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Index, Volume 41 (2000) AUTHORS Amanda Kennedy}, “New Evidence for nomic and Technological Diversity in Economic and Technological Diversity the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A: Wadi Fay- n the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A: Wadi nan 16,” 655 Adovasio, J. M. (with O. Soffer and D. C Faynan 16,” 655 Kirkpatrick, R. C., “The Evolution of Hyland), “The ‘Venus’ Figurines: Tex- Fordred-Green, Lesley, “Tokoloshe Tales: Human Homosexual Behavior,” 385 tiles, Basketry, Gender, and Status in Reflections on the Cultural Politics of Kohl, Philip L. (with Ludmila Korya- the Upper Paleolithic,” 511 Journalism in South Africa,” 701 kova}, “Complex Societies of Central Arnaiz-Villena, Antonio (with David Lu- Franklin, Sarah (with Susan McKinnon Eurasia from the 3d to the 1st Millen- bell), “Prehistoric Iberia: Genetics, An- “New Directions in Kinship Study: A nia B.c.: Regional Specifics in the Light thropology, and Linguistics,” 636 Core Concept Revisited,” 275 of Global Models,” 638 Austin, Diane E. (with Richard W. Stof- Freeman, Derek, “Was Margaret Mead Kondo, Megumi (with Shuji Matsu’ura fle, Lawrence Loendorf, David B "Misled or Did She Mislead on Samoa? Fachroel Aziz, Sudijono, Shuichiro Halmo, and Angelita Bulletts), “Ghost 609 Narasaki, and Naotune Watanabe) Dancing the Grand Canyon: Southern Halmo, David B. (with Richard W. Stof- ‘First Known Tibia of an Early Java- Paiute Rock Art, Ceremony, and Cul- tle, Lawrence Loendorf, Diane E. Aus- nese Hominid,” 22 97 tural Landscapes,” 11 tin, and Angelita Bulletts), “Ghost Korotayev, Andrey (with Alexander Ka Aziz, Fachroel (with Shuji Matsu’ura, Dancing the Grand Canyon: Southern zankov}), “Regions Based on Social Megumi Kondo, Sudijono, Shuichiro Paiute Rock Art, Ceremony, and Cul- Structure: A Reconsideration (or Apo Narasaki, and Naotune Watanabe}, tural Landscapes,” 11 logia for Diffusionism),” 668 “First Known Tibia of an Early Java- Hewlett, Barry S. (with Michael E. Lamb Koryakova, Ludmila (with Philip L nese Hominid,” 297 Birgit Leyendecker, and Axel Schél- Kohl}, “Complex Societies of Central Bartoy, Kevin M. (with Laurie A. Wilkie), merich), “Internal Working Models Eurasia from the 3d to the 1st Millen- “A Critical Archaeology Revisited,” 747 Trust, and Sharing among Foragers nia B.c.: Regional Specifics in the Light 287 of Global Models,” 638 Bell, Duran, “Guanxi: A Nesting of Hill, Kim (with Brian Wood}, “A Test of Koshimizu, Koichi (with Toshidada Nish- Groups,” 132 the ‘Showing-Off’ Hypothesis with ida and Hajime Ohigashi), “Tastes of Benz, Bruce F. (with Austin Long), “Pre- Ache Hunters,” 124 Chimpanzee Plant Foods,” 431 historic Maize Evolution in the Tehu- Hodgson, Derek, “Shamanism, Phos- Lamb, Michael E. (with Barry S. Hewlett acan Valley,” 459 phenes, and Early Art: An Alternative Birgit Leyendecker, and Axel Schdél- Berdan, Frances F. (with Michael E. Synthesis,” 866 merich), “Internal Working Models, Smith), “The Postclassic Mesoameri- can World System,” 283 Houston, Stephen (with John Robertson Trust, and Sharing among Foragers, and David Stuart), “The Language of 287 Bulletts, Angelita (with Richard W. Stof Classic Maya Inscriptions,” 321 Lambek, Michael, “The Anthropology of fle, Lawrence Loendorf, Diane E. Aus- tin, and David B. Halmo), “Ghost Hyland, D. C. (with O. Soffer and J. M Religion and the Quarrel between Po- Dancing the Grand Canyon: Southern Adovasio}, “The ‘Venus’ Figurines etry and Philosophy,” 309 Paiute Rock Art, Ceremony, and Cul Textiles, Basketry, Gender, and Status Leach, James (with Harri Englund), “Eth- in the Upper Paleolithic,” 511 nography and the Meta-Narratives of tural Landscapes,” 11 Ivey, Paula K., “Cooperative Reproduc- Modernity,” 225 Burmeister, Stefan, “Archaeology and Migration: Approaches to an Archaeo- tion in Ituri Forest Hunter-Gatherers: Leyendecker, Birgit (with Barry S. Hew logical Proof of Migration,” 539 Who Cares for Efe Infants?” 856 lett, Michael E. Lamb, and Axel Schél- Joffe, Alexander H., “Egypt and Syro- merich), “Internal Working Models Coté, James E., “Was Coming of Age in Samoa Based on a ‘Fateful Hoaxing’? A Mesopotamia in the 4th Millennium Trust, and Sharing among Foragers Close Look at Freeman’s Claim Based Implications of the New Chronology,” 287 on the Mead-Boas Correspondence,” 113 Loendorf, Lawrence (with Richard W 617 Johns, Timothy (with Mythili Nagarajan, Stoffle, Diane E. Austin, David B. Carruthers, Denise (with Steven Mithen, Moringe L. Parkipuny, and Peter J. H Halmo, and Angelita Bulletts) “Ghost Bill Finlayson, Anne Pirie, and Jones), “Maasai Gummivory: Implica- Dancing the Grand Canyon: Southern Amanda Kennedy}, “New Evidence for tions for Paleolithic Diets and Con- Paiute Rock Art, Ceremony, and Cul- Economic and Technological Diversity temporary Health,” 453 tural Landscapes,” 11 in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A: Wadi Jones, Doug, “Group Nepotism and Hu- Long, Austin (with Bruce F. Benz}, “Pre- Faynan 16,” 655 man Kinship,” 779 historic Maize Evolution in the Tehu- Cocilovo, José Alberto (with Héctor Jones, Peter J. H. (with Timothy Johns, acan Valley,” 459 Hugo Varela), “Structure of the Prehis- Mythili Nagarajan, and Moringe L. Par- Lubell, David (with Antonio Arnaiz-Vil- toric Population of San Pedro de Ata- kipuny), “Maasai Gummivory: Implica- lena), “Prehistoric Iberia: Genetics, An- cama,” 125 tions for Paleolithic Diets and Con- thropology, and Linguistics,” 636 Conard, Nicholas J. (with Hans-Peter temporary Health,” 453 MacEachern, Scott, “Genes, Tribes, and Uerpmann), “New Evidence for Paleo- Kang, Bong W., “A Reconsideration of African History,” 357 lithic Rock Painting in Central Eu- Population Pressure and Warfare: A Matsu’ura, Shuji (with Megumi Kondo rope,” 853 Protohistoric Korean Case,” 873 Fachroel Aziz, Sudijono, Shuichiro Eerkens, Jelmer W., “Practice Makes Karakasidou, Anastasia, “Essential Dif- Narasaki, and Naotune Watanabe), Within 5% of Perfect: Visual Percep- ferences: National Homogeneity and ‘First Known Tibia of an Early Java- tion, Motor Skills, and Memory in Ar- Cultural Representation in Four Re- nese Hominid,” 297 tifact Variation,” 663 cent Works on Greek Macedonia,” 415 McKinnon, Susan (with Sarah Franklin), Engelke, Matthew, “An Interview with Kazankov, Alexander (with Andrey Koro- “New Directions in Kinship Study: A Edith Turner,” 843 tayev), “Regions Based on Social Struc- Core Concept Revisited,” 275 Englund, Harri (with James Leach), “Eth- ture: A Reconsideration (or Apologia Mintz, Sidney W., “Sows’ Ears and Silver nography and the Meta-Narratives of for Diffusionism),” 668 Linings: A Backward Look at Ethnogra- Modernity,” 225 Kennedy, Amanda (with Steven Mithen, phy,” 169 Finlayson, Bill (with Steven Mithen, Bill Finlayson, Anne Pirie, and Denise Mithen, Steven (with Bill Finlayson, Anne Pirie, Denise Carruthers, and Carruthers), “New Evidence for Eco- Anne Pirie, Denise Carruthers, and 889 890 CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY Amanda Kennedy New Evidence for Holocene People in the Southern Cape, rica: Rethinking Legal Pluralism and Economic and Technological Diversity South Africa,” 642 Human Rights,” 75 in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A: Wadi Shah, A. M., “An Interview with M. N. Wood, Brian (with Kim Hill), “A Test of Faynan 16,” 655 Srinivas,” 629 the ‘Showing-Off’ Hypothesis with Munro, Natalie D with Mary C. Stiner Shanklin, Eugenia, “Representations of Ache Hunters,” 12< = and Todd A. Sut ovell The Tortoise Race and Racism in American Anthro- Yang, Mayfair Mei-hui, “Putting Global- and the Hare Small-Game Use, the pology,” 99 ism in Its Place: Economic Hybridity, Broad Spec trum Revolution, and Paleo Shennan, Stephen, “Population, Culture Bataille, and Ritual Expenditure,” 477 lithic Demography,” 39 History, and the Dynamics of Culture Nagarajan, Mythili (with Timothy Johns Change,” 811 MoringeL . Parkipuny, and Peter J. H Smith, Michael E. (with Frances F. Ber- ITLES Jones) “Maasai Gummivory: Implica dan), “The Postclassic Mesoamerican tions for Paleolithic Diets and Con- World System,” 283 “Activity, Climate, and Postcranial Ro- temporary Health,” 453 Soffer, O. (with J. M. Adovasio and D. C busticity: Implications for Modern Hu- Narasaki, Shuichiro (with Shuji Hyland), “The ‘Venus’ Figurines: Tex- man Origins and Scenarios of Adaptive Matsu’ura, Megumi Kondo, Fachroel tiles, Basketry, Gender, and Status in Change,” by Osbjorn M. Pearson, 569 Aziz, Sudijono, and Naotune Watan the Upper Paleolithic,” 511 “Anthropology of Religion and the Quar- abe), “First Known Tibia of an Early Srinivas, M. N., “An Interview with M. rel between Poetry and Philosophy,” by Javanese Hominid,” 297 N. Srinivas,” 629 Michael Lambek, 309 Nasti, Atilio, “Modification of Vicuna Srinivas, M. N., “Ex igni renascimur ‘Archaeology and Migration: Approaches Carcasses in High-Altitude Deserts,” The Remembered Village and Some to an Archaeological Proof of Migra- 279 Thoughts on Memory Ethnography,” tion,” by Stefan Burmeister, 539 Nishida, Toshisada (with Hajime Ohiga- 163 ‘Complex Societies of Central Eurasia shi and Koichi Koshimizu), “Tastes of Stiner, Mary C. (with Natalie D. Munro from the 3d to the rst Millennia B.c.: Chimpanzee Plant Foods,” 431 and Todd A. Surovell), “The Tortoise Regional Specifics in the Light of Ohigashi, Hajime (with Toshisada Nish and the Hare: Small-Game Use, the Global Models,” by Ludmila Korya- ida and Koichi Koshimizu)}, “Tastes of Broad-Spectrum Revolution, and Paleo- kova and Philip L. Kohl, 638 Chimpanzee Plant Foods,” 431 lithic Demography,” 39 “Cooperative Reproduction in Ituri For- Orans Martir Hoaxing, Polemics, and Stoffle, Richard W. (with Lawrence Loen- est Hunter-Gatherers: Who Cares for science,” 615 dorf, Diane E. Austin, David B. Halmo, Efe Infants?” by Paula K. Ivey, 856 Otterbein, Keith F., “Killing of Captured and Angelita Bulletts), “Ghost Dancing “Critical Archaeology Revisited,” by Enemies: A Cross-cultural Study,” 439 the Grand Canyon: Southern Paiute Laurie A. Wilkie and Kevin M. Bartoy, Park, Julie The Worst Hassle Is You Rock Art, Ceremony, and Cultural 747 Can’t Play Rugby’: Haemophilia and Landscapes,” 11 “Diet, Body Size, and Landscape Use Masculinity in New Zealand,” 443 Stuart, David (with Stephen Houston and among Holocene People in the South- Parkipuny, Moringe L. (with Timothy John Robertson), “The Language of ern Cape, South Africa,” by Judith Johns, Mythili Nagarajan, and Peter J Classic Maya Inscriptions,” 321 Sealy and Susan Pfeiffer, 642 H. Jones), “Maasai Gummivory: Impli- Sudijono (with Shuji Matsu’ura, Megumi “Egypt and Syro-Mesopotamia in the 4th cations for Paleolithic Diets and Con- Kondo, Fachroel Aziz, , Shuichiro Nar- Millennium: Implications of the New temporary Health,” 453 asaki, and Naotune Watanabe), “First Chronology,” by Alexander H. Joffe, Paul, Robert A., “Sons or Sonnets: Na Known Tibia of an Early Javanese 113 ture and Culture in a Shakespearean Hominid,” 297 “Emotion in Archaeology,” by Sarah Tar- PeaAPronsstothncr roapnOoisalbloj goryRn ,o busIt “iAccittivyi:t y, ImpClliicmaattieo,n s and Suraaonnvdde llNt,ha et aTlHoiaderd e :D A.. SmM(auwnlirtloh- }G,Ma amr“eyT heUC s.e T, oSrttithnoeei rs e “Esglseoewnn,et iit7ay1l 3 aDnidf feCruelntcuersa:l NRaetpiroensaeln taHtoimoon - in Four Recent Works on Greek Macedo- for Modern Human Origins and Sce- Broad-Spectrum Revolution, and Paleo- narios of Adaptive Change,” 569 lithic Demography,” 39 nia,” by Anastasia Karakasidou, 415 “Ethnography and the Meta-Narratives of Pfeiffer, Susan (with Judith Sealy}, ‘Diet, Tarlow, Sarah, “Emotion in Archae- Modernity,” by Harri Englund and Body Size, and Landscape Use among ology,” 713 James Leach, 225 Holocene People in the Southern Cape, Turner, Edith, “An Interview with Edith “Evolution of Human Homosexual Be- South Africa,” 642 Turner,” 843 havior,” by R. C. Kirkpatrick, 385 Pirie, Anne (with Steven Mithen, Bill Uerpmann, Hans-Peter (with Nicholas J. “Ex igni renascimur: The Remembered Finlayson, Denise Carruthers, and Conard), “New Evidence for Rock Villlage and Some Thoughts on Mem- Amanda Kennedy New Evidence for Painting in Central Europe,” 853 ory Ethnography,” by M. N. Srinivas, Economic and Technological Diversity Varela, Héctor Hugo (with José Alberto 163 . in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A: Wadi Cocilovo), “Structure of the Prehistoric “First Known -Tibia of an Early Javanese Faynan 16,” 655 Population of San Pedro de Atacama,” Hominid,” by Shuji Matsu’ura, Meg- Povrzanovi¢c, Maja, “The Imposed and I25 umi Kondo, Fachroel Aziz, Sudijono, the Imagined as Encountered by Croa- Watanabe, Naotune (with Shuji Shuichiro Narasaki, and Naotune Wa- tian War Ethnographers,” 151 Matsu’ura, Megumi Kondo, Fachroel tanabe, 297 Robertson, John (with1i Stephen Houston Aziz, and Sudijono), “First Known “Genes, Tribes, and African History,” by and David Stuart The Language of Tibia of an Early Javanese Hominid,” Scott MacEachern, 357 Classic Maya Inscriptions,” 3322 297 “Ghost Dancing the Grand Canyon: Schélmerich, Axel with Barry S. Hew- Weeratunge, Nireka, “Nature, Harmony, Southern Paiute Rock Art, Ceremony, lett, Michael E. Lamb, and Birgit Ley- and the Kaliyugaya: Global/Local Dis- and Cultural Landscapes,” by Richard endecker), “Imternal Working Models, courses on the Human-Environment W. Stoffle, Lawrence Loendorf, Diane Trust, and Sharing among Foragers, Relationship,” 249 E. Austin, David B. Halmo, and Ange- 287 Wilkie, Laurie A. (with Kevin M. Bartoy) lita Bulletts, 11 Scheper-Hughes, Nancy, “The Global “A Critical Archaeology Revisited,” “Global Traffic in Human Organs,” by Traffic in Human Organs,” 191 747 Nancy Scheper-Hughes, 191 Sealy, Judith (with Susan Pfeiffer), “Diet, Wilson, Richard A., “Reconciliation and “Group Nepotism and Human Kinship,” Body Size, and Landscape Use among Revenge in Post-Apartheid South Af- by Doug Jones, 779 Volume 41, Number 5, December 2000 | 891 “Guanxi: A Nesting of Groups,” by “Regions Based on Social Structure: A Borgognini Tarli, Silvana M., 589 (Pear- Duran Bell, 132 Reconsideration (or Apologia for Diffu- son, 569 “Hoaxing, Polemics, and Science,” by sionism}, by Andrey Korotayev and A\l- Brody, Jill, 338 (Houston, Robertson, and Martin Orans, 615 exander Kazankov, 668 Stuart, 321 “Imposed and the Imagined as Encoun- “Representations of Race and Racism in Buchowski, Michat, 467 (Swartz 1997 tered by Croatian War Ethnographers,” American Anthropology,” by Eugenia Cameron, Catherine M., 555 (Burmeister by Maja Povrzanovié, 151 Shanklin, 99 $39 “Internal Working Models, Trust, and “Shamanism, Phosphenes, and Early Art Campbell, Fiona, 731 (Tarlow, 713 Sharing among Foragers,” by Barry S. An Alternative Synthesis,” by Derek Chapman, John, 556 (Burmeister, 539 Hewlett, Michael E. Lamb, Birgit Ley- Hodgson, 866 Clark, G. A., 372 (MacEachern, 357 endecker, and Axel Schélmerich, 287 “Sons or Sonnets: Nature and Culture in Cooper, Gene, 495 (Yang, 477 “Interview with Edith Turner,” by Mat- a Shakespearean Anthropology,” by Cosmides, Leda, 803 (Jones, 779 thew Engelke, 843 Robert A. Paul, 1 Cowgill, GeorgeL ., 731 (Tarlow, 713) “Interview with M. N. Srinivas,” by A. “Sows’ Ears and Silver Linings: A Back- 822 (Shennan, 811 M. Shah, 629 ward Look at Ethnography,” by Sidney Csordas, Thomas J., 213 (Scheper- “Killing of Captured Enemies: A Cross- W. Mintz, 169 Hughes, 191) cultural Study,” by Keith F. Otterbein, “Structure of the Prehistoric Population Cybulski, Jerome S., 472 (Reichs 1998 439 of San Pedro de Atacama,” by Héctor Davies, Charlotte Aull 239 (Englund and “Language of Classic Maya Inscriptions,’ Hugo Varela and José Alberto Coci- Leach, 225 by Stephen Houston, John Robertson, lovo, 125 Delle, James A., 762 (Wilkie and Bartoy, and David Stuart, 321 “Tastes of Chimpanzee Plant Foods,” by 747) “Maasai Gummivory: Implications for Toshisada Nishida, Hajime Ohigashi, Dickemann, Jeffrey M., 399 (Kirkpatrick, Paleolithic Diets and Contemporary and Koichi Koshimizu, 431 385 Health,” by Timothy Johns, Mythili “Test of the ‘Showing-Off’ Hypothesis Dutton, Michael, 496 (Yang, 477 Nagarajan, Moringe L. Parkipuny, and with Ache Hunters,” by Brian Wood Eggert, Manfred K. H., 557 (Burmeister, Peter J. H. Jones, 453 and Kim Hill, 124 539) “Modification of Vicunma Carcasses in “Tokoloshe Tales: Reflections on the Engelstad, Ericka, 763 (Wilkie and Bar- High-Altitude Deserts,” by Atilio Cultural Politics of Journalism in toy, 747) Nasti, 279 South Africa,” by Lesley Fordred- Evison, Martin P., 373 (MacEachern, 357) “Nature, Harmony, and the Kaliyugaya: Green, 701 Fernea, Robert A., 693 (Gilsenan 1996 Global/Local Discourses on the Hu- “Tortoise and the Hare: Small-Game Feuchtwang, Stephan, 497 (Yang, 477 man-Environment Relationship,” by Use, the Broad-Spectrum Revolution, Field, Les, 273 (Haley and Wilcoxon, 272 Nireka Weeratunge, 249 and Paleolithic Demography,” by Mary Formicola, Vincenzo, 590 (Pearson, 569 “New Directions in Kinship Study: A C. Stiner, Natalie D. Munro, and Todd Fought, John G., 339 (Houston, Robert- Core Concept Revisited,” by Sarah A. Surovell, 39 son, and Stuart, 32 Franklin and Susan McKinnon, 275 “’Venus’ Figurines: Textiles, Basketry, Fox, Robin, 807 (Jones, 779) “New Evidence for Economic and Tech- Gender, and Status in the Upper Paleo- Frankenburg, Ronald, 214 (Scheper- nological Diversity in the Pre-Pottery lithic,” by O. Soffer, J. M. Adovasio, Hughes, 191) Neolithic A: Wadi Faynan 16,” by and D. C. Hyland, 511 Froment, Alain, 374 (MacEachern, 357 Steven Mithen, Bill Finlayson, Anne “Was Coming of Age in Samoa Based on Funari, Pedro Paulo A., 764 (Wilkie and Pirie, Denise Carruthers, and Amanda a ‘Fateful Hoaxing’?: A Close Look at Bartoy, 747) Kennedy, 655 Freeman’s Claim Based on the Mead- Gero, Joan N., 765 (Wilkie and Bartoy, “New Evidence for Paleolithic Rock Boas Correspondence,” by James E. 747) Painting in Central Europe,” by Nicho- Coté, 617 Gibson-Graham, J. K., 498 (Yang, 477 las J. Conard and Hans-Peter Uerp- “Was Margaret Mead Misled or Did She Gosden, Chris, 823 (Shennan, 811 mann, 853 Mislead on Samoa?” by Derek Free- Graburn, Nelson H. H., 691 (Kirshen- “Population, Culture History, and the man, 609 blatt-Gimblett 1998, Kurin 1997 Dynamics of Culture Change,” by Ste- “’Worst Hassle Is You Can’t Play Rugby’: Grube, Nikolai, 837 (Houston, Robert- phen Shennan, 811 Haemophilia and Masculinity in New son, and Stuart, 32 I “Postclassic Mesoamerican World Sys- Zealand,” by Julie Park, 443 Gupta, Akhil, 240 (Englund and Leach tem,” by Michael E. Smith and Frances 225 e} F. Berdan, 283 Gururani, Shubhra, 261 (Weeratunge, “Practice Makes Within 5% of Perfect: COMMENTATORS, REVIEWERS, 249 Visual Perception, Motor Skills, and DISCUSSANTS Gvozdover, Marianna D., 525 (Soffer, Memory in Artifact Variation,” by Jel- Adovasio, and Hyland, 511 mer W. Eerkens, 663 Agrawal, Arun, 260 (Weeratunge, 249) Gwako, Edwins Laban Moogi, 302 (Hunt “Prehistoric Iberia: Genetics, Anthropol- Alter, Joseph S., 303 (Cohen 1998); 211 Liu, and Quataert 1997) ogy, and Linguistics,” by Antonio Ar- (Scheper-Hughes, 191) Habu, Junko, 525 (Soffer, Adovasio, and naiz-Villena and David Lubell, 636 Anderson, E. N., 6626 (Ruttan and Bor- Hyland, 511) “Prehistoric Maize Evolution in the Te- gerhoff Mulder, 40:621) Harke, Heinrich, 558 (Burmeister, 539) huacan Valley,” by Bruce F. Benz and Andresen, Marc, 553 (Burmeister, 539) Haley, Brian D., 272 (Field, 40:193) Austin Long, 459 Anthony, David W., 554 (Burmeister, Hansson, Joanna, 731 (Tarlow, 713) “Putting Global Capitalism in Its Place: 539) Harms, Volker, 469 (Dening 1995) Economic Hybridity, Bataille, and Rit- Averill, James R., 730 (Tarlow, 713) Harré, Rom, 732 (Tarlow, 713) ual Expenditure,” by Mayfair Mei-hui Ayora-Diaz, Steffan I., 212 (Scheper- Hefner, Robert W., 886 (Kuipers 1998, Yang, 477 Hughes, 191} Siegel 1998, Anderson 1998} “Reconciliation and Revenge in Post- Barkow, Jerome H., 800 (Jones, 779) Hodder, Ian, 733 (Tarlow, 713) Apartheid South Africa: Rethinking Le- Barrett, John C., 761 (Wilkie and Bartoy, Hofling, Charles Andrew, 339 (Houston, gal Pluralism and Human Rights,” by 747) Robertson, and Stuart, 321) Richard A. Wilson, 75 Bisson, Michael S., 371 (MacEachern, Holliday, Trenton W., 591 (Pearson, 569) “Reconsideration of Population Pressure 357) Hublin, J-J., 592 (Pearson, 569) and Warfare: A Protohistoric Korean Blackwood, Evelyn, 398 (Kirkpatrick, Jones, Doug, 400 (Kirkpatrick, 385) Case,” by Bong W. Kang, 873 385) Joyce, Arthur A., 623 (Balkansky 1998) 892 CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY Karavani¢, Ivor, 838 (Zilhao and d’Errico, Rogers, Alan, 802 (Jones, 779) Skin, but the Race of Your Kin, and 40:355 Roth, Eric Abella, 269 (Salzman, 40:219) Other Myths of Identity, 147 Karlsson, Hakan, 734 (Tarlow, 713) Ruff, Christopher B., 598 (Pearson, 569) Borneman, John, Settling Accounts: Vio- Kehoe, Alice B., 838 (Stoffle et al., 11) Sangren, P. Steven, 243 (Englund and lence, Justice, and Accountability in Keita, S. O.Y ., 374 (MacEachern, 357) Leach, 225); 5o1 (Yang, 477) Postsocialist Europe, 301 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R., 593 (Pearson, Scarre, Chris, 827 (Shennan, 811) Cohen, Lawrence, No Aging in India 569) Schoenbrun, David, 378 (MacEachern, Alzheimer’s, the Bad Family, and Kozlowski, Janusz K., 526 (Soffer, Adova 357 Other Modern Things, 303 sio, and Hyland, 511 Schrijvers, Joke, 263 (Weeratunge, 249) Creswell, John W., Qualitative Inquiry Kus, Susan, 735 (Tarlow, 713 Shackel, Paul A., 769 (Wilkie and Bartoy, and Research Design: Choosing among Larson, Dan, 840 (Lyman and O’Brien 747) Five Traditions, 883 2615 Sharp, Lesley A , 216 (Scheper-Hughes, Dening, Greg, The Death of William Leavitt, John, 735 (Tarlow, 713) I9I) Gooch: A History’s Anthropology, 469 Leone, Mark P., 765 (Wilkie and Bartoy Skreija, Andris, 301 (Borneman 1997 Dube, Saurabh, Untouchable Pasts: Re- Smith, Eric Alden, 802 (Jones, 779) ligion, Identity, and Power among a Leyton, Elliott, 214 Scheper-Hughes Smith, Fred H., 838 (Zilhao and d’Errico, Central Indian Community, 178o0- 191 40:355) 1950, 470 Lieberman, Daniel, 594 (Pearson, 569) Spencer, Jonathan, 264 (Weeratunge, 249) Gilsenan, Michael, Lords of the Lebanese Lyman, R. Lee, 824 (Shennan, 811 Steklis, H. Dieter, 884 (Tomasello and Marches: Violence and Narrative in an McAnany, Patricia A., 341 (Houston, Call 1997) Arab Society, 693 Robertson, and Stuart, 321 Stine, Scott, 627 (Jones et al., 40:137) Hunt, Nancy Rose, Tessie P. Liu, and McCabe, J. Terrence, 468 (Spencer 1998 Stone, Andrea, 342 (Houston, Robertson, Jean Quataert, Gendered Colonialisms McDermott, Le Roy, 527 (Soffer, Adova- and Stuart, 321) in African History, 302 sio, and Hyland, 511 Storniolo, Judith, 343 (Houston, Robert- Isbell, William, Mummies and Mortuary McGuire, Randall H., 766 (Wilkie and son, and Stuart, 321) Monuments: A Postprocessual Prehis- Bartoy, 747 Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo M., 217 (Sche- tory of Central Andean Social Organi- Marini, Elisabetta, 589 (Pearson, 569) per-Hughes, rgr) zation, 145 Marshall, Mac, 215 {Scheper-Hughes, Svoboda, Jiri, 529 (Soffer, Adovasio, and Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, Destina- 191) Hyland, 511); 597 (Pearson, 569) tion Culture: Tourism, Museums, and Mathers, Kathryn, 691 (Kirshenblatt- Taladoire, Eric, 344 (Houston, Robertson, Heritage, 691 Gimblett 1998, Kurin 1997 and Stuart, 321) Kuipers, Joel C., Language, Identity, and Maurer, Bill, 499 (Yang 77) Thomas, Julian, 739 (Tarlow, 713); 770 Marginality in Indonesia: The Chang- Mednikova, Maria, 595 {it > (Pearson, 569 (Wilkie and Bartoy, 747} ing Nature of Ritual Speech on the Is- Meskell, Lynn, 737 (Tarlow, 713 Tooby, John, 803 (Jones, 779) land of Sumba, 886 Meyer, Birgit, 241 (Englund and Leach Trinkaus, Erik, 598 (Pearson, 569) Kurin, Richard, Reflections of a Culture 9 5 Urcid, Javier, 623 (Balkansky 1998) Broker: A View from the Smithsonian, Milton, Kay, 262 (Weeratunge, 249) Valoch, Karel, 625 (d’Errico et al., 39:S1) 69! Mines, Diane P., 470 (Dube 1998) Van den Berghe, Pierre L., 804 (Jones, Moore, Erin P., Gender, Law, and Resis- Mithen, Steven, 738 (Tarlow, 713 779) tance in India, 140 Morris, Alan G MacEachern, 357) Van Dokkum, André, 429 (Mosko, 39: Perregaard, Karsten, Linking Separate Mullins, Paul R., 767 (Wilkie and Bartoy 685) Worlds: Urban Migrants and Rural 747 Vasey, Paul L., 402 (Kirkpatrick, 385) Lives in Peru, 142 Muscarella, Frank, 401 (Kirkpatrick, 385) Wang, Mingming, 502 (Yang, 477) Parsons, Neil, King Khama, Emperor Joe, Mussi, Margherita, 528 (Soffer, Adovasio, Webster, David, 344 (Houston, Robert- and the Great White Queen: Victorian and Hyland, 511 son, and Stuart, 321) Britain through African Eyes, 139 Nandi, Santibhusan, 473 (Trautmann Whittaker, Elvi, 883 (Creswell lo98) Philips, Susan U., Ideology in the Lan 1997 Wilcoxon, Larry R., 272 (Field, 40:193) guage of Judges: How Judges Practice Neff, Hector, 427 (Boone and Smith, 39: Williams, Walter L., 403 (Kirkpatrick, Law, Politics, and Courtroom Control, S141; Lyman and O’Brien, 397615) 385) 140 Neves, Eduardo G., 826 (Shennan, 811 ) Wotzka, Hans-Peter, 828 (Shennan, 811) Reichs, Kathleen, J., 2d edition, Forensic O’Brien, Michael J., 824 (Shennan, 811) Yao Souchou, 503 (Yang, 477) Osteology: Advances in the Identifica- Orser, Charles E., Jr., 768 (Wilkie and Zeitlin, Judith F., 623 (Balkansky 1998) tion of Human Remains, 472 Bartoy, 747 Zeitlin, Robert N., 623 (Balkansky 1998) Siegel, James T., A New Criminal Type Otte, Marcel, 271 (Chase and Nowell, 39 Zender, Marc, 345 (Houston, Robertson, in Jakarta: Counter-Revolution Today, 54¢ and Stuart, 3 321 886 Owen, Linda R.), 529 Soffer, Adovasio Zhou Wongming, 504 (Yang, 477) Spencer, Paul, The Pastoral Continuum: and Hyland, 511 Zilhao, Joao, 530 (Soffer, Adovasio, and The Marginalization of Tradition in Parrott, G. J., 732 (Tarlow, 713 Hyland, 511) East Africa, 468 Perry, Richard, 499 (Yang, 477 Swartz, David, Culture and Power: The Petersen, Hans Chr., 596 (Pearson, 569) Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, 467 Pétrequin, Pierre, 826 (Shennan, 811) BOOKS REVIEWED Tomasello, Michael, and Josep Call, Pri- Pluciennik, Mark, 377 (MacEachern, 357) mate Cognition, 884 Pohl, John M. D., 342 (Houston, Robert- Anderson, Benedict, The Spectre of Com- Trautmann, Thomas R., Aryans and Brit- son, and Stuart, 321 parisons: Natonalism, Southeast Asia, ish India, 473 Robbins, Joel, 242 (Englund and Leach and the World, 886 Urton, Gary, The Social Life of Numbers: 5 Azoulay, Katya Gibel, Black, Jewish, and A Quechua Ontology of Numbers and Rotel, >1] Lisa, 5« Yang, 44 77) Interracial: It’s Not the Color of Your Philosophy of Arithmetic, 144

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