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Crossed-field Microwave Device. Principal Types of Crossed-Field Devices Analysis of Oscillator system Performances Regional Progress and Trends PDF

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Preview Crossed-field Microwave Device. Principal Types of Crossed-Field Devices Analysis of Oscillator system Performances Regional Progress and Trends

GROSSED-FIELD MICROWAVE DEVICES Volume I Principal Elements of Crossed-Field Devices Volume II Principal Types of Crossed-Field Devices Analysis of Oscillator System Performance Regional Progress and Trends CROSSED-FIELD MICROWAVE DEVICES Editor in Chief E. OKRESS Sperry Gyroscope Company Great Neck, New York Editors G. MOURIER Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie Sans Fil Domaine de Corbeville, Orsoy (Seine-et-Oise), France J. FEINSTEIN S-F-D Laboratories, Inc., Union, New Jersey E. KETTLEWELL General Electric Co. Lid., Wembley, England Assistant Editor G. R. FEASTER Westinghouse Electric Corporation Elmira, New York Volume I Principal Elements of Crossed-Field Devices 1961 ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London COPYRIGHT © 1961, BY ACADEMIC PRESS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ACADEMIC PRESS INC. Ill FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK 3, Ν. Y. United Kingdom Edition Published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 17 OLD QUEEN STREET, LONDON S.W. 1 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 60-1/^70 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Contributors to Volume I J. ARNAUD, Division Tubes Electroniques, Centre d'Etudes Physiques Electroniques et Corpusculaires, Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie Sans Fil, Domaine de Corbeville, Orsay (Seine-et-Oise), France. Pages 17, 35, 47, 99. J. A. BRADSHAW, Research Laboratories, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York. Page 261. 0. BUNEMAN, Electronics Research Laboratories, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Pages 209, 367. 0. DOEHLER, Division Tubes Electroniques, Centre d'Etudes Physiques Electroniques et Corpusculaires, Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie Sans Fil, Domaine de Corbeville, Orsay (Seine-et-Oise), France. Page 151. ROBERT DUNSMUIR, Research Laboratory, Associated Electrical Industries (Rugby), Ltd., Rugby, Warwickshire, England. Page 608. G. R. FEASTER, Electronic Tube Division, Westinghouse Electric Corpo­ ration, Elmira, New York. Pages 113, 115, 124. J. FEINSTEIN, S-F-D Laboratories, Inc., Union, New Jersey * Pages 528, 554. G. B. GAINES, Solid State Devices Division, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio. Page 115. OM P. GANDHI, Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.** Page 439. D. L. GOLDWATER, Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. Page 115. W. R. HAYTER, JR., Microwave Engineering Department, Electronic Tube Division, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Elmira, New York. Pages 115, 124. GUNNAR Ηοκ, Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Page 235. JOSEPH F. HULL, Microwave Engineering, Electron Tube Division, Litton Industries, San Carlos, California. Pages 496, 580. R. L. JEPSEN, Central Research, Varian Associates, Palo Alto, California. Pages 251, 359. G. S. KINO, Microwave Laboratory, W. W. Hansen Laboratories of Phys­ ics, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Pages 164, 528. * Previous address: Bell Telephone Laboratories. **Present address: Philco Research Center, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. vi CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME I J. T. LAW, Valve Laboratories, Ferranti Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland* Page 124. C. P. LEA-WILSON, Services Electronics Research Laboratory Extension, (Admiralty), Harlow, Essex, England. Page 124. R. R. MOATS, Sylvania Electric Products Inc., Mountain View Compo­ nents Laboratory, Mountain View, California. Page 69. A. J. MONK, Services Electronics Research Laboratory Extension, (Ad­ miralty) , Harlow, Essex, England. Page 124. G. MOURIER, Division Tubes Electroniques, Centre dfEtudes Physiques Electroniques et Corpusculaires, Compagnie Generale de Telegraphie Sans Fil, Domaine de Corbeville, Orsay (Seine-et-Oise), France. Pages 1, 395, 433. MASAO NISHIMAKI, Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Pages 105, 596. G. NOVICK, Power Tube Department, General Electric Company, Palo Alto, California.** Page 580. S. OKAMURA, Electronic Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Page 319. E. OKRESS, Research Department, Electronic Tube Division, Sperry Gyro­ scope Company, Great Neck, Long Island, New York.*** Page 1. JOHN M. OSEPCHUK, Spencer Laboratory, Raytheon Company, Burling­ ton, Massachusetts. Page 275. M. C. PEASE, Electron Devices Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California. Pages 87, 141. JOSEPH E. ROWE, Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Page 439. JAMES W. SEDIN, Watkins Johnson Company, Stanford Industrial Park, Palo Alto, California. Page 541. T. SHIMIZU, Electron Tube Engineering Division, Tokyo Shibaura Elec­ tric Company, Kawasaki-City, Japan. Page 589. G. D. SIMS, Electrical Engineering Department, University College, Lon­ don, England. Page 179. T. VAN DUZER, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley, California. Page 327. J. R. WHINNERY, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California. Page 327. * Present address: Electronic Tube Division, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Elmira, New York. **Present address: Electronics Division, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland. ***Previous address: Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Foreword Since the wartime account of activities in the United States contained in the book "Microwave Magnetrons" was published, new developments have taken place in crossed-field tubes. Previous efforts had of necessity- been channeled in a fairly well defined direction, obtaining powerful, efficient, and clean oscillators for radar, and consequently had led to a specific type of tube—the magnetron. Subsequent developments, however, were highly diversified and consequently led to a wide variety of tubes: electronically tunable oscillators, wide band amplifiers, as well as im­ proved versions of the early magnetron. At the same time, our under­ standing of the complicated physical phenomena which take place in crossed-field devices progressed steadily, this progress being due partly to the fact that the analysis was applied to structures substantially dif­ ferent from that of the magnetron, and in many respects easier to handle theoretically. Because of all these advances many felt the need for a new book bring­ ing the subject up to date. Such a book could only be written by a num­ ber of authors. This project was initiated and directed by E. Okress and was encouraged by a number of other specialists in the field and, in par­ ticular, by W. Dow and W. Willshaw. Ε. Okress solicited the editorial staff and authors in collaboration with E. Kettlewell and G. Mourier. Subsequently, J. Feinstein and G. Feaster joined this group. It was desired to encompass all aspects from fundamental physical phenomena to technology, and to characteristics which are important to the applica­ tions engineer. It was desirable that the book should have an inter­ national character. Then a joint effort would be necessary to order and to some extent bind together the numerous and sometimes contra­ dictory papers. It was also decided to include a final chapter on "Prog­ ress and Trends" in different countries, since the subject matter has not yet reached its definitive state in most cases. These aims proved difficult to attain. The number of authors and the geographical distance between them, the fact that more than two people were practically never to­ gether to discuss the project, made it very difficult to bring unity to the different portions of the manuscript. If restrictions in the disclosure and circulation of scientific informa­ tion in this field have to some extent limited the scope of the book, the vii viii FOREWORD present volumes nevertheless contain a large part of what can be offered today to a student or to an investigator. It is hoped that they will provide a basis for further progress in applications, as well as in research in this field, and that they will be of help in developing efficient tools for micro­ wave power generation and amplification. Centre de Physique Electronique et C orpusculaire de la Compagnie Generale de T.S.F. Pans, France R. R. WARNECKE Director Preface The number of physicists and engineers working on problems and publishing their results on crossed-field devices has been increasing since World War II. In contrast, the number of books on this subject is ex­ tremely limited and quite out of date. This book aims, therefore, to sum­ marize the progress and state of the art of crossed-field microwave devices in theory and practice. The modern (1940) magnetron and its derivatives have been a major component for radar operation since its introduction by the British and subsequent high degree of development primarily by the Americans and British during World War II. The French also made direct contributions. Significant contributions to it and its derivatives are also to be attributed to the Russians, Japanese, Germans, and Dutch. Because of its high efficiency, low impedance, simplicity, and light weight it will probably continue to satisfy many applications for some considerable time. How­ ever, the newer radar techniques require the use of amplifiers, so that high power pulsed amplifiers had to be made available. Of these, the crossed-field amplifiers, such as the Platinotrons and TPOM's are now in competition with the klystron and conventional traveling wave tube. The progress of crossed-field microwave devices has been remarkable during the past several years. The most striking new developments have been the magnetron amplifiers and electronically tunable and highly stabilized oscillators. A number of ingenious variants on a theme have also been developed in an endeavor to meet the continuing demand for more and more specialized operational requirements, and to broaden the areas where crossed-field tubes could find application. There has been a considerable increase in the detailed understanding of crossed- field operation, and many of the devices from the design point of view have now reached the stage the triode and general space charge control tubes reached many years ago. The contents of this book make it quite clear, however, that there still remains much to be done. A satisfactory large signal theory is still noticeably lacking, even in the relatively older tubes such as the magnetron. Steady state behavior and noise performance are far from being fully understood. Generation of noise in crossed-field beams remains a difficult subject, and this lack of understanding imposes limitations, for example, on gun design for linear injection systems. The newer tubes have required a new thinking constructionally, and this has ix χ PREFACE led inevitably to a new technology. Materials and processes unknown in the earlier magnetrons are now commonplace for this new generation of crossed-field devices. Circumstances associated with the preparation of this book produced special problems. The time available was brief considering the amount and complexity of the topics to be covered on a part-time basis by the authors. Furthermore, the availability of qualified physicists and engin­ eers active in the field was not satisfied to the extent desired, primarily due to the time element. To complete this formidable task in the most expeditious manner, E. Okress, G. Mourier, E. Kettlewell, and J. Feinstein edited the crossed-field topics of the book, while G. Feaster edited the cathode topic. Even so, the book is not as consistent in style and level of presentation as was desired. It is hoped that the readers will not be unduly inconvenienced by these departures in return for the information made available to them by the active members of this lively and diversi­ fied field. It was also appreciated that although crossed-field devices were de­ veloped for use primarily in radar systems, their importance to science and engineering is much broader. Thus, the topics for the book were evaluated primarily in terms of their possible future usefulness. The uncertainty of this objective resulted in a tendency to include the maxi­ mum of the available literature rather than only the most important. The scope of the book is dictated by the premise that information necessary for the design of various crossed-field devices be included. As a result, the character of the chapters and sections ranges from de­ tailed theory of the various aspects of crossed-field device operation to the details of "hardware" in many instances. This last aspect has unfortunately not received the emphasis that it deserves. An introductory chapter briefly reviews the highlights of both the prior and present state of the art of crossed-field devices, and includes elementary principles of operation in order to orient the reader unfamiliar with the subject. Except for the introduction, the topics are arranged so that, in general, theory precedes practical considerations. Because most of the recent de­ velopments of crossed-field devices have not dealt with the magnetron itself, but with the newer types such as the magnetron amplifiers and electronically tunable wide band oscillators, these topics occupy a sub­ stantial part of the book. Omissions, such as the magnetron in the roles of power rectifier,* plasma oscillator,f thermionic engine,:): etc., were * Reports on Contract AF-33-(616)-7378. t Reports on contracts DA-36-039-sc-73188, DA-36-039-sc-71053, and DA-3-039- sc-5548. t G. N. Hatsopoulos and J. A. Welsh, M.I.T. Doctoral Theses of May 1956 and May 1959, respectively. Also "Direct Conversion of Heat to Electricity," Ed. J. Kay and J. A. Welsh, Chapter 5, Wiley, New York, 1960. PREFACE xi bound to occur for various reasons, not the least of which included their premature state of development. The primary object of the book is to enable the student, as well as the professional physicist and engineer, to understand the fundamentals of all existing important types of crossed-field devices, to perceive the prob­ lems posed by each element of the devices in practice as well as in theory, to know the essentials about the means available to solve these problems, and so to approach the design of such devices. The book also indicates what phenomena are not well understood, and discusses the character­ istics of each type that are important for applications. A great deal of the material of this book originated in industrial con­ cerns, primarily in the United States, France, and England, and at uni­ versities in the United States and England. In conclusion, the editors wish to emphasize that a book of this mag­ nitude could not have been prepared without the whole hearted coopera­ tion and industry of all the authors. It is appropriate to also mention that significant stimulus to this project was rendered by R. R. Warnecke, W. E. Willshaw, and W. G. Dow. The editors are also under great obliga­ tion to the staff of Academic Press for their help and care in the intricate printing. May, 1961 THE EDITORS

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