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Ayie^'j^i^yi^^ COMMON THREAD A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/currycollege1997unse Curry College MA Milton, I 1071 Btud Hill knnm Common Thread (A Stitch In ^ime 1 Opening lightly JCnit Groups 35 Clubs/Organizations Sharpening 43 Skills Athletics (AVarn or Two 67 Student £ife ^ady ^or display 25 1 Senior ^onraits Two JCnit One. ^earl 147 Parent Congratulations Common (A Thread 176 Jitterfron^ the Sditor Curry College 1996-1997 Our Campus CunyCollegehasarichhistorywhoseroots lie in the intellectual traditions and personalitiesof19thcenturyNewEngland. Now. well into its second century, Curry has maintained adistinctive mission while creativelytransformingitselfovertheyears to meet new educational challenges. Thewooded, 120acreCurrycampusstands outasoneofthemostattractiveandunique campuses in New England. Whileoffering modem facilities like the student radio station (WMLN), two microcomputer labroatories, and indoor/outdoor athletic complexes,theCollegehasalsodonemuch topreservethenatural surrondingsandrich heritage of Eastern Massachusetts. This appeal extends off-campus as well. Curry College lies 7 miles south of Boston, offering rich cultural and educational advantagestoourstudentsforentertainment internships and the experienceoftradition. And only 2 miles away is the scenic Blue Hills, a beautiful retreat for hikers, skiers and bikers. Inauguration Kenneth K. Quigley. Jr., bom in Dublin. Ireland, was a 1975graduateofMiltonHighSchool, Hethenattended theBostonCollegeSchoolofManagementandgraduated with honors in 1979 with a degree in Accounting and Finance. In 1982. President Quigley graduated from VillanovaUniversitySchool ofLaw. He has servedasa facultymemberatSuffolkUniversity,BentleyCollegeand Curr)-College. PresidentQuigleyhasalsorepresentedthe collegeasamemberoftheAAUPandhasservedonthe CollegeBudgetandAthleticCommittees. OnFebruarj-2,1997,KennethK.Quigley,Jr.wasoificially installed as the 14th president of Curry College. Approximately500people filledtheMillerGymnasium towitness andparticipate intheevent. SenatorW. Paul WhitereadastatementsignedbyGovernorWilliamWeld whichdeclaredFebruary2as"KennethQuigleyJr.Day" intheCommonwealthofMassachusetts. PresidentQuigley envisions a bright future for Curry College and looks forwardtocontinuingtherecentenrollmentgrowthatthe collegewhilefurtherenhancingthephysicalfacilitiesof the campus. During his inauguration speech, President Quigleyvowed"tomaketheworldabetterplacesimply becauseCurryCollegeexists." ^^^K^^B^

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