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Preview Crystal Enlightenment: The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing Stones

| CRYSTAL ENLIGHTENME: ‘The Transforming Properties of Crustals and Hering Slones KATRINA RAPHAELL 8 Rateins Repell 1985 Ne pact of this book mag be reproduced by any mechan real, pnososraphie oe elseteanie jroess, of in ths feem of a phonoggui. receccting, ma HAY FBC SATS 8 Te baieval system, ceansmillee, Lrnsluted into another lan- auge, or otherwise copied tor purblie or private ce. ecnling brisf passages. quoted for purpases of review ‘wilhow the peravssioa of the mublishr Aurore Press, Ine 2.0. Bos 578 Sata Fo. NM, 87508 Print in te United Staves of Ameria ISBN: UMAEISB2T2 Libsery of Congiess C talogue Na 85 071008 & Cover Photograph Crvstal Vision Ine., oval, Arkensae Ant birgotgr --" Crystal BU Raunt Phousgrapher- Hill Disney Courtesy of Richard Herger, Cryscat Resources, N.Y... @ Tris book's pried on aye paper CRYSTAL ENLIGHTENMENT The Transforming Properties of Crystals and Healing Stones Volume 4 KATRINA RAPELAELL TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE CHAPTER L INTROPUCHON 10 Tbe MINPHAL AND CRTSTAT. KINGDOM What aro Crystals Pay peally and Esorgrcaliv? How C-yslals are Parmed Hw Copsluls ne Mined the Ars al Hushioning Crystals Crystal History: Past, Prosont sad Fucure (es of Crystals and Theale tng Stones CHAPTER 1 WORKINE WIE CAFS IALS Uaningein us Cette Tove ho Use Crosals aon Healing Somes Remedies Tarve Gilty Pessanal Use Meitsatios Progsummies chanced Meera Group Huling Viedituion Care nd Clearing o° Suns nd Cryo Recharging CHAPTER IIT TI ANCIENT ART OF LAYING ON OF STONES u Prepsetiom H Cesta Tealing Tayauts 36 Gener] Taye. 6 Busie Energy Charge Chakee, Behance Lagoul 9 Chak, Chen "0 ink Tuscunaline Spiral a1 Fluorite Oxtaheuror. ayo 2 CHAPTER LV THE NEW AGK Stones 4s “The Quarts Panily a ‘Clear Quarts Crystals a Genecater Crystals Chusters Doubve Terminated Crystals Large Generator Crys ‘Tab lac Crystals The Recon! Keepers Foachoe C Rainbow Ciystals Progratnmed Projescers Crystal Balls Phantom Crystals Light Hos Crvstais Acneihys Rone Quarts Citrine Srooky Quart Tblack Osilian Gem Siti Finotice yChnsters. Ovtubedrons, Pyrambls 106 CHAPTER ¥ CHAPTER VE Kunvite Rhocoehnaste Susi Touratine oarmatine indy Green fourma ine Pink teurmaline Thick Tourmatine i, Cri, umd Sua-Colored “Tonranatine SUMMAIY STATEMLN1S ON OTHER IMPORTANT HEALING STONES Amber azmnice Bloodstone Cacnelian Lapin Malachite Malachite-Azucte Mnlachite-Chrysecella Mooasions Pexicor Selenite Sodalits CHARTS AND RESOURCES Astrological Yrinities Chat Chart on che Purpose of tbe: Color Chiera Stones Char Specitic Energy Poets Acknowledgments Resources 167 ‘Revommended Renling ler Crystal Busehses i GLossary 188 PREFACE The crystal story lias uteuy versions snd numenvus au: thors. Teegends and folklore date back i0 the tenn the human raze, when it was belioved tha: erystal forces sel the elecirsumagnesie Held of the sarth $0 ¢ber human souls eo.ld incarnate. Legcuds of 1 ra eainent ‘of Atlantis telus sat srystals goreraled power Ter entice ilies, dit wits the abuse of these engretes thal resulted in the eventual destruction of toe sivéieninn. Some plologists speculate that the magnificent Tuypt’an pyrarcids were capped wit erystals lo shanrel zowic foes into these geoutetscally perfected sI-uetures ‘Mau civiizacions, cnleures and perpen Fave ned crys tals and scones for & meri sf purposes frou Dxsling and proreenon Lo Ine mos! powerful nications “the pipes nF this hook is tt shave 4 sal! portion cof tint sacred knowledge su that the Tesuty and Light Jnharent within the crystal kingdom axe cocriaue co be shared ond ul ied by these who are ine ‘The “nforation in this hole way received throng personal artupeent ind med:asion wif the stones ae several Yoors time, 1 worked very closely willy my dear snl wondertul friend. FaneAnn Dow. Tor uver s year we vould mect ance a week ia herein urd meditae in her oftige witleh housed buudreds: a euuti erytaly and hosting stones, We chive he slimes we wanted 16 leur ftom, elosod our eyes and tuned ins the ener information that as avaible lo us, Our sessians were and Later uznscribed by JaneAnn. We vault then find ourselves ia the Kitshiew eating dee cream or taking deliahe in other sacl declentoe—then ff T waa! 1s I sats not Ll Laces whad | Was reviewing our rane setints lo prepars for 4 cr¥stel Realiag class 1 wats gong bn teach, that dnccame fully are i the alae ii rma that bad boca shaved Lion heer ylats. TH hexane tvident thal anyone who wishsd sha have abcess suid De able to use Ihe information «ee bad been blessed to receive. Thine # ws agreed 19 Hie 4 book, 19 cat pletely cover the bulk of rhe mitcrial. Vani very arated lan Jeswana for her centinusd support. lave, Friendship ‘und evllaharalion which helped cusate and complete this bunk recorded Cudertuking such a projes seus averwhs mung and 1 dad daubts whether ny lime and energy est ezemnte dace such a insosive commilenl, Surender ty 16 the dliviae sil, Theil stats bs the Diverse. fe this book is meant to be. give me a sign and lel me knows that the ‘world wants and needs this infor." ca ess Than a week lacey when Barbar SomertieM] of Auroca Press carne fo my home to bus 8 cxystal and ended ap saying she would Fnunce and pulbish Cresiai Znfigtenert, It ‘wos De sig I il Reon wolding for, and F began writing imedialely. ‘Translating the matcrial fom the original Cranseripts inte + lergausas thee could 98 ees vend sand Kecprsted ws u kang Ge righ dats) but worthwhile task: one What assisted my osm grawth immemsls, A yeat andl mary changes Tater. its my prisileve to present this Knowledge to you, Mag it serve yu well {his book in no way claiens tae the only way or the fired word about erystals. I remains Reever nine 11h revision of higher tira ‘This hook ty fr those who are dani ro i, i whose hearls it tests true am the Fmmer tousstone, Ht 1s ane prayer “hit the bowled in this hook fe anew for parvonal andl ancl that cho ght sadn une erystals and Shanes serves bo ois: each ene close” higher sn iver soree oP Tigh nuts. heslertenl— Cristal Enlightenment is designed for the lay per: som, ax well av tho prfessinni, le geve the hase unk Slamling necessary 0 use the healing promeries inherent vwiltin the rneral kingdom, Chere will vay he more Un learn amu experience once you een an to his ineredie ble walla light. Enjoy the rezeing, snd eeceive some oP the seerets we have oluined from Une somes. Open sr tind; never! unl inisyrute ine your Being thul whic fings Urbe. That which uses nol, release mihout being Janlanentas. Remember thar if you ever rant ws be shir the Luth, or gain clearer perspective, you cum place & ‘ergs it your rows close your eves il gan cove

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