Listening to Mothers III 42389 HARRIS INTERACTIVE 902 Broadway New York, NY 10010 J42389 March 27, 2013 SUBJECTS FOR QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION 400: SCREENING SECTION 600: PLANNING PREGNANCY AND PRENATAL SECTION 700: CHOICE OF MATERNITY CARE PROVIDER & HOSPITAL SECTION 800: PRENATAL CARE II (Q1805-Q1815) SECTION 900: OTHER SERVICES AND SUPPORTS SECTION 1000: INFORMATION SOURCES & TRUSTWORTHINESS OF SOURCES SECTION 1100: INTRAPARTUM SECTION 1200: BIRTH AND CESAREAN-SPECIFIC (Q1555-Q1720) SECTION 1300: LABOR, BIRTH, AFTER BIRTH IN HOSPITAL, FEEDING/RACE & CULTURE (Q1725- Q1745, Q1110) SECTION 1400: POSTPARTUM SECTION 1800: BABY STATS & MOTHER MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 2200: DEMOGRAPHICS SECTION 2300 EMOTIONAL RESOURCES Harris Interactive Inc. 1 Listening to Mothers III 42389 SECTION 400: SCREENING BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS Q258 The progress bar below indicates approximately what portion of the survey you have completed. Thank you for agreeing to take this survey. Our first few questions will help us determine which questions to ask you. In which country or region do you currently reside? [PN: DISPLAY IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, WITH US AT TOP OF LIST AND CODE 996 AT BOTTOM OF LIST.] 14 Australia 42 Canada 120 Ireland (Republic of Ireland) 171 New Zealand 244 United States 266 England 267 Scotland 268 Wales 285 Northern Ireland 996 Other country BASE: RESIDES IN US (Q258/244) Q172 In what state do you currently reside? [PN: DISPLAY DROP DOWN LIST] 1 Alabama 13 Idaho 26 Missouri 39 Pennsylvania 2 Alaska 14 Illinois 27 Montana 40 Rhode Island 3 Arizona 15 Indiana 28 Nebraska 41 South Carolina 4 Arkansas 16 Iowa 29 Nevada 42 South Dakota 5 California 17 Kansas 30 New Hampshire 43 Tennessee 6 Colorado 18 Kentucky 31 New Jersey 44 Texas 7 Connecticut 19 Louisiana 32 New Mexico 45 Utah 8 Delaware 20 Maine 33 New York 46 Vermont 9 District of 21 Maryland 34 North Carolina 47 Virginia Columbia 22 Massachusetts 35 North Dakota 48 Washington 10 Florida 23 Michigan 36 Ohio 49 West Virginia 11 Georgia 24 Minnesota 37 Oklahoma 50 Wisconsin 12 Hawaii 25 Mississippi 38 Oregon 51 Wyoming BASE: RESIDES IN US (Q258/244)) Q101 Are you…? 1 Male 2 Female Harris Interactive Inc. 2 Listening to Mothers III 42389 BASE: FEMALE (Q101/2) Q104 What is your year of birth? Please enter as a four-digit number, e.g., 1963. [RANGE: 1925-2010] /__/__/__/__/ BASE: FEMALE (Q101/2) Q106 HIDDEN COMPUTE – AGE CATEGORY [PN: COMPUTE FOR AGE AT Q105.] 01 Under 13 02 13-17 03 18-19 04 20-24 05 25-29 06 30-34 07 35-39 08 40-44 09 45 and over 99 Unknown BASE: FEMALE (Q102/2) AND 18-45 (Q105/18-45) Q477 Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin? We are asking about race/ethnicity because we want to be sure that everyone’s perspectives are included in this important national survey. 1 Yes, Hispanic or Latina 2 No, not Hispanic or Latina BASE: FEMALE (Q102/2) AND 18-45 (Q105/18-45) Q480 Do you consider yourself…? Please select all that apply. [MULTIPLE RESPONSE] 1 White 2 Black or African American 3 Asian 4 American Indian 5 Alaskan Native 6 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 96 Some other race (VOL) Harris Interactive Inc. 3 Listening to Mothers III 42389 BASE: FEMALE (Q102/2) AND 18-45 (Q105/18-45) Q482 HIDDEN COMPUTE – RACE (Q477/Q480) [PN: IF NON-HISPANIC AND SINGLE RESPONSE WHITE AT Q480 (Q477/2,8,9 AND Q480/1), GET CODE 1. IF NON-HISPANIC AND SINGLE RESPONSE BLACK/AFRICAN-AMERICAN (Q477/2,8,9 AND Q480/2), GET CODE 2. IF HISPANIC/LATINA (Q477/1), GET CODE 3. IF NON-HISPANIC AND SINGLE RESPONSE AMERICAN INDIAN AT (Q477/2,8,9 AND Q480/4), GET CODE 4. IF NOT SURE/DECLINE TO ANSWER (Q477/8,9 AND Q480/98,99), GET CODE 9. ALL OTHERS GET CODE 5.] 1 White 2 Black/African-American 3 Hispanic/Latina 4 American Indian 5 All others 9 Decline to answer BASE: FEMALE (Q102/2) AND 18 - 45 (Q105/18-45)) Q485 Have you ever given birth? 1 Yes 2 No 9 Decline to answer BASE: HAS EVER GIVEN BIRTH (Q485/1) Q490 Did you give birth between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? 1 Yes 2 No BASE: GAVE BIRTH TO INDEX BABY (Q490/1)) Q495 When you gave birth between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, did you give birth to a single baby or more than one? 1 Single baby 2 More than one BASE: GAVE BIRTH TO SINGLE BABY (Q495/1) Q500 Is your baby born between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, living? 1 Yes 2 No Harris Interactive Inc. 4 Listening to Mothers III 42389 BASE: BABY LIVING (Q500/1) Q505 Was your baby born between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, born in a hospital? 1 Yes 2 No 9 Decline to answer BASE: GAVE BIRTH IN A HOSPITAL (Q505/1) Q510 What was the date of your baby’s birth? Q511 Q512 [RANGE: 1-12, 99] [RANGE: 1-31, 99] [RANGE: 2011-2012, 9999] /__/__/ month /__/__/ day /__/__/__/__/ year BASE: FEMALE (Q102/2) AND 18-45 (Q105/18-45) Q519 Including yourself, how many people live in your household? If you live in more than one household, please answer for only one of the households. [RANGE 1-50] |__|__| BASE: FEMALE (Q102/2) AND 18-45 (Q105/18-45)) Q368 Including yourself, how many people age 18 or older live in your household? If you live in more than one household, please answer for only one of the households. [RANGE: 1-50] |_|_| BASE: FEMALE (Q102/2) AND 18-45 (Q105/18-45)) Q520 Which of the following income categories best describes your total 2011 household income before taxes? 01 $15,000 or less 15 $94,401-$98,200 02 $15,001-$21,800 16 $98,201-$102,000 03 $21,801-$29,400 17 $102,001-$105,800 04 $29,401-$37,000 18 $105,801-$109,600 05 $37,001-$44,700 19 $109,601-$113,500 06 $44,701-$52,300 20 $113,501-$117,300 07 $52,301-$60,000 21 $117,300-$121,100 08 $60,001-$67,600 22 $121,001-$125,000 09 $67,601-$75,300 23 $125,001-$150,000 10 $75,301-$79,100 24 $150,001-$200,000 11 $79,101-$82,900 25 $200,001-$225,000 12 $82,901-$86,700 26 $225,001-$250,000 13 $86,701-$90,500 27 $250,001 or more 14 $90,501-$94,400 99 Decline to answer Harris Interactive Inc. 5 Listening to Mothers III 42389 SECTION 600: PLANNING PREGNANCY AND PRENATAL BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q605 You have qualified for an important national study about women’s experiences with pregnancy and childbirth. The results of this survey will be used to help improve women’s experiences at this critical time in their lives. This research consists of two surveys, the second of which will be conducted early in 2013. We hope you will complete both. [SUPPRESS THIS PARAGRAPH IF VENDOR (Q75/2): If you share your experiences with us and complete this study, [IF HPOL (Q75/1): DISPLAY: in addition to 150 HIpoints,] you will receive a $10 Amazon giftcard by email. If you also complete the second survey, [IF HPOL (Q75/1): DISPLAY: in addition to HIpoints,] you will receive a $15 Amazon giftcard. Thank you for agreeing to participate. Your responses are very important to us. Please click the forward arrow to continue. BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q610/Q697/214 Please note that throughout this survey we will be asking you about your maternity experiences with your baby that was born [INSERT Q510 RESPONSE] – which will also be referred to as your “recent” pregnancy and birth. [IF BABY IS AT LEAST 10 MONTHS OLD (Q518/10 OR MORE), DISPLAY: If you have given birth since then, please answer for your baby born [Q510 RESPONSE]]. Including your recent pregnancy, how many times in total have you given birth? [RANGE: 1-20] |__|__| times BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q615/Q605 Thinking back to just before you got pregnant with your recent pregnancy did you want to be pregnant …? 1 Sooner 2 Later 3 At that time 4 Or, you didn't want to be pregnant then or any time in the future BASE: WANTED TO BE PREGNANT SOONER, LATER OR THEN (Q605/1, 2, 3) Q620/Q610 Before you became pregnant, did you see a health care provider to plan for a healthy pregnancy? Please do not include visits to a health care provider for infertility treatment. 1 Yes 2 No BASE: WANTED TO BE PREGNANT SOONER, LATER, OR THEN (Q605/1, 2, 3) Q645/Q627 Thinking about your recent pregnancy, did you receive special medical help from a doctor or clinic to be able to become pregnant (“infertility” care)? 1 Yes 2 No Harris Interactive Inc. 6 Listening to Mothers III 42389 BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q630 In the month before you became pregnant with your recent pregnancy, were you taking any prescription medicines for…? Q631 1 Yes 2 No 8 Not sure [ROTATE] 1 High blood pressure 2 Depression BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q635 Before you got pregnant with your baby born [INSERT Q510 RESPONSE], were you ever told by a health care provider that you had Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes? This is not the same as gestational diabetes or diabetes that starts during pregnancy. 1 Yes 2 No BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q640/Q625 As best as you can remember, what was your weight just before you became pregnant? If you are not sure, your best estimate will do. [RANGE: 75 – 350] /__/__/__/ pounds BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q650/Q2510 As best as you can remember, how many weeks pregnant were you when you…? you are not sure, your best estimate will do. Q651 [RANGE: 2-40] 1 Learned that you were pregnant |__|__| weeks 2 Had your first prenatal visit |__|__| weeks BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q655 Did you get your first prenatal visit as early in your recent pregnancy as you wanted? 1 Yes 2 No 3 I didn’t want prenatal care. Harris Interactive Inc. 7 Listening to Mothers III 42389 BASE: DID NOT GET PRENATAL CARE AS EARLY AS WANTED (Q655/2) Q660 Which of the following are reasons you didn’t get prenatal care when you wanted? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE] 1 The earliest available appointment was later than I wanted 2 I didn’t have enough money or insurance to pay for my visits 3 I had no transportation to get to the clinic or doctor’s office 4 The maternity care provider would not see me until I was further along in my pregnancy 5 I couldn’t take time off from work or school 6 I didn’t have my Medicaid (MediCal, MassHealth, etc.) card 7 It took a while to figure out where to get my prenatal care 96 Other ANCHOR Harris Interactive Inc. 8 Listening to Mothers III 42389 SECTION 700: CHOICE OF MATERNITY CARE PROVIDER & HOSPITAL BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q705 Below are factors some women consider when choosing a maternity care provider. Please tell how much of a factor each was in your choice of the maternity care provider or group for your recent prenatal care. Q706 1 Major factor 2 Minor factor 3 Not a factor The maternity care provider or group… [PN: DISPLAY Q705/1 ONLY IF HAS GIVEN BIRTH IN THE PAST (Q610 >1).] [RANDOMIZE] 1 Provided my prenatal care in a previous pregnancy 2 Had provided my well-woman (gyn) care 3 Was recommended by a health professional 4 Was recommended by a friend or family member 5 Is highly rated on websites with information about specific care providers 6 Was a good match for what I value and want 7 Accepts my health insurance 8 Attends births at a hospital I like 9 Is female/included female provider(s) 10 Was assigned to me as my maternity care provider BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q710 Below are factors some women consider in choosing a hospital for giving birth. Please tell us how much of a factor each was in your choice of hospital where you gave birth. Q711 1 Major factor 2 Minor factor 3 Not a factor The hospital… [PN: DISPLAY Q710/1 ONLY IF HAS GIVEN BIRTH IN THE PAST (Q610 >1).] [RANDOMIZE] 1 Was where I gave birth in the past 2 Was recommended by my maternity care provider 3 Was where my maternity care provider attends births 4 Was recommended by a friend or family member 5 Compares favorably on websites with information about specific hospitals 6 Was a good match for what I value and want 7 Accepts my health insurance Harris Interactive Inc. 9 Listening to Mothers III 42389 BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q713/Q1440 The next questions ask about the quality of maternity care - for example, whether the right care is provided at the right time, whether care is safe, and whether women who receive care have good experiences. 1 Poor 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Excellent BASE: ALL QUALIFIED RESPONDENTS (Q99/1) Q715 During your recent pregnancy, did you see any information to help you compare the quality among different…? Q716 1 Yes 2 No 8 Not sure 1 Maternity care providers 2 Hospitals with maternity units BASE: YES TO AT LEAST ONE ITEM AT Q715 ((Q715/1 AND Q716/1) OR (Q715/2 AND Q716/1)) Q720 When choosing the following, did you personally use the information you saw to compare quality among …? Q721 1 Yes 2 No 8 Not sure [PN: ONLY DISPLAY “YES” ITEM(S) FROM Q715.] 1 Maternity care providers 2 Hospitals with maternity units Harris Interactive Inc. 10