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Cultural Disability Studies in Education: Interdisciplinary Navigations of the Normative Divide PDF

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‘David Bolt is one of the foundational scholars working in critical disability studies, and the clear and concise outline of disability and education here showcases his extensive knowledge of the field. Well-written, accessible, and with a wide range of examples from across disciplines, this book is essential reading for everyone working in the subject areas on which it focuses.’ – Professor Stuart Murray, Director, Leeds Centre for Medical Humanities, University of Leeds, UK This page intentionally left blank CULTURAL DISABILITY STUDIES IN EDUCATION Overthelastfewdecadesdisabilitystudieshasemergednotonlyasadisciplineinitself butalsoasacatalystforculturaldisabilitystudiesandDisabilityStudiesinEducation.In thisbookthethreeareasbecomeunitedinanewfieldthatrecogniseseducationasa discoursebetweentutorsandstudentswhoexplorerepresentationsofdisabilityonthe levelsofeverythingfromacademicdisciplinesandknowledgetolanguageandtheory; fromreceivedunderstandingsandsocialattitudestonarrativeandcharacterisation. Moving from late nineteenth- to early twenty-first-century representations, this book combines disability studies with aesthetics, film studies, Holocaust studies, gender studies,happinessstudies,popular music studies,humour studies,and media studies. In so doing it encourages discussion around representations of disability in drama, novels, films, autobiography, short stories, music videos, sitcoms, and advertising campaigns. Discussions are underpinned by the tripartite model of dis- ability and so disrupt one-dimensional representations. CulturalDisabilityStudiesinEducationencourageseducatorsandstudentstoengage with disability as an isolating, hurtful, and joyful experience that merits multiple levelsofrepresentationandofferstruepotentialforanon-normativesocialaesthetic. It will be required reading for all scholars and students of disability studies, cultural disabilitystudies,DisabilityStudiesinEducation,sociology,andculturalstudies. David Bolt is Professor in the Department of Disability and Education at Liver- pool Hope University, UK, where he is also Director of the Centre for Culture andDisabilityStudies.Heistheeditor-in-chiefoftheJournalofLiteraryandCultural DisabilityStudies;aserieseditorofLiteraryDisabilityStudies;andageneraleditorof A Cultural History of Disability. Previous books include The Madwoman and the Blindman (2012); The Metanarrative of Blindness (2014); Changing Social Attitudes Toward Disability (Routledge, 2014); and Disability, Avoidance, and the Academy (Routledge, 2016). ROUTLEDGE ADVANCES IN DISABILITY STUDIES Forafulllistoftitlesinthisseries,pleasevisit:https://www.routledge.com/Routledge- Advances-in-Disability-Studies/book-series/RADS Autism in a De-centered World Alice Wexler Disabled Childhoods Monitoring Differences and Emerging Identities Janice McLaughlin, Edmund Coleman-Fountain and Emma Clavering Intellectual Disability and Being Human A Care Ethics Model Chrissie Rogers The Changing Disability Policy System Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 1 EditedbyRuneHalvorsen,BjørnHvinden,JeromeBickenbach,DeliaFerriandAnaMarta Guillén Rodriguez Citizenship Inclusion and Intellectual Disability Biopolitics Post-Institutionalisation Niklas Altermark Intellectual Disability and the Right to a Sexual Life A Continuation of the Autonomy/Paternalism Debate Simon Foley The Changing Disability Policy System Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 2 EditedbyRuneHalvorsen,BjørnHvinden,JeromeBickenbach,DeliaFerriandAnaMarta Guillén Rodriguez Cultural Disability Studies in Education Interdisciplinary Navigations of the Normative Divide David Bolt CULTURAL DISABILITY STUDIES IN EDUCATION Interdisciplinary Navigations of the Normative Divide David Bolt Firstpublished2019 byRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN andbyRoutledge 711ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2019DavidBolt TherightofDavidBolttobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhasbeenasserted byhiminaccordancewithsections77and78oftheCopyright,Designsand PatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinany informationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintentto infringe. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Bolt,David,1966-,author. Title:Culturaldisabilitystudiesineducation:interdisciplinarynavigationsofthe normativedivide/DavidBolt. Description:Abingdon,Oxon;NewYork,NY:Routledge,2018.| Series:Routledgeadvancesindisabilitystudies|Includesbibliographical referencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2018007374|ISBN9781138103252(hardback)| ISBN9781138103276(pbk.)|ISBN9781315102894(ebook) Subjects:LCSH:Disabilitystudies. Classification:LCCHV1568.2.B652018|DDC305.9/08--dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2018007374 ISBN:978-1-138-10325-2(hbk) ISBN:978-1-138-10327-6(pbk) ISBN:978-1-315-10289-4(ebk) TypesetinBembo byTaylor&FrancisBooks CONTENTS Acknowledgements x Introduction: Cultural disability studies in education: Fields, representations, and social aesthetics 1 Introduction: Social sciences, humanities, and education 1 The tripartite model of disability: A critical framework 3 Navigations of the normative divide: Social aesthetics and cultural representations 7 Conclusion: Cultural Disability Studies in Education 10 1 Visions from the yellow decade: Disability, aesthetics, and residual existence 15 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and aesthetics 15 Divided and divided again: The imaginary of doom and gloom 16 Shambolic but symbolic: Revolutionary misrepresentation 19 Not so novel: The resonance of pre-surrealism and realism 21 Concluding discussion: Ocularnormative aesthetics 23 Indicative questions 24 2 From sideshow to cinema: Disability, film, and horrification 26 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and film studies 26 Narrative with a vengeance: One of us 27 Nightmare scenario: From children to monsters 30 Behind the monster: Unexpected praise 32 Concluding discussion: Horrification and society 33 Indicative questions 34 viii Contents 3 Remembering the drowned and the saved: Disability, Holocaust, and the inadequacies of representation 37 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and Holocaust studies 37 Realities of representation: Classic and critical approaches 38 Learning from Levi: Humanity, criticality, and dignity 40 Keeping the lessons alive: The necessity of multiplicity 43 Concluding discussion: Supplementing the moral imperative 45 Indicative questions 47 4 In the log house: Disability, gender, and resistance to social norms 49 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and gender studies 49 Identity politics: Gender, disability, and juxtapositions 50 Unhappy accident: Left bereft 52 Man and boy: From trivialisation to infantilisation 55 Concluding discussion: Her and him 57 Indicative questions 58 5 Stuff happens: Disability, happiness, and the pursuit of cure 61 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and happiness studies 61 The shock of happiness: Blindness is bliss 62 It might never happen: From contentment to uncertainty 65 As it happens: Life writing 67 Concluding discussion: Happiness-cure synonymy 68 Indicative questions 69 6 End of the rock star: Disability, music, and the passage of time 73 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and popular music studies 73 Rock star persona: Now and then 74 Revolutionary representation: From normative to non-normative positivisms 79 Concluding discussion: The heroes and casualties of tragic representation 80 Indicative questions 82 7 One of the crowd: Disability, humour, and the contradictions of comedy 85 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and humour studies 85 How everyone talks: Disabling language 86 Here today: Disabling narrative 89 Contents ix Concluding discussion: Latent disability humour 92 Indicative questions 93 8 On the campaign trail: Disability, mass media, and levels of representation 96 Preliminary discussion: Disability studies and media studies 96 Real beauty and real blindness: Wonderful representation 97 The sighted face of blindness: Fearful and pitiful representation 100 Dramatics and problematics: Nothing more than need 103 Concluding discussion: The need for multifaceted representation 104 Indicative questions 105 Epilogue 109 Glossary of terms 114 Index 116

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