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CSAP Cultural Competence Series 4: Cultural Competence for Social Workers: A Guide for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Professionals Working With Ethnic/Racial Communities PDF

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Preview CSAP Cultural Competence Series 4: Cultural Competence for Social Workers: A Guide for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Professionals Working With Ethnic/Racial Communities

Competence Itural Workers for Social A Guide for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Professionals Working With Communities Ethnic/Racial NASW/CSAPMonograph Special Collaborative SAMHSA 4 4 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES U.S. Public Health Service SubstanceAbuseandMental Health ServicesAdministration Z^Z? Centerfor SubstanceAbuse Prevention Offi^ce offMinority Health CSAP Cultural CompKetence Series4 PO Bocxec£!763n3f7er W; :)?3-73S7 Competence Cultural for Social Workers: A Guide Alcohol for and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Professionals Working With Ethnic/ Communities Racial Special Collaborative NASW/CSAP Monograph Editors: JoannePhilleo, M.S.W. Frances Larry Brisbane, Ph.D., Dean School ofSocialWelfare StateUniversity ofNewYork atStony Brook Managing Editor Leonard G. Epstein, M.S.W. Division ofCommunity Prevention and Training CenterforSubstanceAbusePrevention Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration TheprimaryobjectiveoftheCenterforSubstanceAbusePreven- tion (CSAP) CulturalCompetenceSeriesistopromotethedevel- opment and dissemination of a scientific knowledge base that assists prevention program evaluators, researchers, and practi- tioners in working withmulticulturalcommunities. CSAP supports the rigorous scientific analysis of programs designedtopromotehealthandpreventalcohol,tobacco,andother drug (ATOD) problems for all people. Allpositions taken on spe- cificapproachestoconductingpractice,research,andevaluationon ATOD problem prevention programs are positions of the re- searchers,communities,preventionexperts,andauthorswhocon- tributed to this monograph and may not necessarily reflect the opinions, officialpolicy, orpositionofCSAP,theSubstanceAbuse andMentalHealthServicesAdministration,thePublicHealthServ- ice, or the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services. Other groups that developed and/or implemented specific methods for researching or evaluating ATOD abuse prevention programs are documented inthetextofthismonograph. All material in this volume, except quoted passages from copyrighted sources, isinthepublicdomainand maybeused or reproduced withoutpermissionfromCSAPortheauthors. Cita- tion ofthe source is appreciated. DHHS Publication No. (SMA)95-3075 Printed 1995 Project Officers: Leonard G. Epstein, M.S.W. Armando Pollack, M.S.W. CSAP Cultural Competence Series: Elaine M. Johnson, Ph.D., Director, CSAP Vivian L. Smith, M.S.W., Deputy Director, CSAP Ruth Sanchez-Way, Ph.D., Director, DivisionofCommunity Prevention and Training, CSAP 11 RobertW. Denniston, Director, Division ofPublic Education and Dissemination, CSAP This monograph was produced under contract from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, No. 277-91-2006, with the Na- tional Association of Social Workers, Norma Taylor, Ph.D., J. ACSW, ProjectDirector. Co-sponsors of this monograph are the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Deans and Direc- tors, and the National Association of Baccalaureate Program Directors. Ifyouwouldliketoordermaterialsonalcohol,tobacco,andother drugs,pleasecontacttheNationalClearinghouseforAlcoholand Drug Information. Telephone: 1-800-729-6686. TDD: 1-800-487-4889 Telnet: ncadi.health.org WWW: http://www.health.org 111 Foreword This fourth publication in CSAP's Cultural Competence Series presents the results ofa highly productive partnership with the NationalAssociationofSocialWorkers (NASW), theCouncilon Social Work Education (CSWE), the National Association of Deans and Directors, and the National Association ofBaccalau- reate Program Directors. Without the strong commitment of these four partners, this monograph would never have attained the excellence that exemplifies the work of the social work pro- fessional. This volume is one result of a CSAP-NASW-CSWE project thatexpandsthesubstanceabusecontentinsocialworktraining, withparticularemphasisonpreventionand preventiveservices. Thisprojectbringsnewknowledgeandinsighttothepreparation of social workers at both the bachelor's and master's levels, as wellas to thecontinuing education ofpractitioners. Thecurricu- lumexpands exposureto substanceabuseprevention categories and also addresses the crucial issue of cultural diversity and cultural competency. WebelievethatoneoftheimportantpartsoftheSocialWork BSW/MSW CurriculumEnhancementProjectisitsrecognitionof the nature and complexity of social work and the need for addi- tional information on the impact of culture on the prevention of alcoholand otherdrugabuse. We commend the NASW Curriculum Enhancement Task Force,which demonstrated clarity ofpurpose and direction and created a forum for authors that allowed free expression while maintaining thehighest academic standards. We alsoacknowledgetheauthorsofthishistoriccurriculum. CSAP and NASW deeplyappreciate their exceptionalworkand contributions. They reflect well on the profession's ability to anticipate and respond to the needs of the diverse populations we serve. CSAP's Cultural Competence Series has as its primary goal thescientificadvancementofpracticeandevaluationmethodolo- V gies designed specifically for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse (ATOD) problem prevention approaches within the mul- ticulturalcontextofUnited States community settings. Thevari- ous multicultural communities which make up our country comprise a rich and diverse ethnic heritage. The Cultural Com- petence Series is dedicated to exploring and understanding this heritage and its critically important role in the development of ATODproblemprevention programs. The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, the National Association of Social Workers, and the Council on Social Work Education are pleased to have participated in this creative col- laboration. ElaineM. Johnson,Ph.D., Director Centerfor SubstanceAbusePrevention VI Contents Introduction ix FrancesLarryBrisbane 1 AMERICANINDIANS JamesR.Moran and PhilipA. May Introduction 3 TheAmerican Indian Population 4 Extentofthe Problem 5 The Literature onPrevention 9 Summaryand Conclusion 28 References 30 2 HISPANICS/LATINOS ....Melvin Delgado HistoricalContext ofAlcohol and Other Drugs 43 ExtentoftheProblem 46 CulturalConsiderations 49 Culture-SpecificIntervention 52 Evaluation ofOutcomeMeasures 62 Conclusion 63 References 63 3 AFRICANAMERICANS Muriel Gray Introduction 71 HistoricalContextofAlcohol and OtherDrug UseAmong African Americans 71 Extentofthe Problem 84 Suggested PreventionStrategies 90 Evaluation ofOutcomeMeasures 95 Conclusion 96 References 97 Vll 4 ASIANAMERICANS FordH. Kuramoto History 105 Extentofthe Problem 106 CulturalCharacteristicsoftheGroup 120 Suggested PreventionStrategies 134 Evaluation ofOutcomeMeasures 148 ClassroomExercises 150 References 151 5 PACIFICISLANDERS NoreenMokuau Acknowledgments 158 Introduction 159 Population Description.. 161 ExtentoftheProblem 166 Suggested PreventionStrategies 171 Conclusion 178 Classroom Exercises 179 Recommended Readings 183 References 184 6 GAYANDLESBIANPERSONS Karen A. Holmesand RobertH. Hodge Introduction 191 Historyand Characteristics ofGay and LesbianPersons 191 ExtentoftheProblem 197 AODAbuse PreventionAmongGay and LesbianPersons 201 Conclusion 211 Classroom Exercises 212 Recommended Readings 216 References 216 Vlll

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