THE NAUTILUS 124(l):44-50, 2010 Page 44 Current distribution of the exotie freshwater snail Helisoma duryi (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Brazil MonicaA. Fernandez Fernando S. M. Bezerra Lucia M. S. Alencar Silvana C. Thiengo DepartamentodeAnalisesClmieas/FFOE Secretariade SaudedoEstadodoCeara Laboratoriode Malacologia Universidade Federal doCeara RuadosTabajaras 281, Praiade Iracema Referenda Nacionalem RuaCapitaoFrancisco Pedro 1210 60060-510 Fortaleza, BRAZIL Malacologia Medica 60430-370 Fortaleza, BRAZIL Instituto OswaldoCruz- Fiocruz Av. Brasil4365 21045-900 Rio deJaneiro, BRAZIL [email protected] ABSTRACT with exotic species, CBD signed the Decree number 2.519, seeking to protect and manage biodiversity Thisarticledescribesthecurrentdistributionoftheintroduced (Ministerio do Meio Ambiente, 2009). gastropod Helisoma duryi in Brazil. The species was recorded Difficulties in predicting the effects of alien species faonrdthsienfcierstthteinmeitihnaBsrabzeielninre1p9o72r,teidntFooromcocsuar,insttatheeosftaGtoeisaso,f after introduction were discussed by Meyer et al. Ceara, Minas Gerais, Paraiba, Rio de Janeiro, and Sao Paulo. (2008), in an investigation on the exotic giant African Recently, this specieswas found in the state ofCeara, where it snail, Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822. According to was introduced through ornamental fish and aquatic plant Ricklefs (2005), every invasion process undergoes lour trade. The expansion of the species range in Brazil demon- phases: introduction or colonization; settlement, which strates the need for increased efforts to monitor and con- requires adaptation to local conditions to survive local trol the introduction of exotic species. Up to now, H. duryi species interactions; geographical expansion; and even- had been found in 14 municipalities together with spec- tual decay. The period during which every species iPlmaennosrboifdAamep,ulPlhayrsiiiddaaee,, AanncdyliTdhiaaer,iCdaoer.bieWuelidbaeel,ieLvyemntaheaitdateh,e remains ateach ofthosephases depends oneitherintrin- bcuerernenptrevaibosuesnlcyecoolfleHc.teddu(r1y9i72inantdhe19l9o8c)alcitoiuelsdwbheerasesoictiahtaedd sriecntolryeexxtpreirniseinccfiancgtotrhseteoxpilt.os(iIvnecipdheanstaelloyf,thBeraiznivlasisiocnuro-f with environmental changes in those regions and also be- A. fulica, and dense populations ofthat species arewide- cause selling in H. duryi is not as efficient as it is for other spread in at least 24 out of 26 Brazilian states and the Planorbidae species. A mapwith the distribution ofH, duryi is Federal District.) alsoprovided. In Brazil, biological invasions and the pathways of introduction and spread ofexotic species are notyetwell Additional keywords: exotic freshwater mollusks, biological invasions, invasive species, planorbids documented, but a number of instances oftbe spread of invasive mollusks have been documented in the last decade: Thiengo et al. (2007a) reportedthe rapid expan- sion and current distribution of A.fulica since its intro- INTRODUCTION duction in the state of Parana, in 1988 while Santos et al. (2002) and Fischer and Colley (2005) reported the Non-native species, those that have been introduced occurrence ofA.fulica in preservation areas in the states from another geographic region to an area outside its of Rio de Janeiro (Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis) and natural range, have been the focus of several investiga- Parana (Ilha Rasa, municipality of Guaraqueyaba), re- tions in the past years, mostly because they have been spectively, and Takeda et al. (2003) and Mansur et al. closely related to problems in human health, in the envi- (2004) reported the occurrence ofthe invasive freshwa- ronment, and economy. The Convention on Biological ter clams Limnopema fortunei (Drinker, 1857) and Diversity (CBD), ratified in 188 countries, including Corbicula spp. in Southern Brazil. In addition to envi- Brazil, is one of the most important international tools ronmental and economical problems related to exotic conceived to provide environmental conventions, strate- snail species, some of those species have medical and gies, and agreements in order to promote sustainable veterinary importance as they may be associated with development. In Brazil, where specialists and environ- zoonotic and parasitic transmission ol diseases (Caldeira mental public bodies recognize the problems involved et ah, 2007; Thiengo et ah, 2008). , i . M.A. Fernandez et al., 2010 Page 45 The aquarium trade is a major source ol exotic fresh- measured usinga mereurium thermomether, a pHmeter water mollusks. In 1972, a population ofHelisoma chinji (Instrutherm pH-1700), and an oxymeter (Lutron (Wetherby, 1879), autochthonous from the Everglades DO-5510). Samples were maintained under laboratory LRNM wetlands in Florida, was first reported in Distrito de conditions at in aquariacontainingdechlorinated Santa Rosa, municipality of Formosa, state of Goias, tap water and a thin bottom layer of a 2:1 mixture of Brazil, in natural breedingsites connectedwith the Cana screened soil and ground oyster shells as a source of Brava River (Paraense, 1975). According to Paraense mineral nutrients. (1976), these specimens collected in the locality Lagoa For specific identification, the snails were anesthe- da Pedra, in connection with the Cana Brava River, tized with 0.05% sodium pentobarbital (Hypnol®) for included a large number of albinos obtained from sym- five hours; killed by immersion in 70'’C water and then patrie populations of Ampullariidae, Ancylidae, Phys- fixed in Railliet-Henry solution (Fernandez et al. 2008). idae, and other Planorbidae. Similarly, Thiengo et al. Snail samples were deposited in the Malacologieal Col- (1998) also reported the presence of albino specimens lection ofInstitute) Oswaldo Cruz (CMIOC). in fish tanks in the municipality of Guapimirim, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1997 and remarked the importance of aquarium fish trade in the introduction RESULTS and spread ofexotic snails in new sites. Recognizing the threat to global biodiversity that in- In the state of Goias (Table 1), eightfreshwatergastropod species were found: Biomphalaria straminea (Drinker, vhaasvieverastpieficeidesthpelaCyBBDraziinlains oefnfeortofto18h8elpcoumnatnraiegsetthhaist 1848), Drepanotrema anatimun (Orbigny, 1835), Drepa- notrema cimex (Morieand, 1839), Drepanotrema depres- disappearing resource. In 2006 snails were sent from sissimum (Morieand, 1839), Drepanotrema hicidum Serra Verde do Saraiva by the Secretaria de Saude of (Pfeiffer, 1839), Gnndlachia radiata (Guilding, 1828), the state of Ceara (SESA-CE), to the Centro Nacional de Referenda em Malacologia Medica (LRNM) for Melanoidestuberculatus (Muller, 1774) andPomacea sp. identification. These snails were identified as H. clurt/i In the state of Rio de |aneiro, in the municipality of and prompted surveys ofthe present distribution ofthis Guapimirim (Table 1), no H. duriji specimens were found but the following species were collected: Bio- species in Brazil alongwith the occurrence ofsympatric mphalaria tenagophiJa (d’Orbigny 1835), B. straminea freshwater snail species were performed andpresented. , Hebetancylus morieand (d’Orbigny, 1837), Lymnaea columella Say, 1817, M.tuberculatus, Physa marmorata Guilding, 1828, Pomacea diffusa (Reeve, 1856), and MATERIALS AND METHODS Pomacea sp. (only juvenile specimens). In the state of Ceara, specimens of H. dunji were Information on the distribution of Helisoma dunji in Brazil since its first recorded introduction was obtained found in the twohabitats, awellandafishtank (Table 1). In these the water temperatures were 27.3°C and fromthe literature andfrom dataon specimens collected 27.4°C, environment temperatures were 36.8°C and bstyattesh,efaruotmhowrsh.icFhietlhde osucrcvueryrsenwceereofpHe.rdfuonrjmiedwaisnptrherveie- 33.7°C, pH was: 7.76 and 6.38, and dissolved oxygen ously reported by the staff of LRNM: Goias (munici- measured 7.8 mg/L and 7.0 mg/L in the well and the palities of Formosa and Vila Boa), Rio de Janeiro fish pond, respectively. The other freshwater gastro- pods found in the state were B.straminea, D. lucidum, (municipalityofGuapimirim), and Ceara (municipalities of Acarape, Fortaleza, Guaiuba, and Redenyao). G. radiata, H. dunji, M.tuberculatus, P. marmorata, perInfotrhmeedstabteetowfeGeonia2s00(3Tabalned1)2,0s0n5ailincowlleetcltainonds awreeraes PPoommaacceeaa,en1s8)2.7), P. diffusa, and along federal highway BR-020, and in Lagoa da Pedra, between the municipalities ofFormosa and Vila Boa. In DISCUSSION the state ol Rio de Janeiro (municipalityofGuapimirim) collections were made in 2000, 2003, and2007 (Table 1) According to Paraense (1976) and the data from in exoticornamental fish (Bettasplendens (Regan. 1910)) CMIOC, in August 1972, in addition to Helisoma dunji, breeding tanks. Four municipalities were investigated in the following snail species were collected in lakes form- the state of Ceara (Table 1): three in the region ofSerra ed by the Cana Brava River (in the municipality of Verde do Saraiva (Acarape, Guaiuba and Redenyao) and Formosa, Goias): B.straminea, Biomphalaria schrammi one in the Fortaleza municipality (a lake named Lagoa (Crosse, 1864), D. anatinum, D. lucidum, Plesioplysa de Porangabussu). ornata (Haas, 1938), L. columella, and P. marmorata In Mollusks were collected from different habitats the present study surveys were performed in seven (streams, wells, marshyareas, fish tanks and lakes) using ponds formed byCana Brava River flooded areas, in the collectingsieves. With theaim ofassessingabioticfactors municipalities of Vila Boa and Formosa, but no spec- in the habitats where IP dunji occurs, variables such imens of H.dunji were found. as temperature (water and air), pH, and the concen- In the 1990s, manyornamental freshwater fish breed- tration of dissolved oxygen in the water column were ingfacilities in the state of Rio de Janeirowere located in Page 46 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 124, No. 1 Table 1. Study localities and species found. Geographical Freshwatergastropods (Snailsamples and State Date Municipality coordinates Biotope respectivetheCMIOC collection number) Goias March 2003 Vila Boa 1.5°03,54.6"WS, lake D. lucidum (5199), D. cimex (5201), and 47°04'44.8" D. depressissimum (5200) Formosa 1.5°29'57.5"WS, lake Nofreshwatersnailwas found. 47°06'37.8" May2005 Vila Boa 15°02T9.9"WS, lake No freshwatersnailwas found. 47°12,04.2" Vila Boa 15°02'39.1"WS, lake D. anatinum (5191), andM. tuberculatus (5190) 47°12,22.5" Vila Boa 15°04T0.8"WS, lake B straminea (5193), D anatinum (5192), 47°04'20.9" D. lucidum, G. radiata (5194), andPomacea sp. August2005 VilaBoa 15°04'09.3"WS, lake B straminea (5195), D. anatinum (5196), 47°05'24.1" D. cimex, andD. lucidum (5198) Vila Boa 15°04'03.8"WS, lake B straminea, D. anatinum, D. cimex, D. lucidum, 47°05'40.4" G. radiata (5197), andM. tuberculatus Rio de January2000 Guapimirim 22°38,21.7"WS, fishtank Nofreshwatersnailwas found. Janeiro 42°58'54.0" September2003 Guapimirim 22°38,21.7"WS, fishtank B. tenagophila, B. straminea, L. columella. 42°58'54.0" M. tuberculatus andP. marmorata January2007 Guapimirim 22°38'21.7"WS, tanks B. tenagophila, H. moricandi, M. tuberculatus, 42°58'54.0" P. marmorata, P. bridgesii andPomacea sp. Ceara October2006 Aearape 04°11'03.9"WS, lake M. tuberculatus (5147) andPomacea sp. (5202) 38°43'24.9" Aearape 04°11'45.3"WS, lake B. straminea (5149), D. lucidum (5151), 38°42'55.7" G. radiata (5150), M. tuberculatus (5148) and P.lineata (5203) Guaiuba 04°10'32.1"WS, three B. straminea (5153), inoneofthem 38°44'02.2" wells October2006 Redenyao 04°10'48.9"WS, well Nofreshwatersnailwas found. 38°43'48.0"' Redenyao 04°10'55.8"WS, well Nofreshwatersnailwas found. 38°43'40.8" Redenyao 04°10'41.2"WS, well H. duryi (5152) 38043'51.4" Redenyao 04°10'25.3"WS, well No freshwatersnailwas found. 38°43'52.7" Redenyao 04°10'50.6"WS, stream Nofreshwatersnailwas found. 38°43'45.3" Redenyao 04°10'27.2"WS, lake G. radiata (5154) andP. lineata 38°43'49.8" Redenyao 04°10'46.8"WS, fish tank H. duryi (5157), P. marmorata (5156) and 38°44'02.4" P. diffusa (5204) Fortaleza 03°44'45.4"WS, lake P. lineata (5146) andB.straminea: onlyshells 38°32'00.0" August2008 Fortaleza 03°44'37.4"WS, lake P. lineata andB.straminea 38°32'57.8" the municipality of Guapimirim. This probably favored species occurs naturally throughout the Amazon Basin the introduction of exotic species. According to the field (Peru, Bolivia and Brazil) but it is widespread nowadays work registrations in the LRNM, specimens ofH. duryi due to aquarium and fish trade, specially the more reported by Thiengo et al. (1998) were found in sym- attractive albino specimens known as golden apple patry with B. straminea, Ferrissia sp., L. columella and snails. P. bridgesii. The latter is identified as P. diffusa nowa- Our results indicate a reduction in Helisoma duryi days, according to Hayes et al (2008). Many albino spec- populations in the state of Ceara. In March and May imens ol H. duryi and P. diffusa were also foundin those 2006, a team from Secretaria de Saude of the state of fish tanks in September, 1997. Although no PI. duryi Ceara (SESA-CE) collected samples ofH. duryi in five specimen was found, the present paper confirms the localitiesin the municipalities ofRedenyaoandGuaiuba, establishment ol P. diffusa, only species reported by and in the present study this species was found in only Thiengo et al. (1998) and also obtained in 2007. This two ofthese (Table 1). In the lake Porangabussu, in the M.A. Fernandez et al., 2010 Page 47 municipality of Fortaleza, where H. duryi and M. tuber- Federal, in both lenthicandlothiehabitats,with orwith- culatus specimens were collected in 1999 by Dr. out anthropic influences (Fernandez et al., 2003). Fernando Bezerra (Universidade Federal do Ceara) and Melanoides tuberculatus reproduces parthenogeneti- sent to LRNM for identification, no specimens were eally, which may account for its wider geographic distri- found in 2006 and 2008. bution when compared to II duryi. The latter may The introduction ofHelisoma duriji was probably the occasionally utilize selfing as an alternative means of result of aquaculture activity. Ornamental plants are reproduction, although it is not as efficient as it is for used in fish tanks chiefly to promote water oxygenation. other Planorbidae species (Paraense and Correa, 1988). These plants maytransportboth eggs and early stages of According to these authors, H. duryi benefits much less freshwater gastropods, enabling their spread into new from functional hermaphroditism which, besides other environments. Correa et al. (1980) inferred the impor- advantages, enables a single virgin individual to found a tance ofsuch plants asvectors fordispersalol non-native new population. Furthermore, other characteristics of mollusks, andnotedthattheymayhavebeen particularly M. tuberculatus such as viviparity, iteroparity and high , important regarding the spread of schistomsomiasis- survival rate of the young, may also contribute to its carrying individuals of B. straminea in Sao Paulo state. spread (Santos et al., 2007). Theysurveyedaquariumandaquaticplantshopsthrough- In Guapimirim (Rio de Janeiro) and in Lagoa do out the municipality and found specimens of Physidae, Porangabussu (Ceara), B. straminea appears to have Lymnaeidae, Ampullariidae, Thiaridae, and Planorbidae, adapted to local conditions, forming colonies, while including Helisoma sp. In the same state, Franga et al. H. duryi has not. Remarkably, in Guapimirim municipal- (2007) collected sediment samples in three reservoirs of ity, specimens of B. straminea were found in 1997 and the Baixo Rio Tiete (Promissao, Nova Avanhandava, and 2003, but not in 2007; whereas B. tenagophila was Tres Irmaos), in November 2002 and August 2003, in recorded in 2003 and 2007. The disappearance of order to identify species of benthic mollusks. Specimens B. straminea and the establishment of B. tenagophila H. duryi were found, including another exotic bivalve, must be confirmed. In contrast, Silva et al. (1997) re- Corbicula fluminea (Mnller, 1774), and the Afro-asiatie ported the replacementof B.straminea forB.tenagophila gastropod, M. tuberculatus. Although //. duryi was pre- in the municipalityofParacambi, Rio de Janeiro. sent in the three reservoirs analyzed, that species had the Tlle introduction ofH. duryi in the state ofCeara may lowest densityamongthe exoticmollusks. be a result of B. splendens aquaculture (breeding and Foran exoticspecies tobe regardedas invasive it must trade), similar to that described for Guapimirim (Rio de have, at least, considerable adaptability to new environ- ments, rapid sexual maturation, and a large reproductive capacity (Santos et al. 2007). Ecological and parasitolog- ical laboratory studies of Helisoma duryi obtained in Goias in 1972 (Milward-de-Andrade, 1978a, b; Milward- de-Andrade and Belisario, 1979; Milward-de-Andrade and Souza, 1979; Milward-de-Andrade et al., 1979) indi- cate adaptive advantages of that exotic species over Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818). These include a higher reproduction rate, lower mortality, higher resis- tance to environmental desiccation, increased starvation survival, and increased resistance to infection by Schistosoma mansoni in that former species. Other authors reported that Helisoma duryi mayhave the abilityto control populations ofBiomphalaria spp., a vector ofschistosomiasis (Frandsen, 1987; Frandsen and Madsen, 1979), in Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, Egypt, and Tanzania. In Brazil, Milward-de-Andrade (1979) argued that the capacity of H.duryi to colonize Neotropical ecosystems, either directly or indirectly, may play a key role in the biological control of schistosomiasis mansoni. However, throughout the last three decades, such expected interspecific competition has not been observed (the H. duryi population found in 1972, in Goias, did not successfully establish itself, and was not observed in 2003 and 2005). Remarkably, M. tuber- culatus was found in this habitat after 2005, havingbeen introduced in Brazil probably by aquarists in Santos in 1967 (Vaz et ah, 1986). Currently, M. tuberculatus may Figure 1. Helisoma duryi from Ceara state, municipality of be found in seventeen Brazilian states and in the Distrito Redengao (04°10'46.8" S, 38°44'02.4"W). . Page 48 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 124, No. 1 Janeiro). Ornamental and pet fish such as B. splendens difficult to find H. duryi, in contrast to March and May, originate in Asia andwere introduced to Europe and the the rainfall season in that region. In October 2006, H. United States in 1874 and 1910, respectively(Fariaetah, duryi specimens (juvenile andeggs) were found in a fish 2006). In the 1960s and 1970s, ornamental fish breeders tank ofornamental fish production in Redengao, as well in Brazil introduced production techniques and female asothersnailspeciessuchas P. mannorata andP. diffusa. individuals imported from Europe and the United Recently, Hayes et ah (2008) reported that some States. Since then, individuals of H. clun/i have been ampullariid species, such as P. diffusa, may have some recorded in the following Brazilian states: Minas Gerais, characteristics that allow them to become invaders fol- in the municipalities of Vigosa in 1967, and Uberaba lowing introduction; its occurrence in Guapimirim (Rio (Vidigal et ah, 2000); Rio de Janeiro, in the municipality de Janeiro), ten years after its first record, supports ofNova Iguagu in 1975; Paraiba, in the municipalities of Hayes’s remark. Furthermore, the presence ofP. diffusa Joao Pessoa and Campina Grande (Abilio, 2003); and in Ceara, currently restricted to a fish tank, is reason for Sao Paulo (Correa et ah, 1980; Franga et ah, 2007). The concern over the potential for future spread and estab- distribution of the exotic freshwater snail H. duryi in lishmentof newcolonies inotherareas ofSerraVerde do Brazil is shown in the Figure I Saraiva. This could happen as a result of the rainy sea- In addition to use of the species in ornamental fish son, a possibility that in itselfmakes evident the urgent aquaculture, Betta splendens was also released under need for monitoringofthe local malacofauna. experimental conditions in 2000 as a biological control Todate, thereis no recordofthreatenednative species, of the mosquito Aedes aegypti Linnaeus, 1758, in the risk of economical loss, or damage to public health that state of Ceara, municipalities of Fortaleza and Caninde could be triggered by the introduction of Heliosma (Pamplona et ah, 2004). This mayin partaccount for the duryi in Brazil However, this lack of concern may be spread ofII. duryi in that state. A temporaryshortage of unwarranted, and preventive measures against the intro- rainfall in the state of Ceara in October 2006 made it duction and spreadofthe species, aswellas ofothers that Figure 2. Distributionoftheexoticfreshwatersnail Helisomaduryi in Brazil: 1, Fortaleza; 2, Guaiiiba;3,Acarape; 4, Redengao;5, CampinaGrande; 6, JoaoPessoa; 7,VilaBoa; 8, Formosa;9, Uberaba; 10,Vigosa; 1 1, Promissao; 12, SaoPaulo; 13, NovaIguagu; 14, Guapimirim. . M.A. Fernandez et al., 2010 Page 49 are associated with environmental damages and public Mansur, M.C.D., C.T. Callil, F.R. Cardoso, and J.A.A. Ibarra. health problems, should be taken. Accordingly, strict law 2004. Uma retrospectiva e mapeamento da invasao de enforcementpolicies andprocedures must be established espeeies de Corhicula (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Veneroida, in the trade ofaquatic plants to fish producers as a pre- Corbiculidae) oriundas do Sudeste Asiatico, na America ventive measuretopreserveourbiodiversity. do Sul, pp. 39-58. In: Silva, J.S.V. and R.C.C.L. Souza (Eds.) Agua de Lastro e Bioinvasao. Editora Intercieneia, Rio de Janeiro, 224pp. Meyer,W.M., K.A. Hayes and A.I. Meyer. 2008. 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