CULTURCSHOCK! 2 Sean Bramble Ihe ctresboct sets sa enemic and indispensable range of gues foe those aves who oe locking atl urdestand the courses they 24e visting adh tle explains the customs traitors, aca and busines ‘iquete in ely ond oloratve aye utaseshoct ath. al of wna have experience the joys 2d pills ateltcal dapat, ave pla opovie was i oie ice othe Seok sine saat no divs cles, tach cutareshck! book cotans righ int local cule ad rations + adkiee on acaping iro the local enanmcet. * ings Help, asst in portant "awit get the met out oF your travel expeione Catureshoce J9pan wil guide you though the confusion and inisindestandiags you vill imevtatly feel when visting ar wertng a ‘pans wi adapting te any new culture, There are alas numerous things 16 lean aid be ante Willen samen th stand expatienc, here is eveything you need to know in one randy book team about the Japanese culture, the pressure a ksi fc and how to bow cocetly im two easy sips. Discover the do's and dots when dining at sameenes Pome nd ost more about japanese Tood and eam the art ofthe japanese tea ceremony. Alscinduded is practical, pasted infrmatin to ease you stay. ike note 0 tips on haw to berg ‘nea shaping and watt expec fom japanese herbal medicine So whether you requte innate elie etiquette of where ond ah Spuig,cutueshock pan covers eal, everyting to make your cual ‘ancien 3 plesuab¢ one Bs BOOKS UU ‘Marshall Cavendish Editions Asi CULTURESHOCH! , Sean Bramble Marshall Cavendish WAS) tions ‘Si phaos By ean Bramble (oksn rom Japan fyouitoss 1992260 S/F scan rnin 2 204 Uce wih pemeson spats es, Sea Vette earn cg) compte Fey iusacensby 56 si pttecn 200 {Sovran 05 Halve tems (mt nad ‘Taser publ 205 lsohal exer tans ‘nite cl ce mest) ree ‘New etal oot, Sapo S318 Ich sports 9301 beepers {rsh ease marhlsnendh cm ‘hie eee: armasilcrndsh om ene le i cent big Cg os ste harne crear a9 0506 Sees zest arenes so) ts 2008 ator ww rom segs sed 1 sa fh pain ny ep red iss 1 fare, any fom of ty an megs cone, Mec forrest po rch thc ers pooch rat eros ose as esse ote cop tsar bing Coon rth ry Sau sen 2501272 amet Noe) ah Tose 64 sks cms) Ssh 13bessa02 ubge cts Sage by tne Gaps ABOUT THE SERIES Culture shock estate of disorertaion that ean come aver nyeneshu hasten cst unin sarcumiys ay Frome one's comfort zan CltreShacs is series sie fad reputed gues ‘which has, for ceetdes, ben heling cxpacracs ard loagowr vistors :0 cushion che impact ot cule sheck whenever they move 9a reve count. ‘yricen by pecple whe have lived tn ue County send cesperienend cure shock horns, the athens sre be information necessary for anyon ta cope wit: these felings fof sonentation morn effeaiely. The guides are res it a Style that sen creas ane covers a range 2 ops that ill an readers with enougs advice hinssard tps te make their lives asnarmalas possble a3 ach aook i seuctued un the samme manner ie besos vid eG irpreon hac vitor lave of tae ety OF ‘curt To unde-saed acu nue, ene must frscundersad the aeaple—wnere rey came rom, who ey ae, eves ard “none thay lve ny, a6 we thee uss ad eu This is comered in he rst half ofthe book “Then on wich the pracial aspects te sete fn with the greatest of ease, Authors valk readers through ow to fird aceorrmadaton, gee ules and tleromeructeatiens up ane running. enrol thei fa sehen ana keep ine pn ‘of ealh, Ba a's no al, Once the essen alse cu of he ‘way, venture oct and ry the fd, enjy ere eh re nd rave! to otter ageas, Ten be reerse inthe language oF the vaurty before diverge ates, the Dass sede of eins To round atl, svippets of basic intonation are alles hefore readers are uested” on casts ad etiguete af he ‘unin, Useful weds ard phrases, a comprehensive resource ‘de nd is of books for tunher research are als inuiuded Fareasy rfeonen CONTENTS paren x —. 2 kira jpmeenins v8 Cameringn th prss 20 INTRODUCTION lwhap! Thar tre sone as you sip your forehead and slain, “My goodnest—Iin rally is Japan” 144 when we goto Japan years age ard, you know stil do i em ire to es Thee are en mary tugs akout Jepan tat Se omieely ahs ih hates you've eeperenesd in yout hame ccurity, such 3s dr ontées tht are tll movin fr company mestings erat arsn. sven now | sometimes sul yet tha fuse Feng that something is culturally amiss something jst cas pur my finger en. Tra fed scitae shock, 0: course, Fonunataly mast every newcomer 0 [span manages to fet some good advice fm an ‘ale hand 'n avr Yo cope ‘ah she coir, caveat old hard was PhISweN. prornaturoy baling, extremely Sune Brie He would ole a1 tld fim azeue the Inet cles ces ondured, An fen on a vexy Rndly Ione of woIce e's say, “apa is ‘cenanly an unbtievaie county, BNF ter sychavahees Teannotay where it was Ais oustencing advice Pat rechroagh those rough early days or fiewas simply te Si lager, bat In ay case I progressed quite neatly along the > antin ovens curve uf eal adstrent to Japan ‘Sp tris thne | have felt wemendleus responsibly writing this hock for those reweomers thar’ yout who ave conterplating 8 tip hero Pan eat 3 hers se ofthe Frage cull eiecences ore mst ebsionsy overcome bat mostly nerause Pve navi hee we we ry selseving publcetons put our about apa, endlessly naering an abou hw absolutely nary’ all i ere Japan snekherparacsc at inferne juss sa you make of ay hope wath hisbook, st pine you the ight reson and help you over che ineable hums, And: yaa fed you sci hove any questions lnfeanarswerse, come nde he local ako, pul up 4 stool, and eal 34% “Au sim tite hada” Jus © small reader ho bee, pase) 1S the fa: parse pee 1 leaened for Fl ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, [suppese could have urinonth shook witha arenview ng fnciher soul, but then | woulda’ have foun to be parceulatlyintoresting plas | would have had no one sce to tel my bad joes to seca, unt ruch rare fin to tik with alec af athee peo disk son vfTve x: bet, and acualy leer something new To everyone who Pelee I weuld lke 20 say tha 1 WAS alot Of Tun, especialy the second round “Thanks go Ins of peaple,sareing with ny lovely wie Jumko, wo ida marvelous oo of pretending o anderstand allo the set ined agonies at weg brings out n me land an exer here js of inporing me in any way she vss could, [rwculd a0 the» shark my parents, who di’ fle Lp t29 much of & fuss the day | told chem Id decices head off ro Asia; this book is @ hapey by-gnaduct of Alsodeserving of kudosare Mark Eli, who Coughtly rememberec me “om Lowe: Navherestan and suggested waite this book, and ey everpacent editor, Yuri Ne Particularly gererous wih dier Ge and assistance were In alehabetcal orcer, Shogo Assi, Roser Bennet. Vimy Breikrouz Fanaki Kyou, Harada Hideo, Hane Emiko, Iie May, Hots Snchil, Abe Mayuso, Karen Hats, Foga Chitako, Michael € Kons, Mousum Da Cli J Larivourn, Dartcan GR Lawrence, rod tyle, Masumoto Mak, Scott Newby, Nishrant HEcru, Greg C'Koete, Sek ‘Tornako, Dr Ronald Schlemper, Flot) Schuchav, Sugi “Torrokw, Dr Takan Mami, Tanaka Miwa, Moses Yamane and ‘Yoshida Wako, Final ul ike than the hundreds of my students ‘whe. ver the years have kindly explained many of the remariable inteca:ies of Japanese society adealute tome. Any mistakes thre ghee lurking within his tom are 2 ober Mant would sing, nob’ tlt aut mine. MAP OF JAPAN russia Noxit KORA SEA OF JAPAN (HINA PHILIPPINE SEA carrer 1 YouREVERY TALL “xaoledge I o Ho Kinds. We know a subject auseles, CF we know where we can find information up i: Sarwel Johnson custo JAP Om sy FR SerURS HME aes having Lived n Japan, 1 vwas stunned by howe many people wars ta hua ry imoresions. {was always a loss co answe Vm crib sony.” Iapelogised, “bet | just dot do impression. ul evemtuly | costoned on tothe fact that they were ashing about my impress of Jap, ar dns on way at was even haar than yng to iia, for exarme Mir Roan Hunder becaase what do you sy when sings n Japan ace not only ifeeat from your ewn eau, but also tilferen (om your swe expecatiors of Japan eset saybei’ easier to saree things acer eal seu apa, Thereare ro samara walang down este in thee kkmonos wah swords a her ides, tn aot st you re ore of tose people who wisted Japan, say. 30 years go end are viseng for the fst ume since, you wil likely be surprised by nove rich tradioralcloening has irgely Aisappeared from peoples daly ves. Nar do gts hurr teoush the early evening tse neat appointmart “heat in Tolyo team more agreeably cey than Las Anges tv Barcelona. And itycu ae are of nose guile sous ho thinks Godaila realy aid pass though Tokyo, web, you'd have one very cific time finding evidence of his vs ost poeple arrive in Japan for te hist time via Narita Inetnaconalairpor, which isramourec tobe located near Tokyo ite, Once you step out of the confines oF your plave ard ino the amon, you will ineredlarely coms to FIRST IMPRESSIONS 3 rips wen mat vee compart space. Frey, Yow wll rd oat you iy much tlle: here esr you ever were ae home, ané second'y, everyone ane ceetyhing is rowed ‘etter thar rruch mare compact, When rs parents had (a take a connecing Might at the airprt, they eiscovered (hat whet sey frst thought was the furan desk turned (cut tu be the ines courte shih handled ll connecting Dighs. Wren you vencvre ou inte Tokyo feel, you may iso possinly Find yoursell dealing wich a vague sence of claustphaa bythe heginring, you may Endl that che mast Fearful are abut Japanese cities is the fact that you can't “ead anything. Now th ransportacion conn signa aslenty eSAr3s nig ce les have Engish eu, an Lote of compartes use Rasran leer and Engish worden helt. 5ig°S. Nevertheless if yeu'e an inweterse redo Hke me you may be cowed by the fac: that yeu just can't began to “rake hesdoriiloutof the Japanese wtingsysiem, Mis. ay in Tok}, 1 was Soe afraid oF being fo -fouunes0ee ON that couldnt venture more thana block ay om Ge hoe by myself could acceprbeing ursbo to speak he language, buco unable 0 eeac oven ABC was unnerving Modern ve Tiadtional lucy San inte ay sun" hs ren een he pose ‘Fomren ebvextare of che maceen ane rae h epah ‘The impeccably clean motorway bus and the liter carelessly dropped en the set, ce noise ard lights of Shintuk dhe quiet serve uf the wellaressed masses of people, he clerks who sprinsed othe counter 0 ake careof fe she recurring imilzy 20 and a pubis bench o i span fates fountin to ink fom, the beni fers, he stations with uains constant arciving and cepartn Person vi Lindy pene isn he igh nec wi peaking a word of Lngls, the absurd prices, te salers Ih Yaris usinesses pertecly dressed in cheir uno: the adverts of erring ® mel. all cf these aes ae ‘ured nto my'merrory as stcngly as they were tht very Frat day acived, Ard not iy ddI survive my exporionce ily pleased ehae hae mastered my ‘wn Ui svete inthe Far Ea “The next day, et rave encugh to wander tes Blocks away trom the 901 ‘Wistory ca staf les agreed unen, —Napolzon| GEOGRAPHY Jepan i & collection of wards tra les 2 the nonheasteen ‘margin of Asia. Compdsing four major isands—Honshu, ojala, Kyushu and Shikoku—and about 1,600 sma‘er (os, itsuretches in agence east-west at The ciate ranges from semera to sibtopieal~anel3€ ane mighr expect ttean run the garni el etre weather Winters in Haka a fad tho Tohoks gions im be rata, une ks afaly he fainy ssaror, and the best thot car he sid abous summer ss tha Hs OL ate Huth just ne eyplivons blow thrash ‘Tpuprapially Jap ss mostly rnaumtanous, wite a few large plains bat almost no major vers t9 s9eak oF fs part of the Pacine Quean’s ‘ring of fre" i has many vsleanoes feme dormant lke oun: Fi seme active ike Sakuralea, Ws aso prone to earheuakes, ard seaside eas someures experience impoadirg danger from “he szcompanyngcaunari. "ios: the mounralns—atleast the onos hat hver=beon allied in she nate of evelopment’—are covered wth ‘ves of domestlsand foreign ceeds a evergree e 2eces, includ ng pine ara cecat. Many lowland ereas are sil: devored cathe tiling of co, bat many oF hs ice eld that oncelay wth city iis have since been convened as, Joan als has Some bezuful Nowe sha make thelr appearance thioughour the warner manths| THE LAND ANU 115 PEOPLE 7 ‘kanes he oe i, ae pp oi tans, Ippan has very lide wide dangercue to man, Javanese volves became expe: a eersury age, end bears cus ochaida ae hd wo Gd. There ave stakes, but ever te at snakes of Oxinawa are nat as poisanaus oe deadly 35 at as srakes of the worl go. In tas, the moet dangerous rene yo might wn aero sto moka, an ovo ng concgede that eaves a rasty yelt ie bes you. Ot the trou prominent animals seer ww be spies, ise of all nds ueucing buterties and dragons), Eis crows, cranes, Kes, ducks ard secqulls, cever monkeys, ‘nei deer ane uta rats ‘THE SEASONS apa has four seasnas. New ths Is not urusual Wats Unusual, chough, is Hew many paaple bed tna Japan = very unigue ir having four distinct seacars. Some jaoanese ven Sind tard to elle thar othes eauncres could 86 uly esse. hitew on Bish waa eed gently Doincourthae the English ain expertenced our seasons. "No, sou don.” cefriea her Jepanese colleague Neserheess, as beis& society in which farmers have 4 poliieal impact completely out of proportion 19 heir