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Crux of Vedic Astrology, Timing of Events 2, by Sanjay Rath PDF

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Preview Crux of Vedic Astrology, Timing of Events 2, by Sanjay Rath

TheSixthHouse 249 dllruption due to Ketu and the native was ad vj,uoe.t by many well wishers to keep the lawyer out of the company, but that did not happen. t)urinr. Jupiter-Venus Dasa-Antar to Jupiter-Moon, ttlC' company was set up, factory built etc. With ttw advent of Mars antardasa in Jupiter dasa, the .Xpi'nsion was planned by the public issue which .trt,tched into Jupiter-Rahu this bombed due to ttll' blunder of the banker (Jupiter obstructed by Rahu) who said that the issue was oversubscribed but later said that there was a communication error. Rahu has papargala on both Arudha Lagna (name, reputation, Status) and on lagna (health) that are unobstructed. It aspects the Satrupada (A6) with Ketu in it and the lawyer suddenly de cided to enter politics to oppose the Government (Ketu lead the revolt). Naturally seeing Ketu be coming malefic, the host of planets in the sixth including'Sun (Govt.), Jupiter, Mercury (partners etc.) all became malefic. Venus too has the pupargala of Rahu and the native had a disas trous fall with umpteen court cases, news-paper propaganda etc. Within six months all his mov able assets were lost paying lawyers fees etc. But true to the strength of the lagnesh.he was deter mined to fight it out. Rahu in trines to the lagna givps bronchial problems and breathing difficul til's. The native suffered from severe asthma & bronchial problems everyday evening and had to ht' carried to the hospital for oxygen. This crisis continued till 23rd Sept. 1987 when the dasa of Saturn began. The litigation due to Mercury in the ,sixth in Shastamsa was.the real killing factor. 2SO TheCruxofVedicAstrology-TimingofEvents In the Shastamsa (D-6) Saturn is the lord of lagna in the third house giving tremendous fight ing powers. In fact a beneficial Saturn can be a very deadly fighting force and the lawyerwho had been the cause of the entire tragedy developed Cancer. Every month he had to be flown to Bombayfor treatment. He suffered miserably and after a long painful treatmentexpired. The aspectofSat urn as the second and lagna lord on Rahu and Ketu in the twelfth house (secret enemies) can be very disastrous for them. All the cases ended in the fa vour of the native due to the propitiation of the Atmakarak. However, in spite of several attempts the native has not really regained lost'glory. ~ ~ ;:p:f: CHAPTERX The Seventh House 10.1.1 The seventh house deals with marriage; ·...sex, passion and1 related happiness, foreign travel and residence and business related matters. It is also maraka (killer) as it is the 12th from the eighth house dealing with longevity i.e. loss of longevity (just like t • the 3rd house also deals with longevity being the eighth from the 8th house and the twelfth from the third house i.e. the 2nd house is also a maraka). It ~. shows the first marriage (significator Venus) along . with the Upapada (Arudha of the 12th house). Being the tenth from the10thhouse ithas a strong say in the business and profession and being the fourth from the 4th house it also influences happiness. Thus plan ets in the 4th and 10th houses can influence the 7th house and vice-versa. For example, a natural malefic in the fourth house can damage the sexual relations of the couple, as they will not find a suitable place for mating. Similarly, an exalted planet in the 10th house will give a big name or status and it will influence the partner both in marriage and business. Thus malefics in quadrants cause one to be passionate and such combinations like Sarpa Yoga (Presence of malefics in , at least three quadrants without any benefics) are easier to understand in that they show uncontrolled passions that can be very damaging. The presence of benefics controls this passion and keeps it within socially acceptable levels. The seventh house is the 252 TheCruxofVedicAstrology-TimingofEvents door through which the native interacts with the world and shows his public relations (significator Venus). 10.1.2 The seventh house has argala on the3rd, 4th, 6th·and 9th houses. Thus matters concerning co borns, copulation etc under the third house will be influenced by the seventh as the happiness, mother, vehicles etc (4th house) are. Hence it is not advisable to view any house in isolation, as it tends to distort the image. Being the second from the 6th house, it is the killer for enemies, pets and servants and any link between the 6th & 7th houses could have wide rang ing implications. It could mean something as innocu ous as getting married after joining service or having a working wife, or something as serious as having to marry your maid or even bestiality. This will depend on the planets, signs and the lord of the ascendant as well. Being the eleventh from the ninth house, it determines the good fortune of the native and in come/gains of the father. Thus the seventh house can be a determining factor for end to enmity and har mony (significators Jupiter & Venus). The obstruction to these argalas (planetary or sign intervention) is seen for the 11th, 10th, 5th and 8th houses in the 3rd, 4th, 9th and 6th houses respectively. Thus, a malefic in the seventh house will notonly show bad attitudes of spouse, it could also damage the relations with co born, mother or father. However, if a malefic is in the ·7th house and a stronger benefic is in the ascendant, the native will intervene in such a way that the relations between mother and spouse are not ham pered. 10.1.3 The seventh house is an Upachaya (3rd, 6th, 10th & 11th) from the 5th, 2nd, ·10th and 9th TheSeventhHouse 253 houses resulting in the growth of the same. Thus the prospects of children, love etc ruled by the 5th house are enhanced by the 7th house (marriage). The family 'and wealth (2nd house) grows, name and profession are enhanced (10th house) and good fortune (9th house) results from a beneficial seventh house. Simi- .larly the Upachayas from the 7th house are the 9th, 12th, 4th and 5th houses. These houses depend on the beneficence of the 7th house to grow. Thus,for exam ple, if malefics are in the 9th house they bring misfor tune on the native and being in the third (copulation) from the 7th house, cause the spouse to become very brave to the extent of forgetting social norms for extra-marital relations. This has been described by Sri Krishna* as the loss of dharma (9th house) resulting in corruption of women. 10.1.4 The Marriage is seen from the Upapada (Arudha pada of the 12th house ULor A12) while the Business is seen from the Darapada (Arudha pada of the seventh houseA7). However, the partners for both business and sex are seen from the Darapada. Thus, if the darapada is in a dusthana (6th, 8th & 12th) from the Arudha lagna the physical relations with wife will either be negligible or not be there. This is also not good for business stability. However, if the darapada is in the 3rd/llth from Arudha lagna, there will be cordial physical relations with spouse but poor busi ness prospects. If the darapada is in a quadrant or trine from the Arudha lagna, SRIMANTAH YOGA results. Length of married life is a separate issue and should be seen from the Upapada. A couple could stay married long because of the strength of the Upapada and still sleep apartbecause of the darapada. ( "Srirnad BhagavadGita.

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