L ‘CoLisce oF EDUCATION <ourfr wen ts 1 fl UNIVERSITY oF lowaA. Sa arnosstoss November 16, 20:2 Burry Butler, Provost University of low Tear Parry, Thank you for mecting withthe faculty ané staff of the College of Education last Wedre'slay, 1 know this is no: an easy situation for you to deal with, and L trust you realize itis extraordinarily difficult as well forthe Faculty and sta‘T of the College of Education ircluding me personally. [am going to be very specific and direct inthis, Tetler so there can be no misunderstanding about what Tmean, which imfortunately males the leer longer than { would like. Importantly. [want you to know that Iwill not share this letter With snyone else. Lwoald ask that you noi dose c.thet, without ‘my permission, but Till gran: that permission under conditiors unt afford me reasonable protection | suspect you have heard about me, but to the best of my recollection, we have not met privately before. My vita is eadily available to you, ’m sure, but most of itis probably only marginally relevant for the present cifeumstanees. In paticula, 1 would think that you will need to judge the extent to which the fats [relay are tral, and the opinions | express are at least credible and g-ounded in some degree af snowledge sné expetiznce. To that end, if you fee the nevd to do so, I do not object to your vortacting anyone about me, including persors outside the Universiry ‘The contentious issues involving Margaret have arisen inthe context of her adruinisuative role. Accordingly, you may legitimately wonder about my buckyround znd ils welevanee to the matters at hand. In that regard, a brief snapshoe ef my professional positions may be appropriate. Afler completing my graduate program at Harvard in 1970, I was an assistant professor at Stony Brook for five years, Then I ‘went to ACT for 16 years where I had a seres of positions almost al! of which involved, in pat, adiniuistrative responsibilities, Teame to the University of Towa in 1994 as BF, Lindquist Chair ane Dircetor of ITP. My tenure in TTP lasted abet 10 years uni | became the founding director of CASMA . As I expect you know, my Iaving ITP was defiaitely nat amicable, and {have plenty of sears io show for it Should you ever wart to diseuss that par af my’ time atthe University, am willing to €o s0, but that i: not the purpose of this ator. Witaoat doubt Tum primarily a rescarcher in educational measurement, but [have about 30 years of mid-level sudministrative experience. [hope my background will give you some confidence that ry comments ar informed by atleast some degre of administrative experience at the Us and elsewhere. Provided below are thre examples of problems Thave experienced with Margaret, In relating these problems 1 have tried very hard to separate fects fom Judgmentsopinions, Fitinaof Tim Ansley Prior to this fall, I did not know that DEOs had been given five-year ap agree thal a bleaket avrding of such appointments was not wise, and Vaso readily acknowledge that Margarct has the authority o dismiss e DEO. However, there isa big difference between having authority and heving the wisdom to exercise it ina responsible manner that advances the cause of the organization(s) involved (in the case, the College of Education and the University). In my opinion, Margaret used ‘poor judgment in the manser she chose to deal with this isue, as it involves the Department of Psychological and Quantitative Foundations (P&Q). Specifically, ‘want to address four steps in the ovder that they occurred, Flas, ths fall the DEO for P&Q, Tim Ansley, was directed by Margaret to calt a rmecting of the P&Q froulty at which he told us that Margaret had directed him to gother the names of nominecs for DEO. Margaret did not tell us beforehand that Tim ‘was being fired atthe end of this academic year, she did not come to the meeting an (ell us herself, ad she did not provide any explanation of Tim's performance that ‘would suggest that fring was merited, The faculty were outraged, and voted ‘unanimously 10 retain Ti. Seoond, the faculty asked me to write a brief letter indicating the unanimous vote, and four faculty agreed to present the lener in person to Margaret, Mergaret, however, refused to meet withthe faculty. A few days Tater she changed her mind, mot with the fous faculty, and sct up # subsequent reeeting with die full PQ faculty. ‘Third, prior to the P&Q mecting with Margaret, she called me to her office for the purpose of tying 10 influence me to prevail upon my colleagues ta support her in her attempts to get a new DEO, 1 told her that as a matter of personal conviction, Ido not play those kinds of games. At that meeting, I asked her explicitly if she was going to ‘conduct u review of Tim; she said she would not. She also led me to believe that if PRQ did not pick somecne to her liking, she would go outside P&Q to get somenne “for her team. Fourth, Margazet met with the P&Q faculty and told us in very unambiguous terms that: (1) she would not under any circumstances accept Tima as DEO; (2) she would, ‘without qualification, wept anyone else we selected: and (3) she would provide us with 1 two-page description of her view on roles and responsibilities for any new DEO, No such waitten doeument has been forthcoming tothe best of my knowledges and the P&Q faculty has not yel hed a vote on any new DEO. 2 ‘The statements inthe above four paragraphs are accurate to the best of my recollection. The comments in the next few paragraphs are my opinions. I believe Tim has done a very good job as DEO, which does not mean I always agree ‘wilh him. When he intially became DEO Thad a concem that he might let his rofe in 17? overly influence his ralo as DEO, don’t think tat hao been a major peoblem Even if Sandy Damiso acted imprudentyin giving Tim five-year appointment, het does not explain o justify the manner in which Margaret handled the matter. Ata tare minimum she should have met withthe P&Q faculty atthe bepinning ofthe process. Ifshe had done so, there would stil be some rufled feathers, Tam sore (Tira has strong support among the PAG faculty), bu these contentions matters could Rave ‘been contzined, | believe, rather than being allowed (indeed, almost encoumaged) fo fate. ‘Throughout this process, on several occasions Margaret made statements such as, brave talked to Barry about this,” or “I have the support of Jessup Hall.” Ihave two problems with such statements, First, Ihave no doult that, if Margaret asked you if she had the authority to dismiss a DEO, you would have told her she did. Howevor. her comments suggested to me that she thought you {or someone in your offce) at leas tacitly sopported thia process, to0, If that is correct, then Toan only say that the process was needlessly disruptive and eumrontational, and it benefited no onc; if we lisagroe aboul (hat, ye will have o agree to dissgre. Second, in my experizave, iis generally poor practice for an administrator to repeatedly justify his or her decisions based on references to the support of his or her supervisor. It can easily suggest woaknets in the administrator, ad it potentially puts ‘the supervisor in un swkward position, which T think bas happened inthis case. Salary Adminissation ‘Last spring made an appointment with Margaret 1 ell her that 1 vas seriously considering applying for phased retirement sometime during this year (i,¢.,2012). 1 ‘will be 69 in May, my vtirement ison the horizon, ané I thought that it would be ‘holpful to Margaret to inform her, especially since whatever retirement plans I make vill have a direct affeet on CASMA and the Measurement und Statistics program, as ‘well as en affect on the College of Education. ‘On tune 28 I wae notified by Margaret that my enlary increment would be 2%, whieh | ‘considered quite low given the salary guidelines and how productive Ihave been recently, but [decided ta let it pass, Then Tim Ansley came to see me and told me that his recommended increment Fox me was considerably grester than what | reveived, which he felt was especially perplexing since only 20% of my salary involves state money (70% from the funds supporting the Lindquist Chair and 10% fom contracts). still decided to let the matte rest. {did not ask Tin, and he di snot volunteer, the actual! increment he recommended.) 3 “Then in the PQ meeting with Margaret thac] discussed previously (paragraph beginning “Fourt...), when Margaret responded tow question about salaries, she sid she lowered recommended slary inrerents for faculty who were planning to retire because, she sald inessence, faculty were generally not very praductive if they were planning to reze. will admit aa very disturbed although I hep silent, Fist, itis Iy understanding that the Regents have stated that salary increments for fuolty Cand afl) should be based on mer, which mcana what the faulty member has accomplished, not what ac administretr inks the ferulty might accomplish inthe fue, Second, Margaro's decision could he construed as age diseimination. [thick 1 could rake a very credibe, formal complaiat abou this matter, But itis not my intent o dato. vie wo easy fer auch a complaint to be construed as raeely “sour rapes," specially since Lam a relatively highly paid Ibmaley member. ‘What concerus me more than the financial penalty psi, isthe ationate Margaret cused and the process she followed in making decisions. Undoubtedly, the money she Took from me was dstbuted to others, hich think very likely contributed to te skewing of final solar increments relative to the recommended ones. in short, Margaret probly violated Regents policy end undemined te slay tecammtendaton procedures within the College, which contiburd to considereble anger about salary administration this oar. [Note thot, for various reasons (including the matters discussed in this leer), Lhove decided to delay (phased) retirement plang, I am certainly reluctant to keep Margaret informed about any retirement plans I may have uatl Iam absolutely certain about the exact timing. ‘Measurement and Stotisties Faculty Line ‘The Measurement and Statisies (M&S) program is understaffed curently. With the departure of an additional faculty member, the program will be even further understaffed next fll In the fill 2011, M&S was gramed permission to search for ajunior faculty member. The search did sot identify a viable candidate, and we were told that the search would be extonded for an additional year, with formal recruiting beginning this fall (2012), Accordingly, l(among others, believe) stared an informal process of taking to well-connected persons inthe field about possible candidates, Then, shortly after romming from the AERA snd NCME Anowal Meetings in April, I found owt that the search had been terminated widhout any explanation or consultaion with the DEO, the coordinator af the M&S programm, or anyone else in the program, as far as 1 ‘can ascertain, “This lack of consultation, explanation, and communication is a too frequent hallmark ‘of how Margaret chooses to run the College. In this particular instance, the decision and failure to communicate ins truly disadvantaged the M&S progran. 4 Concluding Comments nthe 18 years since I have been here, Ihave never seen any dean (or anyone else, for ‘that matter), 60 quickly and decisively alienate so many feeulky and staff. Faculty and ssaff seldom approach me with complaints about others, but in Margerer’s case the ‘complaints bave been numerous, intense, and in many eases from people who rarely ‘complain. have been an adeninitrator long enough to know that there are some people who sre simply rot well-suited forthe role and responsibilities thet administration invelves. Regretibly, I think Margaret is on of those persons, but perhaps am wrong. Iso, then Margarec must quickly establish a productive working relationship with fueully and staff, pantcularly senior faculty. [do not believe any dean can be very successful ‘without the support of senior faculy, and right now such support is clearly lacking. 1 know fiom conversations with others outside the University thatthe problems with ‘Margaret ae becoming known in comers ofthe county. Almost ertainly, the vote dat recently occurred will make these problems more visible prety quickly. (The ‘upcoming hotidays wlll slow dissemination of information/comptainis for « while, but not tao long.) As crite as the metaphor sounds, the bleeding needs to stop as quickly as possible. These problems arc hurling the putation of the College and the ‘Universily they are leading to talented people leaving the College, and they will almost certainly make recruitment of talented people much more difficull than it otherwise would be. 11am sure it a painful for you to read this leer. Te {tis any consolation, it was probobly just as painful for me to waite it Sincerely, Robert L. Brennan E. F, Lindquist Chair in Measurement and Testing Director, Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and Assessment (CASMA) Butlar, Patrick B ‘utr, Petrck B Mandey, December 03,2012 10:17 AM ‘Thomas, Volker [email protected]); Morony, Michael Butter, Paik Barry [email protected]) request Volker and Mike, \iith respect to the message below, please collect and turn over to me all records of the anonymous comments from the College of Education Faculty and Staff Counc!’ version of the "Working at lowa” survey. ‘The materials wil become part of Dean Crocco’s personnel file. Please provide a follow-up email confirmation when you have completed the transfer. Thankyou. P. Barry Butler Executive Vice Presidentand Provast 311 Jessup Hall ‘The University of towa Towa Gly, 1457242 (319) a38-ases From: Bute, Pack B ‘Sants Monday, December 03, 2012 10:11 AM Tor bass, Batting A Ce Bute, Pabck B ‘Subject: Pease distribute to GxED Faculy/Staff ‘College of Education Faculty and Stat | want te thank those of you who participated lathe Collegeof Education Faculty and Staff Courell's version of the "working t low survey. Quantitative resus from the twelve survey questions willbe shared with faulty and staff ln 2 fallow-up communication from the leadership of your Faculty and Staff Cauncls, With respectta the anonymous ‘camments, ve instructed Dr. lude West to orally communicate the nature ofthe comments to you as part of ht ‘consultation process. Ihave been advised bythe University of lowa Office of Genaral Counsel that, ass the case for reviews of administrators, the verbatim language af comments submitted through this survey are part ofthe Indlvidua's fersonne Ml an are not pubic information, ‘Thanks again a5 we move forward, P. Barry Butler Executive Vice President and Provast 111 fossup Hall ‘The University oflowa Towa City, [A 52242 819) 335-2565 From: Croces, Margaret 5a unay, December 02,2012 3:23 PM ier, Parick B Subjects WAT survey Dear Bary: ‘Atrough you seem to have agreed wlth me yesterday thatthe comments not be made publi, I just want to reRerate that! feel strongly that the survey resus, partiadarly the comment, are crcal to my professional septation, “Therefore, please ket me know what Carrol daides as soon a5 fs decked. need to consider my rights should she choose to release the cornments, As stated yesterday, am not opposed to releasing the quaraative data, as has been done in the past with other universty-sponsored WA suvays ‘Lam puting trust In Carol that she Is steanaly considering my professional Interests 2s pat of this suadon. I woud hate fo have It cara fo the pol that 1 read to involve an outstlaattomay in his mater, but & might be Foreed to doo IFT feo that the decon mada by Carel ls not in ny best intrest Please teal free to calle at any te to cecuss this further, Margaret Dean and Professor allege of Education, Universy of tow 959 Lindquist Canta Horth Towa Cay, 1 52242-1529 319.235.5380, phone 319.735.5306, ft owas (aedueation en a ter, Pale B Sent: ‘Monday, December 08, 2012 7:09 AM Tex “Margaret Crocco" Subject RE DRAFT holiday email ~ Bary, what do you think? [would send this week of nen et re know which timing you think i better Margaret, ‘Thisisa strong gesture ofhealing an your part. Go fort! No reason Lo delay ». barry Burler Executive Vee President and Provost 311 Jessup Hall “The University of lowa Nowa City, 152242 (919) 335-3865, atriclebutler@uiows. ed ~—Orginal Message — rom: Margaret Crocco Inelto:margarstcracco gmail.com Sent Sunday, Dacember 02,2012 1031 AM To: margaret. croccofgmall com Butler, Patrick 8 ‘Subject: DRAFT holiday email - Barry, what de you think? | would send this week or next let me know which thing you think le better ear College of Education focuty and staf: (Our lewish fiends use a wonderful phrase to describe an knportant goal of thelr ath: "hun oti" ="ta repair the ‘world. have lays loved ths phase since it states so elaquently the need fr all of us to ry te address the many, fractures, fissures, cantlcts, and hurts that, saly,charaeterize the human condition, Inthat sprit and inthe split ofthe helday season, sould Ike to reech out vi this amall to each of you toask that you help me repair our relationship ‘as did atthe outset of my time here, Lamm ance again inting anyone sho wants to come In and talk with me one-cn ‘one todo so at your convenience, now, if posible, or aftar tha sematter break, | promise to listen carefully 1 what you have to say. cannot pramise to agree with everything | hear or todoall thats asked. My responsibitesas a dean involve making an Independent Mdgment on matters, but | wil assuredly try to do 2 better job of letting you allknow dizecty the raacons for my decison. “Through these aneounters, | hope you wil help me better understand the culture of ths College so that together we can repair tha damage done bythe conflict of the pest month and mave forward together. ‘Ata time ofthe year when so many groups worldwide are celebrating the holiday tradtions of thelr ow cuRure and ate ooking forward with great anticipation toa new year, would hope that we can use the opportunity provided by this season of expectation ta repair our relationship and move forward together. Yours uly, Margaret Crocco. Butler, Patrick B From: utr, Patrick 8 Sent: Saturday, December 1, 2012 742 AM To. CGrocto, Margaret Subject RE: meseting? 2:00, my office? P.Rarry Busler Executive Vice President and Pravast 1111 [esup Hall ‘The University of lows Towa City, [A 52242 (31s) 338-3868 patcihsbutler Guia From: Crocen, Margaret ‘Sant Friday, Movember 30, 2012 8:35 PM ‘To: Bur, Panck & Subject: Re: meeting? Sure. Just ame the time and plece, Sent from my Phone (On Nov 30, 2042, at 5:40 PM, "Butler, Petrick B" <patrick-buller/Auinva.edu> wrote: Margaret, Would early aftemoon on Saturday work for 2 meeting? | depart for Indy around 3:00 pm and don’t retum until Monday momning. Ican also take a call along the drive. P. Barry Butler Executive Vice President and Provost 117 Fessup Hall ‘The University of towa Towa City, 1a 52242 (319) 385.3865 Ratriclebutlen@uiowaed ‘Sent: Friday Nevernber 30, 2012 4:44 PM “To: aut, Patrick B Suject: meeting? Hy, Barry: ‘Would tbe possible to get together later on Ssturday or any tine on Sunday? Margaret Dean and Professor allege of Education, University of Towra 459 Lindquist Center North Towa City, TA 57242-1528 ‘319.335.5300, phone ‘319'335.5306, fx murguretonsco@uiore edu sone etucation tow ed