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Crossover behavior of the J -J model in a staggered magnetic field 1 2 ∗ Hiromi Otsuka Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan (Received February 2, 2008) 3 The ground states of the S = 1 Heisenberg chain with the nearest-neighbor and the next-nearest- 2 0 neighbor antiferromagnetic couplings are numerically investigated in a staggered magnetic field. 0 Whilethestaggered magneticfieldmayinducetheN´eel-typeexcitationgap,anditischaracterized 2 bytheGaussian fixedpointin thespin-fluidregion, thecrossover tothebehaviorcontrolled bythe n Ising fixed point is expected to be observed for the spontaneously dimerized state at finite field. a Treating a low-lying excitation gap by the phenomenological renormalization-group method, we J numerically determine the massless flow connecting the Gaussian and Ising fixed points. Further, 7 to check thecriticalities, we perform the finite-size-scaling analysis of theexcitation gap. 1 PACS number(s): 75.10.Jm, 64.60.Fr ] h c e Theoretically and experimentally, there have been in- system is in the spin-fluid phase described by the Gaus- m tensive investigations on critical phenomena observed in sianfixedpoint(c=1CFT);atJ =0.5(theMajumdar- 2 low-dimensionalquantumspinsystems. Inparticular,re- Ghosh point) the direct products of spin singlet pairs - t cent investigations on this subject have focused not only formed either on bonds 2k,2k+1 or 2k+1,2k+2 a h i h i t oncriticalfixedpointsandtheirneighboringregions,but become twofold degenerated ground states (i.e., sponta- s alsoontheglobalbehaviorsoftherenormalization-group neouslydimerizedstates),3,4,5 andafiniteexcitationgap . at (RG) flows connecting them. For one-dimensional (1D) exists there.6 According to Haldane7, and Kuboki and m quantumsystems (also for 2D classicalsystems),besides Fukuyama,8 the gapformationcausedby the frustration the exact solutions available for some cases, the confor- canbewelldescribedbythequantumsine-Gordonmodel - d malfieldtheory(CFT)providesthemostefficientwayto obtained via the bosonization procedure;9 the effective n characterizethefixedpoints,wherethevaluesofthecen- Hamiltonian of Eq. (1) is given as o tral charge c specify their universality classes. Further, c v 1 [ with respect to the RG flows observed in the continuum 1= dx K(∂xθ)2+ (∂xφ)2 and unitary models, Zamolodchikov’s c-theorem serves H Z 2π (cid:20) K (cid:21) 1 fortheexplanationsoftheirgeneralproperties.1 Sincein 2g v + dx φ cos√8φ, (3) investigations of the quantum spin chains and interact- Z (2πα)2 6 ing electron systems, the c = 1 CFT has close relevance 1 to their criticality,2 it is very important to understand wherethebosonicoperatorθisthedualfieldofφsatisfy- 3 1 its instability and a crossover to behaviors controlled by ingthecommutationrelation∂y[φ(x),θ(y)]=iπδ(x−y). 0 other critical fixed points. K andvaretheGaussiancouplingandthespin-waveve- 3 In this paper, we shall study the ground states of locity,andgφstandsforthespinUmklappscatteringbare 0 the S = 1 Heisenberg chain with the nearest-neighbor amplitude.10 Althoughthe propertyofthiseffective con- t/ and the 2next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic cou- tinuummodelhasbeenwellunderstoodandactuallythe a g termmaybecome relevant,11 forthe determinationof m plings (the so-called J1-J2 model) in a staggered mag- φ ∗ thefluid-dimertransitionpointJ ,numericaltreatments netic field; the Hamiltonian to be considered is given by 2 - H =H +H with of Eq. (1) were required. By carefully investigating the d 1 2 effect of the marginal g term on the critical fixed point n φ L throughlower-energyexcitationlevels observedin finite- co H1 = (2J1Sj ·Sj+1+2J2Sj ·Sj+2), (1) sizesystems,OkamotoandNomurapreciselydetermined : Xj=1 J∗ 0.2411.12 While it is knownthatthe excitationgap iv L al2so≃exists in the case of J2 >0.5,13 we, in the following X H2 = −hs(−1)jSjz, (2) discussion, restrict ourselves to the region 0 ≤ J2 ≤ 0.5 r Xj=1 for simplicity. a In the case of nonzero field [this is approximately re- where Sν is the νth component of the spin operator on j alized in the quasi-1D antiferromagnets with the alter- the jth site S and couplings J , J > 0 (we take J as j 1 2 1 nating gyromagnetic tensors, e.g., Cu-benzoate14 and theenergyunitinthefollowing). Weassumetheperiodic Yb As 15 and the field may be also generated as the in- boundary condition S = S and an even number of 4 3 L+1 1 trinsiconeoriginatedfromtheN´eelorderedsublattice16] L. since the bosonized form of Eq. (2) is given as In the zero-field case (h = 0), there are two special s points where the exact ground states have been known: h = dx s cos√2φ, (4) atJ2 =0wheretheBetheansatzsolutionisavailable,the H2 Z − πα 1 and the scaling dimension of this perturbation term is J=0.32 J=0.40 J=0.46 J=0.50 x = 1 (1/ν = 2 x = 3/2) on the fixed point,17 the 2 2 2 2 2 2 − 2 5.2 second-order phase transition occurs for systems in the 2.8 1.6 stipoinn-lfleunigdthreξgionh−J22/≤3 (Ja2∗sidweitfhrotmhethdeivleorggaernitchemoifcccoorrrreelac-- L∆E s ∝ ∗ tionduetotheg term). Ontheotherhand,forJ >J , φ 2 2 1 due to the relevant g term, the crossover of the transi- φ tiondrivenbythe staggeredmagneticfieldoccurs. Since 5 2.4 1.2 the dimer gap may survive in a weak field, the critical ∗ point h (J ) takes nonzero values depending on J , and s 2 2 further the universality class is changed. Recently, Fab- rizio et al.,18 on the basis of the double-frequency sine- 0.8 Gordon (DSG) theory given by Delfino and Mussardo,19 2 ∗ 4.8 0.5 aIsrignugedfixtehdatptohinetsywsittehmco=n h1si(nJ2a)cicsorrdenworimthaltihzeed“dtoowthne- 0.01 hs 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.14 2 FIG. 1. The L and hs dependences of L∆E(J2,hs,L). hill” condition of the c-theorem, so the criticality in the From left to right, the next-nearest-neighbor coupling vicinity ofthis line is relatedtothe divergentcorrelation length of the form ξ [h h∗(J )]−1 (explainedbelow) J2=0.32, 0.40, 0.46, and 0.5. Data for systems of L = 18 described by the ϕ4 ∝theorsy−. s 2 (crosses),20(triangles),22(squares),24(diamonds),26(cir- cles), and 28 (double circles) are plotted with the fitting From the viewpoint that the Gaussian fixed point is curves. perturbed by two relevant operators of g and h , we φ s ∗ can qualitatively estimate hs(J2) around the point ac- 1 µ, 2 I+ǫ, (8) cording to the crossover argument.20 However, to evalu- O → O → ate its precise value especially near the Ising fixed point, where µ is the disorder field (Z2 odd) and ǫ is the en- a numerical treatment of H should be required. Here, ergy density operator (Z2 even) with scaling dimensions it should be noted that the criticality on the N´eel-phase x = 1 andx =1,respectively. Accordingtothiscorre- µ 8 ǫ boundariesintheS =1bond-alternatingXXZchainalso spondence,wecanobtainarelevantexcitationinnonzero belongs to the Ising universality and they were precisely field by taking the limit hs 0 and assigning it to one ց determined by the numerical method.21 Thus, we shall of well-characterized states. From Eqs. (4) and (8), the perform our calculations by analyzing the lower-energy staggered magnetic field plays a role of the “thermal” ∗ excitations observed in the finite-size systems. Let us scalingvariableonh (J ),andthusthecriticalexponent s 2 first focus our attention to the excitations in the spin- 1/ν =2 x =1 asalreadymentioned(see Ref. 18). On ǫ − fluid region described by the Gaussian fixed point,22,23 one hand, since the “magnetic” excitation µ stemming fromthedimerexcitationprovideslowerenergy(i.e.,the =√2sin√2φ, (5) most divergent fluctuation), we will thus focus attention 1 O ∗ =√2cos√2φ, (6) on it for the determination of hs(J2). 2 O Now,weshallexplainthenumericalcalculationproce- 3 =exp( i√2θ). (7) dure. Since the system is massive unless it is located on O ± the critical line, the phenomenological renormalization- and denote dimer and N´eel excitations, respec- 1 2 group (PRG) method is expected to work efficiently for O O tively, while 3 is the doublet excitation changing an our aim:26 We numerically solve the PRG equation for O amount of the total spin. According to the finite-size- the systems of L and L+2, scaling (FSS) argument based on CFT, corresponding energylevels∆Ei fortheseoperators(takingtheground- (L+2)∆E(J2,hs,L+2)=L∆E(J2,hs,L) (9) state energy as zero) are expressed by the use of their scaling dimensions xi as ∆Ei ≃ 2πvxi/L.24 For the with respect to hs for a given value of J2. Since the case of hs = 0, we can calculate ∆Ei according to the equation can be satisfied by the gap having the size de- level-spectroscopy method,23 where discrete symmetries pendence of ∆E(J ,h ,L) 1/L, the obtained value 2 s ∝ ofthelatticeHamiltonian(seebelow)areutilizedtospec- canberegardedastheL-dependenttransitionpoint,say ify excitation levels. On the other hand, for the case h∗(J ,L+1). Then, extrapolating them to the thermo- s 2 of hs 6= 0, the usable symmetry becomes lower, and dynamic limit, we estimate h∗s(J2). Alternatively, as ex- more importantly, the universality class is changed to plainedinRefs.22and23—towhichwereferthe inter- ∗ the Ising one on the line hs(J2) so that we should em- estedreadersforadetailedexplanation—aths =0,the ploy other criterion to characterize the levels. Here, we dimer excitation is in the subspace of total spin Sz =0, T will use the so-called UV-IR (ultraviolet-infrared) oper- wave number k = π, space inversion P = +1, and spin ator correspondence,18,25 i.e., along the critical RG flow reversal T = +1 for L 0 (mod 4) [Sz = 0, k = 0, ≡ T theoperatorsontheGaussianfixedpoint(UV)aretrans- P = 1, and T = 1 for L 2 (mod 4)]. Thus, we can − − ≡ muted to those on the Ising fixed point (IR) as calculate ∆E(J ,h ,L) = E (J ,h ,L) E (J ,h ,L) 2 s µ 2 s g 2 s − 2 fromE (J ,h ,L)connectingtothedimerexcitationand L=28 sites are treated, where the Lanczos algorithm is µ 2 s E (J ,h ,L), i.e., the ground-state energy. usedtoobtaineigenvaluesoftheHamiltonianinspecified g 2 s subspaces. We can see that the L dependence of the crossingpointisalmostabsentforlargevalueofJ (near 2 0.15 J =0.5), while it is visible for the small value case. 2 ∗ hs After evaluating hs(J2,L+1),we extrapolatethemto 0.1 L ; here we assume the following formula: →∞ 0.1 h*s(J2) h∗s(J2,L)=h∗s(J2)+aL−2(1+bL−ω) (ω >0), (10) 0.05 where the b term stands for a correction to the leading ∗ one, and four parameters h (J ), a, b, and ω are deter- s 2 minedaccordingtotheleast-square-fittingcondition. We 0.05 0 N’eel used the data of L=18 28, and extrapolated them to 0 0.002 L−20.004 h∗(J ) as shown in the i−nset of Fig. 2, where from bot- s 2 SF tom to top a series of data with fitting curves are given "dimer" in the increasing order of J . Consequently, we obtain 0 2 0.2 0.3 0.4 J 0.5 the critical line h∗s(J2) as shown in the figure. The RG 2 eigenvalueofthescalingvariableg is“almostzero”(i.e., φ FIG.2. TheboundarylineoftheN´eeland“dimer”phases marginal), while that of the staggered magnetic field is (for an explanation of “dimer” phase, see Ref. 18). In- ∗ 3/2 on the point (J ,h )=(J ,0). The phase boundary 2 s 2 cseatl fisheoldwsstsoomtheeotfheerxmtroadpyonlaatmioincsliomfitt,hewhLe-rdeepfietntidnegntcucrrviteis- is thus expected to behave as h∗s(J2) ∝ (J2−J2∗)1.5/0+, whichagreeswith a weak J dependence of the line near 2 are given. The double circle shows the fluid-dimer transi- the point. tion point (J2,hs) = (J2∗,0) at which the criticality of the Atthisstage,weshallcheckthecriticalitiesbytheuse boundary changes from the Gaussian to the Ising type. The spin-fluid(SF) state exists on the x axis of J2 ≤J2∗. oftheFSSanalysisinthevicinityoftheboundarylines,27 i.e., we assume the following one-parameterscaling form of the excitation gaps in the finite system of L: 3 ∆E(J ,h ,L)=L−1Ψ(L(h h∗(J ))ν), (11) 2 s s− s 2 ] E (a) Gaussian (ν=2/3) where ν = 2/3 for J J∗ and ν = 1 for J > J∗. Fur- ∆ 2 ≤ 2 2 2 L (b), (c) Ising (ν=1) ther,theasymptoticbehaviorsofthescalingfunctionare [ expected as Ψ(x) x for large x and Ψ(x) const for n ∝ ≃ l (a) x 0. Usingthe obtainedtransitionpoints,weplotEq. 2 (1→1)forthe Gaussian(J =J∗)andtheIsingtransitions 2 2 (J =0.46 and 0.5) in Fig. 3. The results show that the 2 data of different system sizes are collapsed on the sin- gle curve in both cases, and the asymptotic behaviors of Ψ agree with the expected ones (dotted lines) despite of thesmallL. Fromtheseplots,wecancheckthecrossover 1 behavior of the transitions driven by the staggeredmag- (b) L=20 netic field in the present frustrated quantum spin chain 22 systemandalso the accuracyof the phase boundary line 24 in Fig. 2. This goodFSS behaviorsmay rely on the con- 26 ditions that the marginaloperatorthat bringsabout the (c) 0 28 multiplicative logarithmic correction to the pure power- lawsingularityofξisabsentonthefluid-dimertransition −2 0 ν 2 point,28 and that the crossover region for J2 > 0.4 may ln[L(h −h*) ] be large enough to be detected. On the other hand, the s s FSS nature becomes obscure in the weak and intermedi- FIG. 3. The FSS plots of the excitation gap for systems of L = 20−28 in log-log scale. We have used ν = 2/3 for ate values of J2 since our system sizes are too small to ∗ reach the region. the Gaussian transition [(a) J2 = J2], and ν = 1 for the Ising transition [(b) J2 =0.46, (c) J2 =0.5]. The slope of the Finally, we evaluate the values of the central charge dotted line is 1showing theexpectedasymptotic behaviorof through the L dependence of the ground-state energy:29 thescaling functions. πvc ∗ E (J ,h (J ),L) e L (12) g 2 s 2 ≃ 0 − 6L In Fig. 1, we demonstrate L and h dependences of s (e is the energy density in the thermodynamic limit). L∆E(J ,h ,L) at several values of J . Systems up to 0 2 s 2 For this calculation, we should estimate v in advance; 3 thheerelewaestu-ssqeutahree-FfiSttSinrgelaptrioocned∆uEreµf≃or2tπhvexdµa(t=a.18)T/hLeaonbd- 1A(1.9B8.6Z)a[JmEoTloPdcLheitkto.v4,3P,is7’3m0a(1Z9h8.6E)]k.sp. Teor. Fiz. 43, 565 tained results agree well with the Ising one for the con- 2F.D.M. Haldane, J. Phys. 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