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Current History a Journal of Contemporary World Affairs January-December 2002: Vol 101 Index PDF

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Preview Current History a Journal of Contemporary World Affairs January-December 2002: Vol 101 Index

RRENT HISTORY INDEX January-December 2002 + mhfe r As 4 AFGHANISTAN >ept 250 America, Feb., 51 A Blueprint for Afghanistan, April, 153 China's War on “Cults,” Sept., 259 Mexico India and Pakistan in the Shadow of Quiet Struggle in the East China Sea Fox’ Mexico: Same as It Ever Was? Feb., 58 Afghanistan, April, 147 ept 271 An Interview with Afghan Foreign Minister Sino-American Relations since September Mipote East Abdullah Abdullah, April, 158 11: Can the New Stability Last? Sept., 243 America’s Approach to the Middle East The Other Allies: Russia, India, and Sino-Japanese Relations: Competition and Legacies, Questions, and ~ossibilities Afghanistan's United Front, Jan., 40 Cooperation, Sept., 290 Jan., 3 Rebuilding Afghanistan, March, 133 Waiting for China's Lech Walesa, Sept Bin Laden, the Arab “Street,” and the Xinjiang: China's Future West Bank? Middle East's Democracy Deficit, Jan AFRICA Sept 26 lran’s Liberal Revolution? Jan., | Africa’s Other Story, May, 225 Networks of Dissent: Islamism and Irrational Exuberance The Clinton EGypr Reform in Saudi Arabia, Jan., 22 Administration in Africa, May, 195 The P yf Emergency Rule in Egypt lhe Other Allies: Russia India, and Osama bin Laden's “Business” in Sudan Jan Afghanistan's United Front Jan., 40 May, 203 ENERGY The Politic s of Emergency Rule in Egypt Somalia: In the Crosshairs of the War on Energy Reso irces and Uses A Global jan., 29 Terrorism, May, 210 Primer for th 1e Twenty-First Century Why Peace Failed: An Oslo Autopsy, Jan., 8 Zimbabwe: The Making of an Autocratic March. 126 Democracy,” May, 219 Global Petro-Politics The Foreign Policy PAKISTAN China and Pakistan: Strains in the ARGENTINA Implicat ons of the Bush Relationship, Sept., 284 Peggg.e d lor ailure? Argentinas Crisis Administration's Energy Plan, March, 99 India and Pakistan in the Shadow United States Energy Policy during the Aighanistan, April, 14 1990s, March, 105 India, Pakistan and the Prospect of War America in Eurasia: One Year Alter, Oct GERMANY April, 160 30) Same War, Different Views: Germany, Japan POUTICAL ISLAM A Blueprint for Afghanistan, April, 153 and the War on Terrorism, Dec., 427 Activism and Retorm in Islam China and North Korea: The Close but INDIA America and the Islamic World Uncomfortable Relationship, Sept., 278 ndia and Pakistan in the Shadow of Islamism and Anti-Americanism i China and Pakistan: Strains in the Alghanistan April, 147 Central Asia, Oct., 33 Relationship, Sept., 284 India, Pakistan, and the Prospect of War is There a Muslim Foreign India and Pakistan in the Shadow of April, 160 Case ol h e Caspian No Afghanistan, April, 147 Jihad and Political Violence India, Pakistan, and the Prospect of War IRAN Networks of Dissent: Islamism and April, 160 Iran's Liberal Revolution? J) an Reform in Saudi Arabia, Jan., 22 Islamism and Anti-Americanism in JAPAN Osama bin Laden as Transnational Central Asia, Oct., 337 Japan's Slow-Moving Economic Avalanche Revolutionary Leader, Feb., 81 Is There a Muslim Foreign Policy? The April, 172 Political Islam in Southeast Asia Case ol the Caspian Nov 382 Quiet Struggle in the East China Sea Japan’s Slow-Mo ing Economic Avalanche RUSSIA April, 172 Sept, 2 | America and Russia: Make-Believe Arms Political Islam in Southeast Asia, Nov., 388 Same War Dillerent Views: Germany Control, Oct., 325 Post-Crisis Asia Economic Recovery and 4J)a7p an ind the War on Terrorism, De« America in Eurasia: One Year Alter, Oct., 330 the Challenges Ahead, April, 177 Death as a Way of Life Russia’ Quiet Struggle in the East China Sea Sino-Japanese Relations: Competition and Demographic Decline, Oct., 344 Sept., 271 Cooperation, Sept., 290 George W. Bush and Russia, Oct., 313 Sino-Japanese Relations: Competition and KOREA, NORTH Putin's First Two Years: Democracy o1 Cooperation, Sept., 290 China and North Korea: The Close but Authoritarianism? Oct., 30 Sunset for Kim Dae ung’s Sunshine Uncomfortable Relationship, Sept., 278 Saupi ARABIA Polic y? April, 166 Sunset for Kim Dae-jung’s Sunshine Networkso f Dissent: Islamism and Tilting at Dominos America and Al Qaeda Policy? April, 166 Reform in Saudi Arabia, Jan in Southeast Asia, Dec., 421 KOREA, SOUTH SOMALIA CHILE Sunset for Kim Dae-jung’s Sunshine Somalia: In the Crosshairs of the War on Free Society, Re pressed Media: The Policy? April, 166 Terrorism , May, 210 Chilean Paradox, Feb., 66 LaTIN AMERICA SOUTHEAST ASIA CHINA Fox's Mexico: Same as It Ever Was? Feb., 58 Political Islam in Southeast Asia, Nov., 388 China and North Korea: The Close but Fragile Democracies, Feb., 76 Tilting at Dominos: America and A! Qaeda Uncomfortable Relationship, Sept., 278 Free Society, Repressed Media: The in Southeast Asia, Dec., 421 China and Pakistan: Strains in the Chilean Paradox, Feb., 66 Relationship, Sept., 284 Pegged for Failure? Argentina's Crisis SUDAN China's New Leadership: The Challenges I eb 72 Osama bin Laden's Business” in Sudan to the Politics of Muddling Through 4 Shaken Agenda: Bush and Latin May, 203 447 448 © CURRENT HISTORY © December 2002 TERRORISM Terrorism, May, 210 Hard Choices: National Security and the Bin Laden, the Arab “Street,” and the Terror: Measuring the Cost, Calculating War on Terrorism, Dec., 409 Middle East's Democracy Deficit, Jan., 36 the Response, April, 184 India and Pakistan in the Shadow of Confronting the Unipolar Movement: The Tilting at Dominos: America and Al Qaeda Afghanistan, April, 147 American Empire and Islamic in Southeast Asia, Dec., 421 Irrational Exuberance: The Clinton Terrorism, Dec., 403 What Is Cyberterrorism? Dec., 436 Administration in Africa, May, 195 The Deadly Nexus: Oil, Terrorism, and UNITED STATES Islamism and Anti-Americanism in America’s National Security, Dec., 414 America in Eurasia: One Year After, Oct Central Asia, Oct., 337 Hard Choices: National Security and the 330 4 Shaken Agenda: Bush and Latin War on Terrorism, Dec., 409 America and Russia: Make-Believe Arms America, Feb., 51 Jihad and Political Violence, Nov., 365 Control, Oct., 325 Sino-American Relations since September Osama bin Laden as Transnational America and the Islamic World, Nov., 355 11: Can the New Stability Last? Sept Revolutionary Leader, Feb., 81 Confronting the Unipolar Movement: The 243 Osama bin Laden's Business” in Sudan American Empire and Islamic lilting at Dominos: America and Al Qaeda May, 203 Terrorism, Dec., 403 in Southeast Asia, Dec., 421 The Other Allies: Russia, India, and The Deadly Nexus: Oil, Terrorism, and United States Energy Policy during the Afghanistan's United Front, Jan., 40 America’s National Security, Dec., 414 1990s, March, 105 Rebuilding Afghanistan, March, 133 George W. Bush and Russia, Oct., 313 Same War, Different Views: Germany, Japan Global Petro-Politics: The Foreign Policy ZiMBABWE and the War on Terrorism, Dec., 427 Implications of the Bush Administration’ Zimbabwe: The Making of an Autocratic Somalia: In the Crosshairs of the War on Energy Plan, March, 99 Democracy,” May, 219 KURLANTZICK, JOSHUA. Tilting at Dominos Media The Chilean Paradox, Feb., 66 AUTHORS America and Al Qaeda in Southeast POWELI Davip E. Death as a Way of Life Asia, Dec., 421 Russia's Demographic Decline, Oct., BAKTIARI, BAHMAN AND HALEH VAzirI. Iran's KurtTH, JAMES. Confronting the Unipolar 344 Liberal Revolution? Jan., 17 Movement: The American Empire and ROSENBLUM, PETER. Irrational Exuberance COLBURN, Forrest. Fragile Democracies Islamic Terrorism, Dec., 403 The Clinton Administration in Africa, Feb., 76 LEE, MANWOO. Sunset for Kim Dae-jung’s May, 195 CONWAY. MAURA What Is Cyberterrorism? Sunshine Policy? April, 166 Roy, SARA. Why Peace Failed An Oslo Dec., 436 LEMCO, JONATHAN AND SCOTT B Autopsy, Jan., 8 CORNELI SVANTE E America in Eurasia MaAcDONALD. Sino-Japanese Relations RUBIN, BARNETT R. A Blueprint for One Year Alter, Oct., 330 Competition and Cooperation, Sept Afghanistan, April, 153 DAALDER, IVO H., JAMES M. LINDSAY, AND 290 SaicH, Tony. China’s New Leadership: The JAMES B. STEINBERG. Hard Choices LESCH NN M. Osama bin Laden's Challenges to the Politics of Muddling National Security and the War on ‘Business” in Sudan, May, 203 Through, Sept., 250 Terrorism, Dec., 409 LLoypD, Rosert B. Zimbabwe: The Making SCHAT? EDWARI Islamism and Anti- EICKELMAN, DALE F. Bin Laden, the Arab DSetrmeoetc,”r acya nd Detfhiec itM, idJdaln.e, E3a6s t's MAoCfD OaNn ALADut,o craStCiOcT T “DBe moAcNrDa cyJ, I”N ATHMAaNy , 219 SCHUALmLeErRi,c anFiRsAmN K in C. CenAtNrD al THAsOiMa,A S Oct.D, 337 EUBEN, ROXANNE L. Jihad and Political LEMCcO. Japan's Slow-Moving Economic GRANT. Terror: Measuring the Cost Violence, Nov., 365 AvalaPonlcihtei,ca l AIpsrlialm, i1n7 2S outheast Asia, Nov Calculating the Response, April, 184 EVANS, ALEXANDER. India, Pakistan, and 388 SCOBELL, ANDREW. China and North Korea the Prospect of War, April, 160 MAHON, JAMES JR. AND JAVIER The Close but Uncomfortable GANGULY, SumiT. India and Pakistan in the Pegged for Failure? Argentina's Crisis Relationship, Sept., 278 Shadow of Afghanistan, April, 147 Feb., 72 SHAFFER BRENDA Is There a Muslim GLADNEY, Dru. Xinjiang: China’s Future MENDELSOHN, JACK. America and Russia Foreign Policy? The Case of the West Bank? Sept., 267 Make-Believe Arms Control, Oct., 325 Caspian, Nov., 382 GOLGDeGoErIgEeR , W. JABMuEsSh AaNnD d MRIuCsHsAiEa,L OMcCtF.,A Uu3I1 3 MENCK rHoAsUsSh,a irsK ENo.f tShoe malNiaar: onI n Ttehrer orism SHARMeBlAaUtiGoHn,s sDiAnVcIeD . SeSpitneom-bAemre ri1c11 a nC an the HAGERTY, Devin T. China and Pakistan May, 210 New Stability Last? Sept., 243 Strains in the Relationship, Sept., 284 SHARMA, SHALENDRA D. Post-Crisis Asia MurPHuy, SEAN Patrick. An Interview with HARRISON, SELIG S. Quiet Struggle in the Economic Recovery and the Challenges Afghan Foreign Minister Abdullah East China Sea, Sept., 271 Ahead, April, 177 Abdullah, April, 158 Joskow, Paut L. United States Energy SHIFTER, MICHAEL. A Shaken Agenda: Bush NICHOLS THOMAS M. Putin's First Two Policy during the 1990s, March, 105 and Latin America, Feb., 51 Years: Democracy or Authoritarianism KATZ, MARK N. Osama bin Laden as SINGER, P. W. America and the Islamic Oct., 307 Transnational Revolutionary Leader World, Nov., 355 NORTON, AUGUSTUS RICHARI Americas Feb., 81 SINGERMAN, D The Politicso f Approach to the Middle East: Legacies KATZENSTEIN, PETER J. Same War, Different Emergency Rule in Egypt, Jan., 29 Questions, and Possibilities, Jan., 3 VTieerwrso:r ismG,e rmaDenc.y, , 4J2a7p an, and the War on ——.nD iicdl, Activism and Reform in Islam, Nov SmiL, 4 GlVoACbLaAlV . PrimEenerr gy forR etshoeu rcTewsen tya-nFdi rUsste s iDOPP, JA China's War on Cults OKRUHLIK, GWENN. Networks of Dissent Century, March, 126 Sept 259 Islamism and Reform in Saudi Arabia ST ARR, PAMELA K. Fox's Mexico Same as It KLARE, MICHAEL T. Global Petro-Politics Jan., 22 Ever Was? Fe 8 The Foreign Policy Implications of the ONWUDIW Esere. Africa’s Other Story WASSERSTROM, JEFFREY N. Waiting for Bush Administration's Energy Plan May, 225 China's Lech Walesa, Sept., 256 March, 99 ——. The Deadly Nexus: Oil, Terrorism OTTAWAY, MARINA AND ANATOL LIE . WITHINGTON, THOMAS. The Other Allies and America’s National Security, Dec Rebuilding Afghanistan, March, 133 Russia, India, and Afghanistan's United 414 POLUMBAUM, JuDyY. Free Society, Repressed Front, Jan., 40

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