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Crossing Boundaries in Early Judaism and Christianity: Ambiguities, Complexities, and Half-Forgotten Adversaries: Essays in Honor of Alan F. Segal PDF

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Crossing Boundaries in Early Judaism and Christianity Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism Editor Benjamin G. Wright, III (Department of Religion Studies, Lehigh University) Associate Editors Hindy Najman (Theology & Religion Faculty, University of Oxford) Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven) Advisory Board A.M. Berlin – K. Berthelot – R. Bloch – G. Bohak J.J. Collins – K. Hogan – P.W. van der Horst O. Irshai – S. Kattan Gribetz – A.K. Petersen – S. Mason – J.H. Newman M. Popović – I. Rosen-Zvi – J.T.A.G.M. van Ruiten – M. Segal – J. Sievers W. Smelik – G. Stemberger – L.T. Stuckenbruck – J.C. de Vos VOLUME 177 The titles published in this series are listed at brill.com/jsjs Crossing Boundaries in Early Judaism and Christianity Ambiguities, Complexities, and Half-Forgotten Adversaries: Essays in Honor of Alan F. Segal Edited by Kimberly B. Stratton and Andrea Lieber LEIDEN | BOSTON Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Segal, Alan F., 1945–2011, honouree. | Stratton, Kimberly B., editor. Title: Crossing boundaries in early Judaism and Christianity : ambiguities,  complexities, and half-forgotten enemies essays in honor of Alan F. Segal  / edited by Kimberly B. Stratton and Andrea Lieber. Description: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2016. | Series: Supplements to the  Journal for the study of Judaism, ISSN 1384-2161 ; VOLUME 177 | Includes  bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016035045 (print) | LCCN 2016041626 (ebook) | ISBN  9789004332300 (hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9789004334496 (E-book) Subjects: LCSH: Judaism—Relations—Christianity. | Christianity and other  religions—Judaism. | Bible—Criticism, interpretation, etc. | Rabbinical  literature—History and criticism. | Church history—Primitive and early  church, ca. 30–600. | Judaism—History—Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.–210  A.D. Classification: LCC BM535 .C77 2016 (print) | LCC BM535 (ebook) | DDC  296.09—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016035045 Typeface for the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts: “Brill”. See and download: brill.com/brill-typeface. issn 1384-2161 isbn 978-90-04-33230-0 (hardback) isbn 978-90-04-33449-6 (e-book) Copyright 2016 by Koninklijke Brill nv, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi and Hotei Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill nv provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, ma 01923, usa. Fees are subject to change. This book is printed on acid-free paper and produced in a sustainable manner. Contents List of Abbreviations xI List of Contributors xX Alan F. Segal: A Life in Perspective 1 Kimberly B. Stratton Introduction to the Volume 17 Andrea Lieber Part 1 Two Powers in Heaven (Heavenly Ascent and Angelification) 1 The Self-Glorification Hymn from Qumran 25 John J. Collins 2 Theosis through Works of the Law: Deification of the Earthly Righteous in Classical Rabbinic Thought 41 Jonah Chanan Steinberg 3 From the Covenant of the Rainbow to the Covenant at Sinai, from the Pilgrimage to the Temple to the Vision of the Chariot, from the Blessing of the First Fruits to the Priestly Blessing, and from the Tiqqun leil Shavuʿot to the Revelation of the Shekhinah 74 Rachel Elior Part 2 Rebecca’s Children (Jewish Christian Origins) 4 Some Particulars about Universalism 117 Ellen Birnbaum 5 Imagining Jesus, with Food 138 Michel Desjardins viii contents 6 Antiquity’s Children: History and Theology in Three Surveys 154 Tzvee Zahavy Part 3 Paul the Convert (Conversion, Apostasy, Identity) 7 Giving Up the Godfearers 169 Ross S. Kraemer 8 Marcion and Boundaries 200 Stephen G. Wilson 9 The Interpreter as Intertext: Origen’s First Homily on the Canticle of Canticles 221 Celia Deutsch 10 Translation and Transformation: The Coptic Soundscapes of The Thunder: Perfect Mind 255 Jared C. Calaway Part 4 Life after Death (Death and Treatment of the Dead) 11 Maccabees, Martyrs, Murders, and Masada: Noble Deaths and Suicides in 1 and 2 Maccabees and Josephus 279 Jonathan Klawans 12 The Lament of the Martyrs and the Literature of Destruction (Rev 6:10) 300 William Morrow 13 A Rabbinic Translation of Relics 314 Jeffrey L. Rubenstein contents ix Part 5 Sinning in the Hebrew Bible (Morality, Theodicy, Theology) 14 The Golden Rule in Classical Judaism 335 Jacob Neusner 15 From Theodicy to Anti-theodicy: Midrashic Accusations of God’s Disobedience to Biblical Law 344 Adam Gregerman Appendix: Complete List of Publications 361 Bibliography 368 Index 403

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