CritioqfuD ei alectical Reason VOLUME1 Theoroyf P ractiEcnasle mbles JEAN-PASUALR TRE TranslabtyeA dl aSnh eridan-Smith Editebdy J onatRheaen ForewobrydF redJraimce son VERSO Lond•o Nne wY ork Fisrtp ublisahesCd r itidqelll a&Je i soDlli ale,1iqlle by EditioGnaslli mardP,a r1i9s6 0 Thitsr anslaftrtsitpo unb lishedb yN ew LefBto ok1s9 76 © EditionGsa llima1r9d6 0 Transla©t iNoenw LefBto oks1 976 Correcteeddi tiftrosntp ublisbhyeV de rsion1 9 91ba sed ont here vised Frencehd itioofn1 98©5 EitdinosG allima1r9d6 109,8 5 Thiesd itftirosnpt u blisbhyeV de rs2o0 04 © Vesro2 004 lo"rewor©d F redJraimces o2n0 04 Allr ighrtess erved Them orarli ghotfst hae uthors, editaonrd t ranslhaatvobere ena sserted 13579108624 Verso UK:6 M earSdt reeLotn,d onW 1FO EG US:1 80V ariScrtkee t,N ewY orkN,Y 10014-0466 Versios t hei mprnito fN ew LefBto oks ISB1N- 85984-485-5 BritiLsihb rarCya talogiinnPg u blicatDiaotna t\ catalorgeuceo rfdo tr hibso oki sa vailabflreo mt hBer itiLsibhra ry LibraroyfC ongerss Cataloging-in-PuDbaltisah ing A catalroegc orfdor t hibso oki sa vailafbrloemt heLi brray ofC ongress TypesientF ournier Prinitnetd h eU K byB iddiKeisn,g L'ysn n Contents ' EDITOSRN OTE Xl FOREWORDb yF reidcrjamesXolnl l INTRODUCTION 13 I THED OGMATIDCI AELCTIC ANDT HEC RITICDAILA LECTI1C5 DilaeicctMaoln mi sIS 2 ScniteiafniDdcai lteiccReaals o1n8 3 HegeDloigamna t2i1s m 4 ThDe aielcitcinM arx2 3 5 ThougBheitna,gn Tdru tihnM arxis2m4 6 ThEex tneaDrlil acetiinMc o dneM rarxis2m6 7 ThDe ailteioccfN atur2e7 8 Critoiftq ehuE exe trnDaailelc t2i9c 9 ThDeo maionfD ilacetcaiRlea so3n2 IIC RITIQOUFEC RITICIANLV ESTTIIGOAN 42 I The BaCsriistI inocvfae ls ti4g2a tion 2 DaielcitcRaela nsa osI ntiegililylb i4t3 3 TotalaintTdoyt l asiati4o5n 4 CrcilatI inevstigaantTdoit oanlt iios4na7 Yl Contents 5 CiritacIln vestaingAdac totinio4 n9 6 Teh rPobml oefS tali5n1i sm 7 ThPer obloefmt hIen divid5u3a l 8 ToatlsiatainoHdnsi tor57y 9 Pirmarayn Sde conIdnatreyl li5g7i bility 10 Teh lpaonft ihWso rk6 4 II TheI dniviadnuHdai tlso r7y0 12 Itnleeltcoina nCdo mephrens7i4o n BOOKI FROM INDIVIDUALP RAXIS TO THE PRACTICO-INERT 77 I INDIIVDUALP RAXIASS T OTALISATI7O9N Need7 9 2 TheN egatoifto hNnee gat8i3o n 3 Laobur8 9 II HUMANR ELATOINSA SA MEDIATION BEWTEEND IFFERESNETC TORSO FM ATERIALIT9Y5 I IsaoetldI ndivi9d5u als 2 Dulayi tdat nhTeh iPrardt y1 00 3 ReicrpoictEyx,p loitaRteiporne s1as0ni9do n IIIM ATTERA ST OTALISTEODT ALTIY: A FISRT ENCOUNTWEIRT HN ECESSITY1 22 ScarcaintMdyo dep roofd uc1t2i2o n (iS)ca criatnyHd i sto12r5y (iiSa)cc riatnyMd a xris1m4 0 2 WorkeMda ttaestrh A el ienOabtjceetdci aifitoonf Indiuvaailnd Cdo llePcrtaixv1ie5s3 Contenyttls ()i MattaesIr n vePrartixesd1 61 ()i Iitnere1s97t 3 NecesassaiN teywS trucotfDu irael ectical Invgeasttii2o2n0 4 SocaiBl eianMsga teiyrt:iC aallsBse gi n228 IV COLLECTIVE2S5 6 I SreitehsQe:ue ue2 56 2 IndeciGtrat hnegrsti:hR ea dBiroo ad2c70a st 3 Impoetneca saB ontdh:Fe er eM arke2t7 7 4 SreiaensOd p intihoGenr :eF aeatr 2 93 5 SreiaensCd l a:t shsFeer ncPhore ltar3i0a6 t 6 CollePcrxtaiis3v1 e8 BOOK II FROM GROUPS TO HISTORY 343 I THEF USEGDR OUP 345 TheG eneosfGi rsuo ps3 45 2 ThSeot rmiofnt ghB esa ltlie35 1 3 TheT hiPradtr ya ntdh Gero up3 63 4 ThMee diatoifR oepnc rioyc:ti hte Traennsndccee-InmemnTacenes io37n4 5 TheI ntigebiliyllo iftt hFeu sGerodu p3 82 II THES TATUTOGRRYO UP 405 TheSu vrivGirnog:u D piffnetrieat40i5o n 2 ThPel ed4g17e 3 Freartyna intFde a4r2 8 Contents Ylll IIIT HEO RGANITSIAON 445 OrganisPerda xainsdF uncti4o4n5 2 ReciproacnidAt cyt iPvaes syi v4i6t3 3 StructurtehWseo: r ko fL evi-Str4a7u9s s (i)S tructaunrdFe u ncti4o8n4 (i) iStructuarnedS yste4m9 1 (i)i Sitructaunrdte h Ger oupI'dseo af I tsel4f9 9 IV THEC ONSTTIUTEDD IALECTI5C0 5 IndiivduaanldC ommonP raxis: the Manh5u0n5t 2 Spontnaeyia tndC ommand 519 3 DisargeeemntisnO rganisaStubi-ognraolu p5s2 4 4 PraxaisPs r oces5s3 9 5 Tayliosrm 559 V THEU NITYO FT HEG ROUPA S OTHER: THEM ILITANT5 64 VI THEI NSTITUTI5O7N6 1 MediatReedcp ircoitiynt hGer oup5 76 2 Purgaensd T erro5r83 3 InstiotnuatliisaantdiI onne rt5i9a9 4 IntstiutionalainsdSa otvieorne yi g6n0t7 5 Stasta enSdo ciet6i3e5s 6 Other-dirtehcTeto ipoT ne:n , Racisamn dA ntisemi6ti4s2m 7 Bureaucarnadcty h e CoufPl etr sona6li5t5y ContenLtX s VIIT HEP LACEO F HISTORY6 64 ThRee ciproGcriotuaypn sCdo o fl lec6t6i4v es 2 TheC ircuolfDa ireaictltyIi ncvaels ti6g7a1 tion 3 The WoCrlksiaasns Ig nt siituot,Fn used Grouapn Sde ri6e7s8 4 EcoonmisMma,t eriaanDldiia slmec cst7 i10 5 RaciasnCmdo olniaalsPi rsamx iPsro caens7d1s 6 VIICIL ASSS TRUGGLAEN DD IALECTICRAELA SNO 735 1 SacrictVyi,eo nleca nBdou greoHiusm iasnm7 35 2 Malthusiaastnh iPesrx mai sr-oPcoefs sBt ouhreeg ois7i5e4 (iJ)u en1 8487 54 ()i Biougreo'iRse spietciytn'a bLtiahltee NinetCeeennttuh7r 7y0 (iiCil)aS stsr uigntgh lTeew entthCi eetunry7 81 3 ClaSsrutsg galseC oan floifRc attoi naliiets7 94 4 TheI tneglilbtiiyo lfHi sityo:Tr otaltiiwsoiant hout aT otal8i0s5e r ANNEXE 821 GLOSSARY8 27 INDEX 831 COMPARATIPVAEG INATICOHNAR T 836 EditorN'ost e Thet etxrta tneshdle are owriainsgya p lulbliisnh e1id9na 6v 0ol ume enittdl Ceriutiedq el aR aisoDni aeltciuqe,p recee ddeQ uesotnisd e MethodTeo,m e I,T hiordieesE nsemlbePsr atiqQuueess.t idoen s Methowdae osr nigayilp lublsiheadsa s peatreea ssaanyid,as av ilianb le Engli(seihnet tdel ietrTh heP robloefMm e tohdo rSe arfocrha M etohd). Ii tts h reefnoorttear nastlehdee r.No noef t hmea taetlrr iaantsehldre e haaspe paerdi nE nglsihb eofreex ceipnt sfmrgaamlnelt s. Sraetsr't ewxtaw sri ttehna isltayn,id sn o eta styot a rnsel.Tah te glsosaerxpyln ashi owv airounse oilsomgasn tde cahnltri ecmshv ae normbaeleltnayr n astlebdu;it mt u sbte a dmeidtt htiantm aync aess, inclusduiccnhrg u tceiaralms'e s x periaennc'deed p'a ssem(ewnth'iw ce h havtaern seldba y't nivestiagna'dtt iroann's creenscdpteelinyvc)nee,o' comlpeeylts aftaticosrEyn gleiqsuhi vhasalb eeneftnou n .d Manyo fS ratrleno'gses ree ncnteasn pda grraahpvahesb e edni vided, ash avheic shp at.eM rossotft hdevi siioinnsct ahotp erscset,i aonnds subcsteiaolnoswn,ig tt hhe tiiertsa l,r e oownu.Sro t oaor meo sotft he fotoneo.stI nt hseea nod thmeatrt etrehs G,e rmtarna tnisoblnya TraugKootngti( Rohwlo1t69 7)h abse evney ru setfouu sl. jonathaRne e 1976 Foreword FredJraimce son Theea rrmea nrye aswohnySs at rreCr'isut eihq as ntoetha thtaedn tion idte seravniedtud sn, f sihnecidh acrtiaetsrh lee aosftt h o(sepescei ally sineccxee,pf totr h peal ysh,e nerveleayfrl i niasnhyetdgh ).Fi nor onteh iinctga ,m aeta m omneti nt heea r19l6y0w sh etnh ien tcetlulael hgeemoonfey x iste-nvtiiraatlluuliniysv me irnts haielm mietadpeo ts wayre a-rwsa gsi viwnagyt ot hantew i tnecltluepaalis nosc adl le sttruuacrliCslma.uL deiev-t Srsasur'ahste sru mmaarttyoa ncS kra tre's 'mytohft' h Fer enRcehv ol(untadin oodn o ubt probyvS orakterde 's reiamsilstaioonfn acsenstt rtuuacrliisntm h lece utreisnw hitchhe Criitquwea fsri sptr enseteda)n ticFirps:aaontFieusder ' tvse irnoso ft he topbiytc w enyteyaw ritsh otuhte i c-aonmtmnius.m( aSrrtesv' ieowf 'sutctruraest' ho eb ejcitciaftoifpo rxnasi i,t esx oskterl,aew ctileablle reviavnepddo wrueflaluyg meedbn ytP ieBrordueir eEus'qsuis ds'eu ne theodreif eap raqtuioe f1 972w,h iicsthle ifn t unir nm anwyay sm akred theen odf t hset crtuurpaeilroi.dsB)tu L tev iS-tr'aasu ustsihtoiynrt eh ear1l9y6 w0asps o wrefeunl gohut ol egmiattaiew holesraeclatei on agnasiatn,wd i trhwadaflor mp,h neomneolioacgplo istiiongn esn aelr: yetth osstevi elrmlyu c hm oitvtaetdh e inosfit shCtere iitqnucoeent he necesfsoairc t oyn tibneutinwti eyne divainddu agler xopuepr ience. Meawnhilneo,tw htsa truurlcaitshmaf sol lweoedx sitielansitmi not inltcleteuhails ,t oiirtstyh n eo tioorsuytsls iitcdfi fuitlcyof t hCer itique thoaftrf set hmeo rfenu danmatelr eans wohya ltlh owsheoo ught tob em ositm mieadtcenolceyr nbeydi -t theiycn lupdoeil ciatl philpohesrsoso,ic olitossgm,i liitnaetnrtessi tnte hLdec a lu-aMouffe dynamoifac cst iaosw ne,al slw h aetverS atrrnesma ahya vseuv irved thdee leu( gBnearrHden-rLie 'vesin htuisaisnct ebwo osku ggtehsatts theem rayb eaw hogleenr eaintoo fn wec ovnetrwsa itiintn hwgei nsg) -havgei vieatnw ideb etrh.