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Cryptic Species in the Fern Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn. (Parkeriaceae). II. Cytological Characteristics of Three Cryptic Species PDF

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Preview Cryptic Species in the Fern Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongn. (Parkeriaceae). II. Cytological Characteristics of Three Cryptic Species

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics ISSN 1346-7565 ActaPhytotaxG.eobot.56(3)2]31-240(2005) CrypticSpeciesinthe Fern Ceratopteritshatietroide(sL.B)rongn. (ParkeriaceIaI.eC)yt.ologicaClharacteristicsThree Cryptic of Species SHIGEO MASUYAMAi *and YASUYUKI WATAN02 iDepartment qfMatheniatic asnd Ndturat Sciences, Cotleg eoL.fD]eAprat rantsdni Senctiences ,7bkyo llloma 'ns Christian Un i v e r si t y Z e m p uk a g ' i 2 -6 - 1 , S u gi n a m i , 7 1 ) k} ) oJ 6 7 - 85 8 5 , J c r p an , qfBotan) ;fttcul toyfScien cChei,ha Univensiov }keyoich o1-33 ,lnage ,Chiba 263-8522 ,,1opan Ceratop)te rtihsaiictroide hsas been reported to contain three cryptic species, called thc south type, the north typc and thc third type. To obtain a clear understanding oflhesc cryptic species, the somatic and meiotic chromosomes were exarnined in 1 8 sporophytes from differe nlteealit iaends threc hybrid ssyn- thesized among thc thrcc types, The examinations revealed that the north typ eand the third type are tetraploids with 2n =-, 156 and n = 78 chrernesomcs, whercas the south type i sa hypotctraplo iwidth 2n = 154 and n == 77 chromosemes. Severa pleculia crenfigurations were occasionally observed at diaki- nesis in all three type ss:ingle rope-shaped bivalen twisth acrosyndcsis, split bivalen twisth acrosyndetic coimections, and quadrivalent or quadrivalent- lcionkfeigurations, Occasiona qluadrivalen itnsdica tthee presence ofseveral homologie swithin the genomes of the three tspe sM.any univalents were observed at metaphase I in the hybri dbetween the south and north typcs w,hereas only a few univalents wcrc occa- sionally observed in the hybrid sbctwccn thc third and north types, for which a partia lcross-sterility had been reported, This suggests that the chremosemal structure has difTerentia tleidtt lbeetween thc genomes of the third typ eand the north typ eand that the partia lcross-sterility is mostly due to genic dir ferentiatiboentweenthem. Key words: Cb"utopter tihsalictroide scr,yptic species, cytology, fern,hybrid sterilitM Parkeriaceae ,pely- ploid ,quadrivalent The lates ttaxonomic revision of the fern genus troides, however ,is inconclusi vaes ,Pal (195 9an)d Cevatqpter iwass canied out by Lloyd (197 4H)e, Pal & Pal (1963 d)ocumented 2n - 80 and Ninan recognized fbur species in the genus :C. cornuta (195 6an)d Hickok (197 9re)portcd 2n == 154 fbr this (Pa lB.eauv.) Le Prieur ,C pteridoides CHook.)species, indicatin gthe presenc eof intraspecific Hieron,, C, richardii Brongn. and C. thalictroides polyploid asnd aneuploids. In the previou sstudy CL, B)rongn. Among them C, thalictroides is char- (Masuya meta al. 2002) ,we revealed the presence of acteristically highly polymorphic. Most ofthe cytQ- three distinc tentities in C. thalictroides, which we logica sltudies of Ceratopter ihsave shown that the called the south type, the north typ eand thc third fbrmer thre especies are diploi dwsith 2n = 78 chro- type T.hey were regarded as independe nsptecies for mosomes and the remaining one, C thaiictroid eiss, two reasons. One was that the ywcrc suMciently dif tetraploi dwith 2n = 156 chromosomes (L6v eet feren tin molecular characteristics, including al. 1977). The cytological evaluation of C. thalic- allozymc coinposition and nuclcotidc sequcnccs of NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics 232 APG Vdl,56 thc chloroplast DNA. The second was that crossing study (Masuya meta al. 2002), all but IN3 (Indo- tests indicate drigi dcross-sterilit byetween the south nesia) and TW1 ([Ilat wierwea nex)amined cytologi- type and the other two and panial cross-sterility cally (1la t1b) ,tTehe Japanes esporophytes O, M, F between the north typ eand the third type. and Yl ofwhich the fbrmer two and the latt etrwo These studies tead to the fo11owing previsionswere frem population swith allozyme compositions with respect to the cytological characteristics of of the south type and the north type, respectively the three types :1) they may diffe nrot only in mol- (Watan &o Masuyama 1994) ,were also examined. ecular characteristics but also in chromosome num- Additiona lobservations were made ofmeiosis in the ber ;2) differe nltevel osf cross-sterility among the hybrid sbetween the third and north type s(IN 1 × N three type msay be related to differe pnltoid ylevels and IN2 ×N) and between the south and north types or to aneuploidy. The purpos eof this study is to (IN ×4 N) that had been synthesized in the previous show evidence fbr or against these prevision sby study. All the sporophytes but O, M, F and Y have examining the chromosomes of the three types of been cultivated successively through asexual repro- Ceratopter ithsalictroides. ductio nby gemmae since the previou sstudy. The sporophytes O, M, F and Y were obtained through Materials and Methods mixed matings of gametephyte sgenerating from spores, fo11owin tghe method describe pdreviously Of the sporophytes that were used in the previous (Masuyam a1996). For examination of somatic ZNBLE 1.Code names, ]ocaliti eansd molecular characteristic softhe sporophytcs cxamined. Code Spore collection Sequenceof 1)namcLecality number chloroplastDNAZ)AllQzyme composition]} soMTHIDINO4nNnGaGsYoNnF, YOTkWi2nTaW3wHa WPIrHeWf2, GJAaIpNa1nIN2 S. Masuyama 2611 South typc South type Ootomi, hiomote Isl. ,Okinawa Pref, Japan S. Masuyama 2877 South type Motonagur aI,shiga kIsil .O,kinawa Pref. J,apan S. Masuyama 2876 South type Khao Taln, Chumphon, Thailand S. Masuyama 3107 South type South type Mirzapur ,Uttar Pradesh ,India S. Masuyama 2741 South type South type Gnung Batu, Bogor, Indonesia S. Masuyama 2599 South type Seuth type Hisue, Kairuku, New Guinea S. Masuyama 2737 South type South typc Georgetown, Guyana S. Masuyarna 2740 South type South type Nagareyama, Chiba Pref, Japan S. Masuyama 2869 North type Nenh type Fukiage ,Kagoshima Pref, Japan S. Masuyama 1293 Nemh type Yanyu, Amami Isl ,K,agoshima Pref, Japan S.Masuyama2131 Nonh type Tali ,Taichung Pref i, Taiwan S, Masuyama 2700 North type North type Taichung, Taichung Pref, T,aiwan S.Masuyama2681 Nonh type Hanapepe Riv. ,Kauai H,awaii U,SA S. Masuyama 2736 North typc Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii, USA S. Masuyama 2868 Nonh type Nenh type Mt. Santa Rosa, Yigo, Guam S, Masuyama 2964 North type Nerth type Gnung Sal iS,. Salak I,ndenesia S. Masuyama 2701 Ihird type Third type Pasir Kuda, Bogor, Indonesia S, Masuyama 2601 Third type Third type 1) The same as in the previou sstudy (Masuyam eat al. 2002) except O,M,F and Y,new codes fo radditional collections. 2) See the previou sstudy (Masuyam eat ai. 2002). 3) See the previou sstudies (Watan aond Masuyama 1 994, Masuyarna et al, 2002). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics Deccmber2oo5 MASUYAMA & WATANO: CrypticSpeciesinCeratqpteritshalicttvidesII. 233 fixedin Sporangia then in drop chromosomes, roots ofthe sporophytes were were removed and placed a Farmer' ssolution ( 3anhydreus ethyl alcohol:1 of aceto-camnin (45% acetic acid containing 1% glaci aalcetic acid) after pretreatme nwitth 4 mM 8- carrnin) on slides and squashed under a cover glass hydroxyquinoli nseolution fo rabout 6 hours F.or to provid estained spore mother cells ,Vbucher spec- microscopic observations, the roots were put in imens ofthe sporophytes examined were deposited 45% acetic acid for more than 15 minutes, fbl- M KYO. lowed by maceration in IN HCI solution at 60 OC for 5 minutes. After a short rinse with 45% acetic Results acid, the root tip was cut off and place din a drop of aceto-orcein (45% acetic acid containing 2% orcein) Chromosome numbers determine din this study are on slides. The material was spread by tapping on a summarized in Table 2. Representati v¢ehromo- cover glas swith a stick and then squashed to provide some configurations are shown in Figs ,1 to 17. stained somatic cells. For examination of meiotic Cytological feature sworthy of note in the three chromesomes, young fenil eleaves were fixed in types and the hybrids are describe bdelow. Farmer's solution. For observation, the leaves were placed in 459r 6acetic acid for more than 1 5 minutes. TVie south mpe All the sporophytes of the south type had 2n = 154 andror n = 77 chromosomes. In diakinesi osf meio- TlxBL E2. Chromosome numbers of sporophytes of' Ceratopteris sis, some bivalen tshsowed a knotte drope-like con- thatictroides. figurati owinth pairing at the terrninal regions of CodenameLocalitySomatic Meiotic Fig. in text arms (Fi gI.b) .Occasionall ys,everal bivalents no. no. showed a single rope-like configuration with South typc acrosyndesis, the pairin gat the ends of arms (Figs. soMTHIDIN4NJGaGpYanJapanJap2ann=T1h5a4i2lna=n1nd5=I4=n7d7ni=a7I7nnd-7o7n1ne-=sa7i,7nab=,c,d,e 1c, 4 and 7b). Some of them paired furthe art their 2 ends with other normal bivalent rse,sulting in the 2n=1542n-1542n=1542n3-41556472-na=,1b54 fbrmatio nof taile dquadrivalent s(Fi gI.d) .There bivalent 77n-77n==77n=77 was a split with an acrosyndetic connection by a fain btridge w,hich appeare dlik etwo univalents NewGuinea (Fi g.Ie) ,Quadrivalent -clonifikguerations, some Guyana of which were probabl ytrue quadrivalen twesr,e observed in many spore mother cells (Fig s1.c, le, 4 Northtype NFYTW 2TW3HWJIaHpWa2nGJAapanJap2ann-T1a5i6w2ann=T1na5-i67w8an=n7U8SnA-U78SnA8=G-7ua8a,n=mb9 and 5) .The occurrence ef these variant configura- tions was dependent on the spore mother cells, not on the individu apllants ,Among the samples of the south type, the sporophyte ofGuyana was peculiar 2n=156 78n=78n=7le8n=78 in having a single dot-lik echromosome in the somatic cells (Fi g7.a). Although the dot-lik echro- 2n-1562n=IS6 1112 mosome was constantly observed among 154 regu- lar did chrornosomes, meiosis not appear abnor- Third type mal and 77 normal bivalen wterse fbrmed (Fig. MlIN2 Indonesia 2n=156 n=78 13-a,b14 7b), Indenesia 2n=IS6 n=78 NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocleityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmloastics 234 APG Vol 56 『           噌匹誌鞠   劉    お聲顛 ’     .    蒸      嚇             i・l鬘蹄簓l       『    畷 讐羈   な  ∵   緜      ・        ・唐 灘繰     醜    こに  鬢    鑾 メ   り        ヨ 糞       警 ・ 撫               織、       塾                   卿』タ・     無竃講灘 . き ま 野 .    ..        .庫         叛執 轟 晦篭 礎    ドバモ  ∴ 皿 . 離 1    轟 、 て   悪     押詳 媛 誘 む朝驚           諸   慧 “    靱    い  轟騰    派    鑽  :   騨   灘    鋤義 .、 き 騰                         鑼 戀                         驪鑞     喚 磨鞍                       1…1購鮒                           』   弊    巉    燦         鑽1   期 ぎ 冨 im ハ      Y  ル t 1      .              懲 覇聯 ・ 饗 噸 藩   x, ・   \ ∴   。 曝 .    》  ひ 》 嘔 覊 ∴ 繼 輪 く 軈勢竇 腕   メ          /   ボ練 灘 歪     箋 嫉  、 乳 、   犠 触     鴫 雛     ∴ 纔 襲 , ‘ ザ 亀   警 、 盛 痴」菰嚢 憾 畫 羣 .璽 鵡   t 職 罫無 鶴 穎  気舞 嶽 継 傷   類 タ 糞     ヤ d ’ − 2 灣 驫譜一          癬   津 FIGs l l 7 Som 己tlc and  melot1 しchrornotsomes  of rporophyte 〜or Ceratθpterts thahctiθtdes Smgle arrowhead 〜lnd!cate smgle   chromQ 〜Qrnes m  gomat 童c dlv且sion or single biialen mt smeiosis, doubl earrowheads  indicate quadr亘valents er quadrivalen ltlke   configuratlons  Open arrowheads  show  spots or foreig rchirornosoines  Bars mcl正Ldtc l O ttm , figure swithout  bdr dro at thc sarnL   magnlficatlon as 1ユ1Flg lb Flg la Metaphase ofsporophytc  S showmg  2n−154 chromosomes  FTe lb Dldkmesls ofsporo   phyte S showing  n −77 chrolllosomes lncludlng  d knotted rope 〜haped blvalent(arrow )PIG lc S量nglc ropc  shaped  bivalent   (a皿ow )mdiakmegig  of〜porophyt eS Fie ld Taile dquadrivalent(asrrows )ln d且akinegig  ofsporophyte  S Two blvale natres out   ot p王cture F且ts le Blvalen twlth acrogyndetic  connc しtlon(alrow )in metaphage  1 ofsporophytc  S FIG 2 Metaphage 1 of sporo   phyte O showmg  n=77 chromorome9 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocleityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmloastics 恥   腰 茄 照 鵬 融 齢 鼎 m 吋 齢 岬   伽 卿 間 蹠   翻 獅      灘                                        縫                                                       臨 お   レ ル { 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocleityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmloastics 236 APG Vol 56   鏤韈    ・駐   」   疑 ゼ ・麟…     ・ ・ 。 、 麟 ・ 。      鱗  融 癰    瀞            ル    棚     這♂騰      藩      靆 ・ 獅     ゐ 蜘       驚   譲欝     陥 毒 講汎   顎 ・,    羈 譜 。  ガ       鴨 僅  禰 撫     ゆ,pm               一  二購爵 鰹 ぐ晦 撫 纐跨 静 1   ’          轟穩霧       tlま l ∵鍵臨 l 働解 鎮 一 遭 轟 ・ ll1  騰 簿 響藩 盛 尹 爆 ・       ltuma ? に     叮毳   鑞叫     }辮覊惑  悔“   ゴ礎爾・邸 一輸鴛、      欝騨か韆纛 階顰 嗹・脇.騨 読 ・魂韈熱 FIG 8a Metaphase of sporephyte N showmg  2n=156chromosomes FIG 8b Diakinesl ost sporophyte N showing n=78 ch∫omosomes   mcludlng  a smgle rope shaped b1、alent(arrow)F氏G g Dlaklnesl so丘sporophyte  F show mg  n “78 chromogomes  F[〔、10   D凪akmesls  of spDrophyte  TW3  showlng  n =78 chromosomes  FIG l l Dlaklnes且〜of sporophyte  HW2  sho 叺lng n =78 chro   mo 邑omes 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocleityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmloastics マ Deccmb じr 20〔)5     MASUYAMA & WAI『ANO ⊂叩 tlc Specler ln (eratol,t‘ri  漁 1‘c’广αお II          237   ’                                           ミ                                                                           ポ 寮 霧鞭 礁 藩 亭奥 瀦 く 灣 墾 慚 蕪 驫 l 韈 鎌 FIG mlo2s omDe]akme〜sisFIG  ofl 3 sbpo rDoiphayktrencs iGsA o fsh〜opwoirnogp hny=te 7l8N Ic hrsohmoos“omiensg n = 7F8I( ,ch1r omosMoemteasphas}e[ しot 1sp4o rQDpihyatkeine爪gl 1orfsh s帆poroipnhgyt e2n= I1N526  rchhorwo − mg η=78 chrornogomes  includmg  a bingle rope 〜haped bMlent (arrow )Flt sl 5 MetaphasL I ofthe hyb−d IN!×N bhowing aumvalcnt (drro丶〜)flt l6 Late prophage l ot the hvbrid JN1×N FIG l 7 Mctaphdse l ol the hybrld lN4×Nshowmg  many unlvalents 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 238 APG Xk]15.6 7)l inoerth mpe which were called the south type t,he north type and All the sporophytes ofthe north type had 2n - 156 the third type, Cytologic aalnalyses in the present andforn =78 chrornosomes. As in the south type, study showed that the sporophytes regarded as the occasional bivalen tsshowing acrosyndesis were south type had a complement of2n = 154 andlor n observed at diakines iisn some spore mether cells = 77 chromosemes without exception, while those (Fig8,b),Quadrivalent-like configurations were regarded as the north type and the third typ ehad 2n also observed in many spore mother cells (Fi g9.), = 156 and!or n =- 78 chromosomes. Tt is evident from these results that both the north type and the 71ie thint mpe third type are characterized by the chromosome Both sporophytes examined had 2n = 156 and n == number 2n = 156 andn == 78, whereas the south type 78 chrornosomes. As in the above two types, biva- is characterized by 2n = 154 and n = 77. In an lent sshowing acrosyndesis (Fi g1.4) and quadriva- experimental study utilizing several sporophytes of lent-li kcoenfigurations (Fig s13.b and 14) were the south type and thc north type, Masuyama & occasionally observed at diakinesi sin meiosis. Watano (199 4re)ported both type sto have the same chromosome number, 2n = 156. It appears that 71hedybrials insurncien tobservations resulted in a miscount fbr Three hybrids oftwo combinations were examined the south type. Sinc ethe chromosome number of2n for the occurrence ofunivalents at metaphase I. In = 78 has been reported fbr diploi dspccies of the hybrid INI XN (th ethird type × the north Ceratopteri s(L6v eet al. 1977), the count of2n = type), 40 spore mother cells (SMCs )were examined. 156 in the north typ eand the third typ eis tetraploid 0ne and two univalents were observed in 12 and 2 and the count of 2n = 154 in the seuth type is a SMCs, respectively (Fi gI.5); the rcmaining 26 hypotetraploid, SMCs showed no univalents. In the hybri dIN2 ×N Ninan (195 6re)ported chromosome counts of (th tehird type × the north type), 48 SMCs were 2n = 154 and n = 77 for Cleratopter ithsalicmoicles in examined, One and two univalents were observed in India L.ate4 in a cytological study of seven different 13 and 1 SMCs, respectively; the rcmaining 34 collections ef Cl thatictroides, Hickok ( 1979) report- SMCs had no uniyalents. In both hybrid sa,bnormal ed n = 77 fbr six colLections and n = 78 for one col- bchavio rwas not d¢tected in chromosomal pairing lection ,The six collections with n =r 77 contained at diakines i(sFi gI.6). In the hybrid IN4×N (the those from Malaysia and Surinam ,localit ineots south type × the north type), a number of unjva- include din this study. The collection with n = 78 lent soccurred in metaphase I (Fi g17,). A rough was from Hawaii, the locali tinycluded in thi sstudy estimation ofthe number ofunivalents was possible Combining these cytological data with the results of in 5 SMCs, where at leas 2t2, 27, 31, 32 and 35 uni- this study, it appears that the south type with 2n = valents were recognized. Pairin gbehavio rat diaki- 154 and n =: 77 is distribut ewiddely in trepical nesis was irregul arers,ulting in a number ofuniva- and subtropical regions, and the north typ ewjth lent sand multiva]ents arnong bivalents. 2n = 156 and n = 78 ranges from eastern Asia to Micronesia, although their distribut iion nAfric ais Discussion uncertain. The third type, another strain of 2n = 1 56, appears to be narrowly distribut eocdc,urring Molecula ranalyses ofthe widely distribu tspeedcies only in Indonesi aand neighboring areas. Ceratopter ithsalictroides (Masuya emt aat. 2002) Pal (195 9re)ported the chromosome number revealed the presenc oef three distinc tentities, 2n = 80 and n == 40 i'o ran India nsporophyte iden- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics December 2005 MASUYAMA & WKrANO: Crypti Scpecies in CeFatopteri tshalictroides II. 239 tific das Ceratepteris siliqt{osa, a synonym of C by the consistent occurrence of a single dot-like thalictroides. Later ,Pal & Pal (196 3al)so reported chromosome among somatic chromosomes (Fig. the same chromosorne number for C thatictroi idnes7a). The dot-li kcehromosome appears to be a B- India .Judging from the nurnber reported, the spero- chromosomc because 77 norma] bivalent wser ¢ phyte sexamined appear to represent a strain derived constantly observed in meiQsis (Fi g7,b) .It is uncer- from a diploi sdpecies of Ceratopteris. tain whcther the dot-li kcehromosome is charac- In meiosis in the three type tsv,v' opeculia cron- terist iecf plants in Guyana or is only in the indi- figurati oonfbsivalents were occasionaily observed: vidual examined, single repe-shaped bivalents with acresyndesis Mating tests in our previous 6tudy (Masuyama (Fig sIc., 4, 7b, 8b and 14) and split bivalen twisth et aL 2002) demonstrate tdhat when S (a sample of an acrosyndetic connection (Fi gl,e) .The single the south type, see rfable 1) was utilized as a pater- rope-shaped bivalent sappeared to be transformed nal tester ,spores of hybrid ssynthesized with the configurations of knotte drope-shaped bivalents north type and those with the third type showed O to (Fig l,b) after terminalizati oonfchiasma. SimilarIM 18% and 2 to 20% germination ,respectively, but the split bivalen tapspear to result frem occasional when N (a sample of the north type) was paternal, transformatio nof single rope-shaped bivalents, the spores ofhybrids with the south type and those In addition to these peculia brivalcnt qsu,adri- with the thir dtype showed O to 209, 6and 37 to 69% valent-like configurations (Fi gl,c, fbr example), germinatio nr,espectively, As selfed progeny ot- includin tgaile dones (Fi gI.d) ,were occasionally each type showed 83 to 98% spore germination ,it observed. Occasiona lquadrivalcnts have been was concluded that the spore germination rates of reported fbr synthesized hybrid sbetween diploid hybrids noted above represented rigid cross-sterili- species of Ceratopteri s(Hick o&k Klekowsk i1974, ty between the south type and the other two types Hickok 1977) and crosses among differe ncotllec- and pania lcross-sterility between the third type tions ef C thalictroides (Hick o19k79) .Most of and the nerth type (Masuyam eat al, 2002). In the the sporophytes utilized in the presen tstudy, how- presen tstudy, a larg enumber ofunivalents consis- ever, were not crosses but ordinary individuals, tentl yoccurred in metaphase 1 in the hybri dbetween because i twas reported that their selfed progeny thc south type and the north type (Fi g1.7), This formed viable spores at suMciently high frequenciesimplies that, in addition to chromosome number, (Masuyama et al. 2002). Occasional quadrivalents,chromosomal structure and genic constitution have therefore, appear not to be exclusive to crosses considerably differentia tbeedtween the genomes between differen stpecies and forrn sbu,t to be rather ofthese types and have resulted in their rigi dcross- common in the tetraploid species ef Ceratopteris.sterjlity, In contrast, one or two univalents occa- Occasiona qluadrivalen tfbrmation in the tbree types sionally occurred in the hybrid sbetween the third indicat tehsat some of differen ptair sofhomologous type and the north type (Fi g1.5) ,ln a cytological chromosomes are ofhemoeologous origin and still study of synthesized hybrids among dipioi sdpecies maintain homologie sat several sites .In seed plants,of Ceratopteris ,Hickok (1977 r)eported that the occasional quadrivale nftbrmatio nhas been fre- hybrids showed 23 to 30% spore germinatio annd a quently observed in polyploid taxa and explained in few univalents occurred only in les sthan 8% of terms of the mechanism leadin gto stable bivalent the spore mother cells examined, a featu rseimilar to fbrmatio nin polyploid s(Drisc oetl lal, 1980, that in the abovc hybrid sbetween the third type Watanabe 1981 ,Jackson & Casey 1982). and the north typc. From this pairin gbehavio rhe The sporophyte from Guyana is characterized conc]uded that spore abortions ofthe hybrid swere NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 240 APG Nlo1 .56 probabl ycaused not by chromosomal but by genic Hickok, L. G. 1977. Cytologic arlelationships between imbalanc ein the spores after meiotic segregation. thre ediploi dspecies ofthe fer ngenus Ceratopteris. The sarne cenclusion can be drawn fbr the above Can. J .Bot 55: 1660-1667. hybrid sin this study. That is ,chromosomal stmcture , 1 979 .A cytological study ofintraspecific variation may have differentia ltietdt lbeetween the genomes i1n7 0C0e.ratopter itshalietroide sC.an, J. Bot. 57: 1694- of the third type and the north type and the partial & E. J. Klekowski, Jr .I974 ,Inchoate speciation in sterility of the hybr{ds may be due mostly to diP Cleratopter Ains: analysis ofthe synthesized hybrid feren tgenic constitutions of these types. C: riehaFdii × C. pteridoide sE,volutio n28: 439- As noted in the bcgiming ,the south typ eof2n 446. -: 154 is regarded as hypotetraplo iwdith a de- Jackson, R. C, & J .Casey .1982. Cytogeneti acnalyses of bcree assueppdo sneudmber i no ft hceh rofmoosrommeas.tio n oTfX tvho ipsr oanceeupslsoeids ,can L l o yatduo , tRoo,cp toMolpy.lp ol1iodi9sd7.s4i .AS myMesortd.e emJla ,sBt oiant cdo.s f6t h9meei t4 hg8oed7ns-u5s0 1fC.oer mttrioppltoiedns's One is the numerical loss ofchromosomes by fusion Brongn. (Parkeria cIeI a,faex)on,omy. Brittoni a26: of two homologous pairs after formation of 139-160. tetraploi dwsith 2n =: 156 chromosomes. ParticularL6ve, A., D. L6ve & R. E, G. Pichi Sermolli. 1977. configurations indicativ eof chromosomal fusion, Cytotaxonomica latlas ofthe Pteridophyt Car.amer, VZIduz. however ,were not evident in somatic and meiotic M a su yama, S. 1996 .Progenesis as adaptive strategy i] tihe chremosomes of the south type T.he other process is annual fern CeratctF)t ethrailsictroid eisn Japan .Plant allotetraploid formation through hybridization Sp, Biol. 11: 225-232. between ordinary diploid swith 2n = 78 and & Y Wbtano. 1994. Hybrid sterility betwce ntwo unknown diploid swith 2n - 76, Pal (1959 a)nd isozymi ctypes ofthe fer nCtiratopte rthiaslictroidds Pal & Pal (196 3re)ported a chromosome number 2n in Japan .J ,Plant Res. 107: 269-274. =f i8n0d fibnrg Issnugdgiesatn sp otrhopaht ytseesveral of c yCteolroagitcaolpt evrari iTsahn.etsir C(, rLYy.. p )BYtraio tcsnapgebcnei.e , s(N P.i an Mtruhekr acfkorarimn Ciaec rI&ea. taMYooe.lp )etWc.eaurlt itaah.rnav ota,in ca2lty0rs0oe2is.des may be present among diploid species of and cressing tests .J. Plant Res, 1 15: 87-97, Ceratopter ialst,hough a chromosome number 2n = Ninan, C. A. 1956. Studie son the cytology and phy- 78 has been exclusively recognized fbr diploid logeny of the pteridophyte sI,V Systematic posi- species so far (L6v eet al. I977) ,Funher cytological tion of Ceratopteris thalictroide s(L. B)rongn. J. study of diploid sin Ceratopter imsay reveal an P a l ,SI.n d1i9a5n9 B. Coth. rSoomc.o s35o:m2e 5n2u-mb2e5r6. in (leratopte sriilisqtt- outline ofthe origin ofthe south type and the other osa (L. C)opel .Curr, ScL 28: 455-456, two types in C. thalictroides. Pal ,N. & S. Pal .1963 .Studie son rnorphology and aran- it yofthe Parlceriac eIale .S.porogenesis ,development Wc are indebted to Dr. Kuniaki Watanabe of Kobe of the gametophyte ,and cytolegy of Ceratopteris Universi tfyor his valuable suggestions on the meiotic con- thalictroicl eBso,t, Gaz. 124: 405-412. figuratio onbtsained in this study. Watanabe, K. 198 1 . Studies on the control ofdjploid-like meiosis in polyploid taxa of ChTlysanthemum I, References Hexaploi dCh.ymponens eNakai. Cytologi a46: 459- 498. Watano, Y & S.Masuyama.1994,Geneticdifferentiation D r i sMcIaoStl9hl- e,1Cm6.a 9t.Ji., cGs o.f Hc.hr oGmoosrodmeon & p aGi,r iKni gmG,beenre, t1i9 c89s05.: ithn ap loipc utlr oait die osin no sfJ atphae np .o Jl. yPmloar pnht Rice sf ,e1 r0 7nC:e1r3a9t-o1p4t6e.ri,y Received,inn 3e, 2005; aecqptedJuly 22, 2005 NII-Electronic Library Service

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