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CrossingJ ordan North American Contributions to the Archaeologyo f Jordan This page intentionally left blank CrossingJ ordan North AmericanC ontributions to the Archaeologyo f Jordan edited by Thomas E. Levy, P.M. Michele Daviau, Randall W. Younker, & May Shaer ~ ~~o~;~~n~~:up LONDON AND NEW YORK First published 2007 by Equinox, an imprint of Acumen Published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business ©Thomas E. Levy, P.M. Michele Daviau, Randall W. Younker, and May Shaer 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Notices Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 13: 978-1-84553-268-0 (hbk) ISBN 13: 978-1-84553-269-7 (pbk) Typeset and Edited by Forthcoming Publications Ltd Contents Prefaces His Royal HighnessP rince El HassanB in Talal XI Dr Fawwaza l-Khraysheh,D irector General,D epartmento f Antiquities of Jordan X Ill Dr BarbaraA . Porter,D irector, ACOR XV RegionalA rchaeologicalS ite Maps of Jordan- From Prehistoryt o the Islamic Periods XVII THEORY I. Thinking Globally and also Locally: Anthropology,H istory and Archaeologyi n the Study of Jordan'sP ast 0ysteinS . LaBianca 3 HISTORY 2. The History of North AmericanA rchaeologicalR esearchin Jordan Nancy Lapp 15 METHODOLOGIES 3. ArchaeologicalS ite Surveyingi n Jordan: The North AmericanC ontribution Burton MacDonald 27 4. Controlling Spacea t the Regional Level: GeographicI nformation Systems( GIS) andJ ADIS in Jordan StephenH . Savage 37 5. On-SiteG IS Digital Archaeology: GIS-basedE xcavationR ecordingi n SouthernJ ordan ThomasE . Levy and Neil G. Smith 47 6. High PrecisionR adiocarbonD ating in Jordan ThomasH igham 59 vi CROSSING JORDAN 7. The Evolving Landscapeo f Jordan: The Contributionso f Geoarchaeologay nd Paleoecology Carlos E. Cordova 69 8. PastE nvironmentso f the JordanP lateau from the Paleolakeso f the EasternD esert Caroline Davies 79 9. Conservationa nd Preservationo f ArchaeologicalS itesi n Jordan: ArchaeologyI nitiatives of the American Centero f Oriental Research Pierre M. Bikai 87 REGIONAL ARCHAEOLOGY-DEEP-TIMES TUDIES ACROSSJ ORDAN 10. Ancient Metal Productiona nd Social Changei n SouthernJ ordan: The Edom Lowlands RegionalA rchaeologyP roject and Hopef or a UNESCOW orld HeritageS ite in Faynan ThomasE . Levy and MohammadN ajjar 97 II. How CrossingJ ordanm adet he Difference: The Caseo f the MadabaP lains Project, 1967-2007 LawrenceT . Geraty 107 12. Tall Hisban: Palimpsesto f Greata nd Little Traditions of Transjordana nd the Ancient NearE ast 0.5. LaBiancaa nd B. Walker 111 13. Tall ai-'Umayri throught he Ages Larry G. Herr and DouglasR . Clark 121 14. Highlights from the Heightso f Jalul Randall W. Younker 129 IS. The 'Iraq AI-Amir and Dhiban PlateauR egionalS urveys Chang-HoC.J i 137 16. Investigating5 ,000Y earso f Urban History: The Tall MadabaA rchaeologicalP roject Timothy P. Harrison, Debra Foran, andA ndrew Graham 143 17. CrossingJ ordan:b y way of the Karak plateau GeraldL . Mattingly and JamesH . Pace 153 18. FourA rchaeologicalS urveysi n SouthernJ ordan Burton MacDonald 161 CONTENTS vii PREHISTORICP ERSPECTIVES 19. Searchingfo r Neanderthalsa nd Finding Ourselves: Researcha t Tor Faraj Donald 0. Henry 171 20. Neanderthalsa t the Crossroads: Middle PaleolithicS iteso n the MadabaP lateau,J ordan Michael S. Bisson, April Nowell, Carlos E. Cordova,a nd Regina Kalchgruber 179 21. Midnight at the Oasis;T he End of the Pleistocenein Wadi al-Hasa Nancy R. Coinmana nd DeborahI . Olszewski 187 22. Microliths and Mortuary Practices: New Perspectiveso n the Epipalaeolithici n Northerna nd EasternJ ordan Lisa A. Maher 195 23. Crossingt he Boundaryt o DomesticationE conomies:A CaseS tudyf rom West-centralJ ordan Michael P. Neeley and JaneD . Peterson 203 24. The Rediscoveryo f the Neolithic Period in Jordan Gary 0. Rollefson and Zeidan Kafafi 211 25. Late Prehistoryi n Wadi Ziqlab, ai-Kura, Jordan: From Sedentismt o Olive Oil Factories E.B. Banning 219 26. Living on the Edge: Settlementa nd Abandonmentin the Dead SeaP lain Patricia L. Fall, StevenE . Falconer,a nd Phillip C. Edwards 225 27. Is Big Really Better?L ife in the ResortC orridor- Ghwair I, a Small but ElaborateN eolithic Communityi n SouthernJ ordan Alan Simmonsa nd MohammadN ajjar 233 BRONZE AGE-EARLIEST URBANISM 28. Life in the EarliestW alled Towns on the DeadS eaP lain: Bab adh-Dhra'a nd an-Numayra R. ThomasS chauba nd Meredith S. Chesson 245 29. Deatha nd Dying on the DeadS eaP lain: Fifa, Khirbat ai-Khanazir,a nd Bab adh-Dhra'C emeteries Meredith S. Chessona nd R. ThomasS chaub 253 viii CROSSING JORDAN 30. Life at the Foundationo f BronzeA ge Civilization: Agrarian Villages in the JordanV alley StevenE . Falconer,P atriciaL . Fall, andJ enniferE . Jones 261 3 I. Khirbet lskander:A City in Collapsea t the End of the Early BronzeA ge SuzanneR ichard andJ esseC . Long, Jr. 269 32. A LandscapeA pproacht o Craft andA gricultural Production: Trackingt he Location of Early BronzeA ge Manufacturinga t ai-Lajjun, Jordan JenniferE . Jones 277 33. The Early BronzeA ge City Stateso f the SouthernL evant: NeitherC ities nor States StephenH . Savage,S tevenE . Falconer,a nd Timothy P. Harrison 285 EARLY STATES AND THE IRON AGE 34. Independenat nd Well-Connected: The Ammonite Territorial Kingdom in Iron Age II P.M. Michele Daviau and Paul EugeneD ion 301 35. Shepherdsa nd Weaversi n a 'Global Economy': Moab in Late Iron Age 11-Wadia th-ThamadP roject{ Khirbat ai-Mudayna) P.M. Michele Daviau and Robert Chadwick 309 36. The Powero f Place:T he Dhiban Communityt hrought he Ages Benjamin Porter,B ruce Routledge,D anielle Steen,a nd Firas al-Kawamlha 315 37. A PlaceI n-Between:K hirbat ai-Mudaynaa i-'Aiiya in the Early Iron Age Bruce Routledgea nd Benjamin Porter 323 THE EDGE OF EMPIRE-HELLENISTIC AND ROMAN PERIOD 38. In Searcho f Hellenistic Petra:E xcavationsin the City Center David F. Graf 333 39. Shifting Places,C hangingF aces:T he Civic Statuaryo f RomanJ ordan Elise A. Friedland 341 40. ProjectingP owero n the Periphery: Rome'sA rabian Frontier Easto f the DeadS ea S. ThomasP arker 349 41. Beyond Frankincensea nd Myrrh: Reconstructingth e Economyo f Roman' Aqaba S. ThomasP arker 359 CONTENTS ix NABATEAN CIVILIZATION AND ITS JORDANIAN HEARTLAND 42. Godsa nd Vineyardsa t Beidha PatriciaM . Bikai, ChrysanthosK anellopoulos,a nd Shari Saunders 369 43. NabataeanL andscapea nd Power: Evidencef rom the PetraG ardena nd Pool Complex Leigh-Ann Bedal and JamesG . Schryver 375 44. Surprisesa t the GreatT emplef rom 1993 to 2006 Martha S. Joukowsky 385 45. Beyondt he Nabataeana nd RomanC ity: Surveyingt he Centrala nd SouthernW adi 'Arabah Andrew M. Smith II 393 46. Luxury in the Desert:A NabataeanP alatial Residencea t Wadi Ramm DennineD udley and M. BarbaraR eeves 401 47. Torn Asunder:E arthquakesa t Qasra t-Tilah Tina M. Niemi 409 THEOCRATIC EMPIRE-THE BYZANTINE PERIOD 48. Bioarchaeologyo f North Jordan: A Decadeo f CooperativeA mericana nd JordanianS tudentR esearch JeromeC . Rose,M ahmoude l-Najjar, and Dolores L. Burke 419 49. Beyondt he Rock: Petrai n the Sixth Centuryc e in the Light of the Papyri Robert C. Caldwell and TraianosG agos 417 50. Petra'sC hurches:T he Byzantinesa nd Beyond Megan A. Perry and Patricia Maynor Bikai 435 ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION IN JORDAN 51. From NabataeanK ing to Abbasid Caliph: The EnduringA ttraction of Hawara/ai-Humaymaa, Multi-cultural Site in Arabia Petraea John PeterO leson 447 52. From Residenceto RevolutionaryH eadquarters: The Early Islamic Qasr and MosqueC omplexa t ai-Humayma and its 8th-centuryC ontext RebeccaM . Foote 457

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