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Current Sauce (Volume 1995-1996) PDF

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Inside: Current Sauce reviews the new movie, Congo. Page 8. Football great Fred Dean and six others wll be inducted into CURRENT SAUCE the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame Saturday, page 12 Tuesday, June 20,1995 Northwestern State University Natchitoches, Louisiana Trial date set in shooting death of student Shooting a neighbor, heard them breaking into the one count of second-degee murder and JANE BALDWIN-GIBBY house and shot at them one count of attempted sec¬ Current Sauce because he thought they were ond-degree murder. Rivers Ttreresa «f*er* was * burglars. Mrs. Rivers was pleads not guilty. August 14 begins the trial of shot in the left thigh and left According to Caroline Darren Ray Rivers, the man arrested for arm from the buckshot and Breedlove, a graduate stu¬ the shooting death of former senior her husband was shot in the dent in history, Mrs. Rivers anthropology student Theresa Rivers. chest. was working on a personal Mrs. Rivers (no relation to Mrs. Rivers bled to project with the Apache- Darren Rivers) was fatally shot in death while in route to the Choctaw Indians. Mrs. January after breaking into a vacant hospital in her husband's Rivers was said to have house at 11:30 p.m. on the Murdock truck, Brumley said. Darren found an old map at a pawn Farm Road in Zwolle in search of a diary. Rivers is presently being held Rivers shop that showed a diary Her husband Vernon Rivers was also in the Sabine Parish was in the abandoned shot but survived the incident. Detention Center in Many. According to house on the Murdock Farm Road that According to Sabine Sheriff the Sabine Parish district attorney's could have some information for her pro- James Aliice Brumley Jr., Darren Rivers, office, Darren Rivers was charged with ject. v %%*LAjBmrrm> mlr-mt,mm i -trr KAWMF VMtttttfr'i Freshmen Connection Advance program makes learning fun The 1995 Advance program for "We are all responsible for these chil¬ young scholars at Northwestern is well dren. At Advance, we are just trying to underway. Advamce is the first phase of meet each child's academic needs." the education sequence for academically Advance offers course work in gifted and high achieving youth. 26 different subjects, such as astro¬ According to Martha Talbert, physics, biology, chemistry, computer sci¬ director of the gifted and talented pro¬ ence and ecology. grams, the Advance program givs the Students attend classes six proper balance of academic and residen¬ hoprs a day, Monday through Friday, tial life consistent with the needs of each and three hours on Saturday for a three individual. The students study challeng¬ week session. The courses also require ing material in which they are interest¬ regular attendance at a one hour study ed. hall in the evenings. Currently, 335 students are The program will again be offer¬ enrolled in the program and approxi¬ ing its marine science satellite programs mately two-thirds of that number are in conjunction with the Louisiana Louisiana school students. Out-of-state Universities Marine Consortium (LUM- students come from 14 states including COM). Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Advance LUMCOM is a special Kansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Missouri, course offering of Marine Ecology and Tennessee and Texas. will examine the relationships of marine Students in the program are in and estuarine organisms to environmen¬ the eighth through 12th grades. While in tal factors, the ecological processes of the seventh grade, these students scored energy flow and the communities and as high as a 32 composite on the ACT ecosystems of the Louisiana Coastal and 1370 composite on the SAT. Zone. According to Talbert, the suc¬ For more information about the Students show incoming freshman campus organ! cess at these academic levels can be Northwestern's Gifted and Talented attributed to three things. "The child, Programs, contact Martha Talbert at zations and activities the parent and the school," Talbert said. (318) 357-4500. Page 2 CURRENT SAUCE Tuesday, June 20,1995 Tuesd News FA Northwestern's new director of institutional advancement will oversee alumni activities contini befoi '!<im&«i*mtumaitoi&tf *zdMmmMjmMm&?>4**.yA> ^t^m^^ '?®M fort! Making Friends NSU names new director of Talli Ame All-!: ABA institutional advancement ABA PI Tony Gustwick has been named his alma mater, Texas Ttech, as field sec¬ Director of Institutional Advancement. retary and assistant director of Ex- Conth He will oversee the activities of the Students Association. LSW Northwestern Foundation and Alumni Gustwick is active in the Council for senii Association. the Advancement and Support of Nort Gustwick has been vice-president of Education, serving as Chairman of ERA the LSU Alumni Association since 1993. Southwest District IV and a member of carei He has been with the LSU Alumni the National Board of Directors. ning Association for the past 15 years in sev¬ Gustwick said Northwestern has a eral different positions. rich tradition and strong level of loyalty Bria His duties included supervising the among its alumni and friends that son alumni activities and services of five should help him in fundraising. nitel departments within the Alumni "The key right now is finding the said Association. Gustwick was one of four people who have the ability and willing¬ recipients of the national Alumni ness to give. We then have to create the prod Administration Award from the right atmosphere," he said. 54 F American Alumni Council, denoting the "Then we want to match programs top ranked Alumni Associations in the with people's wishes, so they can see that United States. their donations are used efficiently and "My goad is to gather support for the effectively." University from its alumni, friends and Northwestern has received ftinding anyone else interested in seeing for endowed professorships in business, Northwestern continue to grow," social sciences, creative and performing Gustwick said. "I want to see the arts and allied health. Gustwick said Foundation become more aggressive in endowed professorships add a great deal fundraising and bring in additional to the University. funds to enhance the University." "State funding provides us with the Before joining the LSU Alumni basics. Private funding can provide the Association, Gustwick was executive university with extras," Gustwick said. director of the Alumni Association and "Endowed professorships enhance pro¬ coordinator of Special Services at the grams and add prestige. University of North Texas from 1975 "This allows the University to hire Upcoming freshman learn about campus organizations Thursday until 1980. nationally recognized faculty which night during Freshman Connection in the Student Union From 1962 until 1975, he worked at helps to attract better students," he said. ROTC receives satisfactory rating during inspection Northwestern's Army Reserve element of the university structure. Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) battal¬ "We received a satisfactory rating ion recently received a satisfactory rat¬ overall," Joye said. "There are some ing during its command inspection. The areas that we need to improve and that OKas SSoussianas Sftngeemt inspection was conducted by Lt. Col. is due to a personnel shortage in those James D. Richardson and selected mem¬ areas. However we have a good program bers of the Second Region staff from Ft. and we are improving the areas that 9tesul£i Knox, Ky. need it." "We have certain regulations and According to Brig. Gen. Gregory A. guidelines that our higher headquarters Rountree, the inspection team found wants us to follow for an operational mil¬ Northwestern's ROTC battalion to be Melissa Mabou itary science department," Maj. Maxie L. operating in an enthusiastic and effi¬ Joye, executive and recruiting opera¬ cient manner. Third Runner-Up tions officer for Northwestern's ROTC, The program is effectively managed, Swimsuit Preliminary Winner said. "When you're outfit is inspected, and the esprit de corps (group spirit) and you can only receive a satisfactory or commitment among the cadets are uni¬ Julie Cameron Kelly Cobb Jennifer Fox unsatisfactory. So essentially it's pass or formly high. fail." "I was especially impressed with' the Top Ten Semi-Finalist Top Ten Semi-Finalist $500 Non-Finalist According to Joye, a command enthusiasm, dedication and quality of TalentWinner inspection has three primary objectives. the cadets," Richardson said. "They are It ascertains the efficiency and effective¬ obviously proud of their organization (9tAe*< cAfotiAwesfewi' ffiavticyyank ness of the battalion in light of its mis¬ and the Univeristy." sion. It critically evaluates the effect of According to Joye, Northwestern the guidance and support being provided has approximately 100 cadets in its Rebecca Bade Leigh Cole Farrah Reyna to the battalion by this command. ROTC program and is increasing that The inspection also assesses, in a number yearly. "I spend most of my time RoseTriggs broad sense, the Army Military Science recruiting from high schools and the stu¬ Department as an integral, yet unique dent body of the University," Joye said. Tuesday, June 20,1995 CURRENT SAUCE Page 3 FAME: Northwestern gets ready for festivities >nal| continued from page 12 before a broken leg wrecked his chances the San Antonio Spurs, who retired his Open mmmmm* for the 1984 Olympic Games. jersey. The Louisiana Sports Hall of Dine In CHSF, 11:00 AM to Silas starred at McCall High in Fame was founded by the Louisiana Tallulah and became an NAIA All- Sportswriters Association in 1958 and its Take Out 10:00 PM American at Stephen F. Austin before his permanent home in Natchitoches was Drive Thrul 17 Days a Week Ail-Star pro career. Silas made the 1972 established in 1972. The seven 1995 ABA All-Rookie Team, then became an inductees join 158 previous honorees Chef Larry Zhang ABA All-Star during eight seasons with enshrined in the Hall of Fame. 311 Hwy 1 South Phone PLAYER: Joseph drafted by Chicago Cubs (Across from Maggio's) (318)-356-0006 Continued from page 12 He broke his own record for runs scored Natchitoches, LA 71457 LSWA second-team honors. Dulin, a in a season with 70 and set the single- senior from St. Louis, was 10-2 for season record for stolen bases with 33. If your tastebuds are screaming for Northwestern this season with a 4.19 He has re-written the Demon record something different, head to CHEF WOK ERA and 71 strikeouts. He posted a book, ending his four-year career as the career 14-2 record, the second best win¬ school's all-time leader in games played, for a TASTE OF THE ORIENT ning percentage (.875) in Demon history. rims scored, hits, doubles, triples, walks, A taste you'll NEVER forget! "I'm really happy for Terry, Matt and hit by pitch and stolen bases. Brian. Those three players were the rea¬ Joseph, a GTE Academic All- son we had a great season and are defi¬ American selection, was drafted by the Wide Variety Low Prices nitely deserving of the honor," Van Horn Chicago Cubs and will report to the A large drink b only 25 cents with this ad said. Cubs' Class, a New York-Penn league Joseph, a Marrero-Archbishop Shaw team in Williamsport, Pa., this week. product, batted .404 with 14 home runs, 54 RBI and a .741 slugging percentage. NSU LEISURE ACTIVITIES 8-BALLP00L TOURNAMENT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 3:00PM AT IM/REC BUILDING SIGN UP AT IM/REC ON DAY OF EVENT PRIZES AWARDED TO WINNERS FOR MORE INFO CALL 357-5461 gmi! II Page 4 CURRENT SAUCE Tuesday, June 20,1995 imons 1 Editorial discusses Northwestern's gun-free zones and the Concealed Garry Bill t *«¥ JSW^fcAjfc *&■»««/ . Our View ? GUNS ON CAMPUS Recently the Louisiana State House and Senate have passed a Concealed Carry Bill which now awaits the signature or veto of Grovemor Edwards. The gover¬ nor has most recently promised to veto it, although many lawmakers and citizens Campus Connections alike are hoping he will simply allow it to become law without his signature. This raises some interesting issues for Northwestern. Will these Concealed Carry Permits allow students to carry handguns on campus or will it remain a "gun-free zone?" Reunion Tuesday and 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in After many gut-wrenching hours of debate, our position is that those stu 1995 marks the 30th anniver¬ The Alley. The Rec. Complex will be open dents who comply with the requirements of a Concealed Carry Permit should be sary for the first group of black students Tuesday at 2 p.m. allowed to carry their gun on campus. to enter Northwestern. A commemora¬ Typically the first argument against this position is that it would turn the tive reunion is being planned for campus into Dodge City, with gunfights over parking places and shoot outs to end Homecoming, Oct. 28. For more informa¬ Current Sauce roommate quarrels. This, however, has not proven to be the case in states that have tion write: 30th Reunion Committee, To submit a campus connection for your organization it must be typed these laws, most notably Florida. What about accidental shootings? P.O. Box 5281, NSU, Natchitoches, La. We were reminded of an incident not too long ago when a student dropped 71497. along with your name and number and left in Rm. 225 in Kyser Hall. It must be "...criminals ignore gun-free zones' just as they ignore other SAB submitted the Friday before the Tuesday This week's movie is Legends of publication. The paper is printed laws, so such zones only affect law abiding individuals, and the Fall. It will be shown at 7 p.m. biweekly in the summer. actually create a worry free hunting ground for thugs." We are now online. Call the Current his book bag in class only to set off the loaded hand gun concealed therein. As it Sauce via. Northwestern's Internet turned out, this individual was charged with and convicted of attempted second hookup Current Sauce degree murder in an unrelated event. What does that prove? Well it proves that @NSULA.edu. or bring us a typed criminals ignore "gun-free zones" just as they ignore other laws, so such zones only affect law abiding individuals, and actually create a worry fi-ee hunting ground for signed letter to Rm. 225 and tell us thugs. what you think about campus issues. Now, we are not advocating that everyone carry guns or other weapons, but those people who feel it necessary should be able to protect themselves. Two inci The authors Internet address will be dents come to mind that support this stand. Not too long ago, a single mother who included with each letter unless attended night classes was fined for carrying a handgun to protect herself going to and from class. She admitted that the fine would not be enough to prevent her from requested otherwise. Letters are due carrying it in the future, so wouldn't it be much better if she were allowed to obtain on Friday before Tuesday publication. a Concealed Carry Permit, which would require her to attend a training and safety course? We also know an individual who was attacked on campus several years ago. Several men demanded his money, which he surrendered, and then beat him horri¬ bly to express their discontent at how little he had. If he had been carrying a gun, it The CURRENT SAUCE is now accepting applica¬ most likely would have taken little more than drawing it to convince his attackers to tions for writers in news, sports and arts go bother someone else. and entertainment. Applications mav be Certainly, we have not heard the last of this issue, in fact we hope this is only the beginning. We have presented the reasons behind our stand and welcome the picked up at Rm. 225 of Kyser Hall. opportunity to print other views. Tuesday, June 20,199S CURRENT SAUCE Page 5 Bands; Wednesday Prodigal Sons Jazz Trio Luke Brouillette Guitar Sam Nix Drums David Brouillette Bass Thursday Plain & Simple Band (Kevin Johnson) Friday Brett Brunson and Friends OPEN MONDAY through SATURDAY Monday - Tuesday 11:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Wednesday - Friday 11:00 A.M. 11:00 P.M. Saturday 11:00 - ? Pasta Bar All you can eat for 4.50 (Monday - Friday 11:30 - 2:00 P.M.) Video Poker Machines 30 different Beers also have wine and Cocktails Happy Hour 3:00-7:00 P.M. 16 oz. Cocktails 2.50, Pitchers 3.00, Draft 75 cents (during Happy hour) Page 6 CURRENT SAUCE Tuesday, June 20,1995 Features The 1995 Natchitoches/NSU Folk Festival gears up for another year of new crafts and music mMmtowmmp*,* >s4?<!msiP<m$&>it. &** 't^^^j^^m^^UA^^^s ■"'&%<'* ■&M&*^*4^M4mh<&mt8. ^u^"**^ ? *(**, >? >* v > «**-»„ i */ ^AS-'J. «W Natchitoches/N(?>U Folk Festival "jfothing changes a rural community like a new paved road" i include local MADELYN BOUDREAUX Contributing Writer involvement in the festival. One public "Nothing changes a rural communi¬ exhibits. meeting was held, ty like a new paved road," said by John The Grousha Company, of Comfort, drawing over 35 Doughty, author and anthropology stu¬ Tx., one of the most influential map- people and gener¬ dent, sums up what many people - from makers in the country, has agreed to ating many ideas social scientists to the local "folk" - real¬ display some 40 historic road maps from for the theme. ize, that highways and trails are cultur¬ the early 20th Century. Kirk Perucca of "People are al arteries, and when they change, they Overland Park, Kan., will exhibit many interested in roads change cultures. early road-maps from his large private for many reasons," The 1995 Natchitoches-NSU Folk collection. Don Hatley, direc¬ Festival on July 13-14 will focus on the The Texas Historical Commission is tor of Louisiana topic of roads, from explorers' routes and in the process of creating a display based Folklife Center, Indian trails to military roads and the on its extensive research on El Camino said. "They want to twentieth century highways of Real. know the paths Louisiana. The Louisiana Department of their ancestors The roads of Louisiana invoke Transportation and Development plans traveled, and why thoughts of dead armadillos, thundering to display an exhibit entitled Louisiana roads are in specif¬ semis, ghosts and lost Spanish treasure. Roads: Past and Future. ic places. Everyone Many roads, like the Spanish explo¬ Plans are underway for a display on has a story about a ration route along El Camino Real and military roads in Louisiana, an exhibit road, where it used the Choctaw's Natchitoches-Opelousas utilizing CD-Rom technology, one focus¬ The Con Agra Kajun Gumbeaux band provided entertainment to run, when it was road, play a large part in our cultural ing on Indian Trails and a display of aer¬ during the folk festival last year built, who traveled history. ial photographs of old roads through the on it or why it's scary at night." tion, is encouraged to contact the One way in which the theme will be Kisatachie Forest. Anyone who has family maps show¬ Folklife Center. integrated into the festival is through Festival planners are eager to ing old roads, or other useful informa- "you gotta have a fiddle in the band" Alabama, music group "You gotta have a fid¬ appeared on Nelson's Honeysuckle Rose. moved on to travel the country as one of dle in the band," so goes On July 15, the Natchitoches/NSU Bob Wills' Texas Playboys. the line from the popular Folk Festival will welcome Johnny Four times the Country Music song by the musical Gimble and Texas Swing to follow in the Association has named the East Texas group, Alabama. footsteps of such notable country musi¬ native "Instrumentalist of the Year." The Johnny Gimble, from cians as Governor Jimmie Davis, the Academy of Country Music has named Tyler, Tx., who will head¬ Carter Family, and Jimmy C. Newman. him "Fiddler of the Year" eight times. line the 1995 Gimble's ties to Louisiana are Last year (1994), Gimble received a Natchitoches/NSU Folk strong. He played as a member of Grammy for his performance with Festival is not just a fid¬ Governor Jimmie Davis' band when Asleep at the Wheel, and he also dler but he also plays Davis made his last successful run for received a National Fellowship Heritage along with such famous governor. He also joined Bob and Joe Award given by the National country artists as Willie Shelton on KWKH in Shreveport when, Endowment for Arts to the most deserv¬ Nelson and George in the 1940's and 50's the Shreveport ing of the nation's traditional artists. Straight. Gimble has station challenged Nashville's WSM as played on Straight's last the radio voice of the rural South. eight albums and has After his Louisiana days, Gimble Tuesday,June20,1995 CURRENT SAUCE Page? Book Store Welcome incoming Freshmen & Summer Camps Side Walk Sale June 22-23 Discount on N.S.U. T-shirts, Sweat shirts & Other Gift Items AVOID THE RUSH Freshmen Connectors, for only $5 we will reserve your fall text books. Stop by for more information. Located ground floor Student Union M-F 7:30-4:30 RigeS CURRENT SAUCE Tuesday, June 20, A&E Columnist disappointed with Congo, bad acting and accents ruin plot of movie Practice Makes Perfec THE VAMPIRE LESTATE Second book in the Vampire Chronicles By Anne Rice Ballantine Books STEPHANIE N. MCFARLAINE Current Sauce Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat is her searching Lestat meets Marius and second novel in the Vampire Chronicles. learns the history of all vampires. Vampire Lestat follows the eloquent and From here he travels to colonial New spellbinding style of Rice's Interview with Orleans to care for his ill and mortal a Vampire. The book is available at any father. In the town of New Orleans Lestat local bookstore. Vampire Lestat begins his own legacy with the had 550 pages and Anne Rice V"«.Vii. Kisitt creation of the vampires Louis has researched her subject mat¬ and Claudia. From Louis's tale ter with great care. in Interview with a Vampire Vampire Lestat begins in we hear of Lestat's gradual dis¬ present day New Orleans with illusion of his immortal llife the reawakening of the vampire ANNE RICE and his dissent into the Lestat. Lestat brings the reader ground. back to eighteenth century The last section of the Paris, France before he becomes book centers around Lestat's a vampire. rock-n'-roll career in present The reader witnesses day America. He swears to tell Lestat's initiation into the lega¬ his own story through his cy of perpetual darkness. As a young music. vampire Lestat struggles with the rules This angers the covenants of vam¬ and customs of being a vampire. pires around the world and they retali¬ During his struggles Lestat begins ate. This story is continued in book three questioning the livelihood and advent of of the Vampire Chronicles. the creatures of the night. Lestat travels Vampire Lestat is a breath of fresh Members of the crew and cast of Northwestern's upcoming around the globe search air when compared to other tales of production of Carousel practice their music for the famous ing for answers and the oldest living vampires. This is a great book for a broadway show. vampire, Marius. After centuries of summer read. Congo feeble attempt at movie making despite good plot must have been compiled from B-movies Hudson (Ghostbusters, Hand That 12 hours. BRENDA BRYANT of the 1950's (circa Ed Wood). Rocks the Cradle) as Monroe Kelly, the Overall, the film is a real disappoint¬ Current Sauce Unfortunately, the actors never truly rise "suave" adventurer who leads the expedi¬ ment. The plot wanders and you have to In the jungle, the mighty jungle, a above it, in fact some wallow tion into the Congo, sounds like a lounge really pay attention to understand what turkey sleeps tonight. in it. singer out of place. is happening. The turkey I am referring to is none Neck-deep in the mire Throughout the film, it If you aren't quick you might miss other than the new Michael Crichton are two usually dependable appears that at any given the connection between Amy and the film, Congo. Now, Crichton cannot truly actors, Tim Curry and Ernie moment he could break killer apes, because Amy's oh-so-elo- be blamed for this feeble attempt at Hudson. Curry (It, Rocky out into a version of quent, "Bad, bad gorilla", despite being a movie making, because he wrote the Horror) is a Rumanian Feelings. clear reflection of the movie-makers men¬ book, not the script. In fact, without the explorer searching for the lost The saddest thing tality, reveals very little useful informa¬ book's plot, the movie would be even city of Zinj. Not only are his about Congo is that the tion. worse than it already is. lines a hoot, but his accent is automated monkey, Amy, If Congo contained a little more plot, To begin with, the dialogue is horri¬ terrible. Every time he pro¬ is more life-like than the and weren't buried under a mountain of ble. We all know with movies, it is neces¬ nounces his name it sounds actors in the film. Easy Cheese, it might have been a decent sary to su pend your sense of disbelief, as if he is clearing his However, Amy's film. Instead, of adventure it should be but you shouldn't have to turn your brain throat. However, he doesn't moments of calculated recommended as a comedy because the off as well. No one, not even really weird quite equal Hudson in the annoying cuteness are enough to make you ill even bad acting will keep you laughing for people, speak like this. The dialogue voice category. if you have taken Dramamine in the past hours. Tuesday, June 20,1995 CURRENT SAUCE Page 9 THE Crossword WHITE COLUMNS • • 1 ACROSS i a 3 4 9 7 a io 11 13 13 1 Lanky APARTMENTS 5 Steep slope i« IS 16 lO Burrowing mammal IT ia IS 14 Potpourri ao" 21 za 23 ■JS Disappear 17 s lo w ly jM^ ^^m^ zs 2t *T 2« 2» 30 Now Taking Deposits for 19 Comic Jay 31 3? 33 34 36 20 Columnist » 21 SLearnedneer s »» «o 37 «' 36 Summer and Fall Semester. 22 Commences « 24 Bed canopies 43 44 9Ft Trw->tf^Mrt tArhotftl* " 27 Printer's IHHB 4* - 4« | 47 4« 49 28 Cenetretaritna iner SO »1 1 S2 1 S3 2B/2B only $375 31 BJoodnound's 54 5S " S7 clue sa 5» SO 34 Lumps 35 In the past «f SI C3 36 Transport 37 Traverse 38 Pack 39 Pretty — picture 40 Form 6 Jail rooms 41 Suppose 7 Unit of matter ANSV IS 42 Treat in a way 8 Capitol works r: Call Kim at 352-3131 44 Sheltered side abbr. lataisii 1 ■ S!i!dlrffs«io!al3rr«7 45 On tHe warpath 9 Snows EUE% EEEEE EEEEl 46 Refined 10 Teeth S55O23 CAMhcilcidco komeanpt ha— n y k i n g 111123 UFBaisbselti ichnayglp npeaerbmriooeld e UWIB Tt|J» ^ «J. J!V liM!Il H X^ V ' O« 3(■IS mI 54 Bank deal 21 Coin 35 Mi lUv i i a a Fwl 55 Eastern bigwig 23 Labels OBEUDO BDODQ OODl 57 Journey 25 Collapsible raCJOB EtBlDdB} OCIUBl 1 655 089 FBWsouroulndrtnkuieyesr r J e oa . gnh .dn s o n 222 986 SSFsrihklelieyiunl tdogei nram en i l i e u ^«O^ MI 3a JII5Vf I Hs dwS IINlSi lO£oflffsll 'lBOI^ wS X Mi u\M3 r lalDntgnl■ l appTlihcea tCiounrsr efnotr Scaoulucme nisis tnso, wr eapcocertpetrinsg a nd 6612 LLaoccka l e s 3 0 Utesremss o ars CSJUC (iEH JDv / i l EsJl EHDTUWB O O■E N lBh Ov l 63 GDoOtW It!N 333132 KLSaiwllw inadtiliet 7* M1 OA M"ll 1 d" H3 IV* I S3JI dsmB0il\ i>l pv li°l1 reviews on books, movies and music. Paid positions available. Applications can be ar m picked up in Rm. 225 of Kyser Hall m NSU LEISURE ACTIVITIES S-BALL POOL X O U R NT TV M E NT X WEDIMESD.A.Y. JUME2&. SiOOI^M AT IM/REC BUILDING SIGN UP AT TTVT/REC ON DAY OF EVENT PRIZES AWARDED TO WINNERS t-'OK MOKK INFO CALL 35~7-5^i^l Page 10 CURRENT SAUCE Tuesday, June 20,1995 Tuesday, Ju LOUISIANA SPORTS HALL OF FAME 199S INDUCTEES FRED DEAN Hometown: Ruston Louisiana Tech University All-Southland Conference defensive tackle (1971-74) College division Ail-American honors SLC Defensive Player of the Year Selected by San Diego in second round of the 1975 NFL draft Played on two Super Bowl championship teams with San Francisco JOHN RON S3> FRANKS MAESTRI Hometown: Shreveport No losing season for 14 years as baseball Eclipse Award for the nation's top thorough¬ coach at the University of New Orleans bred owner (1994,1993,1984 and 1983) Made nine NCAA Tournament appearances Leading breeder of stakes winners (1989, Second-place finish in 1975 NCAA Division 1990) II College World Series Ranked No. 1 nationally for money win¬ Tied fifth in Division I College World nings four times Series Leading owner at Louisiana Downs each year since 1982

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