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“Murray was a member of a conspiracy.” JO — Robert Blair Kaiser H In January 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave his famous “Four Freedoms” speech. In that speech, H N FDR set forth a vision for the reengineering of societies around the globe, which gave the Americans ow C Time magazine’s Rome correspondent mforo tdivoem, ionpaptioorntu annitdy waneda lmthe. Tahnes toop cpoonrtquuneitry t hwea sw coorlndt.i nTuhien gm wotairv eb ewgains nthineg uwsuitahl Whuomrlda nW daer sIiIr aen d th OU during Vatican II, author of gpsoosyciniceght oiienlost oga incthadel i wnCjaoercldfta iWrneta—or intwhvieothslve ae s dno ecthiweet eimensae tnmhiepy —uidltahetoeio loSnog oyvf i etihdt aeUta nfsoi,o rwnm oaernddd sA Samonevdri eisctya mC, tobhmoelrmse btuoyn ditsuimvrind. iTenh gtea t rhmgeeemta ns— e CIA RTNE Clerical Error. itnhteo Rcoamrriaenrs C oaft hthoeli cA mCheurirccahn, widheiochlo gbye.c Oamnee othf eth tea rmgeots ot fim thpeo CrtIaAn’st dsoocciteritnieasl Awmarefarircea ptarorggeratemd. was ’s D Y M o c U Media mogul Henry R. Luce, founder and publisher of enormously influential magazines like Time, t R Lpaqitruf oetehm,s eato ntCtodeI A rsF ,poo arfre ntAuadmdn t eeht,hr eiuec sJ aeAensdm ui dteither eiJaco saCh.n InTA o g’Cs od osdoupo retcthltn.r ieis n yLa Mul cwuera rcrafoyao,r erhd ipsin rcoaotgenrdafim dtha nteo te, tfaufdornvrti sstho oerf aCCna.d tDh f.oe Jllailcoc wkCsh-oturnar,cv hheil sein rc toionn att hacet rinal W RAY, T D This book gives a detailed explanation of how Luce coordinated efforts of the CIA, the Time, Inc. arfa IME AVI empire, and John Courtney Murray, SJ, with his allies at the highest levels of the Catholic Church, r / D tTwdtaohhnoi etidccsh th b r tsatihatnhnrteeuetg l gweedpg oirotldoehrv lm eendb ro.ued wtlgo gcahcahntotrai i oinngnneog e etoo a.tf for D ntt hheienefeset t edaC irotnapec trd1hue 9omta 4lttieh c8tn eh Cat e chnk oucdnuor ocrnuewhcna incolc i hnwla,e sitttd hhht heei tde sAri e s“mclaDuaseetltmircroioclnianausrnasah titicsiipootos nnnb u seaoesttnewq t duhRe eeetehn nlSiecg eceiircohs om uufnosrecd rLdh biVi baaoae nttprhidcto y atws.”hnt eaeC Crt ae Cott.ohhu uonwrlcicicinhl e Program Ch LIFE, AND TH A. WEMHO Tim“eT rimepeo troteorks swideeres . rWepeo wrteerrse aesn wcoeullr aagse pda troti ctiapkaen ts-iodbesse…rv ers ang E A FF e M to influence the schemas [of Vatican II]…Murray was a d mystery man…Murray was a member of a conspiracy.” th ER Robert Blair Kaiser, Time maaugthaozirn oef’ sC Rleormicael cEorrrroers.pondent during Vatican II, e C ICA a N th P Ba IBOa:c hDealvoird’s W Deemgrheoef f inis aGno vInedrniamnean att tforornme yt hweh oU nhiavse rpsritayc toicfe Nd olatrwe fDoar movee ra ntwde an tJyu yreisa rDso. Hcteo rr edceegivreede olic RO from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. Mr. Wemhoff has taught college courses in C P Government, Constitutional Law, and Business Law and has a subscription to Time magazine. h O u S rc IT h I O $59.00 N ISBN 978-0-92989515-1950-06> : 9 780929891156 In1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his famous “Four Freedoms” speech. In that speech, FDR set forth a vision for the reengineering of societies around the globe. The means was psychological warfare, involv- ing the manipulation of ideas, words and symbols to divide target societies and convince these societies of the ideology that formed America. The most important society America targeted was the Roman Catholic Church. Media mogul Henry R. Luce, founder and publisher of enormously influential magazines like Time and Life, used the CIA’s doctrinal warfare program to turn the Catholic Church into a promoter of Ameri- can ideas. This struggle reached its culmination at the Second Vatican Council with the promulgation of the document “Declaration on Religious Liberty.” Catholic doctrine did not change. Defeated at the Council, the Americanists used their media power to win the battle over who got to interpret the Council with disas- trous consequences for both the Church and the world. 990 Pages, Hardcover To Order: $59 + Shipping and Handling Send a Check Payable to Fidelity Press at $8 for the United States 206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, IN 46617 Call Norma at 574-289-9786 Or $21 for Canada Order Online at www.culturewars.com Ask About International Shipments “No social progress outside the moral order.” VOLUME 38, NO. 8 Table of Contents Letters 2 Editor E. Michael Jones, Ph.D. Culture of Death Watch Business Manager Ruth P. Jones Global Internet Censorship: Typesetting and Layout Lockdown Begins in Canada Ultramontane Associates, Inc. by Wolfish 12 Food Wizardry: Bayer Buys Monsanto © Copyright Ultramontane Associ- ates, July/August 2019 (Volume 38 by Mischa Popoff 17 No. 8) Culture Wars Magazine (ISSN 1080-9058) is published monthly, except for a combined July/August is- Features sue, by Ultramontane Associates, Inc. Postmaster: Send address changes to Culture Wars Magazine, Subscription Jewish Privilege Dept., 206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, IN 46617. Subscription price by E. Michael Jones 20 in U.S. is $49 per year; $59 per year outside U.S. Single copy price: $5.00. We accept Visa and Mastercard. Reviews Address all subscription requests and changes of address to Culture Wars Ben Shapiro: and the Myth Magazine, 206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, IN 46617; phone 574- of the Judeo-Christian West 289-9786; editorial mail and non- returnable manuscripts to Culture by Vernon Thorpe 34 Wars Magazine, 206 Marquette Ave., South Bend, IN 46617. Letters to the Editor may also be sent by Fax to Bullets (574)-289-1461 or by electronic mail to [email protected] by James G. Bruen, Jr. 48 LETTERS truth was there, it had been there Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary ON THE NIGHT HE WAS for centuries, but the people who (Acts 1:14) and the Twelve Apos- BETRAYED were officially responsible for its tles. The priests who refuse to tell proclamation had clammed up. her the truth cannot prevent her The review of “Hesburgh: The Some of these mute priests still be- from praying, frequenting the sac- Movie” by E. Michael Jones in lieved and personally followed the raments, and reading Catholic the June issue provokes thoughts truth, but they stopped preaching books written before 1960. If she about betrayal. The faithful fol- about it. Others no longer believed does these things, Christ Himself lower of Christ is guaranteed to or practiced the truth, but they, will go out to meet her. He is not be a victim of betrayal (Matthew too, kept silence, knowing that hu- disoriented, confused, or unclear 24: 9-10) and must know how to man weakness will not be able to about what really happened. He navigate the stormy emotions to sustain chastity without plenty of knows a victim when He sees one. which this test gives rise. The im- help. This help must enter through perfect disciple of Christ will also the ears, it must be heard (Romans Lise Anglin encounter betrayal, but instead of 10:17). Toronto being a victim he will be a perpe- And what is the truth that trator. His challenge then will be to stopped being preached? It is this: resist the lure of despair in the face THE PAPACY OF POPE The only persons in the world who of his own treachery, repent, and FRANCIS are entitled to sexual intercourse start over. His repentance will have or any behavior that would lead Dear Mr Jones, in my opinion, special merit because he has come to sexual intercourse are a man the most important book about face to face with his own dark side and a woman lawfully married to Bergoglio/Francis has just been (the devastation of Original Sin, each other. Period. End of story. published in Argentina by out- even after Baptism) and survived Full stop. That is the teaching of standing Catholic historian, phi- the shock. the Catholic Church. It is Christ, losopher, and poet, Dr Antonio An example of a victim of be- it is Mary, and it is St. Joseph. In Caponnetto. Its title: De Perón trayal in the movie review is Mau- a pronounced way, it is St. Paul. It a Bergoglio. El “catolicismo” ex- reen (introduced on p. 44). Born is St. Maria Goretti and St. Charles comulgable. Colección Syllabus. in Boston in 1965, Maureen grew Lwanga. It is the wisdom of the Ediciones Bella Vista. Bella vista. up in a wholesome Catholic at- ages, and it was trashed by Cath- Buenos Aires. 2019 Based on solid mosphere. However, by the age olic priests like Father Hesburgh documentation, personal experi- of 15 she had been betrayed by who salivated at the thought of the ence, and thorough knowledge of members of the Catholic hierarchy rewards to be had by saying oth- history as well as a most extensive who secretly supported the insan- erwise. Of course people will ap- bibliography, it digs deeply into ity of the sexual revolution. She plaud when you wear a Roman col- the corrupt personalities of both succumbed to the false message of lar and tell them they can indulge Perón and Bergoglio/Francisco, liberation through concupiscence. themselves sexually in this life and and their blasphemous, parallel, The subsequent trauma caused still be happy in the life that is to interrelated development of their by promiscuity, abortion, and les- come. This lie, this enticement to modernist “Authentic Christian- bian experimentation led her to eternal damnation, this ruination iy”. The former was excommuni- become a Muslim. She wanted of souls, lives, families, societies, cated. The latter’s “Catholicism” moral structure in her life, and the and nations is still being perpetrat- should also be excommunicated Catholic priests of the era had en- ed today — mostly by silence — for analogous reasons. This im- tered into a conspiracy of silence and is a catastrophe on every level. portant book should be translated on this topic. Jones sees Maureen Maureen has been betrayed into English. It is must reading for not just as an individual victim but and has paid a heavy price. She all those interested and concerned as representative of a whole gen- can get back on track by return- about the Francis papacy. In Au- eration of Catholic women whose ing to the one, holy, Catholic, gust 2010 Dr Antonio Caponnetto right to the truth was denied. The and apostolic Church founded by also published a prophetic book on 2 / Culture Wars Bergoglio: La Iglesia traicionada. 1549 Anglican Rite. You will see, on the same page? Many life-long (The Church betrayed) Syllabus. In you will be compelled to see, that Catholics probably attended Mass Domino et Domina, Column B resembles Column C, faithfully their entire lives without not Column A. reading a word of Latin). Luis Alvarez Primo Anglicans replaced the altar with The new Mass is the product Editorial Santiago Apóstol a table. (Altars are for sacrifices, ta- of the collaboration of six protes- Bella Vista, Argentina bles are for meals). Cranmer struck tant ministers who proudly posed out any hint of a sacrifice. Sound with Paul VI after the post-con- familiar? Bugnini’s phony Mass ciliar Consilium. This new Mass DESTRUCTION OF THE didn’t totally eliminate any refer- shifted the orientation from verti- SACRED: LEX ORANDI, LEX ence to sacrifice but left the nature cal to horizontal. It became less a CREDENDI of it ambiguous. non-bloody renewal of the same Dr. Jones, you’re killin’ me. They put the service in the ver- sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross You’re absolutely killin’ me. nacular. The otherwise astute and more of a community meal. No, I’m not threatening to un- Owen Benjamin offered the stan- It still pays lip service to worship- subscribe. Culture Wars is my fa- dard excuse that he couldn’t un- ping God, but in practice requires vorite magazine. In any house fire derstand the Mass in Latin. (Why entertaining the people in a futile the first thing I’d save would be my didn’t you point out that the old attempt to prevent them from get- copy of The Jewish Revolution- Missals had the English translation ting bored. It is, in short, man-cen- ary Spirit (JRS). The second thing would be your other books. The Culture Wars welcomes letters to the editor. third thing would be the stack of DVDs I’ve downloaded from your Preference will be given to letters which deal Youtubes. with topics discussed in the magazine. Letters But you have a blind spot and it’s a big one. You’ve had it for a long should ideally be limited to one single-spaced time. Your animus, your contempt, page, but we know how difficult it is to fol- for traditional Catholics and their defense of the old Mass is unwor- low ideals in this world. Letters can be sent thy of you. by mail to Culture Wars, 206 Marquette My old concerns resurfaced last night when I watched your other- Ave., South Bend, IN 46617; by fax to 574- wise edifying podcast with Owen 289-1461; or by electronic mail to jones@ Benjamin. He asked for your opin- ion on the “Tridentine” Mass vs. culturewars.com. “New” Mass, and you gave it. You quickly rejected any “invid- ious comparison” of the two Rites. Invidious? Are you saying that any comparison is impossible? Unfair? That the two Rites are indistin- guishable? The Novus Ordo Mass is a Prot- estant service, no more, no less. Do you doubt it? Try this. Make three columns. In column A put the old Mass (preferably pre-1962 ver- sion). In column B put the Novus Ordo. In column C put Cranmer’s July/August 2019 / 3 tered, not God-centered. Hence, “out of sight out of mind” will You know, Dr. Jones, you’re not the scandalous abuses when the happen when modernists hide the the only writer of good books. The Mystical Body of Christ becomes Tabernacle in corners and closets? horrors unleashed by Vatican II the “People of God.” Are you not offended that abuses and Paul VI’s new Mass have been Ultimately, if a person prays like have mounted on sacrileges ever exhaustively described, not only a Protestant he will become one. since “eucharistic ministers” be- by the aforementioned Michael Lex orandi, lex credendi. gan to transfer hosts from their Davies, but by Romano Amerio, The typical Catholic never ana- unconsecrated hands to ours? You Roberto de Mattei, Atila Sinke lyzed it to that depth, but he knew don’t miss much, but you missed Guimaraes, Abbe de Nantes, Fa- something was wrong, something the fact that the devil snatched ther James Wathen, and too many different from what he and his obedience, that great privilege others to list. ancestors had always been taught. and duty of Catholics, and turned I was satisfied that you’ve recov- And so, all bets were off. Catho- it against them. Obedience is a ered from your Bergoliophila un- lics left the Church, and left it in virtue, but not highest in the hi- til you praised Francis recently for droves. Around the world Mass at- erarchy of virtues. Faith ranks negative comments about usury. tendance plummeted. It shouldn’t higher, and that Faith is undergo- Fine, but what’s that against the surprise any thinking person that ing the greatest assault since the breathtaking outrages that issue Catholic practice appears to be as Arian heresy. from his mouth or pen nearly every moribund as Anglicanism in Brit- You will forfeit respect if you week? ain. I’d like a thousand dollars for hide behind the assertion that oh, You remind me of the pedant every time I’ve heard the sentence yes, this has always been the excuse who goes to a bullfight. When beginning “I used to be Catholic for every heresy and schism. You the rest of the arena is white with but …” want invidious? I’ll give you invid- handkerchiefs demanding the There are other factors, of course, ious. Comparing traditional Cath- judge award ears and tail to the such as the overall secularization olics to Luther and Calvin, as you matador, you are the one guy who of society and the denial of Logos. seemed to do in the debate. knows better and jumps up to wave But something so pervasive must Catholics no longer practice his arms in dissent. have several concrete explanations. Church teaching on contraception How, I lament, can someone Heaven forbid we should fall prey either. Nor have they consistent- brilliant enough to produce JRS be to the logical fallacy, but notic- ly voted as Catholics. They have so blind? In any case, you’re killin’ ing what happened so soon after confirmed the late Hamish Fraser’s me nearly as much as the Novus Paul VI aimed his wrecking ball at dismissal of American Catholics as Ordo killed Evelyn Waugh. Read Catholic worship shouldn’t subject Protestants who go to Mass. the letters Waugh wrote before he us to your scorn. Your dismissive sneer that re- died and you’ll understand why Let’s fast-forward from the mid- taining the old Mass wouldn’t have a few of your most devoted fans 60s to 1988 and your debate with helped misses the point and turns weep. Michael Davies. Frankly, my first reality upside down, a process you impression of you was not a good often deplore. Are you among Daniel Amon one. I thought to myself, okay, those who think all that’s neces- Parma, Ohio Catholics have always obeyed the sary to quiet those retrograde Trads pope, but what would you have is to toss the Old Mass to them? ANTI-SEMITE! us do? Stay in our local parishes I think I’ve known more of them and accept the Novus Ordo? Be than you have, and I can tell you Anti-Semite! Anti-Semite! boiled like frogs one degree at a the New Mass is only one of their One would rather be accused of time into Protestantism? Do you complaints. It may indeed be the wife-beating than be tarred with scoff? Every poll taken these last most important, since the Mass is that career-ending brush. But we 35 years shows that the majority indeed the center of Catholic wor- will never be free until the accusa- of Catholics no longer believe in ship. You don’t quarrel with that, tion becomes a joke; until, instead the Real Presence? What else but do you? of cringing and apologizing, we can 4 / Culture Wars reply, “Is war-criminal Netanyahu Thank you for all your diligence I have long since left any sort of a Semite? Is sleazy Alan Dershowitz and fortitude and insight. damaging lifestyle issues behind. a Semite? Was the liar Elie Wiesel Chris Stieber I do not do drugs, I rarely drink, a Semite? Is AIPAC, which bribes Fort Wayne, IN and I do not engage in promiscu- and controls our Congress for the ous sex. I have recently found the sake of Israel, a Semitic Lobby? strength to walk away from por- AFRICAN TOURISM And are you, accusing me of being nography. an anti-Semite, a Semite? (mean- Your idea that clothing produc- I have returned to my faith full ing, your tribe uber alles). Then, tion is the entry level industry time, and I have found a spiritual hell yes, I'm an anti-Semite and for Africa is interesting. I was not mentor in my local Parish priest, proud of it!" aware of the economic history. who is not only a man of faith and When we can laugh in the face of Since they are awash in free hand- kindness, but adheres to more tra- our accuser and say that, then we'll me-downs, what other options do ditional views on church teaching, be free. they have? They have a lot of nat- and society, and is forthright and ural beauty and exotic animal and shows strength when it comes to Dale Walker plant life. Maybe hospitality or issues such as abortion, gay “mar- eco-tourism is possible. riage”, and the attempts to liberal- ize the church. THE STATE OF ISRAEL Sanctorius I have read your book Dionysos As a Catholic I am upset that [email protected] Rising, which was hugely infor- Congress ignores the 1st Amend- mative and confirmed many sus- ment and votes to give money to picions I had for a long time, even HEAVY ROCK OR NOT? the Religious State of Israel. They as a life long fan of rock music, of appropriate no money to the Vat- Firstly, I would like to thank you what was being promoted and sold ican (a Religious State). Why not? for your part in my return to my in popular music, as well as TV, It would be better spent. Who said Catholic faith. movies etc. that the U.S.A must protect the Your videos and books have been Here is my question for you — border of Israel? Which political a huge source of inspiration, and Now that I no longer listen to art- party is that? have opened my eyes to the truth ists who promote drug use, promis- of the world around us and the cuity, or anti-christian viewpoints, Bill Sherwin true meaning of the teachings of am I still in danger of compromis- Pittsburgh, PA Our Lord Jesus Christ. ing myself spiritually if I continue For many, many years I was not to play heavy music? a church goer. I went through I write lyrics that I feel are in line AQUINAS AND HISTORY periods identifying as agnostic, with my faith, and refuse to use Thought your analysis of or pagan, although in my heart, any sexual or occult related imag- Aquinas and history was terrif- I always believed in God. But in ery in my artwork. ic (Communist Manifesto and recent years I believe that God But is the very act of playing the Moby Dick) and can’t wait for has spoken to me, through the music itself a danger? Surely, de- the book. words of believers I have met, acts spite the artists I grew up listening But honestly, once one knows of kindness, too many “coinci- to (although the vast majority did what you know of capital H Histo- dences” in the acts and words of not promote the occult, drugs or ry, what the hell else is there except strangers and opportunities that sexuality, and some were overtly filling in the Hieronymus Bosch have come my way. Catholic or Christian in their crossword puzzle? The death of my father in partic- world view) any musical inspira- And I honestly think St. Thomas ular began a journey of discovery tion or talent I have comes from has given you the “correct” per- regarding everything from becom- God? spective on History capital H (He- ing healthier, to political history, Stylistically, it is a matter of taste gel). and spirituality. in a sense, all music draws from the July/August 2019 / 5 same notes, so the sound itself, if gan using heroin after listening to Cannae, he would be disbelieved. the intent of the artist is honour- David Bowie, and 2) “Maureen,” However, the more thoughtful able, could that be a source of evil? a Catholic Irish woman from Bos- Roman commanders might won- If I stay the path in my life, and ton, who told me that her involve- der how he came across a term try to live by Christs example with ment in promiscuous sex in college like “double envelopment”. In the Logos in mind, if I write lyrics to began after listening to Madonna. same way, any reconnaissance that uplift people, and refrain from us- Both instances indicate that dis- contradicts the current strategy ing the cliched imagery, am I doing ordered music can lead to disor- is discounted. “Whose own hard something from God, or some- dered passions. The fact that you dealings teaches them suspect/ The thing worldly and/or from dark are conscious of this possibility and thought of others!” forces? that you have become habituated “In nothing is the power of the Am I fooling myself in believ- to this kind of music means that Dark Lord more clearly shown than ing I can create this music without it may not have the same effect in the estrangement that divides all compromising my faith or harm- on you, but the bigger question is those who still oppose him.” Ideo- ing others, even if my intent is whether your music isn't contra- logical possession: Islam has invad- something positive, and I am true dicting the message of your lyrics. ed large tracts of the world’s mind, to my church and my God? That’s something to think about. and it continues to mould the Should I find another style of I think this is the main problem thought even of Westerners. Dale music that would be more in line with Christian rock. You can't Walker is a case in point. No writ- with my faith, and what would worship Christ with Dionysian er is proof against his editor, and that be? I do enjoy the work of the music. So, as someone who played on this occasion the typesetting of great composers and folk, but aside Irish music for 16 years in a pub in my article went above and beyond from the fact, I am no Reinhard South Bend, I would recommend what was needed to confuse people Keiser, I don't naturally write in that you return to your Celtic like Mr. Walker. But the worst of those styles. roots. Ralph Vaughn Williams said all cures is to deny the disease. Dig- I am struggling with this here. In that all music, all classical music, is ital banning is the twenty-first-cen- my heart I feel I can use it in a pos- ultimately folk music, and you cer- tury equivalent of “We gave you a itive way, but I'm afraid that I am tainly have a wealth of that to draw formal warning not to preach in being fooled. on. this name”. The current corporate model is to censor and ban. How- Myles A Mullally E. Michael Jones ever, a good player wants the ball, Ireland. South Bend, Indiana he doesn’t want his opponent dis- qualified. Also, heresies like Walk- erism provoke the formulation of DR. JONES RESPONDS MUSLIM HONEYBEES orthodox doctrine, so allow me to Thanks for your note. I'm glad One can define the West as better the instruction and engage you found my writing helpful. those who didn’t cheer when No- in some ideological repositioning. You're asking a profound ques- tre Dame burned. Remember the Chesterton said that Shylock “is a tion about music, namely, wheth- Catskills comedian who hoped he sincere man who sincerely believes er some modes are disordered and would get to own a Porsche “before in usury”, and “no doubt he real- lead to a disordered life. Plato felt they round us up again”? His fatal- ly felt himself oppressed”. By the that the young should not be al- ism was based on a tacit admission very force of his will he is convinc- lowed to listen to, I believe, the that Jewish behaviour would even- ing himself (and he has convinced Phyrgian mode because they have tually provoke a reaction from the many critics!) that he proposes to trouble controlling their passions. host. His humour may have been take reprisals for the persecutions In two successive interviews re- dark but his grasp of human nature of his people. “Unfortunately it cently, I recounted the story of 1) was lucid. was the case for the Christians that Christiane F, who in Wir Kinder If the village idiot overheard Car- they, with at least equal reason felt vom Bahnhof Zoo, said that she be- thaginian plans for the battle of him as the oppressor, and that mu- 6 / Culture Wars tual charge of tyranny is the Se- leashed a scourge of hyper-aggres- belief in biological determinism, mitic trouble in all times.” Now sive killers who invade productive and therefore a rejection of free replace “Shylock” with “Moham- hives and die in the winter for lack will and responsibility. med” and “usury” with “Islam”. of honey. Did the Crusaders im- I had for a few years prior to Account for the fact that “Islam” port Muslims after the sack of Je- this been familiarizing myself with means “submit” and that the map rusalem? Then why does it make Christian dogma, and even con- and history bear this out. Con- sense to bring Muslims here...Why sidered myself to be Christian, fusing the issue and embroidering would they want to come? Isn’t Is- but only ever in a fleeting, Protes- the facts may make a Muslim feel lam the way to organize the ideal tant sense. So I want to begin by justified, but his self-deception polity? A good Muslim is a bad earnestly thanking you for saving shouldn’t extend to us. What is so Westerner. my life, my sanity, and possibly hard about accepting that Islam has Say what you will about the Na- my soul. Your work is unmatched proven (over 1400 years) to be the zis, at least they didn’t burn Notre in quality and importance in the original totalitarian ideology? It is Dame. But to the Muslims who modern day, as far as I can tell, and a wicked ideology for governing all cheered as Paris burnt, great art I keep you and your family in my aspects of human life that enforces is something to be torched, like prayers for that reason. its rule so brutally that any nation the Library at Alexandria. What I have since read Barren Metal where Islam is a majority becomes chance does reason and logic have and Libido Dominandi, I’ve been near totally Muslim. “Collective with such a mindset? If Walk- subscribed to Culture Wars since sanctions on 100% of the popula- er wishes to reformat his brain so April, and I have watched over a tion when .0001% is responsible?” that Islam makes sense, he will hundred of your YouTube videos Well, a concentration of only a few have to give up his claim to the and interviews. I have been at- parts per billion of certain active intellectual heritage of the West. tending Mass every Sunday — and ingredients is sufficient to render often on certain weekdays as well the entire batch toxic. “Know ye Blaise Thompson — since February; I will begin my not that a little leaven leaveneth Toronto, Ontario RCIA program in autumn; and the whole lump?” Physics tells us I will hopefully be baptized next that although the behaviour of the Easter. Logos is undeniably rising! WHITE GUYS & LOGOS individual atom or electron is un- In addition to wanting to thank predictable, the behaviour of large I figure it’s about time I wrote to you and encourage you to continue collections of atoms or electrons you. Around the beginning of this your magnificent research and in- can be predicted with remarkable year I finished reading your Jewish terviews (I eagerly await The Histo- accuracy. There are no accurate pre- Revolutionary Spirit, and immedi- ry of Logos and the Logos of History!), dictive models for individual Mus- ately after finishing it I resolved to I also wanted to share some of my lims, but if we have a large random convert to Catholicism. This is be- thoughts and experiences with you. sample of the ummah moving here cause, prior to finishing your book, Coming from my background, and we can safely predict that they will I had been travelling down a racial- having spent so long in “white guy” reproduce the pathologies of their ist path, where I bought into the and “alt-right” circles (and I still do Muslim homelands. “white guys” ideology, and through to this day, but now I debate about “Islam is compatible with the that ideology — and by associat- Logos with them), I think I have a West.” Maritain thought the most ing with the circles involved with certain depth of understanding of dangerous idea is one which is it — I discovered the dispropor- that ideology, as well as how to per- false, assumed to be true, unex- tionate role the Jewish people have haps best present the idea of Logos pressed, yet lived by. Remember played, especially in recent history, to those who have fallen into that the scientist who crossed Europe- in undermining Western culture. It particular racial trap. an honeybees with African ones? was your book that finally offered a I have seen you debate with the He thought the Africans would coherent explanation of this reality “white guys” a number of times become placid and productive like without depending on racial terms, now, from JF Gariepy, to Richard the Europeans. Instead, he un- terms that invariably translate to a Spencer, to Mark Collett just yes- July/August 2019 / 7 terday, and I think you explained phy and culture that they did was It is the same with the Japanese. yourself very well in all cases. How- undeniably a pursuit of Logos, a For whatever reasons, they fol- ever, while those who follow you higher level of consciousness (un- lowed Logos without knowing His see these interviews and appreciate derstanding of Logos) among the name, and it earned them a great their value, I know, having spent Greeks, which gave way to even civilization — but that civilization so long in these circles, that these higher consciousness with time. is not comparable to the one that interviews have not convinced the Now, the cause of this superior was birthed from a Church that interviewers, or the majority part consciousness of the Greeks is ful- did know Christ’s name and Gos- of their audiences who are just as ly known by God alone. You have pel. thoroughly invested in that par- acknowledged that there was Logos Finally, the “white guys” are ticular worldview. There are of before Christ came (because the quick to use Africans as an excuse course many watchers of all these Son has existed from the begin- to flaunt their racial superiority. I channels who I am sure have been ning, even though it wasn’t until think you are absolutely right to compelled by your arguments. My 2000 years ago that He came to cite the example of the Kenya di- thought was simply that, if I could Earth). There has been society and ocese founded in 1987 compared better explain the line of thinking language long before Christ came. to the German one founded in of these types to you, you might There has been rationality and civ- the ninth century. That is the root be able to address their specific ilization long before Christ came. cause of racial and cultural differ- complaints more directly. You can The Logos that exists within every ences throughout the world: some of course consider or dismiss my human being, and therefore every peoples have been walking the path thoughts as you see fit. society, is able to guide groups to- of Christ / Logos for longer than It seems to me that discussion ward Truth and Goodness, even others. That is what contributes to of Logos specifically is inseparable “without” Christ (even though the disparity in academic achievement, from debate with the racial types. Logos guiding them is Christ) — even when economic factors are Christ is of course Logos Incarnate, but it will never reach fulfillment controlled. That is the source of dis- and the Catholic Church is the ve- without Christ Proper, it will in- parity in IQ (I know you said you hicle of Logos in the modern world evitably stall without Christ-as- don’t believe in IQ, but it seems to as you say, and I by no means in- Saviour. As you’ve said, Logos is a accurately predict success in the tend to “domesticate” Christ by multiplicity, a gradient, and some Western world); that is the source separating Him from discussion peoples and groups conceived of it of disparity in violent tendencies; of Logos. But I note, for instance, better than others. This applies to and that is the source of the dis- the persistence of “white guys” to humanity before Christ as well as parity in views towards sexuality, point out the excellence of Ancient after. The Greeks, perhaps due to etc. that the “white guys” so readily Greece, or Pre-Christian Rome, their unique position in time and cite when making their case about or Japan whenever the invaluable space, sought after Christ before racial differences. The key point is role of the Catholic Church in they even knew His name, and as that these differences, while in my European history and civilization a result, they surpassed all other so- opinion real, are not signs of bio- is discussed. The inferior “civili- cieties at that time. As you’ve also logically determined “intelligent zation” of these usury-based and pointed out, those same Greeks animals” walking around and be- slave-driven economies to Catholic eventually degenerated into magi- having differently due to superior civilization notwithstanding, no cians, and it was the Church that or inferior DNA — that is a gross one denies that these societies were preserved what they found through trivialization. In the same way (this profoundly civilized — civilized reason. It is almost as if, separate is another argument the “white before Christ even came to this from the Truth of Christ’s life and guys” will cite) that West Africans Earth, let alone before the Church sacrifice, even those of higher con- win all the 100m races because gained any significant power. But sciousness (the Greeks) were des- their DNA / history of develop- you have answered this objection tined to decline, for the inferiority ment has better prepared them for in your writings: what drove the of their once-superior understand- long, muscular legs and short but Greeks to develop the philoso- ing of Logos caught up with them. incredible bursts of energy, so too, 8 / Culture Wars

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