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Preview Croatica Chemica Acta 2004: Vol 77 Table of Contents

CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA CCACAA 77 (4) A39-A41 (2004) CONTENTS ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS I. Škorić, Ž. Marinić, and M. Šindler-Kulyk: Syn- thesis and Photochemistry of Styryl Substituted N. Raos and L. Zuza-Mak: Application of Cluster Annelated Furan Derivatives. IV. Concentration Analysis in Search of Low-energy Conforma- Directed Intra- and/or Intermolecular [2+2] Cy- tions by the Overlapping Spheres Method... . 53-60 cloaddition 161-166 I. Gutman: A New Hyper-Wiener Index . Bonchev: On the Complexity of Platonic Solids Ch. J. Walters, K. Caviness, and R. A. Hefferlin: Global Molecular Identification from Graphs. A. R. Katritzky, K. Suzuki, and S. K. Singh: C- IV. Molecules with Four Closed p-Shell Atoms Acylation of 2-Methylfuran and Thiophene using and beyond N-Acylbenzotriazoles 175-178 V. Paar, N. Pavin, I. Basar, M. Rosandić, I. Luke- . J. Klein and A. Misra: Minimally Kekulenoid tin, and S. Durajlija Žinić: Spectral Densities mt-Networks and Reactivity for Acyclics ... 179-191 and Frequeicies in the Power Spectrum of High- . Pogliani: Modeling with Indices Obtained from er Order Repeat Alpha Satellite in Human DNA Complete Graplisr 3756.0 3 Si. cvs ees 193-201 Molecule . Estrada and G. Patlewicz: On the Usefulness of I. Tatić and N. DoSlié: On the Robustness of Low- Graph-theoretic Descriptors in Predicting Theo- frequency Laser Control Schemes for Proton retical Parameters. Phototoxicity of Polycyclic Transfer in Thioacetylacetone 83-88 Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 203-211 H. Hosoya, Y. Tsukano, K. Nakada, S. Iwata, and . Blenkers and P. Zinn: Application of Genetic U. Nagashima: Supersymmetry of Hexabenzo- Algorithms to Structure Elucidation of Haloge- coronene Torus 89-95 nated Alkanes Considering the Corresponding A. Miličević and S. Nikolić: On Variable Zagreb In- '3C NMR Spectra 97-101 S. H. Bertz and Ch. Riicker: In Search of Simplifi- cation: the Use of Topological Complexity Indi- I. Gutman, D. Vukičević, and J. Žerovnik: A Class ces to Guide Retrosynthetic Analysis of Modified Wiener Indices............ 103-109 Ch. Rücker and G. Haftstein: E/Z Isomerism With- M. V. Diudea, M. Stefu, B. Parv, and P. E. John: out a Double Bond — an Unusual Type of Ste- Wiener Index of Armchair Polyhex Nanotubes reo-isomerism, and an Unprecedented Isomerisa- 111-115 tion in a Bicyclobutane K. Héberger and J. M. Andrade: Procrustes Rota- N. Kallay, D. Kovačević, A. Čop, and M. Medvi- tion and Pair-wise Correlation: a Parametric and dović: Inner Layer Capacitor at the Solid/Liquid a Non-Parametric Method for Variable Selection AMOR Eetd ete Pa Bratum ZA 2A9) 117-125 M. Randić, N. Basak, and D. Plavšić: Novel Gra- P. E. John and M. V. Diudea: Wiener Index of Zig- phical Matrix and Distance-based Molecular zag Polyhex Nanotubes............... 127-132 Descriptors R. B. King: Regular Polytopes, Root Lattices, and A. Ikeda, K. Fukuda, and T. Nishida: Time and OU ASIORU SERINE ASA G atid aud She Gre are a 133-140 Composition Dependent Electrical Conductivity S. Musić, I. Nowik, M. Ristić, Z. Orehovec, and S. of Vanadate Glasses Showing Both Cationic Popović: The Effect of Bicarbonate/Carbonate Conduction and Electronic Conduction Ions on the Formation of Iron Rust....... 141-151 E. C. Kirby, D. J. Klein, R. B. Mallion, P. Pollak, M. JeSelnik, S. JakSa, and J. Kobe: Synthesis of 8- and H. Sachs: A Theorem for Counting Spanning Aza-3-deazaisoguanosine by a Novel Ring Clo- Trees in General Chemical Graphs and Its Par- sure of Dinitriles by Sodium Alkoxides. ... 153-160 ticular Application to Toroidal Fullerenes . . 263-278 A40 CONTENTS T. P. Zivkovié: On the Interaction of an Isolated D. Zucié and D. Juretié: Precise Annotation of State with the Known Infinite-dimensional Quan- Transmembrane Segments with Garlic — a Free tum System 279-293 Molecular Visualization Program ........ 397-401 I. Lukovits: Constructive Enumeration of Chiral J. Makarevié, M. Jokié, Z. Raza, V. Caplar, D. Katalenié, Z. Stefanié, B. Kojié-Prodié, and M. Zinié: Chiral Bis(tyrosinol) and Bis(p-hy- E. Pop, D. C. Oniciu, M. E. Pape, C. T. Cramer, droxyphenylglycinol) Oxalamide Gelators. Influ- and J.-L. H. Dasseux: Lipophilicity Parameters ence of Aromatic Groups and Hydrogen Bond- and Biological Activity in a Series of Com- ing on Gelation Properti.e 6s1.52.5.4 403-414 pounds with Potential Cardiovascular Applica- tions C. L. Nagy, M. Stefu, M. V. Diudea, A. Dress, and A. Miiller: C3) Dimers — Energetics and To- D. Krilov, M. Zuvié-Butorac, N. Stojanovié, and pology 457-464 J. N. Herak: Oxidation-induced Spin Probes in Low-density Lipoproteins . ... 307-311 S. P. Kazazić, L. Klasinc, S. P. McGlynn, and W. A. Pryor: Proton Affinities of Nitrogen Oxyra- D. Vukitevié and A. Graovac: On Molecular Graphs SURES oso biking ee Sia ak ays aoe aoe aus ee 465-468 with Valencies 1, 2 and 4 with Prescribed Num- PIT ERIMNGS 5c cok awed sere sei cen eas. SLo—O19 L. Horvath, H. Bilinski, L. Radics, and N. Ingri: Precipitation and Characterization of Two Novel S. Kazazić, L. Klasinc, M. Rožman, D. Srzić, and Aluminum Hydroxo Phthalates Formed in the J. von Knop: Isotope Effect in the Gas Phase Presence of Silicic Acid 469-476 Reaction of Pyrene-d;g with Nb* Ions A. A. Dobrynin and L. S. Mel’nikov: Trees, Qua- J. R. Dias: Properties and Relationships of Conju- dratic Line Graphs and the Wiener Index . . 477-480 gated Polyenes Having a Reciprocal Eigenvalue Spectrum — Dendralene and Radialene Hydro- D. Vukičević and A. Graovac: Which Valence Con- carbons nectivities Realize Monocyclic Molecules: Gen- erating Algorithm and Its Application to Test S. C. Basak, B. D. Gute, and A. T. Balaban: Inter- Discriminative Properties of the Zagreb and Mo- relationship of Major Topological Indices Evi- dified Zagreb Indices 481-490 Geaced by Mlustenng .... 2.6268. ..c... 331-34 J. Mastelić, I. Jerković, M. Vinković, Z. Džolić, M. Randić, N. Lerš, D. Plavšić, and S. C. Basak: and D. Vikić-Topić: Synthesis of Selected Nat- Characterization of 2-D Proteome Maps Based urally Occurring Glucosides of Volatile Com- on the Nearest Neighborhoods of Spots. . . . 345-351 pounds. Their Chromatographic and Spectrosco- J. Aihara, R. Sekine, and S. Oe: Partly Olefinic pic Properties 491-500 Reference Structure Defined to Evaluate Bond ukičević and A. Graovac: Valence Connectiv- Resonance Energy and the Ring Current It ity versus Randić, Zagreb and Modified Zagreb Would Sustain Index: A Linear Algorithm to Check Discrimina- M. Medić-Šarić, I. Jasprica, A. Smolčić-Bubalo, tive Properties of Indices in Acyclic Molecular and A. Mornar: Optimization of Chromatogra- ADS US en eau boue others eS phic Conditions in Thin Layer Chromatography M. R. Mucalo and D. L. Foster: A Method for of Flavonoids and Phenolic Acids ....... 361-366 Avoiding the Xanthoproteic-associated Discol- M. Medić-Šarić, A. Mornar, T. Badovinac-Črnjević, ouration in Reprecipitated (Nitric-acid-digested) and I. Jasprica: Experimental and Calculation Hydroxyapatite Prepared from Mammalian Bone Procedures for Molecular Lipophilicity: A Com- AR En se: cela ee ee parative Study for 3,3'-(2-Metoxybenzylidene)- R. Tomas, I. Tominić, V. Sokol, and M. Višić: In- bis(4-hydroxycoumarin) .............. 367-370 vestigation of the Complex Forming Reactions of Cd?* and Cl Ions in 2-Butanone + Water Mix- M. Ramek and S. Tomié: Ab initio Hartree-Fock In- vestigation of 2-Methylindole-3-acetic Acid. 371-376 tures by Direct Potentiometry .......... 519-527 I. Jerković and J. Mastelić: GC-MS Characteriza- T. Suzuki, K. Yoshida, H. Onizuka, Y. Iwai, Y. tion of Acetylated B-D-glucopyranosides: Trans- Arai, A. Aptula, R. Kühne, R.-U. Ebert, and G. Schüürmann: Categorical Modeling of the glucosylation of Volatile Alcohols Using Almond Flow Pattern of Liquid Organic Compounds Be- B-glucosidase tween Blade Electrodes Using Semiempirical and I. Tominić, R. Tomaš, M. Višić, and V. Sokol: Con- ab initic Quantum Chemical Descriptors . . . 377-389 ductometric Study of Hydrobromic Acid in 2-Pro- panol + Water Mixtures .............. 537-543 I. Ghiviriga, E. W. Czerwinski, and A. T. Bala- ban: Rotation Barriers in Pyridinium Salts De- A. Porjazoska, O. Karal-Yilmaz, N. Kayaman- pend on the Number of Available Ground State Apohan, M. Cvetkovska, and B. M. Baysal: Conformations..................... 391-396 Biocompatible Polymer Blends of Poly(D,L-lac- Croat. Chem. Acta 77 (4) A39-A47 (2004) CONTENTS tic acid-co-glycolic acid) and Triblock PCL- AUTHORS’ REVIEW PDMS-PCL Copolymers: Their Characteriza- D. Kontrec, V. Vinković, M. Šepelj, and V. Šunjić: tions and Degradations Experiments and Models in Enantiorecognition C. Kosanović, B. Subotić, A. Ristić, and L. Sekova- Chiral Pirkle-type Stationary Phases Containing nić: Kinetic Analysis of Non-isothermal Transfor- Aromatic z-Acid Branching Units mation of Zeolite 4A into Low-carnegieite. . 553-560 P. Županović and D. Juretić: The Chemical Cycle REVIEWS Kinetics Close to the Equilibrium State and Electrical Circuit Analogy............. 561-571 J. Murrell: Shedding Light on Light B. Kojić-Prodić, Z. Štefanić, and M. Žinić: Hydro- B. Zafirova, G. Landek, D. Kontrec, V. Šunjić, and V. Vinković: Study of Chromatographic Enan- gen Bonding and Molecular Assemblies ... 415-425 tioseparation of the Esters of N-Dinitrobenzoyl G. Vlaic and L. Olivi: EXAFS Spectroscopy: a Brief (N-DNB) and N-Benzoyl (N-B) a-Amino Acids Introduction on Novel Chiral Stationary Phases Containing A. Golobič, S. D. Škapin, D. Suvorov, and A. Me- Structurally Matching N-DNB and N-B-a-AA den: Solving Structural Problems of Ceramic Amides in the Chiral Selector NEARER lanedl end" ae as 435-446 . Tofan and C. Paduraru: Sorption Studies of Ag!, Cd!! and Pb!! Ions on Sulphydryl Hemp Fi- ESSAYS . Irimia, G. Lisa, R. Danac, N. Aelenei, and I. M. Randić: Nenad Trinajstić — Pioneer of Chemical Druta: Physico-Chemical Characterization of Graph Theory Some Diquaternary Salts of 4,4 -Bipyridine . . 587-591 L. Pogliani, M. Randić, and N. Trinajstić: What Can Be Said about the Number 13 beyond the . Kitanovski, A. Golobič, and B. Čeh: Synthesis 447-456 and Characterization of trans-(pyH)[Mo(NCS),py>] and trans-(py>H)[Mo(NCS)4py>]. Crystal Struc- ture of trans-(pysH)[Mo(NCS),4py>] PREFACES I. Gruić-Sovulj, J. Rokov-Plavec, M. Močibob, T. S. Nikolić: Foreword Kamenski, and I. Weygand-Đurašević: Stabil- ity of the Complex between Yeast Seryl-tRNA S. Nikolić: NENAD TRINAJSTIĆ — curriculum vi- Synthetase and tRNA‘ under Different Electro- AE à Ge A XIX-XXII phoretic Conditions 599-604 M. Clericuzio, M. Piovano, M. C. Chamy, J. A. H. W. Kroto: Greeting and Reminiscence Garbarino, M. Milanesio, D. Viterbo, G. Vi- Z. Bačić: Greeting and Reminiscence. ......... XXVI dari, and P. V. Finzi: Structural Characterisation M. Milun: Greeting and Reminiscence........ XXVII of Metabolites from Pholiota spumosa (Basidio- mycetes) 605-611 I. Gutman: Greeting and Reminiscence. . XX VIII-XXIX B. Kozlevéar, A. Murn, K. Podlipnik, N. Lah, I. Be Mamenars Forewore) <5. 2 au iA Leban, and P. Segedin: Two Types of Pyridine A. Graovac, B. Pokrić, and D. Vikić-Topić: Fore- Ligands in Mononuclear and Dinuclear Copper(II) Doo a RAS e e a Pins Denen EN Carboxylates..... 613-618 D. Šafar Cvitaš, B. Savin, and K. Mlinarić-Majer- APPENDICES ski: Novel 1,4-Disubstituted Adamantane Stereo- isomers: Synthesis and Spectroscopic Character- Instructions to Authors ization 619-625 Anouncements and Advertisements ... A5-A8, A49-A50 . Pavela-Vrantié and I. Marasovié: Paralytic DOM TEMPO: sur to dsas so es 2e A9, Al0, All Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) in the Central Adriatic Minutes of the Annual Assembly of the Croatian 627-631 Chemical Society (in Croatian) A13-A21 Minutes of the Annual Assembly of the Croatian NOTE Chemical Society (in Croatian). ........4 A25-A33 Acknowledgement to Reviewers...............4 A35 M. Ernestovä, V. Jedinäkovä-KriZovä, and P. Va- nura: Potentiometric Study of Holmium Com- Contents and Index plexes with EDTMP 633-637 of Croatica Chemica Acta Vol. 77.......: A37-A47 Croat. Chem. Acta 77 (4) A39-A47 (2004)

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