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Preview Current History a Journal of Contemporary World Affairs January-December 1991: Vol 90 Index

CURRENT HISTORY INDEX JANUARY-DECEMBER 1991 VOLUME 90, NUMBERS 552-560 SUBJECTS Dietz, James L., and Dilmus D. James Poitras, Guy, The Ordeal of Hegemony: The Progress toward Development in Latin United States and Latin America, Feb., AFRICA America: From Prebisch to Technological (0-77: Africa, May, entire issue Autonomy, Feb., 77: Prizel, Ilya, Latin America through Soviet Africa, map, May, inside back cover Fournier, Pierre 4 Meech Lake Post Eyes: The Evolution of Soviet Perceptions Building Democracy in Africa, May, 209 Mortem: Is Quebec Sovereignty during the Brezhnev Era, 1964-1982, The Challenge to the United States in InevitableD?ec ., 438 Feb., 77 Africa, May, 193; Geron, Leonard, Soviet Foreign Economic Rahr, Alexander, comp., A Biographical The Horn of Africa: From Chaos, Political Policy under Perestroika, Oct., 346 Directory of 100 Leading Soviet Officials Renewal? May, 221 Hewett, Ed A., and Victor H. Winston Oct., 345 Mozambique's Search for Stability, May Milestones in Glasnost and Perestroika Resnick, Philip, Toward a Canada-Quebec 21177 Oct., 346 Union Dec., 438 Namibia's First Year of Independence Hicks, George, The Broken Mirror: China Richards, Alan, and John Waterbury, A May, 213 after Tiananmen, Sept., 281 Political Economy of the Middle East Nigeria's Third Quest for Democracy, May Jones, Anthony, Walter D. Connor, and State, Class, and Economic Development 201 David E. Powell, Soviet Social Problems Jan., 33 Che Politics of Dissent in Kenya, May Oct., 346 Saich, Tony, The Chinese People’ 205; Jones Anthony, and William Moskoff Movement: Perspectives on Spring 1989 Principal Railways of Southern Africa Ko-ops: The Rebirth of Entrepreneurship Sept., 281 map, May, 219 in the Soviet Union, Oct., 345; Spulber, Nicolas, Restructurintgh e Soviet South Africa: Old Myths and New Karsh, Efraim, The Iran-Iraq War: Impact Economy: In Search of the Market, Oct Realities, May, 197 and Implications Jan., 32 345 South Africa’s Apartheid Legislation Kovrig, Bennett, Of Walls and Bridges Staar, Richardf F Foreign Policies of the chart, May, 198 The United States and Eastern Europe Soviet Union, Oct 346 Nov., 394 Ullman, Richard H Securing Europe ARGENTINA Lepgold, Joseph, The Declining Hegemon Nov., 394 Argentinas Economic Reform, Feb., 57 The United States and European Defense Unger, Jonathan The Prodemoc racy 1960—1990, Nov., 394 Protests in China Reports from the BOLIVIA Lewis, Paul H., The Crisiso f Argentine Provinces, Sept 281 Bolivia: The Politicso f Cocaine, Feb., 65 Capitalism, Feb., 77 Wallace, William, The Dynamicso f Lewis, Stephen R., The Economics of European Integration, Nov BOOK REVIEWS Apartheid, May, 225 394 Jan., 32; Feb 76; May 42L2J5 Sept 280; Lipset, Seymour Martin, ( ontinental Willmott, H. P, The Great Crusade: A New Oct 345: Nov 394. Dec 438 Divide: The Values and Institutions of the Complete History of the Second World United States and Canada, Dec., 438 War, Nov., 394 BOOKS REVIEWED Liu Binyan, China’ Crisis, China’ Hopes Woodwerd, Bob, The Commanders, Sept al-Khalil, Samir, Republic of Fear: The Essays from an Intellectual in Exile a9 2> > Inside Story of Saddam’ Iraq, Jan., 33 Sept., 280 Amnesty International Report: 1991, Sept Long, David I The Anatomy of Terrorism BRAZIL 282 Jan., 33 Brazil's Catatonic Lambada, Feb An-Na'im, Abdullahi Ahmed, and Francis Lorenz, Joseph P., Egypt and the Arabs M. Deng, Human Rightsi n Africa: Cross Foreign Policy and the Search for CANADA Cultural Perspectives, May, 225 National Identity, Jan., 32 Canada, Dec entire issue Baer, Werner, and Donald V. Coes, eds Miller, Judith, and Laurie Mylroie anada, map, Dec inside back cover United States Policies and the Latin Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the anada and the United States The Great American Economies, Feb., 76 Gulf, Jan., 32-33; Divide, Dec., 432 Berat, Lynn, Walvis Bay: Decolonization Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, On the Law of anada in the Post—Cold War World and International Law, May, 225 Nations, Sept., 281—282 Dec., 405 Cannon, Lou, President Reagan: The Role Mushkat, Myron, The Economic Future of anada’s Constitutional Crisis, Dec., 411 of a Lifetime, Sept., 282; Hong Kong, Sept., 281 anada’s Health-Care System: A Model Clements, Barbara Evans, Barbara Alpern Nathan, Andrew, China’ Crisis, Sept 280 for the United States? Dec Engle, and Christine D. Worobec, Oksenberg, Michel, Lawrence R. Sullivan 422 RussiaS Women Accommodation, and Marc Lambert, Beijing Spring, 1989 anada’s Role in North America, Dec Resistance, Transformation, Oct 345- Confrontation and Conflict, the Basix 401 346 Documents, Sept., 280 anadian Society Trouble in Paradise Collins, Peter, ed., Thinking about South Petras, James, and Morris Morley, US Hege Dec., 417; Africa: Reason, Morality, and Politics mony under Siege: Class, Politics, and Making the Transition to Free Trade May, 225; Development in Latin America, Feb., 76 Dec., 428 445 446 © CURRENT HISTORY * December 1991 CENTRAL AMERICA France's Uncertain Progress toward KOREA, NORTH The Caribbean: Small Is Scary, March, European Union, Nov., 358; Japan's Relations with North Korea, April, 105; Germany Searches for a New Role in 164. Central America and the Caribbean, map, World Affairs, Nov., 368; March, inside back cover; Southern Europe's Transformation, Nov., Kuwait Cuba in Crisis, March, 101; 390; Kuwait, map, Jan., 3 Limited Hopes and Fears in Guatemala, The United States and Europe: Redefining March, 125; the Relationship, Nov., 353. Maps Mexico and Central America, March, Africa, May, inside back cover; entire issue; EUROPEAN COMMUNITY Canada, Dec., inside back cover; Mexico Moves toward Modernization, The European Community Faces 1992, Central America and the Caribbean, March, 109; Nov., 374; March, inside back cover; Nicaragua in Transition, March, 117; The European Community’ Decision- China, Sept. inside back cover; Panama: The United States Invasion and Making Procedures, chart, Nov., Europe, Nov., inside back cover; Its Aftermath, March, 113; 376. Japan, April, inside back cover; The Persistent Conflict in El Salvador, Kuwait, Jan., 3; March, 121; FRANCE The Middle East, Jan., inside back cover; United States Policy in Central America, France's Uncertain Progress toward Principal Railways of Southern Africa, March, 97. European Union, Nov., 358. May, 219: Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands, April, Cuite GERMANY 161; Democracy in Chile, Feb., 53. Germany Searches for a New Role in South America, Feb., inside back cover; World Affairs, Nov., 368. The Soviet Union, Oct., inside back cover. CHINA China, Sept., entire issue; GREAT BRITAIN Mexico China, map, Sept., inside back cover; China and British Hong Kong, Sept., 270; Mexico Moves toward Modernization, China and British Hong Kong, Sept., 270; The End of an Era in British Politics, March, 109 Chinese Foreign Policy: The Diplomacy Mov., 363. of Damage Control, Sept., 241; MIDDLE EAST Chinese Youth: The Nineties Generation, GUATEMALA Charting Iran's New Course, Jan., 21; Sept., 264; Limited Hopes and Fears in Guatemala, Congressional Resolutions on the Use of The Economy Emerges from a Rough March, 125. Force in the Persian Gulf, March, 129; Patch, Sept., 259; Iraq’ Uncertain Future, Jan., 1; Fettering the Press, Sept., 255; IRAN Islam's New Political Face, Jan., 25; Preparing for the Succession, Sept., 251; Charting Iran’s New Course, Jan., 21. Israel: The Deadlock Persists, Jan., 14; Science and Technology Policy: Kuwait, map, Jan., 3; Developing a Competitive Edge, Sept., IRAQ The Middle East, Jan., entire issue; 275; Iraq's Uncertain Future, Jan., 1. The Middle East, map, Jan., inside back Sino-Japanese Relations, April, 156; cover; Tiananmen’ Lingering Fallout on Sino- ISRAEL The Palestinians and the Gulf Crisis, American Relations, Sept., 247 Israel: The Deadlock Persists, Jan., 14. Jan., 18; Stability in Saudi Arabia, Jan., 9; COLOMBIA JAPAN Syria in 1990, Jan., 29; Colombia at the Crossroads, Feb., 69. Does Energy Efficiency Explain Japan's United Nations Resolutions on the Economic Success? April, 175; Persian Gulf Crisis, Feb., 79; Cusa Japan, April, entire issue; The United States in the Middle East, Cuba in Crisis, March, 101. Japan, map, April, inside back cover; Jan., 5. Japan's Economic Dynamism, April, 172; EL SALVADOR Japan's Relations with North Korea, April, THE MONTH IN REVIEW The Persistent Conflict in El Salvador, 164, Jan., 43; Feb., 91; March, 139; April, 188; March, 121. Japan's Role in the Post—Cold War May, 235; Sept., 283; Oct., 347; Nov., World, April, 145; 395; Dec., 439 Europe The Kaifu Government Teeters On, April, Charter of Paris for a New Europe, Feb., 168; MOZAMBIQUE 78, Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands, map, Mozambique's Search for Stability, May, Eastern Europe after the Revolutions, April, 161; 217. Nov., 379; Sino-Japanese Relations, April, 156; The End of an Era in British Politics, Soviet-Japanese Relations: More of the NAMIBIA Nov., 363; Same? April, 160; Namibia's First Year of Independence, The Environmental Morass in Eastern The United States and Japan: Building a May, 213. Europe, Nov., 384; New Relationship, April, 149; Europe, Nov., entire issue; United States—Japanese Trade Relations, NICARAGUA Europe, map, Nov., inside back cover; April, 152. Nicaragua in Transition, March, 117. The European Community Faces 1992, Nov., 374; KENYA NIGERIA The European Community's Decision- The Politics of Dissent in Kenya, May, Nigeria’s Third Quest for Democracy, May, Making Procedure, chart, Nov., 376; 205. 201. Current History Index 447 PALESTINIANS The United States and South America Canada and the United States: The Great The Palestinians and the Gulf Crisis, Jan., Beyond the Monroe Doctrine, Feb., 49 Divide, Dec., 432 18 Canada’s Health-Care System: A Model SOVIET UNION for the United States? Dec., PANAMA Assessing the Coup, Oct., 305; 422. Panama: The United States Invasion and The Bush Administration's Policy toward The Challenge to the United States in Its Aftermath, March, 113 the Soviet Union, Oct., 311; Africa, May, 193; A Critical Time for Perestroika, Oct., 323; Panama: The United States Invasion and Peru Environmental Problems and Policies in Its Aftermath, March, 113 Fujimori and the “Disaster” in Peru, Feb., the Soviet Union, Oct., 333; Tiananmen’ Lingering Fallout on Sino- 61 The Revival of Religion, Oct., 328; American Relations, Sept., 247; Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands, map, [he United States and Europe: Redefining SAUDI ARABIA April, 161; the Relationship, Nov., 353 Stability in Saudi Arabia, Jan., 9 The Slide into Disunion, Oct., 338; The United States and Japan: Building a Soviet Foreign Policy after the Cold War New Relationship, April, 149 SOUTH AFRICA Oct., 317; The United States and South America South Africa: Old Myths and New Soviet-Japanese Relations: More of the Beyond the Monroe Doctrine Realities, May, 197 Same? April, 160; Feb., 49 South Africa’s Apartheid Legislation, The Soviet Unien, Oct., entire issue; The United States in the Middle East chart, May, 198 The Soviet Union, map, Oct., inside back jJan., 5 cover United States—Japanese Trade Relations, SOUTH AMERICA April, 152 Argentinas Economic Reform, Feb., 57; SyRIA United States Policy in Central America, Bolivia: The Politics of Cocaine, Feb., 65 Syria in 1990, Jan., 29 March, 97 Brazil's Catatonic Lambada, Feb., 73; Colombia at the Crossroads, Feb., 69 UNITED NATIONS WORLD DOCUMENTS Democracy in Chile, Feb., 53; Uniied Nations Resolutions on the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, Feb., Fujimori and the “Disaster” in Peru, Feb., Persian Gulf Crisis, Feb., 79 8 61, Congressional Resolutions on the Use of South America, Feb., entire issue; UNITED STATES Force in the Persian Gulf, March, 129; South America, map, Feb., inside back The Bush Administration's Policy toward United Nations Resolutions on the cover, the Soviet Union, Oct., 311; Persian Gulf Crisis, Feb., 79 AUTHORS CRONIN, JAMES E. The End of an Era FUKUI, HARUHIRO The Kaifu in British Politics, Nov., 363 Government Teeters On, April, 168 AHLSTROM, RICHARD P. The European Community Faces 1992, Nov., 374 DIAMOND, LARRY Nigeria's Third GARTHOFEF RAYMOND I The Bush Quest for Democracy, May, 201 Administiation’s Policy tov ard the ARNSON, CYNTHIA J. United States Soviet Union, Oct., 311 Policy in Central America, March, 97 DITTMAN, ALLIN Book Review, Nov., 304 GARVER, JOHN W. Chinese Foreign BACHMAN, DAVID Preparing for the Policy: The Diplomacy of Damage Succession, Sept., 251 DORAN, CHARLES E Canada’s Role in Control, Sept., 241 North America, Dec., 401 BAKER, PAULINE H. South Africa: Old GRAYSON, GEORGE S. Mexico Moves Myths and New Realities, May, 197 DOWTY, ALAN Israel: The Deadlock toward Modernization, March, 109 Persists, Jan., 14 BALOYRA-HERP, ENRIQUE The GREENOW, LINDA Book Reviews, Feb., Persistent Conflict in El Salvador, FENSKE, JOHN France's Uncertain 1O-/ / March, 121 Progress toward European Union, Nov., 358 GRUNDY, KENNETH W. Namibia’ First BURKE, MELVIN Bolivia: The Politics of Year of Independence, May, 213 Cocaine, Feb., 65 FINAN, WILLIAM W., JR. Book Reviews Jan., 32-33; May, 225; Sept., 282; Oct., GUNN, GILLIAN Cuba in Crisis, March, COHEN, STEPHEN D. United 346; Nov., 394; Dec., 438 101 States—Japanese Trade Relations, April, 152 FORMAN, JOHANNA MENDELSON HARBESON, JOHN W. The Horn of United States Policy in Central Africa: From Chaos, Political Renewal? CONSTABLE, PAMELA Democracy in America, March, 97. May, 221 Chile, Feb., 53 FRENCH, HILARY FE Environmental HOOPER, BEVERLEY Chinese Youth COTTAM, RICHARD W. Charting Iran's Problems and Policies in the Soviet The Nineties Generation, New Course, Jan., 21 Union, Oct., 333 Sept., 264 448 © CURRENT HISTORY * December 1991 HOUGH, JERRY F. Assessing the Coup, MARTZ, JOHN D. Colombia at the ROPP. STEVE C. Panama: The United Oct., 305. Crossroads, Feb., 69 States Invasion and Its Aftermath, March, 113 HULL, RICHARD W. The Challenge to McCOY, JENNIFER L. Nicaragua in the United States in Africa, May, 193. Transition, March, 117. SATO, HIDEO Japan's Role in the Post—Cold War World, April, 145 JARNAGIN, LAURA Brazil's Catatonic McROBERTS, KENNETH Canada’s Lambada, Feb., 73. Constitutional Crisis, Dec., 411. SCHROEDER, GERTRUDE E. A Critical Time for Perestroika, Oct., 323 JOCKEL, JOSEPH T. Canada in the MENON, RAJAN Soviet-Japanese Post—Cold War World, Dec., Relations: More of the Same? April, SCHWARTZ, MILDRED A. Canadian 405 160 Society: Trouble in Paradise, Dec., 417 KABALA, STANLEY J. The MILLETT, RICHARD L. Limited Hopes SEGAL, AARON The Caribbean: Small Is Environmental Morass in Eastern and Fears in Guatemala, March, 125 Scary, March, 105 Europe, Nov., 384 MORICI, PETER Making the Transition SMIL, VACLAV Does Energy Efficiency KHALIDI, RASHID I. The Palestinians to Free Trade, Dec., 428 Explain Japan’s Economic Success? and the Gulf Crisis, Jan., 18 April, 175 MURPHY, SEAN PATRICK Book KIM, HONG NACK Japan's Relations Reviews, Nov., 394 SMITH, WAYNE £. The United States with North Korea, April, 164 and South America: Beyond the NACHT, MICHAEL The United States Monroe Doctrine, Feb., 49 KNIGHT, VIRGINIA CURTIN and Japan: Building a New Mozambique’ Search for Stability, May, Relationship, April, 149. SOLED, DEBRA E. Book Reviews, Jan., 217 32, 33; Sept., 280-281; Oct., 345-346 NAUGHTON, BARRY The Economy KRAMER, MARK Soviet Foreign Policy Emerges from a Rough Patch, Sept., STAMP PATRICIA The Politics of Dissent after the Cold War, Oct., 317 259 in Kenya, May, 205 KRAUS, JON Building Democracy in OLCOTT, MARTHA BRILL The Slide SUTTER, ROBERT G. Tiananmen's Africa, May, 209. into Disunion, Oct., 338 Lingering Fallout on Sino-American Relations, Sept., 247 KRUZE, ULDIS Sino-Japanese Relations, OVERHOLT, WILLIAM H. China and April, 156. British Hong Kong, Sept., 270 SUTTMEIER, RICHARD P. Science and Technology Policy: Developinga LEPGOLD, JOSEPH The United States OZAKI, ROBERT S. Japan’s Economic Competitive Edge, Sept., 275 and Europe: Redefining the Dynamism, April, 172 Relationship, Nov., 353. VALENZUELA, ARTURO Democracy in PANG, EUL-SOO Brazil's Catatonic Chile, Feb., 53 LIPSET, SEYMOUR MARTIN Canada Lambada, Feb., 73. and the United States: The Great WALKER, DAVID B. Germany Searches Divide, Dec., 432. PHILLIPS, ALICE H. G. Book Reviews, for a New Role in World Affairs, Nov., May, 225; Sept., 281-282; Dec., 438. 368. LIU BINYAN Fettering the Press, Sept., 255 POWELL, DAVID E. The Revival of WERLICH, DAVID P. Fujimori and the Religion, Oct., 328. “Disaster” in Peru, Feb., 61 LONG, DAVID E. Stability in Saudi Arabia, Jan., 9. RABINOVICH, ITAMAR Syria in 1990, WIARDA, HOWARD J. Southern Jan., 29. Europe's Transformation, Nov., 390. MARMOR, THEODORE R. Canada’s Health-Care System: A Model for the REICH, BERNARD The United States in WRIGHT, ROBIN Islam's New Political United States? Dec., 422. the Middle East, Jan., 5. Face, Jan., 25 MARR, PHEBE Iraq's Uncertain Future, REMINGTON, ROBIN ALISON Eastern WYNIA, GARY W. Argentinas Economic Jan., 1 Europe after the Revolutions, Nov., 379. Reform, Feb., 57 s

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