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Monographs Series Editor: U.Veronesi P. A. Bunn, Jr. (Ed.) Current Topics in Lung Cancer With 1 Figure and 24 Tables Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest PAUL A. BUNN, JR., M. D. Professor of Medicine and Director University of Colorado Cancer Center 4200 East Ninth Avenue Denver, CO 80262, USA The European School of Oncology gratefully acknowledges the support from Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals for this Task Force library of Congress Cataloglng-in-Publicatlon Data Current topics In lung cancer 1 P. A Bunn, Jr. (ed ), p. cm -(Monographs 1 European School of Oncology) ISBN-13: 978-3-642-76786-9 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-76784-5 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-76784-5 1 Lungs-Cancer. I. Bunn, Paul A II. Series· Mono graphs (European School of Oncology) [DNLM· 1. Lung Neoplasms-therapy. WF 658 C976] RC280.L8C86 1991 616.99'42406-dc20 DNLM/DLC This work IS subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilm or In any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof IS permitted only under the provIsions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1991 Soficover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1991 The use of general deSCriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in thiS publication does not imply, even In the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Product liability: The publishers cannot guarantee the accuracy of any Information about dosage and application contained in this book. In every individual case the user must check such information by consulting the relevant literature. Typesetting: Camera ready by editor 23/3145-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper Foreword The European School of Oncology came into existence to respond to a need for informa tion, education and training in the field of the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. There are two main reasons why such an initiative was considered necessary. Firstly, the teaching of oncology requires a rigorously multidisciplinary approach which is difficult for the Univer sities to put into practice since their system is mainly disciplinary orientated. Secondly, the rate of technological development that impinges on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer has been so rapid that it is not an easy task for medical faculties to adapt their curricula flexibly. With its residential courses for organ pathologies and the seminars on new techniques (laser, monoclonal antibodies, imaging techniques etc.) or on the principal therapeutic controversies (conservative or mutilating surgery, primary or adjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy alone or integrated), it is the ambition of the European School of Oncology to fill a cultural and scientific gap and, thereby, create a bridge between the University and Industry and between these two and daily medical practice. One of the more recent initiatives of ESO has been the institution of permanent study groups, also called task forces, where a limited number of leading experts are invited to meet once a year with the aim of defining the state of the art and possibly reaching a consensus on future developments in specific fields of oncology. The ESO Monograph series was designed with the specific purpose of disseminating the results of these study group meetings, and providing concise and updated reviews of the topic discussed. It was decided to keep the layout relatively simple, in order to restrict the costs and make the monographs available in the shortest possible time, thus overcoming a common problem in medical literature: that of the material being outdated even before publication. UMBERTO VERONESI Chairman Scientific Committee European School of Oncology Contents Introduction P. A. BUNN, JR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 The Biology of Lung Cancer D. N. CARNEY • • • • . • • • • . ......... 3 Staging and Surgical Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer R. J. GINSBERG • . . • • • • • . • • • . . • • • • • • • . • • • . . • • • . . . . • . • 15 Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer A. T. TURRISI, III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... 25 The Role.of Systemic Chemotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer P.A. BUNN, JR ••.•.••••...•..•••....•..•.••••••.•••• 33 Sta.£Jing and Treatment for Small Cell Lung Cancer RE. POSTMUS .••. : .•.•..•••.••.•.•••.•••.•.••.•.•. 47 Surgery for Small Cell Lung Cancer R. J. GINSBERG • • • . . • • . . . . • .......... 61 Combined Modality Therapy for Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer A. T. TURRISI, III ..................................... 63 Cranial Irradiation A. T. TURRISI, III ... . .................. 67 Future Directions in the Therapy of Lung Cancer J. F. BISHOP •...••••..•..•••..••.•.•....•...••...• 71 Introduction Paul A. Bunn, Jr. Division of Medical Oncology, University of Colorado Cancer Center, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 4200 East 9th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80262, USA Lung cancer is the most common and lethal malignancy in many countries in the world. For example, in the United States lung cancer accounts for 16% of all new cancers and 28% of cancer deaths. The majority of patients present with metastatic disease, and the overall cure rate is extremely low (about 13%). The incidence of lung cancer parallels that of cigarette consumption, as about 85% of cases are due to tobacco use. Over the past decade great strides were made in our understanding of the biology of lung cancer and are summarised in this monograph by Dr. Desmond Carney. We have learned that there are many genetic defects in lung cancer, including the loss of suppressor genes and the overexpression of oncogenes. Growth factors and cell surface antigens are described which are leading to new strategies for prevention and treatment. Patients presenting with signs or symptoms suggestive of lung cancer must first have biopsy confirmation and staging performed. Dr. Robert Ginsberg describes the current strategies for lung cancer staging. Patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NCSLC) in stage I-IliA undergo surgical resection. Previous attempts to improve surgical results with adjuvant radiation or chemotherapy are discussed by Drs. Ginsberg, Turrisi and Bunn. For NSCLC patients with advanced regional disease (stages lilA and IIIB), chest radiotherapy has been the most commonly used therapy. Dr. Turrisi describes the current state-of-the-art for chest irradiation. Recent studies suggest that combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy should replace radiotherapy as the standard treatment approach for these patients. In addition, neoadjuvant approaches with chemotherapy (± chest radiotherapy) prior to surgery showed promising results. These trials are discussed by Drs. Ginsberg, Turrisi and Bunn. For patients with metastatic NSCLC, cisplatin- and carboplatin-based chemotherapy provided prolonged survival in several randomised trials described by Dr. Bunn. Current investigations are designed to improve this small but significant advance. In small cell lung cancer (SCLC), chemotherapy has become the cornerstone of therapy. Dr. Pieter Postmus describes the current chemotherapeutic approaches for SCLC. In addition, Drs. Ginsberg and Turrisi describe the roles of surgery and radiotherapy in SCLC. Finally, Dr. James Bishop describes recent and future approaches for improving the therapeutic results in SCLC, including the use of colony stimulating factors. The Biology of Lung Cancer Desmond N. Carney Department of Medical Oncology, Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, Ireland The incidence of lung cancer continues to biological properties of lung cancer cells. This rise worldwide, such that in 1991 there will be has come about from studies of established approximately 162,000 new cases in the and well characterised cell lines of both United States and almost 142,000 deaths. SCLC and NSCLC. Studies of these cell Among women the mortality from lung cancer lines have clearly demonstrated the hetero exceeds that from breast carcinoma. In geneity that exists within any given tumour Europe, among the European Community subtype, e.g., SCLC. It is likely, therefore, that (EC) countries, cancer of the lung remains the this heterogeneity demonstrated in cell lines leading cancer site in men with approximately may account for the heterogeneity observed 135,000 cases per year and 117,125 deaths. among patients in response to cytotoxic ther An additional 23,000 cases are observed in apy. The biological properties within tumour women. Lung cancer in the EC accounts for cells which may be of prognostic importance 29% of all cancer deaths-, and 21 % of all include the expression of drug- or irradiation cancers among men. The trend in mortality of resistant genes, oncogenes coding for a more lung cancer in the EC states indicates a 10- malignant behaviour, or biochemical or neu 15% increase among men every 5 years, with roendocrine properties. In this chapter, re the exception of the United Kingdom. Of the 4 cently recognised biological properties of major subtypes of lung cancer, namely, lung cancer cells will be discussed particu squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma larly in relation to their clinical relevance. and large cell carcinoma (collectively referred to as non-small cell lung cancer - NSCLC) and small cell carcinoma (SCLC), the only Genetic Factors In Lung Cancer [1-6] hope for a meaningful survival for patients with NSCLC is the resectability of the tumour. In contrast, for SCLC patients the sensitivity of The majority of cases of lung cancer will de this tumour type to cytotoxic therapy including velop in heavy cigarette smokers although it radiation therapy and chemotherapy offers has long been recognised that only a minority the only chance for long-term meaningful of such smokers will develop lung cancer. survival. Despite major advances in under Other factors which increase the susceptibility standing the disease stage and prognostic to lung cancer development in addition to ci factors of patients with lung cancer, there has garette smoking include occupations such as been no significant improvement in the over mining, ship building and petroleum refining. all survival of patients with this disease in the In addition, it has recently been suggested past 2 decades. For patients with inoperable that genetic factors may play an important NSCLC, which accounts for the majority of role in the pathogenesis and development of cases with this subtype of lung cancer, the lung cancer [1]. Several studies have median survival ranges from 6 to 9 months. demonstrated an increased risk of lung For patients with SCLC who are treated with cancer mortality in siblings of lung cancer systemic chemotherapy, the median survival probands while others have reported on fa is approximately 11 months. milial aggregations of lung cancer and other Since the early 1980s there has been a dra cancers. In a recent study by Sellers et aI., of matic advance in our understanding of the 337 families, each ascertained through a lung 4 D.N. Carney cancer proband, the results indicated compat floating aggregates of tightly-to-Ioosely ibility of the data with Mendelian condominant packed cells. Once established as permanent inheritance of a rare major autosomal gene cultures, which may take up to 6 months, that produces an earlier age of onset of the these cells can be maintained indefinitely in cancer [5]. These authors demonstrated that either serum-free or serum-supplemented in patients at the age of 50, 27% of lung medium, will form colonies in soft agarose, cancers are attributable to the Mendelian tumours in athymic nude mice and can be gene alone, 42% to the joint effect of the gene successfully cryopreserved. In general, these and smoking, 27% to smoking alone and 4% cell lines retain both the morphology, cytology to neither the alleged gene nor smoking. and histological appearances very similar to However, in patients at the age of 70, only 9% the original biopsy specimens from which the of their lung cancers could be attributed to the cell lines are cultured. Stability in culture is alleged gene. This alleged Mendelian gene usually noted for these cell lines over pro has yet to be determined. longed periods. Other studies have shown that smokers who In contrast, NSCLC cell lines usually are extensive metabolisers of the anti-hyper demonstrate substrate adherence unlike tensive drug debrisoquine are at a signifi SCLC cells. Once established as permanent cantly higher risk of developing lung cancer cell cultures, these cells retain the morphol compared with poor metabolisers [2,4]. This ogy of the original tumour type, will form tu increased risk was noted among individuals, mours in athymic nude mice and colonies in both black and white, and was noted not only soft agarose. Cell lines of SCLC and NSCLC between patients with lung cancer and control established from different sites including pri subjects, but also among those with lung mary and metastatic sites demonstrate no cancer and cancers other than lung cancer. significant heterogeneity in a range of biolog Debrisoquine is metabolis~ed by a P-450 en ical and biochemical markers. zyme, P-45011 06, which has been recently Studies of large panels of cell lines of SCLC cloned, and the gene coding for this enzyme, have demonstrated that these can be subdi CYP2D6, is located on chromosome 22 [4]. vided into 2 major categories, namely, classic The characterisation ·of these genetic -factors and variant SCLC [7,9,10]. Classic cell lines which increase the susceptibility to develop which account for 70% of all cells express el ment of lung cancer offers the possibility of evated levels of range of neuroendocrine applying molecular genetic techniques as markers including L-dopa decarboxylase screening tool for the identification of patients (DOC), bombesin/gastrin-releasing peptide at risk of development of lung. cancer. (GRP), neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and creatine kinase-SS (CK-SB). In addition, classic cell lines have a relatively long dou Cell Lines of Lung Cancer bling time and a low cloning efficiency in vitro, are radiosensitive, and have the typical mor phological characteristics of the intermediate The use of chemically defined, serum-free, cell type of SCLC [9,10,12]. Variant cell lines hormone-supplemented medium has greatly have selective loss of some of these neu improved our ability to establish permanent roendocrine markers including low or absent cell lines of both SCLC and NSCLC lung levels of DOC and bombesin-GRP, and con cancer [7-11]. These cell lines have been tinually express elevated levels of NSE and established from a range of sites including CK-SS. Variant cell lines have a more ag primary tumours, and metastatic sites such as gressive growth behaviour demonstrating a bone marrow, lymph node aspirates and high cloning efficiency in soft agarose, a short biopsies, malignant pleural effusions and doubling time in vitro and a short latent period other surgically resected masses. Using a to tumour formation when inoculated into chemically defined, serum-free medium, cell athymic nude mice. Variant cell lines are ra lines can now be readily established from al dioresistant and morphologically more most 75% of specimens of SCLC and be closely resemble large-cell undifferentiated tween 20% and 30% of NSCLC specimens carcinoma. In addition, as will be noted, these [8,11]. In general, SCLC cells usually grow as variant cell lines demonstrate significant DNA The Biology of Lung Cancer 5 amplification of the c-myc gene and show in be of importance in predicting the establish creased expression of the gene. ment of a cell line. There was no significant Recently it has been demonstrated that up to association of in vitro tumour growth with 20% of NSCLC cell lines and primary biopsy survival of patients from whom a tumour specimens, in particular those of adenocarci containing specimen could be obtained. nomas, will express the entire range of neu However, the survival of patients from whom roendocrine markers as noted above [13]. As a tumour specimen was obtained for culture will be noted, neuroendocrine NSCLC tu (n = 51 patients) was significantly worse than mours (NE-NSCLC) appear to be more for the 17 patients from whom no specimen chemosensitive both in vitro and in vivo and was obtained. Among all 67 patients who this may be of consideration in therapy selec were treated with a similar combination tion of patients with NSCLC. chemotherapeutic schedule, no differences were observed among the 3 groups of pa tients studied, i.e., patients from whom no The Prognostic Value of Cell Line specimen reached the laboratory, patients Establishment [14-16] from whom a tumour-containing specimen reached the laboratory but no cell line was established, and those patients in whom a Several recent studies have addressed the cell line was readily established in vitro. Thus clinical relevance of the ability to establish a this study demonstrates that the response permanent cell line in culture from fresh pa rates and survival probabilities of patients tient biopsy specimens. In an earlier study of with extensive stage SCLC from whom cell the clinical behaviour of SCLC patients from lines were permanently established was not whom cell lines were established, it was statistically different from patients in whom in demonstrated that the median survival of 19 vitro growth of tumour-containing specimens newly diagnosed, previously untreated pa could not be accomplished. It must be noted, tients from whom cell lines were established however, that most cell lines were estab at diagnosis, was 14 weeks, in contrast to a lished from metastatic sites and it would be median survival time of 48 weeks of 123 ex important to attempt to carry out such a study tensive-stage patients from whom cell lines of patients with limited stage disease in whom were not established at that time [16]. A more cell lines could be established from the pri recent prospective study by Stevenson et a!. mary biopsy specimens. has re-evaluated the relationship between In contrast to this study, the impact of tumour the in vitro tumour cell growth and prognosis cell establishment in vitro from patients with in patients with extensive stage SCLC [14]. Of newly diagnosed NSCLC has clearly the 68 patients evaluated in this study, tu demonstrated that this is an independent mour-containing specimens for culture were prognostic factor for survival in NSCLC pa received from 51 patients. Each patient had tients [15]. In a study of 124 consecutive pa an average of 2.8 pretreatment biopsies or tients with NSCLC from whom viable tumour aspirates of which an average of 1.2 were specimens could be obtained, cell lines were tumour-containing specimens. Bone marrow established from 25. Although lung tissue aspirate specimens (134 of 187 specimens) was the most frequent source of the tumour accounted for the majority of all specimens. In containing specimen, only 5 of 63 specimens this study, a cell line was established in 23 of (8%) obtained from lung tissue were success the 51 patients from whom a tumour-contain fully established as cell lines, while tumour ing specimen was obtained (34% of all pa cell lines were established from lymph nodes tients). When one considers all 187 speci in 8 of 19 specimens (42%). The median sur mens obtained in the laboratory, the overall vival was 7 months among patients from success rate of establishment of cell lines whom cell lines were established compared was 13%. with 18 months in patients from whom cell While a number of clinical prognostic factors lines were not established (P < 0.001). This were analysed to determine their impact on prognostiC importance was clearly demon the ability to establish cell lines, only a signifi strated among patients who were candidates cant number of metastatic sites were noted to for curative resection. In the 61 patients with 6 D.N. Carney potentially curable disease, 8 patients (13%) quential determination of serum NSE may be had cell lines successfully established and a used as a sole predictor of clinical response median survival of only 8 months compared to therapy and of relapse [21]. with 32 months for those from whom no cell More recent studies have also evaluated the lines were established. No major differences relevance of markers such as serum chromo were observed among the 62 patients who gran in-A and CEA in patients with SCLC [19]. received palliative treatment from whom cell However, their widespread application in the lines were or were not established. Thus this management of SCLC patients remains to be study clearly demonstrates that the estab determined. lishment of cell lines from patients with As noted, SCLC cell lines can be readily NSCLC is an independent prognostic vari established into those which express able, in particular among patients undergoing neuroendocrine properties (classic cell lines) a curative resection. This factor should now and those which have selective loss of these be taken into consideration in planning ther markers (variant cell lines). In one retrospec apeutic strategies for patients with NSCLC, in tive study the importance of these neuroen particular in the consideration of adjuvant docrine markers was suggested by the ob chemotherapy for patients who undergo cu servation that the patients from whom variant rative surgical resection and from whom a cell cell lines were established had a survival pe line is permanently established. riod of 33 weeks compared with those pa tients from whom cell lines were established but did not have the variant phenotype (53 Neuroendocrine NSCLC and SCLC weeks) [16]. More recent studies of NSCLC Tumours [17-27] tumours have also demonstrated that up to 20% of these specimens express a range of neuroendocrine properties. The expression of It has long been established that a range of similar endocrine markers by both SCLC and paraneoplastic syndromes have been NSCLC is highly suggestive that these tu demonstrated in patients with lung cancer mour types arise from a common stem cell. In and in particular SCLC [17]. Studies'of per addition, it has been demonstrated both in manently established cell lines have also vitro and in vivo that classic small cell tu demonstrated that these tumours secrete a mours may evolve into a phenotype with se range of peptide hormones. Many studies lective loss of neuroendocrine properties and have evaluated the importance of these a morphological appearance more like that of markers as a predictor for survival and prog NSCLC. Finally, Baylin and his colleagues nosis of patients with SCLC [18-20]. have demonstrated that complementation However, with few exceptions measurements events between myc genes and the Harvey of these markers provide very little new data ras oncogene can actually promote direct above that obtained by physical examination transition of SCLC to NSCLC phenotype, in or routine staging procedures alone. Studies cluding the expression of NSCLC-associated of serum NSE in SCLC patients have growth factors [23,24]. All of these data sug demonstrated that it is elevated in approxi gest that a common stem cell exists for all cell mately 70% of all patients with levels signifi types of lung cancer and will clearly explain cantly higher among those patients with ex the presence of distinct neuroendocrine fea tensive-stage disease. Like other tumour tures appearing in both SCLC and NSCLC markers, serum NSE levels decrease with tumours. Several investigators have reported clinical response to cytotoxic therapy and in on the prognostic significance of neuroen crease again at time of tumour relapse and/or docrine differentiation in NSCLC [25,27]. progression. Data by Johnson et al. [20] and These studies suggest that neuroendocrine others suggest that sequential measurements NSCLC tumours represent a distinct biologi of serum NSE may be of value in the early cal subset of NSCLC including the following: detection of relapse before its clinical detec 1. N E-NSCLC lack deletions of chromo tion. Others have suggested that in the non some 3p, a distinctive feature of classic protocol setting where detailed radiodiagnos SCLC. tic investigations may be of limited value, se-

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