data. SeeFig. S2 for heptaneand water. whichtheyareoverestimated. Thiscrossoverhadalready been observed in single data sets for ethanol and water condensation, e.g. [32] and [41], and the combination of Starting with a first variantof CNT, CNT1, which as- several sets makes this conclusion stronger. sumes α=0 in Eq. (7), it can be shown that [10] We therefore investigate other models with R 6= R . e s σ∞ 2δ∞ 1 We use a functional form suggested by simulations [10]: =1+ +O , (8) σs Rs (cid:18)Rs2(cid:19) α δ(Rs)=δ∞+ R . (7) which is similar to Eq. (1). One can then calculate δ∞ s 3 Model Surface tension Freeparameters Inputdata CNT0 σ(Rs)=σ∞ None None σ∞ 2δ∞ CNT1 =1+ δ∞ J σ(Rs) Rs CNT2 σσ(R∞s) =1+ 2Rδ∞s + δ∞2R+s2 α δ∞ and δ∞2 +α J and Ve∗ TABLEI.SummaryofthemodelstestedinthisLetter. Foreachmodel,weindicatetheexpressionforthesurfacetension,the free parameters and the experimental dataused to extract these parameters. from the experimental nucleation rates (see SM). The 60 analysis usually stops there [11, 27, 31], which does not 3) (a) m pprreodviicdteVae∗fuflrlotmesδt∞ofwCiNthTC1.NWT1e(tsaekeeSaMs)t.epAfcuormthpear,riasnodn me (n 40 between predicted V∗ and V∗ deduced from the exper- u e e ol iments with the NT Eq. (6) becomes possible. To our al v 20 knowledge,thistypeofreasoninghasbeenemployedonly c for water [27, 31], with a seemingly satisfactory agree- Criti ment. By a more comprehensive analysis of all the data 0 sets gathered for ethanol, heptane and water, covering a 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 T (K) broaderrange for temperature and degree of metastabil- ity, we find discrepancies that reveal the actual failure 3m) (b) n 6 of CNT1. Figs. 2 and S2 show δ∞ calculated from the e ( cavitationandcondensationexperiments. Quantitiesrel- m u 4 ativetocavitationandcondensationarelabelledby‘cav’ ol v oexrp‘eccotndto’,firnedsptehcatitveδl∞cya.v aInfdCδN∞cTon1dwdoerneovtadliedp,ewnde ownouRlds∗ Critical 2 and that δ∞cav = −δ∞cond for the same temperatures [10]. 0 Foreachofthefluids,thepointsdonotcollapseonasin- 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 gle curve, as indicated by the double arrows, even when T (K) taking into account the experimental uncertainties (see SMfordetails). Thissuggeststhatδ doesinfactdepend FIG. 3. Critical volumes in (a) cavitation and (b) conden- ∗ on Rs. We emphasize that the disagreementcan usually sation experiments for ethanol. The thick and thin markers not be seen when looking at the data of a single con- represent the volumes from the NT and from CNT1, respec- densation experiment. This is because various indepen- tively. The legend is the same as in Fig. 1. See Fig. S3 for dent supersaturationand temperature values are needed heptaneand water. to conclude andthe combinationofseveralcondensation and cavitation experiments extends the range of both do not change any of our conclusions. parameters. The crossover mentioned earlier translates We now move on to a second variant of CNT, CNT , here into a change of δ from positive to negative val- 2 cond ues when T increases (Figs. 2 and S2). This behavior is based on Eq. (7) with two parameters δ∞ and α6=0. It can then be shown that [44]: not in support of CNT . The situation gets even worse 1 ∗ mwhoednelc(osmmpaallr,inligghintFmiagrsk.e3rsa)ndwiSt3hVVe∗eoxbttraaicnteeddufrsoinmgtthhies σ∞ =1+ 2δ∞ + δ∞2+α +O 1 . (9) NT (big, dark markers). In overalle, these agree at low σs Rs Rs2 (cid:18)Rs3(cid:19) temperature, but strongly disagree above 250-300 K de- Itmayseemthataddinganextraparameterwouldauto- pending on the fluid. We note that the approximations matically allow a better fitting of the data. But we also ∗ neededtodeduce Ve fromexperimentswithEq.(6)lead use more experimental input (see Table I). For CNT1, ∗ to an underestimate of Ve for both cavitation and con- we used only the experimental nucleation rates to cal- densation, so that the disagreement with CNT1 can be culate δ∞, and compared the CNT1 prediction for Ve∗ only stronger than shown in Figs. 3 and S3. Also, the with the values from experiments on which the nucle- critical volumes for cavitation may display a systematic ation theorem can be applied. For CNT , we use both 2 errorbiggerthanthestatisticalerrorbarsshownherebe- the nucleation rates and V∗ from those experiments to e cause of an extrapolation in the data analysis. All these directly calculate δ∞ and δ∞2 +α (see SM). The success details are investigated in the SM and Refs. [42, 43] and oftheapproachmustthereforebeassessedbycheckingif 4 0.15 tivated our work. We have tried to compare the ex- (a) periments to these. For heptane, the δcond we found is ∞ 0.1 close to zero and possibly negative (around −0.02nm). m) An expression of the Tolman length as a function of the d (n 0.05 isothermalcompressibilityκT hasbeenproposed[46,47]: conδ∞ δ−∞0.0=3 n−mκfToσr∞h.eptAante2,6w5hiKch, itshcelofsoermtoutlaheyeiexlpdesriδm∞ent≈s 0 in Fig. S4(a). Heptane may be crudely approximatedby a Lennard-Jones fluid, for which DFT calculations and MC simulations [9, 10] seem to point to a slightly neg- (b) ative value for δ∞cond (−0.07 nm). However, MD simu- 0 lations [44] find a positive temperature-dependent −δcav ∞ 2m) (+0.1 nm at 265 K). Also, Iwamastu [48] estimated the n α ( −0.2 Tolman length from the correlation lengths of the liq- + uid and vapor phases, which for heptane translates into 2δ ∞ −0.4 δ∞cond ≈ −0.2 nm, which has a larger magnitude than the experimentalvalue. The parameterδ∞2 +α has been estimated by MD simulations [44] and by DFT [9, 49]. −0.6 Rescaledtoheptane,theseestimatesallleadtoapositive 200 220 240 260 280 300 T (K) (δ∞2 +α)/Rs2 of about 0.4 [44], while the Rudek data set displays mostly negative values: (δ2 +α)/R2 =−0.1 in ∞ e FIG. 4. CNT2 parameters δ∞ and δ∞2 +α derived from con- averageinthe250-275Krange. ByidentifyingEq.(9)to densationexperiments. SeeFig.1forthelegend,andFig.S4 the Helfrich form of the surface free energy in Ref. [50], for heptane and water. we find the average curvature-elastic moduli 2kc+k¯c = 7×10−22 J. the various data sets lead to master curves for both δ∞ and δ2 +αasafunctionofthetemperature. Theresults Fortheotherfluids,thedifferentexperimentspartially ∞ collapse on master curves, thus supporting the CNT are plotted in Figs. 4 and S4. We have omitted here the 2 model, but they can hardly be compared to simulations FOPH data, since, unfortunately, the corresponding er- orDFT estimatesbasedonthe Lennard-Jonespotential. ror bars on δ∞ and δ∞2 +α would be of the order of the For water, we first note that within CNT , the cavita- size of the y-axes (see SM). For heptane, only one data 2 tion [27] and the condensation [40] experiments yield to set is available and does not allow to test the data col- lapse. For the other fluids, we observe a more consistent positive δ∞cond or −δ∞cav. This sign is consistent with sim- ulations based on a monoatomic model of water (mW) description of the data (see in particular the improve- where a departure from the Kelvin equation is observed mentofthe discrepancybetweenthe Tanimura2013and atsmalldropletradii[7]. However,the CNT analysisof the Manka 2012 data compared to Fig. 2). The agree- 2 twosimulationswithTIP4P/2005[11,51]wouldgivethe ment is still not perfect, even when taking into account opposite sign: δcond =−0.066 nm at 300 K for [11] that the statistical uncertainties on the points. This is possi- ∞ measured directly the radius-dependence of the surface blyindicativeofsystematicerrorsspecifictothedifferent free energy of droplets, and −δcav = −0.067 nm for the experiments, or of some limitation of the theory, such as ∞ cavitation simulations in [51] from which we have calcu- that of a spherical critical nucleus. Compared to CNT , 1 lated δ∞ with the energy barrier and the critical volume CNT2 yields a Tolman length δ∞ with a weaker tem- (using the data fromtheir “M-method” to estimate V∗). perature dependence, andfor ethanol andwater δ∞ now e keeps a positive sign. For heptane, δ∞ is close to zero, maybe slightly negative. For the three fluids, we noted While our conclusions on the inaccuracy of the CNT thatthesecondorderterm(δ2 +α)/(R∗)2 isoftenofthe 1 ∞ s model are unambiguous — we strongly recommend not ∗ same order of magnitude as the first order term δ∞/Rs to use the Tolman equation when analysing nucleation (see SM). data —, they call for further experiments to confirm the Ourresultsshowthat,atleastforethanol,heptaneand CNT model. Asthevaporsupersaturationcanbevaried 2 water, the usual Tolman equation Eq. (1) is not enough overabroadrangeinexperimentsoncondensation,they to properly describe experiments. Therefore, attempts shouldbemoreappropriatethancavitation. Forethanol, to analyse experiments with CNT1 (such as in [11, 27, the success of CNT2 is already very promising, and we 31])mayyieldinaccuratedeterminationsofδ∞,andthis provide in the SM overall fitting parameters for δ∞ and study partly explains the confusion in the longstanding δ∞2 +α that can be used to predict the nucleation rate debate onthe signofthe Tolmanlength[45]. The CNT2 fromanycondition. Forotherfluids,ourstudyprovidesa approach seems to give more consistent results. procedurewithwhichfuture measurementsofnucleation A variety of simulations have been realized and mo- rates and critical volumes can be analysed. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledgefunding by the ERC under the Euro- pean FP7 Grant Agreement 240113, and by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche Grant 09-BLAN-0404-01. [1] B. J. Murray, D. O’Sullivan, J. D. Atkinson, and M. E. F. Caupin, Nat.Phys. 9, 38 (2013). Webb,Chem. Soc. Rev.41, 6519 (2012). [28] D.Ghosh,D.Bergmann,R.Schwering,J.Wlk,R.Strey, [2] Y.Forterre, J. 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Lenain, and Supplemental Material for Curvature-dependence of the liquid-vapor surface tension 6 1 beyond the Tolman approximation 0 2 Nicolas Bruot and Fr´ed´eric Caupin b Institut Lumi`ere Mati`ere, UMR5306 Universit´e Claude Bernard Lyon 1-CNRS, e Universit´e de Lyon and Institut Universitaire de France, 69622 Villeurbanne cedex, France F This note provides additional information on the experiments and the analysis presented in the 3 Letter,andpresentsananalysisofn-heptaneandwaternucleationdatatocomplementtheethanol ] data. It also discusses theuncertainties and approximations to support ourconclusions. When not h specified, thenotations and legends in thisdocument are thesame as in the main text. p - m e h Contents c . s I. Materials and methods 2 c i s II. Comparison between the static pressure and FOPH methods 2 y h III. Study of n-heptane and water 2 p [ IV. Formula of the modified CNTs 2 2 A. CNT1 2 v B. CNT2 4 8 C. Choice for the kinetic prefactor 4 6 1. Cavitation 4 4 0 2. Condensation 4 0 D. Derivation of the critical volumes from the nucleation theorem 4 . 1 V. Effect of the extrapolation of the voltage to pressure relation (cavitation experiments) 6 0 6 1 VI. CNT2 for cavitation 8 : v VII. Estimate of the statistical error bars 8 i X A. Fiber-optic probe hydrophone experiments 8 B. Condensation experiments 9 r a VIII. Second order approximation for the surface tension σs 10 A. Validity 10 B. Comparison of the two terms in the σs expansion of the CNT2 10 IX. Fitted CNT2 parameters for ethanol 11 References 11 2 I. MATERIALS AND METHODS We have performed acoustic cavitation in n-heptane (Sigma Aldrich, puriss. p.a., 99%) and ethanol (VWR ≥ Prolabo Chemicals, 99.98% v/v), using a hemispherical piezoelectric transducer to focus 1 MHz sound bursts (a few cycles long) in a small region of the liquid far from any wall1. Ramping the excitation voltage of the transducer, the cavitation probability increases from 0 to 1. The “cavitation threshold” corresponds to a 50% cavitation probability during a burst. In a previous study2, the pressure at the focus was estimated indirectly by studying the effect of the static pressure in the liquid on the cavitation threshold. Here, we have measuredthe density of the fluid at the focus directly with a fiber-optic probe hydrophone3, which is sensitive to the modulation of the refractive index by the sound wave. To convert the density into a pressure, we used an equation of state for the liquid at positive pressure, and extrapolated it down to about 30 MPa. More details will be given elsewhere. − II. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE STATIC PRESSURE AND FOPH METHODS Figs. 1(a) and S1(a) show pressures at the cavitation threshold slightly more negative with the FOPH than the previously reported values. Here we give an explanation for the discrepancy. The static pressure method in Ref. 2 was based on the dependence of the transducer voltage at the cavitation thresholdon the positive static pressure applied to the liquid. A linear extrapolationgave anindirect estimate of the negative cavitationpressure. However,nonlinearities leadto extrapolatedpressuresless negativethan the realones4. The new experiments with a FOPH give direct access to the density of the liquid at the cavitation threshold. The only remaining assumption resides here in the conversion of the density into a pressure, that requires to extrapolate to negative pressure an equation of state measured at positive pressure. In the case of water, we have previously measured the equation of state at negative pressure and proven that this assumption is valid5. It is reasonable to assume that the extrapolation would also be valid for heptane and ethanol, thus yielding to FOPH points that are more accurate than the points from the static pressure method. III. STUDY OF n-HEPTANE AND WATER The analysis carried in the Letter on ethanol can be extended to other liquids. Figures S1, S2, S3, S4 below show results for n-heptane and water. IV. FORMULA OF THE MODIFIED CNTS ThissectionsgivestheformulawehaveusedtocalculatetheCNT andCNT parameters,andthecriticalvolumes 1 2 from the nucleation theorem. A. CNT1 ∗ ∗ In the CNT , Eq. (8) is written at the critical radius, R =R . R is trivially deduced from the Laplace equation 1 s s s as a function of the energy barrier ∆Ω, and ∆P, that are known from the experiments: 1/3 3∆Ω ∗ R = (S1) s 2π∆p (cid:18) (cid:19) ∗ ∗ ∗ Since Eq. (3) with R =R links σ (R ) to ∆Ω and R , we obtain the following expression for the Tolman length: s s s s s σ∞ 3∆Ω 1/3 δ∞ = 1 (S2) ∆P " −(cid:18)16πσ∞3 (cid:19) # Compared to CNT0, the critical equimolar radius now depends on δ∞. The derivation is done in Ref. 6 and gives ∗ 2σ∞ Re = ∆P −δ∞ (S3) 3 −10 8 −15 (a) Heptane 6 (b) Heptane CNT 4 −20 This work )NT MPa) −25 AArzvoeunzgi a2s0 123011 J / JC 2 P ( Rudek 1996 (10 0 −30 Ghosh 2010 og l −2 Tanimura 2013 −35 Holten 2005 −4 Wölk 2001 −40 Brus 2008 −6 −110 4 −120 (c) Water (d) Water 2 −130 )T N MPa) −140 J / JC 0 P ( (10 −2 −150 og l −4 −160 −170 −6 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 150 200 250 300 350 T (K) T (K) FIG. S1: Same as Fig. 1 in the Letter, but for (a,b) heptane and (c,d) water. The point in (c) corresponds to the cavitation pressure measurement in a water inclusion in a quartzcrystal14. 0.1 (a) Heptane m) 0 n cavδ− (∞ −0.1 or d n coδ∞ −0.2 −0.3 0.02 (b) Water m) 0 n cavδ− (∞ −0.02 or d n coδ∞ −0.04 −0.06 150 200 250 300 350 T (K) FIG. S2: Same as Fig. 2, but for (a) heptaneand (b) water. 4 B. CNT2 Eqs. (2), (7) and (9) form a system of equations that can be solved for δ∞ and δ∞2 +α. The relevant solutions are ∗ R δ∞ = s(1 √∆) − 2 − (S4) δ∞2 +α = (Rs∗)2 R2∗σ∆∞P −√∆ (cid:18) s (cid:19) where  ∗ ∆=1 4Re + 8σ∞ (S5) − R∗ R∗∆P s s ∗ ∗ Here, R is obtained in the experiments from the nucleation theorem and R is given by Eq. (S1). e s C. Choice for the kinetic prefactor 1. Cavitation The CNT and its variants CNT and CNT rely on the choice of an expression for the kinetic prefactor J . 0 1 2 0 For cavitation, we chose J Vτ = 1019, where V is the volume where the acoustic wave is focalized, and τ the 0 durationof anacoustic burst. The value is takenfromour previousstudy in water1. The actualvalue ofJ Vτ in the 0 presentexperiments might differ from the 1019 value. However,a change by a factor 10 in this constantonly leads to a shift of the experimental points by about 0.015 nm for the CNT1’s δ∞ and 0.5 nm3 for Ve∗ (for both heptane and ethanol). This is much smaller than the statistical deviations seen by repeating cavitation pressure measurements at the same temperature several times. 2. Condensation For condensation, the nucleation rates are calculated from the supersaturation S = P /P (T), where P is the v sat v pressureofthemetastablevapor,andP (T)istheequilibriumvaporpressureforaflatinterface. Treatingthevapor sat as a perfect gas, and the liquid as an incompressible phase leads to: kT lnS ∆P = (S6) v l where k is the Boltzmann constant and v the volume per molecule in the liquid. (Including gas non-idealities has l been shown to have little effect on the nucleation rates for n-nonane7.) For the kinetic prefactor, we used 2 J = 2σ∞v S2 Psat(T) (S7) 0 l πm kT r l (cid:18) (cid:19) with m the mass of a molecule. The actual value of J is still being debated. In particular, a “1/S correction” is l 0 sometimesaddedtoEq.(S7)6. This,again,onlyleadstoinsignificantchangesinthequantitiesexploredinthisstudy. For instance, the typical shifts from the data in8 are: 2 orders of magnitude for J /J , 0.1 nm3 for V∗, 0.02 nm exp CNT e for the CNT1’s δ∞, and 2 10−4 nm and 0.015 nm2 for the CNT2’s δ∞ and δ∞2 +α. × D. Derivation of the critical volumes from the nucleation theorem ∗ Criticalvolumes are obtainedfrom the nucleationtheoremEq. (5). When writing Eq.(6) andconverting∆n into a volume, two consecutive approximations are made. First, we assume that the density at the center of the nucleus is the density of the homogeneousphase, ρ or ρ . This allows us to link the criticalvolume to the excess number of L V molecules by: ∗ ∗ n ∆n V∗ = e = for droplets (S8) e ρ ρ ρ L L V ∗ − n ρ = e = V ∆n∗ for bubbles (S9) ρ −ρ ρ V L V − 5 100 (a) Heptane 15 (b) Heptane 3) m n 80 me ( 60 10 u ol v al 40 c 5 Criti 20 0 0 3.5 10 (c) Water 3 (d) Water 3) m n 8 2.5 e ( m 6 2 u vol 1.5 al 4 c 1 Criti 2 0.5 0 0 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 T (K) T (K) FIG. S3: Same as Fig. 3, but for (a,b) heptane and (c,d) water. 0.06 0.1 (b) Heptane 0.04 (a) Heptane 0 m) 0.02 2m) n n d ( 0 α ( −0.1 conδ∞ −0.02 2 + ∞ δ −0.2 −0.04 −0.06 −0.3 0.15 0.2 (c) Water (d) Water 0.1 m) 0.1 cavδ− (n∞ 0.05 2α (nm) 0 nd or 2δ + ∞ −0.1 coδ∞ 0 −0.2 −0.05 −0.3 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 T (K) T (K) FIG. S4: Same as Fig. 4, but for (a,b) heptane and (c,d) water. ∗ where n is the number of molecules in the nucleus. The second approximation we make is that ρ ρ , which is easilyesatisfied: for the data analyzed in the Letter and here, the maximal value of ρ /ρ is 0L.6≫8 V10−3 for V L condensation and 1.1 10−3 for the FOPH experiments. The critical volume then simply becomes × × ∗ ∆n ∗ V = | | (S10) e ρ L for droplets and bubbles.

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