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Ciif.it Basin Natiiralisl53(Il.pp.4S-5S ('hypt()(;ams wvscui^r plants, and soil hydrological RELATIONS: SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM THE SEMIARID WOODLANDS OF EASTERN AUSTRALIA I). |. Kltlridi^c AHsriiUT (irazt'il and iiniirazcd sites were cxaniini'd in a srniiand wdddlaiul in eastern Australia to determine relationshipswitliin varions t\pe;;ofenptoganis, and tlie roleofcnptoganis inpasture dynamics, infiltration, andwater erosion. Strong ri-iationsliipswere found bet\\'een \aseularplant coverand vovvvofcnptogams fornine rangeland sites overan IN-niontliperiod. Intheabsenceof\;LScularplants,siteswithlow coverofciyptogamsweredominatedb\-algae. The presenceof acnptoganiiccrust had no significanteffect on infiltration at inigrazedsitesbutsignificantlyincreased infiltrationat.somegrazedsites. Splash erosion was \er\ low on soilswith atlea.st.50% cnptogam cover. Belowthislevel splasherosioniiicrea.sedmarkedly,alongwith thepro])ortion of line.sedimentslost. KtyU(>r(l.\:cnipto'^diniccnists:luidrola^i/. sail:infillnitioii:cniptontnn(hpi/miic'^:niicn>j)liyficcni.st.s:sfiiiiaridnotnl- litnds:sorptiiiti/:Aiistraliti. (-'nptoiiaiiiic or iiiicToplnlic soil cni.st.s aic infiltration has been obsened on areas with ail important c()m])()ii("nt of and and .scmiarid niicroplntic crusts compared to areas without rantj;eland enxironnicnt.s. Tlicx occura.s a,s.seni- (e.g., Blackburn 1975, Fletcher and Martin hlat^cs of algae, liclicn.s, livcmort.s, and mo.sses 1948, Gifford 1972, Yair 1990). However, other and, in sonic areas where \ascular plants are researchers (e.g., Brotherson and Rushfoith al).S(Mit, are the predominant hiologiciil ground 1983, Danin 1978, Graetz and Tongwa\- 1986, coN'cr. In these enxironments en]')t()ganis pla\ Loope and Gifford 1972, Rogers 1977) showed an important role in soil stal)ilit\, nitrogen fixa- that the presence of ciAptogams of \ariable tion, and hionuussproduction (Isicliei 1990). co\erreduces infiltration. Cinptoganis are connnonK pioneering spe- As enptogams are often associated with ciesin there\egetationofdegradedsoils(Biiilev sparseK \egetatedlandscapeswith high natural ct al. 1973). Obsenations in .some areas in ratesofero.sion, it isnaturaltoassume that the\ semiarid ciustern Australia suggest that e\ano- pla\ a role in reducing erosion (West 1990). hacteiia are the most connnon taxa found on (;hiims of reduced water erosion due to ei'yp- distm-hed sites. The iclalionsliip hctwccn vas- togamiccnists an^widcK reportedinthelitera- cularfloraandcr\ptoganis, howexer, is notwell ture (e.g., Gampbell et al. 1989, Chartres and understood. From studies in North America, Mncher 1989, Greene etal. 1990, Kinnell etal. Scholield (19<S.5) concluded that mo.sses in- 1990, Mncheretal. 1988, RushforthandBroth- crease inc()\eras Ibrhsandgrassesare progres- erson 1982, Yiiir 1990). The rcsi.stance ofcnp- sivelyeliminatedhvovergrazing. Studies in the toganiiccniststoero.sionisthoughttobedueto .semiarid woodlands of eastern .Australia c\'anobacteiia and to a lesserextent fungi disso- (Muchcrct al. 19SS) reported a strong positive ciated with the cnptoganiic mats. Polvsaccha- relationship hctwccn xascular plant hiomass lides prodnctxl b\ e\anobacteria and fungal andtheareaof thesoil surfacecoxxM'cdIn enp- liypha(> (Tisdall ai'ul ()ad(\s 1982) bind their togamic mats. cells, filaments, and surrounding soil particles The roll- of captogams in i)il'iltration is not into small aggregates (Shields and Durrell well understood and results of reported re- 1964).Theseaggn^gatesha\eenhancedstabilit\ search have often been connicling. lucrea.sed in waterand help to protect the soil from wind M.i>,|l.>i..|,Mnr.liiC.ifMiiit.r"Mft(v:(>NiiS«TWv..l2inriii>i).aiAi<ilis1l.n11i1h(1aMaiMi;.iii<.i,t.(:I'<) H,,\:W S\(li.,\.\SW2<I()1,Australia.I'nsrnI.ulclirss:Cradnah-S<1h«,1nftlicKiivn.,iMn,-nl. 48 19931 CliVlTOCAMS AM) IlVl)IU)L()(:i(:AI. l^KI.ATIOXS 49 and water erosion (Fletcher and Maitin 194S. CGreene andTongwav 19S9). 11ic role ol cnptoganis in ccoloLilical proe- c'sscs ill scniiarid regions has receixed little at- tention nntil recent reviews bv Haiper and Marble (1988) andWest (1990)appearedin the literatm-e. These nniews draw hea\il\' on pnb- lished resetux'h from semiarid regions of North America. Australia, and Israel. In the semiarid rangelands of east(M'n Anstralia, researcli is cnr- rentK'nndei-v\a\ to(waminethespatial distribu- tion of cnptogamic snrfaces, their relalioiisliip to \ascnlar plants and rangeland condition and trend, and theii" (dfects on infiltration and erosion. hi thispaperIpresentpreliminan r(\snltsof F'^i". 1. Locationol tlicstiitK areaineiLstt'ni.Aii.stralia. researchonthedistribntionofcnptogamicflora andtheirrole in\ascnlarplant(Knamics, splash erosion, and infiltration. Yatliong Nature Hesene and Coan Downs' are located on the southern tip of the Cobar Pediplain on gentK undulating phiins to '39c M.\TERIALS .\.\D Methods slope derixed from Paleozoic rocks including granites (Ixxaszkiewic/ and Seniple 1988). The Stiid\'Area .soils oxerlxing much of this landscape are red and red-brown clax' loams and loams (Txpic All stndieswere nndertaken at Yathong Na- Ilaplargids; Soil Sunex Staff1975),xxithgrada- ture Hesene and 'Coan Downs". approximateK tional texture jirofiles containing xariable 140 km southwest of Cobar in western New amountsof stone and grax(4. Sonth Wales, Anstralia (32°56'S, 145°35'E, Fig. N'egetation at Yathong Nature Hesene and 1 ). Sheep gnizingon nati\e piisture is the prin- 'Coan Downs is open woodland dominated bx' cipal land use in the region. 'Coan Downis" is red box {Eucahjptus iutciicxta), xx'hite express txpicid of grazing properties in the area where pineiCaUitris(ilnitc()))hylla).andxxilga(Gr//rw merino ewes and wethers are nm in paddocks paixiflora). Understorx pasturesaredoiuinated of approximately 2000-4000 ha. Yathong Na- b\- speargrasses (Stipd spp.). x\iregras.ses {Aris- tnre Ke.sene has not been grazed bv sheep, tidd sp]).). andxarions annual forbs. however, since 1977. It curnMitK carries large populatioirs ofrabbits {Onjctula^iis cuniculus), (;n])togaiii Dxnamics Stiidx grev and icd kangaroos {Macropu.s gigfintens, M. fidh^inosus, and M. nifits), and feral goats In conjiiiictioii with the studxof the role ol (Capt'd Jurats; Leigh et til. 1989). cdraxtpatwogearieiicsolilnectienfdioltnrattoitoanlc(odxiesrcuosf.scendptboegloaxnx'i)s, The climateofthe areais c]iaract(M-ized bm\ma and coxer of xarions cnptogani txpes (i.e.. low and unreliable rainfall a\'eraging 350 mo.sses,algae,lichens,andlixcnxorts). Dataare per annum. Rainfall is e\ciil\ distiibnted prc^sented for 43 locations from the ungr;i/.ed throughout the \vdi\ although winter rainlall Yathong Nature Re.sene and 34 locations Irom (m|eur)irea-iAnufagluls.t)MaisxsilimghutmK'alensds\mairniaibnlneitmhadniusnliiaml- the gnized'Coan Downs". temperatures range from 35.0°C and 19.fi°(" in Pasture Dxiiamics Study |anuar\ to 16.()°C and 3.6°(> in fulv The area receives on axerage 23 frost daws per annum, As piirt of a larger study of the tenijDoral andamiual exaporation at(x)l)artothe north of changes in pasturedxiiamics. coxerand species the studv area is approximately 2575 nun (Bu- composition of xascuhir plants and coxer of reau of Meterorologx 1961 ). The highest wind cnptoganis xx'ere recorded at regukir intenals nmsare experiencedfrom springand late sum- from nine large sites bet^veen Septeiiilxr 1988 mer (September-Febnian),which coiTesi^ond and Februan- 1990. Eacli site measured500 x with theperiod ofmaximum soil erodibilit). 500 m. At each site, fiftx 0.25-m-(juadratsxvere 50 GRK-vr Basin N.vn'P.M.isr [\T)lume 53 sNstcmaticalK sampled and the following com- cr\ptogamsand relatixecontributionl)y\arious ponents measnred: co\er ofperennial gnLsses, cr\ptogam t)pes (i.e., lichens, mosses, tilgae, (•plu-miMals. hare soil, litter and ciAptogams. li\eiworts) were \isuall\' estimated, and color and total ahowgronnd hiomass ol pastnre. For slides ofeach plot were taken to calibrate field thei)nrposeofthisstnd\ individualerxptogamie estimates of total c(ner ta\a ha\i' Inn^n pooled. S()ipti\it\ and steady-state infiltration were measured underponded conditions, i.e., under mm Infiltration Study a pennanent pond of 10 of water The ponded penneameter measures infiltration At Yathong Nature Resene and 'Coan Downs". tA\'() sites were selected (independent ptloirr(o\usg,haanldlmsaocilroppoorreess,(i>.e(.),.7m5atmrimxionrdsimaamleltesro)i,l of the nine pasture dynamics sites above) for which are generallyproducedbyroots and fau- siinntfxei-alectsKrtai-tgsitaoatntienpgaitrnhfaiemletrtroealtreisoo:nfsc(onmrppmttio\higt'ay).m(cmom\ehr"on')atnwod pnallaceacdtio\nit\a'.steTehlerinpgotnhadtewdaspgeernmteK'amteaptpeerdiwnatso the soil and sciiled at the sides to prexent leak- Soipti\it\ istheinitial rapidphaseol inliltra- age. Infiltration rims were earned out until tion. usualK- lasting less than 10 min. which is steath-state was acliiexed, usiuilK witliin 30 min. dominated 1)\- capilhuA' forces. St(nidy-state in- Soipti\it\'and stead\'-state infiltrationwerecal- filtration, howexer. occurs during the latter culatedaccordingtothemethodofWhite 1988). stages of infiltration when onlv gra\itationaI ( forces predominate. Steadv-state inliltration is Splash Erosion Stud\ strongK' related to soil porositv, which in tuni di'pends on t\pe and amount of coxer Undisturbed cores of soil with associated M Vathong Nature Hesene, where soil sur- cnptogams were collected from Yathong Na- face and \egetation co\er are in excellent con- ture Reseive b\ pushing 75-nuii lengths of90- dition,44locationsweresel(^ct(^dforinfiltration mm-diameter P\X; tubes into moist soil flush measurements, i.e., 22 each lor soi])ti\it\ and with the surface andexca\atingthe intacttube. stead\-state infiltration. At "C^oan Downs', un- C.'nptogam co\er was estimated visuiillv in the like Yathong Nature Kesetve, liistorical owr- field In t^vo obseners prior to collection. One grazing has lead to the development ofdistinct lumdredthiit\-fi\esampleswere collectedrep- /ones oferosion and deposition known as pro- resenting fi\e classes of cnptogam co\'er, i.e., duction and sink zones, respecti\c'l\. The.se completeK- bare (()%-), 25%, 50%, 75%, and commonK occur in landscapes where fluxial 100% coxer.Coreswerethentransportedtothe pnK-e.ssespredominate. Togetherwith an inter- laboraton; placed in a large trav beneath the metliatetransferzone,which hascharacteii.stics simulatmorm, and subjected to a simulated rainfall ol both production and sink /.ones, th(\s(^ /on(>s of 45 h ' for 20 min. Each replicate con- C'onstitiite what are known as erosion cells sisted of nine cores in a three-b\-three arra\ (Pickup 1985). At Coan i:)owns" 10 and 7 loca- under the simulator Fifteen simulations (5 tions were selected for measurements ofsoip- treatments x 3 replicates) were perionned. ti\it\- in tlu^ production and sink /.ones, Runoffwaterandsedimentwerecollectedat resjx-ctiwiy, and9and 7locations formea.sure- the lower (Mid of a collecting tra\ bv using a ment of steady-state infiltration in the t\v() \acuum pump at 2-min intenals. Sediment /ones. respecti\eK. bulkedacross replicateswas si^paratedinto fixe Ivocations for (k-tailed measurements of si/eclasmsems: <0.()553nun(siltandcla\),0.055m.m3- soipti\ity and st(\idy-state infiltration were se- 0.0990 (\eiyfinesand),0.0991-6.2515 mm lected so that the soil surface underthe ha.s(> of (Wnc sand), 0.2516-0.500 (medium sand), the penneameter (diam. = 21.2 cm) \aried in and 0.500 nuu (c()ars(> sand and a few aggre- cn-]itogam cover from to l()()7f. OuK areas in gates)bygent1\washingthroughanestofsie\es. which cnptogain coxer was exenlv distributed ini(k-r the [)ermeameters were selected. I Statistic-al .\nal\ses a\()i(K-(lchoosinglocationssuchastheboiindaiA Simple regn\ssion and correlation anaKses ol completeK bare and conipletelv coxeri'd ar- wereu.sedtoexamine^then^ationshipsbetween eas which theoreliealK might have represented totalccnerandeoxcrolxariouscnptogamtspes, a mean cowr of509;'. Before detiiiled infiltra- ciAptogam co\er and \ascular plant co\er, and tion measurements were taken, total coxer of cr\ptogam coxer and infiltration pimimeters. 19931 CHYITOCAMS AM) ilVDHOLOCICAI, HKLATIOXS 51 52 GHK.vr Basin NATUHAiiST [Volume53 100 r 2; 50 Vascular i Cryptogam Fig.3.Cliaiigfs incover(%)ofcnptogams and\ascnlarplantshehvcenSfpteinhcr UJSSand Fchrnan- 1990. Fig.4.HflationsliipIx-twcencnptoganico\-crC/r)and\a.scnlarplantewer(%)forfi\egroupsofsitesatYathongNatnre Hescneami'(."oanDowns'.Clustersdepictchangc-sbetweentheeightsampledatesshowninFigure3.A=sitesdominated In-winter-growingei)henierals(sites 1 &2), B = sitesdominatedbywinter-growingephemeralsandAmf(f/c/spp. (3&4), C: = sites dominated by winter-growing ephemerals and Stipa spp. (7 & 8), D = gilg;iid red earth sites dominated bv snnnncr-growingperennialgra.s.ses(5&fi).andK =sitedominatedb\ mixedsummer-andwinter-growingperennialgrasses (9Mscetext fordiscussionofsites). of the h\() relationships for the <j;r;iy:e(l or im- biomass variedfrom 0.16Vom -to0.32kgm ". gra/ed siteswere siojnif'ieantK difTerent. 1nereasingbiomassdidnotaffectthemagnitude northe significanceoftheconelationsbehveen C.'onelatioiis Between ('nptoganis er\])t()gam eo\er and any of the independcMit andViLscular Plants \arial)l(\s. There was no exidenee that high Across the nine large sites, cnptogam eoxxM" biomass lexels were masking the presence of ranged froin1.V/c to 17.6%, andeo\erolxascu- cnptogams on the soil suiface. At all sites and larplants ranged from 45.7% to80.1% (Fig. 3). times, cryptogam cover was negatixeK' corre- (;r)pfogani eo\erwasstrongK-negati\el\'cone- latedwith co\-eroflitter, perennialgrasses, and lated with \asenlar plant bioniass. Coirelations ephemeralsandpositixeKconx^latcHlwithcover nuiuedfrom0.31 to0.65atsitesandtimeswhen ofbare soil. 19931 CiniTocAMs AM) llvi)iu)i.()(;i(:Ai. Hklations 53 Great Basin Natuhalist [\'oliinie53 54 80 wd 19931 Ckvitoc;WIS IIvdkoi.ocicai. Kklmioxs 55 120 Great Basin Naturalist [\blume 53 56 f<)\rr of cr\pl<)gams and \'ice xersa (Fig. 4). Infiltration Cnptogamc()\ciwasnegati\'el\ eonelatedwith Although ci-)ptogams liaxe been reportedas plant hioinass and comt of littt-r, perennial affecting infiltration, results from Yathong Na- grasses, and epiienierals, and positixely eoire- ture Resene and 'Coan Doxvns' indicate that iated witli c()\er()ri)are gronnd. This is consis- other soil factors may be more influential. The tent with stndies from the seniiarid slmiblands positive linear relationship between ciyptogam of Sonth Anstralia where cnptogani coxer in- coxerand infiltration on the gnized sites in this creiLsed as coxer ofherbs and trees decreased stndx' is consistent xvith a fexv studies (Fletcher folloxving long-tenn exchision ofgrazing ((^risp and Martin 1948, Clifford 1972) but is inconsis- 1975). Siniiliu-lx', Schofield(1985) reported that tent xvith the bulk of published research sug- grazing increa.sed the relative coxer of mosses gesting that ci-vptogamic crusts reduce In redncingthe coxerofxuscnlarplants. infiltration (seeWest 1990). The interactionbetweenxascnlarplantsand At Yathong Nature Resene, xvhere grazing bv domestic animals ceased in 1977, there xvas cnptoganishasbeendescribcxlasa 1:1 tradeoff a nonsignificant trendofdecreasinginfiltration (\Vest 1990).xx'hereadecreaseinthepropomrtion xvith increasing cnptogani coxer The differ- ofone component resnlts in an increase the encesinresponsetochangesincnptogamcoxer other Thns, management practices leadingtoa may be exphiined in part by the differences in change in the coxer of xascnlar plants xvonld soilphysicalpropertiesbetweenthegnizedand nltimatelx'affectthecoxerofcnptogams.Given ungnized soils. At a numberofsites in Yathong an increa.se in xasciilai' plant coxer throngh ex- Nature Resei-ve, Eldridge and Rothon (1992) closnreordestocking, it is likelx thatcr>ptogam found that changes in x'ascular plant coxer ex- coxer xvonld decrease throngh increased com- pUiinedxen'littleofthex-ariationin infiltration, petition lor light and moisture and through nuioff,andsedimentyield.Thisisthoughttobe oxertopping bx' perennial grass(\s (Looman due to the high macroporositvstatus of the soil 1964). on the ungrazed sites, xvith infiltration deter- In markedcontrast to mx resnlts, numerous minedbytheoverridinginfluenceof soil phxsi- stndies haxe reported positixe correlations be- cal properties. tweencnptogamcoxerandxascnlarplantcover. On moderatelv degraded st)il surfaces, a For example, Graetz and Tongxxax (19(S6) combinationofasmoothsoilsurfacexxithpoorlx' dexeloped microrelief and minimal obstniction shoxx'cd a significant positive correlation be- tween the coxerofperennial chenopod shmbs from grass butts, stones, and litter creates a and coxer of cnptogams, and Mucher et al. sriutnuoaftfiotnoexnxt^eherrtehethseoirlepriosfillitet.leThoipspwoartsucneirttiyiifnolry (19'SS) described hoxx' biomass of biennial the case at 'Goan Doxxiis' xx'here soil phvsical gra.s.ses and forbs incrciised as coxcm- of cnp- properties were sexe-relx degraded, macro- togams increased. In the desert grassland in porosit)'xvas low, andthe majorityofinfiltration Utali, Kleiner and Harper (1977) .shoxxed lioxx' xvas restricted to flow through the soil matrLx .speciesrichnessofxa-scnlarplantsincrea.sesx\itli and xen small biopores. In this environment richness of nonvascular flora. Similadx; in the cryptogamsprobablx haxetvxoprincipal effects. western deserts of North .\merica, exten.sixe First, tlieyproxide aphysical barrieron the soil damage to the xa.scnlar plant conmiunitx surface, protecting the surface agtiinst raindrop through trampling bycattle is a.s.sociatedxxith a impact and thereb\' ensuring that the exisring considerable reduction in the nonxa.scular flora loxx^knels ofstructural stabilitx are luaintained. ij. Johansen. personal comimmication). S(>c()nd,asinfiltration ispiedominantlx through Till- high coxerofcrxptogaius on rangeland matrix por(>s, fungal Inphae in the cnptogams sites is generally, although not exclnsixelx-, re- as.sistbyniiiintainingtheintegritx'ofthesepores gardedasan indicatorofdesirable rangecomh- sothatsmallincreasesincnptogamcoxerresult dtiio-nt.rii.uMionrcewhsettudhieersthaer-edenxeeeclko-pdm,euhtowoefxaerc,npt-o in m(a>rnkpetdogiuacmrseaa.is-eestihnouingfhitlttroatiiomnpa(cFitgsu.p6o,n7)t.he hydrological cxcle bx their direct effect on soil tou.iiiiic cnisl is a prerequisite to the dexelop- sui-face roughness. Gnptogamiccrustsincrease nient >,\ U'.'lu-, pkuit cover or xice xersa (West surface microrelic^f by cementing xxind- and xxater-eroded fraiinients into cohesive units. 1993] Chyitocwis \\n Hydkolocicm. Hi'.i.vnoxs 57 pioducinu; a niiscnl, r()uij;li('ii('tl siirlact' (Ander- (^OXCLUSIOX.S son (4 al. 19S2). This increascnl surface rouji;!!- nt'ss retards (nerland flow, allo\\in<j; more tiiiic This slndx showed that cnptogams plax a torinfiltration and deposition tooecnr(Wairen major role in infiltration and erosion in the et al. 19S6). Mowexer, direct nieasurenient of semiarid xxoodlands of eastern .Australia. Fur- the surface niicroreliefofsonie ungnized soils thermore,strongn^lationsliipsexistxxitliincnp- at Yathong Nature Resene showed that ciAp- togamictaxa,andbetxxeencnptogamcoxerand to<j;anis are not consistentK' associated with coxerand biomass ofxascularplants. roughersoil surfaces (Eklridg(^ 1991 ). At ^'athong Nature He.sene and "(^oan DoxxTis", thepresence ofcnptogamson the soil Splash Erosion surface had a xariable influence on infiltrating x\aterbut significantlx' reduced the susceptibil- The splash erosion studit^s reported here ityof thesoil tospkusherosion. Infiltrationatthe demonstratethatthepresenceofaciyptoganiic grazed sites at "(x)an Doxviis'xvas markedlx'dif- crustsignificantlyreducessplasherosionfroma ferentfromthatattheungra/.edYathongNature semiaridredeiU"thsoil. Soilsurfaceswith >75% Re.sene, probablya result of differences in .soil crxptogam coxer had \e\\ little erosion, while [ihxsical properties, particularlymacroporositx. sui-faces with 25% cox'er or less had erosion of Under simulated rainfall, surfaces support- at least an orderofmagnitude greater (Fig. 8). ingahighcoxerofcnptogamsweremorestable Numerous studies (e.g., Chartres and and less erodible than surfaces xxith lox\- cnp- Mucher 19S9, Kinnell et al. 1990. Yair 1990) togamcoxer. Erosionfromcnptogamicsurfaces ha\c' showTi the importance of cnptogam ccner ofxaningcoxeri)r()I)ablx'resultsinatransferof in n^lucing soil loss and erosion. Bootli (1941) fine material and nutrients from areas of k)xx' lound that soil losson soilwith acxanohacteiial coxer to ar(\is ol high coxer Ultimatelx, low crustis20timeslessthanthatfromthesamesoil coxer areiis become less accessible to estab- with no crust. More recently Tchoupopnou lishment by seedlings of xascular plants. Fur- (1989) showc^d that under simulated rainfall, thermore,the roleofcnptogamsinsoilstabilitx' cnptogam-co\ered surfaces reduce^ the dis- isenhancedduringdroughtperiodsxx'hencoxer tance o\er which splash soil partick\s are dis- of the usual xascular plant is either absent or sexerelx'reduced. })laced. Not ouK' did surfaces witli a low coxer of AcKXow cnptogams lose more soil during simulated i.t:i)(;MK\T.s rainfall,l)ut moreol that soilcomprisedsiltsand cla\s.Tlius,thelossoffinematerialfromthelow I thank [olin l^ickard and jefl |ohansen (or connnents on earlier drafts of the manuscript coxer plots probablx repi"esents a continual re- and nunuM"()us colleagues for assistance xxith auniodx.alatofleansuttriinentthsefcraosme otfheniltoxr\o'gceonx,'car psousrsfiabclees fieldxx'ork. I am grateful to the Cullen-Ward familx of C.'oau Ooxxnis' for alloxxing acc(\ss to decline in productivit)'. This compares xxith the theirpropertx.Thexxorkx\aspartiallx fundedbx' high cnptogamcoxersoilsxxhereeroded mate- the National Soil Consenation Programme of rial comprisedmainlx"coar.se-grained sandsand the Connnonxxealth Goxeniment of Australia some aggregates >0.500 mm in diameter under a permit from the NSW National Parks .\h)sses and algae bound .some of the particles and \\ ildlife Senice. remoxcdduringtheerosionprocess. Thus, ero- sion max be assisting the di.spersal and deposi- LlTKHATlHK CiTKi:) tion of these microphxtic taxa within (he landscape. .\Ni)i;iiS()\ 1). (;., K. T. IIaui'Kk and H. C. IIdiaicuia Asthisstudyusedsmallcorestakei bom the 1982.Factorsinniifiicin^dcvelopiiieiifolcnptogamic field, it is not possible to assess the diegree to .msoeilntcr3u5s:ts1i8n(VU-t1Sa5h.deserts.JournalofHanije Manasje- xxhich spla.shed sediment is re(k'posited xxithin ii\N,KY. D., A. P. .Mazi'HAK. AM) J. K. RosowsKi 197.3. thelandscape.Thesoillossxalliesreportedhere Agaiegation ofsoilparticles b\-algae. Journalol Pliy- probablxoxerestimatexxhathappensinthefield cologN'9:99-]()l. xx'here litter and plant butts would trap some BiACKraltUeiRaNn.d \sVe.diIIm.en1t97.p5n.xiFnaccttioorns oifnfslenmeinacriindgrianfnigletlraatnidosn moxinesediment. in \e\ada.Water Resources Research 11:929-9-37.

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