PreprinttypesetinJINSTstyle-HYPERVERSION Cryogenic environment and performance for testing the Planck radiometers 0 1 0 2 n a L. Terenzia∗, M.Lapollad,M. Laaninenb, P.Battagliad,F.Cavalierec, A.DeRosaa,N. J Hughese, P.Jukkalae,V.- H.Kilpiäe, G.Morgantea, M.Tomasic,J. Varisf,M. 6 2 Bersanellic, R.C.Butlera,F.Ferrarid, C.Franceschetd, P.Leuteneggerd,N. Mandolesia, A.Mennellac,R.Silvestrid, L.Stringhettia,J.Tuovinenf,L.Valenzianoa ] M andF.Villaa I aIstitutodiAstrofisicaSpazialeeFisicaCosmica,INAF . h viaP.Gobetti,101–I40129Bologna,Italy p - bYlinenElectronicsOy o Kauniainen,Finland r t cUniversitádegliStudidiMilano s a ViaCeloria16,20133Milano,Italy [ dThalesAleniaSpaceItalia,SedediMilano 1 S.S.PadanaSuperiore,290–I20090Vimodtrone,Italy v eDA-DesignOy 4 4 Jokioinen,Finland 6 fMilliLab,VTTTechnicalResearchCentreofFinland 4 Espoo,Finland . 1 Email:[email protected] 0 0 1 : ABSTRACT: The Planck LFI Radiometer Chain Assemblies (RCAs) were calibrated in two dedi- v cated cryogenic facilities. Inthispaperthefacilities andtherelatedinstrumentation aredescribed. i X Themainsatellitethermalinterfacesforthesinglechainshadtobereproducedandstabilityrequire- r a ments had to besatisfied. Setup design, problems occurred and improving solutions implemented arediscussed. Performanceofthecryogenic setuparereported. KEYWORDS: experimental cosmology; spaceinstrumentation; radiometers; calibration methods; cryogenics. ∗ Correspondingauthor. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Cryogenicfacility setupfor30–44GHzradiometers 2 2.1 Theradiometer thermalscheme 2 2.2 Thecryogenic chamber 2 2.3 Thermalsetupandmaininterfaces 3 2.3.1 Thewarmstage 5 2.3.2 Thecoldstage 5 2.4 Thecoolers 6 2.5 Temperaturesensors, monitoring andcontrol 7 2.6 Thermalperformance 8 2.6.1 Temperaturedistribution 8 2.6.2 Temperaturestability 8 3. Facilitysetupforthe70GHzradiometers 9 3.1 Mainthermalinterfaces 10 3.2 Thecoolers 10 3.3 Temperaturesensors, monitoring andcontrol 11 3.4 Thermalperformance 11 4. Conclusions 12 1. Introduction ThePlanck ([10])LowFrequency Instrument (LFI,[6,1])isanarrayof22pseudo-correlation ra- diometers, whose main sensitive devices are cryogenic HEMT-based low noise amplifiers located in the Front End Modules (FEMs). The signal coming from the sky is compared continously to the emission of a reference load (4K RL, [14]) in order to reduce the impact of gain fluctuations. The reference loads are small blackbodies connected to the outer shield of the High Frequency Instrument (HFI,[4])andkeptatastabletemperature ofabout4K. A flight-like low temperature environment is needed during ground calibrations [15, 7] of the in- strument. Animportant requirement forthetestingfacilities istoprovide thepossibility tochange, inacon- trolled way, the temperatures of some of the devices in order to ensure tests to be run in a correct way. Radiometers’ linearity andcalibration constant [8]areverifiedbychanging thetemperature ofthe reference loadsandofdedicated skysimulators, whilefocalplanetemperature variations effecton –1– theradiometers[11]isevaluatedbychangingthetemperatureofthefrontendmodules. Astability controlat1%levelwithrespecttosingletemperaturesteps,typicallyrangingfrom2to5K,isthen required forthesemainstagesduringcalibration tests. Inthispaper, thecryogenic facilities usedfortheground tests oftheLFIsingle Radiometer Chain Assemblies(RCAs)aredescribed. Twodifferentchamberssharing thesamedesignphilosophy wereused: (1) the 30 and 44 GHz channel radiometers ([2]) were tested in the Thales Alenia Space - Italy (Milano)laboratories, while (2)the70GHzchannelradiometerchains([3])weretestedintheDA-Design(YlinenElectronics) laboratories, inFinland. InSection2thethermalsetupoftheradiometerchainassembliesisdescribedandanoverview of the chamber used inMilano isgiven, specifically the mechanical setup, the main thermal inter- facesdesignandthecoolersusedtoobtainthedesiredtemperatures, togetherwiththetemperature monitoring andcontrolsetupandadescription ofthesensortypesandlocations. Theperformance reached duringthecalibration testsintermsoftemperature stability, togetherwithsomeoptimiza- tionstudy,isprovidedaswell. Themaindifferences inthe70GHzchannelchamberaredetailedinSection3. Finally, inSection4,conclusions areaddressed. 2. Cryogenicfacilitysetup for30–44GHzradiometers 2.1 Theradiometerthermalscheme A single LFI radiometer chain spans a large range of temperatures from the Back End Module (BEM), at about 300 K room temperature, to the Front End Module at 20 K. They are connected by means of four long waveguides, about 1.7 meters long. The materials used for the waveguides allow a good inner signal transmission while having a good thermal insulation; in particular, the warmestpartisbuiltinstainlesssteelinordertocreatealargethermalgradient betweenthewarm 300Kstageandthecoldest stages. Atsatellitelevel,threelargeradiativeshields(theV-grooves)areinterfacedtothewaveguidesand, inflight,willhelpthemtodissipate heatloadstothesurrounding 3Kenvironment. A set of 4K reference loads is part of the LFI instrument, although mechanically and thermally linked totheHFIouter shield. Theloads, together withadedicated skysimulator load, have tobe taken into account in the design of a ground test cryogenic facility as well. The overall thermal schemeofaRadiometerChainAssembly,integrated inthefacility, isshowninFig. 1a. 2.2 Thecryogenicchamber The size of the facility is about 2 × 1.2 × 1 m3. Such size is compatible with the volume of the radiometer chains, drivenbythewaveguideslengthandfine-shaping. Acoppershieldatatemperature ofabout50Kisusedtoradiatively insulatethecoldestparts of the system, namely the FEM and horn at 20K, the 4K reference load and a passive calibration tool(theskyload)simulating theskymicrowavebackground emission,tobekeptatabout4K. –2– (a) (b) Figure 1. (a) A schematic view of the 30 and 44 GHz RCA thermal setup integrated in the cryogenic chamber. Main thermal interfaces are shown. (b) Setup of a 30 GHz RCA, integrated in the chamber; insulatingsupportoftheBEMandthirdV-grooveinterfacearevisible. The chamber is provided with three cryocoolers and a vacuum bench allowing to reach pressures lowerthan10−5 mBar. 2.3 Thermalsetupandmaininterfaces Asmentionedabove,thePlanckLFIcoversalargerangeoftemperaturestages,startingfromabout 300Katthebackendleveldowntothe4Kreferenceload. A set of thermal interfaces in the cryogenic chamber provides an optimized and stable working –3– environment fortheradiometers. The seven main interfaces are listed here together with their working temperatures (see also Fig. 1): • thebackendmoduleiscontrolled atatemperature ofabout310K; • the third and coldest V-groove interface with the waveguides is controlled at a temperature ofabout60K; • thecopper-stainless steelinterface ofthewaveguides istemperature controlled at22K; • theshieldsurrounding thelowertemperaturezoneiskeptatabout50K; • thefrontendmoduleistemperaturecontrolled at20K; • the4Kreference loadiscontrolled inarange8-20K; • theskyloadistemperaurecontrolled intherange8-20K. The possibilty to control and induce temperature changes is also needed in order to perform calibrations [8]andcheckthetemperature fluctuationeffectsontheinstrument [11,13]. Multilayerinsulation(MLI)isextensivelyusedinordertoinsulatefromradiativeheatloadmainly the sky load large surface and the long waveguides path. Due to the different routing of the RCA waveguides, different assemblingandsupporting structures weredesigned andbuiltinordertoget the optimal test setup. This led to some differences in the heat load and temperature control of some stages. In Fig. 2, the thermal network and main heat routes, detailed in the following, are represented. Figure2.Thermalnetworkofthechamber.Mainthermalinterfacesandheatloadsareshown,togetherwith coolingpowersofthedifferentcoolersstages. –4– 2.3.1 Thewarmstage Themechanicalsupportinthestageswarmerthanthecoldshieldisprovidedbytwomainstructures (visibleinFig. 1b),onesupportingtheBEMtheotheratthelevelofthethirdV-grooveinterfaceof the waveguides, andafurther support provided byakevlarwireholding thecopper-steel interface ofthewaveguides. MLIisusedtoradiatively shieldallthewaveguides route. Thelayout andmaterialsusedforthetwomainsupports arethesameforallthechains under test; fourcolumns ofPEEKpolymer(halfinchsection fortheBEM,quarter inchfortheVG3support) are alternated to small insulating bases of hostaform and teflon. The length of the supports is instead depending on the orientation of the waveguides and horns in the chamber. This kind of insulation is enough for allowing a good control of the BEM temperature, since the latter is very closetoroomtemperature. ThemaximumpassiveloadestimatedontheVG3interface, keptat60K,isabout0.2W. The thin kevlar wire linked to a stainless steel 304L support have a negligible impact (less than 1 mW)intermsofheatloadontheinterface,whilewarmerstagesofwaveguidescontributelessthan 50mW. 2.3.2 Thecoldstage Thelarge shieldcovering thecoldstagehasasizeof0.72×0.53×0.60m3. Itismadeofcopper and all its surfaces are covered with an MLIinsulating layer. Some mechanical details have been takenintoaccount forthecorrectintegration inthechamber. Thelargedimensionoftheshieldsuggestedtoavoidtoomanymechanicalboundariesinfixingthe shield tothechamberbase. Onlyoneofthesupports, consisting inhostaform columns, isscrewed tothebase. Theothershaveanhollowbasewhereastainless steelballsits. This design reduces the stress due to thermal contraction during cooldowns while minimizing the contact surface to the chamber at room temperature. Another set of thin hostaform supports at its sideskeepsthecoldshieldstable. Thesesolutionsallowtokeeptheconductiveloadontheshieldtolessthan200mWandtheglobal loadtoabout450mW,whentakingintoaccount alsotheradiative loadonthelargereflecting sur- face. The 50 K shield contains, also radiatively insulating them from the room temperature walls, the coldest unitsoftheLFIradiometers. The front end module is connected by means of a stainless steel thin frame, alternated with teflon supporting bars,totheshieldbase. Thesupports arealsoholdingthefeedhornflangebymeansof adedicated insert. Thepurposeoftheseinsulating supports istokeeptheheatloadontheFEMwithin100mW. The reference load is mechanically supported by the FEM itself, by means of a similar dedicated stainless steel frame, in order to thermally insulate itfrom the 20 K stage. Theconductive load is measured tobelessthan100mW. Thelargeststructureinsidethecoldpartofthechamberistheskysimulatorcylinder,whosediam- eterandlengthareabout 25cmandweightabout 8Kg. Itisbuiltinabsorbing material (Eccosorb CR110) and its external surface is covered with MLI. It is supported by a stainless steel AISI304 structurewhosebaseislinkedtothe40Kshieldbasebymeansofsmallhostaformbars. Theglobal –5– loadonitismeasuredtobeabout200mW. 2.4 Thecoolers Thecontrolofmanytemperaturestagesisrequired,inparticularforthecoldesttemperatureswhich have to be varied during many of the calibration tests. Three two-stage coolers are then used to provide therightreference temperature tothedifferentpartsoftheinstrument. • Both stages of a 20 K CTI Cryogenics cooler are used to keep the temperature of the 60 K V-grooveandthe22Kstainlesssteel-copperwaveguidesinterface attheirnominalvalues. • Firstandsecondstagesofafurther20Kcooler(LeyboldCoolpower5/100)areusedtokeep the temperature of the radiative shield surrounding the cold part of the instrument at about 50Kandthetemperature oftheFEMat20K,respectively. • First and second stages of a 4 K cooler (Advanced Research System Inc. DE210) are used to keep the temperature of the 50 K radiative shield, as above, and the temperature of the reference andskyloadsatabout8and10K,respectively. Thecoolers’ model and cooling powerare reported in Table1. Asexpected, comparing their cooling powers to the heat loads on the various stages, the coolers have a good margin and then easilykeepstagesabove20Kattheirnominaltemperatures. CoolerModel ARS Leybold CTICryogenics DE-210 CoolPower5/100 Model1020C 1stStageNominalT(K) 41.0 80.0 65 1stStageCoolingPower@Nom. T(W) 35 100 30 2ndStageNominalT(K) 4.2 20.0 20 2ndStageCoolingPower@Nom. T(W) 0.8 5 12 Table1. Maincharacteristicsofthecoolersusedinthecryogenictestchamber. Skyandreferenceloadsareinsteadoperated attemperatures higherthanthenominalones. Intheearlyruns, the4Kcooler, actually, showedahightemperature instability (1Kpeaktopeak amplitude) andacooling powerlowerthannominal(Fig. 3). After some dedicated dry tests, a different configuration was decided for the cooler. It was mountedonthesideofthechamber,withthecoldfingerpointingattheground. AnU-likethermal- vacuumpathwasbuiltbymeansofacopperrod,whichhavebecomethenewcoldreferenceinside thecryogenic chamber. Asaresult, thetemperature during thetestsisabout6K,comparable totheformercoldheadone, butwithaconsiderably improvedstability. As a consequence less power is needed for the stabilization of the loads (Fig. 4), keeping their temperature aslowaspossible. Thisallowsteststobeperformed inalmostnominalconditions. –6– 10 SKY CTRL REF 9 4K ARS 8 7 K) T ( 6 5 4 3 65:00 66:00 67:00 68:00 69:00 70:00 71:00 72:00 Time (hh:mm) (a) (b) Figure 3. (a) Coolingpower at differentcold end temperatures: in the early setup (red curve), the cooler is far fromthe nominal(bluecurve)behaviour,in particularat the lower temperatures. (b) Thisresults in an unstable temperaturesink for the referenceand sky loads, which have to be controlledat temperatures higherthan8Kand10K,respectively. 8 7 SKY CTRL REF CTRL Cooler T (K) 6 Finger 5 4 3 103:40 105:36 107:31 Time (hh:mm) Figure4.Inthenewsetupthecoolercoldheadreachesnominaltemperaturesandthenewcoldfingerinside thechamberismuchmorestable,allowingacontrolofbothloadsatlessthan8K. 2.5 Temperaturesensors,monitoringandcontrol The large temperature range spanned by the instrument for the calibration tests needs an accurate monitoring andcontrol. Asetof18temperature sensorsisthenusedinthetestcampaign. Acouple ofLakeshoreTM PT-100platinum resistance thermometers areused fortheBEMcontrol and monitoring close to the room temperature. Silicon diodes (DT470 and DT670) and Cernox resistors with a sensitivity better than 1 mK are used for the low temperatures to control stages whosestability isrelevantforasuccessful testcampaign. The temperature readout consists of two LakeshoreTM LSC331 temperature controllers (two read –7– outandcontrolchannels)andtwoLSC340temperaturecontrollers(onewithtworeadoutandcon- trolchannelsand8readout-onlychannels,theotherwithtworeadoutandcontrolchannelsandtwo readout only channels). These allows to control six of the seven stages listed in the Section 2.3. Everytemperaturestage,withtheexceptionoftheradiativeshield,isactivelycontrolledbyheaters usingPIDalgorithms. Temperaturecontrollersandmonitorsareinterfaced,viaGPIBboards,toadedicatedPCanddriven by adedicated software developed inthe LabWindows environment, which also handles thecom- munication with a breadboard model of the Data Acquisition Electronics (DAE) supplying the powertotheradiometer devices andacquiring datafromthedetectors. Finallyaquicklookmoni- toringisperformedbyanothersoftware,RACHEL[5],whichalsoconvertsdatainFITSformatto prepare theoff-lineanalysis[12]. 2.6 Thermalperformance The main performance requirements for the cryogenic chamber are the cooling of the entire LFI radiometerchainsdowntothenominallowtemperatures,allowingboththecorrectthermalstability andthecorrecttemperature steps, whenneededbytheprocedures. 2.6.1 Temperaturedistribution During the whole flight model test campaign, the chamber setup and the temperature control has allowedagoodrepeatibility inthetemperaturedistribution forthestagesintherange20-310K,as reported intheTable2. Temperaturestage T(K) FEMcontrol 20.0 CU/SSInterface 22.0 BEMcontrol 310.0 BEMbody ∼310.0 ThirdV-Groove ∼60.0 ColdShroud ∼50.0 Table2. TypicalsetoftemperaturesobtainedforthewarmeststagesoftheRCAs. Due to the different orientation and routing of the feed horns and waveguides, different sky loadsupportstructures areusedleadingtodifferentthermalpathsbetweenthe50Kshieldandthe loadbase. Thisleadstoaheatloadvariation onthe4Kcooler, depending ontheRCAundertest. InTable 3, as representative for theminimum controlled temperature reached forthe sky and reference loadbackplates, valuesfromnoiseproperties dataanalysis arereported foreachRCA. 2.6.2 Temperaturestability Temperature instabilities are the most important thermal systematic effects for the LFIinstrument alsoduringcalibrations. Thelargenumberoftemperaturestagescontrolledduringthetestsisrequiredtokeepundercontrol this dangerous source of systematics. The design of the test and dedicated corrections adopted throughout thecampaignensurethehighlevelofstabilityneeded formanyofthetests. –8– RCAID# SkyLoadT(K) RefLoadT(K) 24 8.5 8.5 25 10.5 8.0 26 13.3 8.0 27 12.8 9.5 28 8.6 8.5 Table 3. Minimumstabletemperaturesreachedforthenoisepropertiestestbytheskyandreferenceload controlbackplates Typically, the short term peak-to-peak temperature variation is kept under a level of 5 mK for the lowesttemperature stages. 3. Facilitysetupforthe 70GHzradiometers Thecryogenicfacilityhasavolumeallocationofabout1.6×1×0.3m3. Thedesignofthefacility isverysimilartothe30-44GHzone,eventhoughthe70GHzfacilityisdesignedinordertohouse two radiometer chains at once (Fig. 5). This is possible in terms of thermal budget, due to the smallersizeoftheradiometer units. The heat transfer through the waveguides is reduced mainly by the effective section being about 0.45timesthesectionofthe30GHzguides. Intermsofglobalenvelopeinsidethecoldshield,the sizesofthefeedhornsandfrontendmodulesarereducedandthechoicetousetwosmalldedicated sky loads directly infront ofthe horns allowstouse thesame volume than forthe30 and44 GHz one. Figure5. AglobalviewoftwoRCAsintegratedinthe70GHzchannelcryogenicchamber. –9–