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csc :: CSC Hard Drive Bible 7th Edition 1994 PDF

329 Pages·1994·32.4 MB·English
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Preview csc :: CSC Hard Drive Bible 7th Edition 1994

Seventh Edition with SCSI Command Reference April 1994 Written by: Marrin Bodo About the Author: Martin Bodo is the founder and President ofCorporate Sysrems Center, Inc. He has a degree in Physics from rhe University ofSanta Clara. He has been an avid con1pucer enthusiast since his early teens. Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all ofthe manufacturers who provided us with dara for this publication. Without their cooperation rhis book would have been impossible. The following people deserve special recognirion for their efforts in providing us with phoros and background information. i\Il1l~TlNBODO, PRESIDENTCSC Maxtor Tech Support Department Ma.xtor Service Center \,'· MaxOptics Tech SuPPOrt Department Jim Phelphs - Rodime, Inc. 1 Bill Rudock - Seagate Technology, Technical Support ." . , . "~,~.I ~ Guy Chan - Microscience, Technical Support . / 'p' Mike Mori - Sycard Technologies . . . r' r~' ', _.- -'...... HAROLD MOOREHEAD, Special thanks to the entire esc staff who have helped write, EDITOI~ edit, sell and distribute the Hard Drive Bible to over 30,000 satisfied customers. Dediccttion: To my/<tthel;josejJh Bodowho spm'kedmy illterest ill elect-rollies at all early age. jODYCOlt, TYPOGRAPHER International Standard Book Number: 0-9641503-0-1 CORPORATE Copyright© 1989-199-1byCorporateSystemsCenter,Allrightsreserved. Printedin theUnitedStates SYSTEMS ofAmerica E.xceptasperminedundertheCopyrightAaof1976,nopartofchispublicationmaybe repnxlucedordistributedinanyformorbyanymeans,orStored inadarnbascorrernevalsystem, CENTER withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofCorp::u'ltcSystemsCenter,Inc.Softwareprogramsdis[ribuccd ondiskwi[hthisbookarecopyrightedbythevariousaumors. Alltrademarkscontainedhereinare [hepropertyof[heirrespectiveowners. esC's eorjJOrate Headquarte.-s is located in Sunnyvale, at tbe beart ofSilicon Valley. Tbis locationjmts esc at tbe ejJicenter oftbe latest de'velojJments in daftl. storage teclmology. esc About esc was founded in 1986 by our president, Martin Bodo. Since then, we have consistently grown by offering the best quality customer service in the disk drive industry. Our mission is to offer only the highest quality data storage products available and to back them up with professional service and suppOrt. --- esc's en/hoe 'workf07"Ce ;s bere to ensure your satisfactio" witb you'r jmrcbase. esc is proud to employ and work with many of the best, most experienced and technically qualified individuals in the disk drive industry. With our tOP notch sales and marketing team, first class technical service center, free esc CORPORATE customer support, and immediate shipping, is proud to service the entire data storage market from end users to nlanufacrurers. SYSTEMS CENTER CSC TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF CSC offers complete lifetime technical support, at no charge, for all ofour hardware customers. We have a staffofknowledgeable hardware and software experts who know the products we manufacture, service, and sell. Call our friendly sales stafftoday at (408) 734-3475 for a free disk drive price guide. Clockwise, from upper left: Call-in technicalmjJjJort; htll"llware setujJ tIlul instcdlation; software e·wduatiou; cSC's Clean Room a.nd on-site burn-in/ctcilities. CSC's drive service and data recovery facility is designed to provide complete support to our custolners. Recent expansion ofour repair division allows us to offer this same service to OEMs and hard disk drive manufacturers. CORPORATE Several large manufacturers have already chosen CSC's service facility for SYSTEMS efficient high volume service oftheir current and end oflife products. CENTER CSC FASTCACHETM CONTROLLERS Tbe CSC FastCacbe™ AK47 is C,. VESA SCSI-II controlle,; featurillg extrel1zely bigh d~/.ta transfer -rates, up to IOOMbits/sec, etndet IIser IIpgradeable Oil bom'd Flasb BIOS. Cacbing versions 'l{Jill soon be cwailable. Tbe original CSC FClStCcICbe™ 64 is an AT ([SA) bm SCSI-Il controlle/; feett""ing expet1ulability ofup to 64MB ofcacbe RAM mula user "IJgradeable on boetrd Fletsb BIOS. CSC started manufacturing SCSI controller cards in 1991. New products will include high performance caching VESA VL-BUS, WIDE SCSI, PCMCIA controllers, and much more. Callus today for information on these products. CSC SCSI TOWER CSC OPTICAL DRIVES CSC Opticc,l Drives m'e available in capacities ofup to 13 GB. CORPORATE Tbe CSC FastCacbe™ SCSI Tower can accommodate liP to SYSTEMS eigbt SCSI devices. CENTER DISK DRIVE TECHNOLOGY ON DISPLAY In response to customers' demands for a factory outlet, CSC opened the doors ofThe Disk Drive Depot in 1992, as the prototype of many stores to come. Centrally located on Lawrence Expressway in Sunnyvale, California, The Depot offers the comprehensive inventory ofCSC in a convenient retail setting. Make it your next stop for hard drives, CD-ROMs, optical drives, DATs, or any other data storage product, when you are in the area. Our friendly and technologically skilled sales staff will be eager to assist you choosing the component you need at a price you can afford. Disk Drive Technology Classes Mike Machado's introduction to Disk DriveTechnology is absolutely the best way togain an in depth knowledge ofdisk drive technology. He has over 20 years experience in the data storage industry, and his reputation and technical expertise are unsurpassed. As a friend and former srudentofMike's, I recommend this course to everyone who plans to work in the data storage industry. Contact Mike and Patry Machado's company, M5 Electronics at (303)499-0976 for more information. CORPORATE SYSTEMS CENTER Contents TheHistoryofDiskDrives 1 BuildingaRealMultimediaPC 19 CD-RandCD-WO 19 InterfaceStandards•.........•.••.••..•.••••.••.••.....•...••.•.•.•••••..••.•.•...7 MasteringYourOwnCD 19 CDHandlingHazards 20 ANSI~ 7 NAB 7 p~TechnolOg)' .21 IBM 7 IRCC 7 EnhancedillE•.•.••...•.••.••••••.•...•.....•••••.••.•...•...••.•.••.••••••.••.••....23 IRIG 7 IDELimitations 23 ShugartAssociates 7 BIOSLimitations 23 SeagateTechnology 7 "IDE"or"ATA"Interface 7 ControllerSetup&Jumpering 25 ST-506/ST-412Interface 8 ISABusBaseI/OAddress 25 MFMandRLLEncoding 8 ISABusBaseBIOSAddress 25 ESDIInterface 8 ISABusDMAChannel. 25 SCSIInterface 9 ISABusControllerInterrupt. 25 WIDESCSI 9 FloppyAddress 25 FASTSCSI 9 ATipforISAMotherboards SMDInterface 9 With"ExtendedChipset"Setup 26 IPIInterface 9 QIC-02Interface 9 DriveSetupandJumpering 29 QIC-40Interface 9 TypicalIDEDriveInstallation 29 QIC-36Interface 10 IDEDriveJumpering 29 SA-400Interface 10 DSOorDS1Confusion 30 FutureStandards 10 MFM,RLL,andESDIDriveJumpering 30 SCSIDriveJumpering 30 BasicDriveOperation.•.•..•..•••••.•••••••..•••....•....••...•.•••..••••••...11 SpindleMotors 11 DriveCabling••...•.•....•.••.•••••....•.......•.•••.••••.•....••.••..•••••....••.•.•31 HeadCarriage 12 IDEDriveCabling 31 MediaandHeads 12 WhatAreTheseTwistedCables? 31 StepperMotorServoSystems 13 SingleDrives(MFM,RLLorESDI)Cables 31 VoiceCoilServoSystems 13 MultiDriveMFMandRLLCabling 31 KeepingitClean 14 Termination 31 DataEncodingandDecoding 14 MultiDriveESDICabling 32 EncodingandDecodingCodes 15 SCSIDriveCabling 33 NRZ(Non-ReturntoZero) 15 SCSICableIdentification 34 PE(PhaseEncoded) 15 FM(FrequencyModulation) 15 Low-LevelFormatting•........•...............•.....•••.................••....35 MFM(ModifiedFrequencyModulation) 15 WhatisDEBUG? 35 RLL(RunLengthLimitedEncoding) 15 WhatisCSCFMT? 35 FutureCodes 16 ChoosingaDriveType 35 IDEDriveTypes 35 CO-ROM•.•..••.•..............•.•••....•••.•.......•..•.•..•••••••..•..•.....••.•.•.••.17 MFMDriveTypes 36 CD-ROM 17 RLLandESDIDriveTypes 36 CD-Media 17 SCSIDriveTypes 36 CD-ROMDriveOperation 17 FormattingMFMDrives 36 CD-ROMStandards 17 TableOverrides 36 IS09660 17 FormattingRLLDrives 37 Mode1 17 FonnattingESDIDrives 37 Mode2 18 FormattingSCSIDrives 37 CD-ROMXA 18 LowLevelFormattingIDEDrives 38 CD-I 18 PhotoCD 18 SCSICommandReference...••••••.•••••••.•..••.•.•••••.•.•••••.•....••.•39 QuickTime 18 FormatUnit 39 ChoosingaCD-ROM 18 Inquiry 39 TheMPCStandard 19

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