C R O S S R O A D S 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd ii 66//1133//1155 22::3377 PPMM 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd iiii 66//1133//1155 22::3377 PPMM T A L R O N N E N C R O S S R O A D S SCOT JONES and SERAFINA MAGNUSSEN with JOANN CIANCIULLI Photographs by LISA ROMEREIN NEW YORK 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd iiiiii 66//1133//1155 22::3377 PPMM Copyright © 2015 by TRB Management, LLC Photographs copyright © 2015 by Lisa Romerein All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced—mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying—without written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ronnen, Tal. Crossroads / Tal Ronnen with Scot Jones and Serafi na Magnussen with JoAnn Cianciulli. pages cm Includes index. ISBN 978-1-57965-636-2 1. Cooking, Mediterranean. 2. Vegan cooking. I. Jones, Scot. II. Magnussen, Serafi na. III. Cianciulli, JoAnn. IV. Title. TX725.M35R66 2015 641.59’1822—dc23 2015010988 Design by Michelle Ishay-Cohen Prop styling by Robin Turk Lighting and digital technician: Matt “Primo” Harbicht Artisan books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for premiums and sales promotions as well as for fund-raising or educational use. Special editions or book excerpts also can be created to specifi cation. For details, contact the Special Sales Director at the address below, or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Published by Artisan A division of Workman Publishing Company, Inc. 225 Varick Street New York, NY 10014-4381 artisanbooks.com Published simultaneously in Canada by Thomas Allen & Son, Limited Printed in China First printing, September 2015 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd iivv 66//1133//1155 22::3388 PPMM to Lia 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd vv 66//1133//1155 22::3388 PPMM 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd vvii 66//1133//1155 22::3388 PPMM C O N T E N T S Foreword by Michael Voltaggio ix Preface x Introduction xiii SNACKS AND SPREADS 1 SALADS 27 FLATBREADS 63 SOUPS 91 SMALL PLATES 113 PASTA 171 DESSERTS 211 COCKTAILS 247 BASICS 261 Acknowledgments 277 Index 278 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd vviiii 66//1133//1155 22::3388 PPMM 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd vviiiiii 66//1133//1155 22::3388 PPMM F O R E W O R D by Michael Voltaggio When Tal asked me to write the foreword to this book, my fi rst question was, why me? While my restaurant, ink, is down the street from Crossroads, Tal is a chef who is renowned for his unique take on plant-based dining, and I on the other hand include most animals (and their respective parts) in my menus. What do I know about vegan cuisine? I just know food that tastes good, and I appreciate and respect a chef who shares my passion for cooking and hospitality. Like most people, I go out to dinner to celebrate special occasions, and I have realized that in several instances lately, I ended up craving not “vegan” food but the food Tal creates at Crossroads. Why? Because the food is simply delicious Mediterranean-based dishes that focus on seasonal vegetables, grains, legumes, fl atbreads, and pastas. The dining room is warm and welcoming, and the cocktails are incredible. Tal’s food will surprise you: I indulge in oysters, Bolognese sauce, and a well-curated cheese plate. I eat fried calamari, caviar, fresh salads, and hearty pastas, and even desserts. But none of the food contains a trace of animal products. The “oysters” are made with oyster mush- rooms that mimic the saline taste of the ocean, the fried “calamari” is made with battered and fried hearts of palm, and the cheese plate is crafted with Tal’s own Kite Hill cheeses, which are nondairy and made from nut milks. The fi rst time I ate at Crossroads, I thought, “Where the hell am I?” The dishes are thoughtful, playful, nourishing, satisfying, and yes . . . they hap- pen to be vegan. And after a meal at Crossroads, I always feel satisfi ed, but I never feel heavy or as if I’ve overindulged. I asked to meet the chef who has turned me into a vegan wannabe. A moment later, Tal was standing tableside wearing a clean, freshly pressed chef jacket, an apron, and black chef pants. I have to admit, I was ignorantly expecting a hippie with a T-shirt, a bandanna, and other casual clothing made from hemp and burlap. Nope; Tal is a professional chef with classic French culinary training who cooks some of the best-tasting food I have ever eaten. He is reinventing plant-based cuisine, and he is the only vegan chef who cooks for meat eaters—me included. Tal and I soon realized that we are in fact very similar. We share some of the same guests, we have the same cooks rotating through our kitchens, we buy vegetables from the same farms, and we both work hard in our restaurants to deliver the best dining experience possible. Tal is a great neighbor and friend, an amazing chef, and perhaps a magician, because every time I eat his food, I fi nd myself just wanting more and more, and I never miss the butter or bacon fat. If this is vegan cuisine, sign me up! FOREWORD ix 1177222299__AArrttiissaannBBookkssCC__iinntt..iinndddd iixx 66//1133//1155 22::3388 PPMM