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Current Diagnosis &Treatment A Quick Reference for the General Practitioner THIRD EDITION Current Diagnosis &Treatment A Quick Reference for the General Practitioner THIRD EDITION Edited by James O. Woolliscroft, MD Professor of Interna! Medici ne University of Michigan Medical School Chief of Clinica! Affairs University of Michigan Hospitals Ann Arbor, Michigan Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Developmental Editor: Bill Edelman Editorial Assistant: Nicole Winkler Layout: Vanessa Ray illustrator: Wiesia Langenfeld Assistant Production Manager: Simon Dickey © Copyright 2001, 1998, 1996 by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Current Medicine, Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2001 Ali rights reserved. No part of tllis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written consent of the publisher. United Kingdom edition ©copyright 1995 by Current Medicine, !ne., London, UK. ISBN 978-1-57340-158-6 ISBN 978-1-4684-0614-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4684-0614-6 ISSN 1083-9658 Although every effort has been roade to ensure that the drug doses and other information are presented accurately in this publication, the ultimate responsibility rests with the prescribing physician. Neither the publishers nor the authors can be held responsible for errors or for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained herein. Products mentioned in this publication should be used in accordance with the manufacturer's prescribing information. No claims or endorsements are made for any drug or compound at present under clinica! investigation. Manufactured in Canada 54321 Contributors Section Editors AIDS & lnfectious diseases Gastroenterology & Contributors Powel H. Kazanjian, MD Hepatology Crystal Gardner-Martin, MD Associate Professor Joseph C. Kolars, MD Adjunct Clinica! instructor Department of Interna! Medici ne Associate Professor Department of Interna! Medicine-Division of University of Michigan Medical School Department of Medici ne Nephrology Director, HIV/AIDS Treatment Program Mayo Medical School University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan Consultant, Mayo Clinic Ann Arbor, Michigan Alternative medicine Rochester, Minnesota Rajnish Dhingra, MD Lecturer Sara L. Warber, MD General medicine Department of Interna! Medicine-Division of Lecturer Brent C. Williams, MD, MPH Nephrology Departrnent of Family Medici ne Associate Professor University of Michigan Medical School University of Michigan Medical School Department of Interna! Medicine Ann Arbor, Michigan Ca-Director, University of Michigan University of Michigan Medical School Complementary and Alternative Medici ne Neurology Ann Arbor, Michigan Research Center Unda M. Selwa, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan Contributors Clinica! Associate Professor Kyrn E. Orsetti, MD Cardiology Department of Neurology Clinica! Assistant Instructor University of Michigan Medical School Ragavendra R. Baliga, MD Departrnent of Interna! Medicine Ann Arbor, Michigan Assistant Professor University of Michigan Medical School Departrnent of Cardiology Ann Arbor, Michigan Pulmonary disorders University of Michigan Medical School Sean K. Kesterson, MD Cyril M. Grum, MD Staff Physicran, University of Michigan Clinica! Assistant Instructor Professor Ann Arbor, Michigan Departrnent of Interna! Medici ne Departrnent of lnternal Medici ne Dermatology University of Michigan Medical School University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan Associate Chair and Professor, University of Bruce R. Nelson, MD Scott L. Furney, MD Michigan Director, Cutaneous Surgery and Oncology Clinica! Assistant Instructor Ann Arbor, Michigan Department of Derrnatology Department of Interna! Medicrne University of Texas Health Scrence Center Contributor University of Michigan Medical School Houston, Texas Ann Arbor, Michigan Jeffrey E. Terrell, MD Contributors Robert D. Ernst, MD Assistant Professor Melissa A. Bogle, MD Clinica! Assistant Instructor Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Resident Department of Interna! Medici ne Neck Surgeiy University of Texas Health Science Center University of Michigan Medical School University of Michigan Medical School Houston, Texas Ann Arbor, Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Rajani Katta, MD Hematology & Oncology Rheumatology & Muscular Assistant Professor disorders Department of Dermatology Scott D. Gitlin, MD Baylor College of Medicine Assistant Professor Mark A. McQuillan, MD, FACP Houston, Texas Department of Interna! Medici ne Clinica! Assistant Professor University of Michigan Medical School Departrnent of Intern al Medicine Jaime A. Tsehen, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan University of Michigan Medical Center St. Joseph DermPath Ann Arbor, Michigan Houston, Texas Nephrology Endocrinology & Metabolic Frank C. Brosius III, MD disorders Associate Professor Robert W. Lash, MD Departrnent of Interna! Medicine, Nephrology University of Michigan Medical School Clinica! Assistant Professor Director, Nephrology Training Program at Mediclab University of Michigan University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan '*'"' The preface to the first edition of the Handbook of Current Diagnosis and Treatment in 1996 set forth the purpose of the book as assisting modern physicians to meet the challenge of information management. "Maintaining knowledge of current diagnostic and therapeutic developments, specifically for clinica! problems encountered less frequently, can bea formidable task. Current Diagnosis and Treatment is specifically structured to facilitate the busy clinician's access to current information on a wide vatiety of diseases. It is not designed to provide detailed explanations, but rather to remind the physician who needs to 'brush up' on the diagnosis and management of a clinica! entity." This purpose remains as true for the third edition as it was for the ftrst. Ottr commitment to a "user friendly," clinically relevant reference for primary care physicians and other members of the health care terun is expressed in the consistent layout of each disease chapter. \Ve organized and placed information similarly within each disease spread to enhance ease of nse. While antithetical to standard textbooks, the presence of "white space" in many sections reflects this goal of maintaining consistency for ease of use. Our commitment to providing current information resulted in the addition of a new feature on Alternative Medicine in this edition. Increasingly, patients are using alternative and complementary therapies along with traditional medicine. We have included information on alternative therapies for diseases in which your patients tnight be availing themselves of these options. As always, my goal, and that of the section editors is to provide you with concise, relevant, and current information in a readily accessible format. We sincerely hope that this gaal is met and that this volume will facilitate your clinica! care. James O. Woolliscroft, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan vi G·"'MI xi -Contents by speclalty 84 Cardiopulmonary resuscitatlon How to use this book 86 Carpal tunnel syndrome 88 Celiac disease 90 Cerebral tumor 2 Achalasia 92 Cholangitls, primary sclerosing 4 Acld-base disorders 94 Chronic fatlgue syndrome 6 Acn e 96 Chronic obstructlve pulmonary discase 8 Acne rosacea 98 Cirrhosis, primary biliary 10 Actinic keratoses 100 Colorectal cancer 12 Acute crystal synovitis 102 Coma 14 Acute respiratory distress syndrome 104 Cor pulmonale 16 Addison's disease 106 Cranial arteritis 18 AIDS 108 Crohn's disease 20 AIDS-related lymphoma 110 Cushing's syndrome 22 Alcohol problems 112 Cystlc fibrosis 24 Allergic rhinltis 114 Cytomegalovirus infectlon in AIDS 26 Alopecia 28 Anal tissure 30 Anemia, aplastic 116 Deep-vein thrombosis 32 Anemia, megaloblastlc 118 Dementia 34 Anemia, pernlcious 120 Depression 36 Aneurysm & artcriovenous malform.ation 122 Diabetes mellitus in children 38 Angina pectoris, stable 124 Diabetes mellltus type 1 (insulln-dependent) 40 Anglna pectoris, unstable 126 Diabetes mellltus type 2 (noninsulin-dependent) 42 Ankylosing spondylitis 128 Diabetic management in pregnancy 44 Anorexia & bulimia nervosa 130 Diabetic management in surgery 46 Aortic disscction 132 Diarrhea & HIV infection 48 Aortic regurgitatlon 134 Diarrhea, infectious 50 Aortic stenosis 136 Dissem.inated intravascular coagulation 52 Arthritis, psoriatic 138 Diverticular discase of the colon 54 Arthritis, rheumatoid 140 Duodenal ulcer 56 Arthritis, septic 142 Dyslipoprotcinemia 58 Ascites III 60 Asthma - 62 Asthma, occupational 144 Eczema 64 Ataxia & cerebeUar disordecs 146 Eisenmenger's complex 66 Atrial septal defect 148 Encephalitis 150 Endocarditls 152 Epilepsy 68 Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine 154 Erectile dysfunction 70 Basal ceU carcinonta 156 Erythema multiforme & Stevens-)ohnson syndrome 72 Benign prostatlc hyperplasia 158 Erythema nodosum 74 Breast cancer 160 Esophageal carcinonta 76 -Bronchiectasis 162 Esophageal reflux disease 78 Bullous disorders 164 Fibromyalgia 80 Candidiasis, buccal & esophageal in AIDS 166 Fungal infections, invasive 82 Cardiac fallure & dilated cardiomyopathy 168 Fungal nail infectlon vii 170 Gallstones, cholesterol 250 Leptosplrosis 172 Gastric cancer 252 Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic In adults 174 Gastric ulcer 254 Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic In children 176 Glomerulonephritis 256 Leukemia, acute myeloid 178 Gout 258 Leukemia, chronlc lymphocytic 180 Grrun-negative septicemia 260 Leukemia, hairy cell 182 Growth abnormalities, short stature 262 liver failure, fuhnlnant 184 Growth abnonnalities, tall stature 264 Low back paln 186 Guillain-Barre syndrome 266 Lower gastrolntestinal tract bleedlng a 268 Lung cancer 270 mLyme dise ase 188 Heartblock 190 Hemolytic ure1nic syndrome 192 Hemophilia & von Willebrand's disease 272 Measles 194 Hemorrhoidal disease 274 Melanoma 196 Henoch-SchOnlein purpura 276 Meningitis, bacterial 198 Hepatic encephalopathy 278 Mcningitis, cryptococcal in AIDS 200 Hepatitis, acute viral 280 Menopause & hypoestrogenism 202 Hepatitis, chronic 282 l\ligralne 204 Hepatocellular carcinoma 284 Mitral regurgitation 206 Herpes simplex infection 286 Mitra! stenosis 208 Herpes zoster & varicella 288 Motor neuron disease 210 Hip disorders 290 Multiple myeloma 212 Hodgkin's disease 292 Multiple sclerosis 214 Hypercalcemia 294 Myasthenia gravis 216 Hyperglycemic emergencies 296 Mycobacterium avium complex infection in AIDS 218 Hyperkalemia & hypokalemia 298 Myeloprolifcrative disordcrs 220 Hypematremia & hyponatremia 300 Myocardial infarction 222 Hyperprolactlnetnla 302 Myositis, lnflammatory 224 Hypertension 226 Hyperthyroidism 228 Hypertrophlc cardiomyopathy 304 Nasal polyposis 230 Hypocalcemia 306 Nephropathies, tubulolnterstitial 232 Hypoglycemia 308 Ncuralgia, postherpetic 234 Hypopituitarism 310 Neuralgia, trigeminal 236 Hypothyroidism 312 Neuropathy, peripheral 314 Non-Hodgkln's lymphoma 316 Nonulcer dyspepsia 238 Infections In hcmatological malignancy 240 loterstitiallung diseases 242 lotracerebral hemorrhage 318 Osteoarthritis 244 lrritable bowel syndrome 320 Osteoporosis 131 322 Ovarlan failure 246 Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS 248 Knee injuries viii G·"'M'' 408 Sleep apnca, obstroctive 410 Sleep disorders 324 Pancreatic cancer 412 Spinal cord & cauda eqnina compression 326 Pancreatitis, acute 414 Stroke 328 Pancreatitis, chronic 416 Snlcide: risk factors & prevention 330 Panic & generalized anxiety disorder 418 Syncope 332 Parkinson's disease 420 Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresi~ 334 Parvovirus B19 infection 422 Syndrome X 336 Pericarditis & tamponade 424 Systemic lupus erythematosus 338 Personality disorders 426 Systemic sclerosis 340 Pharyngitis 342 Pilonidal disease 344 Platelet disorders 428 Tachycardia, supraventrieular 346 Pleura! effusion 430 Tachycardia, ventricular 348 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS 432 Tbalassemia 350 Pneumonia 434 Thyroid carcinoma 352 Polycystic ovarian syndrome 436 Tobacco use disorder 354 Polymyalgia rheumatica & giaut-cell arteritis 438 Toxic shock syndron1e 356 Postpartum depression 440 Toxoplasmosis in AIDS 358 Postpoliomyelitis syndrome 442 Transfusion medicine 360 Pressure ulcers 444 Transient ischemie attacks 362 Prostate caucer 446 Tremor 364 Prothrombotic states 448 Tuberculosis, extrapulmonary 366 Pruritus 450 Tuberculosis, puhuonary 368 Psoriasis 452 Typhoid & paratyphoid fevers 370 Pubertal abnonualities 372 Pulmonary complications of inununosuppression 374 Pulmonary embolism 454 Ulcerative colitis 376 Pulmonary hypertension 456 Upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding 458 Urinary incontinence 460 -Urinary tract infection 378 Renal artery stenosis 462 Urticaria 380 Renal failure, acute 382 Renal failure, chronic 384 Renal stones 464 Variceal bleeding 386 Renal tubular acidosis 466 Vasculitis, skin manifestations 388 Re..~trictive cardiomyopathy & constrictive pericarditis 468 Vasculitis, systemic 390 Rheumatic fever, acute 470 Vira! warts 392 Rhinosinusitis 394 Rubella 472 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia 474 Wolff-Parkinson-Whitc syndrome 396 Sarcoidosis Appendix 398 Shock, acute hypotensive 400 Shoulder disorders 476 Appendix A: Heath screening 402 Sickle ccll diseasc 478 Appendix B: Total parenteral & enteral nutrition 404 Skin infections 480 Appendi:« C: Vira! hepatitis, immunization 406 Slecp apnea, central hypoventilation, periodic breathing ix Contents by specialty 26 Alopecia 52 Arthritis, psoriatic 18 AIDS 70 Ba.•ial cell carcinoma 20 AJDS-related lymphoma 78 Bnllous disorders 80 Candidiasis, buccal & esophageal in AIDS 144 Eczema 114 Cytomegalovirus infection in AIDS 156 Erythema multiforme & Stevens-Johnson syndromc 132 Diarrhea & HIV infection 158 Erythema nodosum 246 Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS 168 Fungal nail infcction 278 Meningitis, cryptococcal in AIDS 246 Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS 296 Mycobacterium avium complex infection in AIDS 360 Pressure ulcers 348 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS 366 Pruritus 372 Pulmonary complications of immunosuppression 368 Psoriasis 440 Toxoplasmosis in AIDS 404 Skin infections 462 Urticaria 466 Vasculitis, skin manifestations 4 70 Vira! warts 38 Angina pectoris, stable 40 Angina pectoris, unstable 46 Aortic dissection 48 Aortic regurgitation 4 Acid-base disorders 50 Aortic stenosis 16 Addison's disease 66 Atrial septal defect 110 cushing's syndrome 82 Cardiac failure & dilated cardiomyopathy 122 Diabetes mcllitus in children 84 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 124 Diabetes mellitus type 1 (insulin-depcndent) 142 Dyslipoproteinemia 126 Diabetcs mellitus type 2 (noninsulin-dependcnt) 146 Eisenmenger's complex 128 Diabetic management in pregnancy 150 Endocarditis 130 Diabctic management in surgery 188 Heart block 182 Growth abnormalities, short stature 224 Hypertcnsion 184 Growth abnonnalities, tall sUtture 228 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 214 Hypercalccmia 284 Mitra! rcgurgitation 216 Hyperglyccmic etncrgencics 300 Myocardial infarction 218 Hyperkalcmia & hypokalemia 336 Pcricarditis & tamponadc 220 Hypernatremia & hyponatrcmia 374 Pulmonary emboli•m 222 Hyperprolactinemia 376 Pulmonary hypertension 226 Hyperthyroidism 388 Restrictive cardiontyopathy & constrictive pericarditis 230 Hypocalcemia 398 Shock, acute hypotensive 232 Hypoglycemia 418 Syncopc 234 Hypopituitarism 422 Syndrome X 236 Hypothyroidism 428 Tachycardia, supraventricular 280 Mcnopause & hypoestrogeni<iim 430 Tachycat·dia, ventricular 320 Osteoporosis 474 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 322 Ovarian failure 352 Polycystic ovarian syndromc 370 Pubertal abnormalities 386 Renal tubular acidosis 6 Acne 420 Syndrome of inappropriatc antidiuresis 8 Acne rosacea 434 Thyroid carcinoma 10 Actinic keratoses X

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