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Contents Introduction 1 Trainng Programs 11 Biology of Cultures Cells 31 Laboratory design and Layout 43 Equipment 55 Aseptic Technique 73 Safety, Bioethics, and Validation 87 Culture Vessels and Substrates 105 Defined Media and Supplements 115 Serum-Free Media 129 Preparation and Sterilization 145 Primary Culture 175 Subculture and Cell Lines 199 Cloning and Selection 217 Cell Separation 237 Characterization 247 Differentiation 281 Transformation and 291 Immortalization Contamination 307 Cryopreservation 321 Quantitation 335 Cytotoxicity 359 Culture of Specific Cell Types 375 Culture of Tumor Cells 421 Organotypic Culture 435 Scale-Up 451 Specialized Techniques 467 Problem Solving 503 In Conclusion 515 Appendix CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 HISTORICALBACKGROUND continuoushumancellline,HeLa[Geyetal.,1952];thiswas subsequentlyclonedbyPuck[PuckandMarcus,1955]when the concept of an X-irradiated feeder layer was introduced Tissue culture was first devised at the beginning of the into cloning. Tissue culture became more widely used at twentiethcentury[Harrison,1907;Carrel,1912](Table1.1) this time because of the introduction of antibiotics, which as a method for studying the behavior of animal cells free facilitated long-term cell line propagation although many of systemic variations that might arise invivo both during peoplewere already warning againstcontinuoususe andthe normal homeostasis and under the stress of an experiment. associated risk of harboring cryptic, or antibiotic-resistant, As the name implies, the technique was elaborated first contaminations[Parker,1961].The1950swerealsotheyears with undisaggregated fragments of tissue, and growth was of the development of defined media [Morgan etal., 1950; restricted to the migration of cells from the tissue fragment, Parker etal., 1954; Eagle, 1955, 1959; Waymouth, 1959], withoccasionalmitosesintheoutgrowth.Ascultureofcells whichledultimatelytothedevelopmentofserum-freemedia from such primary explants of tissue dominated the field for [Ham,1963,1965](seeSection10.6). more than 50years [Fischer, 1925; Parker, 1961], it is not surprisingthatthename‘‘tissueculture’’hasremainedinuse as a generic term despite the fact that most of the explosive expansion in this area in the second half of the twentieth 40000 century (Fig.1.1) was made possible by the use of dispersed 35000 cellcultures. 30000 Disaggregation of explanted cells and subsequent plating out of the dispersed cells was first demonstrated by Rous hits 25000 [Rous and Jones, 1916], although passage was more often of 20000 o. by surgical subdivision of the culture [Fischer, Carrel, and N 15000 others] to generate what were then termed cell strains. 10000 L929 was the first cloned cell strain, isolated by capillary 5000 cloningfrommouseL-cells[Sanfordetal.,1948].Itwasnot 0 until the 1950s that trypsin became more generally used for 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 subculture, following procedures described by Dulbecco to Cumulative total Publication year obtain passaged monolayer cultures for viral plaque assays [Fischer, 1925] [Dulbecco, 1952], and the generation of a single cell Fig.1.1. Growth of Tissue Culture. Number of hits in PubMed suspension by trypsinization, which facilitated the further for‘‘cellculture’’from1965. Thepre-1960figureisderivedfrom development of single cell cloning. Gey established the first thebibliographyofFischer[1925]. CultureofAnimalCells:AManualofBasicTechnique,FifthEdition,byR.IanFreshney Copyright2005JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. 1 2 CULTUREOFANIMALCELLS TABLE1.1. KeyEventsintheDevelopmentofCellandTissueCulture Date Event Reference 1907 Frogembryonervefiberoutgrowthinvitro Harrison,1907 1912 Explantsofchickconnectivetissue;heartmusclecontractilefor Carrel,1912;Burrows,1912 2–3months 1916 Trypsinizationandsubcultureofexplants Rous&Jones,1916 1920s/30s Subcultureoffibroblasticcelllines Carrel&Ebeling,1923 1925–1926 Differentiationinvitroinorganculture Strangeways&Fell,1925,1926 1940s Introductionofuseofantibioticsintissueculture Keilova,1948;Cruikshank&Lowbury,1952 1943 EstablishmentoftheL-cellmousefibroblast;firstcontinuouscellline Earleetal.,1943 1948 CloningoftheL-cell Sanfordetal.,1948 1949 Growthofvirusincellculture Endersetal.,1949 1952 Useoftrypsinforgenerationofreplicatesubcultures Dulbecco,1952 Virusplaqueassay Dulbecco,1952 1952–1955 Establishmentthefirsthumancellline,HeLa,fromacervical Geyetal.,1952 carcinoma, 1952 Nucleartransplantation seeBriggs&King,1960 1954 Fibroblastcontactinhibitionofcellmotility Abercrombie&Heaysman,1954 Salkpoliovaccinegrowninmonkeykidneycells seeGriffiths,1991 1955 CloningofHeLaonahomologousfeederlayer Puck&Marcus,1955 Developmentofdefinedmedia Eagle,1955,1959 Requirementofdefinedmediaforserumgrowthfactors Sanfordetal.,1955;Harris,1959 Late1950s Realizationofimportanceofmycoplasma(PPLO)infection Corielletal.,1958;Rothblat&Morton, 1959;Nelson,1960 1961 Definitionoffinitelifespanofnormalhumancells Hayflick&Moorhead,1961 Cellfusion–somaticcellhybridization Sorieul&Ephrussi,1961 1962 EstablishmentandtransformationofBHK21 Macpherson&Stoker,1962 Maintenanceofdifferentiation(pituitary&adrenaltumors) Buonassisietal.,1962;Yasamuraetal., 1966;Sato&Yasumura,1966 1963 3T3cells&spontaneoustransformation Todaro&Green,1963 1964 Pluripotencyofembryonalstemcells Kleinsmith&Pierce,1964 Selectionoftransformedcellsinagar Macpherson&Montagnier,1964 1964–1969 Rabies,RubellavaccinesinWI-38humanlungfibroblasts Wiktoretal.,1964;Andzaparidze,1968 1965 Serum-freecloningofChinesehamstercells Ham,1965 Heterokaryons—man–mousehybrids Harris&Watkins,1965 1966 Nervegrowthfactor Levi-Montalcini,1966 Differentiationinrathepatomas Thompsonetal.,1966 1967 Epidermalgrowthfactor Hoober&Cohen,1967 HeLacellcross-contamination Gartler,1967 Densitylimitationofcellproliferation Stoker&Rubin,1967 Lymphoblastoidcelllines Mooreetal.,1967;Gerperetal.,1969; Milleretal.,1971 1968 Retentionofdifferentiationinculturednormalmyoblasts Yaffe,1968 Anchorage-independentcellproliferation Stokeretal.,1968 1969 Colonyformationinhematopoieticcells Metcalf,1969;seealsoMetcalf,1990 1970s Developmentoflaminar-flowcabinets seeKruseetal.,1991;Collins&Kennedy, 1999 1973 DNAtransfer,calciumphosphate Graham&VanderEb,1973 1975 Fibroblastgrowthfactor Gospodarowiczetal.,1975 Hybridomas—monoclonalantibodies Kohler&Milstein,1975 1976 Totipotencyofembryonalstemcells Illmensee&Mintz,1976 Growthfactor-supplementedserum-freemedia Hayashi&Sato,1976 1977 ConfirmationofHeLacellcross-contaminationofmanycelllines Nelson-Rees&Flandermeyer,1977 3T3feederlayerandskinculture Rheinwald&Green,1975 1978 MCDB-selective,serum-freemedia Ham&McKeehan,1978 Matrixinteractions Gospodarowiczetal.,1978b;Reid& Rojkind,1979 Cellshapeandgrowthcontrol Folkman&Moscona,1978 CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 3 TABLE1.1. KeyEventsintheDevelopmentofCellandTissueCulture(Continued) Date Event Reference 1980s Regulationofgeneexpression see,e.g.,Darnell,1982 Oncogenes,malignancy,andtransformation seeWeinberg,1989 1980 MatrixfromEHSsarcoma(laterMatrigel) Hasselletal.,1980 1983 Regulationofcellcycle Evansetal.,1983;seealsoNurse,1990 ImmortalizationbySV40 Huschtscha&Holliday,1983 1980–1987 Developmentofmanyspecializedcelllines Peehl&Ham,1980;Hammondetal.,1984; Knedler&Ham,1987 1983 Reconstitutedskincultures Belletal.,1983 1984 Productionofrecombinanttissue-typeplasminogenactivatorin Collenetal.,1984 mammaliancells 1990s Industrial-scalecultureoftransfectedcellsforproductionof Butler,1991 biopharmaceuticals 1991 Cultureofhumanadultmesenchymalstemcells Caplan,1991 1998 Tissue-engineeredcartilage Aigneretal.,1998 1998 Cultureofhumanembryonicstemcells Thomsonetal.,1998 2000+ HumanGenomeProject:genomics,proteomics,genetic Dennisetal.,2001 deficienciesandexpressionerrors Exploitationoftissueengineering Atala&Lanza,2002;Vunjak-Novakovic& Freshney,2004 SeealsoPollack,1981. Throughout this book, the term tissue culture is used as made the embryonated hen’s egg a favorite choice; but the a generic term to include organ culture and cell culture. developmentof experimental animal husbandry, particularly The term organ culture will alwaysimply a three-dimensional withgeneticallypurestrainsofrodents,broughtmammalsto cultureofundisaggregatedtissue retainingsomeorall ofthe theforefrontasthefavoritematerial.Althoughchickembryo histological features of the tissue invivo. Cell culture refers to tissuecouldprovideadiversityofcelltypesinprimaryculture, a culture derived from dispersed cells taken from original rodenttissuehadtheadvantageofproducingcontinuouscell tissue,fromaprimaryculture,orfromacelllineorcellstrain lines [Earle etal., 1943] and a considerable repertoire of by enzymatic, mechanical, or chemical disaggregation. The transplantabletumors.Thedevelopmentoftransgenicmouse termhistotypiccultureimpliesthatcellshavebeenreaggregated technology [Beddington, 1992; Peat etal., 1992], together or grown to re-create a three-dimensional structure with with the well-established genetic background of the mouse, tissuelikecelldensity,e.g.,bycultivationathighdensityina hasaddedfurtherimpetustotheselectionofthisanimalasa filterwell,perfusionandovergrowthofamonolayerinaflask favoritespecies. or dish, reaggregation in suspension over agar or in real or The demonstration that human tumors could also give simulated zero gravity, or infiltration of a three-dimensional rise to continuous cell lines [e.g., HeLa; Gey etal., 1952] matrix such as collagen gel. Organotypic implies the same encouraged interest in human tissue, helped later by the procedures but recombining cells of different lineages, e.g., classic studies of Leonard Hayflick on the finite life span epidermal keratinocytes in combined culture with dermal of cells in culture [Hayflick & Moorhead, 1961] and the fibroblasts,inanattempttogenerateatissueequivalent. requirementofvirologistsandmoleculargeneticists to work Harrison [1907] chose the frog as his source of tissue, withhumanmaterial.Thecultivationofhumancellsreceived presumably because it was a cold-blooded animal, and a further stimulus when a number of different serum-free consequently, incubation was not required. Furthermore, selectivemediaweredevelopedforspecificcelltypes,suchas because tissue regeneration is more common in lower epidermal keratinocytes, bronchial epithelium, and vascular vertebrates, he perhaps felt that growth was more likely to endothelium (see Section10.2.1). These formulations are occur than with mammalian tissue. Although his technique now available commercially,although the cost remains high initiated a new wave of interest in the cultivation of tissue relativetothecostofregularmedia. invitro, few later workers were to follow his example in For many years, the lower vertebrates and the the selection of species. The stimulus from medical science invertebrates were largely ignored, although unique aspects carried future interest into warm-bloodedanimals,in which of their development (tissue regeneration in amphibians, both normal development and pathological development metamorphosis in insects) make them attractive systems for are closer to that found in humans. The accessibility of the study of the molecular basis of development. More different tissues, many of which grew well in culture, recently, the needs of agriculture and pest control have 4 CULTUREOFANIMALCELLS encouraged toxicity and virological studies in insects, and neoplasia.Thestandardizationofconditionsandcelllinesfor developmentsin gene technologyhave suggested that insect the production and assay of viruses undoubtedly provided cell lines with baculovirus and other vectors may be useful much impetus to the development of modern tissue culture producer cell lines because of the possibility of inserting technology, particularly the production of large numbers larger genomic sequences in the viral DNA and a reduced of cells suitable for biochemical analysis. This and other risk ofpropagating humanpathogenic viruses. Furthermore, technical improvements made possible by the commercial the economic importance of fish farming and the role of supplyofreliablemediaandseraandbythegreatercontrolof freshwaterandmarinepollutionhavestimulatedmorestudies contaminationwithantibioticsandclean-airequipmenthave ofnormaldevelopmentandpathogenesisinfish.Procedures madetissuecultureaccessibletoawiderangeofinterests. forhandlingnonmammaliancellshavetendedtofollowthose An additional force of increasing weight from public developed for mammalian cell culture, although a limited opinionhasbeentheexpressionofconcernbymanyanimal- numberofspecializedmediaarenowcommerciallyavailable rights groups over the unnecessary use of experimental forfishandinsectcells(seeSections27.7.1,27.7.2). animals. Although most accept the idea that some The types of investigation that lend themselves requirement for animals will continue for preclinical trials particularly to tissue culture are summarized in Fig.1.2: of new pharmaceuticals, there is widespread concern that (1)intracellularactivity,e.g.,thereplicationandtranscription extensive use of animals for cosmetics development and of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), protein synthesis, energy similar activities may not be morally justifiable. Hence, metabolism,anddrugmetabolism;(2)intracellularflux,e.g., there is an ever-increasing lobby for more invitro assays, RNA, the translocation of hormone receptor complexes the adoption of which, however, still requires their proper and resultant signal transduction processes, and membrane validation and general acceptance. Although this seemed a trafficking; (3)environmental interaction, e.g., nutrition, distant prospect some years ago, the introduction of more infection, cytotoxicity, carcinogenesis, drug action, and sensitive andmore readily performed invitro assays, together ligand–receptor interactions; (4)cell–cell interaction, e.g., withaveryrealprospectofassayingforinflammationinvitro, morphogenesis, paracrine control, cell proliferation kinetics, has promoted an unprecedented expansion in invitro testing metabolic cooperation, cell adhesion and motility, matrix (seeSection22.4). interaction, and organotypic models for medical prostheses In addition to cancer research and virology, other areas and invasion; (5)genetics, including genome analysis in of research have come to depend heavily on tissue culture normal and pathological conditions, genetic manipulation, techniques. The introduction of cell fusion techniques (see transformation, and immortalization; and (6)cell products Section27.9)andgeneticmanipulation[Maniatisetal.,1978; and secretion, biotechnology, bioreactor design, product Sambrook etal., 1989; Ausubel etal., 1996] established harvesting,anddownstreamprocessing. somatic cell genetics as a major component in the genetic The development of cell culture owed much to the analysis of higher animals, including humans. A wide range needs of two major branches of medical research: the oftechniquesforgeneticrecombinationnowincludesDNA production of antiviral vaccines and the understanding of transfer[Ravid&Freshney,1998],monochromsomaltransfer CELL PRODUCTS: Proteomics, secretion, biotechnology, biorector design, product harvesting, down- stream processing INTRACELLULAR ACTIVITY: IMMUNOLOGY: Cell surface epitopes, DNA transcription, protein synthesis, hybridomas, cytokines and signaling, energy metabolism, drug metabolism, inflammation cell cycle , differentiation, apoptosis GENOMICS: Genetic analysis, INTRACELLULAR transfection, infection, FLUX: RNA processing, transformation, immortalization, hormone receptors, senescence metabolite flux, calcium mobilization, signal TISSUE ENGINEERING: Tissue transduction, membrane constructs, matrices and trafficking scaffolds, stem cell sources, propagation, differentiation PHARMACOLOGY: Drug action, ligand receptor interactions, drug metabolism, TOXICOLOGY: Infection, drug resistance CELL-CELL INTERACTION: cytotoxicity, mutagenesis, Morphogenesis, paracrine control, cell carcinogenesis, irritation, proliferation kinetics, metabolic inflammation cooperation, cell adhesion and motility, matrix interaction, invasion Fig.1.2. TissueCultureApplications. CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 5 [Newbold & Cuthbert, 1998], and nuclear transfer [Kono, Furtherdevelopmentsintheapplicationoftissuecultureto 1997], which have been added to somatic hybridization medicalproblemshavefollowedfromthedemonstrationthat as tools for genetic analysis and gene manipulation. DNA cultures of epidermal cells form functionally differentiated transfer itself has spawned many techniques for the transfer sheets [Green etal., 1979] and endothelial cells may of DNA into cultured cells, including calcium phosphate form capillaries [Folkman & Haudenschild, 1980], offering coprecipitation, lipofection, electroporation, and retroviral possibilitiesinhomograftingandreconstructivesurgeryusing infection(seeSection27.11). an individual’s own cells [Tuszynski etal., 1996; Gustafson In particular, human genetics has progressed under the etal., 1998; Limat etal., 1996], particularly for severe burns stimulus of the Human Genome Project [Baltimore, 2001], [Gobet etal., 1997; Wright etal., 1998; Vunjak-Novakovic andthedatageneratedtherefromhaverecentlymadefeasible & Freshney, 2005] (see also Section25.3.8). With the ability the introduction of multigene array expression analysis [Iyer to transfect normal genes into genetically deficient cells, it etal.,1999]. hasbecomepossibletograftsuch‘‘corrected’’cellsbackinto Tissueculturehascontributedgreatly,viathemonoclonal the patient. Transfected cultures of rat bronchial epithelium antibody technique, to the study of immunology, already carryingtheβ-galreportergenehavebeenshowntobecome dependent on cell culture for assay techniques and the pro- incorporated into the rat’s bronchial lining when they are duction of hematopoietic cell lines. The insight into the introducedasanaerosolintotherespiratorytract[Rosenfeld mechanism of action of antibodies and the reciprocal infor- etal., 1992]. Similarly, cultured satellite cells have been mationthatthisprovidedaboutthestructureoftheepitope, shownto be incorporated intowoundedrat skeletalmuscle, derived from monoclonal antibody techniques [Kohler & with nuclei from grafted cells appearing in mature, syncytial Milstein, 1975], was, like the technique of cell fusion itself, myotubes[Morganetal.,1992]. aprologuetoawholenewfieldofstudiesingeneticmanip- The prospects for implanting normal cells from adult ulation. This field has supplied much basic information on or fetal tissue-matched donors or implanting genetically the control of gene transcription, and a vast new technol- reconstituted cells from the same patient have generated ogy and a multibillion-dollar industry have grown out of a whole new branch of culture, that of tissue engineering the ability to insert exploitable genes into prokaryotic and [Atala and Lanza, 2002; Vunjak-Novakovic and Freshney, eukaryotic cells. Cell products such as human growth hor- 2005], encompassing the generation of tissue equivalents mone, insulin, and interferon are now produced routinely by organotypic culture (see Section25.3.8), isolation and by transfected cells, although the absence of posttranscrip- differentiationofhumanembryonalstem(ES)cellsandadult tionalmodifications,suchasglycosylation,inbacteriasuggests totipotentstemcellssuchasmesenchymalstemcells(MSCs), that mammalian cells may provide more suitable vehicles gene transfer, materials science, utilization of bioreactors, [Grampp etal., 1992], particularly in light of developments and transplantation technology. The technical barriers are inimmortalizationtechnology(seeSection18.4). steadily being overcome, bringing the ethical questions to Other areas of major interest include the study of cell the fore. The technical feasibility of implanting normal interactions and intracellular control mechanisms in cell fetal neurons into patients with Parkinson disease has been differentiation and development [Jessell and Melton, 1992; demonstrated; society must now decide to what extent fetal Ohmichi etal., 1998; Balkovetz & Lipschutz, 1999] and materialmaybeusedforthispurpose.Whereapatient’sown attempts to analyze nervous function [Richard etal., 1998; cells can be grown and subjected to genetic reconstitution Dunn etal., 1998; Haynes, 1999]. Progress in neurological by transfection of the normal gene—e.g., transfecting the research has not had the benefit, however, of working with normalinsulingeneintoβ-isletcellsculturedfromdiabetics, propagated cell linesfrom normal brain or nervoustissue, as or even transfecting other cell types such as skeletal muscle the propagation of neurons invitro has not been possible, progenitors [Morgan etal., 1992]—it would allow the until now, without resorting to the use of transformed cells to be incorporated into a low-turnover compartment cells(seeSection18.4).However,developmentswithhuman and, potentially, give a long-lasting physiological benefit. embryonalstemcellcultures[Thomsonetal.,1998;Rathjen Although the ethics of this type of approach seem less etal., 1998; Wolf etal., 1998; Webber & Minger, 2004] contentious, the technical limitations of this approach are suggest that this approach may provide replicating cultures stillapparent. thatwilldifferentiateintoneurons. Invitro fertilization (IVF), developed from early Tissueculturetechnologyhasalsobeenadoptedintomany experiments in embryo culture [see review by Edwards, routineapplicationsinmedicineandindustry.Chromosomal 1996], is now widely used [see, e.g., Gardner and Lane, analysis of cells derived from the womb by amniocentesis 2003] and has been accepted legally and ethically in many (see Section27.6) can reveal genetic disorders in the unborn countries. However, another area of development raising child, the quality of drinking water can be determined, and significantethicaldebateisthe generationofgametesinvitro the toxic effectsofpharmaceuticalcompoundsandpotential fromthe cultureofprimordial germcellsisolatedfromtestis environmentalpollutantscanbemeasuredincolony-forming and ovary [Dennis, 2003] or from ES cells. Oocytes have andotherinvitroassays(seeSections22.3.1,22.3.2,22.4). been cultured from embryonic mouse ovary and implanted, 6 CULTUREOFANIMALCELLS generating normal mice [Eppig, 1996; Obata etal., 2002], TABLE1.3. LimitationsofTissueCulture andspermatidshavebeenculturedfromnewbornbulltestes and co-cultured with Sertoli cells [Lee etal., 2001]. Similar Category Examples workwithmousetestesgeneratedspermatidsthatwereused Necessaryexpertise Sterilehandling tofertilizemouseeggs,whichdevelopedintomature,fertile Chemicalcontamination adults[Marh,etal.,2003]. Microbialcontamination Cross-contamination Environmentalcontrol Workplace 1.2 ADVANTAGESOFTISSUECULTURE Incubation,pHcontrol Containmentanddisposalof 1.2.1 ControloftheEnvironment biohazards The two major advantages of tissue culture (Table1.2) Quantityandcost Capitalequipmentforscale-up are control of the physiochemical environment (pH, Medium,serum temperature, osmotic pressure, and O and CO tension), Disposableplastics 2 2 whichmaybecontrolledveryprecisely,andthephysiological Geneticinstability Heterogeneity,variability conditions, which may be kept relatively constant, but Phenotypicinstability Dedifferentiation Adaptation cannot always be defined. Most cell lines still require Selectiveovergrowth supplementation of the medium with serum or other Identificationofcelltype Markersnotalwaysexpressed poorly defined constituents. These supplements are prone Histologydifficulttorecreateand to batch variation and contain undefined elements such as atypical hormonesandotherregulatorysubstances.Theidentification Geometryandmicroenvironment ofsomeoftheessentialcomponentsofserum(seeTable9.5), changecytology togetherwithabetterunderstandingoffactorsregulatingcell proliferation (see Table10.3), has made the replacement of serumwithdefinedconstituentsfeasible(seeSection10.4).As not always precisely defined, yet it can be regulated and, laboratoriesseektoexpressthenormalphenotypicproperties as cloned matrix constituents become available, may still be of cells invitro, the role of the extracellular matrix becomes fullydefined. increasingly important. Currently, that role is similar to the use of serum—that is, the matrix is often necessary, but 1.2.2 CharacterizationandHomogeneity ofSample TABLE1.2. AdvantagesofTissueCulture Tissue samples are invariably heterogeneous. Repli- cates—even from one tissue—vary in their constituent cell Category Advantages types. After one or two passages, cultured cell lines assume a homogeneous (or at least uniform) constitution, as the Physico-chemical ControlofpH,temperature, cells are randomly mixed at each transfer and the selective environment osmolality,dissolvedgases pressureofthecultureconditionstendstoproduceahomo- Physiologicalconditions Controlofhormoneandnutrient geneous culture of the most vigorous cell type. Hence, at concentrations Microenvironment Regulationofmatrix,cell–cell eachsubculture,replicatesamplesareidenticaltoeachother, interaction,gaseousdiffusion and the characteristics of the line may be perpetuated over Celllinehomogeneity Availabilityofselectivemedia, several generations, or even indefinitely if the cell line is cloning storedinliquidnitrogen.Becauseexperimentalreplicatesare Characterization Cytologyandimmunostainingare virtually identical, the need for statistical analysis of variance easilyperformed isreduced. Preservation Canbestoredinliquidnitrogen The availability of stringent tests for cell line identity Validation& Origin,history,puritycanbe (Chapter15) and contamination (Chapter18) means that accreditation authenticatedandrecorded preserved stocks may be validated for future research and Replicatesand Quantitationiseasy commercialuse. variability Reagentsaving Reducedvolumes,directaccess tocells,lowercost 1.2.3 Economy,Scale,andMechanization ControlofC×T Abilitytodefinedose, Cultures may be exposed directly to a reagent at a lower, concentration(C),andtime(T) and defined, concentration and with direct access to the Mechanization Availablewithmicrotitrationand cell.Consequently,lessreagentisrequiredthanforinjection robotics invivo, where 90% is lost by excretion and distribution to Reductionofanimaluse Cytotoxicityandscreeningof tissues other than those under study. Screening tests with pharmaceutics,cosmetics,etc. many variables and replicates are cheaper, and the legal, CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 7 moral, and ethical questions of animal experimentation are of the phenotypic characteristics typical of the tissue from avoided.Newdevelopmentsinmultiwellplatesandrobotics which the cells had been isolated. This effect was blamed alsohaveintroducedsignificanteconomiesintimeandscale. on dedifferentiation, a process assumed to be the reversal of differentiation, but later shown to be largely due to the 1.2.4 InVitroModelingofInVivoConditions overgrowthofundifferentiatedcellsofthesameoradifferent Perfusion techniques allow the delivery of specific lineage. The development of serum-free selective media experimental compounds to be regulated in concentration, (see Section10.2.1) has now made the isolation of specific duration of exposure (see Table1.2), and metabolic state. lineagesquitepossible,anditcanbeseenthat,undertheright The developmentof histotypic and organotypic modelsalso conditions,manyofthedifferentiatedpropertiesofthesecells increasestheaccuracyofinvivomodeling. mayberestored(seeSection17.7). 1.3.4 OriginofCells 1.3 LIMITATIONS If differentiated properties are lost, for whatever reason, it is difficult to relate the cultured cells to functional cells in 1.3.1 Expertise the tissue from which they were derived. Stable markersare Culture techniques must be carried out under strict aseptic requiredforcharacterizationofthecells(seeSection16.1);in conditions, because animal cells grow much less rapidly addition,thecultureconditionsmayneedtobemodifiedso than many of the common contaminants, such as bacteria, thatthesemarkersareexpressed(seeSections3.4.1,17.7). molds,andyeasts.Furthermore,unlikemicroorganisms,cells from multicellularanimalsdo not normallyexist in isolation 1.3.5 Instability and, consequently, are not able to sustain an independent Instability is a major problem with many continuous cell existence without the provision of a complex environment lines, resulting from their unstable aneuploid chromosomal simulatingbloodplasmaorinterstitialfluid.Theseconditions constitution.Evenwithshort-termculturesofuntransformed imply a level of skill and understanding on the part of the cells, heterogeneity in growth rate and the capacity to operatorinordertoappreciatetherequirementsofthesystem differentiate within the population can produce variability and to diagnose problems as they arise (Table1.3; see also fromonepassagetothenext(seeSection18.3). Chapter28).Also,caremustbetakentoavoidtherecurrent problem of cross-contamination and to authenticate stocks. Hence, tissue culture should not be undertaken casually to 1.4 MAJORDIFFERENCESINVITRO runoneortwoexperiments. 1.3.2 Quantity Many of the differences in cell behavior between cultured Amajorlimitationofcellcultureistheexpenditureofeffort cellsandtheircounterpartsinvivostemfromthedissociation and materials that goes into the production of relatively of cells from a three-dimensional geometry and their little tissue. A realistic maximum per batch for most small propagation on a two-dimensional substrate. Specific cell laboratories (with two or three people doing tissue culture) interactions characteristic of the histology of the tissue are might be 1–10g of cells. With a little more effort and lost, and, as the cells spread out, become mobile, and, in the facilities of a larger laboratory, 10–100g is possible; many cases, start to proliferate, so the growth fraction of above100gimpliesindustrialpilot-plantscale,alevelthatis the cell populationincreases. When a cell line forms, it may beyondthereachofmostlaboratoriesbutisnotimpossibleif represent only one or two cell types, and many heterotypic special facilities are provided, when kilogram quantities can cell–cellinteractionsarelost. begenerated. The culture environment also lacks the several systemic The cost of producing cells in culture is about 10 times components involved in homeostatic regulation invivo, thatofusinganimaltissue.Consequently,iflargeamountsof principally those of the nervous and endocrine systems. tissue(>10g)arerequired,thereasonsforprovidingthemby Without this control, cellular metabolism may be more culturemustbeverycompelling.Forsmalleramountsoftissue constant invitro than invivo, but may not be truly (∼10g), the costs are more readily absorbed into routine representativeofthetissuefromwhichthecellswerederived. expenditure,butitisalwaysworthconsideringwhetherassays Recognitionofthisfacthasledtotheinclusionofanumber or preparative procedures can be scaled down. Semimicro- of different hormones in culture media (see Sections10.4.2, ormicroscaleassayscanoftenbequicker,becauseofreduced 10.4.3),anditseemslikelythatthistrendwillcontinue. manipulation times, volumes, centrifuge times, etc., and are Energy metabolism invitro occurs largely by glycolysis, frequentlymorereadilyautomated(seeSections21.8,22.3.5). andalthoughthecitric acidcycleisstill functional,itplaysa lesserrole. 1.3.3 DedifferentiationandSelection It is not difficult to find many more differences between When the first major advancesin cell line propagation were theenvironmentalconditionsofacellinvitroandinvivo(see achieved in the 1950s, many workers observed the loss Section22.2),andthisdisparityhasoftenledtotissueculture 8 CULTUREOFANIMALCELLS being regarded in a rather skeptical light. Still, although favors the retention of a spherical or three-dimensional the existence of such differences cannot be denied, many shape. (2)In primary explant culture, a fragment of tissue is specialized functions are expressed in culture, and as long as placed at a glass (or plastic)–liquid interface, where, after the limits of the model are appreciated, tissue culture can attachment, migration is promoted in the plane of the solid becomeaveryvaluabletool. substrate (see Section12.3.1). (3)Cell culture implies that the tissue, or outgrowth from the primary explant, is dispersed (mechanicallyorenzymatically)intoacellsuspension,which 1.5 TYPESOFTISSUECULTURE may then be cultured as an adherent monolayer on a solid substrate or as a suspension in the culture medium (see There are three main methods of initiating a culture Sections12.3,13.7). [Schaeffer, 1990; see Appendix IV, Fig.1.3, and Table1.4): Because of the retention of cell interactions found in the (1)Organcultureimpliesthatthearchitecturecharacteristicof tissuefromwhichtheculturewasderived,organculturestend the tissue invivo is retained, at least in part, in the culture to retain the differentiated properties of that tissue. They do (see Section25.2). Toward this end, the tissue is cultured notgrowrapidly(cellproliferationislimitedtotheperiphery at the liquid–gas interface (on a raft, grid, or gel), which of the explant and is restricted mainly to embryonic tissue) ORGAN EXPLANT DISSOCIATED ORGANOTYPIC CULTURE CULTURE CELL CULTURE CULTURE Tissue at gas-liquid Tissue at solid-liquid Disaggregated tissue; Different cells co-cultured with interface; histological interface; cells migrate cells form monolayer or without matrix; organotypic structure maintained to form outgrowth at solid-liquid interface structure recreated Fig.1.3. TypesofTissueCulture. TABLE1.4. PropertiesofDifferentTypesofCulture Category Organculture Explant Cellculture Source Embryonicorgans,adulttissue Tissuefragments Disaggregatedtissue,primary fragments culture,propagatedcellline Effort High Moderate Low Characterization Easy,histology Cytologyandmarkers Biochemical,molecular, immunological,andcytological assays Histology Informative Difficult Notapplicable Biochemicaldifferentiation Possible Heterogeneous Lost,butmaybereinduced Propagation Notpossible Possiblefromoutgrowth Standardprocedure Replicatesampling, Highintersamplevariation Highintersamplevariation Lowintersamplevariation reproducibility, homogeneity Quantitation Difficult Difficult Easy;manytechniquesavailable

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