Author Index—Volume 40, 2000 Current Microbiology An International Journal © Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 2000 Abeliovich, Aharon, 135 Diaz-Minguez, Jose Maria, 169 Ichimatsu, Tokio, 217 Martinez-de-Oliveira, Jose, 145 Akao, Tetsuyuki, 217 Duarte, Jose, M.C., 137 Iriarte, Javier, 17, 402 Matsumura, Nobuya, 239 Ali, Rabia Y., 269 Dumanoir, Veronique Cosmao, Itoh, Yuko H., 57 Matsuzawa, Yukiko, 398 Allende, Jose L.. 34 17 Iwahana, Hidenori, 128 May, Tammy, 176 Almeida, Ligia, 356 Dutertre, Murielle, 245 McElreath, Susan D., 86 Amick, Denise, 269 Jarret, Robert L., 29 McLemore, Jeff B.. 86 Anderson, Paige, 333 Erbeznik, Milutin, 140 Jarvis, Graeme, N.. 327 Mendo, Sonia A.L.V., 137 Ankarloo, Jonas, 51 Eslava, Arturo P., 169 Jaso-Friedmann, Liliana, 157 Mengs, Gerardo, 34 Antal, Zsuzsanna, 310 Evans, Donald L., 157 Joblin, Keith N., 327 Miller, Daniel N., 392 Anton, Dora N., 72 Miller, Thomas A., 367 Miranda, Vicente S., 279 Farrington, G. King, 333 Kaelin, Pascale, 205 Balows, Albert, 214 Ferrandis, Maria D., 17 Kale, R.K., 297 Mishra, Saroj K., 10 Banks, Donna, 29 Ferre. Juan, 17 Kalmokoff, Martin, 164 Mitchell, Thomas G., 269 Bao, Li-li, 101 Ferrer, Estrella, 34 Kanbe. Toshio, 398 Miura, Yoshiharu, 210 Barnum, Susan R., 283 Font de Valdez, Graciela, 181 Kao, Hsun-Sheng, 47 Miyasaka, Hitoshi, 210 Beard, Chery! E.. 164 Fontenelle. Catherine, 23 Kao, Shui-Shang, 227 Mizoguchi, Tadashi, 210 Bel, Yolanda, 17 Fortun, Adelia, 34 Katerov, Viacheslav, 149 Mizuki, Eiichi, 217, 418 Bennett, Jason, 409 Fouly, Hanafy M., 291 Kawarabata, Takeshi, 128 Mondou, Francine, 40 Berg. Alexandra. 51 Fox, George E., 91 Kim, Jong-Guk, 250 Moore, Edward R.B., 327 Bergquist, Peter L.. 333 Franco, C.F., 279 Kolsto, Anne-Brit, 51, 372 Berner, Jean-Marie, 372 Franzin, Laura, 96 Komaki, Toshiaki, 6 Nakagawa, Kiyomi, 6 Blanchart. Gerard, 380 Freitas, Graciete, | Kredics, Laszlo, 310 Nakamura, Larry K., 105 Boiron, Patrick, | Freitas-da-Fonseca, Antonio, 145 Kulkarni, Suneeta, 221 Nakamura, Yukinobu, 418 Boison, Gudrun, 315 Friedman, S. Marvin, 119 Kuo, Tsung Min, 105 Nautiyal, Chandra Shekhar, 221 Boopathy, R., 190 Freholm, L. Oddvar, 372 Kuo, White-Shang, 227 Nishimura, Katsumi, 217 Bordons, Albert, 351 Frutos, Roger, 200 Kurakake, Masahiro, 6 Bothe. Hermann, 315 Fukuda, Kouichi, 57 Kurosawa, Norio, 57 Ohba, Michio, 128, 217. 418 Brantner, Christine A., 132 Kuzina, Lyudmila, 367 Oliveira, Maria-Jose, 356 Buchholz, Lorie A., 132 Gadani, Ferruccio, 205 Ortega-Morales, Otto, 81 Burge. Harriet A.. 10 Garg, Nikki, 274 Lacey, Lawrence A., 200 Osaki, Makoto, 61, 67 Burgess, Diana M., 327 Gaylarde, Christine C., 81 Lambert, Sarah E., 269 Owen, Heather A., 283 Gaylarde, Peter M.. 81 Lanser, Alan C., 105 Caballero, Primitivo, 17, 402 Gibbs, Moreland. D., 333 Latorre. Amparo, 264 Pandey, Ritu, 297 Cabodi, Daniela, 96 Gibello, Alicia, 34 Lauzon, Carol R., 367 Pang, Yi, 123, 322 Caccavo, Frank. Jr. 344 Gioannini, Paolo, 96 Le Henaff, Michel, 23 Peloquin, John J., 367 Callaway, Todd R., 185 Glick. Bernard R., 362 Lecadet, M.-Marguerite, 17, 402 Pennazio, Marco, 96 Caugant, Dominique A.. 51, 372 Gonzalez. Tania, 362 Lee, Sengyong, 283 Pichuantes, Sergio E., 114 Centron, Daniela, 302 Gregg. Keith, 164 Li, Jiping, 362 Pierson, Duane L., 10 Chak. Kin-Fu, 227 Gregory, Devon A.. 269 Li, Tianyong, 322 Pina-Vaz, Cidalia, 145 Chakrabarti, Syamal K., 239 Grimaldi, Christine, 245 Lin, Jong-Huon, 227 Pineiro, Silvia A.. 302 Chang, Chung J., 29 Groves, Theron O., 10 Lindblad, Peter, 356 Porcar, Manuel, 17. 402 Chatakondu, Saikrishna, 119 Grzadka, Malgorzata, 110 Lindgren, Per-Erik, 149 Pratt, Joel, 306 Chauhan, Sanjay, 297 Gueguen, Marie-Madeleine, 23 Loeffelholz, Michael, 288 Prochaska, Daniel J., 283 Chen, Jianchi, 29 Guezennec, Jean, 81 Lopes, Maria M.., | Purdy, Charles W., 306 Cho, Jaie-Soon, 257 Lopes, Rui, 119 Choi, Yun-Jaie, 257 Hansen, Bjarne M.. 51 Lopez-Matas, M. Angeles, 169 Rang. Cecile, 200 Chung, Dae-Kyun, 257 Harmon, Stephen, 409 Lovgren, Ann, 51 Ranu, Rajinder S., 239 Collins, Mary Lynne Perille, 132 Hartmans, Sybe, 194 Lucas, Francois, 380 Ray, Arabinda, 274 Cooley, J. Danny, 306 Hartung, John S., 279 Reeves, Rosalind A., 333 Correia, Antonio C.M.. 137 Hatano, Toshitake, 418 Malek, Wanda, 110 Reguant, Cristina, 351 Costa, Jose-Luis, 356 Henriques, Isabel S., 137 Madamwar, Datta, 274 Remsen, Charles C., 132 Cuezzo de Gines, Silvia, 181 Hernandez-Duque, Guillermo, 81 Maeda, Isamu, 210 Rodrigues, Acacio A.G., 145 Higuchi, Kazuhiko, 217 Maeda, Minoru, 418 Rodriguez, Hilda, 362 D'Souza, Lisa M.. 91 Hiraishi, Akira, 398 Maldonado, Maria C., 181 Rossini, Francesco Paolo, 96 da Costa, Paulo 1., 279 Horiuchi, Tadao, 57 Manczinger, Laszlo, 310 Rossolini, Gian M., 362 Das, Amitabha, 344 Hou, Ching T., 105 Mardh, Per-Anders, 145 Roy, Denis, 40 Dawson, Karl A., 140 Hsueh, Yi-Huang, 47 Martin, Margarita, 34 Ruijssenaars, Harald J., 194 Dellaglio, Franco, 351 Hwang, Seon-Kap, 250 Martin, Scott A., 387 Russa, Ryszard, 341 Author Index—Volume 40, 2000 Current Microbiology An International Journal © Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 2000 Abeliovich, Aharon, 135 Diaz-Minguez, Jose Maria, 169 Ichimatsu, Tokio, 217 Martinez-de-Oliveira, Jose, 145 Akao, Tetsuyuki, 217 Duarte, Jose, M.C., 137 Iriarte, Javier, 17, 402 Matsumura, Nobuya, 239 Ali, Rabia Y., 269 Dumanoir, Veronique Cosmao, Itoh, Yuko H., 57 Matsuzawa, Yukiko, 398 Allende, Jose L.. 34 17 Iwahana, Hidenori, 128 May, Tammy, 176 Almeida, Ligia, 356 Dutertre, Murielle, 245 McElreath, Susan D., 86 Amick, Denise, 269 Jarret, Robert L., 29 McLemore, Jeff B.. 86 Anderson, Paige, 333 Erbeznik, Milutin, 140 Jarvis, Graeme, N.. 327 Mendo, Sonia A.L.V., 137 Ankarloo, Jonas, 51 Eslava, Arturo P., 169 Jaso-Friedmann, Liliana, 157 Mengs, Gerardo, 34 Antal, Zsuzsanna, 310 Evans, Donald L., 157 Joblin, Keith N., 327 Miller, Daniel N., 392 Anton, Dora N., 72 Miller, Thomas A., 367 Miranda, Vicente S., 279 Farrington, G. King, 333 Kaelin, Pascale, 205 Balows, Albert, 214 Ferrandis, Maria D., 17 Kale, R.K., 297 Mishra, Saroj K., 10 Banks, Donna, 29 Ferre. Juan, 17 Kalmokoff, Martin, 164 Mitchell, Thomas G., 269 Bao, Li-li, 101 Ferrer, Estrella, 34 Kanbe. Toshio, 398 Miura, Yoshiharu, 210 Barnum, Susan R., 283 Font de Valdez, Graciela, 181 Kao, Hsun-Sheng, 47 Miyasaka, Hitoshi, 210 Beard, Chery! E.. 164 Fontenelle. Catherine, 23 Kao, Shui-Shang, 227 Mizoguchi, Tadashi, 210 Bel, Yolanda, 17 Fortun, Adelia, 34 Katerov, Viacheslav, 149 Mizuki, Eiichi, 217, 418 Bennett, Jason, 409 Fouly, Hanafy M., 291 Kawarabata, Takeshi, 128 Mondou, Francine, 40 Berg. Alexandra. 51 Fox, George E., 91 Kim, Jong-Guk, 250 Moore, Edward R.B., 327 Bergquist, Peter L.. 333 Franco, C.F., 279 Kolsto, Anne-Brit, 51, 372 Berner, Jean-Marie, 372 Franzin, Laura, 96 Komaki, Toshiaki, 6 Nakagawa, Kiyomi, 6 Blanchart. Gerard, 380 Freitas, Graciete, | Kredics, Laszlo, 310 Nakamura, Larry K., 105 Boiron, Patrick, | Freitas-da-Fonseca, Antonio, 145 Kulkarni, Suneeta, 221 Nakamura, Yukinobu, 418 Boison, Gudrun, 315 Friedman, S. Marvin, 119 Kuo, Tsung Min, 105 Nautiyal, Chandra Shekhar, 221 Boopathy, R., 190 Freholm, L. Oddvar, 372 Kuo, White-Shang, 227 Nishimura, Katsumi, 217 Bordons, Albert, 351 Frutos, Roger, 200 Kurakake, Masahiro, 6 Bothe. Hermann, 315 Fukuda, Kouichi, 57 Kurosawa, Norio, 57 Ohba, Michio, 128, 217. 418 Brantner, Christine A., 132 Kuzina, Lyudmila, 367 Oliveira, Maria-Jose, 356 Buchholz, Lorie A., 132 Gadani, Ferruccio, 205 Ortega-Morales, Otto, 81 Burge. Harriet A.. 10 Garg, Nikki, 274 Lacey, Lawrence A., 200 Osaki, Makoto, 61, 67 Burgess, Diana M., 327 Gaylarde, Christine C., 81 Lambert, Sarah E., 269 Owen, Heather A., 283 Gaylarde, Peter M.. 81 Lanser, Alan C., 105 Caballero, Primitivo, 17, 402 Gibbs, Moreland. D., 333 Latorre. Amparo, 264 Pandey, Ritu, 297 Cabodi, Daniela, 96 Gibello, Alicia, 34 Lauzon, Carol R., 367 Pang, Yi, 123, 322 Caccavo, Frank. Jr. 344 Gioannini, Paolo, 96 Le Henaff, Michel, 23 Peloquin, John J., 367 Callaway, Todd R., 185 Glick. Bernard R., 362 Lecadet, M.-Marguerite, 17, 402 Pennazio, Marco, 96 Caugant, Dominique A.. 51, 372 Gonzalez. Tania, 362 Lee, Sengyong, 283 Pichuantes, Sergio E., 114 Centron, Daniela, 302 Gregg. Keith, 164 Li, Jiping, 362 Pierson, Duane L., 10 Chak. Kin-Fu, 227 Gregory, Devon A.. 269 Li, Tianyong, 322 Pina-Vaz, Cidalia, 145 Chakrabarti, Syamal K., 239 Grimaldi, Christine, 245 Lin, Jong-Huon, 227 Pineiro, Silvia A.. 302 Chang, Chung J., 29 Groves, Theron O., 10 Lindblad, Peter, 356 Porcar, Manuel, 17. 402 Chatakondu, Saikrishna, 119 Grzadka, Malgorzata, 110 Lindgren, Per-Erik, 149 Pratt, Joel, 306 Chauhan, Sanjay, 297 Gueguen, Marie-Madeleine, 23 Loeffelholz, Michael, 288 Prochaska, Daniel J., 283 Chen, Jianchi, 29 Guezennec, Jean, 81 Lopes, Maria M.., | Purdy, Charles W., 306 Cho, Jaie-Soon, 257 Lopes, Rui, 119 Choi, Yun-Jaie, 257 Hansen, Bjarne M.. 51 Lopez-Matas, M. Angeles, 169 Rang. Cecile, 200 Chung, Dae-Kyun, 257 Harmon, Stephen, 409 Lovgren, Ann, 51 Ranu, Rajinder S., 239 Collins, Mary Lynne Perille, 132 Hartmans, Sybe, 194 Lucas, Francois, 380 Ray, Arabinda, 274 Cooley, J. Danny, 306 Hartung, John S., 279 Reeves, Rosalind A., 333 Correia, Antonio C.M.. 137 Hatano, Toshitake, 418 Malek, Wanda, 110 Reguant, Cristina, 351 Costa, Jose-Luis, 356 Henriques, Isabel S., 137 Madamwar, Datta, 274 Remsen, Charles C., 132 Cuezzo de Gines, Silvia, 181 Hernandez-Duque, Guillermo, 81 Maeda, Isamu, 210 Rodrigues, Acacio A.G., 145 Higuchi, Kazuhiko, 217 Maeda, Minoru, 418 Rodriguez, Hilda, 362 D'Souza, Lisa M.. 91 Hiraishi, Akira, 398 Maldonado, Maria C., 181 Rossini, Francesco Paolo, 96 da Costa, Paulo 1., 279 Horiuchi, Tadao, 57 Manczinger, Laszlo, 310 Rossolini, Gian M., 362 Das, Amitabha, 344 Hou, Ching T., 105 Mardh, Per-Anders, 145 Roy, Denis, 40 Dawson, Karl A., 140 Hsueh, Yi-Huang, 47 Martin, Margarita, 34 Ruijssenaars, Harald J., 194 Dellaglio, Franco, 351 Hwang, Seon-Kap, 250 Martin, Scott A., 387 Russa, Ryszard, 341 Author Index—Volume 40, 2000 Russell, James B., 185 Smith, Barbara J., 29 Tsuji, Naotoshi, 67 Willson, Richard C., Rychlik, Jennifer L., 176 Soares, M. Ines M., 135 Turska-Szewezuk, Anna, 341 Wu, Pei-I, 233 Soler, Teresa, 264 Tzeng, Ching-Chou, 227 Saavedra, Claudia P., 114 Sordelli, Daniel O., 302 Xie, You-tao, 101 Sabater. Beatriz, 264 Stingele, Francesca, 194 Urbanski, Diane. 119 Xu, Jianping, 269 Saitoh, Hiroyuki, 217 Straus, David C., 306 Xu, Minging, 123 Salema, Roberto, 356 Strawn, Kent F., 10 Varel, Vincent H., 392 Sales, Muriel, 380 Strobel. Herbert J.. 140 Vasquez, Claudio C., 114 Yagi, Kiyohito, 210 Santo Domingo, Jorge W., 409 Strompl, Carsten, 327 Sato, Ryoichi, 128 Sugihara, Minako, 6 Vilgalys, Rytas J., 269 Yang. Mei-Kwei, 233 Schalen, Claes, 149 Sun, Fan, 322 Vincent, Daniel, 40 Yang, Yen-Chun, 233 Schmitz. Oliver, 315 Suzuki, Jiro, 398 Volokita, Michal, 135 Yasunaga-Aoki, Chisa, 128 Yoell, Heather J., 269 Sekizaki. Tsutomu, 61, 67 Shah, Vishal, 274 Tainter, Frank H.. 86 Wani, Emanuel L., 387 Yo-u, Shou, 6 Shaw. Gwo-Chyuan, 47 Takamatsu, Daisuke, 61, 67 Ward, Pierre, 40 Yu, Jianxiu, 123, 322 Shioji, Norio, 210 Tamagnini, Paula, 356 Wasano, Naoya, 128 Yuan, Zhiming, 322 Silva. Francisco J.. 264 Teather, Ron M., 164 Wdowiak, Sylwia, 110 Simonet, Jean-Marc, 245 Teixeira, Diva C., 279 Wei, Wan-zhi, 101 Zapparoli, Giacomo, 351 Singhal, Gauri S., 297 Torriani, Sandra, 351 Wilkinson, Henry T., 291 Zhang, Yingjie, 123 Skillman, Lucy C., 327 Totolian, Artem A., 149 Williams, Diane P.. 333 Zhang, Yongmei, 322 Subject Index—Volume 40, 2000 Current Microbiology An International Journal © Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 2000 Acid phosphatase, from Sulfolobus acido- Bacillus thuringiensis, in fresh waters of Ja- Calcium channel blockers, germ tube forma- caldarius, purification and characterization pan, 217 tion by Candida albicans inhibited by, 145 of, 57 in marine sediments of Japan, 418 Caldicellulosiruptor isolate Tok7B.1, multido- Acidiphilium rubrum, electron microscopic on cured tobacco leaves, frequency and main and multifunctional glycosyl hydro- study of ultrastructure of, 398 distribution of, 205 lases from, 333 Acinetobacter BEM2, mineralization of 4-hy- replication origin of, 123 Candida albicans, local anesthetics and cal- droxybenzoate by, 34 Bacillus thuringiensis acrystalliferous strain, cium channel blockers inhibit germ tube Acyrthosiphon pisum, molecular characteriza- synergism of cyr/Aa gene and binary toxin formation by, 145 tion of leucine plasmid from Buchnera gene in, 322 cat-86 gene, thermosensitivity of Bacillus sub- aphidicola trom, 264 Bacillus thuringiensis ser. balearica and ser. tilis and overexpression of, 119 Airborne fungi, in large office building, dy- navarrensis, characterization of, 17 Cattle, effect of antimicrobial agents on waste namics of, 10 Bacillus thuringiensis strains, electron micro- emissions from, 392 Alkaline serine protease, trom Aspergillus scopic study of spherical parasporal inclu- grazing, isolation and identification of rumi- terreus (JIRA 6.2), purification and charac- sions of, 128 nal methanogens from, 327 terization of, 239 from aquatic environments in Spain, isola- celB gene, of Caldicellulosiruptor isolate a-pinene, effect on cattle waste emissions, 392 tion and characterization of, 402 Tok7B.1, sequence of, 333 Amino acids, effect on growth and proteolytic Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, co- celE gene, of Caldicellulosiruptor isolate activity of rumen bacteria, 380 expression of binary toxin gene of Bacillus Tok7B.1, sequence of, 333 Ammonia, effect on growth and proteolytic sphaericus and cyt/Aa gene of, 322 Cellobiohydrolase, of Trichoderma harzia- activity of rumen bacteria, 380 genomic stability of, 51 num, effect of water potential on secretion Amoxicillin, susceptibility of Helicobacter Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. thompsoni, syn- and in vitro activities of, 310 pylori strains to, 96 ergistic activity against Cydia pomonella Cellulolytic activity, modified plate method Ampicillin-resistance gene, development of displayed by crystal proteins from, 200 for detection of microorganisms with, 135 promoter vector pACPR33 for E. coli based Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. wuhanensis, new Chitin synthase genes, in Mucor circinelloi- on, 302 cry genes cloned from, 227 des, cloning, analysis, and expression of Anabaena variabilis, transcriptional analysis B-fructofuranosidase, invertase from Lactoba- during dimorphism, 169 by RT-PCR of hydrogenase genes of, 315 cillus reuteri CRL 1100 shown to be, 181 Chitosanase, trom Bacillus cereus $1, enzy- Anacystis nidulans, transcriptional analysis by B-glucosidase, ot Trichoderma harzianum, matic properties of, 6 RT-PCR of hydrogenase genes of, 315 effect of water potential on secretion and in Chlorhexidine diacetate, effect on cattle waste Aniline, sulfate-reducing bacterial consortium vitro activities of, 310 emissions, 392 metabolizes tetryl to, 190 B-xvlosidase, of Trichoderma harzianum, et- Chymotrypsin, of Trichoderma harzianum, Antimicrobial agents, effect on livestock waste fect of water potential on secretion and in effect of water potential on secretion and in vitro activities of, 310 vitro activities of, 310 emissions, 392 Binary toxin gene, of Bacillus sphaericus, Clarithromycin, susceptibility of Helicobacter Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides, parasite anti- coexpressed with cyt/Aa gene in acrystallif- pylori strains to, 96 gen expression inhibited by, 157 Artificial RNA, microbial monitoring with. 91 erous strain of Bacillus thuringie Clavan, biodegradability of exopolysacchari- Bleomycin resistance gene, internal bacterial des produced by, 194 Aspergillus terreus (IJIRA 6.2), purification from Rhagoletis completa Cresson gut Clostridium sp., associated with butterfly stain and characterization of extracellular alka- transformed to express, 367 of Chilean tepa tree, 86 line serine protease from, 239 bm1IP1 gene, of Bacillus megaterium, basal- Clostridium thermocellum, expression in pro- Astragalus cicer rhizobia, morphology and level expression of P450g\4.; negatively biotic Lactobacilli of endoglucanase gene characteristics of phages specific for, 110 affected by. 47 (celA) of, 257 BstLVIM gene, nucleotide sequence of and cry genes, cloned trom Bacillus thuringiensis Bacillus cereus $1, properties of chitosanase comparison with other amino—-DNA methyl- subsp. wuhanensis strain, 227 from, 6 transferases, 114 PCR differentiation of Bacillus thuringien- Bacillus licheniformis strain, thermotolerant, Buchnera aphidicola, trom Acyrthosiphon sis strains on tobacco leaves with, 205 genetic characterization of, 137 pisum, sequence of leucine plasmid of, 264 Cryptic plasmid pSSU1 , isolated from Strepto- Bacillus megaterium, basal-level expression of Burkholderia cepacia IS-16, cloning and char- coccus suis serotype 2, sequence analysis P450gm.; gene negatively affected by acterization of gene encoding protein facili- of, 61 bm1P1 gene, 47 tating phosphatase activity of, 362 Cryptococcus neoformans, Tricholoma matsu- Bacillus sphaericus, coexpression of cyt/Aa Butterfly stain, of Chilean tepa tree, bacteria take as representative of Basidiomycota as gene of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. is- associated with, 86 alternative to, 250 raelensis and binary toxin gene of, 322 Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, effects of ammonia uniparental mitochondrial transmission in Bacillus stearothermophilus LV, nucleotide and amino acids on growth and proteolytic sexual crosses in, 269 sequence and analysis of gene encoding bst activity of, 380 Culturability, of Salmonella strains in river LVI DNA methyltransferase from, 114 promoter—rescue plasmid isolated and char- water, 409 Bacillus subtilis, cat-86 gene overexpression acterized flagellin gene (flaA) promoter Cyanobacteria, diversity of hydrogenases in, and thermosensitivity in, 119 from, 164 356 Subject Index—Volume 40, 2000 431 Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142, physical and Flagellin gene (flaA) promoter, from Butyri- Invertase, from Lactobacillus reuteri CRL thermal analysis of extracellular polysac- vibrio fibrisolvens characterized by pro- 1100, purification and characterization of, charide produced by, 274 moter—rescue plasmid pBHE, 164 181 Cydia pomonella, crystal proteins from Bacil- Fresh water, Bacillus thuringiensis frequency lodoacetate, effect on cattle waste emissions, lus thuringiensis display synergistic activity in, 217 392 against, 200 lon chromatography, with DCBAW detector cysB mutants, cysteine regulon expression of Gaeumannomyces graminis, group | intron in detects magnesium concentration during Salmonella typhimurium affects response to nuclear small subunit rDNA of. 291 whole cell culture, 101 mecillinam of, 72 Gel electrophoresis, pulsed field, genomic Ionic channel blockade, germ tube formation Cysteine regulon, of Salmonella typhimurium, DNA fingerprinting of Oenococcus oeni by Candida albicans inhibited by local an- induction of, 72 strains in wine by, 351 esthetics related to, 145 cytlAa gene, of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. two-dimensional, light-specific proteins israelensis, coexpressed with binary toxin produced by Synechococcus sp. PCC 10-Ketostearic acid, produced by Sphingobac- gene in acrystalliferous strain of Bacillus 7942 shown by, 297 terium thalpophilum strains isolated from thuringiensi Germ tube formation, by Candida albicans compost enriched by oleic acid, 105 inhibited by local anesthetics and calcium Klebsiella pneumoniae, from Rhagoletis Derjaguin—Landau-Verwey—Overbeek blockers, 145 completa Cresson gut, transformed to pro- (DLVO) theory, correlation between cell Gloeocapsa, in ancient Mayan buildings, 81 duce enhanced green fluorescent protein, adhesion and dissimilatory Fe(III) oxide Glucose phosphorylation, phosphoenolpyru- 367 reduction shown by, 344 vate-dependent, by Megasphaera elsdensii, Dissimilatory Fe(III) oxide reduction, by effect of growth substrate and extracellular Lactobacilli, molecular identification of, 40 Shewanella alga BrY, cell adhesion pH on, 387 Lactobacillus gallinarum strains, character- required in, 344 Glycosyl hydrolase gene clusters, from Caldi- ized by RAPD and genomic sizes estimated Double cell bulk acoustic wave sensor, for ion by PFGE, 40 cellulosiruptor isolate Tok7B.1, sequence chromatographic study of relation between of, 333 Lactobacillus gasseri, expression ot Clos- magnesium and organism growth, 101 GMP synthetase, in Lactobacillus rhamnosus, tridium thermocellum endoglucanase gene in, 257 genetic organization and polymorphism of E-test, Helicobacter pylori susceptibility to guaA gene encoding, 245 Lactobacillus helveticus Lh59, biodegradabil- antimicrobial agents evaluated by, 96 Group I intron, in nuclear small subunit rDNA ity of exopolysaccharides produced by, 194 Endoglucanase-encoding gene (celA), of Clos- of Graeumannomyces graminis, 291 Lactobacillus johnsonii, expression of Clos- tridium thermocellum expressed in Lacto- guaA gene, encoding GMP synthetase in Lac- tridium thermocellum endoglucanase gene bacillus gasseri and L. johnsonii, 257 in, 257 tobacillus rhamnosus, genetic organization Energy dispersive x-ray analysis, elements and polymorphism of, 245 Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1100, purification produced by Acidiphilium rubrum detected and characterization of invertase from, 181 by. 398 Lactobacillus rhamnosus, genetic organization Heat shock protein HSP16.6, in Synechocystis Enhanced green fluorescent protein, internal and polymorphism of guaA gene encoding sp. PCC 6803, role in development of ther- bacteria from Rhagoletis completa Cresson GMP synthetase in, 245 motolerance and thylakoid stability in, 283 gut transformed to express, 367 Lactobacillus sakei 0-1, biodegradability of Helicobacter pylori strains, clarithromycin Enterobacter agglomerans, from Rhagoletis exopolysaccharides produced by, 194 and amoxicillin susceptibility of, 96 completa Cresson gut, transformed to pro- Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris B40, biode- Histidine biosynthesis genes, in Thermoan- duce enhanced green fluorescent protein, gradability of exopolysaccharides produced aerobacter ethanolicus, organization and 367 by. 194 sequence of, 140 Escherichia coli, promoter vector pACPR33 Large subunit rDNA, in Tricholoma matsu- based on ampicillin-resistance gene devel- Hydrogen production, by photosynthetic bac- take, structure and phylogeny of, 250 oped for, 302 terium with seawater, effect of sulfate- Lens paper, microorganisms with overall cel- ET-5 complex, comparison of genomic varia- reducing bacteria on, 210 lulolytic activity detected using, 135 tion in Neisseria meningitidis strain 44/76 Hydrogenase genes, in cyanobacteria, diver- Leucine plasmid, from Buchnera aphidicola and other strains of, 372 sity of, 356 from Acyrthosiphon pisum, molecular char- Exochitinase, of Trichoderma harzianum, ef- of Anacystis nidulans and Anabaena vari- acterization of, 264 fect of water potential on secretion and in abilis, transcriptional analysis of, 315 lexA gene, of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitro activities of, 310 4-Hydroxybenzoate, metabolized by Acineto- citri, Cloning and analysis of, 233 Exopolysaccharides, food-associated, biode- bacter strain BEM2, 34 lexA mutant, of Xanthomonas campestris pv. gradability of, 194 10-Hydroxystearic acid, produced by Sphin- citri, effect on recA expression, 233 Extracellular polysaccharide, from Cyano- gobacterium thalpophilum strains isolated Lipase activity, by Pasteurella multocida thece sp. ATCC 51142, physical and ther- from compost enriched by oleic acid, 105 strains, 306 mal analysis of, 274 Lipopolvsaccharide, role in adsorption of Inclusion bodies, trom Bacillus thuringiensis phage Al into Mesorhizobium loti HAMBI Fatty acid analysis, phototrophic biofilms on subsp. thompsoni, toxicity to Cydia po- 1129, 341 ancient Mayan buildings detected by, 81 monella, 200 Lipoproteins, in plasma membrane of Myco- Fibrobacter succinogenes S85, effect of Indoor air, of large office building, longitudi- plasma agalactiae, contain N-acyl diacyl Methanobrevibacter smithii on growth rate, nal sampling study of, 10 glycerylcysteine, 23 organic acid production, and ATP activity Intracytoplasmic membrane, from Methylomi- Local anesthetics, germ tube formation by of, 176 crobium album BG8, isolation of, 132 Candida albicans inhibited by, 145 432 Subject Index—Volume 40, 2000 Lotus corniculatus, phage Al infecting Meso- Office building, dynamics of airborne fungal Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA rhizobium loti HAMBI 1129 isolated from, populations in, 10 (RAPD) analysis, genetic diversity of Bacil- 341 Oleic acid, 10-HSA and 10-KSA produced by lus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis studied Sphingobacterium thalpophilum strains by, 51 Madurella mycetomatis, RAPD and REA as from compost enriched by, 105 Madureila mycetomatis strains typed using, | typing systems for, | similarity among Lactobacilli strains based Magnesium concentration, during whole cell P450gy.;, bm1P 1]g ene of Bacillus megaterium on, 40 culture detected by ion chromatography negatively affects basal-level expression of, Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA PCR using, 101 47 (RAPD-PCR), genomic DNA fingerprinting Maltose phosphorylation, by Megasphaera Parasporal inclusions, of Bacillus thuringien- of Oenococcus oeni strains in wine by, 351 elsdensii, effect of growth substrate and sis from Japanese marine sediments, 418 Rapid freeze substitution technique, electron extracellular pH on, 387 of Bacillus thuringiensis strains, compara- microscopic study of Acidiphilium rubrum Marine sediments, Bacillus thuringiensis oc- tive electron microscopic study of, 128 ultrastructure using, 398 currence in, 418 Pasteurella multocida, lipase activity from recA gene, of Xanthomonas campestris pv. Mecillinam, induction of cysteine regulon of strains of, 306 citri, lexA gene regulates expression of, 233 Salmonella typhimurium in LB medium PH stress, effect on temperature-tolerant Rhi- Replication origin, of Bacillus thuringiensis, affects cysB mutants response to, 72 zobium sp. NBRI330 nodulating Prosopis sequence analysis and stability of, 123 Megasphaera elsdensii, effects of growth sub- juliflora, 221 Restriction endonuclease assay (REA), Mad- strate and extracellular pH on glucose and Phosphatase activity, of Burkholderia cepacia urella mycetomatis strains typed using, | maltose phosphorylation by, 387 IS-16, isolation of gene encoding protein Restriction fragment length polymorphism Mesorhizobium loti HAMBI 1129, isolation of associated with, 362 (RFLP), from Cryptococcus neoformans phage Al from Lotus corniculatus active Photosynthetic bacterium, effect of sulfate- strains distinguished by, 269 against, 341 reducing bacteria on outdoor hydrogen pro- Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reac- Metal removal, gel formation by exopolysac- duction with seawater by, 210 tion (RT-PCR), transcriptional analysis of charide from Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 Phototrophic biofilms, on ancient Mayan hydrogenase genes of Anacystis nidulans used for, 274 buildings in Yucatan, Mexico, 81 and Anabaena variabilis monitored by, 315 Methanobacterium formicicum, in grazing Pieris rapae larvae, new cry gene from Bacil- Rhagoletis completa Cresson, genetic transfor- cattle rumen, isolation and identification of, lus thuringiensis subsp. wuhanensis strain mation of internal extracellular bacteria 327 toxic to, 227 from gut of, 367 Methanobrevibacter smithii, effect on growth Plasma membrane proteins, of Mycoplasma Rhizobiophages, for Astragalus cicer rhizobia, rate, organic acid production, and ATP ac- agalactiae, acylation of, 23 morphology and characteristics of, 110 tivity of ruminal cellulolytic bacteria, 176 Plasmid pPL708C2, effect on thermosensitiv- Rhizobium sp. NBRI330, effects of salt and pH Methanomicrobium mobile, in grazing cattle ity of Bacillus subtilis, 119 stress on growth of, 221 rumen, isolation and identification of, 327 Plasmid vector, for selection of promoters in Rhodovulum sulfidophilum W-1S, effect of Methanosarcina barkeri, in grazing cattle ru- Escherichia coli, 302 sulfate-reducing bacteria on outdoor hydro- men, isolation and identification of, 327 Plutella xylostella larvae, new cry gene from gen production with seawater by, 210 Methylomicrobium album BG8, isolation of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. wuhanensis Ribosomal DNA, of Gaeumannomyces grami- intracytoplasmic membrane from, 132 strain toxic to, 227 nis, group I intron in, 291 Mitochondrial DNA transmission, in sexual Polymerase chain reaction, arbitrarily primed, River water, survival of Salmonella strains in, crosses in Cryptococcus neoformans, 269 Xylella fastidiosa strains distinguished by, 409 Monensin, variations in Prevotella species 279 resistance to, 185 Prevotella albensis, effects of ammonia and Rolling circle mechanism, cryptic plasmid Mucor circinelloides, chitin synthase gene amino acids on growth and proteolytic ac- pSSU1 from Streptococcus suis serotype 2 Mcchs! differentially expressed during di- tivity of, 380 replicates by, 61 morphism of, 169 Ruminal bacteria, proteolytic, effects of am- Prevotella strains, variations in monensin sen- Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), sitivity in, 185 monia and amino acids on growth and pro- genetic diversity of Bacillus thuringiensis Probiotic Lactobacilli, genetically modified teolytic activity of, 380 subsp. israelensis studied by, 51 Ruminal methanogens, from grazing cattle, by endoglucanase gene, characterization of, Mycoplasma agalactiae, acylation of plasma 257 isolation and identification of, 327 membrane proteins of, 23 Promoter-rescue plasmid pBHE, identifica- Ruminococcus albus 8, effect of Methanobre- tion and characterization of flagellin pro- vibacter smithii on growth rate, organic acid production, and ATP activity of, 176 Neisseria meningitidis strains, of ET-5 com- moters in Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens by, 164 plex, genomic rearrangements of, 372 Prosopis juliflora, effects of salt and pH stress Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1, effect of Nonspecific cytotoxic cells, sequence-specific on Rhizobium sp. NBRI330 nodulating, 221 Methanobrevibacter smithii on growth rate, antisense oligodeoxynucleotides determine Pseudomonas putida, expression of marker organic acid production, and ATP activity Tetrahymena pyriformis antigen recognized RNAs in, 91 of, 176 by, 157 Pseudomonas sp., associated with butterfly stain of Chilean tepa tree, 86 Salmonella strains, in river water, survival of, O-acetylserine lyase, from Streptococcus suis, Pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), ge- 409 cloning and characterization of gene encod- netic diversity of Bacillus thuringiensis Salmonella typhimurium, cloned O-acetylser- ing, 67 subsp. israelensis studied by, 51 ine lyase gene from Streptococcus suis Oenococcus oeni strains, in wine, RAPD- genomic DNA fingerprinting of Oenococ- homolog of CysM in, 67 PCR vs. PFGE in typing of, 351 cus oeni strains in wine by, 351 induction of cysteine regulon of, 72 Subject Index—Volume 40, 2000 433 Salt, effect on temperature-tolerant Rhizobium sp. Streptococcus suis serotype 2, sequence analy- Tipula oleracea, Bacillus thuringiensis strains NBRI330 nodulating Prosopis juliflora, 221 sis of small cryptic plasmid isolated from, from Spanish aquatic environments are Sequence-specific antisense oligodeoxynucleo- 61 toxic against, 402 tides, Tetrahymena pyriformis antigen rec- Streptococcus thermophilus, biodegradability Tobacco leaves, frequency and distribution of ognized by nonspecific cytotoxic cells de- of exopolysaccharides produced by, 194 Bacillus thuringiensis strains on, 205 termined by, 157 Sulfate-reducing bacteria, effect on outdoor Trichoderma harzianum strain T66, effect of Serovars, ot Bacillus thuringiensis, character- hydrogen production by photosynthetic bac- water potential on growth, enzyme secre- ization of, 17 terium with seawater, 210 tion, and in vitro enzyme activities of, 310 Serum opacity factor (SOF) proteins, of Strep- Sulfate-reducing bacterial consortium, anaero- Tricholoma matsutake, structure and phylog- tococcus pyrogenes and §. dysgalactiae, bic degradation of tetryl to aniline by, 190 eny of large subunit ribosomal RNA in, 250 lipoproteinase and fibronectin-binding ac- Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, isolation and enzy- tivities of, 149 matic properties of acid phosphatase from, Water potential, effect on growth, enzyme Shewanella alga BrY, adhesion required for 57 secretion, and in vitro enzyme activities of dissimilatory Fe(IIl) oxide reduction by, 344 Survival study, of Salmonella strains in river Trichoderma harzianum strain T66, 310 16S rDNA sequences, Xylella fastidiosa iden- water, 409 Whole cell growth, relation with magnesium tified using, 29 Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, 2D gel electro- studied by ion chromatography, 101 sof63 gene, of Streptococcus pyrogenes, clon- phoresis shows light-specific proteins syn- ing and sequencing of, 149 Sphingobacterium thalpophilum strains, \0- thesized by, 297 Xanthan, biodegradability of exopolysacchari- KSA and 10-HSA produced by, 105 Synechocystis, in ancient Mayan buildings, 81 des produced by, 194 Streptococcus bovis, effects of ammonia and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, role of HSP16.6 Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri, identifica- amino acids on growth and proteolytic ac- in thermotolerance and thylakoid stability tion of /exA gene in and construction of tivity of, 380 in, 283 lexA mutant of, 233 Streptococcus dysgalactiae, SOF proteins Xenococcus, biomass on interior surfaces of from Streptococcus pyrogenes similar to Tepa trees, bacteria associated with butterfly ancient Mayan buildings, 81 that of, 149 stain in, 86 Xylella fastidiosa, 16S rDNA sequence used to Streptococcus pyrogenes, sequence analysis of Tetryl, sulfate-reducing bacterial consortium identify, 29 serum opacity factor proteins from, 149 forms aniline during metabolism of, 190 arbitrarily primed PCR distinguishes strains Streptococcus suis, cloning and characteriza- Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus, organiza- of, 279 tion of gene encoding O-acetylserine lyase tion and sequence of histidine biosynthesis rynA gene, of Caldicellulosiruptor isolate from, 67 genes hisH, -A, -F, -IE in, 140 Tok7B.1. sequence of, 333