Current Issues in Kaon Photoelectro-Production off the Nucleon 1 1 0 2 n a J Patrick ACHENBACH∗ 3 InstitutfürKernphysik,J.J.Becherweg45, 2 JohannesGutenberg-Universität,D-55099Mainz,Germany ] E-mail: [email protected] x e - l TheelectromagnetickaonproductionamplitudesassociatedtoL /S 0 hyperonscanbedescribed c u byphenomenologicalmodels,mostnotablybyisobarapproaches. n Experimental data on kaon production have been collected at ELSA, SPring8, GRAAL, LNS [ Tohoku,and JeffersonLab in the past, the measurementsatJeffersonLab providingthe largest 1 kinematic coverage and statistical significance. However, ambiguities inherent in the models, v somedatainconsistencyinthecross-sectionstakenatdifferentlaboratories,andtheproblemof 2 9 missingacceptanceinforwarddirectionoftheexperimentalset-upshindersareliableextraction 3 ofresonanceparameters. 4 Predictionsforthehypernuclearphoto-productioncross-sectionrelyonaconsistentandcompre- . 1 hensive descriptionof the elementaryprocess at forwardkaon angles, where the currentstrong 0 variationofthemodelsisveryunsatisfactory. 1 1 A number of new experimentsare now addressing these issues, among them the charged kaon : v electro-productionprogrammewith the KAOS spectrometer at the Mainz Microtron MAMI. In i X this work predictionsof the two prominentisobar models, Kaon-Maid and Saclay-Lyon A, are r comparedforthekinematicsatMAMI. a PACS: 13.60.Le, 25.20.Lj, 25.30.Rw, 21.80.+a XLVIIIInternationalWinterMeetingonNuclearPhysicsinMemoriamofIleanaIori 25-29January2010 Bormio,Italy Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. CurrentIssuesinKaonPhotoelectro-ProductionofftheNucleon PatrickACHENBACH 1. Introduction The kaon electro-production reaction on a proton target is a promising channel for study- ing the excited nucleon. During the last decade, key kaon production measurements were per- formed at ELSA, the Electron Stretcher Accelerator in Bonn, published by the SAPHIR collab- oration [1, 2], and at Jefferson Lab (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility). Exper- iment E98-108 in Hall A took data in a kinematic region of high squared-momentum-transfer Q2 =2.35(GeV/c)2 and hadronic energy W 1.80 [3]. Several large-acceptance measurements ≥ have been performed with the CLASdetector at Hall B [4, 5]. New measurements at CLAShave beenperformedwithimprovedstatisticalsignificanceandwiderenergycoveragecomparedtopre- viousresults[6]. However,thedetectorCLAShasalimitedacceptanceforfour-vectormomentum transfers Q2 <0.5(GeV/c)2 and for forward angles. Experiment E03-018 carried out at Hall C studied the two hyperon channels p(e,eK+)L and p(e,eK+)S 0 and performed the first precise ′ ′ Rosenbluthseparationofcross-sections intolongitudinal andtransverseterms[7,8]. Inspiteofall these data, cross-sections published after 1990 and taken at different laboratories are inconsistent andmostoftheexperimentalset-upsusedtostudythestrangenessproductionchannelsaremissing acceptance inforwardacceptance. AlthoughitisbelievedthattheStandardModelprovides therighttheoretical basisforthede- scriptionoftheprocess,thenon-perturbativenatureofQCDatlowenergiesprecludesadirectcom- parisonofexperimentsandtheory. Inanalogytothesuccessfuldescriptionofpionphotoproduction intheD -resonanceregionorh photoproductioninthesecondresonanceregion,theelectromagnetic kaon production amplitudes associated to L /S 0 hyperons can be described by phenomenological models. Theoretical groups have developed aparticular type of effective Lagrangian model, com- monlyreferredtoasisobarapproach, inwhichthereactionamplitude isconstructed froms-,t-,or u-channel exchange diagrams. Mostofthe models usesingle-channel approaches, inwhich asin- glehadronisexchanged. Sinceseveralresonancesmaycontribute inthischannel,modelsdisagree ontheirrelativeimportance, andmanyfreeparameters havetobefixed. Therearestillanumberofopenproblemsintheinterpretationofkaonphotoelectro-production data and the description of the process using phenomenological models, see Ref. [9] for a recent discussion. Especially the shape discrepancy at W 1.9GeV is problematic, and partial-wave ≈ analyses in this energy region have produced various resonance contributions, including D , P , 13 13 D ,andS states. 11 11 To conclude, it is fair to say that new experimental data on strangeness production will chal- lengeandimproveourunderstanding ofthestronginteraction inthelowenergyregimeofQCD. 2. Phenomenological Descriptionofthe Reaction In isobaric models the reaction amplitudes are constructed from lowest-order (so-called tree- level) Born terms with the addition of extended Born terms for intermediate particles, N, K, orY resonances, exchanged in the s-, t-, and u-channels as shown in Fig. 1. Each intermediate state enters into the model through its coupling constant and decay width. Diagrams containing inter- mediate nucleon resonances can produce peaks at given hadronic energiesW, or equivalently √s, 2 CurrentIssuesinKaonPhotoelectro-ProductionofftheNucleon PatrickACHENBACH + K Y K+ Y Y K+ K+, K* L, S o , L * time p, N*, D * g* p g* p g* p t-channel u-channel s-channel Figure1: Lowest-orderFeynmandiagramsofs-,t-,andu-channelexchangesforthep(e,eK+)Y reaction. ′ The vertices enter into the models through coupling constants and form-factors. The different resonance contributionsaresubjecttomodelvariationsandglobalfits. in the cross-sections at the pole masses of the s-channel intermediate states. Intermediate kaons andhyperons causenosuchpeakingbehaviour, andareoftencalledbackground contributions. Acomplete description ofthe reaction process would require allpossible channels that could coupletotheinitialandfinalstate. Mostofthemodelcalculationsforkaonelectrophoto-production have been performed in the framework of tree-level isobar models [10–12], however, only few coupled-channels calculationsexist[13,14]. Inthetree-levelframeworkhigher-order mechanisms likefinal-stateinteractions andchannelcouplings arenottreatedexplicitly. The advantages of the one-channel, tree-level approach are its limited complexity and the identificationofthedominanttrends. Evenso,severaldozenparametersremain. Onereasonisthat, incontrasttopionandetaproduction,thekaonproductionprocessinthes-channelisnotdominated by a single resonant state. Although the choice of the resonances is guided by existing p N data and quark model predictions, the models differ in the use of specific nucleon, hyperon, and kaon resonances. Thedrawback of the isobaric models is the large and unknown number of exchanged hadrons that can contribute in the intermediate state of the reaction. Depending on which set of resonances isincluded, verydifferentconclusions aboutthestrengths ofthecontributing diagrams forresonant baryonformationandkaonexchangemaybereached. For an unpolarised electron beam and an unpolarised target, the five-fold differential cross- section forthep(e,eK+)L process canbewritten,seee.g.[15],inaveryintuitiveform: ′ ds ds =G v , (2.1) dE dW dW vdW e′ e ∗K ∗K wherethevirtualphoto-production cross-section isconventionally expressed as ds ds ds ds ds v = T +e L +p2e (1+e ) LT cosf +e TT cos2f . (2.2) dW dW dW dW K∗ dW K∗ ∗K ∗K ∗K ∗K ∗K The kaon angles q and f are given inspherical coordinates in the hadronic centre-of-mass sys- K∗ K∗ tem. The degree-of-polarisation of the virtual photon is denoted by e . The terms indexed by T,L,LT,TT arethetransverse,longitudinalandinterferencecross-sections. Theelectro-production of strangeness introduces two contributions, that are vanishing for the kinematic point at Q2 = 0: the longitudinal coupling of the photons in the initial state, and the electromagnetic and hadronic 3 CurrentIssuesinKaonPhotoelectro-ProductionofftheNucleon PatrickACHENBACH q = 70 deg Q2=0.035 (GeV/c)2 F =0 ˛ =0.4 Q2=0.035 (GeV/c)2 W=1.750 GeV F =0 ˛ =0.4 Wsm ( b/sr)/dd00..1146 SKa-Mclaaiyd- vLayroiannt Wsm ( b/sr)/dd 00..56 KSFua-Mcllla aKiyd-- MvLayaroiidannt 0.4 0.12 0.3 0.10 0.2 0.08 Acceptance 0.06 0.1 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 W (MeV) cos q Figure 2: Comparison of cross-section predictionsfrom the Kaon-Maid and Saclay-Lyon models for the kinematicsmeasuredatMAMIasafunctionofthehadronicenergy(left)andasafunctionofthecentre-of- masskaonscatteringangle(right).Thehadronicenergyacceptanceofthespectrometerset-upatMAMIfor thesecondkinematicsettingisindicated.Theacceptanceincosq isbetween0.1and0.7. form factors of the exchanged particles. The introduction of form factors has a serious impact on the properties ofamodel. Itiscommonpractice tousephenomenological form factors toaccount for the extension of the point-like interactions at the hadronic vertices [16]. It is a well-known phenomenon thattheinsertion ofstrongformfactorsbreaksthegaugeinvariance ofisobarmodels for meson photo- and electro-production. Different models typically have different prescriptions forrestoring gaugeinvariance. 3. Kaon-Electroproduction atMAMI A first experiment of L and S 0 hyperons in elementary electro-production at MAMI was carried out at the spectrometer facility of the A1 Collaboration at the Institut für Kernphysik in Mainz, Germany. During the last years the facility has been extended by the magnetic spectrom- eter KAOS, dedicated to the detection of charged kaons. The electron beam impinged with an energy of 1507MeV on a liquid-hydrogen target. The data were taken at two different settings with kaons in a large in-plane angular range, J = 21–43 , and in the momentum range of 400– K ◦ 700MeV/c. Thetwosettings wereatfour-vector momentumtransfersof Q2 =0.050(GeV/c)2, h i respectively 0.036(GeV/c)2, and at hadronic energies of W = 1.67GeV, respectively 1.75GeV. h i Cross-sections are to be extracted in the near future. The detection of kaons at very forward lab- oratory angles will be achieved in the near future by steering the primary beam through the spec- trometerandamagneticchicane comprisingtwocompensating sectormagnets. Model predictions for centre-of-mass cross-sections as a function of the hadronic energy at fixedkaonangleandforthedifferentialcross-section atfixedhadronicenergyareshowninFig.2. The predictions are from the Kaon-Maid model, a variant of it, and the Saclay Lyon A (SLA) model[17]. CommontotheKaon-MaidandSaclay-Lyonmodelsisthat,besidestheextendedBorn diagrams, they also include kaon resonances K (890) and K (1270). InKaon-Maid, fournucleon ∗ 1 resonances, the S (1650), P (1710), P (1720), and the “missing resonance” D (1900) have 11 11 13 13 been included. ThisD statehasneverbeenobserved inpionic reactions buttheexistence ofthis 13 4 CurrentIssuesinKaonPhotoelectro-ProductionofftheNucleon PatrickACHENBACH ) ) sr K−Maid g p fi K+L (Q =60°; Q2= 0.036 GeV2/c2; e =0.4) sr K−Maid g p fi K+L (Q =60°; Q2= 0.036 GeV2/c2; e =0.4) b/ b/ s s m( 0 m( 0 1.0 s T 1.0 s T Wd s Wd s / L / L sd s sd s TT TT s s TL TL 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 1700 1800 1900 2000 1700 1800 1900 2000 W (MeV) W (MeV) Figure 3: Kaon-Maid cross-section predictions for the L reaction channel in the kinematics measured at MAMIusingthefullversion(left)andavariantwithoutlongitudinalcouplingoftheD (1900)resonance 13 (right).Thedefinitionoftheseparatedtermsofthecross-sectionisgiveninthetext. resonance with considerable branching into the strange channel was predicted by the constituent quarkmodelcalculations. Calculations with both models for the kinematics studied with the KAOS spectrometer at MAMIresultinrelativelylargediscrepancies inthelongitudinal contributions tothecross-section. The full Kaon-Maid model including all couplings and individual dipole form-factors of baryon resonances reveals the following set of cross-sections at the centre of the acceptance in the kine- matics probed at MAMI: s = 235nb/sr; s = 423nb/sr; s = 121nb/sr, s = 120nb/sr. T L TT TL − The large longitudinal as well as the s and s cross-sections are strongly affected by the lon- TT TL gitudinal coupling of the D (1900) resonance and the appropriate electromagnetic form-factor. 13 With vanishing longitudinal coupling the change in s , s , and s cross-sections is dramatic. L TT TL This behaviour of the model is questionable. Fig. 3 shows the predictions using the full version compared to a variant without longitudinal coupling of the D (1900) resonance in the kinematic 13 region of the measurements at MAMI. The electromagnetic form-factor of the D (1900) was in- 13 troducedintoKaon-MaidandfixedtothedatatakenatJeffersonLab[7,8]toproduceasharppeak ins asafunction ofQ2 atonehadronicenergy (W =1.84GeV). L ThemodelSLAisasimplifiedversion ofthefullSaclay-Lyon modelinwhichanucleon res- onance withspin-5/2 appears inaddition. Theextension oftheSaclay-Lyon model tothe electro- productiondoesnotincludetoomanyadditionalparameters. PredictionsoftheSaclay-Lyonmodel areingoodagreement withpredictions ofthediscussed variant oftheKaon-Maid modelinwhich 5 CurrentIssuesinKaonPhotoelectro-ProductionofftheNucleon PatrickACHENBACH identical phenomenological electromagnetic form-factors are used and also with those from the original Kaon-Maidversionwithoutthelongitudinal coupling oftheD (1900)resonance. 13 These models characterise our present understanding of kaon photo-production reactions at photon energies below 1.5GeV.However, thevariations inthemodelpredictions inthe resonance regionareclearlyvisiblewhichleadtotheconclusion, thatourdescriptionoftheprocessstilllacks considerable insight. 4. Perspective With regard to future experimental work it is obvious that there are interesting topics in ele- mentarykaonelectro-production intheregion0<Q2<0.5GeV/c2. Theplannedoperationofthe KAOSspectrometerusingapre-targetbeamchicaneprovidesanexperimentalset-upthatisunique intheworldandwhichwillallowunprecedented measurements atforwardangles. Kaon electro-production measurements are only one of the many perspectives from which strangeness physicsshouldbeviewed, withtheultimategoalofproviding amorethorough under- standing ofthecomposition ofnuclear matterandsub-nuclear reaction dynamics. Acknowledgements I am thankful to Terry Mart from the University of Indonesia and Petr Bydžovský from the NuclearPhysicsInstituteinRˇežnearPragueforsendingmetheircodesforthecalculationofkaon photoelectro-production cross-sections andwhoassistedmeintheinterpretation oftheresults. References [1] M.Q.Tranetal.,Measurementofg p K+L andg p K+S 0 atphotonenergiesupto2GeV,Phys. → → Lett.B445(1998)20–26. [2] K.H.Glanderetal.,Measurementofg p K+L andg p K+S 0 atphotonenergiesupto2.6GeV, → → Eur.Phys.J.A19(2004)251–273. 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