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Cryoge www.celsevier.com/locate/cryogenics Wes Index to Volume 40 (2000) No. | (Januaryp)p | Nos. 4-5 (April-M 10 (August—October) pp 499-679 No. 2 (February) pp 7 No. 6 (June) pp | (November) pp 681-753 No. 3 (March) pp 155-239 No. 7 (July) pp 42 2 (December) pp 755-82 Article Index (titles in italics refer to Research and technical notes) Number 1/Janurary Design analysis of a cryostable sector Steady state analysis of non-uniform magnet for superconducting sepa- current distributions in cable-in- Theoretical investigations on simulta- rated-sector cy conduit conductors and comparison neous operation of vapour com- J.-W. Kim 53 with experimental data pression refrigeration cycle and Cryogenic contamination of an ultra- NV. Mitchell 99 Stirling cycle in miniature Stirling low loss mirror for cryogenic laset Creep deformation of austenitic steels cooler with two-component two- interferometric gravitational wave at medium and low temperatures phase mixture detector S. Usami and T. Mori 117 S.L. Bapat | S. Miyoki Tomaru He II heat transfer through super- Thermal quench study in HTSC pan- D. Tatsumi VU. Ohashi conducting cables electrical insulation cake coil K. Kuroda ld, d Suzuki \ B. Baudouy, M.X. Francois, F.-P V.S. Vysotsky, Yu.A. Ilyin T. Kiss Sato, T. Haruyama 1 Yamamoto Juster and C. Meuris 127 M. Inoue, M. Takeo, F. Irie and T. Shintom 6] Calorimetric ac-loss measurement of H. Okamoto, M. Kanazawa, Generation of liquid helium tem- high 7.-tapes at 77 K , a new mea- K. Ohya, S. Hayashida and A.1 peratures using lead regenerator suring technique Rakhmanoi ) in a GM precox pulse tube C. Schmidt 137 Universal scaling law for quench de- Stage Low temperature thermal conductivity velopment in HTSC devices {. von Schneidemesser, G Thummes of Kapton and Upilex 1.L. Rakhmanov, V.S. Vysotsky, Y- and C. Heide M. Barucci, E Gottardi I. Peroni u.A. Ilyin, T. Kiss and M. Ta- and G. Ventura 145 keo 19 {utomated thermoelectri« power mea- Dynamic response of Ag-Bi2223 tapes Number 2/February surement from 300 to 15 K with a in applied fields by electric transport closed cycle refrigerator measurement Study on a new type of sealing — re- R. Nirmala, V. Sankaranarayanan Y.H. Zhang, S. Y. Ding, H. Luo, X.F generation-labyrinth sealing for dis- VM.G. Sankar and K. Sethupathi 149 Wu, P. Zhang, F.Y. Lin. L. Qiu, Z placer in cryocoolers: Part | Xu and X.X. Yao 29 Theoretical study A large experimental apparatus for L.Q. Liu and L. Zhang 75 Number 3/March measuring thermal conductance of Study on a new type of sealing — re- LH2 storage tank insulations generation-labyrinth sealing for dis- Influence of specimen size on the ten- S. Kamiya, K. Onishi, E. Kawagoe placer in cryocoolers: Part II sion—tension fatigue behaviour of and K. Nishigaki 35 Experimental study fibre-reinforced plastics at room Evolution of the ohmic voltage drop in L.Q. Liu and L. Zhang 85 temperature and at 77 K connections of superconductors un- Design, construction, and performance P. Rosenkranz, K. Humer and H.W der time-varying current of plastic heat exchangers for sub- Weber 155 R. Musenich, S. Farinon, C Priano Kelvin use Effect of gap flow on shuttle heat and P. Fabbricatore 45 {.B. Patel and J.G. Brisson 9] transfer PH: SOO 1LL-2275(01)00061-3 Index H.-M. Chang D.-J. Park and § T. Yuri, T. Ogata VM. Saito and ¥ Characterisation of the photodetector Jeong 159 Hirayama 251 and light emitting diode at above li- Partial discharge inception character- Thermodynamic performance predic- quid nitrogen temperature istics of LN,/epoxy composite in- tion of pulse tube refrigeration with N.B. Manik, A.N. Basu and S.C. sulation system under thermal mixture fluids Muk herjee 341 bubble condition G. Chen, Z. Gan, G. Thummes and C. New Nb;Al-based Al5 multifilamentar: NV. Hayakawa, H. Maeda S. Chigusa Heiden 261 wires with high J. in high fields and H. Okubo 167 Design optimization of a 0.1-ton/day Y. lijima, A. Kikuchi and K. In- Thermomechanical subdivision of in- active magnetic regenerative hydro- oue 345 ternal energy of some noble gases on gen liquefier the “ideal gas line” L. Zhang, S.A. Sherif, A.J. DeGre- S.A. Ulybin, VI. Sukhov and B.D goria, C.B. Zimm and T.N. Vezir- Number 6/June Krakovsk) 173 oglu 269 M&M: Multi-conductor Mithrandir etrological systems for monitoring Elementary study on superconducting code for the simulation of thermal- two-phase cryogenic flows electromagnetic ships with helical hydraulic transients in super- Yu. P. Filippov, A.M. Kovrizhnykh insulation wall conducting magnets V.M. Miklayev and A.K. Sukhano- K. Nishigaki, C. Sha, M. Takeda, } L. Savoldi and R. Zanino 179 va 279 Peng, K. Zhou, A. Yang, D. Suyama, \ simplified model for pulse tube re- study on the relation between the Q.J. Qing, L. Yan, T. Kiyoshi and H Irigeration strain scaling law and the tem- Wada 353 P. Neveu and C. Babo 19] perature scaling law on flux pin- Development of perspective cryogenic The thermal conductivity of Kapton ning in Nb;Sn superconducting surgical apparatus HN between 0.5 and 5 K wires V.N. Pavlov 361 J. Lawrence, A.B. Patel and J.G T. Kuroda, K. Itoh, H Wada and K Molar volume of pure liquid *He: Brisson 203 Togano 287 dependence on temperature (50 High-temperature superconducting Dielectric strength, swelling and 1000 mK) and pressure (0—1.57 current lead incorporating operation weight loss of the ITER Toroidal MPa) in the current-sharing mode Field Model Coil insulation after E. Tanaka, K. Hatakeyama, S. No- Y. Iwasa and H. Lee 209 low temperature reactor irradia- ma and T. Satoh 365 The application of the Deiters equation of tion Two-dimensional model for tapered State to the calculations of the vapour K. Humer, H.W. Weber, R. Hastik, pulse tubes. Part |: theoretical liquid phase equilibria in systems con- H. Hauser and H. Gersten- modeling and net enthalpy flow taining halogenhydrocarbons herg 995 S.H. Baek, E.S. Jeong and § B. Dabrowska 221 Influence of longitudinal magnetic Jeong 379 Study on miniature pulse tube cryo- field on current distribution and Two-dimensional model for tapered cooler for space application AC loss in twisted multi- pulse tubes. Part 2: Mass streaming J. Liang, Y. Zhou, W. Zhu, Wi Sun filamentary high 7. super- and streaming-driven enthalpy flow J. Yang and §. Li 229 conducting tapes loss Behavior of carbon ceramic TVO tem- N. Amemiya 303 S.H. Baek, E.S. Jeong and S perature sensors at Static magnet The possibility of SQUID sensitivity Jeong 387 fields up to 15 T enhancement by the use of ferro- Two-dimensional quench simulation VM. Siifer and F. Wiichner magnetic antennae of composite CuNb/Nb;Sn con- S.1. Bondarenko, A.A Shablo and ductors P.P. Pavlot 313 T. Murakami, S. Murase, S. Shima- Number 4—5/ April-May Properties of Ag—-Mg alloy sheathed Bi- moto, S. Awaji and K. Wata- 2223 tapes nabe 393 Transient temperature measurement of VM_.H. Apperley, R. Zeng, F. Dar- Configuration effect of superfluid he- noisy film boiling and silent film mann and G. McCaughey 319 lium channel on the /-transition boiling in He I Feasibility study on superconducting heat flux P. Zhang, M. Murakami and R.Z fault current limiting transformer T. Okamura, M. Takahashi, D. Mu- Wang 24! (SFCLT) ramatsu and H. Kebayashi 403 Effective thermal conductivity in HTS N. Hayakawa, S. Chigusa, N. Ka- Theoretical solution for the cool-down coils shima, S. Nagaya and H. Oku- or warm-up process of a pipeline or J. Lehtonen, R Mikkonen and J bo 325 a packed bed Paasi 245 Experimental study on pulse tube re- A. Hofmann 407 Effect of welding structure and 6-ferrite frigeration with helium and nitrogen Behavior of CERNOX temperature on fatigue properties for TIG wel- mixtures sensors at static magnetic fields up to ded austenitic stainless steels at Z.H. Gan, G.B. Chen, G. Thummes is cryogenic temperatures and C. Heiden = 333 M. StiBer and F. Wiichner 413 Index {coustic quality factor of titanium from M.J. Prakash, M. Prasad, S.C. Ra- Calculations of pressure drop and mass 50 mK to 300 K stogi, B.S. Akkimaradi, P.P. Gupta, flow distribution in the toroidal field W. Duffy Ji 417 H. Narayanamurthy and K. Sriniva- model coil of the ITER project san 48] S. Nicollet, J.L. Duchateau, H. Fil- Book review Low temperatur thermal conductivity of lunger and A. Martinez 569 Flow measurement handbook: Industrial Kevlar Methods for the evaluation of quench designs, operating principles, perfor- G. Ventura, M. Barucci, I Gottardi temperature profiles and their ap- mance and applications; by and I. Peroni 489 plication for LHC superconducting Roger C. Baker and M Summary Fourth European Work- short dipole magnets StiBer 421 shop on Low Temperature Electro- S. Sanfilippo and A. Siemko 5 nics Modelling of helium-mediated quench R Kirschma 4193 propagation in the LHC prototype Number 7/July test string-] M. Chorowski, P. Grzegory, L. Serio A simple calorimeter for fast adiabatic Number 8—10/August-October and R. van Weelderen 585 heat capacity measurements from 15 Thermal-hydraulic analysis of 7., mea- to 300 K based on closed cycle Preface: CHATS-Y2K surement in conductor 1A of the cryocooler M. Spadoni 499 ITER Central Solenoid Model Coil 1. Catarino and G Bonfait 425 Heat front propagation and quench using the M&M code Heat transfer correlations for multi- initiation analysis of the ITER tor- L. Savoldi and R. Zanino 593 layer insulation systems oidal field model coil Analysis of slow temperature and cur- C.K. Krishnaprakas, K.B. Narayana C. Marinucci and G Vecse\ 501 rent ramps on the central solenoid and P. Dutta 431 Quench simulation of a CICC model insert coil Design and performance of an im- coil subjected to longitudinal and N. Mitchell 605 mersable low-temperature pressure transverse field pulses A general model for thermal, hydraulic gauge S. Prestemon, S. Sayre, ¢ Luongo and electric analysis of super- M. Barucci, E. Gottardi 1. Peroni and J. Mille S11 conducting cables and G Ventura 437 Quench simulations for super- L. Bottura, C. Rosso and M. Bre- Simple fix-point device for temperature conducting elements in the LHC schi 617 scale definition below | K accelerator A theoretical investigation on current E. Gazo, L’. Lokner, R. Scheibel, P. F. Sonnemann 1 R. Schmidt 519 imbalance in flat two-layer super- Skyba and N. Smolka 44] HT-7U TF and PF conductor design conducting cables Compatibility of two basic models P.D. Weng, Y.F. Bi, Z.M. Chen 1. Akhmetov, L. Bottura VM. Breschi describing the a.c. loss and eddy B.Z. Li and J. Fang 531 and P.L. Ribani 627 currents in flat superconducting Predictive study of current sharing Modelling of non-uniform current dif- cables temperature test in the Toroidal fusion coupled with thermohydraulic A.A. Akhmetoi 445 Field Model Coil without LCT coil effects in superconducting cables Multistage pulse tubes using the M&M code N. Mitchell 637 A.T.A.M de Waele LA Tanaeva L. Savoldi and R. Zanino 539 Normal zone propagation process ac- and Y.L. Ju 459 Correlation between quench pressure companied by current redistribu- Thermal expansion and thermal con- and normal zone voltage observed in tion in superconducting triplex ductivity of glass-fibre reinforced the QUELL experiment cables nylon at low temperature A. Anghel, S. Pourrahimi, ¥ Taka- NV. Amemiya, H. Yonekawa, T. Ogi- M. Barucci, G. Bianchini, T.D. Ros- hashi and G. Vecse\ 549 tsu, K. Sasaki, N. Ohuchi, K. Tsu- so, E. Gottardi, lL. Peroni and G Comparison between the predictions of chiya and T. Shintomi 655 Ventura 465 the thermo-hydraulic code Gandalf Experimental results of current dis- Performance evaluation of counter flow and the results of a long length in- tribution in Rutherford-type LHC heat exchangers considering the ef- strumented CIC( module experi- cables fect of heat in leak and longitudinal ment {.P. Verweij and L. Buchs- conduction for low-temperature ap- P. Bellucci, M. Ciotti, P Gislon, M baum = 663 plications Spadoni, L. Bottura, 1 Muzziand S Macroscopic electrodynamic modelling P. Gupta and M.D. Atrey 469 Turtu 555 of superconductors Study on a pulse tube cryocooler using Test results from the Wendelstein G. Rubinacci, A. Tamburrino gas mixture as its working fluid 7-X_ stellarator demonstration S. Ventre and F. Villone 671 C.M. Gao, Y.L. He and Z.Q coll Proposal for a database for the vali- Chen 475 R. Heller, W. Maurer, J Sapper, dation of simulations in super- Development of a laboratory model of F. Schauer, 1. Schonewolf, conducting cables activated charcoal—nitrogen adsorp- A. Ulbricht, F. Wichner and G. C. Marinucci, L. Bottura, C. Luongo tion cryocooler Zahn 561 and G. Vécsey 677 Index Number 11/November Flow characteristics of a metering valve M.W. McGee, D.M. France and in a pulse tube refrigerator R.C. Sanders 759 The effect of temperature on J. and n- G. Lu and P. Cheng 721 Development of a thermal switch for value of Bi(2223) tapes Analysis of current distribution in a faster cool-down by two-stage cryo- Z. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Zhou, Z. Duan large superconductor cooler and W. Wang 681 T. Hamajima, A.K.M. Alamgir, N H.-M. Chang and H.-J. Kim 769 \ three-stage helium sorption re- Harada, M. Tsuda, M. Ono and H A parametric study on the cooling frigerator for cooling of infrared Takano 729 characteristics of an infrared de- detectors to 280 mK Thermal test of the insulation structure tector cryochamber R.S. Bhatia, S.T. Chase S.F. Ed- for LH, tank by using the large ex- H.-Y. Kim, B.H. Kang and D.-Y gington, J. Glenn, W.C. Jones, A.E perimental apparatus Lee 779 Lange, B. Maffei, A.K. Mainzer S. Kamiya, K. Onishi, N. Konshima Residual strength of aluminum—lithium P.D. Mauskopf, B.J. Philhour and and K. Nishigaki 737 alloy center surface crack tension B.K. Rownd 685 Thermal conductivity of polycrystalline specimens at cryogenic temperatures Effect of microstructure evolution on and amorphous Se-Te—Cu system P.K.G. Potti, B.N. Rao and V.K fracture toughness in isothermally R. Wawryk, Cz. Marucha, K. Bal- Srivastava 789 aged austenitic stainless steels for cerek, B.M. Terzijska and Z.G. Iva- Cryogenics in space: a review of the cryogenic applications novda 749 missions and of the technologies M.L. Saucedo-Mufioz, Y. Wata- B. Collaudin and N. Rando 797 nabe, T. Shoji and H. Takaha- Number 12/December Construction and tests of a heart shi 693 scanner based on superconducting Optimization of the orifice pulse tube Properties of modified anhydride sensors cooled by small stirling P.C.T. de Boer 701 hardener and its cured resin cryocoolers Pool boiling heat transfer character- C. Qiang, G. Bingjun, C. Jinglin and A.P. Rijpma, C.J.H.A. Blom, A.P. istics of liquid “He below | K X. Tongzhao 755 Balena, E. de Vries, H.J. Holland, M. Maeda, A. Beppu, Y. Fujii and 7 Calibration of saturated liquid helium H.J.M. ter Brake and H. Ro- Shigi 713 weir flowmeter at Fermilab galla = 821 Author Index Akhmetov, A., 627 DeGregoria, A.J., 269 Itoh, K., 287 Akhmetov, A.A., 445 Ding, S.Y., 29 Ivanova, Z.G., 749 Akkimaradi, B.S., 481 Duan, Z., 681 lwasa, Y., 209 Alamgir, A.K.M., 729 Duchateau, J.L., 569 Amemiya, N., 303, 655 Duffy Jr., W., 417 Jeong, E.S., 379, 387 Anghel, A., 549 Dutta, P., 431 Jeong, S., 159, 379, 387 Apperley, M.H., 319 Jinglin, C., 755 Atrey, M.D., 469 Edgington, S.F., 685 Jones, W.C., 685 Awaji, S., 393 Ju, Y.L., 459 Fabbricatore, P., 45 Juster, F.-P., 127 Babo, C., 191 Fang, J., 531 Baek, S.H., 379, 387 Farinon, S., 45 Kamiya, S., 35, 737 Baker, Roger C., 421 Filippov, Yu.P., 279 Kanazawa, M., 9 Balcerek, K., 749 Fillunger, H., 569 Kang, B.H., 779 Balena, A.P., 821 France, D.M., 759 Kashima, N., 325 Bapat, S.L., 1 Francois, M.X., 127 Kawagoe, E., 35 Barucci, M., 145, 437, 465, 489 Fujii, Y., 713 Kikuchi, A., 345 Basu, A.N., 341 Kim, H.-J., 769 Baudouy, B., 127 Gan, Z., 261 Kim, H.-Y., 779 Bellucci, P., 555 Gan, Z.H., 333 Kim, J.-W., 53 Beppu, A., 713 Gazo, E., 441 Kirschman, R., 493 Bhatia, R.S., 685 Gao, C.M., 475 Kiss, T., 9, 19 Bi, Y.F., 531 Gerstenberg, H., 295 Kiyoshi, T., 353 Bianchini, G., 465 Gislon, P., 555 Kobayashi, H., 403 Bingjun, G., 755 Glenn, J., 685 Konshima, N., 737 Blom, C.J.H.A., 821 Gottardi, E., 145, 437, 465, 489 Kovrizhnykh, A.M., 279 Bondarenko, S.|., 313 Grzegory, P., 585 Krakovsky, B.D., 173 Bonfait, G., 425 Gupta, P., 469 Krishnaprakas, C.K., 431 Bottura, L., 555, 617, 627, 677 Gupta, P.P., 481 Kuroda, K., 61 Breschi, M., 617, 627 Kuroda, T., 287 Brisson, J.G., 91, 203 Hamajima, T., 729 Buchsbaum, L., 663 Harada, N., 729 Lange, A.E., 685 Haruyama, T., 61 Lawrence, J., 203 Catarino, |., 425 Hastik, R., 295 Lee, D.-Y., 779 Chang, H.-M., 159, 769 Hatakeyama, K., 365 Lee, H., 209 Chase, S.T., 685 Hauser, H., 295 Lehtonen, J., 245 Chen, G., 261 Hayakawa, N., 167, 325 Li, B.Z., 531 Chen, G.B., 333 Hayashida, S., 9 Li, S., 229 Chen, Z., 681 He, Y.L., 475 Liang, J., 229 Chen, Z.M., 531 Heiden, C., 67, 261, 333 Lin, F.Y., 29 Chen, Z.Q., 475 Heller, R., 561 Liu, L.Q., 75, 85 Cheng, P., 721 Hirayama, Y., 251 Lokner, L’., 441 Chigusa, S., 167, 325 Hofmann, A., 407 Lu, G., 721 Chorowski, M., 585 Holland, H.J., 821 Luo, H., 29 Ciotti, M., 555 Humer, K., 155, 295 Luongo, C., 511, 677 Collaudin, B., 797 lijima, Y., 345 Maeda, H., 167 Dabrowska, B., 221 llyin, Yu.A., 9, 19 Maeda, M., 713 Darmann, F., 319 Inoue, K., 345 Maffei, B., 685 de Boer, P.C.T., 701 Inoue, M., 9 Mainzer, A.K., 685 de Vries, E., 821 lrie, F., 9 Manik, N.B., 341 de Waele, A.T.A.M., 459 Ishizuka, H., 61 Marinucci, C., 501, 677 Index Martinez, A., 569 Qiang, C., 755 Suyama, D., 353 Marucha, Cz., 749 Qing, Q.J., 353 Suzuki, T., 61 Maurer, W., 561 Qiu, L., 29 Mauskopf, P.D., 685 Takahashi, H., 693 McCaughey, G., 319 Rakhmanoy, A.L., 9, 19 Takahashi, M., 403 McGee, M.W., 759 Rando, N., 797 Takahashi, Y., 549 Meuris, C., 127 Rao, B.N., 789 Takano, H., 729 Mikkonen, R., 245 Rastogi, S.C., 481 Takeda, M., 353 Miklayev, V.M., 279 Ribani, P.L., 627 Takeo, M., 9, 19 Miller, J., 511 Rijpma, A.P., 821 Tamburrino, A., 671 Mitchell, N., 99, 605, 637 Rogalla, H., 821 Tanaeva, |.A., 459 Miyoki, S., 61 Rosenkranz, P., 155 Tanaka, E., 365 Mori, T., 117 Rosso, C., 617 Tatsumi, D., 61 Mukherjee, S.C., 341 Rosso, T.D., 465 ter Brake, H.J.M., 821 Murakami, M., 241 Rownd, B.K., 685 Terzijska, B.M., 749 Murakami, T., 393 Rubinacci, G., 671 Thummes, G., 67, 261, 333 Muramatsu, D., 403 Togano, K., 287 Murase, S., 393 Saito, M., 251 Tomaru, T., 61 Musenich, R., 45 Sanders, R.C., 759 Tongzhao, X., 755 Muzzi, L., 555 Sanfilippo, S., 577 Tsuchiya, K., 655 Sankar, M.G., 149 Tsuda, M., 729 Nagaya, S., 325 Sankaranarayanan, V., 149 Turtu, S., 555 Narayana, K.B., 431 Sapper, J., 561 Narayanamurthy, H., 481 Neveu, P., 191 Sasaki, K., 655 Uchiyama, T., 61 Nicollet, S., 569 Sato, N., 61 Ueda, A., 61 Satoh, T., 365 Ulbricht, A., 561 Nirmala, R., 149 Saucedo-Munoz, M.L., 693 Ulybin, S.A., 173 Nishigaki, K., 35, 353, 737 Noma, S., 365 Savoldi, L., 179, 539, 593 Usami, S., 117 Sayre, S., 511 Ogata, T., 251 Schauer, F., 561 van Weelderen, R., 585 Ogitsu, T., 655 Scheibel, R., 441 Vécsey, G., 501, 677 Ohashi, M., 61 Schmidt, C., 137 Vecsey, G., 549 Schmidt, R., 519 Ohuchi, N., 655 Ventre, S., 671 Ohya, K., 9 Schonewolf, |., 561 Ventura, G., 145, 437, 465, 489 Serio, L., 585 Okamoto, H., 9 Verweij, A.P., 663 Sethupathi, K., 149 Okamura, T., 403 Veziroglu, T.N., 269 Okubo, H., 167, 325 Sha, C., 353 Villone, F., 671 Shablo, A.A., 313 Onishi, K., 35, 737 von Schneidemesser, A., 67 Sherif, S.A., 269 Ono, M., 729 Vysotsky, V.S., 9, 19 Shigi, T., 713 Paasi, J., 245 Shimamoto, S., 393 Wada, H., 287, 353 Park, D.-J., 159 Shintomi, T., 61, 655 Wang, R.Z., 241 Patel, A.B., 91, 203 Shoji, T., 693 Wang, W., 681 Paviov, P.P., 313 Siemko, A., 577 Paviov, V.N., 361 Skyba, P., 441 Wang, Z., 681 Peng, Y., 353 Smolka, N., 441 Watanabe, K., 393 Watanabe, Y., 693 Peroni, |., 145, 437, 465, 489 Sonnemann, F., 519 Philhour, B.J., 685 Spadoni, M., 499, 555 Wawryk, R., 749 Weber, H.W., 155, 295 Potti, P.K.G., 789 Srinivasan, K., 481 Weng, P.D., 531 Pourrahimi, S., 549 Srivastava, V.K., 789 Prakash, M.J., 481 SiuBer, M., 235, 413, 421 Wu, X.F., 29 Prasad, M., 481 Sukhanova, A.K., 279 Wichner, F., 235, 413, 561 Prestemon, S., 511 Sukhov, V.I., 173 Priano, C., 45 Sun, W., 229 Xu, Z., 29 Yamamoto, A., 61 Zahn, G., 561 Zhou, Y., 229, 681 Yan, L., 353 Zanino, R., 179, 539, 593 Zhu, W., 229 Yang, A., 353 Zeng, R., 319 Zimm, C.B., 269 Yang, J., 229 Zhang, L., 75, 85, 269 Yao, X.X., 29 Zhang, P., 29, 241 Yonekawa, H., 655 Zhang, Y.H., 29 Yuri, T., 251 Zhou, K., 353 Index Keyword a.c. loss, 445 Cu or Ge addition, 345 Heat transfer, 127, 159, 179, AC losses (C), 53, 511 Current lead, 209 403, 431, 501, 519, 769 AC losses, 303, 519, 531 Current sharing (C), 617 High T. superconductors, 245, Accelerator magnets, 127 Current sharing, 637, 655, 663 319 Accelerator magnets (F), 53, High magnetic field, 353 627 Detectors, 797 High T.-superconductors, 137 Ac-losses at 77 K, 137 Diffusion, 45 High temperature super- Adsorption pumping, 481 conductor, 209 Ag-Bi2223 tapes, 29 Effectiveness, 469 Homogeneous current dis- Aluminum-lithium alloys, 789 Elastic stress intensity factor, tributions, 729 Applied superconductivity, 353 789 HTSC tapes, 9, 19 Austenitic stainless steels, 693 Electrical insulation, 127, 167 Hybrid refrigerator system, 67 Electrical properties, 295 Hydrogen, 279 Bi(2,2,2,3) tapes, 681 Electromagnetic phenomena, Brayton cycle, 261 303, 637, 729 Ideal gas line, 173 BSCCO-2223/Ag tape, 209 Electromagnetic phenomena Individual energies, 173 (C), 617, 627, 671 Infrared detectors (D), 685 Cable-in-conduit conductors, Electro-magnetic transients Instrumentation, 149, 279, 179, 501, 539, 561, 569, 593, program, 325 425 729 Energy balance equation, 173 Insulating material, 295 Cable in conduit conductors Epoxy resin, 167 Insulations, 431 (A), 511 Expander, 159 Interferometric gravitational Calorimeter, 425 wave detector, 61 Calorimetric measuring tech- Fatigue properties, 155, 251 Irradiation, 295 nique, 137 Fault current limiters, 325 Irreversibility, 191 Chalcogenide alloys, 749 6-ferrite, 251 Coaxial multilayer conductors, Ferromagnetic antenna, 313 Joint resistance, 45 729 Fibre-reinforced plastics, 155 Composites, 245 Finesse, 61 Labyrinth sealing, 75, 85 Composite CuNb/Nb;Sn con- Fix-point device, 441 Lead regenerator, 67 ductor, 393 Flow characteristics, 721 LED, 341 Cool-down, 407 Fluid dynamics, 159 Liquid *He, 713 Cool-down time, 779 Flux pinning and creep, 287 Liquid helium, 759 Cooling load, 779 Forced flow, 561, 569 Liquid helium temperature, 67 Counter flow, 469 Fracture toughness, 693 Liquid nitrogen, 167 Critical current, 29 Fusion magnet, 555 Critical current density, 287, Fusion magnets, 179, 501, 539, Magnetic field, 235, 413 681 561, 569, 593, 655 Magnetic interference, 821 Critical current parameter n, 29 Fusion magnets (F), 511 Magnetic measurements, 663 Cryobiology, 361 Magnetometer, 313 Cryochamber, 779 Gas mixture, 261, 475 Magnets, 9, 19 Cryocooler, 75, 481, 701, 821 Gas mixtures, 333 Mass streaming, 387 Cryocoolers, 67 Gas mixtures (B), 1 Mechanical properties, 117, Cryogen free magnet, 769 Gifford—Mac Mahon, 425 155, 319, 417 Cryogenic, 693 Gifford-—McMahon, 769 Metals, 417 Cryogenics, 191, 235, 413, 431, G-M refrigerator, 85 MHD helical-type thruster, 353 475, 797 Microstructure, 693 Cryogenic contamination, 61 He |, 279 Modified anhydride hardener, Cryogenic temperatures, 155, He Il, 127, 241, 279 755 251 3He systems (E), 685 Molar volume, 365 Cryostats (F), 685 Heat capacity, 425 Multifilament wires and tapes, Cryosurgery, 361 Heat exchangers, 469 303 Index Multifilament wires and tapes Regenerator, 75, 85 Supercritical helium, 179, 501, Bi-2223 tapes, 319 Regenerators (E), 229 561, 585, 637 Multilayer, 431 Residual strength, 789 Superfluid helium, 403, 585 Resin properties, 755 Superfluid helium (He Il), 365 Nb;Al-based high-field con- Rotating electric machinery, Surface cracks, 789 ductor, 345 117 Swelling, 295 Nitrogen (B), 1 Noisy film boiling, 241 Semiconductors, 749 Tapered pulse tubes, 379, 387 Silent film boiling, 241 Temperature measurement, Orifice pulse tube, 701 Simulation, 191 241, 441 Sorption coolers (E), 685 Temperature sensor, 413 Packed bed, 407 Space cryogenics, 481 Temperature sensors, 235 Partial discharge inception, Space cryogenics (F), 229 Thermal bubble, 167 167 Spacecraft engineering, 797 Thermal conductivity, 245, 749 Phenomenological thermo- SQUID, 313, 821 Thermal switch, 769 mechanics, 173 Stability (C), 53, 617 Thermodynamic analysis, 701 Phonon-roton model, 365 Stability, 9, 19, 393, 531, 555, Thermodynamics, 191, 261 Photodetector, 341 655, 663 Thermodynamics (C), 229 Pipeline, 407 Stainless steels, 251 TIG weld, 251 Pool boiling heat transfer, 713 Stirling (E), 1 Time constant, 445 Power applications, 303 Stirling cooler, 821 Transformers, 325 Power system stability, 325 Strain effect, 319 Transmission lines, 303 Power transmission systems, Streaming-driven enthalpy Transport properties, 149 325 flow loss, 387 Two-component two-phase Propagation velocity, 519, 555, Stress effects, 117, 287 fluid, 1 585 Structural materials, 117 Two-dimensional model, 379, Pulse tube (E), 229 Superconducting cable, 445, 387 Pulse tube cryocooler, 475 555 Two-phase flow, 279, 333 Pulse tube refrigeration, 261 Superconducting cables, 45, Two-phase helium flow, 759 Pulse tube refrigerator, 67, 721 179, 501, 539, 549, 593, 637, Two-stage 4 K refrigerator, 67 Pulse tube refrigerators, 379, 655, 663, 729 387 Superconducting cables (A), Ultra-low loss dielectric multi- Pulse tube, 191, 333 617, 627 layer coating mirror, 61 Superconducting electro- Quench, 9, 19, 393, 519, 549, magnetic ship, 353 555, 561, 577, 585, 655 Superconducting magnets, V-/ curves, 29 Quench (C), 53, 511, 617 117, 245, 403, 519, 577, 585 Valve, 721 n-values, 681 Superconducting magnets (F), Rapid heating and quenching, 53 Vapour compression cycle, 1 345 Superconductivity, 821 Reflectance, 61 Superconductors, 287, 441, Weight loss, 295 Refrigeration, 191 531, 577 Weir flowmeter, 759 Refrigerators, 475 Superconductors (A), 671 Welding structure, 251

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