Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials Jince Thomas Sabu Thomas Zakiah Ahmad Editors Crosslinkable Polyethylene Based Blends and Nanocomposites Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials Series Editor Vijay Kumar Thakur, School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK Materialsareanindispensablepartofhumancivilizationsincetheinceptionoflife onearth.Withthepassageoftime,innumerablenewmaterialshavebeenexplored aswellasdevelopedandthesearchfornewinnovativematerialscontinuesbriskly. Keeping in mind the immense perspectives of various classes of materials, this series aimsatprovidingacomprehensivecollectionofworksacrossthebreadthof materials research at cutting-edge interface of materials science with physics, chemistry, biology and engineering. This series covers a galaxy of materials ranging from natural materials to nanomaterials. Some of the topics include but not limited to: biological materials, biomimeticmaterials,ceramics,composites,coatings,functionalmaterials,glasses, inorganic materials, inorganic-organic hybrids, metals, membranes, magnetic materials, manufacturing of materials, nanomaterials, organic materials and pigments to name a few. The series provides most timely and comprehensive informationonadvancedsynthesis,processing,characterization,manufacturingand applications ina broad range ofinterdisciplinary fields inscience, engineering and technology. This series accepts both authored and edited works, including textbooks, monographs,referenceworks,andprofessionalbooks.Thebooksinthisserieswill provideadeepinsightintothestate-of-artofMaterialsHorizonsandservestudents, academic, government and industrial scientists involved in all aspects of materials research. More information about this series at Jince Thomas Sabu Thomas Zakiah Ahmad (cid:129) (cid:129) Editors Crosslinkable Polyethylene Based Blends and Nanocomposites 1 3 Editors Jince Thomas SabuThomas Research andPost Graduate Department International andInter University Centre of Chemistry for Nanoscience andNanotechnology St.Berchmans College andSchoolof Energy Materials Changanassery, Kerala, India Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, Kerala, India Zakiah Ahmad Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti TeknologiMara ShahAlam, Selangor, Malaysia ISSN 25245384 ISSN 25245392 (electronic) Materials Horizons:From Nature toNanomaterials ISBN9789811604850 ISBN9789811604867 (eBook) ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2021 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained hereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregard tojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #2101/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore Preface The book titled Crosslinkable Polyethylene Based Blends and Nanocomposites outlinesthelatesttechnologicalandscientificresearchaccomplishmentsinthearea ofcross-linkedpolyethylene(XLPE)blendsandnanocomposites.Encompassedin thebookarepresentationsofstateofartinXLPEblendsandnanocomposites,types of nanoparticles used in XLPE blends and nanocomposites, new challenges, and opportunities.AlsodiscussedarethecriticalissuesinXLPEnanocomposites,their general usages and commercial significance. Other topics enclosed are the lumi- nescence studies in XLPE and modified XLPE and their morphological, mechan- ical, thermal, and flame-retardant properties, XLPE versus conventional materials, theoretical studies on XLPE nanocomposites. As the title specifies the book emphasizes numerous facets of XLPE based blend & nanocomposites and their outputs to the society. This novel book aids as an up to date record on the vital findings, studies, and creationofXLPEbasedblend&nanocompositestopowercableinsulationfield.It isaimedtosupportasapioneerreferenceresourceforinsulationindustryaswellas in science fields. The various chapters in this book are contributed by prominent researchers from academe, industry, and government-private research laboratories across the world. This book is a very valuable reference source for university and college faculties, professionals, post-doctoral research fellows, senior graduate students and researchers (from R&D laboratories) who are working in the area of automobiles, energy resources, aviation etc. Chapter 1 delivers a comprehensive outline and an overview of XLPE based blends and their nanocomposites and introduces the general methods for the fab- ricationofblendsandnanocomposites.OpportunitiesandthesignificanceonXLPE blends and nanocomposites, and different types of applications are also mentioned on this chapter. Chapter 2 discussed the studies on XLPE nanocomposites and blends. The author explains the preparation and types of nanoparticles used in XLPEmatrix.Chapter3providesthedifferenttechniquesusedfortheincorporation inorganic nanoparticles to XLPE systems. The authors also mentioned the surface modification process of inorganic nanoparticles and their intercalation and exfoli- ation process. v vi Preface Chapter4focusesthecriticalissuesofXLPEbasednanocompositesandblends duringtheprocessingandinstallationtime.Chapter5presentsthecommonusages of XLPE based nanocomposites and blends systems. In Chap. 6, advanced char- acterization techniques in XLPE and modified XLPE. In this chapter the authors reviewthebenefitofluminescencestudiesinXLPEsystems.Theproceduresforthe luminescenceanalysisinXLPEandXLPEcompoundsandtheiroutcomesarealso correlatedonthischapter.MorphologicalandmechanicalpropertiesofXLPEbased nanocomposites and blends are discussed in Chap. 7. This chapter indicates the dynamic and static mechanical properties of XLPE based nanocomposites and blends. Chapter 8 presents the thermal and flame-retardant properties of XLPE based nanocomposites and blends. Potential importance of XLPE based nanocomposites and blends are discussed in Chap. 9. Chapter 10 discusses XLPE versus conventional materials in electrical insulation fields. This chapter includes various discussions on evolution of power cable, AC and DC cable insulation techniques. Computational studies on XLPE basednanocompositesandblendsarediscussedinChap. 11.Chapter12discussed the XLPE based products available in markets and their applications. Research developments and the production of XLPE based nanocomposites and blends discussed in Chap. 13. This chapter analyzes the research papers on XLPE nanocomposites and blends published by academic journals mainly from 2005 to 2020yearindetail.FinalChap.(14)onthisbookpresentstherisksandlimitations associated with XLPE based nanocomposites and blends. In this chapter risks, challenges, and constraints associated with electrical issues, crosslinking agents, recyclability, surface characteristics, and aging behaviors on XLPE based nanocomposites and blends have been analyzed. Finally, Thanks to God for the successful accomplishment of this book and the editorswouldliketoconveytheirsincereappreciationtoallthecontributorsofthis book who provided excellent support for the fruitful completion of this endeavor. We appreciate them for their commitment and the genuineness for their contribu- tions to this book. Especially we thanks to Dr. Gilbert Teyssedre, Dr. Notingher Petru, Dr. Mohsen Mohseni, Dr. Harry Orton for the review process of chapters. We would like to acknowledge all the other reviewers who have taken their valuabletimetomakecriticalcommentsoneachchapter.Wealsoacknowledgethe assistance of Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Kottayam, India Jince Thomas Sabu Thomas Contents 1 An Overview of XLPE-Based Blends and Nanocomposites. . . . . . . 1 Jince Thomas, Minu Elizabeth Thomas, and Sabu Thomas 2 Types of Nanoparticles Used in XLPE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Karakkad P. Sajesha 3 Different Techniques Used for the Incorporation of Inorganic Nanoparticles in XLPE Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Athulya Pillai and Balasubramanian Kandasubramanian 4 Critical Issues in XLPE-Based Polymer Nanocomposites and Their Blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Abdallah Hedir, Omar Lamrous, Issouf Fofana, Ferhat Slimani, and Mustapha Moudoud 5 General Applications of XLPE Nanocomposites and Blends. . . . . . 85 Divya Radha, Jisha S. Lal, K. Asha Krishnan, and K. S. Devaky 6 Advanced Characterization Techniques Based on Luminescence in XLPE and Modified XLPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Gilbert Teyssèdre, Christian Laurent, and Bo Qiao 7 XLPE Nanocomposites and Blends: Morphology and Mechanical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 K. C. Nimitha, Jiji Abraham, Soney C. George, and Sabu Thomas 8 Thermal and Flame Retardant Properties of XLPE Nanocomposites and Blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Jiji Abraham, K. C. Nimitha, Soney C. George, and Sabu Thomas 9 Potential Applications of XLPE Nanocomposites in the Field of Cable Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 R. Jose Varghese, L. Vidya, Tomy Muringayil Joseph, Apparao Gudimalla, G. Harini Bhuvaneswari, and Sabu Thomas vii viii Contents 10 Electrical Insulation: XLPE Versus Conventional Materials. . . . . . 215 Petru V. Noțingher, Cristina Stancu, and Ilona Pleșa 11 Theoretical Aspects of XLPE-Based Blends and Nanocomposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 Minu Elizabeth Thomas, Rajamani Vidya, Jince Thomas, and Zakiah Ahmad 12 XLPE-Based Products Available in the Market and Their Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Detlef Wald and Harry Orton 13 Research Developments in XLPE Nanocomposites and Their Blends: Published Papers, Patents, and Production . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 YinghuiHan,ZhiwenXue,DongtaoLiu,FengGao,XiaosongYang, WenchaoDong,JunxiuZhou,GuodongJiang,JunzheLin,YifeiXia, and Huanhuan Luo 14 Risks and Limitations Associated with XLPE Nanocomposites and Blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Navid Mostofi Sarkari, Mohsen Mohseni, and Morteza Ebrahimi About the Editors Jince Thomas received his Master’s degree in Polymer Chemistry in 2012 and M.Tech. in Polymer Science and Technology in 2014 from Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU), India. He conducted his doctoral research at MGU in the research group of Prof. Sabu Thomas, the present Vice Chancellor of MGU, and Prof. Bejoy Francis (Ph.D. Guide), Assistant Professor, St. Berchmans College, India.HewasavisitingstudentattheUniversityofTennessee(Knoxville)in2014 and a project trainee at the International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience&Nanotechnology,MGU,during2015 2016.Heworkedasaproject assistant in an Indo-Malaysian Project during 2016 2017 in collaboration with University Technology Mara, Malaysia. He also worked as a visiting student in Ariel University, Israel. He has contributed to numerous publications, book chapters, and books. His research interest focuses on polymer and polymer nanocomposites. Prof. Sabu Thomas is currently Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India. Professor Thomas is an outstanding leader with sustained interna- tionalacclaimsforhisworkinNanoscience,PolymerScienceandEngineeringand Green Materials. Professor Thomas has received more than 30 national and inter- national awards. He has published over 1200 peer reviewed research papers, reviews, and book chapters. He has co-edited 150 books, and is an inventor of 15 patents. The H index of Prof. Thomas is 108 and has more than 56,000 citations. Professor Thomas has delivered over 350 plenary/inaugural and invited lectures in national/internationalmeetingsover40countries.ProfessorThomashassupervised 115 Ph.D. programmes and his students occupy leading positions in academia and industry in India and abroad. Prof. Zakiah Ahmad is the Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Mara. She obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s at the Memphis State University (USA), and pursued her Ph.D. in Timber Engineering at the University of Bath, United Kingdom. Professor Ahmad specialises in timber engineering and timbercomposites,andherotherinterestincludesnano-polymercompositesaswell ix