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The u rrent Wednesday, June 18, 2008 «• Natchitoches, Louisiana Student Newspaper of NSU since 1914 «• Volume 94: Issue 1 University partners with local counselors to provide extra help Leigh Gentry too well that it can. Bailey represented the city's Editor in Chief emergency response team in the Northwestern State has formed agreement and has first-hand expe¬ a partnership with the Natchitoches rience of dealing with the aftermath Emergency Response Crisis Coun¬ of a disaster. Mayor Wayne McCul- selor Team, which will provide stu¬ len asked him to visit Natchitoches dents and faculty on campus with shelters housing Hurricane Katrina more help during an emergency. evacuees and provide them with "We're trying to be proactive," counsel. Perspectives on two said Chris Maggio, Dean of Stu¬ Bailey said he saw the value in very different types of dents at the university. the work being done by himself and Maggio said the university other counselors and clergy mem¬ CI movies. wants to be prepared for any emer¬ bers, but he also called it a "rag-tag gency and to provide for the stu¬ organization." It was much harder dents with mental health counsel¬ to pull everything together during ing. the emergency, he said. In case of an emergency, coun¬ "We decided to be ready for it," selors on the campus will handle Bailey said. Photo by Chris Watts/Current Sauce the initial crisis response. Bailey said the counseling vol¬ Construction on Front Street led to many archaeological finds that predate 1904. "Our primary emphasis is on unteers can be on campus by the preventing a tragedy," President time the police are able to secure Construction takes toll Multiple Randall Webb said. "But sometimes an area for them, which is much they just occur." faster than trying to find helpers in Demon If the crisis is overwhelming, the midst of a disaster. athletes the university can call the Natchi¬ He also realizes that hurricanes on Front Street business toches emergency response team are not the only worry. School receive honors and request that local mental health shootings like that at Virginia Tech P. 4 professionals be mobilized to the in 2007 are "not limited to Virginia," campus to provide counseling and Bailey said. support for students and faculty. Webb strongly supports effec¬ Chris Watts The archeological work is be¬ In attempts to offset the slow The Natchitoches Emergency tive counseling and said other com¬ ing coordinated by the Louisiana business caused by the construc¬ Response Crisis Counselor Team munities and schools may follow in Please visit us Sauce Reporter Department of Transportation and tion, 27 downtown businesses are consists of about 30 metal health the university's footsteps. on the web at Since the Front Street con¬ Development. Federal money is in¬ participating in a Historic District professionals and clergy members Representatives from the uni¬ www.thecurrentsauce.com struction began, Antoon's River¬ volved in the Front Street project, Downtown Giveaway, which takes who have signed up to be volun¬ versity, Natchitoches Parish Sher¬ front Restaurant has closed for so federal law requires a "cultural place on the last Friday of every teers in emergencies. iff's Department and the emergen¬ Join our team! lunch due to lack of business, ac¬ resources investigation." month. "We hope we never have to use cy response team met Tuesday to Want to write or take photos cording to manager Lisa Edwards. However, construction began Customers who spend more it," Maggio said. "But... we want to formalize the agreement by signing for the ^auce? Come to 227 "People don't like interruptions prior to the investigation, which than $30 at any participating busi¬ be prepared." a memorandum of understanding. Kyser Hall for more in their daily routines," Edwards caused some concern. ness are entered in a drawing for Doyle Bailey, deputy and chap¬ "I think it's wonderful," Webb information. said, "and it's affecting our business "Our contracts didn't coincide a $300 shopping spree. The con¬ lain for the Natchitoches Sheriff's said about the partnership. "I feel during the day." with the construction company. We test began in March and will run Department, agreed with Maggio privileged that we live in a commu¬ Send all your questions to The intersection of Front showed up and there were already through October. on this point. Although he hopes nity that's proactive and looking for [email protected] Street and Washington Street adja¬ artifacts that had been unearthed," The "Steel Magnolias" 20th disaster does not strike, he knows ways to do good things for others." Weather cent to Antoon's parking lot is now Hahn said. According to Hahn, Anniversary Celebration will be blocked off and, in compliance with several local archeologists became held on June 14 to raise money to federal preservation law, has been involved immediately following the benefit downtown businesses. transformed into an archeological construction. Construction has impeded rp->^\ Wednesday site. Hahn claims the majority of tourism by causing the Tourist According to archeologist the artifacts found are related to Center to close and eliminating ac¬ /77/ 91769° Thurston Hahn, III of Coastal En¬ commercial shops of the 19th cen¬ cess to restrooms. A Cane River vironments, Inc., his team has dis¬ tury. Kitchenware customer suggested covered an older foundation, which "The archeology find is a very that the city do a better job with he estimates could date back to as positive thing for us because it placing detour signs. rPXX Thursday early as 1810. can be developed into a tourist at¬ "If locals can't figure out how His team also discovered beads, traction," Cane River Kitchenware to get where they want to go, how /77/ 93772° flints, plates, bottles, nails, and owner Kym Habig said. But ac¬ are tourists supposed to?" The cus¬ bones, which all predate 1904—the cording to Habig, Antoon's isn't the tomer said. year the most recent foundation only Front Street business suffering According to Habig, it's the lo¬ Frida was laid. from the construction. cals who keep her in business. ^>xx y All artifacts belong to the state. "The first six weeks almost "Most people think that these TTT/ 930/69° Hahn hopes at least some of the killed everybody. I've never had to are all just tourist shops, but at least artifacts will go on display, but ac¬ worry about expiration dates on 70 percent of our business is local, knowledged the high costs of doing anything, now I have to order a lot and we appreciate it very much," so. less of everything," Habig said. Habig said. (^y-^^s Saturday 90°/70° / / / / Photos submitted by J apson/Current Sauce Above: NSU trombone professor J. Mark Thompson and >»A# Sunday his friend Timothy Howe of Arkansas Tech University pose * I * 91770° with a trombonist statue in front of Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Chengdu, China. Below: Students sit and wait holding traditional Chinese JL. Monday instruments. For story, see page 2. 93771° Vk* Tuesday 94764° ^ a^^ Index f News 2 Life 5 Opinions Photo by Chris Watts/Current Sauce 4 Sports Fences separate the construction area from the shopping area on Front street. This sign directs shoppers to additional stores and asks that they "observe history in the making." Chris Harlan Life Editor cgharlan@gmail. corn June 18, 2008 Military families remember meaning of Memorial Day Amanda Crane agreed that their family sacrificed a Rachal's grandfather was a Marine Staff Reporter lot while he was gone. and fought in the Vietnam War, "Being an Army wife is the her "pawpaw" was in the Army, While most students spend hardest job in the Army because her father, a Colonel in the Marine Memorial Day hanging by the pool women have to learn indepen¬ Corps., was in Dessert Storm and working on their tan and checking dence and strength while the men the war in Iraq. Rachal's brother, out the latest fashion trends at the are away," Dori Keeton said. "I am who was wounded during the war mall, Ryan Keeton spends his day extremely proud of him and what in Iraq, was sent home and received catching up with old friends and re¬ he has done for our country." the Purple Heart for his service in membering those who didn't make Being in a military family has the Marine Corps. it back from the war. always been the lifestyle for se¬ "I know anyone who has a fam¬ Keeton is a junior broadcast nior journalism major Lauren Ra- ily member in the military can un¬ journalism major and a 14-year chal. She has lived in four different derstand the sense of pride we have veteran of the United States Army. states and has moved more than 20 for what they do for our country," He was deployed to Washington, times. Rachal said. "Memorial Day is a D.C. three weeks after September While being in a military fam¬ day where we can honor those who 11, 2001, and has seen first hand ily has its good and bad parts, Ra- have fought and those who con¬ what terrorists did to our nation's chal thinks she "would be a com¬ tinue to fight for what our country capital. pletely different person" if she had stands for." "Memorial Day takes on a new not "experienced that kind of life." As for Keeton, he plans to con¬ meaning to me now," Keeton said. "I've seen a lot of different tinue to keep up with old friends Photo submitted by J. Mark Thompson "10 years ago it would have been places, and it taught me to adapt and fly his American flag every year NSU professor J. Mark Thompson stands in front of the Great Wall of China during his stay there. just another day." to change better than most," Rachal outside of his house. His advice to Keeton was stationed in Korea, said. "I've had to make new friends those who do not take it seriously Professor shaken in China Germany and California and is now over and over again my entire life, is simple. stationed at Fort Polk in Leesville so I think I'm a pretty independent "Set all your worries and bick¬ with his wife and children. He says and outgoing person because of it." ering about politics aside and re¬ that being in the Army "took a hard Rachal says that Memorial Day member those who gave the ulti¬ Leigh Gentry toll on family life" since he was de¬ "special holiday" for her family be¬ mate sacrifice so we can live in a Howe, invited their students to take make sure Thompson wanted to Editor in Chief class in the guest house where they go because they had been invited. ployed for so long. His wife, Dori, cause of their military background. free country - their lives," he said. were staying. Thompson then realized it was no Students experience 'real world' J. Mark Thompson, profes¬ "It got (the students') minds off joke and jumped on the opportu¬ sor of trombone and low brass at the disaster," Thompson said. "They nity. Northwestern State University, was appreciated it." Thompson had never been to teaching in Chengdu, China, when Thompson said he and Howe China and called it a "very interest¬ some majors at Northwestern, the Wenchuan Earthquake hit in were meant to be there to help the ing first trip. He said he would ab¬ and it is something students take May. students focus on something other solutely go back and wouldn't trade advantage of to absorb 'real-world' Thompson was invited to teach than the earthquake and to "get his first trip for the world. work experience. master classes at the Sichuan Con¬ connected to music in a special The classes lasted only the first "I think internships prepare servatory of Music for a week but way." week of the trip, but his second and you to conduct yourself in a busi¬ was interrupted by the 7.8 earth¬ Bill Brent, director of the final week in China was spent see¬ ness manner and what the 'real quake on his first day of class. School of Creative and Performing ing the sights. He was able to go to world' will be like when you gradu¬ Thompson grew up in west¬ Arts at NSU, expects that Thomp¬ Bejing for touring, visit the Great ate," senior Kristi George said. "You ern Kentucky and experienced a son will be able to bring what he Wall and meet the man who dis¬ learn so much more than just go¬ few small earthquakes but nothing learned in China to the students in covered the terracotta warriors. ing to class and nothing can replace of this magnitude. He said the af¬ Louisiana. The Bejing Central Conserva¬ hands-on experience in the field of tershocks of the Wenchuan Earth¬ "Dr. Thompson's research and tory of Music extended an open in¬ your choice." quake were worse than the earth¬ performances in China, despite vitation to Thompson and Howe to George is a senior journalism quakes he felt growing up. the terrible tragedy that occurred have a similar experience — but not Photo by Rayce Brossette/Current Sauce major and is doing her internship The earthquake left an impres¬ while he was there, may ultimately too similar. The screen shows a programming language that Rayce Brossette this summer with Cumulus Broad¬ sion on Thompson. He even re¬ bring students from China to study "Not an earthquake," Thomp¬ works with during his internship at State Farm. casting Center in Shreveport. She members the exact time it struck at Northwestern," Brent said. "Re¬ son said quickly. learned about the internship posi¬ their area — 2:28 p.m. When it gardless, what he learned while he Thompson was able to apply Amanda Crane colleges students, high school stu¬ tion through a friend and is work¬ struck he immediately lifted his was there will benefit all of our mu¬ for and use grants from the univer¬ StaffReporter dents and adults who are currently ing outside of her concentration. hands and touched the ceiling to sic students." sity to help pay for his trip and left looking for employment." Senior computer information stabilize himself and looked out During the aftermath, Thomp¬ the day of graduation in May. After spending day after day in "I have been applying to places systems major Rayce Brossette is the window to see the trees shaking son experience a "moment of real Thompson returned to Natchi¬ a classroom, NSU students finally outside of my major because there not required to do an internship like "a reed in the wind." pride" when he saw a United States toches to leave again for eight get their moment in the spotlight is a limited amount of places I can but is still spending his summer The professors and students Air Force plane bringing relief weeks. He will be performing in as they walk across the stage as a apply for in Natchitoches relating with seven other NSU students in immediately evacuated after the along with the other cargo planes the Des Moine Metro Opera for college graduate. But there's al¬ to psychology," Smith said. Bloomington, Illinois, at the State three minutes of the earthquake. at an airport. six weeks and then at the Lancaster ways that one lingering question in However, Kathy Swate has had Farm Insurance headquarters. They were not able to enter the Howe, who teaches at Arkan¬ Festival in Ohio for two. the back of every graduate's mind better luck in finding a job after The experience students get in building again until three days lat¬ sas Tech University, had been invit¬ He has performed at the festi¬ - What now? completing her years at NSU. She the 'real world' is something both er. ed last year and asked Thompson val for 11 years and in the opera for "I was so ready to be a 'real now lives in Austin, Texas, and is George and Brossette recommend However, this did not stop the if he would want to join him if the two and has enjoyed being a part of adult' and get into the 'real world! working at the same job she did her to all undergraduate students. professors from teaching. Thomp¬ opportunity arose again. Thomp¬ them. but now that it's here I wish that I internship with at the Hilton Gar¬ "All students should do an son and his friend from the Des son agreed, thinking it was a joke. "I'm at home when I have the was back in school," Rashad Smith den Inn. Swate majored in hospital¬ internship just to get the feel of Moine Metro Opera, Timothy Months later, Howe called to horn in my hand," Thompson said. said. ity, management and tourism and working in the 'real world' and to Smith made his step into the was required to do an internship. learn from those already working 'real world' in May and has faced "Life for me now is working in it," Brossette said. "I've already For more photos from Thompsons trip to China the challenges of being a new grad¬ and missing all my friends from gotten used to the work hours and uate. As a psychology major, Smith college," Swate said. "Living in Aus¬ not having to worry about going to visit us ^thecurrentsauce.com said it has been "extremely difficult" tin without knowing a lot of people class every day, so it's going to be to find a job because of "competi¬ is hard and adds to the challenge." tough going back to school in Au¬ tion from current graduates, other Internships are required for gust." Charlie Brown kicks off NSU summer theater Kera Simon semester performance. The three- as little scenes, like out of the daily look like a child. that the play is performed "in the theater and that it is a lot of fun. Sauce Reporter week preparation time is closer to comic. "Charlie Brown" does not Stoneking said he likes to go round" has made it more challeng¬ "You're a good man, Charlie how professional theater compa¬ have a set plot, but consists of short into an audition blind and choos¬ ing. "In the round" means that the Brown" is open to all ages. Stonek¬ Three-hour rehearsals to at¬ nies run their shows, so it's is good scenes that target each character. es cast members based mostly on audience surrounds the set, a little ing said they chose this play to per¬ tend, costumes to fit, lines to mem¬ practice for the students. The play is also very light on their talent, but appearance had over three quarters, and sees the form over the summer in hopes orize- good grief... The summer "I'm more demanding over the props, due to the small budget of some to do with it. He said he likes play from different perspectives. of entertaining the children of the cast of "You're a Good Man, Char¬ summer," Stoneking said. "It's un¬ summer theater, but the set is the that the cast is diverse, with Charlie "It's hard to think outside of Natchitoches community. lie Brown" may not have much of a derstood that school comes first most impressive. Philip Kidd, as¬ Brown played by a black man and that box that you're used to work¬ "I hope the community real¬ vacation, but they stuck around for during the semesters, but over the sistant professor of creative and Lucy played by an Asian woman. ing," Kennedy said about working izes that we got a lot of flack this the experience of summer theater. summer, we're here to work." performing arts, and students from "For the children, I think it's a in the round, "but it's coming to¬ past semester because of one of the The play was performed on Stoneking described the re¬ the theater department created an really great thing," Stoneking said. gether nicely." shows we produced that had some June 11-14 as dinner theatres in hearsals lasting as long as four oversized playground for the char¬ "The cast really looks like our pop¬ While most dinner theaters strong language in it... but we re¬ the evenings and June 12-14 for hours, depending on what needs acters to interact in. Stoneking said ulation." interact with the audience, like in ally try to address all sorts of things daytime matinees. The last perfor¬ to be done. Jarrad Baker, who plays he did not want any set changes Stoneking even asked Baker to murder mysteries, "You're a good in here, that's what good art does," mances are June 18-21 for dinner Charlie Brown, said practice time during the play, so he thought a pick out his hair so that it makes his man, Charlie Brown," was not orig¬ Stoneking said. "So this is really for theaters starting at 6 p.m. and June varies, depending on when the di¬ playground scene would be most head seem larger and rounder, like inally designed for dinner theater. the children." 19-21 for matinees at 1 p.m. Tick¬ rector tells them to go home. fitting. the actual cartoon. The characters will serve the food, Future summer theater pro¬ ets are $25 for evening shows and Other cast members include The jungle gym is the larg¬ "Honestly, I think my job is a picnic-themed dinner catered by ductions are "Sylvia," on July 30- $4 for daytime shows. Reservations Emily Bennett as Sally, Katie Peck est part of the set, reaching up to to make them forget about it [my SODEXHO, and accept tips, but August 2 and August 6-9, and "Dog are required. as Snoopy, Angela Kang as Lucy, 10 feet. Baker, who plays the lead race]," Baker said. do not enter the crowd during the Tales," on July 31-August 2 and Au¬ "Charlie Brown" director Barry Casey Bozenski as Linus and Josiah character, is 6'3, and Kennedy, who Stoneking could recognize the performance. The only character to gust 7-9. Stoneking, assistant professor of Kennedy as Schroeder. plays Schroeder, is 6'4. The set had built in humor of casting Kennedy, break the audience-actor bound¬ "Sylvia" is a dinner theater pro¬ creative and performing arts and Jarrad Baker, senior theater to be large enough to make them the tallest cast member, as Schro¬ ary is Snoopy, played by Katie Peck, duction, so reservations are need¬ the director of dance, said summer major, is the oldest cast member look like children. There is also an eder. Kennedy, sophomore theatre sophomore theater major. ed. "Sylvia" is about a talking dog theater can be more rigorous than of "You're a Good Man, Charlie oversized slide, monkey bars and a major, described his legs as stick¬ Peck goes out into the audi¬ and is appropriate for children over during the semester due to the re¬ Brown," mostly consisting of up dog house for Snoopy. ing up higher than the toy piano he ence for two or three numbers to the age of 13, for its sophisticated stricted time. The cast only had and coming sophomores and fresh¬ Baker said the biggest task of played on the floor. entertain the crowd. This is Peck's humor. "Dog Tales" is an original three weeks to prepare for "Char¬ men. He said the cast really gives it this play was to pretend to be a Baker described the biggest first NSU theater performance, and play written and directed by Scott lie Brown," compared to five to six their all and are very talented. child, which was hard for him, he task of the play as pretending to be she said she sees this as a good op¬ Burrell, director of theater, and is weeks like they would for a normal Stoneking described the play said, because he definitely does not a child, while Kennedy said the fact portunity to learn about musical intended for children 10 and older. iarlan Leigh Gentry Editor Editor in Chief pinions iil.com IgentryOOl @student. nsula. edu \, 2008 June 18, 2008 er y 5 a Marine :nam War, the Army, :he Marine Storm and Kevin Clarkston strong, athletic, aggressive and in Chick flicks and dreadfully repetitive previews for Carrie lying in bed without speak¬ I's brother, Features Reporter control. "Mamma Mia." For a split second I ing or eating at all. ng the war Another reason for this phe¬ thought I might have made a mis¬ The HBO series started out id received It's summertime, a time when nomenon could be the fantasy and action films take, but then I remembered the telling the stories of single women ; service in school is out and escape that action movies allow. many boyfriends, breakups and who didn't necessarily believe that summer blockbusters While a chick flick may Blahniks the girls had gone through marriage was paramount, but the has a fam- rule the silver screen. offer women the chance Of course it could also boil Kelli Fontenot to get this far. How could "Sex and movie essentially ended with all ry can un- Most of these block¬ to let it all out with their down to good old fashioned peer Associate Editor/Copy Editor the City" go wrong? of the girls "settling down" in their de we have busters are usually girlfriends, action movies pressure. You may want to go see When I heard the show's theme own way. I will always enjoy the r country," action films, and the allow guys to let out our the latest My Best Friend's Wed¬ The summer movies of 2008 song, I felt a wave of exhilaration show and it was fun to see some of I Day is a audience for them is frustrations and anger in a ding-Waiting to Exhale-Mean Girls left a bit to be desired. like I was at the top of a my favorite characters on the big those who usually guys. With the safe environment. type movie, but you also don't want "Iron Man" was roller coaster. I was so screen, but the movie just didn't do who con- new "Indiana Jones" From jocks to pretty boys your friends to clown you merci¬ excellent and "Prince happy - and then, out of it for me. ur country and "Iron Man" films to geeks, every one of us at lessly. So you go watch a bunch of Caspian" was every¬ nowhere, Fergie started There are more movies to grossing a combined some point has felt power¬ people get blown to bits instead. thing I expected it to whining about labels and come, though. "Get Smart" seems ans to con- total of $254 million less about circumstances in In the end the reasons men like be, but "Made of Hon¬ love. After that, I remem¬ like the kind of remake that won't Did friends at the box office on their open¬ our lives. Watching Rambo slaugh¬ action movies are as different as or" was made of a plaid, bered that I was no longer make everyone in the audience ; every year ing weekends alone, it's clear that ter a slew of bad guys or John Mc- each individual man. Of course this womanizing material seated comfortably in my cringe and "Hellboy 11" looks fan¬ s advice to someone's turning out to see these Clane make it out is coming from posing as honor. After living room, but in a the¬ tastic. Everyone will be on edge for it seriously fast and furious explosion fests. of an impossible "Watching Rambo a guy who just two hours of yawning, I ater, where many great "The Dark Knight," and I'll probably So why do guys turn out in scenario and fire off saw "Sex and The wondered if the summer movie dry TV legends came to be sitting right next 5 and bick- droves to see the latest action mov¬ some wisecrack al¬ slaughter a slew of City: The Movie" a spell would pick up. die. '"Made Of Hon- to Front Row Joe. de and re- ie? There are several ways to answer lows us to feel pow¬ bad guys... allows few days ago, so I I remember when I saw the Sure, it was kind , i r It's amazing that Or WaS made OJ matter how many e the ulti- this question. erful and in control know little some¬ "Sex And The City" movie trailer of cool to see Char¬ no n live in a One reason may be because as as we live vicari¬ us to feel powerful thing about being for the first time. I heard the music lotte, Samantha, Mi¬ a plaid, woman¬ awful movies I sit w ;," he said. guys we are socialized to like them. ously through them and in control as different. and almost started jumping with randa and Carrie rela¬ through during the izing material The first toys for many of us were for 90 minutes. A Kevin Clarkston is joy in my seat - a "Sex and the City" tively happy at the end summer, I always Army men, G.I. Joe or other action psychologist might we live vicariously a senior journalism movie? Really? May 30 seemed far of the film, but the posing as honor'.' end up first in line figures (notice how guys' toys are say that is another through them for 90 major. The views away, but I was patient. I refused to movie was altogether to buy my ticket. "I never called dolls), and pretty much way men bond with expressed do do research on the movie or search too bland and de¬ ~ Kelli Fontenot couldn't help but •thwestern, every guy I know at some point en¬ one another without minutes." not necessarily for previews and spoilers because I pressing. Don't get me wonder" - when will idents take dured the joy (or agony, depending getting emotionally wanted to be thrilled and surprised. wrong. I enjoy a sad I learn my lesson? represent those of real-world' on who you talk to) of playing com¬ attached, since most -Kevin Clarkston All I knew for sure was that it was movie now and then - "Pay It For¬ Kelli Fontenot is a senior journal¬ the entire Sauce petitive team sports. action flicks are high going to be fabulous. ward," "Saving Private Ryan" - but I ism major. The views expressed do staffer those of the )s prepare From an early age, guys are on adrenaline and I settled into my chair with a expected more out of "Sex and the not necessarily represent the Sauce : in a busi- taught that men are supposed to be low on introspection. university. hopeful attitude and sat through City." Half of the movie consists of staff or university. t the 'real you gradu- Student flies south ; said. "You Memorial Day deserves reverence an just go- can replace the field of for summer months journalism David Royal try. jor difference is that Israeli citizens fantry Division not only place an internship Senior StaffReporter Twenty or thirty years ago, actually take the holiday seriously. American flag at each of Arlington dus Broad- Americans' Memorial Day plans Throughout the nation of Israel, National Cemetery's 290,000-plus report. She Kera Simon to live at your parents' house. I eat were much different than they are air-raid sirens sound at 10:00 a.m. graves, but also patrol 24 hours a iship posi- Guest Columnist the food, and they give Another Memorial Day has re¬ now. At one time, some of the com¬ on Remembrance Day, and Israelis day for the entire Memorial Day id is work- me money to buy more cently come and passed, and Amer¬ mon sights throughout the cities stand at attention for two minutes weekend to ensure that none of the ntration. After I moved out food to replenish the ican citizens took full advantage in America on Memorial Day in¬ to give respect to those who have flags fall to the ground. If that is nformation of my parents' housi cabinets. I do not have to of the annual holiday. I would be cluded numerous American flags died for their country. not dedication, then I do not know irossette is down south, I thought worry about paying any willing to bet, however, that most being flown at half-staff, graves of Not just a few Israeli citizens what is. internship I had left for good. kind of additional rent, Americans did not dedicate a sub¬ fallen soldiers carefully decorated participate either. The entire popu¬ Although I am not a fan, I agree is summer Granted-1 did go home like along with the rent stantial amount of time or thought and even parades to honor the lation of Israel stops whatever they with Barack Obama's statement students in every other weekend at for my place in Natchi¬ to anything but relaxation dead. Today, however, are doing—even traffic on major that our patriots who were willing it the State first and have not had toches, because there's or recreation. the only people who highways—to pay tribute. Addi¬ to die for our nation were "shin¬ arters. an excuse important always a free bed wait¬ People seem to for¬ decorate graves are the tionally, Israel's government closes ing examples of what's best about lents get in enough to stay over ing for me at my parents' get that the purpose of families who have had all places of entertainment for the America," and that Memorial Day ithing both the winter break, but house. Sure, my stay here Memorial Day is to honor a loved one die, and it day. should be a "reminder of our obli¬ ecommend I've finally had to come back-- for would be more enjoyable if there the men and women who seems like people would Now, I am not saying we should gation as Americans to serve our dents, my last college summer now as a weren't so many boxes in my room have died in military ser¬ rather check out the adopt all aspects of Israel's Remem¬ fallen heroes as well as they served aid do an senior-- to share a house with my and my mom's winter wardrobe vice. "Memorial Day Week¬ brance Day, but I am pointing out us." the feel of parents as what is known now as a wasn't in my closet, but beggars Instead, people sim¬ end Sale" at Sears than that Americans have a lack of rev¬ Next Memorial Day, I believe irld' and to "boomerang kid." can't be choosers. ply see a three-day week¬ a local parade. erence when it comes to those who that if we could all just take a mo¬ dy working According to many media cir¬ Cons- There is only one TV in end full of barbequing, sports and In other countries, people's have died for us, and even the vet¬ ment to genuinely recognize the I've already cuits, the term "boomerang kids" my house... I'm sure you see where friends. Yes, I do believe those priorities seem to be arranged a lit¬ erans who are still alive. lives that have been taken for our ; hours and refers to those young adults who this is going. I am always the last things are important, but at the tle differently. For example, Israeli Still, there are some people country, then I believe the families mt going to venture out into the real world of one to get the remote. Now, I've same time I wonder when Ameri¬ citizens recognize Yom Hazikaron, in our nation, however, that really of those who have died would at Joing to be college, work or marriage only gotten out of the habit of watching cans do actually take the time to which translates into Remembrance go the extra mile to express their least feel a little more ensured that IOOI in Au- to wind up back in their parents' TV. My time is better off spent on truly recognize those who made Day. Remembrance Day is similar gratitude for our fallen soldiers. their loved one did not die in vain, houses. I'm going through a "boo¬ Facebook or reading my pile of un¬ the ultimate sacrifice for our coun¬ to our Memorial Day, but one ma¬ The 1,200 soldiers of the 3rd In¬ which is all we can ask for. merang kid" phase and may have read magazines I collected over the er to pick the phase back up when I past two semesters, but it would be graduate from college. nice to have some kind of control of HTh Let me explain my situation. I the big screen- eh? distribution u rrent: used to work as a cashier, so the two Another problem is that I've ,aLJc:« )t of fun. summers before I stayed in Natchi¬ gotten out of the habit of letting il% % an, Charlie toches. I lived off campus and re¬ people know where I am at all Kevin Clarkston ies. Stonek- ally enjoyed Natchitoches with times. I think to text my boyfriend Features Reporter play to per- less people, which mostly meant I before I think to call my mom when r in hopes could get my "Hot and Spicy Mc- I decide to go somewhere. I'll even¬ June 30 dren of the Chicken" in less than 30 minutes, tually get a semi-panicked/con¬ Kelli Fontenot unlike when school is in— and it cerned/mad voicemail telling me to ty Associate Editor/Copy Editor mnity real- would take 30 minutes just to cross call my mother... now. )f flack this the bridge. I was also able to spend The best part about living with )f one of the some time on Cane River. my family over the summer is that July 10 David Royal it had some But this summer is different. I get to re-learn my family dynam¬ Senior StaffReporter but we re- I've had to come back to my par¬ ics. I forgot a lot of little habits than rts of things ents' house because my internship make my family, well, unique. id art does," is only 30 minutes away in Lafay¬ So while as a "boomerang kid" Kera Simon is really for ette. I've come to understand the I now have to help clean this house, July 21 Sauce Reporter true pros and cons of moving back something which I despised grow¬ rieater pro- home. ing up, it's nice to know that I can on July 30- Pros- Obviously, it's cheaper always come home. Jarret Reeves 9, and "Dog Student Media Advisor 108 Kyser Hall st 2 and Au- E-mail any comments theater pro- Office Phone is are need- 318-357-5381 talking dog or letters to the editor to 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. hildren over aphisticated www. thecurrentsauce.com an original thecurrentsaucexom :ed by Scott i :ater, and is thecurrentsauce@gmail. com d and older. Andy Bullard Fletcher Jonson Co-Sports Editors June 18, 2008 Steroids: Demon receives Not for honor from ESPN everyone Andy Bullard Sports Co-Editor When sit back and look at my 21 years of watching baseball, I realize that I have seen a lot of history. I have seen the single season home run record broken twice, the career home run record broken, the Red Sox winning two World Championships, and there are so many more like Cal Ripken, Jr., playing in 2,632 straight games. Okay, I haven't seen all of Ripken's games but I did see the final 600 or so, and the list just goes on and on. Photo by Gary Hardamon Not only I have seen the good Photo by Gary Hardamon Mike Jaworski plays first base for the Demon baseball team. but I have seen the bad as well: with Gary Bruno of the Lady Demons softball team reaches for the ball during a game this summer. the strike in 1994, the 2002 All-Star Fletcher Jonson student-athlete should be. On the game ending in a 7-7 tie, and what Bruno shines as Sports Co-Editor field and in the classroom, he gives is now known as the "Steroids Era it everything he has." of Baseball." Senior first baseman Mike Before starting graduate Now, I know what you're think¬ Jaworski was named to the 2008 school, Jaworski earned his bache¬ ing, "Not another story on steroids," ESPN the Magazine Academic All- lor's degree in business administra¬ and my rebuttal to that is "well sort student, athlete America Team, earning second- tion in the spring of 2007. Jawroski of." With all these steroids running team honor in the university divi¬ currently has a 3.81 grade point av¬ rampant in Major League Baseball, sion released by the College Sports erage. I feel it has brought forth some of Information Directors of America The Houston native led the the dirty players but has damaged (CoSIDA). Jaworski joins an elite Demons to a second place finish the clean players. list of Demon baseball players. in the Southland Conference East¬ The person I had in mind is Adam Jonson volunteered at the local D.O.V.E.S. 'Operation Shoebox,' which col¬ Jaworski joins Bobby Barbier ern Division (17-12) and a 28-28 Ken Griffey, Jr., and the reason I Sauce Reporter chapter that supports battered lected items as holiday gifts for (2004), Terry Joseph (1993 and overall record. The Demons had a bring him up is because he hit his women and volunteered with the underprivileged children overseas. 1995), and Ryan Anholt (1999) legitimate shot at winning the East¬ 600th career home run on June 9. Northwestern State softball Northwestern State Baptist Colle¬ This spring she took part in the as the only NSU baseball players ern Division title until the final two He is only the sixth person in Ma¬ standout Gary Bruno added anoth¬ giate Ministries team that helped 'Knock Out Hunger' food drive and named to any Academic All-Amer¬ games of the season. jor League history to do so, and the er accolade to her list on Wednes¬ cleanup Covington, La., following was a member of the Demons' Di¬ ica team. Jaworski earned Louisville first thought that popped into my day as she was named the 2008 Hurricane Katrina. xie Youth Softball Clinic, providing This is the third Academic All- Slugger Hitter of the Week honors head was steroids. And to be hon¬ Capital One Southland Conference Sophomore Amanda Jameson free instructions to young girls. America honor for an NSU stu¬ in April after blasting five home est with you, I had to slap myself for Student-Athlete of the Year while notched first team Academic All- Bruno qualified for the Dean's dent-athlete since 2004 and twelfth runs in five games, including a thinking that. Brittany Card and Amanda James¬ SLC honors with a 3.67 GPA in ex¬ List during the spring 2006, spring overall. Jaworski, a graduate stu¬ school record three four-baggers in To me, there are three key on also earned Academic All-SLC ercise science. The Burleson, Texas 2007, fall 2007 and spring 2008 dent from Houston, joins players a game against Texas-San Antonio stages a player has to cross for it honors. native led the 2008 Demon squad semesters and qualified for the from Florida State, Notre Dame, on April 12. He also earned SLC to be official that you're not taking Bruno, a junior outfielder, was with 22 RBI and three home runs. Honor Roll during the Fall 2006 Georgia, Kentucky, St John's, and Hitter of the Week and the Loui¬ steroids, and if you are, you're hid¬ recently named the 2008 Steven Junior Brittany Card, a Fort semester. She was also a mem¬ Arizona State. siana Sports Writers Association ing it very well. McCarty Citizenship Award win¬ Worth, Texas native, added second ber of the Southland Conference He is the only player from Lou¬ Hitter of the Week twice this sea¬ Stage 1: The eye test: For those ner. She boasts a 3.56 grade point team Academic All-SLC honors af¬ Commissioner's Honor Roll during isiana and the lone Southland Con¬ son. of you who don't know what the eye average in business administration. ter earning a 3.59 GPA in biology. the spring 2006 and spring 2007 se¬ ference representative on any of the "This is a great honor for Mike, test is, it's simple. Look at a player In addition, she is the chair of the She ranked second on the team this mesters. three teams. He was placed on the who has represented the NSU when he started his career and see Northwestern State Student-Ath¬ season with 24 runs scored and was In 2008, Bruno led the Demons national ballot after he earned first baseball program with a high level how quickly his muscles have de¬ lete Advisory Committee and rep¬ a perfect four-for-four in stolen with a .302 batting average and team Academic-All District hon¬ of integrity on all levels," said NSU veloped. resented the Demons at the NCAA bases. earned All-SLC third-team honors. ors. Director of Athletics Greg Burke. Griffey Jr. has been the same Division I Student-Athlete Leader¬ Bruno also organized the She also topped the team with 18 "This is just a tremendous hon¬ "I am very happy for him and look size his entire career. He has never ship Conference last year. Northwestern State athletics com¬ stolen bases, a mark that ranked or for Mike," said head Coach J.P. on this as a well-deserved post¬ been big by any stretch of the imag¬ The Pearland, Texas native has munity service project last fall, fourth in the SLC this season. Davis. "He truly exemplifies what a script to an outstanding season." ination. He has stayed relatively close to the same size, except for Athletes break own records at NSU the fact he looks like he has had too many cheeseburgers now a days. So he passes that. Stage 2: Consistency: As far as Griffey Jr. is concerned in a word, Fletcher Jonson ing a time of 50.63. Yes. For the first 12 years he was in Sports Co-Editor The top five finishers in the the league he hit 438 home runs, Mideast Regionals automatically averaging 36.5 per season. Chad Leath's 400 meter hurdles advanced to the NCAA Champion¬ Just to stack those stats against school record and Trecey Rew's ships. the greats in their first 12 seasons, school record for discus were bro¬ The Southland Conference Babe Ruth averaged 25.75, Hank ken at the NCAA Mideast Regional women's Aaron 31.16, and the current home Track and Field Championships. discus run king Barry Bonds 31.16. So, The only thing is, they broke their champion, that says he has been consistent. own records. [ recey Rew, Stage 3: The biggest factor is Leath jumped to a 50.53 time, added to her probably the actual steroids drug after a come-from-behind win over own school testing. According to ESPN.com, second-fastest qualifier, Lee Moore record. Ken Griffey, Jr. to date has not failed ofOle Miss (50.64). Rew fin¬ any drug screens, tests, or anything Only Auburn's Rueben McCoy ished eighth else that checks for steroids. It (48.86) has a faster time than Leath in the women's discus with a 164-6 does not say how many tests he has among the Mideast Regional final¬ throw, improving by nearly a foot taken. He passes the third and final ists. Leath's time is the 14th-fastest and a half. stage. collegiate mark this season. In the men's javelin competi¬ I just want to add that steroids Leath tion, Sam Norton finished 20th. are the worst thing that has hap¬ clocked The senior fouled on his first two pened to baseball since the Black a time ot attempts. Sox scandal of 1919. 51.56 at His last attempt landed 187-9, All I ask is when people like the NSU nearly 20 feet behind his season's Griffey Jr. pass such prestigious Invitational best. marks as 600 home runs and so April 12th, Lady Demon sophomore long forth, keep these stages in mind; breaking a jumper Jessica Tuck finished two don't assume steroids from the 15-year-old feet behind her season's best 19- beginning. Since Ken Griffey Jr. school re¬ 11 in Friday's qualifying round and passes all three stages, he has 600 cord. He improved his time nearly failed to advance to the finals. legitimate home runs until some¬ a whole second at the Southland Tuck has been bothered by one proves me wrong. Conference Championships, mark¬ torn cartilage in her knee. For more photos visit us online www.thecurrentsauce.com Photo by Gary Hardamon Trecey Rew recently broke her own school record for the discus by almost a foot and half. The urrent Thursday, July 31, 2008 ♦ Natchitoches, Louisiana Student Newspaper of NSU since 1914 * Volume 94: Issue 2 Dam Run: A local tradition In the Mix Kera Simon water balloons would be left in the Adult learners Sauce Reporter river. Even though they are bio¬ degradable, the litter was obvious. complete their What started as just a casual The Cane River patrol told Wiggins ride to the South Dam in celebra¬ that the balloons were a threat to degrees. tion of Independence Day about the fish. Some people also started 18 years ago morphed into a star- filling balloons with ice or other liq¬ P. 2 spangled boat decoration contest uids besides water that could dam¬ then into a giant water balloon age boats, so banning them seemed fight. the right choice. It first began with a few friends All that Wiggins had to do was and has grown into a more than 50 tell his friends to not bring water /^^Jsjijjt Summer jobs boat dash down Cane River to float balloons, and the word spread. from boat to boat and share good Even though there were no mean different food, conversation and plenty of water balloons, people still found things to differ- water. ways to soak each other. Water Steve Wiggins, head of the guns, pumps and even a three-gal¬ p ent people. Miller beer distribution of Natchi¬ lon bucket could be found on the toches, is one of the Founding Fa¬ river on that day, but Wiggins had P- 3 thers of what is now known as the the ultimate set-up. Dam Run, taking place every year He had two kegs filled with around the Fourth of July. water, added 60 pounds of pressure Wiggins said it used to take and was able to pump out a contin¬ forever to get to the South Dam, at uous stream of ice-cold water onto least five hours. Back when boats his unsuspecting victims. feAff* had only 40 or 50 horse power en¬ There's an unspoken under¬ gines, they would cruise along all standing between participants in Lady Demons day. Photo by Kera Simon/Current Sauce the Dam Run. Those who want to host a high Now people have more "fancy More than 50 boats float and relax on Cane River during the Dam Run on the Fourth of July. take part in the water fight go to the boats," with 90 to 200 horse power, front, while those who don't want school team taking less time to get to the actual Not everyone knows of this said. "As long as it doesn't get out of wake zones, which was the biggest to get wet take their time in the camp. dam and more time just to float and tradition, but the hard-core tradi¬ control and people just take it easy, complaint of the patrol last year. back. enjoy the big party. tionalists insist that it's a must. we all have a good time." This year, the Dam Run boats People respect those who are P. 4 The three hour stretch starts at The popularity of the annual The Wildlife and Fisheries were taking up both sides of the not armed with water-defenses so W^ mile marker 48 at noon with a fire¬ Dam Run has spread strictly by Cane River patrol has been on duty river - not making room for oppos¬ not to drench the unwilling - that works launch off of Wiggins' dock. word-of-mouth. for the Dam Run every year, get¬ ing traffic. way everyone is able to enjoy the The Dam Run, which started Friends would tell friends how ting a little upset about the event. An adjustment the Cane River ride. in 1990, is usually planned for the much fun they had, and so the num¬ Wiggins said they more or less patrol made for this year's Dam Once people get to the end Please visit us weekend before the 4th of July. bers continued to rise. The biggest keep people in line during the Dam Run was to ban the use of water - after touching the dam with their on the web at Since the 4th fell on a Friday this Dam Run to date was last year with Run. balloons. boats, of course - they anchor their www. thecurrentsauce.com year, they decided to have it then. about 60 boats. "They really haven't harassed The water balloons started boats and get in the river, swim¬ One of the biggest traditions This year there were a little less us," Wiggins said. "They're there about six or seven years ago. Wig¬ ming to each others' boats and Join our team! involving the Dam Run is the - about 50 boats all together - but trying to educate people of the gins is not sure who started it, but making new friends during the an¬ Want to write or take photos "touching of the dam." Wiggins Wiggins attributed that to the fact rules and keep them safe." he said people started bringing nual event. for the ^auce? Come to 227 said those true Dam Runners must it was held on a Friday instead of People do not know the rules them to defend themselves against "We just do it and if other peo¬ Kyser Hall for more touch their boats to the South Dam the usual Saturday. sometimes, and Wiggins said that the other boats - and thus the wa¬ ple come along, that's good," Wig¬ information. for it to count. That's the whole "I really hope it doesn't grow even he did not know that there ter balloon fight began. gins said. "It's our way to celebrate point of it, he said. more than it already has," Wiggins was no swimming allowed in no- Over the years, more and more the Fourth and have a good time." Send all your questions to [email protected] Weather Students slightly shaken by mistaken letters rp->Q^ Thursday /77/ 96774° Photos by Leigh Gentry/Current Sauce vb Friday *YX 95774° Right: Senior family and consumer sciences major Kacy VJiL* Saturday Brown reads her letter from the Office of Financial Aid. *T^ 98773° _VV^ Sunday ^fV 102o/73o Left: The letter stated that Brown was no longer a stu¬ dent at NSU and was leaving the university. She received the c£)-\~\ Monday financial aid letter by mistake /77/ 990/720 and was not the only one. JU Tuesday 101773° ^ \X^ Wednesday 100°/73o *iIr \ Leigh Gentry university because those students "Mistakes happen," Adams sity, which she said confused her. Adams said the letters went out Editor in Chief must complete an exit interview said. She checked her registration status to the students before the financial with the school, Adams said. Students don't seem to have and schedule online and saw she aid office noticed the mistake. Index A couple of hundred NSU stu¬ Adams said the office request¬ taken the mistake too badly. was still enrolled for the fall, and As soon as the office found out, dents received a letter by mistake ed information on the students Senior family and consumer she left it at that. the staff identified students who f News from the Office of Financial Aid who were not registered for either science major Kacy Brown was one Brown's husband and senior had been sent the letter by mistake stating they were leaving the uni¬ the summer or fall 2008 sessions. of the students who received a let¬ hospitality, management and tour¬ and then sent out correction letters, versity, according to Misti Adams, Those who were enrolled were ter by mistake. ism major Scott Brown received a Adams said. She said the office sent 2 Life director of student financial aid. to excluded from this computer Brown said she received her similar letter from student financial out a couple of hundred correction These letters are necessary for search for students, but they actu¬ letter around mid-June and as¬ aid. letters for all NSU campuses. 5 Opinions those students who actually are ally were accidentally included, Ad¬ sumed it related to the summer He had heard from others that Adams does not foresee any leaving the university. The Office of ams said. class she had recently dropped, so several students had gotten a letter trouble relating to this incident. Financial Aid at NSU is required by The problem could have been she didn't think it was a big deal. by mistake, so he went to financial "It is behind us," Adams said. 4 Sports federal law to notify students when a computer glitch or an oversight, However, the letter mentioned aid to check on his status. Those at "Everything should be squared they are no longer enrolled at the Adams said. that Brown was leaving the univer¬ the office told Scott it was nothing. away." Chris Harlan Life Editor [email protected] July 31, 2008 Online degree program turns dreams into reality at NSU Leigh Gentry is different. Coordinator of adult his degree. Editor in Chief education initiatives Carl Henry The CALL program offers de¬ said the program is flexible and gree programs in criminal justice, The dream of walking across a convenient because the faculty re¬ general studies, business admin¬ stage and tossing a cap will become alize many of the adult learners are istration, radiologic technology, a reality for 15 more students this working mothers and fathers. The nursing, health and human perfor¬ December—students who never students take a prior learning as¬ mance, psychology, art and educa¬ thought it possible. sessment and are able to transfer tion. "If it wasn't for the CALL credits to NSU, Henry said. The programs range from as¬ program I'd still be wondering if Kennedy had only nine hours sociate to master degrees and also I would ever be able to finish col¬ left to complete his degree, but the include add-on certifications. lege," Paul Kennedy said. hindrance lied in the prerequisites. It offers four-, eight- and 16- The Continuum for All Loui¬ He would have had to go to school week courses online, which stu¬ siana Learners (CALL) program is another year, taking two classes dents can mix and match, and all a partner with university college one semester and only one class the classes are taught by NSU profes¬ in which all classes are online. The next, he said. sors. To be in the program, adult program began spring 2007, and Kennedy enrolled in the CALL learners must be at least three 14 adult learners became the first program in fall 2007 ^ years out of high school CALL graduates in May 2008. The and will finish sum¬ or have over 60 hours next 15 graduates will claim their mer 2008. He will of college credit. These diplomas this December, and Ken¬ graduate and walk requirements keep it nedy will be one of them. across the stage at geared to mostly adult Kennedy started college in NSU in fall 2008, learners, Henry said. 1995 and had not finished by 2001 which is making him The program had Photo by Leigh Gentry/Current Sauce when he got offered "one of those slightly nervous. about 160 students in The Wellness Recreation and Activities Center hosted local children for the Fun and Fitness Camp. jobs you just don't turn down." Al¬ The last time he the fall and about 200 in though he enjoyed his job as a soft¬ did that was his high the spring, and Henry WRAC offers alternative ware engineer, Kennedy said he al¬ school graduation said the program is still ways regretted his decision to leave 13 years ago. He is also a little anx¬ growing. tor a ve school. ious about seeing the NSU campus. This program is not just for control "It's still a decision that some¬ Since the CALL program consists adult learners. It is also for Loui¬ olds. times I wish I'd gone the other way," of only online classes, Kennedy siana. Henry said the program Ne; to lazy summer activities Kennedy said. has never had to make the drive to will help the state get an educated hometo He started college at Louisiana Natchitoches to earn his credits. workplace and keep people from can rest State University but later moved to "I will step on the campus of bad-mouthing Louisiana. home fr University of Louisiana at Lafay¬ the school I'm graduating from the Henry said there are more than ette to be closer to his family. He day I graduate," Kennedy said. half a million adult learners in the fL*f *i* w thought about going back to fin¬ However, Kennedy said he state with 60 hours or better and no r* Joe Cunningham ish his degree, but it just was not wouldn't change it for the world, degree, and the CALL program is Opinions Editor possible to fit school into his work and now he can tell his kids one day trying to change that statistic. schedule. they have to graduate from college "So far, so good," Henry said sic With summer comes summer "It wasn't an option," he said. because he did—a thought he said when asked about the program's camps, and NSU's Wellness, Recre¬ However, the CALL program contributed to his decision to finish ation and Activity Center (WRAC) hosted their own summer camp, Loans pay for more than tuition which began July 14. The WRAC is hosting the NSU Fun and Fitness camp for the third year in a row. The Fun and Fitness camp Leigh Gentry chology major, uses loans to pay up his credit, which will help him started on July 14 and ran through Editor in Chief for other standard living expenses down the road. July 25. such as rent and food. Cory Stephens, senior general Children attending had the College students know as "Most of it's used for food be¬ studies major, used a $3000 student choice of participating in one or much as anyone that school costs cause I really don't know how to loan to pay for an atypical summer both five-day sessions. money—money that many of them cook anything," Weldon said. course. The camp is not new to NSU, do not have. That is why banks and Without loans, the money Stephens went to Costa Rica but this is the third year it's been colleges offer student loans, and would have to, come either from his for a hospitality, management and held at the WRAC, facility director NSU is among them. family or from his paycheck, which tourism (HMT) course last sum¬ Patric DuBois said. NSU offers three types of stu¬ is currently nonexistent. mer with a group of NSU students. Children ages five to 11 at¬ dent loans and has quite a few tak¬ "I never would've been able to His loan paid the tuition, travel tended the camp Monday through ers for them. be in Scholars', have a job and be in expenses and the extra costs of the Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stafford subsidized loans band," he said. trip, like meals and activities. Jason Stelly, the director of in- helped 4,393 NSU students pay for Weldon also said that he would Stephens spent three weeks tramurals at NSU, is also in charge university expenses in 2007, the not be able to maintain his grades in Costa Rica, where he lived with of the camp, organizing the work¬ most recent statistics available. and keep enough hours at a job to host families, attended Spanish ers and activities for the children. Photo by Leigh Gentry/Current Sauce More than 3,800 students re¬ pay for his expenses. classes and participated in adven¬ The activities rane from arts Senior social work major Joshua Dorter assists students during ceived Stafford unsubsidized loans, A job would also keep him ture activities such as white water and crafts to sports, with a snack and 212 students received Perkins from having a life outside of school rafting and zip-cording through craft time of the WRAC's Fun and Fitness camp. time somewhere in between. Stu¬ loans, according to the 2007 NSU and work, he said. the rainforest canopy. dent workers will be helping Stelly drop their children off early or pick room to host the camp, but it keeps Factbook. "I'd be one of those people who His student loan made the trip run the camp. them up late. the children from getting too hot It is not unheard of to use stu¬ doesn't do anything," Weldon said. possible because he would not have Parents from all over the com¬ The Fun and Fitness camp - a danger that exists in outdoor dent loans to get through college, This would be completely different gone otherwise, even though he munity bring their children to at¬ has been at NSU for years but was camps. and NSU students have found that from his life that is filled with band loves to travel. tend the Fun and Fitness camp. moved to the WRAC three years The Fun and Fitness camp has there is more to paying for college activities and homework. "Traveling's really hard to do, Special accommodations can ago. no shortage of children signed up than just tuition. His parents also wanted Wel¬ but it's the most beneficial," Ste¬ be made by anyone who needs to The building provides plenty of to participate. Bryant Weldon, senior psy¬ don to get loans for school to build phens said. Important dates Writingfiend? to remember Photographer extrao- Resident Halls open Aug. 23 Final day tb appeal a grade dinaire? from Spring 2008 Sept. 9 Last day to resign from Interested? all classes with 100% refund Aug. 24 Last day to resign from all classes with 50% refund Sept. 9 Come to our fall meet¬ First day of classes Aug. 25 Final day for undergraduate to ings in 225 Kyser Hall Fee payment, Prather Coliseum Aug. 25- 28 apply for Spring 2009 graduation Sept. 12 Labor Day Sept. 1 Final day for graduate to apply or e-mail us at for Fall 2008 graduation Sept. 12 Last day to resign from thecurrentsauce@ all classes with 75% refund Sept. 3 Fall Break Oct. 6-7 gmaiLcom. Final day to register, add/drop Mid-term grades due on courses and make section changed Sept. 3 Faculty web Oct. 19 Joe Cunningham Opinions Editor pinions theciirrentsauce@gmaiL com July 31, 2008 ORE h vs STOP Leigh Gentry when I go home—summer, Christ¬ Perspectives on trasts greatly to the one I used to ting, but every other Wednesday Editor in Chief mas break and even some three-day have growing up. For six days a when I receive my check I am re¬ weekends. Tips are great. week, I am awakened by my alarm minded why I should stick with the In my 21 years of life so far, I've been very blessed to not summer jobs and I drag myself to work, where I job. I've had exactly three have to pay for my car or no longer dictate how I will spend I have quickly learned that I "real" jobs—real as in cell phone, but I have had my day. should simply grit my teeth and David Royal not babysitting when I to pay for food since I to pay more bills now and am get¬ I am not alone, however. This take full advantage of this summer was 13—and each one had moved out of Mom's ting married in four months. My News Editor summer, I was among millions of break to make as much money as served a different pur¬ house. responsibilities have changed a bit other college students across the possible because I know that once pose. Tips from Casa since high school, so my summer Not too long ago, nation who searched for the fall semester begins my time for That wonderful Ole helped me eat for jobs have had to change, too. my routine during my summer jobs. a job will be extremely limited. skill of babysitting al¬ the next couple of years But this summer job was more summer break included This summer I Unfortunately with summer lowed me to transform of college, something for than just a prom dress or the water waking up at whatever managed to obtain my half-way complete, I know that my from a high school which I am very grateful. bill. Not only did it give me three hour suited me, loung¬ old high school job at the time of profit will soon come to an senior into a full-fledged daycare That job also kept electricity in my credit hours for school, but it also ing around the house glamorous fast-food in¬ end. teacher for a bunch of two-year- apartment sophomore year—al¬ taught me a lot about what I'm go¬ watching television, dustry of Burger King. I guess, however, if I look at it olds. ways a good thing. ing to be doing after graduation in and eventually getting Although I am on the other hand, I still have a few I used that job to pay for my Although I do plan to return just 10 short months—wow, scary. dressed to hang out not exactly having it my more weeks to make a lot of mon¬ prom dress and stuff for my dorm to good old Casa Ole next break, I I'm going out into the big, bad with my friends. way here ey, which actually room. I didn't really have any bills did something a little world soon, so I better I can now honestly say that I at Burger King, my sounds a lot better to pay, so I pretty much just used different this summer. .„ , , know if I like what I'm took those days for granted. employer is giving "Although I am not than sitting at home But this it for Taco Bell once I moved up I completed an intern going to be doing for When I turned sixteen and was me good hours and exactly having it my all day watching here. ship required for my SUMfTier job WCIS the rest of my life, given the keys to my car, I was also adequate pay, and I re-runs and talk- way here at Burger That summer job also taught major with a job as a ,, . G"" uess whL~a"t. I do. given more responsibility, which believe that is about shows. me that I didn't want to have kids reporter for the Alex- m0re than )USt Leigh Gentry IS unfortunately included having to all I can ask for as a King my employer David Royal is for a very long time. The best birth andria "Town Talk." a prom dress or a senior journalism get a job. measly college stu¬ is giving me good a sophomore jour¬ control is me versus eight two-year- This job was so dif¬ Additionally now that I have dent with little work the water bill. " major. The views ex¬ nalism major. The olds. ferent than daycare or recently finished my first year of experience. hours and adequate pressed do not neces¬ views expressed do Next I became a waitress at my waiting tables. It wasn't college, the only thing that has The work may pay." hometown's one and only Mexi¬ just to pay the bills. -Leigh Gentry sarily represent the changed is that I have been given not be desirable and not necessarily rep¬ can restaurant for my first summer Granted it did help Sauce staff or univer¬ even more responsibility. there are times when ~David Royal resent the Sauce home from college. I still work there in that aspect, considering I have sity. Now, my daily routine con¬ I do just feel like quit- staff or university. Celebrity news disorder Just a small town boy Th sickens student to core Kevin Clarkston talk about how they couldn't wait is not without its problems. While Leigh Gentry Features Reporter to get out of Alex'— as it is referred some might relish the anonym¬ Editor in Chief to by its inhabitants—and move to ity that comes with living in a city Kera Simon is the most common. "Entertain¬ New York. Atlanta. Los An¬ Houston, Atlanta or at least Baton populated by millions, others might Guest Columnist ment-Social" entails that people in¬ geles. To many kids growing up in Rouge or New Orleans. find it lonely and isolating. dulge in celebrities' lives as a means Kevin Clarkston small towns with one traffic light We all longed to live in a city Then there's the issue of money. I am ecstatic that Angelina Jo- of social communication and enjoy¬ Features Reporter and an everybody-knows-every- where the downtown area didn't Cities like Los Angeles or New York lie had her twins. Two healthy chil¬ ment. It's a distraction and pleasant body atmosphere, these look deserted, clubs are notorious for their high cost of dren were born in France after she topic of conversation. and many other big cit¬ where you could dance living, and with the current state of was in the hospital for The second stage is the "In¬ Kelli Fontenot ies seem like an exciting without bumping into the economy, scraping out a living two weeks. tense-personal" in which a Associate Editor/Copy Editor alternate universe filled ten people or going to a on minimum wage or the first job I'm not happy be¬ person feels drawn to that with big buildings and Wal-Mart without see¬ after college can be extremely dif¬ cause I'm an Angelina celebrity with a deeper diverse, colorful charac¬ ing everyone from your ficult. Jolie fan, because truth sense of understanding. David Royal ters. church, family and kin¬ Within my own family, some be told — I'm not. I'm Like saying Halle Berry is Senior StaffReporter Many high school dergarten class within a relatives have chosen to stay in Al¬ not happy because I your soul mate, and seri¬ outcasts and other mis¬ space of 5 minutes. exandria or the surrounding areas, have an overall con¬ ously meaning it. fits usually find their More impor¬ while others have moved to Cali¬ cern for pregnant ce¬ The third, and most rare Kera Simon way to these metropoli¬ tantly, the reason most fornia, Texas or Washington, D.C, lebrities — their strug¬ case is "Borderline-Patho¬ Sauce Reporter tan areas, hoping to find young people flee from and both groups seem to be happy gles are shown to be the same as, logic." This stage occurs when peo¬ a place where they'll meet other small-town life is the pressure to with their living situations. gasp, us normal people. ple have compulsive thoughts about weirdoes like themselves. conform. Large cities can offer the What the big city versus small No, I'm glad that she had her their favorite celebrity or have disil¬ Jarret Reeves A native of Alexandria, I know chance to live a life that suits one's town really comes down to is per¬ twins because I no longer have to lusions about their celebrity — like Student Media Advisor a little bit about this desire. While personality, rather than having sonal preference. hear the constant updates. believing the celebrity would res¬ Alexandria has way more than to worry about possible criticism Those who want to break out As soon as Jolie entered the cue them or fall in love with them. one traffic light, it is not Manhat¬ or disapproval from family and and live in the big city will find a hospital, there was a stakeout of Sufferers can fall into depression if Office Phone tan, and I can definitely remember friends. way, just as others will find a way to photographers and news chan¬ their celebrity's life has taken a bad 318-357-5381 many people I went to school with Of course, living in the big city enjoy small town life. nels waiting to see when Brad and turn or they suddenly can't find in¬ her three children would visit her. formation on them. E-mail any comments or letters to the editor to Breaking news on CNN would in¬ A 2003 American study found www. thecurrentsauce. com clude the health of her two unborn that one third of the public has Ce¬ thecurrentsauce@gmaiLcom babies and what Maddox was wear¬ lebrity Worship Syndrome. So as [email protected] ing when he visited her. long as the masses consume the Wow, I'm sad to say that I celebrity brain-killing information, don't remember what city was last the media will continue to feed us. bombed in Iraq, but I do know the It all comes down to the fact Students hit the road for summer names of Jolie's two twins — even that celebrity news sells. Americans though I would change the channel would much rather be distracted by as soon as Brangelina reports came the lives of famous people — even on, but the baby names slipped in famous people with no merit, like there anyway. reality stars — to escape from their Kelli Fontenot tered around the idea of teenagers day driving schedule meticulously drove to Oregon this summer, and This celebrity worship is noth¬ own lives or the real world. Associate Editor/Copy Editor driving around as a way to social¬ planned out weeks in advance, a it actually subtracted stress from ing new. Media starting digging into Truth is, we're in the middle ize. Recent movies like "Cars" (and long drive allows multiple oppor¬ my journey. Instead of leaning over the personal lives of stars, starting of a war with no end in sight, the the Rascal Flatts covers they incite) tunities to veer off course and take to look at a map with tiny print, I You can read Jack Kerouac mostly with Marilyn Monroe, ac¬ economy is crappy, the dollar is not prove interest is not weaning. Even passengers on an expedition into relied on a pleasant British accent and watch The Travel Channel all cording to a CBS story titled "New even worth the paper it's printed with today's soaring the unknown. That sense of spon¬ advising me to drive 300 yards and you want, but if you don't Age of Celebrity Worship." Now on and gas is forcing people to cut hit the road yourself, you gas prices, I still have taneity and freedom could seduce then "take the motorway." The GPS there are tabloids and glossy maga¬ back on necessities in order to trav¬ to wait in line at the even the most frugal driver. device allowed me to focus on my can't comprehend the full zines that have gossip columns that el to work. experience. pump. Joel Achenbach of Slate.com, driving. are like the crack for the star struck It's an endless cycle that has Road trips are expen¬ What is it about however, writes that one impor¬ It was comforting to know that masses. gone out of control, and Jolie's sive, stressful and some¬ driving that drives us? tant factor of such a journey has if I wanted to, I could stop to take I'm guilty of celebrity worship twins are serving as a much-desired times even dangerous. Yet Most people drive been threatened by human depen¬ pictures of the largest prairie dog in myself, but it is very disappointing distraction from all that. If people thousands of college stu¬ to work out of necessity dence on technology, specifically the world without the fear of get¬ when my trusty news channels stuff were not so distracted by the lives dents load up their cars or convenience, but on GPS devices. Traveling involves ting lost. Features on the TomTom it down my throat. I don't particu¬ of seemingly-significant people every summer to travel occasion, I still witness interpreting landscapes and mak¬ also allow you to search for res¬ larly like news channels — so when they don't know, who knows what across the country for new jobs, people hanging out of ing decisions on our own, but with taurants, motels and other "points I put them on, I expect hard-hit¬ we could get done as informed, internships, concerts, friends' wed¬ the windows of their cars, laughing mapping devices like the Garmin of interest" if you feel like taking a ting, worldly or significant news... free-thinking individuals. dings and family vacations. at each other's witty banter, appar¬ and TomTom, we lose our sense of break, which is great if you're try¬ Not breaking news on Jolie's babies' Take a deeper look into why It seems whether you're go¬ ently driving just to get out of their adventure and navigation power. ing to find a Panda Express or a heartbeats. we're still in Iraq? Invest in alter¬ ing corporate or hanging out with houses. It's true. Using a GPS is kind relatively cheap gas station. Media is being driven by "Ce¬ native fuel ambitions? Push to dis¬ Mickey at the Magic Kingdom, Other people save up for pop of like asking for a booster chair at People bemoan the GPS ev¬ lebrity Worship Syndrome," a di¬ cover why only $3 million was used driving is still considered the most tarts and regular unleaded fuel so the movie theater - it's not entirely ery time I mention I use one, but I agnosis researched by the British to investigate 9-11 but $40 million entertaining way to get there. Peo¬ that they can travel somewhere just necessary and it will probably em¬ don't see why; it's a practical back¬ Journal of Psychology that has a was used to investigate the Clinton ple love the sense of freedom asso¬ for traveling's sake. barrass you in front of your taller up system when your map is inac¬ sliding scale of celebrity worship scandal? Na, just sit back and ana¬ ciated with just driving around. Sitting behind the wheel of a friends. But for some people, re¬ curate and your mental compass ranging from innocent admiration lyze the meaning behind celebrity In 1973, George Lucas made moving vehicle can provide people moving the focus from navigation isn't quite aligned. With or without to resembled addiction. baby names, because that's more "American Grafitti," a film that cen¬ with an enormous sense of power. can be liberating. one, though, the road will definitely The first stage of said syndrome interesting. Even if a voyager sticks to a three- I borrowed a TomTom when I keep you entertained. Andy Bullard Fletcher Jonson Co-Sports Editors July 31, 2008 Quarterback Demon comes close to come back? to 2008 Olympics Andy Bullard Sports Co-Editor "Why, Fletcher Jonson "The crowd was so noisy, just an Brett? Sports Co-Editor awesome atmosphere, and I don't Why?" think she could hear me shouting at That's the EUGENE, Ore. - Samantha her to shorten her approach," said question I've Ford, NSU's 2003 All-American Heimerman. "Lots of the athletes been asking women's javelin thrower finished have talked about how the incred¬ myself ever 11th at the USA Olympic Trials for ible crowds have both helped and since Brett track and field. hurt them because they've gotten Favre said he was leaving the NFL. "Sam went with a full approach too wound up, not managed their Now, oddly enough, I find and was just out of kilter," said Mike excitement the right way," he said. myself asking the same question Heimerman, whose specialty is Ford graduated from NSU in because Favre can't make up his coaching throws. biology in 2006. She is studying mind. And let me tell you, as a huge Ford's best mark in the 12 cardio-pulmonary medicine at LSU football fan and a huge Favre fan, woman finals was 159-0, 16-10 Health Sciences Center in Shreve¬ it's starting to drive me nuts. short of her personal best at 175- port. The first time I saw the press 10. Her personal best ranked her Ford will now turn her atten¬ conference where the teary eyed 11th. She ranked eighth in the pre¬ tion to training for the 2009 World Favre announced he was done play¬ liminary round, cutting the field in Championships. ing football and would retire to his half with a throw of 170-10. "Sam has a chance to really de¬ Mississippi home, I can't lie. I really Ford competed in front of velop into one of the best throwers thought his run was over. 21,949, a Hayward Field record. She in the nation if she can commit to Then I looked at his final sea¬ fouled on her first attempt, threw more training," said Heimerman. son stats: 66.5 percent completion 175-8 on her second and recorded Kenta Bell joined Ford as the percentage, 4,155 passing yards, 28 her longest on her third. only two Demons competing. touchdowns and a passer rating of 95.7. After seeing those numbers, Photo by Leigh Gentry/Current Sauce that's when I asked myself "Why, The Alexandria Senior High Lady Trojans huddle up to strategize with their coach at half-time. Brett? Why?" the first time. 2008 Demon After a few weeks passed, I High schoolers take realized that he was pulling a Bar¬ ry Sanders, and going out on his Football Schedule terms, going out when he could still walk away and not be pushed out by injury. Also, it didn't hurt that he a shot at team camp was one step from winning Super Bowl. 8/30 Texas A&M-Commerce 6 p.m. He went out as the great¬ est quarterback of all time. As an even bigger Denver Broncos fan, 9/6 Baylor 6 p.m. Leigh Gentry ing to see both teams using similar up were given a situation such as and more especially a HUGE John Editor in Chief plays. Elder said she has incorpo¬ being one point ahead and on de¬ Elway fan, that last statement was rated a lot of what she learned at fense with only 14 seconds left on 9/13 Grambling State 6 p.m. hard. The Lady Demon basketball Sulphur into her team. the clock, Graf said. Fortunately for me, the num¬ bers will back up my greatest of team hosted a team camp for high "It helps," Elder said about com¬ Many of the NSU players 9/20 Cal Poly 6 p.m. school female basketball teams peting against similar plays. "You worked the clocks for the games all time statement: 61,655 passing across the state Monday through have to force yourself to vary." and kept score. Renotta Edwards, a yards (first all time), 5,377 comple¬ 9/27 Southestern Okla State 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 28-30. The camp was run by the senior guard for the Lady Demons, tions (first all time), 442 passing The camp gave 35 teams the Lady Demon basketball team and kept score for the games. She said touchdowns (first all time by 22), chance to play eight games in three coaches, but there was no teach¬ although she still is working during 10/11 Nicholls State 6 p.m. most wins as a quarterback with days at Prather Coliseum. ing involved as in other basketball the camp, it's nice to take a break 160 (needless to say first all time), Jennifer Graf, head coach for camps. The teaching is in the expe¬ and sit and watch the game instead Oh, and how could I forget the 253 10/18 Southeastern Louisiana 6 p.m. the Lady Demons, said the coach¬ rience the high schoolers gain from of play. consecutive games he played (first es tried to plan the camp's game the camp's games. Edwards wasn't able to come all time)? schedule to keep the teams from Most of the work for the NSU to a team camp like this when she 10/25 Sam Houston State 2 p.m. The numbers back me up, and playing the same teams they play team is in the planning of the camp, was in high school, but she said she he won Super Bowl XXXI. As far as during their regular seasons. not during the camp. can definitely see the benefits for a I'm concerned, he should've been 11 /I Texas State 3 p.m. One such example in the camp "I just get to stand around and player. the Super Bowl MVP. was the game between the Sulphur watch a lot of basketball," head "It's good experience for them And while we are on the subject ' 1/8 Central Arkansas 4 p.m. High Lady Tornadoes and the Alex¬ coach Graf said about her role dur¬ to play each other," Edwards said of MVPs, he won three consecutive andria Senior High Lady Trojans. ing the camp. about the teams. "It's definitely regular season MVP trophies from Lady Trojan head coach Carol The camp has a $425 registra¬ good. They get a lot of exposure." 71/15 McNeese state 6 p.m. 1995-1997. That made him the Elder said the camp is a good op¬ tion fee per team, which provides a Most of the teams in the camp third person in NFL history, along portunity to give her team experi¬ T-shirt for each girl and allows the were from the surrounding areas, with Jim Brown and Johnny Unitas, Will Stephen F.Austin 6 p.m. ence. teams to bring as many players as but others came from further south with three regular season MVPs - "It helps you see where you're they want, Graf said. and even Texas. the only one to do so consecutively; at," Elder said. "It lets you know The camp helps more than just The varsity teams included another first all-time. what you need to work on." the high school teams. It also has Fairview, Parkway, Sulphur, Alex¬ With all the facts on the table, Elder said the camp has shown an impact on NSU and the Lady andria Senior High, Pineville, Ben¬ I could understand why he would her that her team needs to work on Demons. ton, Natchitoches Central, Win- want to retire. I honestly went Bold indicates home games. teamwork and confidence. "It's a huge recruiting tool, not nfield, Caldwell, St. Mary's, Kinder, through the five steps of griev¬ The l,ady Demon Team Camp just for women's basketball but also Hornbeck, Pine Prairie, Loranger, ing and had finally made it to ac¬ and the Lady Tornadoes are noth¬ for the university," Graf said. Crowley, Castor, Rapides, Florien, ceptance about him leaving. Then, ing new to Elder. She attended the The camp attracts a pool of po¬ Anacoco, Riverdale, South Beau¬ low and behold, he says he has the camp when she played for Sulphur tential NSU students and players, regard, Dodson, Grant, Marksville, NSU athletics gives back "itch" to play again. I again found High. This game was her first time Graf said. Hathaway, Calvin, and Winona and myself asking "Why, Brett? Why?" to coach against her own former "All these girls will probably go Caney Creek, Tx. This time I was curious as to coaches. to college somewhere," Graf said. The seven junior varsity teams to supporters with tour why he would want to come back. Although she said it felt weird The Lady Demons also offered at the camp were from Parkway, As I said before, he is and was the to be on the opposite side of her situational tournaments for breaks Fairview, Sulphur, St. Mary's, Ben¬ best. He has nothing else to prove. coaches, she did find it interest¬ during the day. Teams who signed ton, Riverdale and Caney Creek. His ticket to Canton is already Fletcher Jonson ery Tour Stop," said Zach Williams, punched. So, as a fan sitting on the Sports Co-Editor Tour Coordinator. outside, I don't understand why. The July 3rd destination was in If he does come back to the Northwestern State's Victory Sabine Parish at the Toledo Bend NFL, whether it be for the Packers Tour is in the latter half of its eight Association monthly meeting at or any other team, the only place he events as the Demon coaches and the Zwolle-Toledo Lion's Club. The can go is down. He can only hurt athletic staff travels around the Rapides Parish tour stop was July his reputation. state to meet and greet supporters 8 from 5:30-7:30 at the Diamond So, until he does or doesn't of Demon athletics. Grill, 924 Third Street in Alexan¬ come back, I will continue asking The events were open to the dria. myself, "Why, Brett? Why?" public and free of charge. Refresh¬ The Shreveport/Bossier City ments and food are provided, along Victory Tour stop was July 10 from with NSU material and Demon at¬ 5:30-7:30 at Savoie's Catering Place tire available for purchase. Door at 2441 East 70th Street in Shreve¬ Any response? prizes are also given away. port. Each event lasted about two Donald and Pat Horton hosted hours, consisting of a brief program the Victory Tour at their home on Send all letters featuring talks from head football July 18 in Coushatta for the Red coach Scott Stoker, director of ath¬ River Parish supporters. to the editor to letics Greg Burke and others tak¬ The stop in Baton Rouge was ing about 20 minutes in the second July 23 from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Hol¬ hour of the reception. iday Inn Select Hotel. This event is thecurrentsauce "Our supporters come to the held in concurrence with the Loui¬ Northwestern campus during the siana High School Coaches' Asso¬ year to enjoy watching our teams ciation convention each year. play, so at this time of year we are Former Demon Stuart Archer Photo by Leigh Gentry/Current Sauce happy to get out around the state to hosted the first tour stop in Lafay¬ gmail.com The Sulphur High School Lady Tornadoes battle the Alexandria Senior High Lady Trojans. demonstrate our appreciation and ette on July 23 from 6 to 8 p.m. This hopefully make new friends at ev¬ was the first tour stop in Lafayette. LH ORRENTSAUCE NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY RECEIVED SERIAI S DIVISION Wednesday, August 27, 2008 ♦ Natchitoches, Louisiana Student Newspaper of NSU since 1914 ♦ Volume 94: Issue 3 m? In the Mix NSU employee feeds campus chicken. p. 3 Student shares his views concerning the Olympics. ^ p. 7 ii$ (fazaat Photo by Leigh Gentry Hip < urrent Sauce Demon President Randall J. Webb, Senator Gerald Long and NSU residential assistants christen University Place Phase II at the ribbon-cutting ceremony Aug. 20. soccer University unveils new housing team 3...:.:_? wins 2-0 against David Royal students. ect an "enjoyable experience." Tulsa. p. 8 News Editor Although this situation could Bruszer explained that the be viewed as a problem, it is a prob¬ construction of University Place Despite the overcast and drea¬ lem NSU officials do not mind hav¬ Phase II required the aid of about Please visit us ry weather, many people gathered ing because it means NSU is grow¬ 30 subcontractors and that the site ort Aug. 20 to view the ribbon-CUt- ing, Maggio said in an interview. normally had at least 80 workers on the Web at ting ceremony for the new phase of In continuation with Maggie's present daily. www.thecurrentsauce.com University Place, which opened for opinion, Senator Long said that he He confirmed Senator Long's Want to write or take photos students this past weekend. believes "the best days are in front beliefs concerning state and priva¬ for the Sauce? Come to our Before officially christening of" NSU students and faculty. tized collaboration by saying that meetings in room 227 Kyser the new housing complex, many Long also expressed his pride although factors such as rainy Hall every Monday at 5 p.m. officials, including President Ran¬ and gratitude in NSU's ability to weather made the construction dall J. Webb, Senator Gerald Long cooperate with both Spring Valley process more difficult, with the Send all your questions to and Dean of Students Chris Mag¬ Construction, which managed the cooperation of the NSU officials [email protected] gio, explained the processes that construction of the new complex, Bruszer's team was able to turn Weather occurred for the second phase of and Campus Living Villages, which "obstacles into opportunities." University Place to be built at NSU operates University Place Phase II At the end of his speech, Brusz¬ and offered words of optimism and and the rest of the privatized hous¬ er even commented that he looks encouragement to the audience. ing on campus. forward to working with NSU of¬ Maggio called the day of the NSU's business relationship ficials on the third phase of Univer¬ VJiL <? rj^ Wednesday ceremony a "historic day" for NSU with Campus Living Housing spans sity Place. and stated that the university is for over 10 years, beginning with When asked about the mean¬ # ? * 96771° "taking the next step in the right the management of University Col¬ ing of Bruszer's statement, Presi¬ direction." Maggio said an example umns. dent Webb responded by saying of this step is the fact that there is Long explained that this type of that he is "all for a Phase III," but now a waiting list for housing at collaboration between the state and that at this time there are no solid -p>*V"\ Thursday both phases of University Place and private businesses will be essential plans. ^^^^ 96770° University Columns. in the future and commended NSU Webb said that in the mean¬ As a result of this waiting list, for successfully doing so thus far. time NSU officials will have to con¬ Photo by Leigh Gentry/The Current Sauce NSU officials have decided to tem¬ Stephen Bruszer, Vice Presi¬ tinue to judge students' opinions Dean of Students and Assistant Provost Chris Maggio thanks the porarily re-open Varnado Hall - a dent of Project Management for on Phase II and hope that eventu¬ workers, officials and administrators who participated in mak¬ -pSQ^ Friday traditional dorm that was closed Spring Valley Construction, called ally there will be a need for a third last semester - to accommodate the University Place Phase II proj¬ phase. ing the UP II project a reality. 96770° Competition results in lower book prices -p>J^rv Saturday C_V^ 937700 Tori Ladd of what I saw back to NSU," Gilm¬ Creppel said. Demon Barnes and Campus Sauce Reporter ore said. Assistant Manager of Barnes Bookstore Noble Corner Currently, Gilmore's business and Noble Jeremy Procell believes In the university setting, where is independent. Upon his arrival in that the presence of three book¬ -toSQ^ Sunday Arriba textbook prices mean the difference Natchitoches during the summer stores in the area will fuel competi¬ 93769° Spanish New New New between dining out and another of 2008, Gilmore received the text¬ tion that previously did not exist. night of Ramen noodles, students book list from NSU and from there To head up with Demon Book¬ 1010/20/ $158.25 $165.45 $163.00 have two new options this year — he started looking all over the U.S. store's low costs, Barnes and Noble 2010 Demon Bookstore and Barnes and for new and used books. will honor competitive pricing to Noble. "My low pricing comes from compensate for their higher prices. c >t p~ Q^ Monday When competition approach¬ knowing books are expensive and With the proof of a purchase, any "" 90°/67o Under¬ New New es, Demon Bookstore owner Eric me trying to make a name for my¬ student can take advantage of the $134.40 $140.00 Gilmore can hold his own by us¬ self," Gillmore said. competitive pricing. standing New ing his No. 1 strategy - lower book Since the opening of Demon If a student brings a receipt or Nutrition Used Used $138.80 prices. Bookstore, Barnes and Noble re¬ a copy of a price list to Barnes and < Nutr 1030 X_Q* Tuesday $100.80 $105.50 The alumnus and former De¬ placed the University Bookstore on Noble, the business may be able to mon baseball player is originally campus and serves as NSU's official adjust the price of the Barnes and / / // 90767° from St. Louis and is currently bookstore, located downstairs in Noble merchandise to match the Calculus: New New making a move from Many, La. to the Friedman Student Union. other stores' offers. Index Single $136.35 $142.65 Natchitoches. In the new Barnes and Noble, "At Barnes and Noble, our pri¬ Used « Variable Gilmore has a bachelor's de¬ customers can find video games, mary goal is customer service. We Math Used Used $105.55 gree in business administration DVD players and cameras, which are hoping for a successful semes¬ 2 News 2100/2110 $102.30 $107.00 and has 12 years of experience in University Bookstore did not offer. ter and year in spite of the econ¬ the textbook industry. He has also "I love working here, it's a omy. Our goal is making students 3 Life worked for the Bedford, Freeman friendly environment. Good ben¬ and faculty happy, by doing so we New New and Worth Publishing Group and efits for employees, and I like the are happy," Procell said. Under¬ $93.50 $97.65 the Pearson international media fact that Barnes and Noble is na¬ Ultimately, Gilmore believes standing New 7 Opinions company. tionwide, so they definitely know that treating his customers with a Psychology $93.85 "After being in the textbook what they are doing," hospitality personal touch and making them Used Used Psych 1010 8 Sports $70.25 $73.25 industry, and bookstores across the management and tourism major feel like family will keep his busi¬ states, I just wanted to bring some and former SGA president Shayne ness strong and thriving. L David Royal NEWS E« News Editor [email protected] A August 27, 2008 Ceremony cements students' status Kelli Fontenot which was originally scheduled as Associate Editor/Copy Editor an outdoor event. It took place in Prather Coliseum. Students filed in to the aisles Wilson said an important part of the Fine Arts Auditorium in of the convocation was introducing the A. A. Fredericks Center Sun¬ students to faculty and staff so that day night for the first official New students could build connections Student Convocation, an assembly with them. of all transfer students, returning About 650 students and 100 students and freshmen who plan to faculty attended the convocation, graduate in the year 2012. Gruesbeck said. For students like Suncica Strkie, Some freshman connectors who missed Freshman Connection walked through the aisles before and had only been on campus for the event began, making introduc¬ five days before the convocation, tions and personally greeting stu¬ the event was an introduction to dents. the university's faculty, student or¬ The convocation itself served ganizations and traditions. as a formal welcoming to the uni¬ Strkie, a health and exercise versity, Gruesbeck said. science major, left Banja Luka, "This was part of the Week of Bosnia to come to NSU as a tennis Welcome, and it was really an op¬ player. portunity for the students to get a "It was my first flight," she said. glimpse of what graduation would "It was very scary." look like," Gruesbeck said. As if the intimidation of an At the convocation, 30 digni¬ overseas flight wasn't enough, taries - deans, department heads, Strkie now faces the same pres¬ provosts and others - processed sures as the other 1,100 freshmen solemnly onto the stage while wear¬ in the class of 2012. ing graduation caps and gowns. Several NSU officials took roles Gruesbeck said he thought the in coordinating the event. Steven image of these leaders in their full Gruesbeck, the new Director of regalia was powerful. Service Learning, collaborated Gruesbeck and the other co¬ with Reatha Cox and Shelia Gentry ordinators wanted current and on the convocation and President's former NSU students to partici¬ Picnic. pate in the convocation, and a few Photo by Kelli Fontenot/The Current Sauce "They thought it was a good groups, including representatives Students and faculty congregate at the President's Picnic for hot dogs and hamburgers in Prather Coliseum Sunday night. The pic¬ idea to get all the freshmen to¬ of the Louisiana Scholars' College, nic followed the New Student Convocation, which took place in the Fine Arts Auditorium in the A. A. Fredericks Center. gether and just give them basic in¬ showed their support for the in¬ formation, so they can get on the coming students. alma mater. John G. Williams and Dean of Stu¬ took the time out to help us with with a brick - engraved with "Class same page and get them ready for Cody Bourque, the Student "They were just entering fresh¬ dents Chris Maggio. that and everything." of 2012" - that will soon be added school," SAB President Roderick Government Association presi¬ men not too long ago," Gruesbeck The speakers shared personal Morris, a graduate of Natchi¬ to the alumni plaza in the Creative Wilson said. dent, volunteered to deliver the said. "I wanted to have not only anecdotes, gave students advice toches Central High, said he looks and Performing Arts courtyard. The convocation and the picnic invocation, Gruesbeck said. NSU faculty members and professionals and wished them well in their aca¬ forward to meeting new people at Maggio's gesture, along with that followed introduced freshmen students in the ROTC program up there, but also students so that demic endeavors. NSU. the convocation, cemented the new to a few NSU traditions, such as presented the colors. the students in the audience could Jace Morris, a freshman physi¬ "I'm pretty excited just to see students as official members of the the alma mater, the fight for Chief Graduate student Steven relate a little bit better." cal therapy major who attended the and try new things and be a part of university. Caddo and the history behind the Sparkman sang the national an¬ NSU alumna Gary Bruno gave convocation, said he thought the something that's going to change," The New Student Convocation columns. them and later joined NSU choral a speech at the convocation, as did speeches were insightful. Morris said. may become one of NSU's many The university served hot dogs students Kelsey Primeaux, Renee President Randall J. Webb, Provost "It was really nice. I really en¬ Before the end of the formal traditions in the future, Gruesbeck and hamburgers at the picnic, Jessup and Tyler Maxey to sing the Thomas Hanson, law professor joyed it," Morris said. "I'm glad they ceremony, Maggio presented Webb said. 2008 Potpourri distribution Police Blotter 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 8/21 Caller advises that 2 guys Monday-Friday, Sept. 1-5 7:24 p.m. are under bridge at walking Football player hurt at Turpin path. in 225 Kyser Hall Stadium. Ambulance in route 8/25 7:54 p.m. 4:24 p.m. Ambulance transport player Student reports lost wallet in to NPH (Natchitoches Parrish Student Union. Hospital) 7:59 p.m. 8/22 Asked to check on student 8:10 a.m. at University Place Phase II Alarm goes otf in University 8:04 p.m. Place Phase 1 building 2 Walk through University 8:14a.m. Place Phase 11 and find that Alarm reset student is okay 8:25 a.m. Alarm was pulled by student 8/26 in laundry room. 1:03 a.m. Retrieve jumper cables to 8/23 jump car 4 p.m. 1:09 a.m. Vehicle stalled at main gate Car got started. 4:12 p.m. 4:15 p.m. City takes over. Student walks in with head injury from the WRAC Student Checking Features 8/24 4:17 p.m. 5:23 a.m. Ambulance in route The Current Saii ce collects the police blotter ea<s h week from the jll K«".". iWe* 926 UflmffSityPkwy* 800 522.2/48; www l-« -ip' I wmw »*«,» * >^^»-*«<*9»W!#*P***Jlrt.V**»* 14* i*» HtMj****'***

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